Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 25 minutes


Timothy S. Goeglein contributor to American Greatness: In The Life of Reason, a sweeping study of how human imagination and reason work together to bring order from chaos, the philosopher George Santayana wrote one of his most famous lines: “Those who can’t remember the past are doomed to repeat it.” Santayana recognized that a historical sense—a grounding in what has come before—is essential, both on an individual level and on a societal level, to bring civilization and order from the chaos of our perceptions and passions. If we have no historical sense, we are swept along by events and dominated by our reactions to those events. We cannot view events in context; we cannot balance our perceptions with awareness of what may be happening beyond our perceptions. And as a result, we get caught in the same vicious cycles that have brought down civilizations for the past 10,000 years.

Kurt Schlichter contributor to Townhall: Meanness is a rational and reasonable result of righteous anger, and we should be angry. We should be furious. What they call “meanness” is simply the telling of the unvarnished truth about the evil perpetuated upon us. What is irrational is niceness in response to these outrages, though in reality the default to nice is simply an attempt to avoid the conflict that victory requires. Our objective is nothing less than our own freedom, and if it takes making the enemy sad to win it, cool.

U.S. Department of Defense tweeted on 2/18/23: Diversity is a strategic imperative critical to mission readiness and accomplishment. We were on site for the 2023 inaugural @DoD_ODEI Summit as DEIA experts led forums to advance the DEIA and DoD mission — because our people matter. Elon Musk responded on 2/19/23:  Your strategic imperative is defending the United States

Rabbi Chananya Weissman contributor to Frontpage Magazine: How many times have we heard the media and other establishment operatives parrot the same script? What are the odds that everyone would decide all at once, entirely on their own, that those who have concerns and doubts are “conspiracy theorists” (whatever that even means)? That their toxic creations would be referred to by everyone specifically as “safe and effective” (the definition of which they quietly, conveniently obfuscated, as they routinely do, so they can trick people without technically lying)? That everyone up and down the establishment food chain, in every corner of the globe, who detest one another and can never agree on anything, would draw exactly the same conclusions about the “pandemic” and the radical, destructive measures that must be taken?

Scott Morefield contributor to Townhall: Like a sports fan who spies on a rival team’s message boards to see what the other side is discussing, I like to scroll through what I like to call “Covidian Twitter” every so often to get the lay of the land on the latest Covid craziness. It’s usually a dystopian hellscape full of self-absorbed hypochondriacs who all think the sky is falling and they’re an unmasked breath from the brink of death or, worse, #LongCovid. It’s weird and sad and insane on every possible level. Still, it’s also immensely entertaining and insightful to see how the Covid narrative makes its way through pockets of people I avoid daily.

J.B. Shurk contributor to American Thinker: Once you accept that One World Government is the goal and that the global power-players pushing for such a New World Order are doing everything they can to confuse the national populations while they’re being conquered, most of the hot-button issues of the day become remarkably easy to understand.

Thaddeus G. McCotter contributor to American Greatness: In his address to the Young Men’s Lyceum of Springfield in 1838, Abraham Lincoln condemned the absence of self-government—namely, mob rule—and its deleterious effects upon the republic. His remarks are also apropos of the fentanyl pandemic: At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide. Well?

Brian C. Joondeph, M.D. contributor to American Thinker: Things will not end well for societies and cultures that worship false gods, in this case the omnipotent god of climate change.

George Soros arguing for experimental weather control: “Our civilization is in danger of collapsing because of the inexorable advance of climate change.”

Jeff Crouere contributor to Canada Free Press: Our political leaders are willfully neglecting the needs of the American people. There is a massive disconnect between the priorities of the American people and what the Deep State and the political establishment of both parties are delivering. For many Democrats, fighting climate change is their top priority. Yet, a recent Gallup poll found that climate change is at the bottom of the list of top problems facing our country. For Republican globalists like McConnell, the top priority for our country is to help the Ukrainian people prevail against Russia. However, the Gallup poll showed that the war in Ukraine was not even mentioned by 1% of respondents as our top problem.

Spencer Brown contributor to Townhall: Senator Bernie Sanders, the “independent” from Vermont who’s made a name for himself as an outspoken and hypocritical opponent of capitalism, is once again hitting the road to hawk his latest book — which is not free — at a series of in-person events — which are also not free. That is, Bernie Sanders is again relying on the systems he claims to oppose as he pushes his views. Perhaps he’s looking to get some capital to buy another vacation home because his existing private properties aren’t cutting it anymore?


Citizen Free Press 2/18/23: President Trump is headed to East Palestine, Ohio: “The people of East Palestine need help. I’ll see you on Wednesday!”

Read more: https://twitter.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1626972579482464256


Dowling: SCOTUS will reconsider the Brunson case

After the Supreme Court of the United States initially declined to hear Brunson v. Adams on January 9, 2023, the Court has announced a change of heart, saying that it will reconsider the legal claim that failure to investigate fraud in the 2020 presidential election — despite a request to do so made by 154 members of Congress — constitutes unconstitutional oath-breaking by congressional members who refused to look into the matter.  Raland Brunson’s petition for a rehearing argues that oaths of office are binding and that, because of this fact, there has to be a penalty exacted upon each member of Congress who refused to honor his or her oath to protect the Constitution. In his most recent petition for redress of grievances, Raland Brunson puts the following question before the Court: . . .

Read more at American Thinker.

Samuelson: After Affirmative Action

The betting odds are that the Supreme Court will soon rule against affirmative action. It is worth asking how we got here, and what we should do about it. Why is affirmative action in jeopardy? The main reason, ironically, might be the increasing ethnic diversity of the United States. In 1960, the U.S. was roughly 88% white and 12% black. The census category “Hispanic” did not yet exist. Similarly, the U.S. did not have a separate “Asian” category for the less than one million Americans from various nations in Asia, though the 1960 census had separate boxes for some, but not all, Asian countries. Today the U.S. is 61% white and dropping. Among American children, the white/nonwhite population is rapidly approaching 50-50. This demographic change is making our post-Jim Crow civil rights enforcement scheme unworkable. Passage and enforcement of the 1964 Civil Rights Act was an effort to end the tyranny of Jim Crow. Technically, the law made it illegal to discriminate on the basis of race, skin color, religion, sex, and national origin in most public and private domains, such as voter registration, employment, and public accommodations. But the interpretation of the law rapidly transformed from prohibiting categories of action to creating “protected classes” of people, to the point where it essentially pits white men – and now, with the introduction of sexual orientation as a protected class, specifically straight white men – against everyone else. Other than that shrinking group, all others are supposed to be “protected” from discrimination in our DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) regime.

Read more at Real Clear Politics.


Schlichter: No More Mr. Nice Con

The hideous notion that conservatives should always be nice is rearing its ugly and misshapen head again, and we need to crush its skull with a Louisville Slugger. Recently, Matt Walsh went off on some womanface imposter who looks like a wimpy boy pretending to be a fugly girl, and some alleged conservatives clutched the same pearls he/she likes to wear. Why, Matt was mean. Mean! And Senator Tim Scott seems poised to enter the presidential race on a platform of being nice. He is a nice guy too, and that’s fine, except like many conservatives he misunderstands the purposes of being nice. Being nice is not an end unto itself. Neither being nice or being mean is the objective. The objective is defeating these communist demons and reestablishing a free, strong, and prosperous America. Niceness and meanness are mere tactics. But by focusing on the tactic, the weak and the feckless can avoid facing up to the hard work of attaining the objective. If your metric is how nice or mean you are, you never have to explain why you don’t ever seem to attain the objective. America got worse from 2001 to 2008, but W was a gentleman, so it was fine. This is pretty much the entire GOP modus operandi up until 2016, when the base chose mean and victory over nice and defeat.

Read more: https://townhall.com/columnists/kurtschlichter/2023/02/20/no-more-mr-nice-con-n2619715


Shurk: Nationalism Is the Antidote to One-World Government

Canada Free Press recently highlighted a quote from Liz Churchill, who, ironically, writes incisive tweets bunkered down from the “Prison State of Canada,” according to her profile.  Churchill took note of another Bond villain speech from Klaus Schwab delivered last week in Dubai, in which the World Economic Forum führer furthered his demands for the global “elite” to cement their control over everyone else.  “NEVER let anyone tell you there isn’t a ‘One World Government,'” she wrote, “when these unelected Rat Bastards openly state there’s a ‘One World Government’…at the ‘World Government Summit.'”  So very true. In warfare, a good tactician always keeps his enemy confused and off-balance.  Deception and psychological manipulation directed at an opposing force will often cause more damage than missiles, shells, bullets, or bombs.  Ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu argued that calculating commanders can defeat their enemies without firing a shot.  For decades, media pundits and politicians have excoriated as pure “conspiracy theory” the idea that an insular group of wealthy and powerful “elites” were surreptitiously yet methodically creating a New World Order.  Anybody who has questioned the erosion of national sovereignty and the elevated authority of unelected and unaccountable international brokers is written off as a kook.  Still, when one-world government cultists hold swanky fêtes during which proto-tyrants raucously lay out their plans for world domination in great technical detail, it might be time for national populations to accept that they have been the targets of psychological warfare for some time.

Read more at American Thinker.

War Room: Arthur C. Clarke Foresaw Humans Being Overtaken By Their Machines

Watch the 2:49 minute video: https://rumble.com/v2a08mk-arthur-c.-clarke-foresaw-humans-being-overtaken-by-their-machines.html


Frontpage Magazine: Video: The Mass Extinction Fraud

In this new video by Just Facts News, the climate hoax is exposed by Jim Agresti. The facts are overwhelming that earth isn’t in the midst of an “extinction crisis” as claimed. Don’t miss this eye-opening discussion debunking a propaganda report by 60 minutes that the earth is in the midst of a mass extinction.

Watch the 6:25 minute video: https://www.frontpagemag.com/video-the-mass-extinction-fraud/

Joondeph, M.D.: When Stuff Happens – Blame it on Climate Change!

Omnipotent is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as “having total power, able to do anything.” This word is typically used to describe God, but in the new world religion of environmentalism, climate change has replaced God. Climate change is omnipotent, possessing the power to do anything.

This recent headline in the Daily Mail makes the case for climate change’s omnipotence, “Deadly fungal infection ‘Valley Fever’ that kills one in 100 sufferers is spreading across the US because of climate change”. This is one of many of the magical powers of climate change, but let’s take a deeper look at “Valley Fever.” Valley Fever is a fungal infection due to coccidioidomycosis. According to the CDC, “Coccidioides lives in dust and soil in some areas in the southwestern United States, Mexico, and South America. In the United States, Coccidioides lives in Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, and Utah. “

If this fungal infection is caused by omnipotent climate change, it must be a recent phenomenon. After all, climate change hasn’t been around that long. When did climate change become a thing, replacing global warming?

Read more at American Thinker.

Cantenacci: George Soros calls for weather control to stop global warming, ice sheet melting

Left-wing megadonor and billionaire George Soros argued in favor using an experimental weather control technology to mitigate global warming, during a speech in Germany on Thursday. Soros — who has directed millions of dollars to climate groups through his nonprofit Open Society Foundations — said he discovered a process of creating white clouds to reflect sunlight away from warming areas in his quest to discover whether humans could prevent ice sheets from melting. Ice sheets melting in Greenland in particular, he explained, could doom human civilization. “Our civilization is in danger of collapsing because of the inexorable advance of climate change,” Soros said during the speech at the Munich Security Conference. “The melting of the Greenland ice sheet would increase the level of the oceans by seven meters. That poses a threat to the survival of our civilization,” he continued.

Read more/Watch the 3:11 minute interview: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/george-soros-calls-weather-control-stop-global-warming-ice-sheet-melting


Al Gore’s hypocrisy is well known: consuming ten times the average household’s electricity in his Tennessee mansion, buying a beachfront mansion in California while warning of sea level rise, flying in private jets while hectoring us about our carbon footprint, etc. Turns out Gore’s investment fund, Generation Investment Management, dedicated to “sustainable” investing (ESG before it was the cool term) is in on the con, too. Bloomberg reports: Espousing a mantra of “sustainable capitalism,” Generation says it aims to invest in businesses that support “an equitable, healthy and safe society” and minimize their contribution to global warming. Over time, it became one of the largest such firms, managing a peak $39 billion in 2021 before assets dropped to $30 billion last year. . . Its biggest fund slumped 28%—similar to competing funds—as markets reeled from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, supply chain shocks and inflation. There’s another, potentially more consequential issue:  . . .

Read more: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2023/02/al-gores-broken-record-of-hypocrisy.php


Rucker: Shocking Court Disclosure Shows Undercover Cops Urging Jan. 6 Protesters — Including Ashli Babbitt — To Enter Capitol Building

One would think that after over two years, thousands of hours of video, non-stop media coverage, and dozens of high-profile court cases that nothing new and surprising will be revealed about the January 6 mostly peaceful protests. Yet there are bombshells dropping fairly regularly lately and almost all of them point to the whole thing being a Deep State setup. The latest comes from a thread by Twitter user @FreeStateWill who posted information that as unearthed during a January 6 trial hearing last week. According to the new information, members of the Metropolitan Police Departments were in the January 6 crowd undercover and can be seen driving people to enter “our house.”

Read more: https://thelibertydaily.com/shocking-court-disclosure-shows-undercover-cops-urging-jan-6-protesters-including-ashli-babbitt-to-enter-capitol-building/


Lendrum: Democrats Refuse to Attend Congressional Border Hearing

Democratic members of the House Judiciary Committee plan to deliberately not attend a crucial hearing on the ongoing border crisis that is set to take place in Arizona next week. As Breitbart reports, two of the most senior Democrats on the committee, ranking member Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) and Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), who serves as the ranking member for the subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement, released a joint statement complaining about the Republican leadership’s plans for the next hearing. “Next week, Judiciary Republicans will hold their second stunt hearing on border security. Despite the importance of this issue, there was no consultation with Judiciary Democrats, many of whom have already committed to attending other bipartisan congressional delegation trips,” the statement reads. However, their assertion that Democrats received “no consultation” is false, . . .

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2023/02/17/democrats-refuse-to-attend-congressional-border-hearing/

Lenczycki: Dem Rep Handed Out Congressional Awards To Members Of Alleged Chinese Influence Operations

California Democratic Rep. Judy Chu has handed out congressional awards to at least 10 individuals who belonged to alleged Chinese Communist Party (CCP) intelligence front groups, a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation found. Over the last decade, Chu has awarded certificates of “Congressional Recognition” to at least 10 individuals for a variety of reasons, including launching a non-profit, according to multiple sources. However, at the time the awards were given, the recipients also belonged to a handful of organizations that were previously identified by China experts and U.S. government agencies as front groups serving a Chinese government “intelligence service,” according to DCNF translations of related membership records.

Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2023/02/19/judy-chu-united-front-work-ccp-department-stephen-sham-zhang-sujiu-ma-shurong/


Lentini: What Kind of Military Does Our Country Need?

Recent incursions into American airspace by Chinese spy balloons, an increasingly threatening Chinese military, and an escalating war in Ukraine that pits NATO forces against Russia all point to the need for a strong, tough, professional U.S. military that can win wars and protect the homeland. […]  What do we get for our money?  If 2020’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal is any indication, the answer is not much.  After twenty years of war with nearly 6,200 U.S. military and contractor deaths, our precipitous departure left behind some 9,000 American citizens (1); countless Afghan allies; and more than $7 billion in sophisticated weapons, munitions, and military equipment (2). Much has been said and written about America’s increasingly woke, politicized military and its negative impacts on recruiting and readiness.

Read more at American Thinker.

Widburg: The U.S. Navy lowers its standards yet again

Since 2015, the U.S. Navy has enacted several “one-time resets” that lower sailors’ physical standards. This time, the excuse for this “one-time reset” is the lockdowns. That seems like a thin cover for what’s really happening, which is that the U.S. Navy, which has become increasingly woke, seems determined to destroy its legacy as a proud, honorable institution that has been protecting American interests for 228 years. The Navy Times reports on the decision to erase any physical fitness failures from sailors’ records: . . . […]  The lesson for me was that affirmative action gods demand expensive sacrifices, and the people suffer. In the same way, our increasingly woke military is regularly signaling that America must be prepared to suffer in service to the woke gods. It will put increasing emphasis on people who would never have been considered fit to serve, whether physically or psychologically, aided by the fact that too many Americans, wedded to TikTok and junk food, become ever more incapable of physical activity.

Read more at American Thinker.

Widburg: The Defense Department tries to circumvent the Hyde Amendment

When it comes to woke, there’s nothing more woke than making sure women continue to get abortions. This is certainly true for the Biden military, which no longer sees defending America as its primary mission. Instead, its role is to keep its base happy and, because its base loves abortion, the Biden Defense Department has figured out how to keep those abortions going…and to heck with the Hyde Amendment. […]  Did the defense official just say that killing babies is good for America’s military? Why, yes, he did. Well, leftists have always called the U.S. military a baby-killing machine. But, typically for the left, the problem was never about killing babies; it was just about killing the wrong babies.

Read more at American Thinker.


(Biden’s War) Kent: Ready for the Long Haul: Joe Biden Arrives in Ukraine Capital Kyiv to Show U.S. Support

President Joe Biden used a secret train trip Monday to journey from Poland into war-torn Ukraine to show Kyiv it has full and open-ended U.S. support. AP reports Biden stood with his Ukraine counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky at Mariinsky Palace and recalled the fears expressed nearly a year ago that Russia might quickly march in and take the Ukrainian capital. “One year later, Kyiv stands,” Biden said from beind his podium decorated with the U.S. and Ukrainian flags. “And Ukraine stands. Democracy stands. The Americans stand with you, and the world stands with you.” [NOTE: Biden is in Ukraine to mark the one year anniversary of the war he started when he poked the bear saying that he was not opposed to Ukraine joining  NATO.]

Read more: https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2023/02/20/in-for-the-long-haul-joe-biden-arrives-in-ukraine-capital-kyiv-to-show-u-s-support/

Housman: Influential Policy Experts Send Message To Biden: Cut A Deal In Ukraine To Focus On Taiwan

A recent report from the RAND Corporation advises the Biden administration to seek an end to the war in Ukraine as soon as possible, and take active steps to bring both sides to the negotiating table. RAND, which houses one of the world’s leading defense policy think tanks, published “Avoiding a Long War: U.S. Policy and the Trajectory of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict” as the war in Ukraine approached the one year mark. In it, analysts suggest that the U.S. cannot support an extended conflict in Ukraine while devoting the resources necessary to other pressing foreign policy issues, like protecting Taiwan from China.

Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2023/02/19/rand-corporation-ukraine-biden-zelenskyy-russia-taiwan-china/


Rosas: Here’s What Secretary Mayorkas Is Willing to Do for Poland’s Border

In their press release about Mayorkas’ visit, the Department of Homeland Security said the agency supports “Ukraine’s Ministry of Digital Transformation in helping to build international and industry relationships and improve the security of Ukraine’s infrastructure. U.S. Customs and Border Protection is assisting Ukraine’s State Border Guard Service and Customs Service with capacity building efforts via coordination with Department of State to improve and enhance Ukraine’s border security.” […]  The efforts to secure Poland’s border comes as Mayorkas is facing investigations from House Republicans over his failure to secure the U.S.-Mexico border, with millions of illegal immigrants being able to enter the country in only a short amount of time.

Read more: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/juliorosas/2023/02/20/heres-what-mayorkas-is-willing-to-give-poland-for-their-border-n2619749

Greenfield: Why is the Biden Admin Not Revealing the Chemicals in the East Palestine Disaster?

A basic question. The Biden administration has been stonewalling its East Palestine chemical disaster from the beginning. Transportation Secretary Buttigieg took ten days to even comment on it in the most cursory fashion. East Palestine’s mayor stated that no one had reached out to him from the Biden White House until a day before a public event. And residents are still not being told the truth or given basic factual information. […]  Why hide the list of chemicals that were released? How are people supposed to know what they’re dealing with, without that? If this had been happening under a GOP administration, the media would be asking those questions.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/why-is-the-biden-admin-not-revealing-the-chemicals-in-the-east-palestine-disaster/

Chaitin: Cincinnati And Northern Kentucky Shut Down Water Intakes After Train Derailment

Utilities in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky shut Ohio River water intake valves early Sunday morning over concerns about contamination by hazardous materials from a train that derailed in East Palestine, Ohio. The two utilities, Greater Cincinnati Water Works (GCWW) and Northern Kentucky Water District (NKWD), said they are taking precautions as testing found at least low levels of chemicals from the toxic spill in some places at intakes along the waterway amid reports of fish dying en masse in local waterways and East Palestine residents reporting ailments such as headaches and rashes.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/cincinnati-and-northern-kentucky-shut-down-water-intakes-after-train-derailment

War Room: The Biden Regime’s EPA Head Is Ignoring East Palestine In Favor Of “7-Day Climate Tour”

Watch the 8:30 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v2a00fu-the-biden-regimes-epa-head-is-ignoring-east-palestine-in-favor-of-7-day-cli.html

Binder: Report: Joe Biden Weighs Expanding Foreign Competition Against Working Class Americans

President Joe Biden is weighing expanding foreign competition in the labor market against working class Americans by offering green cards to foreign visa workers, a new report suggests. An exclusive report from Fox News’s Adam Shaw reveals that Biden is considering allowing foreign workers on H-2A agricultural visas and H-2B non-agricultural visas to apply for and secure green cards to remain permanently in the United States labor market. Fox News’s Adam Shaw reports: . . . […]  Biden’s seemingly wanting to expand foreign competition against Americans in blue-collar industries comes as analysis shows his administration is growing employment by funneling millions of foreign workers into U.S. jobs while millions of Americans, particularly working-class men, are left on the labor market sidelines.

Read more: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/02/19/report-joe-biden-weighs-expanding-foreign-competition-against-working-class-americans/

Sundance: Minneapolis Fed President Neel Kashkari Admits Goal is to Shrink Economy to Meet Decreased Energy Supplies

This video interview segment was sent to me today along with a “wow, you were right” message.  Apparently, the interview took place a few weeks ago (it’s new to me), but the admissions within it are quite remarkable. The CNBC discussion surrounds inflation and the federal reserve raising interest rates. Minneapolis Fed President Neel Kashkari is talking about the jobs report, inflation and the intention of the federal reserve to continue raising interest rates until they achieve 2% inflation, regardless of consequence.

Read more/Watch the prompted video: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2023/02/19/minneapolis-fed-president-neel-kashkari-admits-goal-is-to-shrink-economy-to-meet-decreased-energy-supplies/

Heine: ‘Black Girl Magic’? Biden’s Acting Ambassador for Afghanistan Blasted After Sending Cringey Tweets

series of condescending and cringe-inducing tweets sent out by Joe Biden’s Acting Ambassador for Afghanistan has spurred a reaction of shock, disgust and ridicule among critics. Karen Decker is the “charge d’affaires” for the U.S. Mission to Afghanistan, which is based in Doha, Qatar. As the top-ranked U.S. diplomat assigned to Afghanistan, she has recently seen fit to lecture the Taliban-controlled Afghan people about Black History Month. On Feb. 12, Decker flippantly described Abraham Lincoln—who is largely considered America’s greatest president—as someone who “did some stuff,” before gushing about the NAACP, “grassroots activism” and “black voices.” […]  In perhaps the most outrageous tweet in the series, Decker sought to familiarize Afghan women and girls with an alleged “movement” she referred to as “Black Girl Magic.” “Are Afghans familiar with #BlackGirlMagic and the movement it inspired?

[…]  “What an embarrassment,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) wrote. “And a perfect example of the Biden Administration prioritizing wokeness over competence.”

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2023/02/16/black-girl-magic-bidens-acting-ambassador-for-afghanistan-blasted-after-sending-cringey-tweets/


Schakohl: Meet The Convicted Killers Pennsylvania’s Dem Gov Wants To Save From Death Row

Democratic Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro is asking legislators to spare everyone on his state’s death row from execution, including those who murdered police officers and children. […]  “At a time when Pennsylvanians are concerned about their personal safety and the safety of their families as we deal with a historic spike in violent crime, it is clear now is not the time to stop holding criminals to the highest level of accountability for the most heinous crimes,” Pennsylvania House Republican Caucus spokesperson Jason Gottesman told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Removing this measure of accountability and deterrence from prosecutorial discretion is at best tone deaf to the concerns of Pennsylvanians and at worst disrespectful to the victims of the most serious crimes in our society.”

Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2023/02/19/pennsylvania-death-penalty-inmates/


Tapson: Rewriting Roald Dahl

Among its other noxious downsides, the scourge of wokeness has spawned in the younger generation a new morality centered on what The Coddling of the American Mind authors Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt call Safetyism: a belief system in which one’s emotional safety is considered a sacred value. Safetyism is at the core of such childish concepts as “microaggressions,” “safe spaces,” and “trigger warnings”; the irrational argument that “words are violence”; and the notion that free speech is fascist. While the ostensible motivation behind Safetyism is to protect the so-called “marginalized” elements of society from psychological and physical harm, in fact what it does is empower its adherents to marginalize those in the mainstream by demonizing them as oppressive, and controlling their behavior and language. The latest example of wokeness’ insidious effects: a UK Telegraph report has identified hundreds of editorial changes to the stories of the late, beloved children’s author Roald Dahl, in the service of sanitizing his books for woke snowflakes who are perpetually on the lookout for something by which to be offended. Dahl, whose many books such as The Witches, James and the Giant Peach, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory are characterized by a pre-woke sensibility and a streak of dark humor, is, as the Telegraph says, “a prominent example of a growing trend in children’s publishing for content that nobody can find offensive.” […]  The practice began in children’s books, where it remains most pronounced.” Naturally it’s most pronounced in children’s literature – because the woke Left understands that the key to long-term success proselytizing wokeness lies in targeting the impressionable minds of the next generations.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/rewriting-roald-dahl/

Heine: Group of Black 6th Graders Allegedly Assaults White Students on School Playground For Not Saying ‘Black Lives Matter’

The alleged assaults happened at Kenwood Elementary School last Friday, although Springfield Police weren’t notified about the incident until Monday morning, according to the incident report. The school’s principal, Evan Hunsaker, told police the attacks occurred on the playground during recess on Friday.

Hunsaker said that a group of black 6th graders gathered multiple white students on the playground and forced them to say “Black Lives Matter” against their will, according to the incident report. There were allegedly five victims and four suspects involved in the violent incident. Some of the suspects allegedly recorded the white students as they were forced to make the statement. Hunsaker told police the kids who tried to avoid the bullies were chased down, dragged or carried to a designated spot on the playground, and at least one white student was punched in the head. There is reportedly surveillance footage of the incident.

Read more/Watch the 2:15 minute report: https://amgreatness.com/2023/02/17/group-of-black-6th-graders-allegedly-assault-white-students-on-school-playground-for-not-saying-black-lives-matter/

 Ian Miles Cheong tweet: This makes my blood boil. I’d be going to jail if I was this dad.

Watch the 1:29 minute video: https://twitter.com/stillgray/status/1626983052445638658

Schwerha: Here Are The Sexually Explicit Books Florida Is Working To Remove From Public Schools

Florida schools have removed more than 100 books that contain pornographic material during the 2022-2023 academic year in order to comply with state law, the Daily Caller News Foundation has learned. A survey of local school districts found that 153 of 175 books were removed the the district for including pornographic, violent or age-inappropriate content, according to a document obtained by the DCNF. The removed books included “This Book is Gay,” “Gender Queer,” “Let’s Talk About It” and “It’s Perfectly Normal,” all of which contain sexually explicit depictions according to snippets shared by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis’ administration. “This Book Is Gay” is described as an informational book about growing up in the LGBTQ+ community and includes a section about the “ins and outs of gay sex,” according to Sourcebooks. Taryn Feske, DeSantis’ communication director, shared a page from the book that defines sex terminology including “rimming,” “scat,” “scissor sisters” and “strap-on.”

Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2023/02/19/here-are-the-sexually-explicit-books-florida-is-working-to-remove-from-public-schools/


Duggan: ‘Lucrative Business’: The Child Sex Change Industry Is Exploding In The US

Child sex changes procedures, including puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries, have become a rapidly-growing, multi-million-dollar industry, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation. While there is no comprehensive data set tracking the number of children undergoing cross-sex procedures, and the cost of these procedures varies widely, existing data and experts in the field have shed light on a highly profitable and quickly growing market offering largely irreversible procedures to minors. Mastectomies and breast augmentations cost about $10,000, cross-sex genital surgeries cost about $25,000, plus several thousand dollars for anesthesia and a hospital stay, and facial and other cross-sex surgeries range from $2,000 to $15,000, according to the Philadelphia Transgender Surgery Center’s (PTSC) 2019 price list; those prices have gone up in recent years, an employee told the DCNF, but the clinic has not released an updated list and wouldn’t disclose its new prices without a patient consultation. […] The medical industry is acting on these financial incentives: . . .

Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2023/02/19/child-sex-change-industry-growth-profitable/

Duggan: Unearthed emails show Rachel Levine discussing ‘potential revenue’ from child sex-change procedures

Rachel Levine, who is now assistant secretary for health in the Biden administration, discussed the potential revenue that could be generated by a gender clinic social worker who could advocate for child sex change procedures in emails, reviewed by the Daily Caller News Foundation, with a pediatrician.

Read more: https://www.wnd.com/2023/02/unearthed-emails-show-rachel-levine-discussing-potential-revenue-child-sex-change-procedures/


Goeglein: The Perils of Historical Ignorance

Then in his 80s, McCullough came to his doctor complaining of insomnia, a common issue with people in his age group. When his physician asked McCullough what was keeping him up at night, he responded, “I have to tell you—part of it is worrying about what is happening in our country.” Writing about the conversation, his physician says, “Every day, as [McCullough] reads the papers, it seems as if leaders are taking positions based on politics—and have forgotten about history. They are unaware of the past, and uninterested in how they will be remembered in the future.” This should be keeping us all up at night. This disregard of history from the leading voices of our time is the result of decades of neglect of history and civics at all levels of our educational system. […]  If history is taught in the United States, the version of history given greatly distorts and defames the motives and truth about those who shaped our country, resulting in Americans pitted against each other, rather than living together in harmony. As a result, our very republic becomes increasingly wobbly as it struggles to remain standing while lurching from one cultural crisis to another. […]  While one may ask, “Does it really affect someone’s day-to-day life if she knows whether Thomas Edison (the correct answer) or Benjamin Franklin invented the light bulb?,” the truth is ignorance of history—including historical details—is isolating. When we do not know the stories behind the things that make up our daily lives—things as disparate and dear to our society as light bulbs, the American flag, the interstate highway system, freedom of speech and association—we forget what labor and effort those things cost our forebears. We do not value them. And when we cease to value things, we stand to lose them. But sadly, such ignorance is pervasive. In 2017 the American Council of Trustees and Alumni found half of all college graduates did not know . . .

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2023/02/18/the-perils-of-historical-ignorance/


STEINHAUER: Sun Tzu’s Art Of War Is Key To Understanding The Conflict With China

The goal of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has remained the same since the days of its founder Mao Zedong in the 50s: for China to once again become the strongest, most powerful nation on earth. Or as current CCP supreme leader Xi Jinping puts it, China taking “center stage in the world.” This objective of global supremacy is inherently zero sum, for like Highlander, there can be only one. Thus, the CCP must first dislodge the current occupant, the United States, from its leading position and realign the world order to reflect China’s preferences. To accomplish this end, the CCP is following the doctrines of Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu as distilled in his famous military treatise the Art of War, which despite being around 2,500 years old remains highly influential in modern Chinese strategy.

Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2023/02/19/steinhauer-sun-tzus-art-of-war-is-key-to-understanding-the-conflict-with-china/


Kimball: A Modest Proposal for Transforming the Universities

As the plague of woke totalitarianism continues to besiege American universities, I note that we are finally beginning to see a little pushback. Public universities in Texas offer typical examples of this ying-yang process. As the Daily Signal reports,  Several Texas universities have begun the practice, in the staff hiring process, of requiring statements in favor of diversity, equity, and inclusion policies, or DEI, as well as examples of ‘anti-racist’ behavior. Job applicants are required to state multiple times in which they have participated in ‘anti-racist’ behavior in an effort to ‘deconstruct white supremacy.’ Call that the strophe.

The antistrophe was not far behind: “One bill introduced in the Texas Legislature would pull every cent from these programs.” It’s a development I like to see. I have a complementary initiative to propose. Most of my readers know that Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal advocated some original, organic, and environmentally conscious proposals to alleviate poverty, hunger, and overpopulation in 18th-century Ireland. Just so, I’d like to offer a “modest disposal” to deal with some of the intellectual poverty, the hunger for genuine knowledge, and the clear reality of overpopulation at our nation’s universities. As a first step, I propose the creation of a . . .

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2023/02/18/a-modest-proposal-for-transforming-the-universities/

(Citizen Free Press) Langille: University Planning Center for Freedom of Expression

A job posting for an executive director of the unannounced Center for Freedom of Expression at the University of Chicago has been on myworkdayjobs.com for at least a month now. The posting, which seeks an executive director who would be an “entrepreneurial, collaborative, and strategic leader,” sheds light on the University’s plans for an as-yet-to-be-announced center. The principal aims for a potential Center for Freedom of Expression, as stated in the posting, are: . . .

Read more: https://chicagomaroon.com/37858/news/37858/


Rabbi Chananya Weissman: The Torah Warned Us

The last few years could have been so different, if only we allowed the Torah to guide us. Shuls, yeshivos, businesses, and the rest of public life should never have been shut down. No one should ever have worn a mask, anywhere, not for one second. Family, friends, and neighbors should never have fallen for psy-ops and isolated themselves from one another, let alone turned against each other. And, of course, not one single person, regardless of age or “risk factor”, should have taken any shots of Amalek juice that have maimed and killed so many. […] In the meantime, however, we must internalize the fundamental teachings from the Torah that would have guided us away from these mistakes. […]  Here are two brief Torah teachings that should have guided us, and would have guided us if the system wasn’t badly corrupted. Let us internalize them now and make sure that what happened in the last few years can never happen again.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/the-torah-warned-us/

Furr: WATCH – Nonstop ‘Asbury Revival’ Inspires More Campus Services: ‘People Crying Out for a Move of God’

People have been traveling from across the country to join the ongoing, more than 10-day long service being called a “revival” in Wilmore, Kentucky. […]  Video footage shows worshipers with their hands in the air, singing, “You are holy, holy, are you Lord God, almighty. Worthy is the Lamb, worthy is the Lamb, you are holy.” […]  One student who spoke at the Asbury event told the crowd, “This is revival. It isn’t hype. It’s ordinary people crying out for a move of God in our generation . . .and it’s about to spread to other nations.”

Read more/Watch videos: https://www.breitbart.com/faith/2023/02/19/watch-nonstop-asbury-revival-inspires-more-campus-services-people-crying-out-move-god/

Showalter: San Diego’s Catholic leadership must be getting an earful from the faithful on its illegal migrant-enabling operations

At Mass late yesterday, I was kind of astonished at the video played to encourage support from the Annual Catholic Appeal, the San Diego Diocese’s annual fundraising effort for the good works it does around its Church mission. […] . . .what bothers Americans, the fact that Catholic Charities and a vast network of government-funded NGOs are becoming handmaidens to the Mexican cartels so that they can make the cartels rich from migrant “crossing fees,” and Mexico, our neighbor to the south, a living hell, which seems to have already begun. The cartels wouldn’t be able to do it without that vast network of NGOs there assisting them every step of the way. […] Church commands the faithful to obey the laws of their country.  How does one donate to that appeal other than to write on the check that “no money for incentivizing illegal immigration” which they won’t pay attention to anyway? It sounds like some just said no. As for Catholic Charities’ attitude toward parishioners with this concern, well, the Catholic Charities website effectively declares that they are all racists and xenophobes, not people with concern about the agency’s incentivization and enabling of illegal immigration on an industrial scale, or the breakdown of rule of law in this country, or the enabling of cartel human traffic and profits. They have a whole page on that disrespectful claim, with “so why are some people so scared of the stranger” as the nut graf, as if five million unvetted illegal immigrants

Read more at American Thinker.

Le Mahieu: Texas Mall Shooting Suspect Stopped By Citizen With Gun: Police

Police in Texas said this week that the 16-year-old suspected of shooting three people at an El Paso mall was shot by a citizen who was legally carrying a firearm at the mall. The suspect, a Hispanic male, is accused of killing 17-year-old Angeles Zaragoza and wounding two others, a 20-year-old Hispanic male and a 17-year-old Hispanic male. According to police, the alleged shooter was shot by 32-year-old Emmanuel Duran as he fled the scene. “As soon as the shooting ended, the 16-year-old suspect began to run and was pointing the gun toward the direction of bystanders, including 32-year-old Emmanuel Duran, a Licensed to Carry Holder.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/texas-mall-shooting-suspect-stopped-by-citizen-with-gun-police

Morefield: Observations From Covidian Twitter

Covidian Twitter isn’t for the faint of heart, but if you’d like to take a gander, look up names like Eric Feigl-Ding, Virginia Buysse, Peter Hotez, Andy Slavitt, and others in the Twitter “similar to” suggestions. You’re also guaranteed to ride the crazy train by clicking any remaining masked profiles, especially the ones with N95s covering everything but their greasy hair and beady, paranoid eyes. Good times. Of course, the wiser option might be to avoid it altogether and leave the heavy lifting to me. Hell, I’ve been pretty spot-on since March 2020, so there’s little reason to think I’d steer you wrong now, is there? […]  With all that said, here are my most recent observations from Covidian Twitter: . . .

Read more: https://townhall.com/columnists/scottmorefield/2023/02/20/observations-from-covidian-twitter-n2619739

Burke & Hernandez: N.J. boy, 12, dies after collapsing during no-contact football practice

A New Jersey mother wants answers after her 12-year-old son died after collapsing during a no-contact football practice. Elijah Jordan Brown-Garcia, a sixth-grade student at KIPP Rise Academy in Newark, was running drills Feb. 10 when he collapsed and became unresponsive, according to his family and a school spokesperson.

Read more: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/nj-boy-12-dies-collapsing-no-contact-football-practice-rcna71201


Debinski: South Africa struggles in the dark

Things are dark in South Africa right now, both metaphorically and literally. Though not new, rolling blackouts have worsened in recent months, disrupting every aspect of daily life. With the situation near breaking point, President Cyril Ramaphosa declared a state of disaster in recent days, which allows the government to bypass bureaucratic hurdles to get stuff done. Why are things so dire in Africa’s most industrialized country, and what’s the government’s plan – if any – to fix it? Lights out. The current crisis is centered largely on South Africa’s collapsing state-run electricity grid, which relies on coal for 85% of its generation capacity. Blackouts and load shedding occur when demand outstrips supply, forcing the utility company to cut access – which has been happening regularly for years. Meanwhile, Eskom, the state-owned energy company, which runs 90% of the country’s electricity, has long been plagued by government corruption, cronyism, and mismanagement . . .

Read more: https://www.gzeromedia.com/south-africa-struggles-in-the-dark


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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