Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 23 minutes


Tucker Carlson: “For the past seven years, the neo-con media establishment has been telling you that Donald Trump is a dangerous lunatic. In two years in office, Joe Biden has brought the world to the brink of nuclear holocaust, who is the dangerous lunatic?”

Sundance contributor to The Last Refuge: The United States Treasury Dept is planning to send officials to key parts of the globe to act as enforcers for western sanctions against Russia. Essentially, it’s a blackmail and extortion tour, where Liz Rosenberg and Brian Nelson will visit non-compliant nations and central Western banking hubs to threaten foreign nations against continued noncompliance.

Craig Jacobs contributor to The Federalist: Powell and Biden both claim to want to aid the middle class. But given the effects of their “assistance” to date, Washington should tell them to cease and desist, while the vestiges of a middle class still remain.

Issues & Insights Editorial Board: Our descent into madness was evident to many of us long before it became de rigueur to demand that everyone must confess that it’s just fab for boys to dress as girls; to proudly proclaim there is no distinction between men and women and force others to parrot the lie; to expose children to drag queens; and to form mobs for no reason but to satisfy the lusts of the depraved. The left, which has marched through our institutions, won’t rest until the civil society we have flourished in has been replaced with a political society. It craves a societal breakdown, to bury the political and social norms that stand in its path to unchallengeable power.

Ray Van Neste contributor to The Imaginative Conservative: Scholar Allan Bloom famously wrote, “Failure to read good books… strengthens our most fatal tendency—the belief that here and now is all there is.” “Our most fatal tendency”… given the human penchant for self-destruction, this is quite a charge. Bloom says the most common self-destructive tendency of humanity is its lack of historical awareness and thinking all that matters is the current moment.

Chris Bray journalist and author: So the California legislature, which passed laws allowing children to get birth control and abortions and medical treatment for rape without parental knowledge or consent, also tried to pass a law allowing children to get mRNA vaccines without parental knowledge or consent, and is now making sure children can identify as transgender without parental knowledge — and receive “gender-affirming” care, including treatment at a residential facility, without parental consent. Maybe you can spot a consistent theme in all of that.


Revolver.news: President Trump dropped several BOMBS on Tucker during his first interview since the arrest…

President Trump sat down with Fox News host Tucker Carlson for his first one-on-one interview since the sham politically-driven arrest. Tucker and Trump spent about an hour together, and in that time, President Trump revealed a lot – many things that will likely have the Regime pulling out their hair. Arguably, one of the most powerful moments from this bombshell interview was when President Trump revealed to Tucker that China and Russia are not our biggest threats… Trump believes America’s biggest threat comes from within.  Amen to that. And while Joe Biden is hobbling around the country screeching about “global warming,” President Trump says the real immediate threat is actually nuclear. And sadly, if we did have to defend ourselves against foreign enemies, President Trump says we’re not ready, thanks to Biden for giving our military away to Ukraine (and Afghanistan).

Watch the 11 interview clips: https://www.revolver.news/2023/04/president-trump-dropped-several-bombs-on-tucker-during-his-first-interview-since-the-arrest/

Watch the full 31 minute interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2589ogy-iCM


Shurk: Central Bank Digital Currencies: Funny Money That Will Destroy What Is Left of Private Property, Free Markets, and Personal Liberty

  • [E]ven when you have followed every law to the letter and paid every fee to the cent, there is still no guarantee that government agents will not later invoke eminent domain laws to swipe what you own because they believe they can use your private property more fruitfully for the “public good” – and, since Kelo v. New London, even for someone else’s private good. So much for private ownership.
  • Competition, in theory, forces markets to naturally discard bad and expensive products, while keeping the prices of the best products low…. In practice, however, mature students of capitalism understand that entrepreneurs are never in search of markets for competition but rather conditions for maintaining monopoly.
  • The end result is that capitalists are always in pursuit of ways in which they may take advantage of laws and regulations, specialized knowledge, government contracts, or other exclusionary mechanisms to restrict potential competitors from ever entering the market.
  • If governments and central banks control the creation, distribution, and exchange of virtual money, whatever remains of free markets will disappear. If governments and central banks monitor every transaction between consumers and producers, then all industries will be subjugated to the centralized command of the State. If governments and central banks assert the legal power to determine who may store value, how much value may be personally stored, and how long that value will be permitted to last, then whatever remains of private property will cease to exist. If governments and central banks maintain a digital monopoly over the only legalized forms of money, then they may redistribute wealth or penalize personal behavior without regard for individual rights or limits to their control.

Read more: https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/19553/central-bank-digital-currencies

 War Room: Joe Allen: MSNBC’s Ben Collins Attacks War Room Over AI Coverage

Watch the 17:17 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v2hnoku-joe-allen-msnbcs-ben-collins-attacks-war-room-over-ai-coverage.html


Barkoukis: Biden Administration Moves Full Steam Ahead With Effort to Ban Cars

The Biden administration is proposing two sets of new rules to limit vehicle emissions in a move critics say proves electric vehicles would fail in a free market. The proposed Environmental Protection Agency regulation would set limits on emissions for all types of vehicles and fundamentally transform the auto industry, as manufacturers who do not get in line would face regulatory penalties.  Under the proposal, at least 54 percent of new vehicles sold would need to be electric by 2030, while up to 67 percent may need to be electric by 2032. This is more strict than the 50-percent EV figure the auto industry agreed to in 2021. “Biden also wants automakers to raise gas mileage and cut tailpipe pollution between now and model year 2026. That would mark a significant step toward meeting his pledge to cut America’s planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030 as he pushes a once-almost-unthinkable shift from gasoline-powered engines to battery-powered vehicles. […]  The EPA declined to offer details ahead of Wednesday’s announcement, but said in a statement that as directed by Biden’s order, it is “developing new standards that will … accelerate the transition to a zero-emissions transportation future, protecting people and the planet.″

Read more: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahbarkoukis/2023/04/12/biden-administration-emissions-rule-n2621850


Ortiz: Mark Levin Accuses Auto Manufacturers of Removing AM Radio to ‘Attack’ Conservative Talk Shows

Levin made his comments on the Friday edition of The Mark Levin Show, which was then circulated via Media Matters. Levin’s conversation initially centered on the push for more people to buy electric cars. Electric cars and even some hybrid models are being manufactured without AM radios due to electrical interference with the vehicles’ operating systems. According to Axios, this interference could create “annoying buzzing noises and faded signals.” But Levin believes something more sinister is afoot with this latest adjustment. “The automobile is essential to liberty. The automobile is about mobility. The automobile is about you being able to go where you want, when you want. It’s freedom. That’s what the automobile is all about. It’s about freedom,” Levin explained. “It’s absolutely crucial. So the control of the automobile is about the control of your freedom.” […]  “Let’s talk about radios for a minute.

Read more:  https://www.mediaite.com/radio/mark-levin-accuses-auto-manufacturers-of-removing-am-radio-to-attack-conservative-talk-shows/

Cleveland: Government Is Marketing Censorship Tools To Big Tech To Gag Conservatives

The State Department isn’t skirting the First Amendment. It is driving a stake through its heart. The federal government peddled technology to Big Tech companies to assist them in censoring Americans’ speech on social media in the run-up to the 2020 election, according to emails Missouri and Louisiana uncovered in their First Amendment lawsuit against the Biden administration. Specifically, the State Department marketed this censorship technology through its Global Engagement Center. In other words, our tax dollars not only funded the development of tools to silence speech that dissented from the regime’s narrative. They also paid for government employees to act as sales reps pitching the censorship products to Big Tech. I’ve been “tasked with building relationships with technology companies,” Samaruddin Stewart, then a senior adviser for the State Department’s Global Engagement Center or “GEC,” wrote in an early-February 2020 introductory email to LinkedIn, allegedly requesting a meeting. According to the lawsuit, his email also suggested he would be reaching out to other social media companies interested in “countering disinformation.”  On March 9, 2020, Stewart again contacted LinkedIn, referencing an earlier verbal discussion and writing: . . .

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2023/04/11/government-is-marketing-censorship-tools-to-big-tech-to-gag-conservatives/


War Room: Dr. Naomi Wolf details how Pfizer vaccine is causing “Anaphylaxis”.

In three months, nine people died of an anaphylaxis reaction after receiving the mRNA “Vaccine.”

Watch the 7:23 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v2hgffs-dr.-naomi-wolf-details-how-pfizer-vaccine-is-causing-anaphylaxis..html

Read Report 65: In the First Three Months of Pfizer’s mRNA “Vaccine” Rollout, Nine Patients Died of Anaphylaxis. 79% of Anaphylaxis Adverse Events Were Rated as “Serious.” https://dailyclout.io/report-65-in-the-first-three-months-of-pfizers-mrna-vaccine-rollout-nine-patients-died-of-anaphylaxis/

DailyClout: Dr. Peter McCullough – “This Spike Protein is a Killer”

Dr. McCullough wasn’t afraid to stand up to big pharma, big tech and big government during the pandemic, and he is showing that same courage today. “This spike protein is a killer, and it rips through the hearts of men and women,” said Dr. McCullough in a new video where he calls the response of the FDA and the CDC to the dangers of spike protein as “criminal.” The good news is that, despite censorship by the mainstream medical community, solutions exist to deal with this deadly spike protein. Dr. Peter McCullough notes the following potential remedies:

Read more/Watch the 2:01 minute video: https://dailyclout.io/dr-peter-mccullough-this-spike-protein-is-a-killer/

Piper: COVID vaccine fraud prosecution could force feds to share correlated deaths data: targeted doc

Advised by vaccine-skeptic philanthropist Steve Kirsch, Utah’s Kirk Moore plans to use legal discovery to get records government has refused to make public. A plastic surgeon indicted for COVID-19 vaccine fraud believes his prosecution could blow the lid off the alleged connection between the therapeutics and deaths — if a judge agrees to expose the government records believed to document the connection. Utah’s Kirk Moore is soliciting and receiving advice from Vaccine Safety Research Foundation Executive Director Steve Kirsch, a philanthropist once courted by Democratic presidential hopefuls, on what documents to request in legal discovery in a bid to pursue “jury nullification.” […]  Kirsch believes federal prosecutors have given “the anti-vax movement in America the greatest gift ever” by charging Moore, potentially giving his defense “the secret public health records of every state” allegedly showing the neat overlap between COVID vaccination and deaths.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/government/courts-law/covid-vaccine-fraud-prosecution-could-force-feds-share-correlated-deaths-data

Spence: CDC Partners With ‘Social and Behavior Change’ Initiative to Silence Vaccine Hesitancy

Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, a Stanford-educated ear, nose, and throat doctor, isn’t afraid to voice her beliefs. During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, she repeatedly used her platform on Twitter and TikTok to question the vaccines, promote ivermectin as a treatment, and call out pharmacists for refusing to dispense it. But her efforts resulted in significant backlash. On Nov. 7, 2021, Dr. Danielle Jones, an OBGYN who posts under the handle @MamaDoctorJones on YouTubeTikTok, and Twitter—and has millions of followers—put out a video accusing Bowden of “grifting,” rejecting science, and profiting from those who questioned the vaccine. […]  On Nov. 12, 2021, five days after the video, Bowden received a text message from the Houston Chronicle that read: “Hi Dr. Bowden, I’m told you’ve been suspended from Houston Methodist pending further investigation because of your comments on social media. I plan to report that this afternoon but wanted to give you an opportunity to comment.” Stunned, Bowden responded that the text was the first she had heard of the suspension. The suspension turned out to be the tip of the iceberg. […]  Savannah is part of a group called Shots Heard, which calls itself a “rapid-response digital cavalry dedicated to protecting the online safety of health care providers and practices.” Kuhk is also a member. Savannah joined Shots Heard on Aug. 6, 2020, and Kuhk joined on Feb. 13, 2021. According to its website, Shots Heard is an initiative under The Public Good Projects (PGP), a “public health nonprofit specializing in large-scale media monitoring programs, social and behavior change interventions, and cross-sector initiatives.” Another of PGP’s initiatives is the Public Health Communications Collaborative (PHCC), which sits within the CDC Foundation—a nonprofit arm of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) established by Congress. The goal of the communications collaborative, according to PGP, is to decrease misinformation and increase vaccine demand worldwide. And it’s using social media influencers to silence vaccine detractors.

Read more:  https://www.zerohedge.com/political/cdc-partners-social-and-behavior-change-initiative-silence-vaccine-hesitancy


War Room: Jeff Clark on Justice Thomas: “He’s the thinker that goes back to the original Constitution..”

Democrats don’t like that conservative black Thomas’ jurisprudence is the senior most intellectual force on the court.

Watch the 3:42 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v2hnhwu-jeff-clark-on-justice-thomas-hes-the-thinker-that-goes-back-to-the-original.html

Rabbi Barclay: Why Justice Thomas’s Friendship with Harlan Crow is Good for American Justice

There are some sad truths that have become blatantly clear in the hate-filled public forum of the 21st century.  Public figures are often attacked in the media.  Conservatives even more so.  And if you’re a high-profile conservative, then the left has no compunctions in their attacks on you, and everyone you may interact with.  These truths have truly become self-evident in the 21st-century chaos that is Biden’s America. Enter Justice Clarence Thomas and businessman Harlan Crow, two men who are being incessantly attacked and lied about not because of their actions, but because of their longstanding friendship.

Let’s start with the relationship itself, and whether it is appropriate for a judge.  According to reports, the men and their wives have been social friends for close to three decades.  Like all friends, they share common interests and meals and even may vacation together.  But Mr. Crow is a businessman and donor to conservative organizations, so the question arises whether a social friendship like this is a good or bad thing for a justice, and as a result, for our nation. If we look at the history of judges going all the way back to the bible, the answer is that this type of relationship is not only appropriate for a judge but necessary.

Read more at American Thinker.


War Room: Jeff Clark: “The establishment law firms are instead lining up to represent folks like Alvin Bragg.”

Manhattan DA Bragg is suing Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH). Why? Jordan heading to NYC to take staff depositions.

Watch the 13:49 minute interview of Jeff Clark, Director of Litigation for Center for Renewing America: https://rumble.com/v2hnava-jeff-clark-the-establishment-law-firms-are-instead-lining-up-to-represent-f.html

Solomon: Bragg’s effort to stop Congress from probing Trump case collides with Pentagon Papers precedent

Manhattan DA’s office used $5,000 in federal asset forfeiture funds in Trump case, opening door for lawmakers’ power of the purse oversight. Bragg stated no other federal funds from grant programs were used to pursue Trump. But that small amount could have lion-sized impact on the courts as they consider Bragg’s 50-page lawsuit asking a federal judge to preclude  Jordan from interviewing current or past members of his prosecution team or subpoenaing documents related to the criminal pursuit of the 45th president. “When it comes to oversight investigation the principal of legitimate legislative purpose is supreme,” said Jason Foster, the former chief investigative counsel for the Senate Judiciary Committee and now head of the Empower Oversight whistleblower center. “You heard this phrase during the Jan. 6 probe. You heard Liz Cheney saying it all the time: Our legislative purpose is this or that because Congress can investigate anything if it has a legitimate legislative purpose.” That purpose can be to inform future legislation or to oversee how federal money has been spent. […]  “In this case, there are three specific reasons why the House Judiciary Committee is justified in issuing subpoenas and compelling testimony. By pursuing charges against Trump based on federal campaign finance, Bragg (a local prosecutor) is usurping a federal power. There is also substantial evidence that his indictment is politically motivated (Pomerantz’s book makes this clear) and he is therefore attempting to interfere in a federal election.  Finally, the district attorney admitted that federal taxpayer funds were used to further his case.”

Read more:  https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/all-things-trump/wedbraggs-effort-stop-congress-probing-trump-case-collides


GOP Tweet: New documents show Biden’s DOJ was “looking to put sources in churches, have informants in Catholic parishes.”

Watch the 1:35 minute Jordon video: https://twitter.com/GOP/status/1645785464241111040?cxt=HHwWgIC-yZ7KgNctAAAA

Rigolizzo: House GOP Members Back Texas’ Effort To Overturn The $1.7 Trillion Omnibus Bill

Ten House GOP members filed an amicus brief in support of a lawsuit by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton that seeks to overturn the omnibus spending bill passed in December 2022. The lawmakers claimed that the House proxy voting rule for the COVID pandemic meant that the omnibus bill was not legitimately passed. Paxton originally filed the lawsuit in February, seeking to overturn the massive spending bill on the same grounds. “For 231 years, Congress has met in person,” the Republican members wrote in their brief, via The Hill. “The Constitution’s requirements survived wars, pandemics, natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and numerous other crises through history, and Congress had never voted by proxy to enact bills before 2020. This is undoubtedly due to the Constitution’s language that establishes physical presence is necessary in the People’s House.” […]  The 10 members who signed the brief were Reps. Chip Roy (TX); Morgan Griffith (VA); Andy Ogles and John Rose (TN): Harriet Hageman (WY); Andy Biggs (AZ); Clay Higgins (LA); Warren Davidson (OH); Gary Palmer (AL); and Matt Rosendale (MT). The Mountain States Legal Foundation filed the brief on behalf of the members.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/house-gop-members-back-texas-effort-to-overturn-the-1-7-trillion-omnibus-bill


War Room: Dr. Naomi Wolf says why Democrats will mobilize against the Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Campaign.

Watch the 5:20 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v2hgdu8-dr.-naomi-wolf-says-why-democrats-will-mobilize-against-the-robert-f.-kenne.html


Adams & Solomon: Russia’s Rise

The West’s sweeping sanctions on Russia following its invasion of Ukraine are shaping up to be the West’s most monumental miscalculation in modern history.  The sanctions have not brought the Russian economy to its knees, as was widely predicted.  Instead, it’s the Western economies that are reeling, their economic growth all but stopped.  Many of them are simultaneously suffering from both high inflation and energy shortages. Russia, meanwhile, is not only surviving but thriving, acquiring more potency and prestige throughout Asia, Africa and South America than at any time since the collapse of the Soviet Union. According to the IMF, the Russian economy will grow faster than Germany’s or the UK’s this year.  Next year, it will also grow faster than those of the U.S., Japan, Italy, and much of the rest of the West, its growth in GDP per capita will exceed that of the advanced economies as a whole, and it will achieve the lowest debt-to-GDP ratio among the G20 nations.  Russia’s unemployment rate of 3.5% is the lowest since the Soviet Union fell.  Russia’s economic performance — S&P Global recently confirmed its bullish private sector business confidence — is all the more remarkable since Russia is simultaneously fighting an expensive proxy war against the combined weight of the armories of the West. […]  The sanctions on Russia awoke the sleeping giant that had been Russia, and the West may soon be faced with the consequences.

Read more at American Thinker.


Stiles: 9 Reasons Chicago Is the Perfect Site for the 2024 Democratic Convention

What happened: President Joe Biden announced Tuesday that the 2024 Democratic National Convention will take place in Chicago, describing the city as a “great choice” to showcase the country’s “historic progress” on his watch. Why it matters: Biden is right. Chicago is a great choice to host the 2024 Democratic National Convention. Here are nine reasons why Biden could not have picked a more fitting location in which to showcase his party’s vision for America’s future:

Read more: https://freebeacon.com/democrats/9-reasons-chicago-is-the-perfect-site-for-the-2024-democratic-convention/

 Ritter & Naishadham: US floats options to reduce water pulled from Colorado River

The Biden administration released an environmental analysis Tuesday that outlined two ways that seven Western states and tribes reliant on the overtapped Colorado River could cut their use, but declined to publicly take a side on the best option. One option would be more beneficial to California and some tribes along the river that have high-priority rights to the river’s water. The second option is likely to be more favorable to Nevada and Arizona, who share the river’s Lower Basin with California and say it’s time for an approach that more fairly spreads the pain of cuts. That approach would force cuts on a proportional basis, when water levels at key reservoirs along the river dip below a certain point. The Interior Department defended its authority to make sure basic needs such as drinking water and hydropower generated from the river are met — even if it means setting aside the priority system. “At the end of the day, the Interior secretary has the authority and the responsibility to operate the system,” Interior Deputy Secretary Tommy Beaudreau told The Associated Press. He said those duties give the federal government the ability to make some decisions that defy the priority system.

Read more: https://tucson.com/ap/national/in-colorado-river-talks-still-no-agreement-about-water-cuts/article_0ebfc32f-fac4-528d-a1ff-4bc25709efa1.html

War Room: Jeff Clark: “The Biden Admin lied about the White House’s involvement in the Mar-a-Lago raid.”

FOIA administrative reveals that the White House was involved in the Mar-a-Lago raid.

Watch the 9:35 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v2hnehy-jeff-clark-the-biden-admin-lied-about-the-white-houses-involvement-in-the-m.html

Margolis: Bombshell Docs Show Biden White House Directly Coordinated With FBI to Set up Trump Raid

New information is being uncovered regarding the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s unprecedented raid of President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home last year. According to America First Legal (AFL), a judicial watchdog, an investigation of the raid confirmed that the FBI gained access to NARA records through a “special access request” made by the Biden White House on behalf of the Department of Justice. […]  According to AFL, it appears that “the Biden White House and DOJ coordinated to obtain the Trump records and perhaps create a pretext for the law enforcement raid by way of the ‘special access request.’”

In addition to confirming that the White House was involved in setting up Trump, AFL also proves that the National Archives misled Congress about the role the White House played in the raid. “This stunning revelation suggests that NARA was misleading Congress about the White House’s role in the shocking raid of President Trump’s home, and the fact that the Biden White House was acting “on behalf of” the DOJ raises significant legal concerns,” explains AFL.

Read more: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/matt-margolis/2023/04/11/bombshell-docs-show-biden-white-house-directly-coordinated-with-fbi-to-set-up-trump-raid-n1686228

GOP Tweet: By the Biden administration’s OWN WORDS, his 87,000 IRS agents mean 710,000 new audits of people making less than $75,000 per year.

Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO)

Watch the 1:07 minute video: https://twitter.com/GOP/status/1645812558643834881?cxt=HHwWgsC9zavzjNctAAAA

Biden Budget Extends His Silent War On The Middle Class

President Joe Biden’s recent budget for fiscal year 2024 comes with a glaring contradiction hiding in plain sight. To wit, the policies pursued by “Middle Class Joe” — a sobriquet that The Washington Post notes Biden bestowed upon himself — will only work to accelerate the demise of the working classes. After suffering the ill effects of two decades of flawed fiscal and monetary policy, the middle class badly deserves a change of course. On the surface, the budget seems like a boon to the middle class, proposing ever-larger government largesse. The fiscal plan includes “free” child care, universal preschool, a permanent extension of enhanced Obamacare subsidies, money for home-based care in Medicaid, “free” community college, and paid medical and family leave — all funded by higher taxes on “the rich” and corporations. Not long after the party attacked Republicans for fighting two wars on three tax cuts, Democrats apparently believe they can reduce the deficit by creating or expanding half a dozen entitlements.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2023/04/12/biden-budget-extends-his-silent-war-on-the-middle-class/

Zeisloft: Biden Missed ‘Golden Window’ To Restock Strategic Petroleum Reserves He Depleted, Oil CEO Says

Eberhart commented in an interview with Fox Business that “the train has left the station” with respect to Biden replenishing the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, a stock of emergency crude oil intended to minimize the impact of fuel supply disruptions, since the price of oil is unlikely to fall below $80 per barrel for the foreseeable future. “I can’t stress enough how missing the window to replace the Strategic Petroleum Reserve is just really bad for our national security and really bad for consumers. The administration has left us completely unprepared,” the oilfield services executive commented. “They had an excellent opportunity when the price was somewhat low and they did nothing. It seems to me we definitely have a Goldilocks scenario for oil exiting 2023 at $100 per barrel or higher. I think that’s inevitable at this point.”

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/biden-missed-golden-window-to-restock-strategic-petroleum-reserves-he-depleted-oil-ceo-says

War Room: Mike Davis: “Maybe todays Democrats are not Liberals who love our country.”

Why are they coming after Catholics today?

Watch the 11:11 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v2hg52u-mike-davis-maybe-todays-democrats-are-not-liberals-who-love-our-country..html

War Room: Matt Palumbo: George Soros The Man Behind the Curtin, Soros Achieves Chaos and Radical Policies

Palumbo is the author of The Man Behind the Curtain and editor of the Bongino Report.

Watch the  19:58 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v2hgxa2-matt-palumbo-george-soros-the-man-behind-the-curtin-soros-achieves-chaos-an.html


Cawthone & Chasmar: Hunter Biden’s business partners, assistants visited White House over 80 times when Biden was VP

Four business partners, a vice president, and two assistants at Hunter Biden’s now-defunct firm visited the White House more than 80 times when his father was vice president in the Obama administration, Fox News Digital has found. President Biden has repeatedly insisted he had no knowledge of Hunter’s business dealings amid dual criminal and congressional investigations into the first son and his family. However, Joan Mayer, who says she was the vice president of Hunter’s now-defunct investment firm Rosemont Seneca Advisors from 2008 to 2017 on Linkedin, made at least 17 visits to the White House during that time, according to visitor logs reviewed by Fox News Digital.

Read more: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/hunter-bidens-business-partners-assistants-visited-white-house-80-times-when-biden-vp


Claremont Institute Center for the American Way of Life: U.S. Corporations Cut Dividends And Employees While Dumping Billions Into Race-Hustling Groups

. . .  shockingly, as we’ve shown in our BLM Funding Database, companies contributed or pledged more than $83 billion to the BLM movement and related causes following the death of George Floyd. In fact, according to a study by McKinsey and Company, our figure is conservative, and companies actually committed more than $340 billion to these causes. As a point of reference, $340 billion is 83 percent of the $411 billion the World Bank estimates is needed to reconstruct Ukraine. It is also greater than the GDPs of 51 African countries. Our database tracking contributions and pledges to the BLM movement and related causes is replete with companies prioritizing “racial justice” to the detriment of shareholders and employees.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2023/04/12/u-s-corporations-cut-dividends-and-employees-while-dumping-billions-into-race-hustling-groups/

Kline: The Anti-Defamation League must confect a rising tide of antisemitic fervor or else go out of business.: Forever on Edge

The media’s alarmism over the “hate pandemic” that seems never to abate in white America has dominated conservative dialogue at least since the 2014 killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, a significant moment in the history of our “racial reckoning.” But, of course, frustration with the legacy media over race and other related issues has been bubbling up for some time. A useful data point validating these long-held frustrations over race-baiting sensationalism is the number of uncritical media citations of the Anti-Defamation League over the last few decades. Given the ADL’s certainly rocky history—replete, as it is, with criminal investigations, judicial condemnations, fabricated research, and bipartisan criticism—one wonders why major media outlets like CNN and the New York Times trust them at all. Recently, the ADL released an annual report purporting to gauge the level of antisemitism in the U.S. As usual, ournalists uncritically reported on its conclusions which found that antisemitism is high, rising, and should be of grave concern to the nation. The report found that nearly nine in ten survey respondents believe in at least one “anti-Jewish trope,” supposedly a big jump from 2019 when it was six in ten. Also, one-fifth of respondents believe in six or more such tropes, nearly doubling over the same period. Without any journalistic scrutiny, however, consumers of the coverage no doubt missed the tricks the ADL deploys in arriving at these seemingly surprising conclusions.

Read more: https://americanmind.org/salvo/forever-on-edge/


Trejo: Prominent ANTIFA Operative is Revealed as Wealthy, Privileged Mental Health ‘Expert’ From Colorado

A prominent ANTIFA operative, who regularly spreads hate and vitriol anonymously against conservatives on social media under the pseudonym “Goth Bot Alice,” has been exposed as Heidi K. Lightenburger, a privileged wealthy mental health “expert” living in Colorado. The Justice Report broke the story on Lightenburger’s identity, scouring through social media posts and other information on the internet in order to make the connections confirming that Lightenburger is in fact “Goth Bot Alice.” She rose to become a prominent ANTIFA operative, associated with the infamous doxxing collective It’s Going Down. […]  Peering into Lightenburger’s history, the Justice Report found that she was the child of immense privilege who merely roleplayed as a hero of the underclass on the internet. Growing up in a small town with a population that was over 90 percent white, she received a liberal arts degree at the University of Northern Colorado and then purchased an online master’s degree in Public Health at Capella University.

Read more: https://bigleaguepolitics.com/prominent-antifa-operative-is-revealed-as-wealthy-privileged-mental-health-expert-from-colorado/

Ortiz: Dennis Prager Says Modern Day Progressive Youth Activists Remind Him Of ‘Soviet And Nazi Youth Groups’

On the Friday edition of SiriusXM’s The Megyn Kelly Show, Pager joined Megyn Kelly to discuss the latest news, particularly focusing on the protests of swimmer Riley Gaines’ recent speech at San Francisco State University on gender.

Watch the 2:14 minute interview: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/dennis-prager-says-modern-day-progressive-youth-activists-remind-him-of-soviet-and-nazi-youth-groups/ar-AA19GEtX


Toldjah: Riley Gaines Responds Accordingly to Megan Rapinoe’s Betrayal of Women in Sports

Female athletes Riley Gaines (swimming) and Megan Rapinoe (soccer) have made headlines recently, one for standing proud and strong for women in sports (and getting physically attacked in the process) and the other for betraying them despite the fact that she has previously acted in the role of spokesperson for women’s equality. As we reported Monday, Rapinoe, a U.S. women’s soccer team star-turned-woke activist, ripped the mask off in signing on to an “Athlete Ally”-composed letter opposing the Republican-introduced “Protection of Girls and Women in Sports” Act, which would keep boys and men who identify as a girl or a woman from being allowed to participate in girls’ and women’s sports. “If this bill passes, transgender and intersex girls and women throughout the country will be forced to sit on the sidelines, away from their peers and their communities,” the letter states in part. Gaines, on the other hand, has become the face of the “Save Women’s Sports” movement, . .  .

Read more: https://redstate.com/sister-toldjah/2023/04/11/riley-gaines-responds-accordingly-to-megan-rapinoes-betrayal-of-women-in-sports-n729776


ANDY NGO REPORTS: Trans person arrested over brutal murder of Portland cab driver

The Post Millennial can exclusively report that the suspect in the Easter Sunday stabbing murder of a Portland cab driver is a trans person with a history of threatening behavior. Moses Jacob Lopez, who presents as a woman and appears to have addresses in both Portland and Coos Bay, Ore., has been charged with second-degree murder and unlawful use of a weapon. The deceased victim, who has not been named, was identified by Radio City Cab as one of its veteran drivers. Lopez allegedly stabbed him to death during a taxi ride. […] Days before the brutal murder stabbing in southeast Portland, the 30-year-old allegedly threatened another person with a weapon but was quickly released without bail. On April 3, Lopez was charged with two felony counts of unlawful use of weapon and two counts of menacing in Coos County, Ore. After missing a court hearing on April 6, a warrant was issued for her arrest—three days before she allegedly went on to commit murder.

Read more: https://thepostmillennial.com/andy-ngo-reports-trans-person-arrested-over-brutal-murder-of-portland-cab-driver?utm_campaign=64470


Heather Mac Donald: Merit Over Identity

Dismantling DEI bureaucracies is the key to reviving American universities.  I start from the following proposition: being female is not an accomplishment. My being female should play no role in my being hired for a job. Of course, my sex undoubtedly has made me the target of sex preferences on numerous occasions, thus casting doubt on any actual qualifications I might presume to possess. My being female should be particularly irrelevant in a university. Until recently, universities were dedicated to the Enlightenment ideal of universal knowledge. A male Chinese engineer and a female Nigerian engineer may have no spoken language in common, but they can communicate through the universal languages of mathematics and physics. Whether the buildings they erect stand or fall depends not on their nationality or sex but on their mastery of engineering principles. I will go further. Being black, gay, or gender-fluid are also not accomplishments, and should have nothing to do with faculty hiring or student admissions. The only thing that should matter when, say, a medical school hires a researcher in pancreatic cancer is whether that oncologist is the best in his field.

Read more: https://www.city-journal.org/article/higher-ed-must-choose-merit-over-identity


Berrien: New Gene Discovery Predicted To Yield Life-Changing Alzheimer’s Treatment

A group of scientists at Cardiff University have revealed stunning information that could lead to life-changing treatment for sufferers of the most common form of Alzheimer’s disease in the next 15 years. The research by the scientific team started in 2009, and in 2022 they announced they had found three genes that led to the disease. But now they have announced discovering 92 more genes. “By 2040 I think we’ll be in the position to offer a range of treatments and we might not know exactly why, but one of them will be able to act on the huge range of causes,” Professor Julie Williams, the Cardiff Dementia Centre’s director, stated. […]  Last July, a new computer program was announced that could enable researchers to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease much earlier so that it can be treated much earlier after its onset. Boston University researchers, using audio recordings from neuropsychological interviews with 1,000 people, used speech recognition tools that enabled computers to transcribe the recordings and then translate them into numbers.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/new-gene-discovery-predicted-to-yield-life-changing-alzheimers-treatment

(Arizona) Neff: Judge Keeps Hamadeh’s Challenge Alive In Disputed Attorney General Race

The judge in Mohave County assigned to hear Abe Hamadeh’s election challenge against Kris Mayes in the race for Arizona Attorney General (AGO) issued a ruling Tuesday that keeps the case alive, albeit in limbo for another month. Judge Lee Jantzen has ordered oral arguments to be held May 16 in Hamadeh’s long pending motion for a new trial in his battle to show he -not Mayes- would have received the most votes Nov. 8, 2022, if valid ballots had not been rejected and if other ballots had been tabulated properly.

Read more: https://arizonadailyindependent.com/2023/04/11/judge-keeps-hamadehs-challenge-alive-in-disputed-attorney-general-race/

(Arizona) ADI Staff Reporter: Hobbs Vetoes Her Own Signature Verification Rules Included In Bipartisan Bill

Governor Katie Hobbs has vetoed dozens of bill in her short tenure, however it is her latest veto that has left a bipartisan group of lawmakers “stunned.” Hobbs vetoed HB 2322, a bipartisan-supported election reform bill, sponsored by State Representative Alexander Kolodin, that would codify in state law specific signature verification rules to confirm the identity of early voters – rules that were written by the Governor when she served as Arizona’s Secretary of State. “When Governor Katie Hobbs took office, she said that she’d ‘find common ground’ and work across party lines,” said Kolodin. “Right now, Arizona has no laws setting any signature verification rules for early ballots, which help ensure that only lawful early voter’s vote.

Read more: https://arizonadailyindependent.com/2023/04/06/hobbs-vetoes-her-own-signature-verification-rules-included-in-bipartisan-bill/


Recent bombshell articles reveal that New Mexico’s Secretary of State, Maggie Toulouse Oliver, has illegally centralized New Mexico’s elections, exposed them to the internet, processes them on uncertified software, and has lied about it to the New Mexico legislature. Toulouse-Oliver has also granted the federal government essentially full access to county election systems through surveillance devices called “Albert Sensors” provided by a private, non-profit called Center for Internet Security (CIS). Coincidentally, CIS is a main player in the censorship scheme carried out by our own federal government, Democrat non-profits, big tech, and state election officials to silence Americans’ concerns about the 2020 election.

Read more: https://estancia.news/the-albert-sensor-faustian-bargain-orwellian-surveilance-and-censorship-enterprise-foisted-on-unsuspecting-county-election-administrators/

Truong: Downtown San Francisco Vacancies Hit Record High as City Nears Breaking Point

The news and the numbers are grim for Downtown San Francisco’s office market—and no one can say with any certainty where the bottom is.  In the first quarter of the year, office vacancies were the highest ever recorded, according to real estate broker CBRE. The firm estimated a 29.5% vacancy rate last quarter, substantially higher than rates seen during the dot-com bust and Great Recession and a seven-fold increase from the start of 2020. Real estate analysts are expecting vacancies to tick up further as leases—including a major glut of shorter-term subleases—expire in the coming years. More dominos could fall if building owners, faced with lower revenues, decide to hand over their properties back to lenders, many of whom are already-distressed regional banks. “We’ll have a turnover unlike anything in the history of commercial real estate in the next 12 to 18 months,” said Mark Ritchie, a commercial real estate broker with Ritchie Commercial.

Read more: https://sfstandard.com/business/downtown-san-francisco-vacancies-hit-record-high-as-city-nears-breaking-point/

Cooper: Americans kidnapped by Mexican cartel reveal horrifying details

LaTavia Washington McGee and Eric Williams join CNN’s Anderson Cooper to share the harrowing details of their kidnapping by a Mexican cartel.

Watch the 6 minute interview: https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2023/04/12/americans-recount-kidnapping-by-mexican-cartel-sot-intv-ac360-vpx.cnn

Grantham-Philips: Two children killed in fire caused by e-bike’s lithium-ion battery in New York, officials say

A fire caused by an e-bike’s lithium-ion battery killed two children in New York on Monday, officials with the New York City Fire Department said. The fire started in the first floor entrance of a multi-family building in Queens, and then quickly traveled “directly up the stairs” to a second floor apartment, FDNY Chief of Department John Hodgens told reporters at the scene. […]  Monday’s fire marks the 59th fire caused by a lithium-ion battery powering a micro-mobility device in New York City this year, Chief Fire Marshal Dan Flynn said. Of those fires, there have been five fatalities.

Read more: https://news.yahoo.com/two-children-killed-fire-caused-165347720.html

Rigolizzo: University Investigating After Student Posts Videos Of Him Seasoning And Cooking Apparently Live Chicks

The University of Louisville said it was investigating student reports of another student who posted videos to Instagram of him cooking live chicks in his air fryer. The videos were reportedly shared by another student to Reddit. The university said that the incident reportedly took place off-campus, but the accounts belonged to a current student. […]  According to the videos, via local news outlet WDRB, the individual pours seasoning on a live chick in an air fryer pan lined with aluminum foil. “How to make fired [sic] chicken,” the caption reads. In the next clip, censored by the outlet, a chick appears dead in the same pan. “No don’t look, this is rough,” a woman can be heard saying. Another video, also censored, shows a dead chick hanging from the ceiling. Another video, via the Louisville Courier-Journal, shows a chick being put into a microwave.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/university-investigating-after-student-posts-videos-of-him-seasoning-and-cooking-apparently-live-chicks

Ramage: Male contraceptive taken before sex shows promise. Here’s what men really think about it

Another milestone towards equal responsibility when it comes to birth control is right around the corner: 73 years after the first female contraception was introduced, a new US government-funded study has presented promising results for the creation of a male contraceptive pill. While we’re still in the early stages—and although it does sound like something we’ve heard countless times in the past—the new contraceptive pill for people who produce sperm could be a game-changer, another much-needed male birth control option expanding beyond condoms and vasectomies. So, will men finally be able to carry some of the weight in terms of birth control in the near future? And if so, will it be widely adopted? SCREENSHOT spoke to both advocates and objectors of the male contraceptive pill to predict the potential outcome of this divisive debate. But first, a bit of context.

Read more: https://screenshot-media.com/the-future/science/male-contraception-opinion/


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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