Freedom Club PAC Releases General Election Endorsements for Legislative Offices
Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes
The 2024 Arizona election will be determined by the number of ballots cast by mail-in votes (90% in Maricopa County, 80% across Arizona). It is critical that all readers of The Prickly Pear and all AZ voters cast their mail-in ballots quickly after receipt in the mail shortly after October 9th. Elections are determined by the number of ballots cast. Please read our website’s TAKE ACTION information to learn how to track your mailed-in ballot to affirm that your ballot is received, your signature verified and that your ballot is counted. By filling in your ballot and mailing it in quickly (best at your post office) in the days after it is received following when ballots are mailed out on October 9th, your party’s workers no longer have to work on contacting you to vote – those not voting can be called and contacted to vote, making the job of maximizing the vote much more efficient and more likely to lead to a victory on November 5th. Also remember – the ‘STUPID’ way to vote is to bring your ballot to a polling station on November 5th and dropping it off in the mail-in ballot box where it will not be counted on the day of election and may not be counted in the days and weeks beyond the election. We strongly urge you to never drop a ballot off in a ‘Drop Box’.