Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 27 minutes


Mark Wauck Substack: The idea that our rights as citizens come to us from the Constitution is a corruption of the ideas that formed the basis for that Constitution. The framers of the Constitution, knowing better, explicitly rejected the idea that “rights” come from anywhere except from God. They also were explicit in recognizing that only a common moral culture could ensure the health of our republic. Rights that derive from our rulers are empty—as we see every day. They are only permissions for the time being.

Justine Haskins contributor to The Federalist warning of Biden support for U.N. control over “ International Response to Complex Global Shocks”: The proposal might be the biggest attempted power grab in the history of the United Nations. If approved, the United States as we know it could cease to exist.

Michael Belcher Substack: When the President keeps doing things that appear to hurt the USA and help China after credible allegations of millions of dollars in bribes flowing, they want you to believe it’s coincidence, not elite capture. The lesson is simple: put on the NODS, and through that lens see that the things that are happening are happening on purpose, because the players intend for those things to happen, and that the movements of the enemy are choreographed and purposed. Then, take those things you know are happening, and ask, “why would they do these things on purpose?” You won’t like the answers, but it’s only then that you’ll truly begin to perceive the nature of this war that we are already in. Your duty then is to begin asking the next series of questions: “what else don’t they want me to know?” “What else don’t they want me to do?”

John and Andy Schlafly contributors to Frontpage Magazine: President Biden avoids and keeps far away from our nation’s wide-open southern border, where 200,000 people from all over the world crossed illegally last month and every month since Biden took office almost 30 months ago.

Mark Oliva spokesman for The National Shooting Sports Foundation: “Americans have another million reasons to celebrate this Independence Day. More than 1.1 million times in June, Americans exercised their Second Amendment rights to lawfully purchase a firearm,” NSSF spokesman Mark Oliva said. “That extends the streak to 47 continuous months that background checks for firearm purchases have exceeded a million.” “This is notable because these figures buck the demands by gun control politicians to surrender rights. Americans choose differently,” he added. “They choose, by the millions, to keep and bear arms. They are keeping alive the vision of our Founding Fathers that this would be a nation that celebrates the ethos of a responsibly armed citizenry.”


Greenfield: Judge Blocks Fed Gov From Flagging Content for Big Tech to Delete

A federal court in Louisiana on Tuesday barred parts of the Biden administration from communicating with social media platforms about broad swaths of content online, a ruling that could curtail efforts to combat false and misleading narratives about the coronavirus pandemic and other issues.

In the ruling, Judge Terry A. Doughty of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana said that parts of the government, including the Department of Health and Human Services and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, could not talk to social media companies for “the purpose of urging, encouraging, pressuring, or inducing in any manner the removal, deletion, suppression, or reduction of content containing protected free speech.”

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/judge-blocks-fed-gov-from-flagging-content-for-big-tech-to-delete/

Read the 155 page ruling: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23867004-08917380420?responsive=1&title=1

Greenfield: Arizona AG Vows to Defy Supreme Court Decision on Religious Freedom

Republicans who vow to defy court rulings are waging a war on democracy while Democrats who threaten to defy court rulings are being heroic. […]  Mayes is entitled to disagree with a Supreme Court, she is not however entitled to ignore or defy that decision. And her language is strongly suggestive of the idea that she wants to defy the decision. And that’s illegal.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/arizona-ag-vows-to-defy-supreme-court-decision-on-religious-freedom/


(Global Reset) Haskins: The U.N. Is Planning To Seize Global ‘Emergency’ Powers With Biden’s Support

In September 2024, less than two months before the next U.S. presidential election, the United Nations will host a landmark “Summit of the Future,” where member nations will adopt a Pact for the Future. The agreement will solidify numerous policy reforms offered by the U.N. over the past two years as part of its sweeping Our Common Agenda platform. Although there are numerous radical proposals included in the agenda, perhaps none are more important than the U.N. plan for a new “emergency platform,” a stunning proposal to give the U.N. significant powers in the event of future “global shocks,” such as another worldwide pandemic. ]…]  Once triggered, the emergency platform would give the U.N. the ability to “actively promote and drive an international response that places the principles of equity and solidarity at the centre of its work.” The U.N. would bring together the “stakeholders” of the world, including academics, governments, private sector actors, and “international financial institutions” to ensure there is a unified, global response to the crisis. […]  In other words, the United Nations would be given unprecedented authority over the public and private sectors of huge swaths of the world, all in the name of battling a yet unknown crisis. As difficult as it might be to believe, the story gets even worse from here. […]  Rather than assert America’s independence and sovereignty, the White House has expressed its support for the emergency platform.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2023/07/04/the-u-n-is-planning-to-seize-global-emergency-powers-with-bidens-support/

(Global Rest) Wauck: It’s The Fourth Of July–Be Very Afraid!

That’s what outgoing Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) President Richard Haass is saying to, well, to the sort of people who paid attention to the things Haass has been saying for, lo, these past 20 years. Since the CFR is ground zero for promoting American ruling class and globalist/Neoconnish ideas on all things foreign policy, that would include prominent policy makers and influencers in the highest reaches of our power elite. Haass has been saying for the past few years that, whereas in the past he saw the US as the glue that held the globe together, he now sees “political instability” in the US as the greatest source of danger in the world. […] Reading between the lines, without undue strain, leads to the conclusion that Haass sees people like you and me as the real source of danger. People who voted for Trump. So, he’s not speaking to us in this interview—he’s preaching to the globalist choir, the true believers. He’s urging them to take the threat seriously and to do something about it. Peter Baker’s encomium in the NYT spells it all out. Haass was for 40 years a Bluto Barr Republican who thought that Trump could be coopted by the Deep State and DC Swamp/Establishment. In essence, Haass explains why the Barrs and McConnells of the Swamp—in conjunction with the Deep State—came to the conclusion that Trump had to go. Biden would be a return to “normal” America. Really. I’m not kidding: Richard N. Haass says the most serious threat to global security is the United States. […]  In reality, of course, the source of instability within the American polity can be found in much of what was espoused by the Ruling Class that Haass served for so many years. The end of America as a cultural entity and unity. The deconstruction of our constitutional order in the name of “diversity” (yes, Haass is a proponent of that, as Simplicius notes). The subordination of ordinary Americans and their welfare to the obsessions of a globalist elite at the head of an American Empire. The subornation of the American political class to give us the best government money could buy. The undermining of our electoral system—such as it is. And there’s much more, of course.

Read more: https://meaninginhistory.substack.com/p/its-the-fourth-of-july-be-very-afraid

Piper: Google erodes user privacy to ‘train AI models’ in quiet policy update: report

Google quietly updated its privacy policy over the long July 4 holiday weekend to expand what it can do with user data, namely improve its artificial-intelligence abilities, according to tech blog Gizmodo. […] “This is an unusual clause for a privacy policy,” said reporter Thomas Germain, who specializes in terms of service. “Typically, these policies describe ways that a business uses the information that you post on the company’s own services,” but Google seems to be giving itself permission to “harvest and harness data posted on any part of the public web, as if the whole internet is the company’s own AI playground,” he wrote.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/privacy/google-erodes-user-privacy-train-ai-models-quiet-policy-update-report

Penley: Ivy League university unveils plan to teach students with AI chatbot this fall: ‘Evolution’ of ‘tradition’

Harvard University unleashed plans to incorporate A.I. chatbots to teach the course, venturing deeper into the uncharted territory of artificial intelligence – a territory that has exponentially grown and altered the course of technology in the past several months. Though the idea sounds novel and exciting, Martin Rand, PactumAI co-founder and CEO, warned to be wary of the “dangers.”

Read more: https://www.foxnews.com/media/ivy-league-university-teach-students-ai-chatbot-fall-evolution-tradition


Belcher: Requiem for Independence

Some of you expect Red Dawn: the paratroopers with an incomprehensible, but devilish sounding language shooting at civilians randomly. Some of you expect Normandy, and others Iraq. The fact is that you should expect exactly what you currently see happening, because the next war is here right now, and you’re already under the gun. This war is the first truly global war – there is nowhere information, and its effects, will not touch. In an age plus-or-minus months to AI singularity, and already extremely advanced algorithmic systems running more of our lives than we can even understand, you carry the most advanced espionage spy device in human history in your pocket without a second thought. You use the internet with unique signifiers connected to your real name. You drive a car with both visual unique identifier (license plate) and electronic (GPS, RFID, cellular) tracking built in. Perhaps in a more perfect world with benevolent overlords we might escape the penalty for our addiction to convenience. But here, in this world, you are already on lists of enemies, or of friends, and of criminals, or of those above the law, and of those to reward incrementally, or of those to crush opportunistically. The dot is already there. Why do you think they keep reinterpreting ATF rules to make more and more things illegal, and more and more decent Americans potential felons? They’re not going to go door to door. Don’t be silly. Think. They will keep their actions below the threshold of provoking a counter-reaction for as long as possible. It’s for the same reason that they’re gradually making certain speech, or lack thereof, criminal – the same reason that they’re criminalizing money transfers over a few hundred dollars without reporting, and so much more. Why do you think they’re indicting Trump more than a cartel kingpin? They want a thousand and one options from which to choose to “justify” the system swallowing whole anyone deemed a threat. Take another look at your chest. […]  So, what don’t they want? They certainly don’t want you using discernment. They want . . .

Read more: https://apaththrough.substack.com/p/requiem-for-independence

Papadopoulos: The Spiritedness of 1776

America is much more than merely “an idea”—but unless we recover that idea and an attachment to it, we cannot recover ourselves.  Three years from now, Americans will observe the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. The intense partisanship of our age, marked by battles about the meaning of our national history, will not likely have cooled by then. The Left will continue to condemn America as a white-supremacist conspiracy one minute and appropriate the Founding as a progressive project the next, just as President Biden did in the divisive speech that he delivered at Independence Hall last year. It is not enough for conservatives merely to reject liberals’ bastardization of our history and distortion of American identity. Our national self-understanding faded long ago; we must reclaim it and resurrect the spirit of America’s Founding. In his Independence Hall speech, Biden declared that “America is an idea”—a mantra repeated by generations of Americans, both liberal and conservative. But the Declaration and Constitution declare what any common-sense American knows: that, far from being merely an idea, America is “one people,” one of “the powers of the earth,” a “civilized nation” possessing “seas,” “coasts,” “towns,” and a “frontier.” It is a “country” where our “brethren” and “friends” live, a “free people” living in “free and independent states.” America is a “Union,” a community located in a particular place and populated by particular people—“ourselves and our posterity,” to whom we are obliged to transmit “the blessings of liberty.” The battle over our national memory is a battle over our identity and future. To understand the character and significance of the American tradition, we must return to our Founding documents with open minds.

Read more: https://www.city-journal.org/article/the-spiritedness-of-1776

Knight & Basu: Americans are down on morality, family and country

Recent polling reveals three startling trends shaping American families and their views on national pride and morality. Why it matters: American identity is in a time of transition. With the July 4 holiday, Axios is diving deeper than everyday headlines to examine some of the broader social trends driving politics. The share of people who say they’re “extremely proud” to be an American has been falling for years, according to new Gallup data. Why it matters: Less than 500 days out from an election likely to feature a 2020 rematch few Americans want, extreme national pride is near a historic low.

Zoom in: The greatest demographic differentiator for expressions of national pride is party identification, according to Gallup.

  • A majority (60%) of Republicans still claim extreme national pride, but the share has fallen from a near-universal 86% 20 years ago — when patriotism peaked in the wake of the 9/11 attacks.
  • The last time a majority of Democrats said they were extremely proud to be an American was in 2013, months into President Obama’s second term.

Between the lines:  . . .  […]  Share who say they view the state of moral values in the U.S. as “poor” A record high 50% of Americans view the state of morality in the U.S. as “poor” — with the share rising across both major political parties and independents, according to Gallup. Why it matters: . . .

Read more: https://www.axios.com/2023/07/03/americans-down-on-god-family-country-patriotism-polling


Riley: Who Says Justice Thomas Benefited From Affirmative Action?

He graduated Yale Law School. So did Bill and Hillary Clinton. Only his credentials get questioned. In his memoir, “A Personal Odyssey,” the black economist Thomas Sowell explains one of the byproducts of racial preferences in academia. “One of the ironies that I experienced in my own career was that I received more automatic respect when I first began teaching in 1962, as an inexperienced young man with no Ph.D. and few publications, than later on in the 1970s, after accumulating a more substantial record,” he writes. “What happened in between was ‘affirmative action’ hiring of minority faculty.” To illustrate the point, Mr. Sowell recounts a student approaching him after class at UCLA, where he taught economics in the 1970s. The student was having trouble understanding something in the textbook, and Mr. Sowell explained to him what it meant. “Are you sure?” the student said. “Yes, I’m sure,” Mr. Sowell replied. “I wrote the textbook.” The student then noticed the professor’s name on the cover and was “obviously embarrassed,” Mr. Sowell writes. “It was a sign of the times, one of the fruits of ‘affirmative action.’ ” The political left’s reaction to Justice Clarence Thomas’s concurrence in last week’s Supreme Court ruling that bars the use of racial preferences in college admissions is more evidence that affirmative action stigmatizes black achievement.

Read more: https://archive.fo/8eNvb


War Room: Jeffrey Clark: The U.S. Administrative State Is “Total Perversion Of System Founders Gave Us”

The Constitution is a bedrock for us in the war against the Administrative State.

Watch the 11:35 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v2xvr8s-jeffrey-clark-the-u.s.-administrative-state-is-total-perversion-of-system-f.html

The Story Of Jeffrey Clark | The Path From Establishment To Taking Down The Administrative State

Watch the 5:56 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v2xvnzk-the-story-of-jeffrey-clark-the-path-from-establishment-to-taking-down-the-a.html

Cleveland: Holiday Weekend News Dump Implodes Merrick Garland’s Biden-Investigation Testimony

Over the long weekend, Weiss gave away the deceptive word game he has been playing with Congress — and Garland has been playing with America .A new letter sent by Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss to the House Judiciary Committee suggests Attorney General Merrick Garland lied to Congress when he testified that Weiss “has full authority” to charge Hunter Biden in “other jurisdictions.” Whether Garland committed perjury will all come down to the meaning of the word “has.” Late Friday, just as Americans unplugged for the long Independence Day weekend, Weiss confirmed he didn’t really have “ultimate authority” over the Hunter Biden criminal investigation. In his letter, Weiss gave away the deceptive word game he has been playing with Congress — and Garland has been playing with America. More significantly, the letter suggests Biden’s attorney general lied to Congress and that everything the IRS whistleblower has said is true.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2023/07/05/holiday-weekend-news-dump-implodes-merrick-garlands-biden-investigation-testimony/


War Room: Jeffrey Clark Discusses Bill Barr’s Justice Department And Being Targeted By D.C. Bar Association

Another respected and reputable attorney with a connection to President Trump is  targeted by the legal cartel.

Watch the disturbing 11 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v2xvqbc-jeffrey-clark-discusses-bill-barrs-justice-department-and-being-targeted-by.html


(A failed drug safety system) Piper: FDA blasted for ‘misleading’ mRNA COVID vaccine labels as ‘sudden death’ research mounts

Researchers around the world continue documenting potentially severe side effects from COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in certain demographics, but the Food and Drug Administration refuses to label them or even tell recipients the shots can’t stop transmission of an increasingly immune-evasive virus. Autopsies and reviews of medical records revealed a much higher incidence of Pfizer and Moderna vaccine-associated heart deaths than officially categorized in South Korean, Japanese and Qatari government registries, particularly in younger people at lower risk from COVID. That echoes a German autopsy study of healthy people who died within 20 days of jabs. An FDA-funded study in the Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics on May 22 also found a “safety signal” for myocarditis and pericarditis — forms of serious heart inflammation — following vaccination in 12-17 year-olds. It was based on “near-real-time monitoring using commercial claims databases” for more than 3 million children ages 5-17 who took Pfizer’s vaccine. […]  The FDA answered a query from Just the News Monday for its response to the foreign research and criticism of the basis for its rejection of new warning labels, but did not provide a statement.

Read more/Watch both videos: https://justthenews.com/government/federal-agencies/fda-blasted-misleading-mrna-covid-vaccine-labels-sudden-death-research

Berenson: VERY URGENT: The fertility crisis in mRNA countries is deepening

The global baby bust is worsening – and the problem is deepest in countries that relied most heavily on mRNA Covid shots. Most notably, several nations that had stable birth levels before the mRNAs were introduced in 2021 have seen sharp drops since. Sweden had about 115,000 births annually from 2012 to 2021. Last year, births plunged to 105,000. In 2023, they are tracking below 100,000. Germany has a similar trend. Meanwhile, Eastern European nations like Bulgaria – which had much lower mRNA jab rates – have seen in some cases increases in births in the last year. The trend is not universal, and how the jabs might damage fertility remains unclear. They cause serious menstrual changes in many women, but large studies show their use in pregnancy does not cause miscarriages. If they are doing harm, it probably comes earlier, by reducing the odds of conception or implantation of new embryos. Several studies show sperm declines in men who’ve received them. Yet governments, scientists, and the media have shied from examining possible mRNA links to infertility. Instead they mock or ignore anyone who mentions it. [Note: Comment following the article: The drop in fertility is intentional. So it’s not an “oopsie” – it’s “hooray” – The increased global all-cause mortality combined with a decrease in fertility is accomplishing Gates’ goal.]

Read more: https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/very-urgent-the-fertility-crisis


Fineout: Federal judge halts new Florida law he calls ‘latest assault’ on voting

U.S. Chief District Judge Mark Walker granted a preliminary injunction against the law just days after it went into effect. Walker is an appointee of former President Barack Obama who has repeatedly ruled against the state in past legal challenges to election measures put in place by the GOP-controlled Legislature.

“When state government power threatens to spread beyond constitutional bounds and reduce individual rights to ashes, the federal judiciary stands as a firewall,” Walker wrote in his 58-page order that included a subtle jab at Gov. Ron DeSantis by invoking a catch phrase he often uses. “The free state of Florida is simply not free to exceed the bounds of the United States Constitution.” […]  The legal challenges, however, came from several groups that register voters, including organizations that focus on registering Black and Hispanic voters. The new law includes restrictions on who could handle voter registration applications — blocking, for example, non-citizens even if they were legally allowed to work in the U.S. The new measure, which subjects the groups to steep fines, also barred organizations from retaining information about the new registrants. It also requires them to give a receipt when someone fills out a voter registration application.

Read more: https://www.politico.com/news/2023/07/03/federal-judge-voting-law-florida-00104601


Sundance: California Republicans Propose Delegate Plans to Support RNC Corporate Billionaire Agenda and Eliminate Donald Trump

Why do you think I focus so much emphasis on reminding people the RNC and DNC are private corporations – two private clubs, under the exclusive control of the billionaires who fund them?   Here’s why… Laura Loomer is doing a great job exposing how the California Republican Party is changing their delegate rules in order to support the national RNC agenda.  The primary date in California was changed to Super Tuesday; as a consequence, the massive number of delegates that come from the populous state will be distributed proportionately, blocking the “winner take all” haul of Republican delegates that would elevate the main GOP nominee (Trump). Inside this scheme you will also find out why Harmeet Dhillon was supported by Ron DeSantis as a move to support the primary delegate plans.  All of this is very interesting. First, I’ll first provide the information from Loomer [SEE HERE] and then outline the bigger picture.

[Laura Loomer] – Here is the EXCLUSIVE documentation I obtained which proves what I said below days ago regarding how the [California GOP], specifically CAGOP Chairwoman Jessica Patterson, Harmeet Dhillon and Shawn Steel are trying to amend the bylaws regarding the Presidential delegation process in California as it relates to the RNC’s nomination of the 2024 GOP nominee. This won’t be good for President Trump. The CAGOP is trying to amend the “winner take all” standard for the CA delegation process (which has been in place for years) so that they can award delegates to the GOP candidate who comes in second place as a way to counter delegate wins for President Trump in New Hampshire and Iowa since California has the most delegates out of any state in the country. […]  Essentially what the California GOP is doing is keeping a Trump competitor alive by apportioning delegates to him/her regardless of the scale of victory that Trump voters might deliver.  This is part of the Big Club design.

Read more: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2023/07/04/california-republicans-propose-delegate-plans-to-support-rnc-corporate-billionaire-agenda-and-eliminate-donald-trump/

Weaver: Senate rankings: five seats most likely to flip

The 2024 battle for the Senate started with a bang earlier this year and has not let up, as candidates in top races continue to roll out their campaigns and incumbents scratch and claw to win reelection. Their efforts will determine who will control the upper chamber for the next two years. Democrats are trying to play defense in a number of red-leaning states to hold on to their one-seat majority, while Republicans fight recruiting battles in several states to give them the best shot at winning a majority. While it is too early to tell which side’s maneuvering will pay off, here’s a midsummer rundown of the five Senate seats most likely to flip next year.

Read more: https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4076463-senate-rankings-five-seats-most-likely-to-flip/


AP: China restricts exports of high-tech metals in a slap at Washington ahead of Yellen’s visit

The controls on gallium and germanium are intended to “safeguard national security,” the Commerce Ministry said late Monday. It said exports will require official permission once the rules take effect Aug. 1 but did not say what restrictions might be applied. Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s government is frustrated by U.S. curbs on access to advanced processor chips and other technology on security grounds. But Beijing has been slow to retaliate, possibly to avoid disrupting China’s fledgling developers of chips, artificial intelligence and other technology. Yellen is due to arrive Thursday as part of efforts by the Biden administration to revive relations that have plunged to their lowest level in decades due to disputes about technology, China’s military buildup, human rights and other irritants.

Read more: https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/china-restricts-exports-high-tech-metals-slap-washington-100656885

Hale: China is in default on a trillion dollars in debt to US bondholders. Will the US force repayment?

Every country should pay its sovereign debt. Default, we are told, is not an option. But has anyone told China? The United States pays interest on approximately $850 billion in debt held by the People’s Republic of China. China, however, is currently in default on its sovereign debt held by American bondholders.

Successive U.S. administrations have chosen to sidestep this fact, allowing business and trade with China to proceed as normal. Now that the relationship with China has soured and the People’s Republic of China has become the greatest adversarial threat to the U.S. and Western security, policymakers should revisit this appalling failure of justice.

Read more: https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fthehill.com%2Fopinion%2Finternational%2F4075341-china-is-in-default-on-a-trillion-dollars-in-debt-to-us-bondholders-will-the-us-force-repayment%2F


Revolver.news: Report: Army’s trannies are exempt from physical fitness standards…

The US military is at a major crossroads — or perhaps a “cross dressing” road, to be more exact. During the month of June, which sadly, has been hijacked by the LGBTQ+, the woke US military pushed out a slew of trans-related propaganda, including the latest debacle involving “Rachel Jones,” the newest cross-dressing military man. In what can only be seen as a spiteful and disrespectful move, the military strategically released this clip just ahead of July 4th. You’ve spent 15 years enlisted in the military. You’ve been on 8 combat tours, have a few KIA bracelets on your wrists, & you missed your 2nd child’s birth because you were overseas. In walks your new commander, Major “Rachel” Jones. […]  This video has sparked a lot of controversy, and, did you happen to notice something about the above trannies? They’re looking pretty corpulent. Major Fatass… er, Jones, is looking like he needs boot camp again.

Why is that? Well, here’s what journalist Jordan Schachtel reported.

Read more/Watch the 27 second video: https://www.revolver.news/2023/07/report-army-trannies-exempt-from-physical-fitness-standards/


Franklin: Should US Troops Stay in Syria?

  • The primary agenda of the Russian-Iranian meeting was reportedly “to discuss expelling the United States from Syria, which may indicate Russia’s intent to facilitate Iranian-backed attacks on US forces.”
  • Above all, the US presence is important as a blocking force to deny Iran an uninterrupted land bridge to Lebanon and the eastern Mediterranean, and to check the Iranian regime’s long-term expansionist dream of “exporting the revolution.”
  • Iran already effectively controls three countries in addition to its own – Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen – and has been broadening its influence throughout Latin America.
  • Any drawdown of the US troop presence at al-Tanf will also tempt adversarial “great powers” in Syria — such as Iran, Russia and especially Turkey — to attack US allies in the region, starting with the Kurdish-majority Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).
  • The US presence, in addition, greatly helps safeguard the liberty of countless Syrians from the tyrannical Syrian regime of President Bashar al-Assad…

Read more: https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/19775/us-troops-syria


The Bidens’ Existential Threats To The American Rule Of Law

President Joe Biden, the Biden grifting conglomerate, the Department of Justice, and the FBI under its fourth consecutive weaponized director, are in danger of subverting the American system of law. They are in various ways undermining the tradition of self-reported income tax computation and voluntary compliance. Our tax institutions, of course, are based on the real deterrence of a disinterested, uncompromised Internal Revenue Service. Without it, the income revenues of the United States are existentially threatened. So far, any negative reputation of the IRS has rested with natural complaints that it is too zealous in hounding out American taxpayers in all walks of life. Or citizens often object that the IRS must enforce a tax code that is innately unfair. But not until now, has the IRS itself ever been under a shadow of such corruption?
Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2023/07/05/victor-davis-hanson-the-bidens-existential-threats-to-the-american-rule-of-law/

Barr & Nagle: Secret Service investigating suspected cocaine found inside White House complex

Sources told ABC News radio traffic from D.C. Fire and EMS described a powdery, cocaine-like substance being found on the White House grounds and the preliminary results from an initial field test. “We have a result on the [inaudible]” a voice on the traffic can be heard saying. “We have a yellow bar stating cocaine hydrochloride.” The powder was found in the West Wing area of the White House, multiple law enforcement sources told ABC News. […]  Cocaine hydrochloride can be used as an anesthetic or to control bleeding, but it is also considered to have effects similar to crack cocaine, according to the study National Library of Medicine National Center for Biotechnology Information.

Read more: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/secret-service-investigating-unknown-item-found-inside-white/story?id=100660990

Schwab: Biden IGNORES questions (again) from press after cocaine was found in the White House: President slams gun violence and says teachers shouldn’t be armed as Secret Service investigates shocking drug discovery

President Joe Biden ignored shouted questions from reporters Tuesday – as the Secret Service investigated who left cocaine in the White House in a major security breach. He delivered remarks alongside first lady Jill Biden to the National Education Association’s Representative Assembly – as Hunter Biden and members of the first family gathered for Fourth of July celebrations. White powder found in the West Wing on Sunday while the president and his son were in Camp David tested positive for cocaine and forced the White House to be evacuated. Now the Secret Service is investigating, but Biden didn’t address the shocking discovery during the event with educators on Tuesday afternoon. […]  Biden condemned the use of guns in schools and told the attendees: ‘By the way, arming teachers is not the answer.’ Gun violence was on the brain as the president earlier Tuesday had put out a statement condemning the wave of shootings that shook American cities in the lead-up to the Fourth of July holiday. After the president’s remarks to the virtual NEA crowd he beelined to the exit with Dr. Biden, ignoring reporters’ shouts. The president was pressed on whether he was working on a deal with the Russians for the release of Wall Street Journal journalist Evan Gershkovich. The Kremlin has expressed an openness for another prisoner exchange. Reporters then shouted over each other as Biden walked out.

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12263877/Biden-ignores-questions-press-cocaine-White-House.html


Cleveland: IRS Whistleblower Knocks Out Hunter Biden’s Lawyers And The Washington Post With One Blow

Hunter Biden’s high-priced attorneys again tried to turn the president’s son into a victim by portraying IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley as a partisan leaker and a criminal — but on Saturday, Shapley responded. Shapley’s counter was a devasting blow to Hunter Biden’s legal strategy and also represented a shot across the bow of the Biden-friendly Washington Post. […]  Shapley didn’t wait for the House to ask, instead submitting an affidavit to the House Ways and Means Committee on Saturday in which he unequivocally swore he “was not the source for the October 6, 2022, Washington Post article.” Shapley further attested that he had never “had any contact with Barrett or Stein,” the authors of the article. He also stated under oath that he “never leaked confidential taxpayer information.” The whistleblower then expressly authorized “the Washington Post and/or journalists Devlin Barrett, Perry Stein, or any other Washington Post reporter to release any communications directly or indirectly to or from me,” agreeing “to waive any purported journalistic privilege and/or confidentiality that would have arisen had I been a source for the Washington Post.” At the same time, Shapley’s lawyers . . .

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2023/07/05/irs-whistleblower-knocks-out-hunter-bidens-lawyers-and-the-washington-post-with-one-blow/

Boswell: EXCLUSIVE: Did federal attorney’s office sideline experienced legal team BEFORE filing charges against Hunter Biden? Prosecutors listed in new court filings ‘had no previous involvement in investigation,’ whistleblower’s lawyer reveals

Lawyers are questioning whether the Delaware attorney’s office kicked their most experienced prosecutors off the Hunter Biden case – just before they filed minor charges against the president’s son. Whistleblowers who ran the IRS criminal probe into Hunter for five years told Congress about their travails with veteran Delaware prosecutors Lesley Wolf, Shawn Weede, and Shannon Hanson. But in a letter to a federal judge last week announcing the charges against Hunter, Delaware US Attorney David Weiss listed three different prosecutors who have apparently had no previous involvement in the case – leading to questions of a last-minute overhaul by the Delaware DoJ.

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12262975/Prosecutors-listed-Hunter-Biden-filings-no-previous-involvement-case.html


Glazov Gang: Child Trafficking, the Open Border and Willful Blindness

Watch the 6:01 minute interview: https://www.frontpagemag.com/dhfc_videos/child-trafficking-the-open-border-and-willful-blindness/

Gleiberman: ‘Sound of Freedom’ Review: Jim Caviezel Anchors a Solidly Made and Disquieting Thriller About Child Sex Trafficking

Yet let’s assume that, like me, you’re not a right-wing fundamentalist conspiracy theorist looking for a dark, faith-based suspense film to see over the holiday weekend. (The movie opens July 3.) Even then, you needn’t hold extreme beliefs to experience “Sound of Freedom” as a compelling movie that shines an authentic light on one of the crucial criminal horrors of our time, one that Hollywood has mostly shied away from. The film was completed in 2018 and then shelved by Disney (after it acquired 20th Century Fox, the film’s original studio). It was finally bought back and is now being distributed independently.

How many movies and TV shows have we all seen about drug trafficking? Too many. Child sex trafficking, by contrast, isn’t a subject that lends itself to “entertainment.” But as “Sound of Freedom” informs us, it’s the fastest growing international criminal network the world has ever seen. A closing title states — accurately — that there are more people enslaved now, by sex trafficking, than there were when slavery was legal. And the nightmare lived by captured children is unspeakable, unimaginable…and all too real. Let’s be clear: This matters more than the cocaine or opioids industry. One of the purposes of a movie like “Sound of Freedom” is to sound the alarm, in the way that a dramatic feature film can do and that journalism often can’t. It takes us into the forbidden zone.  […]  In a sequence that’s suck-in-your-breath devastating, Roberto (Jose Zuniga), a single father in Honduras, agrees to let his 11-year-old daughter, Rocio (Cristal Aparicio), and her 7-year-old little brother try out for a music competition show that’s being overseen by Katy-Gisselle (Yessica Borroto Perryman), who is professionally poised and glamorous, and therefore seemingly trustworthy. He’s instructed to drop the kids off at an apartment, where there are a dozen other child contestants inside, and to return a few hours later. When he does, the place is dark and abandoned. He’s been fooled. And those kids are about to enter hell.

Read more: https://variety.com/2023/film/reviews/sound-of-freedom-review-jim-caviezel-1235660035/


Cavallier, Ibbetson & Hutchison: EXCLUSIVE: Cross-dressing gunman behind July 4 Philly bloodbath that left five dead is BLM supporter who made chilling Facebook posts about ‘black massacres’ and ‘evil spirits’

Kimbrady Carriker, 40, shot dead four men and a 15-year-old boy in the Kingsessing neighborhood on the eve of the Fourth of July. He is in custody and facing multiple murder charges after rampaging through the streets with an AR-15, a handgun and wearing a ballistic vest. The killer has now been revealed to be a firearm-obsessed computer nerd who posted a video just a few days ago of children at a gun range. Facebook posts from March 2022 show Carriker dressed as a woman, wearing a bra, hooped earrings and gold bracelets. He had posted eerie articles to Facebook titled: ‘How do you know if an evil spirit is following you,’ as well as a photo of a map listing historic ‘black massacres’ throughout the US with the caption stating: ‘We kept the receipts.’

Read  more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12264195/PICTURED-Cross-dressing-gunman-July-4-Philly-bloodbath-left-five-dead-BLM-supporter.html

(In the U.S. as well) Ely: How trans women use a powerful mix of hormones, drugs and pumps to ‘breastfeed’ babies – but how safe is it really? And does it actually nourish a child?

Experts have today warned that biological males breastfeeding babies can be ‘self-indulgent’ and ‘selfish’ — with powerful medication used to produce the milk itself carrying a potential health risk. It follows the case of a British transwoman sharing a photo of her breastfeeding her child on a bus, sparking criticism from gender critical campaigners. Mika Minio-Paluello, a former Labour special adviser, came to public attention after discussing on the news how the soaring water bills were ‘tough if you’re a mum’. Trans women, people who are biologically male but identify as a woman, must take powerful medication cocktails to be able to breastfeed. The practice is controversial, however, as the preferred drug used to artificially make milk can pass through the fluid and potentially affect a baby’s heart. […]  They also noted the benefits to trans woman of the experience. ‘The ability to nourish their infants through production of their own milk may also be a profoundly gender-affirming experience,’ they wrote. It is still relatively rare for transwomen to breastfeed, with only a dozen or so cases reported. Although, the number has steadily risen in the past few years. However, whether this milk can sustain a newborn or has any long term affects, is unknown according to some experts, some of which have called for further research beyond single case studies.

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-12262289/How-trans-women-use-powerful-mix-hormones-drugs-pumps-breastfeed-babies.html


Coen: Mothers attacked by baseball-bat wielding children as San Francisco crime wave intensifies

Baseball bat-wielding gangs of children are mugging mothers and nannies on the school run in the latest crime wave to hit San Francisco. Last week Noe Valley, also known as “stroller valley” because of the growing population of young families, endured 11 phone robberies that are believed to have been carried out by the same gang who are targeting women picking up children from school.One woman was reportedly hit with a baseball bat, while another was punched in the face, before the offender ran to a getaway car and drove off. On Thursday the police had arrested one minor in connection with the 11 robberies and were searching for the others. Rafael Mandelman, who sits on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, which is responsible for legislating, said there are a growing number of children “doing these really awful things”. […]  Chesa Boudin, a former district attorney, who was ousted last year, introduced policies in office including refusing to prosecute children as adults, aggressively going after police officers who commit crime, and reducing the prison population.

Read more:  https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/mothers-nannies-attacked-children-school-150501310.html?guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9zZWFyY2guYnJhdmUuY29tLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAIBjht1e9K4Y0i8qFOW7px-ZSxrRupBzNKi2z5r8TQ-_jNUZhRSwDXyO7z20cLnKJabbvDEPO3kZABBlGVQfHuGW8BTgKwt_HdDXWFz_97AJYj-hqXAirBoit8y7B9t23V8NwHX_SwczV_apmaQ9J7IHcVDsc2J1OYFimm3kjgOp&_guc_consent_skip=1688564463


Kruta: California Reparations Task Force Wants Black Residents Free To Skip Out On Child Support

California’s Reparations Task Force raised eyebrows with a few of its recent proposals — namely suggesting that black residents should not be held responsible for back child support debt and public urination laws should not be enforced at all. According to the task force’s final report, “discriminatory laws” are responsible for the large number of black children born to unwed mothers — resulting in a higher percentage of black fathers who owe child support.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/california-reparations-task-force-wants-black-residents-free-to-skip-out-on-child-support


Senik: The Parenthetical Presidency of James Garfield

America’s 20th president was born in a single-room log cabin, fatherless by the age of two (he was raised on the frontier by his mother), and employed early in life as, by turns, a mule driver, a carpenter, and a janitor. Nevertheless, he rose to become a minister, a college president, and a major general in the Union army. In his free time, Garfield could be found devising an original proof of the Pythagorean theorem, conducting agricultural experiments on his farm, and greeting German visitors to the property by quoting poetry in their native tongue. This is all before we get to him being the youngest member of Congress upon his election in 1862—or getting elected president in 1880 without so much as pursuing his party’s nomination. That litany alone makes Garfield seem primed for the kind of rehabilitation that recent biographies have given traditionally second-tier presidents like John Adams, Ulysses S. Grant, and Calvin Coolidge. Just one problem: James Garfield also had the second-shortest administration in American history, holding office for only about six months. Nearly 40 percent of his presidency was spent in an ultimately failed convalescence from an assassin’s bullet. […]  How do you tell the story of a man remembered primarily for unrealized potential? Goodyear’s answer to that question is to present Garfield as he was rather than as he could have been. The result is a richly detailed account of a too-neglected period in American history that is likely to remain the definitive Garfield biography for at least a generation.

Read more: https://freebeacon.com/politics/the-parenthetical-presidency-of-james-garfield/


War Room: Dr. Swain: The United States Can’t Come Back Absent Of A Profound Understanding Of The Bible

Watch the 4: 36 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v2y3dfk-dr.-swain-the-united-states-cant-come-back-absent-of-a-profound-understandi.html

Kruta: AP Celebrates Independence Day By Explaining Why The Word ‘Patriot’ Is Problematic

In the article, the outlet argued that the word had been overtly political and taken up by extremist groups, used in ways that made it less about love for the country and more about hatred for certain minority groups. “The term ‘patriot’ in America has become infused in political rhetoric and school curriculums, with varying meanings, while also being appropriated by white nationalist groups,” the outlet tweeted along with a link to the full piece.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/ap-celebrates-independence-day-by-explaining-why-the-word-patriot-is-problematic

Daily Wire News: Democrat Cori Bush Slammed For July 4th Tweet

“The Declaration of Independence was written by enslavers and didn’t recognize Black people as human,” she claimed. “Today is a great day to demand Reparations Now.” The response to her tweet was overwhelmingly negative as most of the responses were hostile. “Don’t you think more than enough white people paid for it with their blood during the Civil War?” writer Ian Miles Cheong asked. […]  Chris Loesch responded, “This is rubbish. Cori has no knowledge of what the framers did or didn’t believe evidently or what their efforts were. She should understand why people like Frederick Douglass honored and revered them.” Political strategist Ryan Girdusky tweeted, “People like Cori Bush could never build anything as great as what she’s trying to destroy.”

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/democrat-cori-bush-slammed-for-july-4th-tweet

Anderer: Unexpected ‘doorway’ into the ear could give doctors new ways of curing deafness

An international research project has uncovered a new means of delivering drugs directly into the inner ear. Study authors say this discovery was made possible by harnessing the natural flow of fluids in the brain, and then making use of “a little understood backdoor” into the cochlea. When researchers combined this approach to deliver a gene therapy aimed at repairing inner ear hair cells, they were able to successfully restore hearing in a group of deaf mice. “These findings demonstrate that cerebrospinal fluid transport comprises an accessible route for gene delivery to the adult inner ear and may represent an important step towards using gene therapy to restore hearing in humans,” says Maiken Nedergaard, MD, DMSc, senior study author, in a university release.

Read more: https://studyfinds.org/doorway-into-ear-curing-deafness/

Cole: Chilling New Warning for People Taking Ozempic and Wegovy

While weight loss medications such as Ozempic and Wegovy are gaining popularity nationwide, concerns have arisen regarding their potential adverse side effects, leading individuals to reassess the safety of these drugs in various scenarios. One specific circumstance worth considering is if you are preparing for surgery, as anesthesiologists are raising concerns about these medications. They caution users against taking the drug before anesthesia due to the increased risk of vomiting during the procedure, as the medications cause digestion slow-down, leading to excess food in the stomach.

Read more: https://washingtonengager.com/2023/07/chilling-side-effect-ozempic

Daily Wire News: Ben & Jerry’s Posts Anti-American Message On July 4th; Critics Blast Their Hypocrisy

Ben & Jerry’s ice cream posted an anti-American message on social media as the nation celebrated its 247th birthday Tuesday. “Ah, the Fourth of July,” the company claimed in a statement. “Who doesn’t love a good parade, some tasty barbecue, and a stirring fireworks display? The only problem with all that, though, is that it can distract from an essential truth about this nation’s birth: The US was founded on stolen Indigenous land.” “The U.S. exists on stolen land,” the statement later added. “We have to acknowledge that—today and every day.”  […]  Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) tweeted: “Ben & Jerry’s, your once-good ice cream now sucks. You just guaranteed that I (a once-loyal customer) will never again consume a single pint of it.” “When you suggest ‘returning’ the land on which our country has been built for centuries, what exactly do you imagine?” he continued. “Expungement of property rights? Repatriation of most Americans to Europe?” […]  Attorney and columnist Kurt Schlichter tweeted: “Good. The conqueror should get the spoils. If that makes you sad, that’s even better. My land acknowledgement is this: ‘We won. Too bad.’”

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/ben-jerrys-posts-anti-american-message-on-july-4th-critics-blast-their-hypocrisy

Parnaby: Bill de Blasio and wife separate after 30 years: Scandal-plagued former NYC mayor gives excruciating NY Times interview to reveal he and his lesbian wife Chirlane will date new people BUT continue to live together and will NOT divorce

Former NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio and his lesbian wife have announced their separation after 27 years of marriage in a fawning New York Times interview. De Blasio, 62, and Chirlane McCray, 68, divulged a variety of causes for their split – from Covid to the pressure of her previously declared homosexuality.

But the couple – who are parents to Chiara, 25 and Dante, 26 – are still going to live together in Brooklyn while seeing other people. During a self-indulgent interview with the New York Times, where they asked to disclose details of their non-divorce, de Blasio also spoke of his recent decision to start dyeing his hair.

The couple’s choice to split came two months ago, on what the Times described as ‘another stale Saturday night of binge-watching television at their Brooklyn home’, when the former mayor asked his wife: ‘Why aren’t you lovey-dovey anymore?’ De Blasio’s question sparked a reconsideration of their relationship, and the pair determined they would part ways that very same evening.

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12266601/NYC-Mayor-Bill-Blasio-lesbian-wife-Chirlaine-McCray-announce-split.html


Puder: Poisoning the Next Two Palestinian Generations

The first thing the Nazis had done upon assuming power in Germany was to turn the children into loyal Nazis, and ultimately into heartless killers. The Palestinians under Yasser Arafat and Mahmud Abbas have done the same. Peace can not be made with a regime that indoctrinates their youth to wage an uncompromising war against the Jews and encourage them to become martyrs for Palestine. That is what the Nazis did, and this is what the Palestinians are doing now. And if one wonders why there is no peace between the Palestinians and Israel, one clear answer is the Palestinian educational system, Palestinian media and the mosques that support it.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/poisoning-the-next-two-palestinian-generations/


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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