Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 27 minutes


William Spruance contributor to Brownstone Institute: Law Professor Randy Barnett describes the Constitution as “the law that governs those who govern us.” When our government officials violate the constitutional order, they cannot expand citizens’ liberties; instead, they free themselves of legal restraints in order to augment their power to the detriment of the freedoms of the people they represent. Under the guise of Covid responses, our leaders overthrew our constitutional system of individual rights to increase their power over the citizenry.

Mac Ghlionn & Raw Egg Nationalist contributors to The American Mind: At present, the only (moderately) successful challenge to globalism has come by way of one nation under the leadership of one man: America under Donald Trump. Although some readers will shudder at the idea of another four years of Trump, it’s important to separate raw emotions from facts. While other countries, from Hungary to Russia, Iran, and China, have all thrown obstacles in the road toward global government, none have been quite so large, or caused quite such desperate maneuvers from the party of Davos, as those lobbed by Donald Trump during his four years as the 45th president of the United States.

Kimberly Ells contributor to Daily Wire: Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, the pioneers of modern socialism, insisted that every adult member of society be “liberated” from parental work and instead fill “socially productive” roles. Mao Zedong of China embraced this doctrine and declared that “in order to build a great socialist society it is of the utmost importance to arouse the broad masses of women to join in productive activity” which would foster “genuine equality between the sexes.” Notice that here in just a few words, the work of bearing and raising human beings is labeled “unproductive activity” that women must be emancipated from so they can equally contribute to mankind’s economic security.

David Propper reporter for New York Post: Alternatives to terms like “male” and “female” and “mother” and “father” should be sought in science because they assume that sex is binary and heterosexuality is the norm, a group of researchers from the US and Canada suggests.

Margot Cleveland is The Federalist’s senior legal correspondent: While the partisan targeting of Paxton represents but one of the many attempts by Democrats to weaponize state bars to dissuade attorneys from representing Republicans, court documents obtained by The Federalist reveal that in the case of the Texas attorney general, the bar went nuclear.

Paul Craig Roberts contributor to LewRockwell.com: For more than a half century black Americans have had in law legal privileges that convey preferment over white people. Black Americans have privileged entry into universities, employment, and promotion. These privileges have expanded with time. University admission requirements for blacks are lower than for whites. White liberal professors once complained that this was a privilege given to sons of alumni, but they don’t mind the privilege being given to blacks. Blacks have acquired certain protections in law that are denied to white people. For example, blacks can be victims of hate speech and hate crimes, but they can’t be accused of committing the same.  White employees of corporations, government, schools, universities, hospitals, military have to take sensitivity training so that they show proper deference to blacks as the lower orders in Europe were trained to show toward the aristocracy. Some jurisdictions permit blacks to steal amounts up to $950 without it being a felony. There is an ever widening range of  activities illegal for white people, such as looting and burning business districts, for which blacks are released from accountability. This is a factual description of a black aristocracy and a white peasantry.

Daniel Horowitz contributor to Conservative Review: Can you conjure up a worse example of fascism than denying schooling to children who don’t get a dangerous injection that is 100% exempt from liability and shielded from all market controls? Now that the CDC is knowingly promoting dangerous vaccines, it’s time for red states to counterattack and remove all vaccines that are not subject to liability from mandatory school immunization schedules.

Bionic Mosquito  contributor to LewRockwell.com: One can see in all of this the battles to come – not just between … let’s just call them … “traditionalists” and “alphabets” – but within and amongst those in the alphabet chain itself. The L, the G, and the B now look remarkably passé, assuming as they do the importance of biological sex for the gender binary.  The T and the Q, denying this, have proved both parasitic upon the gains made by the LGB and ultimately destructive of the LGB, as well as of traditional feminism. They are consuming and will further consume themselves.  Of this there is no doubt.  As Doug Wilson has said, “stupidity is not a long-range strategy.”

Eric Hussey contributor to Brownstone Institute: I love to laugh. People don’t seem to be laughing much. I love to laugh, and I especially like to laugh at myself. I can’t be the only one who has noticed that laughter has been sucked out of our world. No one has said “You can’t laugh,” but LOOK AT PEOPLE’S FACES! Fear, not lightness and laughter is evident. At least not evident when you can actually see whole faces.


Bacon: Former Trump Aide: The 10 Things Trump Must Do to Win

Ever since President Trump announced his 2024 campaign, the mainstream media silence has been deafening — in stark contrast to the media frenzy that exploded in the aftermath of President Trump’s now legendary ride down the escalator. The mainstream media blackout of President Trump (which includes Fox News to a large degree) is only one such vector of attack from an establishment that is increasingly desperate to neutralize President Trump and the historic America First political movement he created. Despite such resistance, President Trump remains the clear front runner in the 2024 race. Most polls depict Trump solidly in the lead, with a few outliers that seem to be politically motivated at best. The more has-been losers like Nikki Haley enter the race, the more Trump benefits from a split non-Trump vote. Furthermore, when it comes to substance, Trump has distinguished his run so-far with some of the most sophisticated and important policy statements from any politician […]  Here are 10 things President Trump could do to lap his competitors and ensure total victory just as the race is getting started:

Read more: https://www.revolver.news/2023/02/former-trump-aide-the-10-things-trump-must-do-to-win/

Vespa: They’re Trying to Torch Attorney-Client Privilege With Trump Again

Federal prosecutors are trying to compel the lawyer of former President Donald Trump to testify before the grand jury, citing the “crime fraud” exception to circumvent attorney-client privilege. They cannot beat Trump, so they need to shred legal frameworks considered sacrosanct to find anything that could lead to an indictment. This order comes from the special counsel reviewing the allegations that Donald Trump mishandled classified information, which shouldn’t be going near this since it could lead to Mr. Biden being slapped with similar charges. At least, that’s what’s logical (via NBC News):

Read more: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2023/02/15/theyre-trying-to-torch-attorney-client-privilege-with-trump-again-n2619573

War Room: Dr. Ronny Jackson – Coronavirus Subcommittee, Purge The Executive Branch

Dr. Johnson worked in the Obama and Trump Administration. He discusses his book, Holding the Line.

Watch the 26:43 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v29khag-dr.-ronny-jackson-coronavirus-subcommittee-purge-the-executive-branch.html


Boyle: Exclusive: Rep. Harriet Hageman Endorses Donald Trump for President in 2024

Hageman, who defeated the anti-Trump former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) in the congressional primary in Wyoming last year with Trump’s support, issued a statement, which she provided to Breitbart News, formally endorsing Trump in his campaign for the White House. “President Trump stood with me for my election in 2022, and I am proud to stand with him in 2024,” Hageman said.  “I believe that Donald Trump was one of the best presidents of my lifetime,” Hageman said. “His policies were great for Wyoming and the Country as a whole. He understood that we must promote and support our domestic energy industries, allow states to responsibly develop their own natural resources, enforce immigration laws and protect our southern border, and lead the country with strength so that our allies respect us while our enemies fear us.” In contrast, Hageman said, Democrat President Joe Biden . . .

Read more: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/02/15/rep-harriet-hageman-endorses-donald-trump-president-2024/

Hinderaker: NIKKI HALEY? MEH

There are a number of things to like about Haley. She was a good, popular governor of an important state, and an excellent United Nations Ambassador. It would be fun to have a non-white Republican as the first woman president. Nevertheless, I don’t rate her near the top of GOP contenders.

I think Haley tends to go squishy at key moments. She doesn’t seem to understand the ways in which the Left’s viciousness is manifested in cultural issues, and she tends to fall for their hoaxes. Gavin Sample has a Twitter thread in which he offers ten or eleven reasons not to support her. I agree with half of his points at most, but these are, I think, important: . . .

Read more: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2023/02/nikki-haley-meh.php


Mahoney: The Declaration of North America: A Globalist Worldview We Should Care About

The Declaration of North America (DNA) agreement is a poorly conceived “America Last” compact with Mexico and Canada that is riddled with woke, collectivist bias. Quietly released on Jan. 10, the agreement furthers a trajectory that has serious implications for the average American, and Americans should pay attention. The underlying implications of fully implementing this politically biased policy agreement are flawed in ways that most Americans may not fully comprehend. Cutely coined our “North American DNA,” the deal pretends to care about national security and prosperity. Instead, its stated focus is diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as the framework for impactful and serious policy-making in education, national security, climate change, health, and industry. Sadly, the DEI-centered agreement has already been largely implemented. Biden and his globalist pals are just gracing us with their plans after the fact. This agreement drives important policies and programs related to the environment, “competitiveness,” the border, health, and “regional security.” Americans should pay attention because, in this case, ignorance is not bliss.

Read more: https://www.uncoverdc.com/2023/02/14/the-declaration-of-north-america-a-globalist-worldview-we-should-care-about/

Mac Ghlionn & Raw Egg Nationalist: No Antidote to Globalist Chaos

Recently, during a three-hour long discussion with Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson discussed the World Economic Forum (WEF) and his plan to defeat the unelected globalists in Davos. Later this year, in either October or November, Peterson, who is currently being “reeducated” for being naughty on Twitter, will meet with a group of influential thinkers in London. This gathering, he assured millions of listeners worldwide, will offer “an alternative vision of the future, an alternative to that apocalyptic narrative” put forward by organizations like the WEF. The vision will be fundamentally “pro-human,” anti-utopian, and “multi-dimensional,”  balancing the needs of “human well-being” with those of our environment, as much as that is possible. “None of the people involved in this consortium so far are very thrilled with global-corporate-fascist-government-media collusion,” he added. If the first conference, an invite-only affair, goes well, Peterson intends to make it an annual event. A revolutionary concept, some may say. In truth, it’s not. After all, we already have the World Social Forum (WSF), an annual meeting of various organizations rallying against globalization.  […]  But the question of whether Peterson is the right man to challenge Davos is, in many ways, pointless. We need more than stern words and intellectual onanism to defeat the bad guys in the eastern Alps. The threat posed by the WEF is real. The Great Reset is already in motion. Very soon, it seems, you will own nothing, not even your brain. At the most recent annual meeting in Davos, which took place last month, attendees were told that humanity is entering a time when brain hacking will reign supreme. […]  Let’s look at what’s actually worked thus far. At present, the only (moderately) successful challenge to globalism has come by way of one nation under the leadership of one man: America under Donald Trump. Although some readers will shudder at the idea of another four years of Trump, it’s important to separate raw emotions from facts. While other countries, from Hungary to Russia, Iran, and China, have all thrown obstacles in the road toward global government, none have been quite so large, or caused quite such desperate maneuvers from the party of Davos, as those lobbed by Donald Trump during his four years as the 45th president of the United States.

Read more: https://americanmind.org/salvo/no-antidote-to-globalist-chaos/


Duke: Geological Study Refutes Green Energy Agenda: Not Enough Metals to Replace Oil

Many points are made when discussing the green energy agenda’s infeasibility. It has been noted that wind and solar can’t provide our energy needs, that powering the United States with wind would require an area three times California’s size. It has further been asserted that electric-car production and use actually cause more pollution than the gasoline status quo. It’s not just that electric vehicles’ manufacture creates massive releases of CO2 (not a pollutant, mind you), either; it’s also that the mining of the metals and minerals required for their production causes environmental damage. Yet there’s a kicker here, too, a point seldom made: Even if we could more cleanly and efficiently mine the materials in question, there simply aren’t enough of them to make green energy a reality. That’s the conclusion of a geological study that, not surprisingly, hasn’t gotten the attention it deserves. CounterPunch has reported on it, however, writing that the research . . .

Read more: https://thenewamerican.com/geological-study-refutes-green-energy-agenda-not-enough-metals-to-replace-oil/


Revolver.news: Beattie shocks Congressman Biggs… explains the little understood reason GOP keeps losing… “GOP grift and Dem grift fundamentally different”…

Revolver’s Dr. Darren Beattie joined America First Congressman Andy Biggs for an in-depth conversation on the Congressman’s podcast “The Biggs Idea.” Beattie had mentioned something to the Congressman during a private conversation months back that stuck in the Congressman’s mind—a little understood observation about why the GOP keeps losing, and how it relates to the fundamentally different “grifts” driving the GOP and the Democrats respectively.

Watch the 31 minute interview: https://www.revolver.news/2023/02/beattie-shocks-congressman-biggs-gop-losing-grift/

Waller: A Tactic House Republicans Can Use to De-Weaponize Government

An earlier generation of House Democrats blazed the trail for today’s House Republicans. Some lateral thinking and historical precedent can help today’s House leaders hack away at the weaponization of the federal government. Under House Speaker Tip O’Neill (D-Mass.), those earlier Democrats derailed President Ronald Reagan and the Senate Republican majority by banning any appropriated funds from being used for a purpose they didn’t like. It was a narrow measure on a project close to the president’s heart. White House attempts to circumvent the restrictions wound up damaging the great Reagan presidency.

The measure was called the Boland Amendment. Named after an otherwise forgotten Massachusetts congressman who opposed a Reagan initiative to oust a Soviet puppet regime near our southern border, the first Boland Amendment was attached as a rider to the Defense Appropriations Act of 1983.

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2023/02/14/a-tactic-house-republicans-can-use-to-de-weaponize-government/

Walker: GOP Rep. Thomas Massie Reintroduces Bill To ‘Terminate’ Department Of Education

Massie previously introduced H.R. 899 during the 117th Congress in February 2021. The bill ran a single sentence: “The Department of Education shall terminate on December 31, 2022.” “Unelected bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. should not be in charge of our children’s intellectual and moral development,” Massie said in a press release for the bill’s introduction in 2021. “States and local communities are best positioned to shape curricula that meet the needs of their students. Schools should be accountable. Parents have the right to choose the most appropriate educational opportunity for their children, including home school, public school, or private school.”

Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2023/02/14/rep-thomas-massie-hr-899-department-education-bill/


Winslow: Biden Admin Sends Over $200 Million To States For Gun Crackdown

The funds were approved under the 2022 Safer Communities Act, a bipartisan gun control law signed by President Joe Biden, and will assist extreme risk protection order programs, state crisis intervention courts and initiatives to reduce gun violence, according to a DOJ release. Biden, alongside 10 Democrats and 10 Republicans, signed the Safer Communities Act into law in June, after mass shootings in Buffalo, New York, and Uvalde, Texas.

Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2023/02/14/biden-200-million-crisis-intervention-red-flag-laws/


Jasper Bill Gates & Jeffrey Epstein – Deep State Intel Assets?

High-flying pedophile Jeffrey Epstein may be dead, but his convenient demise by jailhouse “suicide” will not stop the continuing release of evidence incriminating many of the world’s richest and most powerful movers and shakers in his vile child-sex trafficking. Nor will it shield these privileged elites from constant inquisitions by independent journalists, news organizations, and media platforms that haven’t been bought up, controlled, or intimidated by the globalist thought cartel. […]  Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates has not suffered the same scrutiny and bruising as Prince Andrew, but, as he found out in a recent grilling by Australia’s ABC presenter Sarah Ferguson, his Epstein problems are not going away anytime soon. Ferguson clearly got under Gates’ skin with her persistent questioning about his relationship to Epstein and the relationship of Epstein to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.  […]  If Jeffrey Epstein did indeed “belong to intelligence,” as abundant evidence indicates, then the next question is, “Which intelligence service was his master?” That’s not an easy one to answer, since besides the CIA, plenty of clues point also to Israel’s Mossad, Britain’s MI6, and even Russia’s KGB-FSB/GRU. A crucial clue in the Epstein/intelligence puzzle is . . . […]  The Bill Gates-Jeffrey Epstein connection is not merely a titillating sex scandal involving the rich and famous; it is at the very heart of the corruption, conspiracy, and treason that threaten to destroy our nation, our civilization, our freedoms, and everything we hold dear.

Read more: https://thenewamerican.com/bill-gates-jeffrey-epstein-deep-state-intel-assets/


With Biden safely ensconced in the White House—and with the facts about the laptop plainly obvious—the Washington Post has swooped in to tsk-tsk Politico for over-dramatizing its October 2020 headline: “Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say.” Now that we all know the laptop is authentic, the Post wants us to distinguish between “disinformation” and “information” campaigns—foreign efforts to interfere with our elections through the dissemination of accurate information. Scary! But anyway, the former intelligence officials’ letter, the Post’s Glenn Kessler writes, “does not even say what the Politico headline claimed—though that headline likely shaped perceptions of the letter that continue to this day.” Except, the headline did appropriately characterize what the intelligence officials said, sans the cover-your-ass caveats those officials well knew would be ignored by a partisan and irresponsible press. That was precisely their intent.

Read more: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2023/02/clappers-claptrap-take-2.php

If you missed it CLAPPER’S CLAPTRAP Take 1: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2023/02/clappers-claptrap.php


Cleveland: Democrats’ Unconstitutional Crusade To Disbar Texas AG Ken Paxton Shows How Far They’ll Go To Win Elections

A state court judge refused to halt the Texas Bar’s assault on Attorney General Ken Paxton for his decision to challenge several swing states’ execution of the 2020 election in Texas v. Pennsylvania, a little-noticed perfunctory order published in late January revealed. While the partisan targeting of Paxton represents but one of the many attempts by Democrats to weaponize state bars to dissuade attorneys from representing Republicans, court documents obtained by The Federalist reveal that in the case of the Texas attorney general, the bar went nuclear. In March of 2022, as Paxton prepared to face Land Commissioner George P. Bush in the May 2022 GOP runoff for attorney general, news leaked that the State Bar of Texas intended to advance an ethics complaint against the Republican attorney general. Then, soon after Paxton prevailed in the primary, on May 25, 2022, the Commission for Lawyer Discipline, which is a standing committee of the State Bar of Texas, filed a disciplinary complaint against Paxton in the Collin County, Texas district court. […]  The D.C. Bar’s investigation into former Trump administration Assistant Attorney General Jeff Clark based on a complaint from Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., exemplifies the partisan co-opting of the various professional responsibility boards charged with overseeing attorneys’ conduct. In Clark’s case, the ethics charge was both “demonstrably false and premised on the fraudulent narratives pushed by the partisan politicians running the Jan. 6 show trial and their partners in the press.” […]  More recently, the California State Bar joined in the political witch hunt when it filed a 35-page, 11-count disciplinary complaint against attorney and former law professor John Eastman.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2023/02/13/democrats-unconstitutional-crusade-to-disbar-texas-ag-ken-paxton-shows-how-far-theyll-go-to-win-elections/


Greenfield: After Biden Sent $1B to PLO, Israeli Deaths Rose 900%

When Secretary of State Blinken met with PLO leader Mahmoud Abbas, he boasted of the over billion dollars in aid that the Biden administration had programmed for the terrorist territories. That aid has come with a very heavy price. In Feb 2019, President Trump’s total cutoff of aid became official. That year, 10 Israelis or people in Israeli controlled areas were killed in stabbings, shootings, rocket and other attacks, down from 12 the previous year, and 15 in 2017, and 16 in 2016. In 2020 however only three Israelis were killed. These numbers reflected the diminished capacity of the Islamic terrorists. […]  The numbers turned around dramatically once again in 2021.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/after-biden-sent-1b-to-plo-israeli-deaths-rose-900/

Donlevy: US diverts four Russian warplanes flying near Alaska

The North American Aerospace Defense Command said Tuesday that it “detected, tracked, positively identified” the four aircraft, which included TU-95 BEAR-H bombers and SU-35 fighter jets. “NORAD had anticipated this Russian activity and, as a result of our planning, was prepared to intercept it,” the agency said in a statement. Though the aircraft were operating within the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone, they remained in international airspace. The interference occurred just hours after two Dutch fighter jets intercepted a formation of three Russian military aircraft near Poland’s NATO airspace and escorted them out.

Read more: https://nypost.com/2023/02/14/us-diverts-four-russian-warplanes-flying-near-alaska/

AP: Taiwan threatens to shoot down any Chinese balloons

Amid speculation over alleged Chinese spy balloons, Taiwan’s Defense Ministry said Tuesday it would shoot down any suspected military object coming close to its shores from mainland China. Maj. Gen. Huang Wen-chi, the assistant deputy chief of general staff for intelligence, told reporters that the self-governing island was on guard for any incursions, but had yet to find any that had penetrated its defenses. Balloons found so far around Taiwan were used for meteorological exploration, he said. They were relatively small and light and would burst after rising to an altitude that could be threatening. Taiwan has yet to find targets requiring a lethal response, he said.

Read more: https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/taiwan-threatens-shoot-chinese-balloons-97171055

Crooke: Endgame for Ukraine: America vs America

Hysterics at the Chinese balloon overflying the U.S. – taken to volume 11 – through scrambling a hush-hush Raptor jet (F-22) to ‘pop’ it, and then bally-hooing the ‘pop’ as Raptor’s first ever ‘air-to-air kill’, may be a source for quiet derision around the world, yet paradoxically this seemingly trivial event may cast a long shadow over the U.S. war-timetable for Ukraine. For it is the U.S. political calendar that may yet determine what happens next in Ukraine – from the western side. […]  Put bluntly, if Biden is to avoid a repeat of the humiliating Afghan débacle, America needs urgently to to move-on before the 2024 Presidential calendar kicks-off this summer – with Ukraine/Russia sucking all the oxygen out from the coming economic debates. But that is not what is happening. Victoria Nuland – who has been ‘capo’ in Kiev for a decade – is overseeing a purge: Unreliables are ‘out’, and pro-American radical Ukrainian hawks are ‘in’. It is a make-over of the Kiev mafia, which leaves Zelensky without friends – and wholly dependent on Washington. It looks to be preparation for the U.S. to attempt a double-down in Ukraine.

Read more: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2023/02/no_author/endgame-for-ukraine-america-vs-america/

McLeary: U.S. focuses on training Ukrainian troops to use less ammo

The U.S. is prioritizing helping the Ukrainians tweak the way they fight, relying less on artillery barrages and more on how the troops maneuver on the battlefield, as concerns mount over Western nations’ ability to replenish ammunition stocks.The war in Ukraine has been marked by the massive use of artillery by both sides, with thousands of shells smashing into the front lines daily, straining the ability of the U.S. and European countries to keep up. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, speaking to reporters after a meeting in Brussels with other NATO leaders, alluded to the growing concerns in Washington and elsewhere over stockpiles.

Read more: https://www.politico.com/news/2023/02/14/u-s-training-ukrainian-troops-use-less-ammo-00082765


Glazov Gang: Chinese Defector on ‘China’s Infiltration of U.S. Border’

Welcome to the Chinese military operatives crossing illegally across America’s southern border. This new Glazov Gang episode features Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a Virologist, Whistleblower and Defector from China.

Watch the 1:31 minute interview clip: https://www.frontpagemag.com/glazov-gang-chinese-defector-on-chinas-infiltration-of-u-s-border/

Greenfield: Antifa Shares a Fundraising Platform With the DNC

Antifa, like the Democrat Party, is built on the model of nonprofit support infrastructure. In the party, that means everything except the most direct campaign activities are outsourced to networks of nonprofits that use tax-deductible donations for everything from voter registration and outreach, media and messaging, to funding election infrastructure ‘Zuckerbucks’ style. Unlike its Black Lives Matter allies, the Antifa networks aren’t funded by a single nonprofit. Antifa’s illegal activities and the radical tendencies of its participants, many of whom are involved in a variety of radical groups, some of them domestic terrorist organizations, makes that a non-starter. However, unlike conservative groups which have been ‘debanked’ from Big Tech fundraising platforms, Antifa gains support through leftist 501(c)(3) and (c)(4) groups which includes fundraising platforms, bail funds, street medics and promotional media organizations. One of the worst examples also operates arm in arm with the Democratic Party.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/antifa-shares-a-fundraising-platform-with-the-dnc/

Bliss: Baby Clothes and 9 Other Goods and Services Soaring in Price

With the U.S. inflation accelerating in January, despite the efforts to bring down the price hikes with higher interest rates from the Federal Reserve, many consumer categories are still being hit hard. Here are some of the worst consumer categories still being hit hard by inflation: . . .

Read more: https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2023/02/14/baby-clothes-9-other-goods-services-soaring-price/

War Room: Timothy Alberino: Misdirection Play and Diversion Under the Cover of UFO Activity

Watch the 8:51 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v29khpg-timothy-alberino-misdirection-play-and-diversion-under-the-cover-of-ufo-act.html

Burrow: ‘We Learned Nothing’: Senators Still In The Dark On Aerial Object Takedowns After Classified Intel Briefing

Senators received a classified briefing on the U.S. downing of three unidentified aerial objects Tuesday morning, but said the briefing produced little new information. Authorities have not recovered debris from the objects yet, and U.S. officials say they do not have enough information to describe the objects’ function or origin. “We learned nothing that I didn’t already know as a member of the Intelligence Committee and Armed Services Committee or, for that matter, that one could learn from reading your newspapers,” Republican Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2023/02/14/senators-objects-balloon-classified-briefing/

War Room: Congress’ Overspending And The FED’s Premature Slowing Of Rate Hikes Has Destroyed America’s Economy

J. Antoni is a Research Fellow at Heritage Foundation.

Watch the 5 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v29i7z6-congress-overspending-and-the-feds-premature-slowing-of-rate-hikes-has-dest.html

Rosiak: SBA Won’t Even Try To Collect On PPP Loans That Are Supposed To Be Paid Back, Citing ‘Equity’

The federal government will not even attempt to recover some coronavirus-related loans that did not meet the conditions for forgiveness, in what could amount to the greenlighting of theft from an $800 billion program. The Small Business Administration (SBA), which administered the pandemic aid Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), said it will not seek to collect on loans that should have been paid back, but were not, as long as the amount is $100,000 or less. The vast majority of the 12 million loans given out in 2020 and 2021 were under $100,000. The agency’s inspector general, which is tasked with policing waste, fraud, and abuse, sounded the alarm at SBA’s decision, saying its logic does not add up and it should suspend the decision.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/sba-wont-even-try-to-collect-on-ppp-loans-that-are-supposed-to-be-paid-back-citing-equity


War Room: Cortes: The Biden Crime Family Sold Out Our Country In A Treasonous Way With Help Of Max Baucus

Watch the 622 minute interview:  https://rumble.com/v29ie04-cortes-the-biden-crime-family-sold-out-our-country-in-a-treasonous-way-with.html

Greenfield: James Biden May Be More Dangerous to Joe Than Hunter

Republicans have focused on Hunter Biden, largely because of the laptops, the flagrant activities in Ukraine and China, the obscene criminality of his rampages, and the sheer amount of information, but the linkage between Hunter’s business affairs and his father remains much less documented than the more extended ties between Joe’s brother, James. There’s been a long history of James’ business affairs and this is only the latest episode.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/james-biden-may-be-more-dangerous-to-joe-than-hunter/


Propper: Science needs to stop using terms like male, female, mother and father, researchers say

Male and female should instead be referred to as “sperm-producing” and “egg-producing,” the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB) Language Project said, according to the Times of London. Meanwhile, father and mother should be labeled “parent,” “egg donor” and “sperm donor” in the scientific field.

The group has called on the scientific field to use words that are more “inclusive and precise,” according to a press release from the University of British Columbia, which has three researchers part of the initiative. “Much of western science is rooted in colonialism, white supremacy and patriarchy, and these power structures continue to permeate our scientific culture,” some project members wrote in the Trends in Ecology and Evolution journal.

Read more: https://nypost.com/2023/02/14/science-needs-to-stop-using-male-female-mother-father-researchers/


Rigolizzo: ‘Yeast Maggots,’ ‘Mutated Vermin’: University Students List More Than 250 Horrific Anti-White Slurs In Cross-Campus Group Chat: Report

A group of students at multiple campuses circulated a list of horrific anti-white slurs in a student group chat. The list of more than 250 racist names for white people was leaked by an Auburn University student earlier this month. The list was shared on a group chat connected to Auburn’s Black Student Union on the messaging app GroupMe. The university said in a statement to The College Fix on Monday that it is investigating the chat and has known about it for nearly a month. […]  But many of the 265 names are anything but jokes. Several of the most egregious slurs include: “Yeast Maggots”  “Plantation Barbies”  ‘Mutated vermin” “Colonizer” “Albino Ape”  . . .[…]  The list was entitled “Creaker Names.” “Creaker” is another slur for an old white person. The list also appears to include . . .

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/yeast-maggots-mutated-vermin-university-students-list-more-than-250-horrific-anti-white-slurs-in-cross-campus-group-chat-report

Roberts: Where Is “White Privilege?” I Can’t Find It.

“People don’t realize how hard it is to speak the truth to people who don’t realize they are living a lie.” — Edward Snowden. February is the month we celebrate Black Heritage Month. Try celebrating White Heritage. It would be declared an insurrection, and instantly the FBI would be on the scene rounding up white supremacists and domestic terrorists. White heritage has been characterized as racism, and racism is something to be ashamed of, not celebrated. Universities and public schools have taught white students for years that they, their parents, and all forebears are racists who enslaved and oppressed black people. Some cities and states in the US have reparation committees deciding how much money people who have never owned a slave have to pay people who have never been a slave, many of whom don’t even know who their parents are. After years of indoctrination by Critical Race Theory many white Americans accept that they are the guilty descendants of slave traders. The truth is that the black slave trade originated in black Africa in slave wars between black peoples. Blacks enslaved blacks. The British colonists were merely customers who needed a labor force. The blacks brought to the colonies were enslaved prior to their arrival.

Read more: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2023/02/paul-craig-roberts/where-is-white-privilege-i-cant-find-it/


Ells: The World Bank Wants You To Surrender Your Children To A Global Childcare Regime

Notice that here in just a few words, the work of bearing and raising human beings is labeled “unproductive activity” that women must be emancipated from so they can equally contribute to mankind’s economic security. Marx and Engels also promised that equalizing workplace participation would launch large amounts of money into the economy, facilitate equality, and make entire societies prosperous. The Biden administration has added its voice to the chorus calling for every able-bodied female to join the work of contributing to the GDP. Recently, the Biden administration launched an initiative called the U.S. Strategy on Global Women’s Economic Security. At the launch meeting, Jennifer Klein, director of the White House Gender Policy Council said we must all work to “achieve our shared vision for women’s full and equitable participation in the global economy.” She also said, “Studies show that closing gender gaps in the workforce could add between $12 and $28 trillion in global GDP over a decade.” […]  So far, Team Biden is two for two on Engels’ plan: 1) Call for women’s “full and equitable participation in the economy” and 2) promise that affluence will follow. But what about the kids? If everybody is participating “fully and equitably” in the public workforce and no one is available to shepherd their own children, who will be raising up humanity? Engels has the answer. He said that in a socialist society, “the care and education of the children becomes a public affair” and “society looks after all children alike.”  […]  In short, the Biden administration has declared that universal childcare is the key to unlocking women’s untapped potential to contribute to the GDP. It has partnered with the World Bank to make childcare universally available and to pay countries for complying with their policy requirements.[NOTE: As in China, children will become wards of the government.]

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/the-world-bank-wants-you-to-surrender-your-children-to-a-global-childcare-regime

Duggan: Democratic Rep Suggests Traditional Families Are ‘Un-American’

Democratic South Dakota state Rep. Erin Healy suggested that idealizing the traditional two-parent married household is “dangerous” and “un-American” in a Monday tweet. Healy was rebuking Family Heritage Alliance’s claim that a home with a married mother and father was the safest place for a child. Critics came to the group’s defense, with some pointing to data supporting the claim that married biological parents are the safest adults for children to live with. […]  “Actually, when it comes to abuse, the safest place for kids is an intact, biological married family. See, e.g., this federal report on child abuse and neglect,” Brad Wilcox, director of the University of Virginia’s National Marriage Project, wrote.

Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2023/02/14/democrat-erin-healy-south-dakota-traditional-families/

(Citizen Free Press) Rantz: Dem bill lures teens to run away for trans surgeries without parental consent

Washington Democrats have proposed a bill that effectively encourages minors to run away from home to receive gender-affirming care, including gender reassignment surgery, without parental consent and at taxpayer expense. […] If a parent says no to removing their 14-year-old daughter’s breasts, it is seen as neglect or abuse by many progressive activists and politicians. And that’s precisely the kind of health care service that would be allowed without parental consent, according to the bill summary.

Read more: https://mynorthwest.com/3816911/rantz-dem-bill-lures-teens-run-away-trans-surgeries-without-parental-consent/


Revolver.news: VIDEO: FL Rep. Dr. Rudman isn’t scared of Big Pharma — he reveals his good friend just “died suddenly” and calls out the jab…

Florida House rep and respected physician Dr. Joel Rudman took to Twitter where he made a solemn announcement. Sadly, one of his dear old friends just “died suddenly.” The biggest takeaway from Doctor Rudman’s comments on this terrifying new “sudden death epidemic,” was this: . . .

Read more/Watch the 1:30 minute video: https://www.revolver.news/2023/02/video-fl-rep-dr-rudman-isnt-scared-of-big-pharma-he-reveals-his-good-friend-just-died-suddenly-and-calls-out-the-jab/

Horowitz: Death, injury, no liability, and now a part of the child vaccination schedule

I never could have imagined coming out with a book – “Rise of the Fourth Reich” – on COVID fascism nearly three years into the “Great Reset” that would be more relevant now than during the lockdowns themselves. But it should now be clear beyond a shadow of a doubt that the botched vaccines weren’t some sort of mistake. It was done on purpose with no remorse. The only remorse will be on our part for not fighting it while we still can. […]  In what other sphere of medicine do we place a private product on a government-recommended list that every single human being alive is to be given, with the threat of medical apartheid as an enforcement tool, regardless of their unique needs? Oh, and the thing promoted most by government – up until and including school mandates – just happens to be exempted from liability. Mandating a biologic product in the bodies of children while exempting the manufacturers of liability is the worst form of fascism imaginable.

Read more: https://www.conservativereview.com/horowitz-death-injury-no-liability-and-now-a-part-of-the-child-vaccination-schedule-2659415690.html


(Sanctioned child abuse) Chamberlain: WATCH: Preschool Teachers Drill Students in ‘Woke’ Gender Language

Teachers told to teach kids as young as four about transgenderism and Black Lives Matter. A group that accredits North Carolina day-care centers encouraged early childhood educators to teach kids as young as four about transgenderism and the Black Lives Matter movement. In October, the North Carolina Association for the Education of Young Children hosted a conference for child care professionals to complete the mandatory training hours needed to remain licensed in the state. Attendees were required to watch Reflecting on Anti-bias Education in Action: The Early Years, a documentary that follows teachers at two West Coast preschools as they drill their young pupils in a number of “woke” subjects. […]  This is the latest instance of an accrediting body pushing radical racial and gender ideologies on children. The American Academy of Pediatrics, which sets standards for pediatricians, has come under fire for endorsing sex-change operations for children as young as 10. Zero to Three, the top early childhood development group in the nation, has said signs of “transgender identity” can begin to emerge in children as young as two, the Washington Free Beacon reported.

Read more/Watch the videos: https://freebeacon.com/campus/watch-preschool-teachers-drill-students-in-woke-gender-language/

Schwerha: University To Teach Students How To ‘Think Critically’ About Porn

“Sex is everywhere these days, especially in the digital space, so it may not come as a surprise to learn that pornography consumption has become increasingly prevalent around the world,” the news release reads. “Specifically, 46–74% of men and 16–41% of women report being active porn users in modern countries today, and the reported age at which people are first exposed to pornographic content continues to get younger. […]  “Students will gain a comprehensive and holistic understanding of how complex the topic of internet porn is,” said Jennifer Pollitt, assistant professor and assistant director of gender, sexuality and women’s studies. “We’ll situate it within sociosexual, political, legal and historical frameworks. Talking about sex education without talking about pornography would only be telling half the story.”

Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2023/02/14/university-teach-students-how-to-think-critically-about-porn/

Reese: Not A Single Student Is Proficient In Reading Or Math At 55 Chicago Schools: REPORT

Out of 649 Chicago Public Schools, 22 schools have zero students who met grade level expectations for reading while no students were proficient in math in 33 schools during the 2021-2022 school year, according to a Wirepoints report. The data analyzed is from the Illinois State Board of Education annual report which details how schools within the state are performing. “Defenders of the current system are sure to invoke COVID as the big reason for the low scores,” Ted Dabrowski and John Klingner, authors of the report, stated. “But a look at the 2019 numbers show that the reading and math numbers were only slightly better than they are now.”

Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2023/02/14/math-reading-chicago-schools-report/


Quintanar: WATCH: Matt Walsh Rips Into ‘Human Deepfake’ TikToker Dylan Mulvaney

Daily Wire host Matt Walsh ripped into transgender TikTok influencer Dylan Mulvaney on Tuesday for trying to claim the mantle of womanhood after shedding himself of his masculinity. Mulvaney gained notoriety online for his “Days of Girlhood” series, which features him talking about different aspects of womanhood. In one of his latest videos, Day 335, Mulvaney wears heels, a black and white dress, red lipstick, and hair extensions, declaring himself “the hottest” he’ll ever look in his whole life. And Walsh saw right through it.  “You have successfully shed whatever parts of you were masculine perhaps at least on the surface, nobody would ever describe you as masculine or manly.” Walsh said. “But your femininity quotient has not increased at a rate commensurate with the loss of your masculinity. You may not be masculine, but you also aren’t feminine. Instead, you are weird and artificial. You are manufactured and lifeless. You are unearthly and eerie. You are like some kind of human deepfake.” {NOTE: A few months ago, President Biden invited Dylan to meet with him in the Oval Office. For POTUS to affirm Dylan’s “womanhood “ is sick and wrong because Dylan is mentally ill. Dylan needs help not affirmation.}

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/watch-matt-walsh-rips-into-human-deepfake-tiktoker-dylan-mulvaney


Ring: The Libertarian-Socialist Axis

Libertarian advocacy results in half-solutions that are worse than doing nothing because, in reality, they advance the objectives of socialists. On the surface, it might seem ridiculous to suggest libertarians and socialists work to further the same political agenda. Their ideologies are diametrically opposed. The extreme version of a socialist system is for all property to be owned and controlled by the government. The extreme version of a libertarian system is for all property to be privately owned. And yet the extremes meet. The unwitting consequence of socialist and libertarian movements in the United States has been to assist in the formation of an unprecedented concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a corporatist elite that has perfected its ability to manipulate both movements. […]  In short, socialism eliminates competition, which empowers the biggest corporations on earth to get even bigger. Policies advocated by libertarians are often sound in principle but almost always fail to achieve the intended results. The following are examples of how libertarians become victims of political jiu-jitsu, wherein the policies they promote end up harming Americans while serving the interests of corporate monopolies.

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2023/02/14/the-libertarian-socialist-axis/

Greenfield: After Attack, Pro-BLM Congresswoman Calls for Locking Up Repeat Offenders

What a difference some years and one violent attack make. It wasn’t all that long ago that Rep. Angie Craig was expressing support for the pro-crime racist hate group Black Lives Matter and taking part in its rallies. And then she got attacked in her building. Now she’s talking sense.

Rep. Angie Craig (D-MN) called for a crackdown on crime in Washington, D.C., after she was attacked in the district. Craig was allegedly attacked by Kendrid Hamlin, 26, early Thursday morning in her apartment building’s elevator.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/after-attack-pro-blm-congresswoman-calls-for-locking-up-repeat-offenders/

Kornick: Professor calls for ‘animals to be represented in court,’ join humans as ‘co-creators of this wonderful world’

“Well, I think it’s pretty obvious what the benefit to the animals is. Humans are dominating everywhere, all over the globe. There is no such thing as wild nature. On the land, every space there is, is dominated by human beings, so animals are losing their habitats. And in the seas, as I say, whales are suffering from the things that humans do. In the skies, migratory birds are choking on air pollution and banging into buildings that have bright light,” Nussbaum said. She continued, “So we’re dominating everywhere, and so the benefit to the animals is they can be, as it were, co-creators of this wonderful world we live in, not just victims of aggression. But the benefits to us, I think, are the benefits of, you know, living in a world where we’re companions of not just a dog or a cat, but companions of many different types of animals, of the elephants that right now are being poached almost to extinction.” Melber pressed further for Nussbaum to explain what legal rights for animals would look like. […]  Nussbaum added, in the spirit of “Open Mind,” that she is open to criticism but continues to feel “we’re failing the animals of the world and we’re not taking their plight seriously, and we’re inflicting terrible unnecessary horrors on animals, that I feel absolutely certain.” “There’s no constitutional barrier to giving animals standing,” she insisted. [NOTE: Comments following the article: So, we’re giving animals legal rights, but unborn children are still slaughtered by the thousands every year – If we’re going to give all animals rights, then what about plants? They are living organisms too.- Animals should exercise their right to have their woke liberal owners spayed and neutered.]

Read more: https://www.foxnews.com/media/professor-calls-animals-represented-court-join-humans-co-creators-wonderful-world

Sundance: East Palestine Railway Toxins Did Reach the Ohio River – Contamination Plume Traveling Approximately 1 MPH – Various Municipal Water Intakes May Close

After about 20 minutes of generally obtuse outlines intended to downplay the seriousness of the crisis, which included a game and fish commissioner saying 3,500 fish were killed by the chemical pollutants – yet never actually saying *what* about the chemicals killed the fish, suddenly the Ohio EPA official admitted something important. WATER QUALITY – After the Ohio EPA spent several minutes saying the released chemicals are *CURRENTLY* dissipating to “non traceable levels” at various points in the downstream waterways, suddenly she admits the “initial slack” of chemicals did reach the Ohio River. [Prompted 19:34, WATCH]  The “Contamination Plume” is travelling down the Ohio River at approximately 1 mph, providing the various municipal water systems the ability to disconnect from the Ohio River intake as the toxins pass by.

Read more/Watch the video: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2023/02/14/east-palestine-railway-toxins-did-reach-the-ohio-river-contamination-plume-traveling-approximately-1-mph-various-municipal-water-intakes-may-close/

Citizen Free Press: Water test results from Ohio…

They’re testing the water outside East Palestine and the results are not good. “The contaminated water is bleaching all the colors out of these [testing] squares… There is obviously something in this water in large quantity that is being hidden.” […]  A woman 10 miles from East Palestine, Ohio found all her chickens dead. “If it can do this to chickens in a night, imagine what it will do to us in 20 years”

Read more/Watch the three short videos: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/water-test-results-from-ohio/

Hawkins: Shelter in Place Warning Issued Due to Toxic Chemical Spill Near Tuscon

A “shelter in place” warning is in effect near Tuscon, Arizona after a truck overturned and spilled a load of toxic chemicals. According to the Pima County Office of Emergency Management and Tucson Fire, the truck was carrying nitric acid. Everyone in the area was advised to turn off heaters, air conditioning units, and any other equipment that would bring outside air in.

Read more: https://slaynews.com/news/shelter-in-place-warning-issued-near-tuscon-due-to-toxic-chemical-spill/

Saavedra: Dianne Feinstein Suggests She Did Not Know Her Staff Put Out Statement Saying She Was Retiring

“I am announcing today I will not run for reelection in 2024 but intend to accomplish as much for California as I can through the end of next year when my term ends,” Feinstein wrote on Twitter. “Even with a divided Congress, we can still pass bills that will improve lives.” “Each of us was sent here to solve problems. That’s what I’ve done for the last 30 years, and that’s what I plan to do for the next two years,” she added. “My thanks to the people of California for allowing me to serve them.”

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/dianne-feinstein-suggests-she-did-not-know-her-staff-put-out-statement-saying-she-was-retiring


Pickworth: Belgian footballer Arne Espeel dies while playing for Winkel Sport B after the goalkeeper collapsed on the pitch – just seconds after saving a penalty

Emergency services ran on to help Espeel and did all they could to save him with a defibrillator also used, but the 25-year-old was pronounced dead soon after he was taken to a hospital. An autopsy was scheduled to take place on Monday with the cause of Espeel’s death as of yet unconfirmed.

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-11748483/Belgian-footballer-Arne-Espeel-dies-playing-Winkel-Sport-B.html


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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