Daily News Roundup
President Biden to a group of service members on Wednesday: “This is not a joke. You know what the Joint Chiefs told us the greatest physical threat facing America was? Global warming.”
Daniel Greenfield contributor to Frontpage Magazine: Kamala claims to be a black Baptist, is married to a secular Jewish man, grew up attending Hindu temples, and asked an aunt before an election, “Please pray for me, break coconuts at the temple.” It’s hard to imagine what she was praying to. Probably the only one thing she believed in that has come through for her: Willie Brown.
Bruce Deitrick Price contributor to American Thinker: Communists want you to think their theories and plans are concerned with you and your happiness. That’s a lie. Their theories are concerned with helping them gain control of you.
Julie Kelly contributor to American Greatness publishes a portion of the contents of a letter from one of the January 6 patriots arrested and held in solitary confinement: We are charged with every possible offense and held in the DC jail on solitary [sic] confinement and treated inhumanely. For example, a correctional officer from a different pod came to C2B screaming at us late at night on 6/1/21 because we had just sang ‘God Bless America’ [sic] from behind our locked doors like we do every night. Being as we are on lockdown 22 hours a day it’s nice to keep morale up through patriotism. When [name omitted by American Greatness], my next door neighbor, informed the officer that we were just singing ‘God Bless America’ the officer responded by yelling, ‘Fuck America!’
Julie Kelly contributor to American Greatness: The rule of law for anyone involved in the events of January 6 has been flipped on its head by the U.S. justice system; defendants are presumed guilty before proven innocent. The right to a speedy trial and the right to participate in one’s own defense are ignored, as are other constitutional protections.
Sundance contributor to The Last Refuge: The CDC data shows approximately 8.8% of vaccines have been administered to people between the ages of 12 and 24. However, more than half of the cases (52.5%) of heart inflammation have come from this same group.
Leah Barkoukis contributor to Townhall: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices announced Thursday it will be holding an “emergency meeting” next week to discuss the COVID-19 vaccines in adolescents and reports of myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart, after mRNA vaccination.
Sierra Weir contributor to American Mind: The little pronoun has emerged as the hottest part of speech, driven by trans-rights activists who demand that all of society participate in their power game of announcing—in place of normal greeting and introduction—what “their pronouns” are. This new convention has been described as simple, harmless, and kind, and refusal to play along is now, in many professional contexts, an indication of heresy to the dogma of gender.
Tyler O’Neil contributor to PJMedia: Parents, teachers, voters, and elected officials should unite to fight the divisive and dangerous ideology of critical race theory that is making inroads in America’s schools. Parents are leading a counter-revolution against this woke CRT coup, and Americans of all stripes should join them. CRT has started this civil war in American classrooms, but this nefarious ideology cannot have the last word.
President Trump in a statement on Thursday: Biden just said that he was told by the Joint Chiefs of Staff that Climate Change is our greatest threat. If that is the case, and they actually said this, he ought to immediately fire the Joint Chiefs of Staff for being incompetent!
(June 10, 2021) President Trump Releases a Firebrand Statement About Russia and the Corrupt U.S. Intelligence Community
Wow. . . and GO TRUMP! In a blistering statement released today President Trump notes the following question: who do you “trust”? “Russia” or the “Obama-era intelligence sleezebags”…. “the answer should be obvious”.
Read the President Trump’s full statement at The Conservative Treehouse.
Congressman Matt Gaetz: Gaetz Goes Head-to-Head With FBI Director Wray on COVID-19 Origins
Watch the 5:59 minute video.
Piper: New York considers speech code for lawyers that federal court deemed unconstitutional
Just a few months after a federal court struck down a sweeping Pennsylvania ethics code for lawyers as unconstitutional, New York is considering similar versions. They are drawing the same warnings from First Amendment experts for creating something like a university speech code for lawyers that follows them even into social situations. The proposals would subject New York lawyers to official investigation and possible punishment for using undefined “derogatory” or “demeaning” language against protected classes, including race, sex, religion and gender identity. That flies in the face of a 2017 Supreme Court ruling that protects offensive trademarks, according to law professors Eugene Volokh of UCLA, Josh Blackman of South Texas College of Law and Nadine Strossen of New York Law School, a former ACLU president. A Christian lawyer group also raised concerns, and New York criminal defense lawyer Scott Greenfield said the proposals demand that “every lawyer be as woke as you want them to be, no matter what the ramifications.” […] “Sadly, we live at a time when many people, including lawyers, are increasingly willing to suppress the free speech of those with whom they disagree,” CLS said. It noted the Judicial Conference of the United States last year proposed banning judges from membership in the right-leaning Federalist Society while letting them join the left-leaning ABA. Far from punishing only “bad actors,” the proposal would likely be weaponized against those with “traditional religious views” or who express conservative and libertarian views, the letter said.
Read more at Just The News.
As of Tuesday, only 6 states had toured the facility. On Thursday, Virginia State Senator Amanda Chase was the seventh. NINE State Delegations will receive an on the scene tour of the historic Arizona audit on Friday. […] Christina Bobb reported on OANN that she expects to see “that the count is not even close to what was certified” due to the fact that some pallets are missing up to 20% of the ballots that should be there.
Read more at The Gateway Pundit.
Kredo: Senate Republicans Move To Require Congressional Approval for New Iran Deal
Senate Republicans introduced on Friday legislation that would require President Joe Biden to obtain congressional approval before he signs any new nuclear deal with Iran, according to a copy of that bill obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. While Senate Republicans stand little chance of forcing the bill through a Democrat-controlled chamber, the measure represents a last-ditch effort by GOP hawks to stop the Biden administration from granting Iran billions of dollars in cash windfalls and sanctions relief. The bill also caps months of Republican maneuvering in both chambers of Congress to block the administration’s ongoing diplomacy with Iran.
Read more at Free Beacon.
Daily Caller tweet on 6/9/2021: Florida @GovRonDeSantis on the pro-life cause: “The people that aren’t supportive of the life cause, they’re not people you want to be in a foxhole with on any other political battle. They are the first ones who will sell out to the DC establishment when the going gets tough.”
Watch the 1:18 minute video at Daily Caller.
The Right Scoop: WATCH: Entire hockey crowd singing National Anthem might just bring a tear to your eye…
In an absolutely uplifting video, the entire crowd at the New York Islanders vs Boston Bruins game yesterday joined in with the soloist to sing the National Anthem.
Watch the 1:46 minute video at The Right Scoop.
Rapid City, South Dakota held elections for its school board this week. The result? Two incumbents, including the school board president, went down to defeat. Insurgent candidates won all four contested seats. […] My understanding of the election comes instead from a blurb I received by email via United States Parents Involved in Education (USPIE) of which SDPIE is the South Dakota branch. (I tried to follow the link provided, but was blocked). USPIE states: An enthusiastic coalition of parents, grandparents, taxpayers, businesspeople, and Christians rallied around the American flag to win 4 out of 4 positions up for election on the 7-member School Board. Displaying the American flag appeared to be a key element in these successful races. . . . SDPIE also reported that the local Republican Party awoke from their years of slumber discovering to their surprise that the current school board members were mostly registered Democrats. They began to weigh-in, joining the old warriors of the Tea Party movement, SDPIE, South Dakota Citizens for Liberty, Family Heritage Alliance Action and the homeschooling network. This collaboration was fundamental to the success of the election upset, which unseated even the Board’s president.
Read more at PowerLine Blog.
Bistrain: Schoolmate of pro-abortion valedictorian Paxton Smith fires back: ‘There is a war on… the right to life’
“I hope you can feel how gut wrenching it is. I hope you can feel how dehumanizing it is, to have the autonomy over your own body taken from you.” These were the words of Paxton Smith, Lake Highlands Valedictorian and my fellow schoolmate. It is interesting, because at first glance I fully agree with this statement. But on closer examination, when discovering that this statement is arguing in favor of one of the worst crimes and atrocities being committed upon mothers and their children, I was appalled! In essence, her statement is true. There is nothing more dehumanizing than to have your personhood be stripped away from you and have your body mercilessly ripped apart while you are still alive, with no voice and no way to defend yourself. There is nothing more gut wrenching than advocating for the exploitation of women’s bodies, the rape of their womb and the profit that is produced from it.
Have we really allowed ourselves to become so blind? How can we tolerate the obliteration of the most vulnerable? How can we encourage the manipulation of the female mind? However, my grievances do not end here.
Read more at Live Action.
Overbeck: How to Unwoke Your School Board
There’s a vicious pandemic that no vaccine will cure, and it’s called Critical Race Theory (CRT.) This is “wokeness” and it is invading school districts and classrooms nationwide, infecting the minds of America’s progeny from preschool through college. It’s a relentless illness, spreading racial division and distrust with a deterministic dogma that defines all whites as programmed to be oppressors and all minorities as doomed victims of that white oppression. This is the story of what happened when this pandemic suddenly struck the Douglas County, Colorado, School District, which serves 63,000 students. Only 1 percent of those students are black, and black residents only make up 1.1 percent of the county population (with Hispanics at about 7 percent according to the 2010 census , the most recent available.) So Douglas County is simply not as diverse and “inclusive” as many woke left-leaners would like it to be. […] . . . in March the Douglas County Board of Education (BOE) proposed an “Equity Policy” that essentially mandates revamping “all school board-approved curriculum” to include “all races, colors, ancestries, creeds, sexes, genders, sexual orientations, gender expressions, gender identities… “ Roughly two-thirds of the public comments submitted to the district website expressed fierce opposition to the policy. People said they were all for equal treatment and non-discrimination, but they wanted to know why the district would focus on “equity” rather than “equality” and why the policy would call meritocracy a “myth.” Parents said it would lead to political indoctrination via damaging critical race theory, which violates Martin Luther King’s principle that people should be judged by character, not by skin color.[…] The BOE ignored and never addressed any of these concerns, . . . Then something happened. Awareness began to seep into the larger public. Concerned letters to the editor appeared, and then a video leaked . . . […] Shockingly, parents and others, having seen the obvious activism in the video, just didn’t believe them. So 50 or 60 packed the room on May 25 at the first in-person BOE meeting in over a year. More than 20 people took the podium to speak out against CRT for the divisive propaganda it is. Vigorous applause and hoots of approval from the audience greeted each well-articulated three-minute speech. They were only 20 or so, but they were mostly moms. And yes, they were momma grizzlies. Following the comments, BOE President David Ray, said . . .
Read more at FrontPage Mag.
McCarthy: Tom Cotton Grills Defense Secretary on Critical Race Theory
Defense Secretary Loyd Austin testified before the Senate Armed Services committee on Thursday regarding 2022 military budget requests. Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) brought the heat and grilled Austin on critical race theory and other “diversity and inclusion” initiatives. “Mr. Secretary, do you believe that race and sex should be key factors when selecting combat leaders? Rather than, say, operational excellence, technical efficiency, leadership, agility and integrity,” Cotton pressed. Austin said that he does not support such diversity boxes to be the primary factors of leadership selection, but maintained that race and sex should be “key factors” still.
Read more/Watch the 54 second video at Townhall.
Coughlin: Is the Biden Administration Helping Iran to Achieve Its Nuclear Dream?
The most likely outcome of US President Joe Biden’s ill-considered attempt to revive the nuclear deal with Iran is that it will lead to a dramatic reduction in the time frame Tehran requires to build an atomic warhead
Read more at Gatestone Institute.
Lewis: Iranian warships cross the Atlantic: Vessels believed to be transporting arms head to Venezuela in defiance of US warnings
Two Iranian warships, believed to be transporting arms to Venezuela in defiance of US warnings, have reached the Atlantic Ocean, Iran’s state TV reported on Thursday. The domestically built destroyer Sahand and the intelligence-gathering vessel Makran departed last month from Iran’s southern port of Bandar Abbas, Iran’s deputy army chief Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said. He described their mission as the Iranian navy’s longest and most challenging voyage yet. Iranian state TV released a short clip of the destroyer cruising through the Atlantic’s rough seas.
Read more at Daily Mail.
Greenfield: Biden to Celebrate 20th Anniversary of 9/11 by Freeing Gitmo Terrorists
President Joe Biden has quietly begun efforts to close the U.S. detention facility at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, using an under-the-radar approach to minimize political blowback and to try to make at least some progress in resolving a long-standing legal and human rights morass before the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. And then Biden can have a party to celebrate the 20th anniversary with his new Taliban, Al Qaeda, and Iranian terrorist buddies.
Read more at FrontPage Mag.
Neumayr: Obama’s Revealing Resentments
Speaking to CNN’s Anderson Cooper recently, Barack Obama scoffed at the backlash to critical race theory. In his view, it is the backlash, not the theory, that is extreme. In the interview, Obama assumed the posture of the dispassionate moderate, carefully dissecting the irrationality of his opponents. He affected great perplexity at their resistance to a “changing America.” “We have to worry when one of our major political parties is willing to embrace a way of thinking about our democracy that would be unrecognizable and unacceptable even five years ago or a decade ago,” he said. Never mind that his whole political philosophy entails a rejection of America’s original principles. His clamoring for a fundamentally transformed America is nothing more than a project to replace the political order of the Founding Fathers with a new and dysfunctional one, based on liberal imperatives more akin to the French Revolution than the American Revolution. It is for this reason that Obama embraces the rank anti-Americanism of critical race theory.
Read more at The American Spectator.
Prager U: Are Father’s Necessary?
Until recently, the need to explain why fathers are necessary would have been regarded as, well, unnecessary. But that’s not the case anymore. Dennis Prager explains why this isn’t just concerning—it’s dangerous.
Watch the 5:48 minute Prayer U. video.
Weir: What’s in a Pronoun?
If the cogs are replaced with new pronouns, these new “gears” are no longer pronouns. They are actually still nouns. In fact, they are the worst kind of noun: they are names. They are names that happen to look very much like actual pronouns, with none of the actual neurological advantages of pronouns. People attempting to use them just can’t think very well and conclude that they must be doing something wrong. They have been convinced it should work. Yet, it doesn’t. It can’t. Language processing can be negatively impacted by a wide range of disabilities, including, but not limited . . . . Any condition which negatively impacts the brain is likely to impact a person’s ability to memorize and consistently utilize an infinite number of personal pronouns. Combine that with a language disorder—a condition that means even the best gears will work poorly—and you have invented a policy that punishes people with invisible cognitive and language disabilities. […] Since proponents of pronoun proscription have minimal understanding of what they are asking people to do, they incorrectly believe that explaining the issue and forcing people to recite other people’s pronouns should solve the problem. When this fails, it is then grounds to assume that the error signifies intention, aggression and hate. […] Activists promoting this ideology do not pause to consider or care how the policies will impact groups other than trans people. They are so preoccupied with their own wants and needs, and likely so in the throes of mental illness and associated cognitive dysfunction, that they are not . . .
Read more at American Mind.
Rev. Bresciani: Crossing Humans with Animals: America Sinks into Deep Depravity
How little life matters even while hordes are demanding that we see that “Black Lives Matter.” We can only stand amazed that anyone would dare to start a movement based on this slogan when almost 4,000 black babies a day are aborted, and many thousands of black lives are lost yearly to black-on-black crime. But the proverbial “confusion of face” has always followed the days of deepest depravity. (Ezr 9:7) What does this mean? It could not be simpler. Because we no longer regard our sin we are cast or dumped into confusion by the Almighty and any chance of recovery grows slimmer by the day. […] A far more honest and accurate summary of our world and its historical and cultural changes is based on the comparison of the prophetic and the pathetic.
Read more at Canada Free Press.
Kadish: A House That Has Done What a House Should Do: A Tribute to a Great American
He was an American doughboy killed by a German sniper in the closing months of World War I, defending freedom, literally on the front lines. Sergeant Alfred Joyce Kilmer left behind a wife and five children. He also left behind a library of poetry that still speaks to us at a time of political turmoil and deep division within a country; a nation that remains the world’s last best hope for a cause that Kilmer courageously died for. One wonders if the poet foresaw the future of Washington’s 21st Century political landscape when he penned the poem “The House With Nobody In It.” He created a stark picture when he wrote:
“I go by a poor old farmhouse with its shingles broken and black. I suppose I’ve passed it a hundred times, but I always stop for a minute And look at the house, the tragic house, the house with nobody in it.” Could today’s reader contemplate the most famous house in America at 16 Pennsylvania Avenue and consider Kilmer’s words as a metaphor? Consider: . . .
Read more at Gatestone Institute.
Stieber: Nearly 800 Reports of Heart Inflammation After COVID-19 Vaccination in US
Federal authorities have received over 800 reports of heart inflammation in people who received a COVID-19 vaccine, a health official said Thursday. The reports of myocarditis or pericarditis were submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, a passive reporting system run jointly by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration, through May 31. The bulk of the reports described heart inflammation appearing after the second of two doses of either the Pfizer of Moderna vaccines, both of which utilize messenger RNA technology.
Read more at The Epoch Times.
(The same heart inflammation reports from Israel for young men after COVID-19 vaccination.) Fox News: Tucker: Most basic questions of civil liberties are in the balance
‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ discusses push for young people to get the COVID-19 vaccine. The incidence of myocarditis in vaccinated young men was fully 25 times the usual rate. Some of them died.
Watch the 10:39 minute video at Fox News.
Biffert: Indian Bar Association serves legal notice to chief WHO scientist for misinformation on ivermectin
On May 25, the Indian Bar Association served a legal notice to Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, a Chief Scientist for the World Health Organization (WHO), relating to the harm she allegedly caused the people of India by campaigning against the use of ivermectin. A legal notice is a formal document informing a person of the grievances laid against him or her, outlining the potentially forthcoming legal action, and giving the person an opportunity to rectify the conflict before it goes to court. The Indian Bar Association, a non-profit, non-governmental association constituted by many legal professionals in India, accused Swaminathan of “[r]unning a disinformation campaign against Ivermectin by deliberate suppression of effectiveness of drug Ivermectin as prophylaxis and for treatment of COVID-19, despite the existence of large amounts of clinical data compiled and presented by esteemed, highly qualified, experienced medical doctors and scientists.”
Read more at Life Site News.
Catholic Family News: Special Report: Exposing the Corruption of the Pope Francis Dictatorship
CFN’s Brian McCall and journalist/author Matthew Hoffman discuss the compelling testimony of Mrs. Martha Alegría Reichmann de Valladares. She reveals details of a network of corruption that produced and sustains the Francis Papacy. Her testimony is based on a close, decades-long friendship with Cardinal Óscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga, the so called “Vice-Pope”. Only after the cardinal betrayed their friendship and revealed his dark side of financial and moral corruption did the Valladares family understand the depths of their betrayal. Her testimony compliments that of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, who wrote the Foreword to her book-length testimony.
Watch the 45 minute interview at Catholic Family News.