The Real Threat to Your Guns is Not Just Rust and Politicians
The biggest threat to your fundamental right – your right to keep and bear arms – may not be what you’ve always feared. It may not be new laws. The risk may not even be from the two main political parties, though they both need constant watching, as Thomas Jefferson and the Founding Fathers warned.
No, the threat may be coming from something we were keenly alerted to back in the 1950s and 1960s, which we’ve grown inured to, bored with, discarded onto history’s trash heap. We may have forgotten it as a guns-and-ammo threat, but it’s still there. As alive as ever, active as ever, working its nefarious magic, seeking to take every gun you own, every round of ammunition you possess, either by direct force or through subversive covert action. That enemy is our old friendly villain, Marxism and communism, now in control of fully one third of the world’s population and making inroads here. Mass media, infected with that scourge, is not alerting us. They hide it, disguise it, aiding and abetting a mortal enemy of our Republic.
Thomas Jefferson warned, “Be eternally vigilant” to preserve freedom. He could never have imagined an enemy like Karl Marx. The rioting, looting, arson and upheaval we have WITNESSED on our televisions every night, is being run by dedicated Marxists with announced plans, signage, upraised fists. They make no secret of it. Class warfare. Call it “racism” if you want, but that’s not it, we are as free from racism as any nation you can name, which is why American immigration is basically a one-way street – inbound. No one is breaking into Cuba, China, Africa or lining roadways escaping here. These nightly mobs have communist influences and international provocateurs at their heart. Leaving you armed to resist is not their plan.
In fact, leaving your police armed to resist is not the plan either. Stop and think. Could true Democrats or Republicans support any version of eliminating armed police, abandoning swaths of cities to mobs? No. They have been overwhelmed by a mindset, a propaganda wave, a core tool of communism. The very brainwash that turned 5,000 years of a brilliant Chinese empire’s art, music, religion, history, culture and the rest, into a monolithic, terrified, follow-the-leader brutal dictatorship is here, proposed right now, in your face.
“The United States will eventually fly the communist flag. The American people will hoist it themselves,”
–Nikita Khrushchev
The proof is in writing, in Congress (HR5717), and the Senate (S3254). While our primary gun-rights networks have been distracted with familiar lists of horribles – these bills have them all – the real gun bans are more subtle, more total, and more devastating than anything our enemies ever presented before.
You’ve heard these before. Sure, it’s not good. At least it’s familiar, mostly:
- AR-15 Confiscation
- AR-15 Look-alike Confiscation
- Ammunition and Magazine Limits
- Shopping Restrictions
- Carry and Loaded-Possession Bans
- Semi-auto Bans
- Bans by gun type – Including guns with grips
- Taxation on Arms, Ammo, Accessories
- Registration Schemes
- Background Checks
- Personal Transfer Bans
- Private Sale Bans
- Gun Show Bans
- Training Restrictions
- A “Heller Ban,” Overturned in D.C. by the U.S. Supreme Court, no loaded or accessible gun at home unless under attack
- Plus, Joe Biden’s website calls for prohibiting teaching teachers about marksmanship and firearms.
None of that matters though. It’s a distracting smokescreen – a diversion. Hidden in page after page of gun bans and conditions, no one will be allowed to have a gun or ammo at all – including anything you already own – without the new “comprehensive” federal gun license that’s only issued at an official’s discretion.
Democrats wrote this and put it in both houses of Congress, ignoring the fire it sets to the U.S. Constitution and the Second Amendment. Republicans have stayed quiet, regardless of their oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic.
Gun ownership under Democrat’s control requires a psychology evaluation. There is no indication who will conduct this, or how it might be appealed if unfavorable. An unelected federal board of decision makers will decide:
- Are you of “sound mind and character” (no standards described, to be Board determined later);
- Do you have “factors that suggest that the individual could potentially create a risk to publicsafety” (what armed citizen doesn’t potentially pose such a risk?);
- Do you meet or fail to meet “any other requirements the State determines relevant” (to be set after elections, without any statutory parameters – completely arbitrary, limitless control);
- And then authorities shall, “make a determination of suitability” for your ownership and possession of arms, including your own (in other words, a “may issue” vs. “shall issue” license at the federal level, with socialists in charge, if they get their way);
- These are written into the bill. In addition, authorities, “shall establish standards and processes by which licensing authorities can revoke, suspend, or deny the issuance or renewal of a covered license” required to possess firearms;
- The new required federal gun license, with mandatory written and shooting testing in addition to the psych tests, and numerous other conditions, applies to all guns you own or seek.
Gun-averse mass media has “overlooked” this. The Second Amendment is being changed from an uninfringed right to a might-be-issued licensed and scrutiny under dictatorial control. Go ahead, say it: “They can’t do that!”
How can an armed electorate even resist this wild scene? Democrats’ “representatives” are “with them.” Speak against them, they attack your principles. The few people standing up against this cultural revolution find themselves the ones facing “hate” charges – thought crime. Police are ordered to stand down! The ones who stand up are decommissioned, disbanded and defunded. It’s the socialist way. One election is all that stands between this and collapse of the Constitution.
“The United States will eventually fly the communist flag. The American people will hoist it themselves,” Nikita Khrushchev predicted. Even now, our leaders propose funding Red Flag Laws (in HR5717/S3254). Mass media and many citizens think that’s great. “No, you won’t accept communism outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you finally wake up and find you already have communism…. We will destroy you from within,” Khrushchev again.
In 1963, communism’s 45 goals were put in the Congressional Record. These few lines illuminate the mob’s movement and threat to your guns and way of life:
17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
18. Gain control of all student newspapers.
19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under communist attack.
20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.
21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV and motion pictures.
23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.”
It’s Marxism, infecting America – as predicted – our guns’ and liberty’s greatest enemy.
Award-winning author Alan Korwin has written 14 books, 10 of them on gun law and has advocated for gun rights for nearly three decades. See his work or reach him at This article originally appeared in Dillon’s Precision Blue Press.