Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 33 minutes


Lou Dobbs in a War Room interview: “The Biden administration had at least five months to stop the Russian invasion of Ukraine and chose not to do so. This was a  conscious choice. It was a conscious choice to do nothing.”  

Chuck DeVore contributor to The Federalist: With what we know today, the U.S. should stay away from the WHO — not because the Chinese control it, but because We the People do not.

Edward Ring contributor to American Greatness: It is healthy and necessary to debate who may be the best standard bearer for the GOP in November 2024 and who may be the candidate most likely to win. But Donald Trump has again defined the territory over which that contest will be fought, and for that, once again, he has done us all a tremendous service. 

Armando Simón contributor to Issues & Insights:  In all the versions of Marxist regimes, one goal was to separate the children from the parents and own them by the state. Children were encouraged to spy and report them to the authorities for any anti-communist remarks parents made. And this, indeed, occurred often in the Soviet Union, China, North Korea, and Cuba . . .

Adam Mill contributor to American Greatness: Speech, especially political speech, includes both the freedom to broadcast and the freedom to access others’ speech. It is critical to preserving our constitutional democracy. The TikTok bill gives Washington legal cover to accelerate its censorship and manipulation of political speech in America. If you liked what you saw in the Twitter Files, you will love what comes after this bill passes.

Robert Spencer contributor to PJ Media: Population explosion hysteria has been a staple of education for decades, and there are no doubt millions of people who still take the idea that soon there will be many more people on earth than can possibly be fed as axiomatic fact. Americans have so internalized this belief that people with large families are guilt-tripped on a routine basis.

Chris Bray Substack: We hate fertile bodies because we hate the future, because we damaged the future with ideological madness and endless corporate-state rent seeking and moral emptiness.

Christopher Chantrill contributor to American Thinker: One thing about travel to foreign parts is that you get to see a major U.S. export — the stupid and expensive conceits and fashions of our educated-class rulers — being adopted by stupid and conceited educated-class rulers elsewhere in the world.

Mary Harrington contributor to The American Mind: If you think “progress” means making men and women completely interchangeable, perhaps you’ll shrug off elevated risks to a formerly single-sex community as a reasonable price to pay for broad positive changes. Against this, we might say with one gender-critical feminist on Twitter: “How many rapes of women in prison by ‘trans women’ is ok for you?” It’s beyond the scope of this chapter to assess whether an egalitarian military is a positive end goal—but if you believe it is, we might ask with Matt: how many additional maimed or dead soldiers can you justify on the road to that end goal?

Don Fisher, Jr. contributor to American Thinker: For those who believe they are another sex, against biological proof otherwise, we should demand they undergo competent psychological treatment, and not change everyone’s definition of pronouns, bathroom usage, sports team criteria, and alleged rights.

Katie Pavlich Fox News co-host: The government destroyed young people’s future by the decisions that they made, whether it was in education or just taking away big life events like college graduation, high school state championships – things that shape you as a person for your future that was taken away through years of overbearing COVID policy, whether it was on the federal level or on the state level. But when it comes to the question you had about being proud to be an American, when all of the institutions, government institutions, colleges, even elementary K-12 education teaches young people that America is a bad country – we shouldn’t be surprised that they don’t have any feelings about patriotism, especially since they’re young and they haven’t traveled to the rest of the world to see how the rest of the world operates.

Robert Spencer contributor to PJ Media: Christians of all traditions were likely surprised on Friday when the Vatican’s Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue issued a message to Muslims for Ramadan, the Islamic month of fasting by day and gorging by night. The fact that such a message was sent was not a surprise, as interreligious dialogue has for many years been far more important to the hierarchy of the Catholic Church and other Churches than actually spreading the Gospel message. The surprising aspect was that in the message, which was entitled “Christians and Muslims: Promoters of Love and Friendship,” the Vatican asserted that Ramadan is important not just for Muslims, but for Christians as well. Christians, were you aware of this?


Nava: Trump: I will end Ukraine war in 24 hours but I won’t tell you how

Former President Donald Trump on Monday wildly claimed that he could resolve the war in Ukraine “within 24 hours” of leading peace negotiations, but he refused to reveal how.  Trump, 76, made the eyebrow-raising comment in an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity that aired Monday night. The ex-president said that if the war is not over by the end of the 2024 presidential election, and he were to be reelected to the White House, he would “within one day” have a peace deal in place.

Read more: https://nypost.com/2023/03/27/trump-i-will-end-ukraine-war-in-24-hours-but-i-wont-tell-you-how/

Ring: Trump Again Defines National Priorities

Political observers and partisan activists debate whether Donald Trump or some other Republican candidate has the best chance of beating a Democratic rival in the 2024 presidential election. But earlier this month, Trump demonstrated that just as he did in 2016, he is raising campaign issues central to America’s future, issues that no other candidate is talking about. The latest flare-ups of what have been nearly eight years of relentless, orchestrated prosecution of Trump are a massive distraction but don’t change this reality. Candidate Trump in 2016 raised issues Michael Anton adroitly summarized in “The Flight 93 Election” as “open borders, lower wages, outsourcing, de-industrialization, trade giveaways, and endless, pointless, winless war.” Making these neglected issues the themes of his campaign, Trump beat the odds and won the election. These are now among the most public and polarizing issues in America. They may be unresolved, but they are now central instead of peripheral. This time, Trump’s 2024 campaign website includes under his agenda a list of the issues that have defined him since his political debut. They include deregulation, opportunity zones, fair trade, reshoring of industry, energy dominance, secure borders, reclaiming national sovereignty, war on drug cartels, law and order, military readiness, parents’ rights, ending censorship, election integrity, and more. Anyone questioning the coherence of Trump’s policy agenda is invited to read this list, which is long on specifics. But in a video released on his campaign website on March 4, Trump looked into the future. Calling it Agenda 47— . . .

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2023/03/27/trump-again-defines-national-priorities/

Ludwig: Trump Showed Us That We Are Losing Our Liberties

In a recent article, Geoffrey P. Hunt expressed disillusionment bordering on disgust with former President Donald J. Trump.  Basically, he presents a list of failures or areas of neglect that show Trump’s inability to overthrow the “swamp” despite his nonstop criticisms of it.  Regarding voting rules, he asks, “Why did he do nothing?”  The gist of the article is a list of items where he claims Trump “did nothing.”  In essence his list of Trump’s failures can be summed up as Trump’s failure to destroy the Deep State, the swamp, the fake news, and the careers of all those who speak for and profit from those corrupt systems.  However, this writer, hoping that Hunt’s article was more a moment of frustration and pique than a serious reflection, would contend that Trump during his term in office had some monumental successes, and that there is no one in public life who could have done better at taking on the horrible excesses of our system that have been developed over the past 100 years, and even more intensely during the past thirty. 1. He built most of the wall on our southern border.  In 2006, both parties agreed to build a fence, but the fence was inadequate to prevent immigrants from continuing to flood in, and sufficient funds were not found to add the technology to supplement the weak fence.  Trump with his construction experience knew that the problem was not only getting enough technology, but that a structure stronger than a fence needed to be built, so he authorized the wall.  Further, asylum seekers who were crossing illegally instead of applying at a Port of Entry had to stay in Mexico to apply for asylum.  He pressured Mexico to accept that “deal.”  He enlisted Mexico’s cooperation by threatening to put tariffs on a host of Mexican products that they exported to the USA.  2. . . .  3. . . .

Read more at American Thinker.


(On target to the New World Order) Devore: America Must Opt Out Of The World Health Organization’s Global Medical Tyranny

Elon Musk tweeted that “Countries should not cede authority to WHO,” and conservatives have joined him in sounding the alarm about proposed legal changes to the World Health Organization and its International Health Regulations (IHR). The basic question is whether America should remain an integral part of the United Nations’ international health agency, given the new rules being proposed as well as a new WHO treaty. There are two main fears about the IHR’s new rules and the WHO treaty. First, proposed changes to the International Health Regulations would convert recommendations into requirements. In May of 2024, 196 U.N. member nations will vote on the changes to the IHRs, with a simple majority required to approve them. At that point, each nation has 10 months to reject compliance with the changes. If a nation rejects the changes, it will still abide by the old rules. Some conservatives who care about protecting national sovereignty see a danger in these updated IHRs, as they impose mandatory health and pandemic reporting, vaccinations, tracking, and more. These requirements would override national laws as well as state public health statutes. Second, the new WHO pandemic treaty, . . . […]  To better understand the concerns about the proposed WHO treaty and the amended IHRs, I turned to David Bell, an Australian M.D. and Ph.D. who worked as a scientist and doctor for the WHO for almost nine years, until he left in 2011. He now works at the Brownstone Institute.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2023/03/28/america-must-opt-out-of-the-world-health-organizations-global-medical-tyranny/

Spencer: The ‘Population Explosion’ Myth Blows Up

People in the United States and Europe have long taken for granted the idea that the world is in the midst of a “population explosion” that threatens to cause the starvation of millions and render the earth uninhabitable The world, we were told, would simply run out of food, and could not possibly sustain the population it would soon have. This was how generations of people were sold on the idea that it was the “responsible” thing to do to have small families, and it even led to the weakening of the idea of the family itself as contributing to the looming problem that looked as if it would kill us all. There was just one problem with the whole scenario: there was no population explosion at all, as a new study has now confirmed. The UK’s far-Left Guardian admitted Monday that “the long-feared ‘population bomb’ may not go off, according to the authors of a new report that estimates that human numbers will peak lower and sooner than previously forecast.”

Read more: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/robert-spencer/2023/03/27/now-they-tell-us-new-study-shows-that-the-population-explosion-was-a-myth-n1681928

War Room: Joe Allen: Sam Altman and Lex Fridman are True Believers in the Dark Religion of Technology

“It’s almost impossible to keep AI aligned as it becomes suer intelligent.”

Watch the 9:56 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v2f33z6-joe-allen-sam-altman-and-lex-fridman-are-true-believers-in-the-dark-religio.html

Bilawal Sidhu threadreader: Midjourney v5 has pushed into photorealism, a goal which has eluded the computer graphics industry for decades (!) Insane progression, and all that by 11 people with a shared dream. Let’s explore what these breakthrough in Generative AI mean for 3D & VFX as we know it…

First off, Midjourney v5 is far more photorealistic out-of-the-box. Where as it’s predecessor has a more painterly, stylized bent. Here’s a thorough comparison of v5 vs v4 in case you want to go deeper. But let’s keep going…

Read more: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1639688267695112194.html


Scottsdale Halves Car Lanes In ‘Road Diet’ Despite DOT Recommendations

Scottsdale will halve the number of lanes on a major roadway, a “road diet” that effectively burdens car travel. The changes will occur to 68th Street between Indian School Road and Thomas Road, and will reduce the two-lane roads on either side into single lanes. According to the Department of Transportation (DOT), a “road diet” occurs when a four-lane undivided roadway becomes a two-lane undivided roadway, with the former road lanes converted into alternative transportation lanes: bike lanes or pedestrian refuge islands, for example.[…]  State Rep. Joseph Chaplik (R-AZ) : #Scottsdale is rapidly going down the path of failed leftist cities. Like Portland, who voted for the same “road diet.” This is how you become Portland. #DaveOrtega #TomDurham  @Solange4AZ @TammyCaputi

Read more: https://azfreenews.com/2023/03/scottsdale-halves-car-lanes-in-road-diet-despite-dot-recommendations/

Tucker Carlson Tonight: Governments use fear to control: Gavin de Becker

Gift of Fear’ author Gavin de Becker discusses how rare ‘freedom of the individual’ is and says governments use ‘fear’ to ‘control’ on ‘Tucker Carlson Today.’

Watch the 2:48 minute interview: https://www.foxnews.com/video/6323488416112

Rockwell, Jr.: The Plot To Control America

We all know how bad the Covid “vaccines” are. They kill people.  We also know how bad the lockdowns were. They destroyed large parts of the economy, crippled the lives of children who couldn’t see their friends, and led to many deaths of people who couldn’t get the medications they needed. Masks, which still haven’t gone away, interfere with breathing and don’t stop Covid. Given these facts, the question arises, what was the point of the whole operation?  The answer is that all these measures were designed to bring us under control.  Once people get used to obeying these unprecedented intrusions, they are primed for permanent dictatorship.

Read more: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2023/03/lew-rockwell/the-plot-to-control-america/


Dunn, M.D.: The COVID panic and those who resisted

Gabrielle Bauer, a prominent journalist in Canada, decided some time ago to write a book about the reactions of people of all stripes and backgrounds to the trials and tribulations of the COVID epidemic, and she has produced an energetic and ambitious book that takes a look at COVID from the eyes of 46 different people from various countries who have widely different backgrounds and areas of expertise.  These subjects are uniformly opposed to the management of COVID by international authorities and their attitudes and criticisms are vetted and explained. […]  Ms. Bauer’s book does not focus on early medical treatment of COVID or the advocates of early treatment; her book concentrates on the pushback opponents of the 2020 mitigation regime of lockdowns, school closings, masking and social isolation, social distancing, why and how they opposed the rules and the negative consequence of government officials pushing the measures, without regard to consequences and lack of benefit. […]  The author had an ambitious project, putting together 46 interviews of a wide variety of people, but she made it easy for the reviewer to give his readers an introduction.  The interviews are divided into chapters of one or more persons and the themes of the interviews are summarized in a thematic summary section.   The themes were dissected and explained by the subjects of the interviews; Ms. Bauer just put the commentary on paper for consideration, and she did it well, not getting in the way.  She has a knack.

Read more at American Thinker.  


Federer: The First Amendment: Who Came Up With Its Wording & Who Twisted Its Meaning

President Reagan stated in a Q & A Session, October 13, 1983: “The First Amendment has been twisted to the point that freedom of religion is in danger of becoming freedom from religion.” To understand the meaning of the First Amendment, it is necessary to know what preceded it. Who proposed its wording, who debated it, who passed it, and who ratified it. The 13 colonies in America were founded by Christians of different denominations: In 1607, Virginia was founded by Anglicans; In 1620, Massachusetts was founded by Pilgrim Separatists & Puritans; In 1624, New York was founded by Dutch Reformed; In 1632, Maryland was founded by Catholics; In 1636, Rhode Island was founded by Baptists; In 1636, Connecticut was founded by Congregationalists; . . . […]  Religion in colonial America was described by New York University Professor Emeritus Patricia U. Bonomi in her article “Religious Pluralism in the Middle Colonies”: “The colonists were about 98 percent Protestant.”  Maryland’s state constitutional convention approved State Constitution and a Bill of Rights on August 14, 1776, which included:  . . .

Read more: https://americanminute.com/blogs/todays-american-minute/wording-of-the-first-amendment-who-twisted-it-american-minute-with-bill-federer


German jurist Carl Schmitt identified what he considered to be the real foundation of all political behavior. In The Concept of the Political, Schmitt wrote that “the specific political distinction to which political actions and motives can be reduced is that between friend and enemy.” It’s this master rule of political behavior, the ability to distinguish properly between friend and enemy, that has come to mind repeatedly over the past few weeks regarding the ongoing saga of Douglass Mackey, a.k.a. “Ricky Vaughn,” a former Twitter poster who is now being pursued by the DOJ for interference in the 2016 election. While there can be no doubt that his persecution is, indeed, outrageous, it’s easy to lose sight, amid the outrage, of a simple fact: that his tormentors are doing politics a whole lot better than anybody on our side has for quite some time. As much as we might hate to admit it, our enemies know how to win. And they are winning. In case you haven’t heard, Mackey’s crime was producing memes on Twitter. Really. Even worse, he could face up to ten years in prison for doing so. Really[…]  What’s worrying about the use of Section 241 to prosecute Mackey is that this appears to be the first time the Section has been used against somebody acting purely in the realm of speech rather than physical action, for instance violence and intimidation. […]  Even worse, the potential applications of the Section, if the Ricky Vaughn case succeeds, are limitless. Virtually any kind of idea identified as a “lie,” if the government decided it could somehow affect voting, could now be subject to punishment. Did you just retweet some Russian dezinformatsiya about NATO expansion after the Cold War? Or maybe some unflattering statistics about the COVID response? Perhaps you just made a few speculations about what was really going on in Paul Pelosi’s kitchen that fateful night (“Why was the broken glass on the outside of the door?”)…Well, it’s off to jail for ten years for you—you’re meddling in the election process!

Read more: https://americanmind.org/salvo/friends-and-enemies/

Mill: The TikTok Hysteria Is About Protecting Censorship and Profit

The TikTok bill gives Washington legal cover to accelerate its censorship and manipulation of political speech in America.  U.S. Senate bill to address the threat TikTok allegedly poses to American security is not really about TikTok at all. It’s about the federal government gaining more control over election-related speech.  As written, the bill by Senator John Warner (D-Va.) would authorize the secretary of commerce to “identify, deter, disrupt, prevent, prohibit . . . or otherwise mitigate . . . [and] address any risk arising from . . . any property . . . that the Secretary determines . . . poses an undue or unacceptable risk of . . . interfering in . . . the result or reported result of a Federal election, as determined in coordination with the Attorney General, the Director of National Intelligence . . . ” or, “activities by a foreign adversary that are designed to undermine democratic processes and institutions or steer policy and regulatory decisions in favor of the strategic objectives of a foreign adversary.” The bill’s language doesn’t specify whether the material in question is authentic. If passed and signed into law, the government could suppress actual and authentic video of election fraud if the information has “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2023/03/27/the-tiktok-hysteria-is-about-protecting-censorship-and-profit/

Tucker Carlson Tonight: The Republican Party wants to give the Biden admin an extreme power: Glenn Greenwald

Glenn Greenwald, host of ‘System Update’ on Rumble, gives his take on if the U.S. should ban the social media giant over national security fears on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’

Watch the 2:14 minute interview: https://www.foxnews.com/video/6323487947112


The Center Square Staff: Colorado House Democrats invoke rule to limit debate, advance three firearm control bills

On Sunday, the House passed Senate Bill 23-169 to raise the minimum age to purchase a firearm to 21 years of age. Democrats in the Colorado House of Representatives invoked a rule to limit debate on gun control legislation over the weekend and passed three bills on the matter. The Democratic-controlled chamber invoked Rule 14 to limit debate on Saturday. The rule allows for debate to be stopped an hour after a motion to end debate is made and after an affirmative vote of a majority of members. House Speaker Julie McCluskie, D-Dillon, and Majority Leader Monica Duran, D-Wheat Ridge, issued a statement on the Republicans’ efforts to block the legislation. “We take seriously the importance of our democratic process and of authentically engaging with the minority party on bills,” the statement said. “At the end of the day, the smallest minority in 60 years does not have the right to stop votes on legislation that the vast majority of Coloradans desperately want to see passed.” […]  The House also passed Senate Bill 23-168 on Sunday to remove Colorado’s immunity protections for gun sellers and manufacturers and allow lawsuits against the industry. On Saturday, Senate Bill 23-170, legislation to expand the state’s “red flag” law was passed.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/nation/states/center-square/house-democrats-invoke-rule-limit-debate-advance-three-firearm-control

Duke: If the mentally ill ’mustn’t own guns,’ what about ‘trans’ people?

The timing of the tragic Nashville shooting, in which a MUSS (Made-up Sexual Status, aka “transgender”) individual killed six at a Christian school, is a bit odd. National Public Radio had just recently done a piece on how MUSS and other “LGBTQ” people are buying guns because, the story goes, they believe they’re imperiled by conservatives. As one sexual devolutionary NPR quoted put it, “If the world is dangerous, then you have to be dangerous back, and that very much has pushed me into where I am now.” As for what pushed 28-year-old Audrey Hale into opening fire Monday at The Covenant School, which she once attended, the media largely pretend to have no clue. They don’t want you to have one, either. This is why, shamelessly, they often hide Hale’s MUSS status and instead focus on guns. Here’s how brazen it is, too: . . .

Read more at American Thinker.

Fleetwood: Here Are Leftists’ Disgusting Reactions To The Horrific Nashville Christian School Shooting

It’s no secret many on the left love to politicize tragedies, but the reaction from some to Monday’s deadly shooting at a Christian school in Nashville has reached a whole new level of malevolent. […]  Immediately following the attack, leftists began using the horrific tragedy as an opportunity to promote their radical agenda and spew insensitive remarks. Joe Biden During moments of crisis, Americans should be able to count on their president to put aside politics and bring the country together. But not when that president is Joe Biden. After talking about how much he loves chocolate chip ice cream on Monday, Biden used the Nashville shooting to push for more gun control. “The shooter … reportedly had two assault weapons and a pistol. … So, I call on Congress again to pass my assault weapons ban,” Biden said. Karine Jean-Pierre . . . “How many more children have to be murdered before Republicans in Congress will step up and act to pass the assault-weapons ban?” she asked. Terry Moran ABC News Senior National Correspondent Terry Moran wasted no time in seemingly tying the shooting to . . . […]  Mike Wise Washington Post contributor and former New York Times columnist . . . Rep. Don Beyer The Virginia Democrat blasted Republicans with. . . . Benjamin Ryan In a now-deleted tweet, independent reporter and NBC News contributor . . . Anna Skinner Newsweek Senior Writer Anna Skinner spent her Monday afternoon writing an article titled, . . .

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2023/03/28/here-are-leftists-disgusting-reactions-to-the-horrific-nashville-christian-school-shooting/

Hutchison: Dems, Media, Celebrities Call For Gun Control Hours After Nashville School Shooting

“The school shooting in Nashville is heart-wrenching. No student, teacher or family should experience the fear and trauma of gun violence,” Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts tweeted. “Enough is enough. Congress needs to once again ban assault weapons and pass gun violence prevention legislation to keep our children safe.” […]  “The upside of assault weapons is just not worth the carnage,” Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut posted on Twitter. “Maybe that proposition is debatable if we didn’t know whether a ban could work. But we do know. Mass shootings dropped significantly when the 1994 ban went into effect, and then spiked when the ban expired.” President Joe Biden called for a ban on so-called “assault weapons” in remarks from the White House, calling the shooting “sick” and “a parent’s worst nightmare.”

Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2023/03/27/dems-media-celebrities-call-for-gun-control-hours-after-nashville-school-shooting/


War Room: Andy Biggs: “We have a list of areas Congress can legislate in, education is not one of those.”

Rep. Biggs (R-AZ) explains why he voted against the Parental Right’s Bill: “It inserts the federal government into  local decisions.” Is the bill constitutional?

Watch the 8:32 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v2f2pda-andy-biggs-we-have-a-list-of-areas-congress-can-legislate-in-education-is-n.html

Solomon & Ballasy: Two years later, Jan. 6 video footage raises new questions about police and prosecutors

Retired Capitol Police Deputy Chief J.J. Pickett told Just the News on Monday that he is not certain whether federal prosecutors have turned over to Jan. 6 defendants the compilation videos made by his department of every person who entered the U.S. Capitol during the riot. Pickett, who retired a few months after the Capitol riot, said he was briefed by colleagues on the extensive video sizzle reel his department’s video security experts compiled, which he said took months to complete. “The FBI would send them a picture on some kind of online clip, something of a person,” Pickett said during a wide-ranging interview on the John Solomon Reports podcast. “And they would go to that area in the Capitol Building looking at the cameras, and it was kind of like a Where’s Waldo. And they would find that person. “And then from there, they would  . . . […]  Pickett’s description of a large library of compilation videos comes as federal prosecutors divulged in the case of one Jan. 6 defendant, William Pope, that there is police body-cam footage they don’t want to make public that shows D.C. Metropolitan Police officers — some in plain clothes — consorting with the protesters and even exhorting “Go! Go! Go!” as the protesters are trying to penetrate the Capitol.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/government/security/tuetwo-years-later-jan-6-video-footage-raises-new-questions-about-police-and


Wellington: Why Governor Ron DeSantis won’t run in 2024

The entire nation is waiting for the day when Governor Ron DeSantis announces whether or not he will be running for President in 2024. The media is definitely on the edge of their seats. Speculation is flying and so is the chatter concerning how he will stack up against former President Trump. Plenty believe “quite well.” Thus, they anticipate an announcement revealing that Governor Ron DeSantis will be running will happen at some point in the near future. I don’t agree, however. In my opinion, Governor Ron DeSantis will sit 2024 out. No doubt, I am one of the very few but I definitely have my reasons, some of which I will share with you below. 1) The setup is poor — Governor DeSantis can craft a better position for himself to run at a later date when Trump is out of the way. Using the additional time to continue to improve his state while doubling-down on his growing reputation as a no-nonsense Republican candidate will only help him; 2) . . .

Read more at American Thinker.


Saavedra: China Influences Utah Lawmakers By Appealing To Mormonism: Report

A new investigative report published this week from the Associated Press found that China has been able to forge ties in Utah that have led to the communist nation scoring public relations and legislative victories in the state and from its lawmakers. The report found that the Chinese “appealed” to the lawmaker’s ties to the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to win favor with them that they later used to score wins in a variety of areas, including delaying legislation that took action against Chinese propaganda, canceling resolutions that condemned China, and promoted false positive images of China. The report said the church has “long dreamed of expanding in China.” “Utah is an important foothold,” said Frank Montoya Jr., a retired FBI counterintelligence agent who lives in the state. “If the Chinese can succeed in Salt Lake City, they can also make it in New York and elsewhere.”

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/china-influences-utah-lawmakers-by-appealing-to-mormonism-report

Duffy-Alfonso: Why The ‘#StopWillow’ Movement On TikTok May Be A CCP Influence Campaign

Parents rightfully wonder whether TikTok trends that harm American teenagers are boosted intentionally by Beijing. Lawmakers, however, should consider whether Beijing is boosting TikTok trends that are harmful to America’s political interests as well. Consider the odd case of the Willow Project. On Feb. 20, the Alaska House passed a resolution asking for President Joe Biden’s final approval of the Willow Project, a bipartisan-supported Alaskan oil-drilling venture the president has since greenlit. Within a few days of the Alaska House approval, several op-eds from environmentalists began cropping up, urging Biden to reject the oil venture. However, with both Republican and Democrat Alaskan politicians supporting the Willow Project, there was largely limited pushback from the left-wing corporate media. Indeed, much Willow Project outrage came from TikTok.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2023/03/27/why-the-stopwillow-movement-on-tiktok-may-be-a-ccp-influence-campaign/

Ross: Ivy League Prof Bashes America at CCP Business Forum

A prominent Ivy League economist bashed the United States at a recent Chinese Communist Party business forum, accusing American leaders of trying to “undermine” Chinese companies like TikTok and “escalating” a trade war with Beijing. Columbia University professor Jeffrey Sachs called on American business leaders at the China Development Forum to urge U.S. officials to “calm down” in their stance toward China. “We want to make peace, cooperation, and business; we don’t want conflict,” he said. Sachs’s remarks have served as a useful propaganda tool for Beijing. State media outlets like China Daily and Global Times touted his criticism of the United States and praise of the forum for helping ease geopolitical tensions.

Read more: https://freebeacon.com/national-security/ivy-league-prof-bashes-america-at-ccp-business-forum/


Tangalakis-Lippert; Going to war? Good news! The United States is 13 years behind in ammunition production, NYT reports

The Biden administration this month proposed a record-breaking $842 billion budget for the DOD. Missile and munition stockpiles are dwindling as the US continues to send aid packages to Ukraine. Since production capacity changed after the Cold War, the US can no longer keep up with wartime demands.

The United States’ commitment to support Ukraine against the Russian invasion appears to have rattled the stability of the domestic stockpile of missiles and munitions.

Read more: https://news.yahoo.com/going-war-good-news-united-045349955.html


War Room: Lou Dobbs: Joe Biden Has Decimated America‘s Global Standing While Boosting China’s Strength.

“The Biden administration had at least five months to stop the Russian invasion of Ukraine and chose not to do so.”

Watch the 8:17 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v2f12ge-lou-dobbs-joe-biden-has-decimated-americas-global-standing-while-boosting-c.html


Citizen Free Press: Biden tells ice cream joke right before school shooting statement…

Two clips two thoughtless jokes.

Watch the 20 second and 18 second clips: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/biden-tells-ice-cream-joke-right-before-school-shooting-statement/

Steve Cortes: Wokeness Killed Venture Capital In America.

Watch the 3:46 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v2f0zny-steve-cortes-wokeness-killed-venture-capital-in-america..html


Malone M.D.: Functional neurological disorders after COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines

Please note the subtitle from Medpage article below (“Long COVID functional manifestations differ from post-vaccine effects”). Within the body of the text, Medpage is actually admitting adverse events from the vaccine are more common than previously thought! Is this evidence that the tide of misinformation from medical journals geared towards physician education may be decreasing? One can only hope…. In my experience, post-vaccination twitching is almost as common a tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Based on this casual observation, I suspect that post-vaccination FND is quite common, which (if true) is likely to predict long term neurologic consequences for a large fraction of the population. […]  Functional neurological disorders (FNDs) are a common cause of neurology consultations. Dissociative seizures, motor and cognitive disorders are the main phenotypes. Diagnosis is made on positive terms: signs of inconsistency, incongruence and variability of physical signs with attention on clinical examination.  Abnormal emotional processing and expectations are involved in the genesis and perpetuation of FND… On the development of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, several cases of FND following vaccination were published, as well as an official warning from the Functional Neurological Society. Post-COVID-19 symptoms (known as Long-COVID-19) have also become a frequent reason for neurology consultation. Somatic symptom disorder may be common in these patients, and socioeconomic implications are vast.

Read more: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/functional-neurological-disorders


The Center Square Staff: Washington bill would let shelters not report some runaway youths to parents

Senate bill on the cusp of a House floor vote would allow homeless youth shelters to avoid notifying parents of runaway children if the juvenile is seeking “gender affirming treatment” or “reproductive health services.” Senate Bill 5599 sponsored by Sen. Marko Liias, D-Mukilteo, would also allow “host homes” to keep runaway children from their parents or legal guardians for the purpose of helping them access “gender affirmation” surgery or medical procedures. The bill cleared the Senate in a 27-19 vote on March 1. The bill has continued to advance through the legislature despite strong public testimony in opposition to the proposal, arguing that it undermines parental rights and could have permanent, irreversible effects on children’s bodies. [Note: Parents, your children belong to the state not to you.]

Read more: https://justthenews.com/nation/states/center-square/washington-bill-would-let-shelters-not-report-some-runaway-youths

(From 11/22) Simon: Your Children Belong To The State

The incidents of schools indoctrinating children, along with school boards scorning the wishes and objections of their parents may seem puzzling, to say the least. Let me shed some light. Unlike the hundreds of films that have been made on the Nazis, to my knowledge only two have been made on the genocidal Khmer Rouge of Cambodia, “First They Killed My Father” and “The Killing Fields.” There was a brief scene in the latter of which I think most people did not catch the significance. The communists had taken over the country and had begun indoctrinating the children. The teacher had drawn on the blackboard stick figures representing a family holding hands. A child was asked to come up to the blackboard whereupon he erased the child figure’s hand holding the mother, thereby separating the child from the family. The teacher smiled with approval. In all the versions of Marxist regimes, one goal was to separate the children from the parents and own them by the state. Children were encouraged to spy and report them to the authorities for any anti-communist remarks parents made. And this, indeed, occurred often in the Soviet Union, China, North Korea, and Cuba (even Stalin was disgusted when this took place). Recently, we saw an instance of a son snitching to the FBI on Christmas Eve over his father’s political views and participation in the Jan. 6 protest. There have been other instances of children turning on their parents. The FBI has started to encourage friends and family to spy on each other and report any dissidents.

Read more: https://issuesinsights.com/2022/11/08/your-children-belong-to-the-state/

Bray: The Loathing of Fertility is the Longing for Death

The effacement of women’s bodies is changing from a cultural signal to a battlefield maneuver. The acceleration of the presence of men as dominant participants in women’s sports, the growing intensity of casually monstrous blue zone attacks on families and parenting, the emergence of drag queens — men playacting as women, burlesque cartoons about sexual identity — as The Most Important Symbol Ever (and something children should definitely see)… …and now this: . . .[…]  That’s footage from a Let Women Speak event in Auckland, New Zealand, where women arguing that “women” are “adult human females” were physically attacked by a mob of “transwomen” — by men — and their allies. It’s very progressive when men dressed as women silence women and hurt them. More here, also linked above. In the opening paragraph of this post, you may have thought that one of the things I mentioned was different than the other things — that the blue state assault on families and parenting isn’t specifically gendered, and is equally an assault on the role of mothers and fathers. And it is. But. It seems to me that the very very strange thing breaking out all over the world — or all over the Anglosphere, because I don’t see Nigeria and Peru and Singapore going all-in on transgendered everything — is loaded with subtext about a febrile loathing for fertility. In policy, we’re incentivizing childlessness, and disincentivizing childbearing. Birthrates are declining sharply, and were declining even before the mRNA injections, while blue state governments work on laws that tell would-be parents their children can vanish from their custody on political pretexts. Who has the future children while the state says that hey, nice family you have there, be a shame if something were to happen to it?

Read more/Watch the 45 second clip:  https://chrisbray.substack.com/p/the-loathing-of-fertility-is-the

Boyd: ESPN ‘Celebrates’ Women By Denying Their Existence

There are hundreds of thousands of talented female college and professional athletes in the U.S. who deserve recognition for their hard work, skill, and talent — but ESPN chose to celebrate this year’s Women’s History Month by boosting the resume of a man. Over the weekend, ESPN ran a special segment recognizing Lia Thomas, a male swimmer who invaded women’s sports in 2021. What did Thomas do to land a spot as poster child for ESPN’s supposedly pro-woman campaign? He was the first man to clench an NCAA Division I women’s championship.

Read more/Watch the 59 second clip: https://thefederalist.com/2023/03/27/espn-celebrates-women-by-denying-their-existence/


Whedon: Intimidation? IRS agent visited journalist after he testified on censorship, Jim Jordan reveals

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan demanded on Monday that the Department of the Treasury and the IRS account for an incident that he considers possible witness intimidation in which an IRS agent visited the home of alternative journalist Matt Taibbi. “In light of the hostile reaction to Mr. Taibbi’s reporting among left-wing activists, and the IRS’s history as a tool of government abuse, the IRS’s action could be interpreted as an attempt to intimidate a witness before Congress,” Jordan wrote to IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/gop-rep-jordan-suggests-irs-attempted-intimidate-journalist-who-testified

Mahoney: Antifa Intimidates and Cops Stand Down

Over the past couple of weeks, there have been a number of social media posts showing what looks like Antifa protesters pulling intimidation tactics with cops looking on and doing nothing. For an organization that is supposedly loosely affiliated and, according to FBI Director Chris Wray, “more of an ideology than an organization,” Antifa sure does a good job of showing up in a coordinated way. The behavior is the type of color revolution, in-your-face tactics ordinary people would consider to be assault, the destruction of property, and intimidating behaviors like repeated whistling and bell ringing and throwing rocks, all at an uncomfortably close range. For those making fun of people who think these Antifa whistlers are assaulting people, try standing next to a whistling Antifa member two centimeters away from your ears for a couple of hours. In any case, in my experience, when bad behavior goes unpunished—or rewarded, it usually continues.

Read more: https://www.uncoverdc.com/2023/03/27/antifa-intimidates-and-cops-stand-down/


Murdock: A Wasteland Of Corpses, Living And Dead: A Devastating Inside Look At Phoenix’s Homeless Zone

Intense poverty, frequent crime, social instability, high mortality, poor living standards: these qualities describe third-world countries. They also describe “The Zone”: the sprawling encampment of over 1,000 homeless in downtown Phoenix just blocks from the state capitol and amidst what was once a thriving business district. It’s an area where law and order don’t seem to exist; so much so that locals have given the area another, much darker nickname: “The Thunderdome.” The crisis reached a new high after the discovery of a premature baby’s remains several weeks before Thanksgiving last year, burned in the middle of the street. A month later, a similar grisly fate befell a homeless man. “That child burned… that was the beginning of the end for me. I don’t know why that hit us so hard,” said Karl Freund, who was leasing a building in The Zone and is suing the city of Phoenix over their handling of the homeless crisis. “Someone set a child on fire, and then two weeks later somebody burned a body just a block away. Then you see the people that are so mentally ill that you can’t place them in society. We walked out a year ago to see a girl masturbating 20 feet away from my car in the parking lot.” Death and depravity are a common occurrence in The Zone. […]  “We can’t get out. They’re crashing our property values,” said Ojile. “There’s people that are homeless that don’t want to be near this.” A broker estimated the value of Ojile’s property at around $2.4 million. However, the broker informed Ojile that her property is unmarketable due to the state of The Zone. […]  Homeless deaths have also been increasing at a significant rate. The Maricopa County Medical Examiner’s Office reported that homeless deaths more than doubled from over 250 in 2019 to nearly 600 in 2020, with a slight decline to just over 500 in 2021 before skyrocketing to over 700 last year.

Read more: https://azfreenews.com/2023/03/a-wasteland-of-corpses-living-and-dead-a-devastating-inside-look-at-phoenixs-homeless-zone/

Murdock: Secretary Of State After Latest Homeless Death In The Zone: ‘Not Great,’ ‘Go Buy A Sandwich’

Secretary of State Adrian Fontes weighed in after the latest tragedy to hit The Zone, a dead man burned in a dumpster, by calling the area “not great” and recommending his favorite lunch order from a local sandwich shop. “I had lunch at the Old Station today with a couple people from the office. Things are not great nearby, but the restaurant itself was pretty good,” said Fontes. “#6 Double meat. Diet Coke. Chips. Give them some love. Go buy a sandwich!” [Note: Fontes is a Democrat.]

Read more: https://azfreenews.com/2023/03/secretary-of-state-after-latest-homeless-death-in-the-zone-not-great-go-buy-a-sandwich/


(Bravo!) Fox: NY Parents Set to Sic the Law on School Board That Insists on Porn in School

The school board wars are turning up the temperature on porn-pushing administrators. In Fairport, N.Y., a group of parents has grown tired of asking for the school board to remove explicit books and materials from their schools. After months of asking nicely, speaking to the board, writing letters, and other efforts, the Fairport Educational Alliance has filed a claim against the board’s insurance bond. This type of claim has been tried with forced masking in other parts of the country but has been unsuccessful. However, parents in Fairport say the major difference between those complaints and this one is that the school district is breaking federal and state laws which are tied directly to the complaint. This was the major flaw in trying to file insurance claims against schools for masking, as there were no laws on the books preventing them from imposing masks. There are, however, multiple laws against endangering children and distributing child pornography.

Read more: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/megan-fox/2023/03/26/ny-parents-set-to-sic-the-law-on-school-board-that-insists-on-porn-in-school-n1681479

The Right Scoop: Adults cheer as 13-year-old boy does drag queen dance

This is pretty abominable.Libs of Tiktok posted a video of a 13-year-old boy being cheered on by adults as he dances like a drag queen. Here’s the video:  . . .[…]  I just don’t understand the mentality that thinks this is okay. This is a 13-year-old boy who should be outside riding his bike or something. Instead he’s dressed like a slut and dances like one too. And all the adults are cheering him on.

Read more/Watch the 52 second clip: https://therightscoop.com/adults-cheer-as-13-year-old-boy-does-drag-queen-dance/

Serna: Shocking moment trans activist physically BLOCKS Texas senate’s sergeant at arms from taking the mic as trans woman compares lawmakers to NAZIS over new bill criminalizing drag shows for kids

Public speakers at the state senate are permitted to speak on topics for two minutes before a timer cuts them off. Perkins started her speech against Senate Bill 1601 and Senate Bill 12 at a steady pace before quickly raising her voice at the end of her tangent. She called out lawmakers who claimed they were pushing to restrict drag performances to protect children. ‘By hiding your bigotry behind children like cowards, you will find yourself on the wrong side of history,’ Perkins said. Perkins then went into comparing Texas lawmakers to the Nazi’s Germany and claimed both were anti-gay.

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11905683/Activist-BLOCKS-Texas-senates-sergeant-arms-trans-woman-compares-lawmakers-Nazis.html

The Post Millennial: Biological male wants to talk to your kids:

“Just want you to know that I love you”

Watch the 3:03 minute video: https://rumble.com/v2dg108-biological-male-wants-to-talk-to-your-kids-just-want-you-to-know-that-i-lov.html

Rondeau: Progressive Portland area school administrator arrested in human sex trafficking sting

Eight men, including a Portland-area high school administrator, were arrested and charged in relation to their alleged participation in a sex trafficking sting conducted by local law enforcement.  […]  “During the operation, decoys (law enforcement officers) were contacted by men who offered to pay money in exchange for the decoys to perform requested sexual acts,” the department stated, going on to describe how the eight suspects allegedly agreed to meet with the supposed trafficking victims, and were subsequently “arrested and charged with the relevant crimes.”

Read more/Watch the 6:13 minute video: https://thepostmillennial.com/portland-area-school-administrator-arrested-in-sex-sting

Rondeau: NYC teacher’s union to hold seminar on the ‘harmful effects of whiteness’

The union that represents New York City’s public school teachers is holding a workshop on how to reduce the “harmful effects of whiteness in our lives” for educators who wish to advance their credentials, a shocking New York Post report revealed Saturday. According to the outlet, the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) has scheduled the online seminar, titled “Holding the Weight on Whiteness,” for Monday, March 27, for 4-6 pm. The event’s landing page says the course “is about cultural humility and inclusion,” and “will allow us to discuss how whiteness relates to privilege and identity, and how both become normalized and invisible.”

Read more: https://thepostmillennial.com/nyc-teachers-union-to-hold-seminar-on-the-harmful-effects-of-whiteness

Young: New York female teacher accused of rape of 16-year-old mentally ill student

33-year-old Sandy Carazas-Pinez, a biology teacher based out of New York City, is under investigation by the special victims unit of the NYPD for her alleged ongoing sexual assault of a 16-year-old male special needs student, with allegations that include the married mom of three abused the student in her car on multiple occasions.

Read more: https://thepostmillennial.com/new-york-female-teacher-accused-of-rape-of-16-year-old-mentally-ill-student 


Showalter: A new low: Anti-cop group sued by LAPD for posting 9,300 photos of officers with bounties

How’s this for a new low in the annals of “defund the police” lunacy? Three Los Angeles police officers are suing the owner of killercop.com, accusing him of publishing their photos on his website and putting out a “bounty” on them. It is the first legal action stemming from the Los Angeles Police Department’s release of the names and photos of almost every sworn officer — more than 9,300 officers, including some who work undercover — as part of a public records request. A police watchdog group posted the images online last Friday. Here is what the Los Angeles Times meant when it put those sarcastic quote marks on the word “bounty”: . . .[…]  Perhaps the bigger issue is who the hell released all of that information “by mistake” based on a public records request, including the names and faces of the undercover officers. To say it was a “mistake” is frankly hard to believe given the reluctance of government agencies to release any information including the information they are required to release. Someone needs to get fired immediately on that one, and probably investigated for other leaks, as well as prosecuted for violations. The LAPD says it is “investigating.” It actually sounds like the LAPD, which is loaded with wokester leadership —

Read more at American Thinker.

Gillespie: Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul says staff member ‘brutally attacked,’ sustained ‘life-threatening’ injuries

“This past weekend a member of my staff was brutally attacked in broad daylight in Washington, D.C.,” Paul said in a statement. “I ask you to join Kelley and me in praying for a speedy and complete recovery, and thanking the first responders, hospital staff, and police for their diligent actions.” […]  The statement announced the arrest of a suspect, 42-year-old Glynn Neal, “in reference to an Assault with Intent to Kill (Knife) offense,” and that the incident occurred on the 1300 block of H Stree, NE, less than 1.5 miles from the U.S. Capitol. […]  Crime has been on the rise in Washington, D.C., including the number of murders committed in the city. Last year, D.C. hit 200 murders in consecutive years for the first time since 2003.

Read more: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/kentucky-senator-rand-paul-staff-member-brutally-attacked-life-threatening-injuries

(H/T DG) the Aspen Beat: For their personal feel-goodery, the Denver School Board shoots three, kills one, and endangers thousands at East High

The response of the Denver School Board was not to focus on the message that a disproportionate number of violent crimes are by students of color, but to shoot the messenger – the police. In a unanimous vote, they expelled the police from their schools in 2020 after a thuggy druggy named Floyd was killed while resisting arrest far away in Minneapolis. […]  There were no longer any trained police officers onsite to conduct the pat-down, since the cops had been expelled. The school thus tasked the job to two admin types. One held the title of “Dean of Culture” and the other held the title of “Restorative Practices Coordinator.”

I doubt these admins had attended Police Academy to learn the proper and safe procedure for patting down a person suspected of carrying a concealed firearm, and I doubt they themselves carried a firearm with which to defend themselves. But they did get a paycheck at taxpayer expense for being cultural and restorative. The result was predictable to anyone not wishfully woke. As the admins conducted their amateur pat-down, they discovered the perp’s gun. He drew it and shot them both.

Read more: https://theaspenbeat.com/2023/03/26/for-their-personal-feel-goodery-the-denver-school-board-shoots-three-kills-one-and-endangers-thousands-at-east-high/


Duggan: Media Twists Itself Into Knots Covering Transgender School Shooter

Corporate media outlets have stumbled around the name and pronouns of a shooter who killed three schoolchildren and three adults Monday after the public learned that the killer was transgender. Police identified Audrey Hale, a 28-year-old woman who used male pronouns and identified as transgender, as the person behind the shooting, but initial reports referred to Hale as a woman. Mainstream outlets had initially called Hale a woman in their headlines, stories and tweets; rather than referring to the killer by preferred pronouns, some outlets are avoiding references to gender altogether. CNN edited an article after publication Monday to remove the word “woman,” but the updated article made no mention of the shooter’s transgender identity. The New York Times . . . […]  Outlets that typically use transgender people’s preferred pronouns are now avoiding pronoun use altogether to refer to Hale.

Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2023/03/28/media-transgender-school-shooter-pronouns-audrey-hale/

Riley: NPR vs. Masculinity

In our culture’s present moment of confusion about many basic things, you may well have been wondering what “masculinity” means.  Well, have no fear, NPR is here to give you the lowdown on how to properly think of this topic in 2023 in a podcast from their series LifeKit, which magnanimously offers the benighted populace invaluable “tools to help you get it together.” Here are just a few of the scintillating bits of wisdom dispensed by the (self-proclaimed) cultural experts at LifeKit: . . .[…]  It is affirming as well to see that NPR hasn’t left it solely to merely biological males to sort out masculinity and has included the voice of at least one transman, that is, a biological female, in the conversation. Perhaps we can expect another podcast in the future on femininity in which we get insights from some transwomen on their experience of that topic too. Surely no conversation on either topic can be left only to individuals who’ve inhabited the requisite identity positions for their entire lives.

Read more at American Thinker.

Young: NPR lays off 100 employees as company faces $30 million decline in revenue

On Thursday, NPR disclosed that they were stopping production on several podcasts as part of a larger series of cutbacks the nonprofit news organization has been forced to make as they confront a decline in revenue projected at $30 million. According to the Washington Post, this week “the Washington-based audio and digital-news organization began laying off about 100 employees, or 10 percent of its staff.”

Read more: https://thepostmillennial.com/npr-lays-off-100-employees-as-company-faces-30-million-decline-in-revenue


Transgender Shooter Kills Six At Nashville Christian School, Just Days Ahead Of Planned ‘Trans Day Of Vengeance’

Three 9-year-old children and three adults are dead after a 28-year-old woman pretending to be a man opened fire in a small, private Christian grade school in Nashville on Monday. Armed with two AR-style firearms and a handgun, reported former Covenant School student Audrey Hale entered the building where close to 200 students attend class by shooting through a set of glass doors. […]  Drake said Hale had no known criminal history before the shooting but did pen a “manifesto” and writings that “pertain to this day for the actual incident” that confirmed this was a “targeted attack.” Police also recovered a map from Hale’s vehicle in the Covenant School parking lot that laid out “how this was all going to take place.” […]  Hale’s rampage occurred weeks after the Tennesee legislature voted to ban chemical castration or mutilation of children and mere days ahead of a “Day of Vengeance” hosted by transgender activists scheduled to take place in Washington, D.C., and online beginning on March 31.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2023/03/28/transgender-shooter-kills-six-at-nashville-christian-school-just-days-ahead-of-planned-trans-day-of-vengeance/

Wilson: Arizona Dem Governor Plans To Defund Border Force Amid Migrant Crisis

Arizona’s Democratic governor Katie Hobbs (D.) plans to defund a border enforcement team that specializes in countering international crime organizations, earning condemnation from critics who point to record numbers of illegal migrants and drugs crossing the border. The Border Strike Force, established in 2015 by then-governor Doug Ducey (R.) to “help secure Arizona’s border and thwart transnational criminal organizations,” will be dismantled under Hobbs’s proposed budget. The governor, who took office earlier this year, said the funds should be redirected to be “more beneficial” in coordinating law enforcement at the border. Hobbs’s decision to gut the force, which focuses on countering global drug smugglers, comes as the United States faces record amounts of drugs coming over the border, with reported fentanyl seizures . . .

Read more: https://freebeacon.com/democrats/arizona-dem-governor-plans-to-defund-border-force-amid-migrant-crisis/

Hobbs: Water ‘reservoir’ discovered on the moon: ‘Substantial quantities’

Their find was out of this world. Scientists revealed Monday that they have discovered a new “reservoir” of water located on the moon’s surface. China’s lunar lander Chang’e 5 found and collected soil samples with impact glass beads containing “substantial quantities” of water, according to a report published in Nature Geoscience. The beads of glass are created when an asteroid strikes the surface of the moon and creates molten droplets, which then freeze and join the soil and dust on the moon’s surface, according to the researchers. They estimate that the impact beads — spread across the moon’s surface — could be holding up to 270 billion tons of water.

Read more: https://nypost.com/2023/03/27/water-reservoir-discovered-on-the-moon-substantial-quantities/


Harsanyi: Israel’s Judicial System Is The Dream Of The American Left

No constitution. No limiting principles of governance. Entrenched leftist judges who get to appoint their own successors in perpetuity. Courts that offer arbitrary, expedient, constantly evolving, sometimes contradictory rulings to block laws passed by duly-elected, center-right governments. An attorney general empowered to bar elected leaders from participating in national debates. Sounds like a progressive paradise. This is the reality of the Israeli high court, which is likely imbued with more power than any other in the Western world. It is not always wrong. It is not always nakedly partisan. But it has power to act as a judicial dictatorship, and often does. […]  Now, if you trusted the American media’s coverage of the protests in Israel, you might be under the impression that demonstrators fighting to preserve a court that is untethered from both the will of voters or any definitive set of legal standards were on the side of “democracy” while the elected officials proposing more majoritarianism were the authoritarians. One suspects that has a lot to do with the left’s distorted conception of “democracy.”

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2023/03/27/israels-judicial-system-is-the-dream-of-the-american-left/

May: Facing existential threats, Israelis can’t resist fighting one another

How many simultaneous conflicts can a small country handle? Israel — whose land area is smaller than that of Djibouti, and whose population is smaller than that of Cairo — may soon find out. The most serious threat is posed by Iran’s rulers. They continue to progress toward the development of nuclear weapons that would give them the means to achieve their openly stated goal: the extermination of Israel and Israelis. On a visit to Germany last week, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that “Israel will do what Israel needs to do” to defend itself as it has for the past 75 years. Because no other state in the region has both the will and the means to stand up to Tehran, a growing number of Arab nations have come to see that Israel’s existence serves their interests. Saudi Arabia, the most important Arab nation, has not formalized this recognition, but its relations with Israel have grown closer. Earlier this month, however, there was an unexpected announcement: Diplomatic relations between Riyadh and Tehran will be reestablished. The deal was brokered by China’s rulers, who plan to replace the U.S. as the most influential power in the Middle East — and, over time, in every corner of the world.

Read more: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2023/mar/21/facing-existential-threats-israelis-cant-resist-fi/


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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