Entries by Alan Korwin

Help The Gunless!

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

It is your solemn duty I understand many of you reading this have no gunless friends. They’re all as heavily armed as you, maybe more (a fact you may lament—or envy!). But you definitely have some friends or acquaintances who currently are gunless, just think hard. This advice is for you—for them—because being gunless is […]

On Utopian Pacifism

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

I’m a Utopian Pacifist. Although I’ve written ten successful books on American gun law*, I support no weapons of any kind on the surface of the Earth, in an era of enduring peace, prosperity, harmony, and abundance. It turns out this is impossible (utopian). The problem is The Four Horsemen of Human Havoc: angry, hungry, […]

Facts Don’t Matter

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

Because Anti-Gunism Is a Medical Condition At a speech planned for the near future, the event sponsor proposed this introduction: “Having written ten books describing American gun law at the federal and state levels, Mr. Korwin has found many people’s thoughts about guns have as much resemblance to reality as lunar rock has to green […]

The Great Reset Is Really Great Resentment

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

This fairly new thing, the so-called “great reset,” is more than the political left acting out their bottled-up fury at successes of the land in which they find themselves. Infuriated at how well freedom is working—the opulence, scientific and technological achievements, personal advancements at every level—even for the “downtrodden” compared to the rest of the […]

Gun Rights: Gunless People Are Dangerous

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Fear and hatred of guns have unintended consequences; political fallout and dangers which are largely missed in the running monologues that pass for “news” in America today. Age-old wisdom suggesting knowledge of guns leading to harm is incorrect, according to leading experts on both sides of the aisle. People who avoid guns, and refuse to […]

The “Woke” are Asleep

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Inventing new ideas to describe the impossible — and make it sound rational and normal — are Marxist and communist control tools. These are mechanisms designed to keep people cooperative and in line. Looking around you, and especially watching or reading the so-called “news,” you can see it at work. George Orwell called it newthink. […]

GUN CONTROL ISN’T WORKING …and maybe it never did

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

The newest estimates of guns in American’s hands are now at 390 million, larger than our population. Not the adult population—the entire population. If you’re like me, you see this as a good thing, because guns are a good thing. They represent freedom, independence, safety, more things than I plan to list in this short […]

$5 Trillion Gun-Rights Assault

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

COUNTERACTING A UTOPIAN DISARMAMENT PLAN School Trust Funds — They Bear Astounding Wealth Two years ago, just before we saw how totally anti-rights two of the three American political parties had openly become (democrats and communists, both vying for control of the White House and Congress), a third power bloc introduced five principles for what […]

Dumbfounded—or just dumb?

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Some huge chunk of America—the part that understands firearms enough to keep and bear them, all 100 million of us—were dumbstruck to read an advice column in the Chicago Tribune from a distraught dad. He learned his daughter had bought herself a fine major manufacturer sidearm for all the right reasons. The degree of ignorance […]

Columbia Journalism Review Abandons Neutrality – Adopts Gun-Control Advocacy

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Columbia Journalism Review recently conducted a “summit” to finally resolve problems with news coverage of gun violence, seeking to end what it claims are distorted and misleading stories of this deadly subject. Every advocacy group in America, including Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership [JPFO], wants this to happen. Is gun-control advocacy a proper […]

Background Checks Are… Wrong

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

Why are we seeking background checks? We want to stop murder. The nation’s Democrats are fundamentally mistaken about background checks in their most recent bill proposals. The plan sounds good at first blush, people buy into it, but it’s flawed at its core. Background checks control everyone who can legally have guns and where they […]

The Real Threat to Your Guns is Not Just Rust and Politicians

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

The biggest threat to your fundamental right – your right to keep and bear arms – may not be what you’ve always feared. It may not be new laws. The risk may not even be from the two main political parties, though they both need constant watching, as Thomas Jefferson and the Founding Fathers warned. […]