Entries by Rachel Greszler

Study Shows Government’s Family Leave Mandates Have Thwarted Women’s Wage Gains

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

Men and women alike should be able to take time off from work for family and medical needs without the risk of losing their jobs. Unfortunately, when policymakers turn something that should be voluntarily offered by employers into a rigid legal mandate, unintended consequences ensue. In the case of family and medical leave laws in […]

Social Security’s 8.7% COLA Will Protect Retirees From Inflation, but Will Hasten Program’s Insolvency

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

Editors’ Note: Democrats make a lot of political theatre every time someone points out that the emperor has no clothes. The subject here is the king of all government programs, Social Security. Who can forget the classic television ad of a Paul Ryan lookalike pushing a gramdma in a wheelchair off a cliff? Such demagoguery […]

Social Security’s Unfunded Obligations Getting Worse

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Our Social Security program is running dry. Policymakers have no plan to fix it, and generations of Americans have been duped into believing it’s a good deal. Social Security was established to prevent older Americans from living in poverty once they’re unable to work, but the program’s unchecked expansions have made that outcome anything but […]