Entries by John Tamny

A U.S. Wealth Tax Would Force Wealth Out of the U.S.

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

In Amazon’s first twenty years as a public company, its stock went on a wild ride. During seventeen of those twenty years, Amazon’s shares corrected downward to the tune of 20 percent at least once a year. Please think about the volatility of Amazon in concert with the recent wealth-tax proposal rolled out by Oregon […]

Imagining Year 2020 Without Fauci, Redfield, USIAID, and the CDC

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

People didn’t need government, or entities created by government. They also didn’t require force to protect themselves. Let’s never forget this. Better yet, let’s make this truth clear over and over again. Ok, what truth? The truth that the American people along with people around the world adjusted to the spreading coronavirus much more quickly […]

The New York Times Argues With Itself About Biden and Taxes

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

Last Thursday the New York Times reported what should be obvious, but that eludes most in our midst: the rich pay the vast majority of taxes collected. By far. This is a statement of the obvious simply because the “vital few” drive all progress in all walks of life. Think the NBA before Bird, Magic and Jordan, […]

Carlsbad, California Says No More Lockdowns. May It Be A National Model!

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

“I’m not willing to give up without a fight — I’m just not.” – Annie Rammel, Carlsbad, CA restaurant owner. It’s been said off and on over the decades that California is a bellwether of sorts. What happens there is a preview of what’s going to happen elsewhere in the U.S. In the late 1970s the […]