Daily News Roundup
Dave Rubin, a political commentator and classical liberal, tweeted: This is incredible. Two weeks before the election Twitter changed how you retweet because they obviously didn’t want certain things to go viral. Now that they got the result they want, they’re going back to the old way. Big tech is manipulating us in ways we can’t imagine.
Published Reporter: Maria Bartiromo’s Claim on Intel Source 12-15-2020
A stunning revelation. Watch the 20 second video clip
Piro: Trump Cuts Off California Over Newsom’s Abortion Mandate
The administration will withhold $200 million in Medicaid funding because of a state regulation that requires health insurers to cover elective abortions. The announcement marks the culmination of a yearlong conflict between the administration and Democratic governor Gavin Newsom over the regulation, which the White House said violates federal conscience laws. “We have informed California that this policy clearly violates federal conscience laws, but the state refuses to fix the issue and comply,” Department of Health and Human Services secretary Alex Azar said. “Accordingly, we plan to withhold $200 million in federal Medicaid funds from the state in the first quarter of 2021, and unless California amends its policies, we will seek to withhold an additional $200 million every quarter until it complies.” The Newsom administration criticized the move as “presidential overreach.” Read more at The Washington Free Bacon
Watch the 1:20 minute video
Lendendecker: Trump Jabs McConnell For ‘Giving Up,’ Then Offers The Senator Eye-Opening Advice
Earlier this week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell raised eyebrows across Capitol Hill after using part of his time on the Senate floor to congratulate former Vice President Joe Biden on his 2020 election win, even referring to him as “president-elect.” […] On Wednesday morning, the president targeted McConnell in an early tweet, reminding the powerful Congressman that it’s too soon to quit fighting. “Mitch, 75,000,000 VOTES, a record for a sitting President (by a lot). Too soon to give up. Republican Party must finally learn to fight. People are angry!” Trump tweeted. The “learn to fight” part of that tweet is often repeated throughout social media and especially within the ranks of Trump’s supporters, who only want to see the Republican party grow a formidable spine when times get tough. Unfortunately, we haven’t seen a lot of that at this point.
Read more at The Federalist Papers
Veazey & Jekielek – 2020 Election Fraud Is CCP ‘Assassin’s Mace’: Patrick Byrne
Election fraud is the secret “assassin’s mace” of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that has long confounded security hawks, according to tech billionaire and entrepreneur Patrick Byrne, who back in August assembled a cyber intelligence team to analyze the U.S. voting system. “For 10 years or more, there have been references to a coming ‘assassin’s mace’ in the Chinese literature—where they take out the United States with one stroke,” Byrne told The Epoch Times’ “American Thought Leaders” program. “The national security community in the United States has been trying to figure this out: Is it their new aircraft carrier? Is that the hypersonic missile? Is it this, that, is it an EMP?” “I don’t think so, ” he told host Jan Jekielek. “The one stroke that takes the United States out is what we’re experiencing right now.” The 2020 vote involved “massive election fraud,” he says. “Not voter fraud, but election fraud.”
Read more at The Epoch Times
Weingarten: What Are Governors Doing To Counter Communist China? The Answer Is Disturbing
In recent days, Americans have seen clearly the staggering extent of the Chinese Communist Party’s influence efforts. Americans now know that Chinese agents cultivated relationships with not just former Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., but current House Intelligence Committee member Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., whom the CCP strategically approached from the start of his political ascent as a city councilmember. Americans also now know that the story the corporate and social media did everything possible to kill in the run-up to the 2020 presidential election was no Russian information operation: Hunter Biden is under federal criminal investigation. Part of that investigation reportedly concerns his allegedly illicit business dealings with CCP-linked people and entities. Said dealings might well implicate the “big guy,” his father, Joe Biden. These stories made the explosive yet plausible remarks of Renmin University School of International Studies Associate Dean Professor Di Dongsheng, recently sent viral by Tucker Carlson, ring all the more true. According to a translation, during a November 2020 panel Di claimed China’s “friends” on Wall Street had influenced American policy since the 1970s through opening American banking to China. […] These troubling realities should stir the American public to demand action and leadership from their governors. Are they taking up the charge? Judging by the author’s survey of all 50 governor’s offices across the country, the answer is at best inconclusive and thus highly troubling. What Are Governors Doing — or Not Doing?
Read more at The Federalist
Sundance: Greg Kelly Outlines Stakes in 2020 Election Challenge
Newsmax host Greg Kelly outlines the stakes in the 2020 election challenges and the issues with fraud as known so far. Kelly highlights the January 6, 2020, election certification process in the U.S. senate and the possibility of challenges to the electors.
Watch the 10 minute video
Tapson: The War on ‘Manly Men’
Amid all the election mayhem and politicized coronavirus hysteria of the past several months, it is easy to lose sight of the fact that the cultural realm, not the political arena, is where the deeper threat to our freedoms and civilization lies, because the culture is where hearts and minds are won or lost. The Left has always known this, but the Right tends to obsess over the political and scorn the cultural as trivial and unserious. If we never grasp how critical it is to engage the Left on that front, we will lose the Long Game. Let’s look at a couple of recent examples of one aspect of the Marxist assault on our culture in which the Left is gaining ground – their agenda to subvert our traditional norms of masculinity.
Read more at Front Page Magazine