Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 19 minutes

The Prickly Pear’s Daily News Roundup is back. Technical issues had caused its suspension for several days which we regret. Thank you all for your readership.


Kelly O’Connell contributor to Canada Free Press: America, the Pitiful: America is falling due to a lack of genuine education, teaching kids history, logic, and common sense. But the collapse of religion affects every other trend. If people no longer worry about who God is, or how to follow Him faithfully, then no one will be able to muster enough will to have a passion for justice anymore. But, recalling Rev 2:4–Let’s Return to Our First Love! Fight the Madness. Resist the evil psychosis of leftism, And always, Keep the faith!

Edward Ring contributor to American Greatness: A few hundred super-rich elites and a powerful handful of woke and climate activist ringleaders are the minorities that now tyrannize America. They are not defined by conventional ideological definitions, or by their faith, or by their ethnicity. With money and fanaticism, they control establishment institutions and grassroots armies. The wealthy faction is united by greed, the woke and climate populists by nihilistic hatred. It is an axis of evil. This cannot stand. There are too few of them and too many of us. Resist.


J.B. Shurk contributor to American Thinker: For a significant portion of the country, the U.S. government will never, ever be trusted again.  Tens of millions of Americans will understand that they have become strangers in their own land and designated enemies of the State by their own government.  They will accept that America can never be the same again.  And there’s the rub for the lawless Deep State.  The illusion of republican virtue, constitutional rights, due process, honest democratic elections, and protections for personal liberty will irrevocably disappear. Tick-tocktick-tock, look out! Eric Holder’s Marxist brigades are on the march, and the Black Book of Communism remains both their blueprint and their bloody monument to murder in the name of “social justice” and “good intentions.”

Jim Thompson RedState: A few days ago, I wrote about Joe Biden’s colorful life of lies. He’s spent his entire public life lying about his private life, and then lying about the lies. He a congenital serial liar, but in his donkey party, he isn’t alone. Democrats have always been quick to lie, exaggerate, and conflate.

Joe Cunningham is a senior editor at RedState: The Republican Party is filled with grifter consultants, who make sure that they get their checks cleared before they’re worried about whether or not somebody wins. The GOP will not have any meaningful success until they can get rid of a consultant class that is more focused on the paycheck than victory. The Democrats are in it to win it. The Republicans are in it to get paid.

R.W. Trewyn Ph.D.  contributor to Canada Free Press: So, what’s promulgating today’s epidemic pathology, rabid hatred? Revulsion of America and of those who love and honor America.  If you’re a freedom-loving patriot and you let it show, you can pretty well count on being a focus of daggers of hate in American eyes.  But don’t back down.  They are anti-America Americans. You’re on the side of good … protecting America, the Constitution, liberty and freedom.  They’re on the side of evil … destroying them all. Tell them where they can put their daggers of hate.  Then, patriotically, wave the American flag.  They’ll book out quickly when you do.  That technique was validated a half-century ago.

Daniel Greenfield contributor to Frontpage Magazine: America’s very own Hungarian James Bond villain isn’t stopping or even slowing down. And it’s It’s amazing how much $128 million will buy. The top donor so far is George Soros, who has contributed over $128 million to the midterms.




Excerpt from Introduction to the Center for Renewing America FY2023 Budget:

The evidence of America’s fiscal brokenness is everywhere. Inflation—an economic phenomenon the experts promised was permanently relegated to history—is now running at forty-year highs, making all of life more expensive but worse, making fools out of all those taught to save their money for the deferred gain of building and investing. The nation owes $31 trillion and counting, and the interest the Treasury Department must pay is steadily marching higher and higher. The annual cost of interest payments will exceed the Pentagon’s budget within the next ten years. […] So yes, the need for a budget—a fiscal plan—could not be more immediate. But there are some serious challenges facing any renewed effort to deal with this fiscal nightmare, and any budget intended for results must consider these.

View Budget Documents as PDF 

Introduction to the Center for Renewing America FY2023 Budget
Woke Weaponized Examples of Cuts
FY2023 Budget Summary
Full Budget: A Commitment to End Woke and Weaponized Government


Kirsch: The People Cheering for Humanity’s End 

A disparate group of thinkers says we should welcome our demise. “Man is an invention of recent date. And one perhaps nearing its end.” With this declaration in The Order of Things (1966), the French philosopher Michel Foucault heralded a new way of thinking that would transform the humanities and social sciences. Foucault’s central idea was that the ways we understand ourselves as human beings aren’t timeless or natural, no matter how much we take them for granted. Rather, the modern concept of “man” was invented in the 18th century, with the emergence of new modes of thinking about biology, society, and language, and eventually it will be replaced in turn. […]  In recent years, however, a disparate group of thinkers has begun to challenge this core assumption. From Silicon Valley boardrooms to rural communes to academic philosophy departments, a seemingly inconceivable idea is being seriously discussed: that the end of humanity’s reign on Earth is imminent, and that we should welcome it. The revolt against humanity is still new enough to appear outlandish, but it has already spread beyond the fringes of the intellectual world, and in the coming years and decades it has the potential to transform politics and society in profound ways. Read more: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/the-people-cheering-for-humanity-s-end/ar-AA14Moam?ocid=EMMX&cvid=60f047c689b04f45975e754b02d0f95c

CBS News: Artificial intelligence bot ChatGPT raises excitement and concerns 

A new artificial intelligence bot called ChatGPT is causing excitement and also raising concerns among critics. Kyle Wiggers, a senior reporter at TechCrunch, joins CBS News’ John Dickerson on “Prime Time” to discuss what it can do.

Watch the 5:50 minute interview: https://www.cbsnews.com/video/artificial-intelligence-bot-chatgpt/


VDH: Does Trump Really Want to Be President Again? 

So given events since Trump’s departure, he should be in the driver’s seat. But he is not. Why? Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2022/12/07/does-trump-really-want-to-be-president-again/

Nobel: MAGA Without Trump 

An intense internal debate is underway within the Republican Party about the future role of Donald Trump. The outcome of this debate will likely determine the direction the party will go in and as such, will directly affect the prospects for either victory or defeat. From the outset, it is worth noting most of the former President’s policies (MAGA) were good for the country and the world, and we favor them. We applaud the things he did to enhance border security, deregulate American business, make America energy independent, cut taxes, ask the Europeans to pay their own way in NATO, bring Israel and Arab neighbors together (the Abraham Accords), isolate Iran, build up US defenses while at the same time limit our foreign exposure to conflict, and stop Federal agencies from teaching Critical Race Theory. He also directly involved himself in the “culture wars”, which was a little unusual for a President.  However, his voice was often effective and welcome in the debate. If politics are really downstream from culture, it was important for him to speak out. Read more: https://pricklypear.news/maga-without-trump/

Shurk: What If MAGA Shrugged? 

As a clever commenter suggested, maybe it is not time to “ctrl+alt+delete” the totalitarian State, but to ctrl+Galt+delete” the “Great Reset” and let the Marxist globalists do the heavy lifting from here on out.  Let them fight the wars, police the streets, put out the fires, dig the holes, work the dirty jobs, and build all the things that keep the “woke” feeling safe and comfortable enough to call us “racists,” “clingers,” “bigots,” and “rubes.”  What if MAGA Americans altogether and all at once simply said, “No more”; shrugged their shoulders; and let everything fall down?  What would happen then?

Read more at American Thinker.


 Liberato: Democrat Crime Policies Pave The Way For Destroying Constitutional Rights 

The Democrats’ habit of encouraging criminal lawlessness is not merely intended to terrorize the population. Instead, by removing any accountability for lawless or destructive acts, leftists are making it possible for them to erase both the First and Second Amendments. Thus, by creating an environment in which it appears that the First and Second Amendments are destructive, they can justify prohibiting those rights. Read more at American Thinker.

Hawkins: Disney CEO Bob Iger: Those of Us in Positions to Influence Laws, Shape Culture ‘Have an Extra Responsibility’ to Push Gun Control 

The Hollywood Reporter noted that Iger, Barack Obama, and actor Matthew McConaughey all gathered in New York Tuesday, where they honored the work of Sandy Hook Promise and continued the push for more gun control. Iger said, “As a grandfather, as a father, as CEO of The Walt Disney Company, I believe there is no greater or more important task than ensuring the safety and well-being of our children.” {Note: If only he felt that way about nor mutilating children in and out of the womb.] Read more:  https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2022/12/07/disney-ceo-bob-iger-those-of-us-in-positions-to-influence-laws-shape-culture-have-an-extra-responsibility-to-push-gun-control/

Hawkins: Circuit Judge Issues Restraining Order Against Oregon’s Ballot Measure 114 

On Tuesday, Circuit Court Judge Richard S. Raschio placed a temporary restraining order on Oregon’s Ballot Measure 114 (BM 114). BM 114 would have otherwise taken effect on December 8, 2022. The case in which Raschio rendered his decision was brought by Gun Owners of America (GOA), the Gun Owners Foundation, Gliff Asmussen, and Joseph Arnold. BM 114 requires Oregon residents to acquire a permit before being allowed to legally purchase a firearm.

GOA’s case was filed December 2, 2022, seeking a temporary restraining order (TRO) and a preliminary injunction against BM 114. Read more:https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/12/06/circuit-judge-issues-restraining-order-against-oregons-ballot-measure-114/


Showalter: Warnock win over Walker lays out the case for new GOP leadership 

The Democrats extended their grip on the Senate and rendered the potential dissent of Joe Manchin irrelevant with the victory last night of Raphael Warnock over GOP challenger Herschel Walker for Georgia’s Senate seat. […]  What a sorry situation that was, given that the contest seemed so winnable … and wasn’t. What does the Senate do? According to The Policy Circle: . . . […] Now Biden will have a free path towards nominating the craziest of the crazy left Supreme Court justices, be in a position to squelch potentially bipartisan legislation, end the filibuster, provide advice and consent on U.S. treaties (Hellooo, United Nations rule!) and serve as jury for votes on impeachment. […] Lastly, Republicans will no longer have dibs on half the committee seats, which are there to determine whether legislation should go forward, it’s winner take all with that Warnock seat majority. Read more at American Thinker.

Greenfield: Amnesty, Crack and Other RINO Senate Sellouts 

A dozen Senate Republicans already voted to abolish the Defense of Marriage Act, eliminating both marriage and religious freedom in one fell swoop, just as the Supreme Court was moving to protect it. Some of the senators then had the chutzpah to claim that they did it to protect religious freedom. The betrayal is bad enough, treating voters like bamboozled idiots is worse. And that’s just the beginning of the lame duck sellout session. Senate Republican RINOs are rushing through their betrayals while they hope no one is paying attention. Next up is . . .

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/amnesty-crack-and-other-rino-senate-sellouts/

Hamilton: Report: McConnell Pushes Updated Version of ‘Unconstitutional’ Horse Racing Law in Spending Bill 

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is allegedly pushing for an impending spending bill to include an updated version of a horse racing law that was recently ruled unconstitutional by a federal appeals court, Reuters reported Monday. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit struck down the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act (HISA) in November, reasoning that the law was unconstitutional because it gave federal power to a private body, the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority, without ensuring that the private entity was beholden to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Read more:  https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/12/06/report-mcconnell-pushes-updated-version-unconstitutional-horse-racing-law-spending-bill/

Binder: Three House Republicans Help Democrats Pass Amnesty for Illegal Alien Relatives of U.S. Service Members 

Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), Maria Salazar (R-FL), and Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) voted with 217 House Democrats to approve the amnesty that secures green cards for illegal aliens with family ties to U.S. service members. President Joe Biden’s White House urged Congress to pass the amnesty. All other House Republicans — with the exception of Reps. Anthony Gonzalez (R-OH) and Rep. John Rutherford (R-FL), who did not vote — voted against the amnesty.

The amnesty, among other things, would help secure green cards for illegal alien family members of U.S. service members. Illegal alien service members who served honorably for at least two years would also be eligible for green cards. Likewise, the amnesty fast-tracks naturalization for illegal alien service members, allows deported service members to apply for green cards, and, most notably, gives power to the DHS secretary to cancel deportation orders for an illegal alien service member or veteran, including those with violent criminal histories, and provide them with a green card. Read more: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/12/06/three-house-republicans-help-democrats-pass-amnesty-for-illegal-alien-relatives-of-u-s-service-members/

(Heartwarming) ) Bonchie: Tom Cotton’s Response to Woke CEO Looking for Republican Help Is Absolute Fire 

Cotton was part of a hearing on the proposed merger between grocery giants Kroger and Albertsons. Naturally, Democrats want to stop the merger because they are anti-business, and guess who Kroger’s CEO came calling for help? That would be Republicans, who have long played the sucker for major corporations. Of course, Kroger is woke, having pushed “diversity and inclusion” training and forced “allyship” while making employees wear gay pride logos (a move that eventually cost Kroger a lot of money after the employees were wrongfully fired). In other words, they are exactly the kind of company that spits on conservative values while demanding Republicans line up to give them tax breaks. Cotton was aware of that dynamic, . . . What Cotton says in that clip is what I’ve been begging Republicans to say for years, . . . Read more/Watch the 51 second clip: https://redstate.com/bonchie/2022/12/06/tom-cottons-response-to-woke-ceo-looking-for-republican-help-is-absolute-fire-n669886

Rodgers: EXCLUSIVE: Republicans Trying To Stop Federal Government From Working With Big Tech On Censorship 

The legislation, first obtained by the Daily Caller, is titled the Free Speech Defense Act. It was spearheaded by Republican Georgia Rep. Andrew Clyde and has 10 original co-sponsors. The bill focuses on recent reporting indicating that the Biden Administration is using the Department of Homeland Security’\h. The Intercept reported in October that DHS  is “quietly broadening” its efforts to limit speech it considers a danger. Here’s What The Legislation Would Do, According To Clyde’s Office:  . . .Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2022/12/07/exclusive-republicans-stop-government-big-tech-censorship-deplatforming-andrew-clyde/

Lee Zeldin tweeted on 12/7/22:  RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel should not run for a 4th term. I won’t be running for RNC Chair at this time with McDaniel’s reelection pre-baked by design, but that doesn’t mean she should even be running again. It’s time the GOP elects new leadership! It’s time for fresh blood!


War Room: Stephen Richer And Former Twitter Execs Collaborated With DHS To Censor Election News In Arizona 

President Trump’s attorney Christina Bobb talks about newly discovered documents that show Maricopa County Clerk and Recorder Stephen Richer has been collaborating with Twitter and the federal government (CISA) to censor election information. Richer also started a PAC to fight “election deniers” including Kari Lake, whose election he was supposed to oversee in Maricopa County. WATCH THE 5:50 minute interview: https://warroom.org/2022/12/07/stephen-richer-and-former-twitter-execs-collaborated-with-dhs-to-censor-election-news-in-arizona/ [NOTE: Kari Lake files her lawsuit tomorrow, December 9, 2022.]


War Room: James Baker Suppressed Information at Twitter 

Kash Patel the  former Chief of Staff for the Department of Defense.is interviewed. Watch the 6:34 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v1ze77s-james-baker-suppressed-information-at-twitter.html

Hutchison: Ex-FBI Lawyer Fired By Musk Had ‘Biggest Motive’ To ‘Suppress’ Hunter Biden Laptop Story, Guest Tells Tucker Carlson  

“It was pretty obvious that the Twitter files that had just been released were missing a crucial element,” Miranda Devine of the New York Post told Carlson. “And that was the FBI. So, we surmised that somehow Elon Musk had redacted it or someone had withheld the information about the FBI.”  Read more/Watch the 4:10 minute interview: https://dailycaller.com/2022/12/06/tucker-devine-baker-fbi-twitter-musk/

Hutchison: Elon Musk Says ‘Important’ Twitter Data Was ‘Hidden,’ May Have Been ‘Deleted’ 

“Most important data was hidden (from you too) and some may have been deleted, but everything we find will be released,” Musk said in a Tweet posted Wednesday afternoon in response to a question from Twitter founder and ex-CEO Jack Dorsey.  Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2022/12/07/elon-musk-jack-dorsey-twitter-data-deleted-hidden-james-baker/


(Biden’s War) Bienenfeld: The Truth About the War in Ukraine  

For our elites and their servants, nothing is out of bounds. They will say and do anything in pursuit of their desires. In the service of the Biden Administration, we have allied ourselves with legitimate Nazis who commit war crimes without hesitation. In Ukraine, a war has been started to distract from problems at home and cover up money laundering to politicians. The Democratic Party as a whole subscribes to this along with the Republican establishment.

“Misinformation” (the Biden Administration’s favorite word) has been on display in Ukraine since the Obama administration supported the 2014 coup against the Viktor Yanukovych government, which was considered pro-Russian. In fact, there has been a large ethnic Russian presence in eastern Ukraine since Catherine the Great of Russia came to power in 1762. Officially, we were told that the Yanukovych government’s being overthrown was a revolution of the people. However, one can’t help but notice that Victoria Nuland of the Obama administration was in Ukraine at the time of the coup helping “the people.”

Read more at American Thinker.

TUCKER CARLSON: This is the reality about Ukraine’s Zelenskyy 

Over the past two years, Zelenskyy has banned opposition parties. He’s shut down critical media by force. He’s arrested his political opponents. He has sent soldiers into churches. Zelenskyy’s secret police have raided monasteries across Ukraine, even a convent full of nuns, and arrested dozens of priests for no justifiable reason whatsoever and in clear violation of the Ukrainian constitution, which no longer matters. And in the face of this, the Biden administration has said nothing. Not one word. Instead, they just continue to push to send Zelenskyy more tax dollars. So naturally, Zelenskyy has become much bolder. Why wouldn’t he? Last week, he announced his plan to ban an entire religion, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, and to seize its property, all for being insufficiently loyal to his regime. And he said it out loud. Read more/Watch the 9 minute opening monologue: https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-this-reality-about-ukraines-zelenskyy

Tucker Carlson: Glenn Greenwald slams American leaders who are obsessed with Zelenskyy 

Journalist Glenn Greenwald reacts to TIME Magazine naming Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy ‘Person of the Year’ on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’ Watch the 4 minute interview: https://www.foxnews.com/video/6316782340112 

Ash: Is the Biden Administration Colluding with Russia to Allow Iran to Go Nuclear? 

It has been nearly a year since nuclear negotiations with Iran stalled; since then, the Biden administration appears to be sitting idly by watching the ruling mullahs advance their nuclear weapons program. The mullahs are freely expanding it, now enriching uranium to nearly weapons-grade level. Iran is also seeking assistance from its ally, Russia, to bolster its nuclear program, according to the US intelligence officials. Kamal Kharrazi, Iran’s former foreign minister, pointed to Iran’s major advances in an interview to Al Jazeera: . . . Read more: https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/19155/biden-russia-iran-nuclear


Schwartz: House Financial Services Chair Waters doesn’t plan to subpoena Sam Bankman-Fried to testify at hearing on FTX collapse 

House Financial Services Committee Chair Maxine Waters told Democrats she doesn’t plan to subpoena former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried to testify at Tuesday’s hearing about the crypto exchange’s rapid demise, according to people with direct knowledge of the conversation. Read more: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/12/07/ftx-maxine-waters-doesnt-plan-to-subpoena-sam-bankman-fried-to-testify-at-hearing-on-crypto-exchanges-collapse.html

War Room: Democrats Plan To Remove State Legislatures’ Election Responsibilities 

Mike Davis is Article 111 Project founder and president. Watch the 5:52 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v1zf2xi-democrats-plan-to-remove-state-legislatures-election-responsibilities.html

Ring: The Tyranny of the Minority 

In the Federalist, James Madison famously warned against the “tyranny of the majority,” but it is unlikely he could have envisioned what we face today. Twenty-first-century America is dissolving before our eyes, as a tyrannical coalition of minorities steals our heritage and sovereignty. Not ethnic minorities—their American bequest is being stolen right alongside that of America’s shrinking white majority. Nobody is exempt, and everyone should unite to resist. Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2022/12/06/the-tyranny-of-the-minority/

Wilson: Biden Ducks Border Visit, Says ‘More Important Things Going On’ 

President Joe Biden said that he is forgoing a visit to the southern border during his trip to Arizona Tuesday because “there are more important things going on.” Biden made the remark to reporters while departing the White House for Arizona, where Biden is set to visit a new computer chip plant for Taiwanese semiconductor manufacturer TSMC. “They’re going to invest billions of dollars in a new enterprise,” Biden said about the state, arguing the factory opening was more important than a border visit. Read more: https://freebeacon.com/biden-administration/biden-ducks-border-visit-says-more-important-things-going-on/

O’Connell: Liberal Dream of Universal Law is Marxist Tyranny Dressed up as Woke Freedom 

“No one is obliged to take part in a spiritual crisis of society; Contra, everyone is obliged to avoid this folly & live a life of order.” ~ Eric Voegelin  Woke Misery: Why does life today seem so oppressive? For one, our woke conversation ‘rules’ constantly threaten all communications with censorship. No leftist idea may be contradicted. For if the leftists in power are defied, both the violator and her rebel ideas must be publicly rebuked as her status in life is attacked with public calumny as careers and social lives are totally undermined. Therefore, all rejection of leftist public positions are a moral outrage and intellectual failure, condemned by all decent humans. Only One Acceptable Belief: Modern left’s chief moral claim . . . Read more: https://canadafreepress.com/article-video/liberal-dream-of-universal-law-is-marxist-tyranny-dressed-up-as-woke-freedom

War Room: America’s Woke Bureaucracy And Deep State Are Fueled By Capitol Hill’s Reckless Fiscal Spending 

Russ Vought of the Center for Renewing America, a former director of the Office of Management and Budget, talks to host Steve Bannon about his plan to rein in federal spending. “It is specifically written for the fiscal ’23 year that they are appropriating or sending money to now… You have a Kevin McCarthy whose out there saying, No. 1, you just can’t get to balance. We wanted to prove that wrong… We wanted to do it in a 10-year period, which is a typical budget window… This is not about bureacracy that is good for ther country and should be spent base don what you can afford. This is money that is being put in [political] sewage in your communities.” READ MORE/WATCH THE 8 minute interview: https://warroom.org/2022/12/07/americas-woke-bureaucracy-and-deep-state-are-fueled-by-capitol-hills-reckless-fiscal-spending/

Kredo: Biden’s DOJ Is Investigating an Accidental Death in Israel. A Watchdog Wants To Know Why. 

A watchdog group is asking the Justice Department to turn over all internal documents related to its decision last month to launch an FBI probe into Israel’s accidental killing of a Palestinian-American reporter. The probe from the America First Legal Foundation, a conservative watchdog group, comes after the DOJ sent shockwaves through the American pro-Israel community and the Israeli government when it announced last month that it is conducting its own investigation into the death of Shireen Abu Akleh, an Al Jazeera journalist who was shot by Israeli forces during a standoff with Palestinian terrorists. Israel conducted its own investigation in the matter with cooperation from the U.S. State Department and determined that Abu Akleh was accidentally killed by a stray bullet fired by Israeli soldiers. While the State Department said it was satisfied with Israel’s probe, the DOJ decided to involve the FBI after a cadre of far-left lawmakers in Congress pressured it on the matter. Read more: https://freebeacon.com/biden-administration/bidens-doj-is-investigating-an-accidental-death-in-israel-a-watchdog-wants-to-know-why/

Rooke: New Federal Regulation Could Devastate Coastal Communities 

Proposed changes to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) rules will strip access to public waters and devastate local economies along most of the eastern U.S. coastline, according to boating and fishing advocacy groups. Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2022/12/07/new-government-regulation-east-coast-right-whale-noaa/


(Forced vaccinations for students only) War Room: Dr Naomi Wolf On Yale Continues to Push Vaccine Mandate Watch the 13:18 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v1ze3gs-dr-naomi-wolf-on-yale-continues-to-push-vaccine-mandate.html

Natalie Winters Exposes Fauci’s Daughter Working With State Health Dep. Promoting COVID-19 Vaccines 

Perhaps most interesting is her discussion (after the 11:50 mark) about Anthony Fauci’s daughter working for Twitter during the time when Twitter was censoring discussions about Covid. The daughter left Twitter earlier this year, but is now working for an NGO to advise state governments on Covid policy.

Watch the 15 minute interview: https://warroom.org/2022/12/07/natalie-winters-exposes-faucis-daughter-working-with-state-health-dep-promoting-covid-19-vaccines/


Billingsley: America After Faucism 

“Seeking exceptional candidates: NIH posts job ad to replace Fauci,” headlined a November 23 Helio report, which asked “experts” what qualities they would like to see in the person who replaces the NIAID boss. One of the experts was Dr. Peter Hotez, professor of pediatrics and molecular virology at Baylor College of Medicine. Dr. Hotez earned a degree in molecular biophysics from Yale, a PhD in biochemistry from Rockefeller University, and an MD from Cornell.

Dr. Hotez is also the author of in “The Unique Terror of Being a Covid Scientist After January 6.” That June 21, 2021 Daily Beast commentary came subtitled “It’s no coincidence that one of the first guilty pleas in connection with the Capitol riot was of an anti-vaxxer.” Readers also learn that Dr. Fauci is “a punching bag for the far right since the earliest days of the outbreak,” and a lot more. The “attacks accelerated” in the first half of  2020, when  “the Trump White House embarked on a deliberate anti-science disinformation campaign.” Dr. Hotez agrees with Dr. Fauci that attacks “represent an assault on American science,” and the author compares the situation in Brazil, Nicaragua and Venezuela. Read more:



Sibarium: The Hijacking of Pediatric Medicine 

Thousands of pediatricians convened in Anaheim, Calif., in early October for the American Academy of Pediatrics’s (AAP) annual conference. The group, which boasts 67,000 members in the United States and around the world describes itself as “dedicated to the health of all children.” So some audience members were shocked when Dr. Morissa Ladinsky, an associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, lauded a transgender teenager for committing suicide. In an address about “standing up for gender-affirming care,” Ladinsky eulogized Leelah Alcorn, an Ohio 17-year-old who, in Ladinsky’s words, “stepped boldly in front of a tractor trailer, ending her life,” in 2014, after leaving a suicide note that “went viral, literally around the world.” Ladinsky’s remarks were captured on video by a horrified onlooker, Oregon pediatrician . . .Read more:  https://freebeacon.com/coronavirus/the-hijacking-of-pediatric-medicine/

Sundance: Project Veritas Undercover Highlights Chicago School Dean Bragging About Sharing Sex Toys with Minors in Classroom 

Well, this is creepy and sick.  Project Veritas Undercover has captured video of a Chicago school dean of students bragging about how he organizes sexualization of minors in school complete with butt plugs, dildos and other sex toys for the students to play with. Read more/Watch the 2:21 minute clip: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/12/08/project-veritas-undercover-highlights-chicago-school-dean-bragging-about-sharing-sex-toys-with-minors-in-classroom/

Angle: Stolen Innocence 

Fox News host Laura Ingraham highlights American Girl dolls promoting transgenderism and the American Academy of Pediatrics glorifying gender transitions. Watch : https://www.foxnews.com/video/6316781827112 

Ingraham Angle: Huge increase of ‘pornographic’ material in military school system: Rep Mark Green 

Rep. Mark Green, R-Tenn., discusses transgender material increasingly appearing in the Department of Defense Education Activity school libraries Watch the 3:45 minute interview: https://www.foxnews.com/video/6316780476112

War Room: Prayer and Protest Against Small Town Drag Show 

Watch the 4:17 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v1ze5qi-prayer-and-protest-against-small-town-drag-show.html

Mackey: Kirk Cameron is denied story-hour slot by public libraries for his new faith-based kids book 

Actor-writer has not gotten a single ‘yes’ from the 50-plus public libraries his publisher has contacted so far —  . . . […]   “We are a very queer-friendly library. Our messaging does not align,” the library worker also told Brave Books. […]  Many of the same libraries that won’t give Cameron a slot, however, are actively offering “drag queen” story hours or similar programs for kids and young people, . . . […]  Cameron also said, “Publicly funded libraries are green-lighting ‘gender marker and name change clinics’ while denying a story time that would involve the reading of a book that teaches biblical wisdom. How much more clear can it get?” He added, “We have to start fighting back, or we will lose our kids and this country.”  Read more Watch the 6:18 minute interview: https://www.foxnews.com/lifestyle/kirk-cameron-denied-story-hour-slot-public-libraries-faith-kids-book

Chastain: American Girl Book Teaches Girls to Change Gender, Even Behind Parents’ Backs 

The book, meant to help girls be comfortable with their bodies, is filled with leftist nonsense about gender, going behind the parents’ backs to change genders, and normalizing obesity. Author Mel Hammond includes all the buzzwords: Intersectionality. Cisgender. Pronouns. Non-binary. Assigned. Gender. Gender identity. Gender Expression. This book is for girls aged 3 to 12 years. Gender does not exist. Only sex: female and male. I cannot remember when gender became the go-to word, but I guess it’s because people felt uncomfortable hearing kids say sex. Even though context matters. Parents posted pictures from the book so here we go! Read more: https://legalinsurrection.com/2022/12/american-girl-book-teaches-girls-to-change-gender-even-behind-parents-backs/


War Room: Steve Bannon & Steve Cortes React To ‘Tyrant’ Zelensky’s Nomination For TIME’s Person Of The Year 

Steve Cortes is interviewed. Cortes also provides an economic update.

Watch the 9:49 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v1z1o4k-steve-bannon-and-steve-cortes-react-to-tyrant-zelenskys-nomination-for-time.html

Simko-Bednarski: AOC facing House ethics investigation after ‘Tax the Rich’ Met Gala freebie Read more: https://nypost.com/2022/12/07/aoc-subject-of-congressional-ethics-probe/


Ibrahim: ‘Kiss my foot, O lowly infidel!’  

Muslims are at it again — forcing the despised other, in this case, Jews, to kiss their feet. On Dec. 1, 2022, two Palestinian teenagers accosted, threatened, and ordered a Jewish (Haredi) man to kiss their feet in Jerusalem’s Old City.  They also videotaped and posted the incident on TikTok, to an Arabic rapper who, among other vulgarities, employs the notorious Arabic insult kuss umak (“your mama’s vagina”), which was presumably directed at the Jew in question, as he kisses the hand and shoe of one of the Muslims. This is hardly the first incident of its kind in the modern era.  According to a Dec. 2 report devoted to this incident: . . .

Read more at American Thinker.

Spain Intercepts More Packages Containing Animal Eyes Sent to Ukraine Consulates  

The spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Oleg Nikolenko has stated that as many as 21 different packages and envelopes have been sent to diplomatic offices in at least twelve countries and said that Ukraine was not intimidated by any threats. Read more:   https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2022/12/07/spain-intercepts-more-packages-containing-animal-eyes-sent-to-ukraine-consulates/

Eastman: Small but Significant Win for Chinese Protesters as Covid Restrictions Loosen 

Following protests nationwide, some local Chinese authorities have started to ease Covid restrictions – in what appears to be a shift toward gradual reopening as the country nears entering the fourth year of the pandemic. Since last week, more than 20 cities, including the major metropolises of Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Wuhan and Chengdu, scrapped the requirements for negative Covid tests on public transport, if not other public venues. And some residential   compounds now allow infected residents with special needs to quarantine at home, instead of being sent to centralized quarantine. Read more: https://legalinsurrection.com/2022/12/small-but-significant-win-for-chinese-protesters-as-covid-restrictions-loosen/

Singh: EXCLUSIVE: Peruvian Embassy Has ‘No Idea’ Who Its President Is Following Attempted Coup 

Peru entered a constitutional crisis on Wednesday after Castillo, a former schoolteacher and left-wing Marxist politician elected in 2021, announced that he would dissolve the unicameral Peruvian Congress and impose a state of national emergency, which included a national curfew and authority to rule by decree. The Congress was in the middle of impeachment proceedings against Castillo for allegations of corruption, previously investigated by Peru’s Public Prosecutor, that Castillo received $510,000 in exchange for granting Heaven Petroleum, a foreign company, a contract to sell biodiesel, per MercoPress. Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2022/12/07/chaos-peru-coup-detat-attempt/

(UPDATE: Congress went ahead and impeached their Marxist leader instead. Congress voted 100-6 to impeach the failed leftist tyrant. And Castillo was arrested and hauled away. Peru now has its first female president in history. Dina Boluarte was sworn in as president after Castillo’s removal.)

Hoft: Indonesia Criminalizes Sex Outside of Marriage – Will Apply to Tourists as Well – Also Bans Opposing “State Ideology” 

On Tuesday, Indonesia’s parliament passed a new ‘criminal code’ making it illegal for anyone within the country to engage in sexual activity outside of marriage and for unmarried couples from living together. Under this new law, unmarried couples caught having sex will face prison time for up to a year. It is also illegal for unmarried couples to live together. Prison terms of up to six months may be imposed on anybody guilty of breaking this law. Everyone, including foreigners who live in Indonesia or visit popular tourist spots like Bali, must comply with the new regulation or will face jail time. Read more: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/12/indonesia-criminalizes-sex-outside-marriage-will-apply-tourists-also-bans-opposing-state-ideology/


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Harris/Obama/Biden leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.