Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 15 minutes


John D. O’Connor contributor to American Greatness: it is understandable that many are inclined to believe that our country’s current serious problems are, once again, merely the failed result of well-intentioned policies. But what if, we ask, seemingly fumbled programs were intended to be the initial throes of civilizational suicide? What if apparent missteps were actually directed at the purposeful destruction of a prosperous, free, safe, and secure society?

Thomas Catenacci for Fox Digital News: Shortly after taking office in January 2021, President Biden signed an executive order requiring that the U.S. Census Bureau factor in all residents, including noncitizens, as part of its decennial calculation of the U.S. population. As a result, the apportionment of House seats and, therefore, electoral votes for presidential elections, could be swayed as migrants continue to pour over the southern border.


Lloyd Billingsley contributor to Frontpage Magazine: Elements of Hitler’s Germany and Stalin’s USSR are now on display in the United States of America. At this point, as Hans Massaquoi discovered growing up in Nazi Germany, they are pretty much indistinguishable.

Danusha V. Goska contributor to Frontpage Magazine: Genesis and Exodus are correct. Humans are made in the image and likeness of God. We are our brother’s keeper. God commands us not to commit murder. When humans reject these basic teachings, and the faith in God that compels us to build our lives and our societies around these truths, we commit atrocities.

Peachy Keenan contributor to The American Mind: Ah, those wonderful, God-fearing Catholic charities, doing the Lord’s work by providing free getaway cars to violent thugs. I started doing some more digging. The entire illegal immigrant pipeline, from the airports in Turkey and Dubai that are sending them to South America and Central America, to the Darien Gap, across the border and into our cities is being funded by Christian and Catholic NGOs. When you learn about the betrayal Catholic and Christian NGOs have been committing, for decades, to the rights and privileges granted by America, you will go mad.


Michael Barone political analyst for Washington Examiner: It’s an unstable and dangerous situation when a largely one-party elite looks, with fear and loathing, across what Rasmussen describes as a “Grand Canyon gap” between it and its multiparty fellow citizens. It’s reminiscent somehow of the “let them eat cake” French royalists in 1789 or Russian nobles in 1917. An overclass this disconnected and contemptuous risks disruption.

Richard M. Reinsch contributor to Law & Liberty: Hayek finishes his book with the most essential truth: collectivism undermines our dignity as human persons. “Responsibility” must not be “to a superior, but to one’s conscience, the awareness of a duty not exacted by compulsion, […] and to bear the consequences of one’s own decision, [is] the very essence of any morals which deserve the name.” Ever the advocate of the individualist society, Hayek counted its virtues as “independence, self-reliance, the willingness to bear risks, the readiness to back one’s convictions against a majority, and the willingness to voluntary cooperation with one’s neighbors.” We need these virtues today, and the tradition that undergirds them.

Kurt Schlichter contributor to Townhall.com: It’s always nice to have the useless likes of dopey Thom Tillis, smarmy Mitt Romney, and lib-symp John Cornyn lecturing us about how we need to spend endless unaccountable money on Ukraine with no articulated strategic objective, as opposed to defending our own border, and how if we don’t agree we must love Vladimir Putin and blah blah blah blah blah. These guys are totally hard-core opponents of the Russians, which is really butch. I and a lot of the people they are insulting actually served in the Cold War, but somehow we are expected to defer to these guys on Russia? They’re taking a hard line against Vladimir Putin even as they take no line on the border, and they are surprised and offended that their party is rejecting them.


Richard M. Reinsch contributor to Law & liberty: Entitlements in American civic culture are now prized and valued so tenaciously that retrenching them is almost impossible, even as mathematical and actuarial tables demonstrate that in current form they will collapse.


Glenn Beck: A DIRE WARNING for independent content creators

We have hit another Big Tech censorship mile marker. Glenn exposes the latest attempts by Facebook, Apple, AND YouTube to soft-censor conservative media during an election year. He warns that independent content creators who believe that they can rely on Big Tech platforms will soon find out the harsh truth: If they don’t fall in line with the narratives of the global elites, they will face the consequences. For political content creators on Facebook, that day has come, as it has made shadowbanning its company policy. And for those on YouTube, Glenn exposes how a shadowy “non-profit” connected to the White House may be pressuring the company to crack dow  GLENN: I want to start with something you need to know about. You know, I feel like somebody who is just telling you the mile-markers as we go. We are hitting another mile-marker here that you really need to pay attention to. Because it is all about information. We have been witnessing a very disturbing trend in social media lately. The giants of social media are attempting to control the narrative and dictate what information you have access to, by punishing people like me, or perhaps people like you, for wrong think. Now, this is a blatant assault on your freedom and my freedom of speech. And what do you know, they’ve decided to do this, during an election year. I mean, what a coincidence. So I have three updates for you. And the first one is actually a kind of win.

Read more/Watch the 15:03 minute video: https://www.glennbeck.com/radio/dire-warning-independent-content-creators


Naomi Wolf: Letter from Cheyenne: We Make History re Clean Elections

Yesterday, here in lovely, spacious, friendly Cheyenne, Wyoming, was a day I will always remember. State Senator Tim Salazar, to the left, had responded to our call on WarRoom, in which we asked state legislators from across the country, to invite me to their statehouses so that I could present the CleanElections Model Bill that Phill Kline of AVA, and I from DailyClout, had drafted together. Rep. Heidi Sampson in Maine filed the bill last week with the Reviser’s Office, and she argues on behalf of the bill before the Legislative Council of Maine, next week. So she gets kudos for being first to file. But Sen. Salazar also gets a place in history, in my view, and now he is joined by Sen. Bo Biteman, who agreed to cosponsor the bill with Sen. Salazar, as Sen. Salazar was first to reach out to me to get me physically to his statehouse. I want to credit all of these courageous, action-oriented legislators. I ask others to join now and invite me to their statehouses. […] In spite of the hurdles that face us all, I ended the day feeling hopeful that there are still leaders committed to serving the public and protecting our Constitution and our representational government processes. We all agreed that protecting our traditions and our nation was now a battle. But as Sen. Salazar and Sen. Biteman agreed at the end of the evening, ‘We battle on.”

Read more/Watch the 34:46 minute interview at “Outspoken With Naomi Wolf” Substack.

War Room: Catherine Engelbrecht: Georgia State Refusing To Investigate Hundreds Of Witness On Election Fraud

Watch the 3:59 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v4dl76i-catherine-engelbrecht-georgia-state-refusing-to-investigate-hundreds-of-wit.html


Hubbard: CDC to drop five-day COVID isolation guidelines: Report

The CDC currently recommends Americans stay home from work and school for at least five days if they test positive for COVID. The federal health agency is expected to announce in April that people can end their isolation if they are experiencing mild symptoms and are fever-free without the aid of medication for at least 24 hours, The Washington Post reported Tuesday. The planned recommendation, which is the first update from the CDC on the matter since 2021, comes after Oregon and California issued similar guidelines. The proposed guidelines would treat COVID similarly to the flu and RSV.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/coronavirus/cdc-drop-five-day-covid-isolation-guidelines-report

Simonson: FDA and CDC Could Soon Employ ‘Indigenous Knowledge,’ Documents Show

The document is a proposed revision of scientific integrity guidelines for the Department of Health and Human Services, which encompasses the FDA, CDC, and the National Institutes of Health. Going forward, agency staff should employ “multiple forms of evidence, such as Indigenous Knowledge,” when analyzing data, the document states. “Indigenous knowledge” posits that native peoples possess hidden wisdom about the workings of the universe and has been widely dismissed by experts as pseudoscience. The proposed guidelines point to other “non-traditional modes of science,” including “citizen science, community-engaged research, participatory science, and crowdsourcing.” Including these methods is part of the agency’s “support” for “equity, justice, and trust,” the document states.

Read more: https://freebeacon.com/biden-administration/fda-and-cdc-could-soon-employ-indigenous-knowledge-documents-show/

Cleveland: Did Our Intelligence Agencies Suggest The Russia Hoax To Hillary Clinton’s Campaign?

Tuesday’s explosive news — that long before the FBI launched Crossfire Hurricane on July 31, 2016, the U.S. intelligence community had asked foreign intel agencies to surveil 26 people connected to Donald Trump — raises the question of whether our intelligence community colluded with the Clinton campaign in these efforts. After all, it was then-Biden campaign adviser and now-Secretary of State Antony Blinken who “set in motion the events that led to” 51 former intel officials issuing the public statement that falsely framed the Hunter Biden’s laptop story as Russian disinformation. If a Biden campaign  adviser conspired with some of the biggest names in the intelligence community a month before the 2020 election to bury the damaging scandal, it is no stretch to think the Hillary Clinton campaign might have sought an assist from the same folks to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. […] So it seems our intelligence community spies on everyone. But it only puts its knowledge to use when it wants to get back at someone — and then it has six ways from Sunday to do so.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2024/02/15/did-our-intelligence-agencies-suggest-the-russia-hoax-to-hillary-clintons-campaign/

Reuters: US farmers permitted to use existing supplies of weed killer after ban

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said on Wednesday that farmers can use some existing supplies of weedkillers based on the chemical dicamba, despite a federal court ruling last week that halted sprayings. The decision is a win for farmers who planned to use dicamba products sold by Bayer BAYGn.DE, BASF BASFn.DE and Syngenta on genetically modified soybeans and cotton, and for the agrichemical companies. Environmental activists have objected to dicamba herbicides because they are known to drift away and damage other crops that are not resistant. But farm groups had warned the court ruling, if fully enforced by the federal government, could financially hurt growers who will plant their next crops in the spring. The groups had said most growers had already determined which seeds and chemicals they will use and may struggle to shift away from dicamba herbicides or crops that tolerate the chemical.

[…] U.S. District Court Judge David Bury in Arizona last week vacated the EPA’s registrations of dicamba-based weedkillers from 2020, saying the agency violated procedures mandating public input. The ruling affected Bayer’s XtendiMax, BASF’s Engenia and Sygnenta’s Tavium, commonly used herbicides on U.S. farms.

Read more: https://www.foxnews.com/us/us-farmers-permitted-use-existing-supplies-weed-killer-after-ban


Nault: DOD Extends Deployment of Marines Near Gaza

As we previously reported, USS Bataan (LHD-5) and its embarked Amphibious Ready Group (ARG), deployed to the Persian Gulf with approximately 2,500 United States Marines, was moved to the Gaza area following the October 7 massacre in Israel: U.S. Military Power Expands in Gaza Area of Operations – An Update: [V]ery recent reporting suggests the Bataan and its marines are heading towards Gaza: This was a big deal, as Admiral James Stavridis, legendary in U.S. Navy circles for his many in-depth thought pieces on naval strategy and tactics over the years, and now retired and dean emeritus of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, explained: . . .

Read more: https://legalinsurrection.com/2024/02/dod-extends-deployment-of-marines-near-gaza/


Showalter: Illegals Nation: A ‘great replacement’ beginning to unfold?

Up until now, I’d always thought the ‘great replacement’ theory to remove the current Western electorate and replace them with third-world illegal migrants was some nutty fringe-right conspiracy theory. The idea has been roundly denounced by the establishment as racist, although the French novelist who invented the theory in 2011, Renaud Camus, insisted that his theory was about civilizational values, not skin color. These days, based on how the migrant crisis is unfolding in a couple of developments, it’s possible to wonder. According to Fox News: Immigration experts are raising the alarm about how the increasing flow of migrants illegally crossing into the U.S. may significantly impact states’ representation in the House of Representatives and Electoral College. Shortly after taking office in January 2021, President Biden signed an executive order requiring that the U.S. Census Bureau factor in all residents, including noncitizens, as part of its decennial calculation of the U.S. population. As a result, the apportionment of House seats and, therefore, electoral votes for presidential elections, could be swayed as migrants continue to pour over the southern border. […] As if that isn’t destructive enough — to democracy itself, as the Fox News report’s commentators argue, there’s also this from Steve Camerota of the Center for Immigration Studies, published in the New York Post yesterday: . . .

Read more at American Thinker.

Barone: America’s Dysfunctional Overclass

What does America’s overclass think of the rest of us? The short answer is “not much.” They think ordinary people’s splurging on natural resources is destroying the planet and needs to be cut back forcefully. And that the government needs to stamp down on ordinary people enjoying luxuries that, in their view, should be reserved for the top elites. These are the implications of the results of two surveys of elite people conducted by pollster Scott Rasmussen by the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, an organization that supports low tax rates and low government spending. The surveys covered not large swaths of the population but were confined to the top 1% of society.

Read more: https://jewishworldreview.com/michael/barone021624.php3

O’Connor: How Progressive Policies are Designed for Civilizational Suicide

. . .it is understandable that many are inclined to believe that our country’s current serious problems are, once again, merely the failed result of well-intentioned policies. But what if, we ask, seemingly fumbled programs were intended to be the initial throes of civilizational suicide? What if apparent missteps were actually directed at the purposeful destruction of a prosperous, free, safe, and secure society? As we examine the policies pushed by the Biden administration progressives regarding climate, national security, crime, and the border, we can rationally conclude that they are being purposely implemented to render our society unsuccessful, not successful, in its traditional aims, causing what could be the ultimate destruction of a thriving, liberal enlightenment society. Let us begin with escalating climate mandates, now reaching gas stoves and tires, seeking the total elimination of fossil fuels.

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2024/02/16/how-progressive-policies-are-designed-for-civilizational-suicide/

Billingsley: Axis of Evil

The Nazi-Soviet pact now playing out in America.  “In their many bloody clashes for dominance in Germany, the Nazis and Commies were virtually indistinguishable. Both were totalitarians, ever ready to brutalize to crush resistance to their respective ideologies.” […] By the dawn of the 1930s, “Stalin had already begun to perfect the dramaturgy of terror.” The decision to collectivize by force, “was taken suddenly, without any kind of public debate” and Stalin set out to “smash the kulaks, eliminate them as a class.” This was “the green light for a policy of extermination, more than three years before Hitler came to power, twelve years before the ordering of the ‘Final Solution.’” […] As in all totalitarian systems, Johnson explains, “a false vernacular had to be created to conceal the concrete horrors of moral relativism.” The SS terms for murder included “special treatment,” “resettlement,” and above all “sending East.” Before Hitler died, “he had largely committed the greatest single crime in history, the extermination of the European Jews.” […] The people find imprisonment without trial, political prisoners kept in solitary confinement, and show trials, all in the best Stalinist style. The government establishes a Disinformation Governance Board, and leverages media companies to take down posts that disagree with the government line.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/axis-of-evil/


Keenan: They Got Us, Right Where They Want Us

Open borders Christians wage open warfare on Americans. Social media lit up with commentary after a bizarre commercial for a group called “He Gets Us” aired during Sunday’s Super Bowl. The ad, which you can watch here, consists of still images that depict BLM- and DEI-approved progressive archetypes getting their feet washed by other people, like cops. A white priest washes the feet of a gay black man who took off his rollerskates for the honor. A tattooed gal has her feet washed by a white woman outside the doors of an abortion clinic. Another white lady gazes beatifically at a hijabi while she washes her Muslim feet. Just as Jesus would have wanted. The nauseating ads were produced by a far-leftwing ad agency and paid for by a group of white Christian boomers who run a charitable organization called “Come Near.” These are the useful idiots of Christianity, attempting to turn Jesus Christ into a blue-haired, nose pierced BLM-style social justice warrior. He just wants us to love each other. He just wants you to get on your knees—to make it easier for the angry mobs to curb stomp you into submission.[…] Believing in the “He gets us” version of Christianity is going to get us all killed.  

Read more: https://americanmind.org/salvo/they-got-us-right-where-they-want-us/

James O’Keefe Threadreader: BREAKING:  @OKeefeMedia infiltrates secret NO MAS MUERTES, @NoMoreDeaths encampment in the middle of the desert in Aravaca, Arizona near the border. Posing as donors and land surveyors, and with the help of an illegal immigrant working undercover, OMG recordings show this nonprofit engaged in paranoia, hostility towards law enforcement and white people, recommendations to violate asylum law, and offers of for-profit services – actions related more to  . . .

Read more/Watch the 23:32 minute video: https://twitter.com/JamesOKeefeIII/status/1757874765035974717

Sundance: Tucker Carlson Visits a Grocery Store in Russia and Get’s Red Pilled – “Radicalized Against Western Leaders”….

As Tucker Carlson talks about feeling “radicalized against western leadership,” I find myself rolling my eyes and saying, “welcome to the party pal.” But seriously, it’s good to see him awakening more people. […]  Nothing makes sense until you realize we are being lied to by every element of Western review, government, media, corporations, academia, financial punditry, the works… all of their claims are based on lies and false information.

Read more/Watch the 3:51 minute video: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2024/02/16/tucker-carlson-visits-a-grocery-store-in-russia-and-gets-red-pilled-radicalized-against-western-leaders/


War Room: Mike Davis on Willis’ Relationship: “Fani Willis And Nathan Wade Are Toast”

Watch the 33:38 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v4dl3wl-mike-davis-on-willis-relationship-fani-willis-and-nathan-wade-are-toast.html

Nathan Wade CAUGHT Changing Under Oath Answers After Fani Willis Investigation Started

Watch the 3:14 minute courtroom exchange: https://rumble.com/v4dl6du-nathan-wade-caught-changing-under-oath-answers-after-fani-willis-investigat.html

War Room: BREAKING: Fulton County Exposed Paying $300k To Nathan Wade’s Account In One Year

Watch the 15:05 minute courtroom exchange: https://rumble.com/v4dl92x-breaking-fulton-county-exposed-paying-300k-to-nathan-wades-account-in-one-y.html

War Room: MUST WATCH: Fani Willis Exposed Paying For Entire Lavish Belize Trip For Nathan Wade

Watch the 10 minute courtroom exchange: https://rumble.com/v4dl9v0-must-watch-fani-willis-exposed-paying-for-entire-lavish-belize-trip-for-nat.html


Discover the Networks: (UNRWA) United Nations Relief and Works Agency https://www.discoverthenetworks.org/organizations/united-nations-relief-and-works-agency-unrwa/

*Agency of the United Nations that was created to assist Arab refugees in 1950

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) defines itself as “a relief and human development agency, providing education, healthcare, social services and emergency aid to over 4.3 million refugees living in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, Jordan, Lebanon and the Syrian Arab republic.” With more than 27,000 staff, almost all of them refugees themselves, UNRWA is by far the largest UN operation in the Middle East. Its budget for the year 2006 was $470.9 million. Created by the United Nations General Assembly, UNRWA began operations on May 1, 1950, with the intent that it would be disbanded fairly soon — once the Palestinian refugee problem was solved. In the absence of a solution to that problem for well over a half-century, however, the General Assembly has repeatedly renewed the Agency’s mandate. UNRWA’s major programs include the following: […] Nearly all teachers in UNRWA schools belong to unions affiliated with terrorist organizations such as Hamas (and other groups with al Qaeda connections). As a result, these schools (and the textbooks used therein) teach children to hate Jews and Israelis and to glorify suicide bombers as “martyrs.” Moreover, the refugee camps for which the Agency is responsible are major centers of Arab terrorism. This is evidenced by the fact that nearly all the missile attacks from Gaza into Israel originate in UNRWA-administered regions; the UNRWA-run camp in Jenin is one of the leading terrorist hotbeds in the world.

Read more: https://www.discoverthenetworks.org/organizations/united-nations-relief-and-works-agency-unrwa/

Tobin: Palestinian Authority Security Forces Behind Dozens of Recent Attacks on Israelis, Watchdog Finds

Officially, the Palestinian Authority works with Israel to crack down on terror groups in the West Bank. But off-duty PA security forces have carried out dozens of attacks on Israelis, according to a watchdog group. An investigation by Palestinian Media Watch, the nonprofit watchdog based in Jerusalem, documented at least 55 attacks by PA security forces against Israeli soldiers or civilians since 2020, including four in the past month alone. In each case, the PA or its ruling Fatah party has eulogized the attacker as one of their own “soldiers.”

Read more: https://freebeacon.com/national-security/palestinian-authority-forces-attack-israelis/

Prins: A Hundred Days after Gaza’s October 7 (Part 4 of 4)

  • Israel’s cause is the cause of the Free World as is Ukraine’s and Taiwan’s.
  • Domestic supporters of Hamas, trying to constrain Israel by “lawfare” and by noisy street and media politics, are therefore a fifth column for our enemies and should be treated as such.
  • Unsuccessful “lawfare” at the International Court of Justice served to narrow and make harder the road out of Gaza for all local parties. The biggest losers are those Arabs who are neither Islamists nor anti-Semites: for their territorial hopes have been written out of history at present by Hamas and Iran. Prosperity and tranquillity for them will only return with resumption of the Abraham Accords […] Netanyahu is surely correct in stating that any attempt to push for a two-state solution at this moment would endanger Israel.
  • Globally, in the context of a developing worldwide multi-theatre and multi modal contest between the Free World and the dictatorships, the most humane and swiftest route to peace is controlled escalation on our terms which reaches out and helps Iranians to end the shaky and bloodstained regime of the Iranian ayatollahs.
  • The right sort of war – meaning war on Western terms, in which we and not our enemies have escalation dominance – is sometimes the most peace-friendly option […]

Read more: https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/20396/gaza-october-7-regionally-globally


Goska: The Zone of Interest 2023

The Zone of Interest is going to generate a great deal of talk. There will be debates and podcasts. There will be university courses and peer-reviewed scholarly articles. There will be a backlash industry pooh-poohing every accolade the film receives. If you wait too long, your chance to have your own experience of the film may slip out of your hands. You may feel, “The Zone of Interest is its own industry. Seeing it would be too much like homework. I’d prefer the latest superhero movie.” You may be thinking, “Another Holocaust film. They’re just are fishing for an Academy Award! Why can’t we have movies about other atrocities? And I don’t like watching people being tortured.” First, there is no torture, and almost no violence, in this movie. […] I recommend Zone to every thinking adult. I say “thinking” because a subset of viewers are not getting this movie. There are some negative fan reviews online. These say that the film is “boring.” “Nothing happens,” they complain. “There is no plot.” Bless their hearts. Thinking adults are capable of observing. “To observe” implies an increase in cognitive activity from “to watch.” If you know how to observe, you will get Zone. Filmmaker Alfonso Cuaron, winner of four Academy Awards, said, that Zone is “probably the most important film of this century, both from the standpoint of his cinematic approach and the complexity of its theme.” […] Glazer was intrigued by the Hoess villa sharing a wall with Auschwitz. He deputized researchers who spent four months in the archives of the Auschwitz museum. Glazer’s researchers’ job was to find any reference in the archives to the Hoess’ private lives. Such material is plentiful.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/the-zone-of-interest-2023/


Weber: Alexei Navalny, imprisoned Putin opposition leader, has died, Russia officials say

lexei Navalny, the fiercest Russian President Vladimir Putin critic, has died in prison, Russian authorities said Friday. He was 47. He crusaded against official corruption and led massive anti-Kremlin protests, The Federal Penitentiary Service said in a statement that Navalny felt sick after a walk Friday and lost consciousness.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/world/alexei-navalny-imprisoned-putin-opposition-leader-had-died-russia-prison-system

(H/T DG) Doomberg: Full Circle

Germany’s national energy strategy is one of the great mysteries of our time. The country discharges less than 2% of global carbon emissions, and yet the elite within its establishment have nonetheless embarked on what amounts to an economic suicide mission—hellbent as they are on saving the planet by example. Never mind that the rest of the world will happily absorb every gram of fossil fuels Germany pretends to be temporarily abating, or that the country will inevitably burn more fossil fuels as it regresses from the brink of intellectually empty platitudes to the harsh realities of physics. Among the most illogical moves made by the ruling class has been the proactive dismantling of 22 GW of the world’s best-run nuclear reactors. With nuclear power plants running at 90% capacity factors or better, Germany was once capable of churning out nearly 170 terawatt-hours per year of carbon-free baseload power, an enviable anchor that served as one of two economic foundations for its once impressive manufacturing sector. The other economic bedrock was, of course, cheap natural gas from Russia.

Read more: https://doomberg.substack.com/p/full-circle


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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