Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 29 minutes


Federer: Voting: How America is an Experiment in Self-Government – American Minute

Theodore Roosevelt stated October 24, 1903: “In no other place and at no other time has the experiment of government of the people, by the people, for the people, been tried on so vast a scale as here in our own country.” How did America’s experiment in self-government begin?

At a time when most of the world was ruled by kings, Americans held its first popularly elected legislative assembly. Jamestown was initially a “company colony,” run by the 1606 Virginia Company Charter, which had by-laws and an appointed governor. Unforeseen crises, such as famines, diseases, Indian attacks, labor shortages, and struggles to establish a cash crop necessitated the calling of the first meeting of the Virginia House of Burgesses, July 30, 1619. A burgess was a citizen elected to represent a “borough” (town or neighborhood). There were eleven Jamestown boroughs which elected twenty-two representatives. They met in the church choir loft. Master John Pory was appointed as the assembly’s Speaker. He wrote “A Report of the Manner of Proceeding in the General Assembly Convented at James City,” July 30, 1619: . . .

Read more: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1754/6613/files/11-08_VOTING_How_America_is_an_Experiment_in_Self-Government.pdf?v=1667910100

Fischer: Who Is the Real Threat to Democracy?

We hear the lament from the Left continually, even more so as election season dawns, and endlessly as election day approaches: “If you vote for the Republican, it will mark the end of democracy.” We know this mantra by now. Trump tried to destroy democracy not only on January 6 but on the day he was born, actually on the day he was conceived. Rudy Giuliani is a threat to democracy. Steve Bannon is a threat to democracy. Fox News is a threat to democracy. The conservative columnists at the New York Times and Washington Post are threats to democracy. Sean Hannity. Tucker Carlson. Now, Elon Musk is a threat to democracy. They all must be canceled and destroyed — to save democracy. But who is the real threat to democracy? Consider three examples: the Courts, the Legislature, and Elections. 1. The Courts:  When a political party aims to destroy an independent judiciary, that is a threat to democracy. Through all the years of the radical-left Warren Court, Republican conservatives griped but lived with it. Here was a left-wing Supreme Court out of touch with an America that repeatedly . . .  […]  And yet Republican conservatives lived with it. They did not rebel. They did not overturn. They accepted the situation begrudgingly.

Then — finally — when a more conservative Court emerged under President Trump, Democrats responded not merely with gloom and despondence but with the most anti-democratic of proposals conceivable, essentially saying: “Let’s stack the court. Let’s add as many additional justices of our mindset as it takes to assure we ride roughshod over the law. If the conservatives now have a 6-3 or 5-4 majority, let’s be . . . […]  Who is the real threat to democracy? 2. The Legislature: Free elections in an honest democracy result in the election of representatives who reflect majority sentiment in a voting district or ward or parish or state. Often, because politicians deceive shamelessly and voters are not uniformly wise or informed — i.e., are idiots — the elected representatives actually stand for and work for the diametric opposite of what they swear to the voters. So a Maggie Hassan in New Hampshire or a Mark Kelly in Arizona . . . […]  3. Elections: It used to be — and still is in most of the free world — that elections take place on election day, not a month before. But the Democrats changed the rules while Republicans typically slept. Thus,  . . .

Read more: https://spectator.org/who-is-the-real-threat-to-democracy/


John Daniel Davidson contributor to The Federalist: In the face of a massive electoral loss, then, do you really think a political party that has aligned itself with elite interests and woke morality, that controls the White House and the administrative bureaucracy, that is supported by corporate media and Big Tech (with the recent exception of Elon Musk’s Twitter) is going to simply relinquish that power? Hand it over to the very people it has been decrying as the destroyers of our democracy? Allow someone like Donald Trump ever to get near the White House again? No, of course not. 

Stephen Kruiser contributor to PJMedia: I’m one of those crazies who still votes on Election Day, rather than opt for the Democrat cons of mail-in and early voting. Early voting is the devil and should die a hideous death. The only people who should vote by mail are deployed military personnel, people who are expatriated for work, and people who are too physically ill to get to the polls. Participation in either for convenience is just enabling the Democrat fraud machine. While today is certainly one of optimism for those of us on the political right, we must always be wary of the Democrats’ well-oiled election fraud machine. I frequently tell conservatives not to despair about voter fraud to the point of not voting anymore but that doesn’t mean I don’t worry about it. Democrats never believe that they lose elections because voters are rejecting their anti-American commie policies. Most modern Dems don’t believe they’ve lost at all since the year 2000.

Dov Fischer contributor to Spectator: It is the Left’s formula everywhere from France to Italy, from Israel to America: depict every serious, reasonable conservative candidate as a neo-fascist, if not a neo-Nazi, and a “threat to democracy.” All the while, manipulate the courts to override the freely expressed will of the people, change the election rules to elect more candidates on the Left, and even change the rules for voting. So who is the real threat to democracy?

Sundance founder of The last Refuge: In foreign countries when the ruling government sends federal police or military agents of the regime in power to “monitor elections,” U.S. politicians and media call it intimidation, corruption and election fraud.  When Joe Biden sends federal police to monitor elections, U.S. politicians and media call it “protecting democracy.”  The process is identical. 

Ray DiLorenzo contributor to Canada Free Press: The Leftist says man is basically good, capable of evil. God says man is evil, capable of good. Who has the higher standard? The last two years says it all. You’ve been warned 

Sundance founder of The Last Refuge: When politicians in Mexico and South America take financial payments from corporations and billionaires, we call it “corruption.”  When politicians in the United States take financial payments from corporations and billionaires, we call it “lobbying.”  The process is identical.

Elon Musk Tweet: “To independent-minded voters: Shared power curbs the worst excesses of both parties, therefore I recommend voting for a Republican Congress, given that the Presidency is Democratic.”

Michael J. Matt contributor to Canada Free Press: Do you think the midterm elections don’t matter? George Soros disagrees with you. Soros has donated $128.5 million to Democracy PAC

Kurt Schlichter contributor to TownHall: The next few days will be very difficult for the progressives, pinkos, commies, and other Democrats around you as they watch most – or perhaps all, if it is a red tsunami – their dreams die at the ballot box. You should take their profound sadness into account when you deal with them, and do everything you can to make the process of dealing with their total humiliation as miserable as possible. It’s not about healing. It’s about hurting. It’s righteous retribution for their myriad wrongs. And it’s fun to make bad people suffer. Mock them. Belittle them. Call them “election deniers.” Rub their smug, Botoxed faces in their failure. Point out, accurately, that their embarrassing rejection by America is personal, that they are malignant and ridiculous people who thought that the angry weather goddess had blessed them with the divine right to rule over the rest of us. But they were wrong, totally and completely wrong, and the misery they are experiencing is all their fault. 

Laura Cohen contributor to Brownstone Institute: Some leftists loathe the disabled. I learned that the hard way during the COVID lockdowns. But when it is politically expedient, they will happily and shamelessly pretend otherwise. This cynical and disgraceful anti-human machination of the Left was exposed to sunlight in the Fetterman-Oz debate.

Dr. Peter McCullough is a cardiologist: “When someone dies and the family doesn’t come out and say anything, or doctors don’t come out and say anything, it’s a reasonable assumption that it was the vaccine, until proven otherwise.” 

Robert Malone, M.D.: So you ask, “why didn’t more physicians stand up and object?” Because the entire profession has been subjected to the most aggressive and coordinated propaganda, censorship, and defamation campaign the modern western world has ever seen. 

Lt. Gov. Winsome Earle-Sears (R-VA): “They’re gonna continue not prosecuting the people that they need to. They’re gonna continue this no cash bail. They’re gonna continue all of these things that we hate. They’re gonna continue separating us from our children. Parents! We’re not giving up our kids to the government. Not in this lifetime, we’re not. They’re our children, we are their first teachers, and we will raise them!”

Matt Keener contributor to American Thinker: If people go to bed Tuesday night with recovering stroke victim John Fetterman trailing Dr. Oz in the Pennsylvania Senate race or Lee Zeldin crushing the installed Kathy Hochul for New York Governor, only to wake up to a Democrat “miracle come from behind victory,” there will be more questions Mr. President, not fewer.

Julie Kelly is a senior contributor to American Greatness: Trump is on the public scene more now than ever—and a Republican Party reconfigured under his leadership is energized and playing to win. The NeverTrump duncery undoubtedly will downplay any GOP victory solely as a result of Joe Biden’s economic failures and the Democratic Party’s overreach on cultural issues. Part of that will be true. But even the most groveling NeverTrumper will have to admit the Republican Party is on the upswing and their nonstop portrayals of Trump as the GOP’s Grim Reaper were flat wrong. To the contrary, it is the Democratic Party under Biden at risk of sustained electoral defeat—the exact opposite of what NeverTrump promised. As usual.


Olson & Brooks: Trump says he will make a ‘big announcement’ on November 15

“Two years ago we were a great nation, and we will be a great nation again. Not to detract from tomorrow’s very important even critical election… I’m going to be making a very big announcement on Tuesday Nov. 15 at  Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach,” Trump said of what will likely be a third presidential campaign.

Read more: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-teases-possible-presidential-announcement-november-15

RSBC:  FULL SPEECH: President Donald J. Trump Holds Save America Rally in Vandalia, OH – 11/7/22

Watch the 1:45:16 hour speech: https://rumble.com/v1sdkne-full-speech-president-donald-j.-trump-holds-save-america-rally-in-vandalia-.html


Frieth: Jen Psaki says censorship deposition would be “burdensome” for her family life and new MSNBC gig

Jen Psaki, the former White House press secretary, and Department of Justice (DOJ) are fighting a subpoena requiring her to testify in the lawsuit filed by Missouri and Louisiana attorneys general – alleging that the Biden administration colluded with social media platforms to censor certain viewpoints on the pandemic. The motion to quash the subpoena was filed in a federal court in Virginia. It argues that the deposition would be “extremely burdensome” for Psaki, who is preparing to be the host of a new show on MSNBC. […]  Psaki has in the past admitted that the Biden administration was flagging people’s speech to social media platforms. The DOJ argued that Psaki’s deposition would result in a debate over executive privilege considering she was a top adviser to President Joe Biden.

Read more: https://reclaimthenet.org/jen-psaki-motion-to-quash-social-media-censorship-deposition/

Balsamo: Justice Department to monitor voting rights across 24 states

The Justice Department is sending monitors to 24 states in an effort to ensure compliance with federal voting rights laws in the midterm elections

Read more: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/justice-department-monitor-voting-rights-24-states-92814276 

Brown: Missouri SOS Highlights Questionable Email Sent to Election Official by Biden DOJ

With Election Day now just hours away, Missouri’s Secretary of State is making public the emails sent to one county’s election officials by Biden Department of Justice officials regarding a “review” to be conducted as Missouri residents cast their ballots on Tuesday. In a thread Sunday evening, Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft shared screenshots of the email sent on November 3 by the DOJ to county election officials announcing that federal officials “will be reviewing Cole County’s voting program on site on Election Day” in the form of four DOJ staffers who would be visiting “each polling place” in the central Missouri county that includes Jefferson City. The email goes on to explain that DOJ officials would . . .

Read more: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/spencerbrown/2022/11/07/biden-doj-will-review-missouri-countys-election-day-operation-n2615572


Newman: Mega-Banks Join UN to Unleash “Climate” Tyranny

The mega-banks of the United States and the world are critical players in the Deep State United Nations-led effort to transform the planet and impose centralized global controls under the guise of fighting “climate change,” warns The New American magazine Senior Editor in this episode of Behind The Deep State. As predicted by Georgetown historian Caroll Quigley, the Bank for International Settlements is the “apex” of this move, through the appropriately named “Financial Stability Board” (FSB). Central banks, the BIS and banks are all working together—and with the UN—to stop lending and investment in companies and industries that are to be phased out for the New World Order.

Read more/Watch the 13:57 minute report: https://thenewamerican.com/mega-banks-join-un-to-unleash-climate-tyranny/

Bonta: UN Climate Conference Underway in Egypt

The 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference — COP27 for short — is underway in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, and overheated rhetoric is already setting the tone. In his opening remarks, UN Secretary-General António Guterres told the assembled delegates in no uncertain terms that “our planet is fast approaching tipping points that will make climate chaos irreversible. We are on a highway to climate hell with our foot still on the accelerator.” Man-made climate change is “the defining issue of our age,” Guterres thundered. “It is the central challenge of our century. It is unacceptable, outrageous and self-defeating to put it on the back burner.” […]  More important than the calamitous rise of Communist China and its aggressively nuclear Mini-me, North Korea, both of which are determined to conquer free countries they believe unswervingly to be theirs by right, and are readying their vast militaries for all-out war with the United States if we continue to stand in the way of their stated totalitarian goals? More important than looming global food and fuel shortages, ruinous inflation, and a Covid pandemic that our leaders refuse to let go of? Well, yes, actually, climate change is more important than any of these or any other conceivable global crisis, because it is climate change, according to Guterres, that is the driving force for all of these calamities. […]  Guterres also called for a so-called “Climate Solidarity Pact” between rich and poor nations, which would include a provision to phase out all coal power plants by 2040. Such a pact will doubtless also formalize requirements for “loss and damage” payments from rich to poor countries, whereby the former will atone for supposedly imposing climate hardships on the latter via unrestrained development. Guterres portrayed the pact in the starkest of terms, insisting that “It is either a Climate Solidarity Pact — or a Collective Suicide Pact. Humanity has a choice: cooperate or perish.”

Read more: https://thenewamerican.com/un-climate-conference-underway-in-egypt/

DiLorenzo: Warnings From Our Founders
Limited government was the hallmark of our Constitutional Republic. Through greed, and party politics, we have managed to subvert the founders’ intent and created a monster that is devouring our country. There are powers that want our Constitutional Republic, and most of the world’s governments to end.  They want a new beginning…a beginning that will enable the very rich to take charge.  No more government of, by, and for the people.  No more natural rights from God.  No more religious freedom. They will determine our future, our beliefs, our happiness, our health, our very existence. They say we will own nothing and be happy, reducing us to mere children with them as parents.  Their plans include depopulating the world of obsolete, redundant, and useless people. They are dead serious and have already begun executing their plans.  Numerous leaked videos have been released corroborating their aim. How many times does the World Economic Forum have to announce their intentions before the world takes it seriously? We’re all being played.

Read more: https://canadafreepress.com/article/warnings-from-our-founders


Kornick: Politico, New York Times warn of voting hacks, Russian bots ahead of midterms

Recent reports from The New York Times, Politico and Reuters all promoted potential security threats to the midterm elections in the final days leading up to Election Day on Tuesday. Although the 2020 presidential election has been referred to as “the most secure in American history,” mainstream media outlets have expressed concerns over the upcoming 2022 elections being influenced by foreign interference and “misinformation,” much like was alleged after the 2016 presidential election and before 2020. For example, the New York Times featured a piece on Sunday that said researchers “identified a series of Russian information operations” that have been “reactivated” since the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections. […]  Politico’s cybersecurity reporter Eric Geller wrote an article Monday highlighting “6 election security threats to watch for on Election Day.” “The midterms face a bevy of digital threats, from stolen Twitter accounts to hacked election websites, that could spark chaos, confusion and unrest that last long after the polls close,” Geller wrote. […]  Reuters also expressed a similar sentiment when reporting that . . .

Read more: https://www.foxnews.com/media/politico-new-york-times-warn-voting-hacks-russian-bots-midterms

Geller: 6 election security threats to watch for on Election Day

The 2020 presidential election was rife with allegations of voting machine hacks that were later debunked. Yet there are real risks that hackers could tunnel into voting equipment and other election infrastructure to try to undermine Tuesday’s vote. […]  Here are the threats to watch for as the final votes of the midterms are cast. Mis- and disinformation Lies and conspiracy theories about the security of election systems are what most worry election supervisors and federal cybersecurity and intelligence officials, because those falsehoods can inflame mistrust that discourages people from voting and provoke anger that spurs people to threaten violence against election administrators. […]  And while disinformation gets a lot of attention because it is spread deliberately, honest poll-worker mistakes at precincts and glitches such as brief voting machine outages can lead to innocent misunderstandings that generate misinformation. Crashing election office and campaign websites . . .

Read more: https://www.politico.com/news/2022/11/07/6-election-security-threats-to-watch-for-on-election-day-00065277

Davidson: Democrats Are Not Going To Relinquish Power Peacefully

Democrats’ inability to moderate even a little bit, their unwillingness to snap awake to reality and respond to voters with some measure of empathy, however small, is of course a consequence of the party’s capture by its radical left-wing base. (Henry Olsen had a good line related to this in The Washington Post recently: “[T]oday’s Democratic Party increasingly looks like the Depression-era Republican Party, which consisted of powerful elites who lost touch with the working-class majority.”) The danger comes when Democrats refuse to accept that they have no mandate from the people to remain in power, and inevitably seek some other justification for clinging to it. For all their talk of “threats to democracy” from Republican “election deniers” — one of the most asinine political epithets of our era, by the way — it’s Democrats who pose the real threat. This cycle has made it clear that they are not trying to forge a majority coalition. Their appeal is exclusive to left-leaning, college-educated voters and the woke institutions and corporations these people now control. That might be a minority coalition, but it’s such a powerful one that it opens new possibilities to scheming Democrats: that there are other ways than winning elections to gain and retain power.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2022/11/08/democrats-are-not-going-to-relinquish-power-peacefully/


Bannons War Room: Mike Lindell: Tune Into The Real Time Crime Desk For Election Night

“We are going to be watching every race. We are going to have the Real Time Crime Desk going at FrankSpeech.Com. … We are tracking every race by Cyber…. I’m putting them all on notice.”

Watch the 3:28 minute interview:  https://warroom.org/2022/11/07/mike-lindell-tune-into-the-real-time-crime-desk-tomorrow-for-election-night/

Koenig: ‘There’s strategic ways to do it… not to raise the flag’: Undercover video catches Wife of Colorado Senator saying Dems are quietly defunding the police – and admitting the Inflation Reduction Act is really a health and climate bill

Undercover journalists filmed Susan Daggett, the wife of Sen. Michael Bennet, speak about the Defund the Police movement and the Inflation Reduction Act. She suggested in the video that Democrats should defund the police ‘quietly’ Daggett also told the undercover reporters they should not talk openly about how the Inflation Reduction Act is really a health and climate bill. Bennet’s challenger, Republican Joe O’Dea, says the video proves Democrats are  ‘trying to pull a fast one on the American people’ Bennet’s campaign, meanwhile, slammed the Accuracy in Media journalists for their undercover tactics.

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11401885/Sen-Michael-Bennet-blasted-wife-suggests-Democrats-defund-police-quietly.html

Wolf: Vote Like a Woman

When You Vote, Remember Who Has Recently Most Hurt Women. What is a “woman’s issue,” when it comes to state and national politics? I have watched in astonishment as the Democrats, over the past 20 months, have systematically thrown away what has in our lifetime been their primary treasure: that is to say, the women’s vote. Presidents Clinton and Obama won solely due to the advantage that the DNC has held, for decades, with one demographic: white suburban women — and especially, the white college-educated suburban women who traditionally vote over 80 per cent for Democrats. The advantage this gave President Clinton was a gender gap in his favor of up to 11%. [https://cawp.rutgers.edu/sites/default/files/resources/ggpresvote.pdf] That shrunk to 6% for President Obama, in some metrics, but it still made the difference in electing him. [https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/07/28/a-closer-look-at-the-gender-gap-in-presidential-voting/] No matter how many ways you do the math, Democrats simply cannot win a national or state election without this population’s support. Yet they are enacting policies and producing messaging that burn up that advantage. And indeed this demographic is abandoning the DNC ship. […]  Who was disproportionately harmed by lockdowns? Masking? Forced mRNA injections? Women and their children. Lockdowns are women’s issues. […]  Who are most hurt when “defund the police” movements drive policing out of low income neighborhoods? Low income women and children. One woman in three has been a victim of violence. [https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/violence-against-women]. Whom do you call when you are raped or stalked or beaten, if you are a woman? The police. […]  You don’t have to be gaslit by “Republican scare tactics” to be a woman of any political persuasion, of any income bracket, able to figure out that ugly math for your very own self. But the DNC seems to think that, for women voters at least, “Math is hard.”

Read more: https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/vote-like-a-woman?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=676930&post_id=82929017&isFreemail=false&utm_medium=email

Meghan McCain: Women voters are not ‘Karens’ or ‘roaches’. Sneering Democrats call us this – because we want what’s best for our families and for America. And at the ballot box today, we will roar

Once upon a time, ‘soccer moms’ were a courted group of swing voters. Do you remember? Of course, back then, they weren’t dismissed as borderline racists or rabid partisans. Why would they be? They didn’t dabble in the fringes of politics. Their voting habits were easy to understand. They wanted what was best for their families. Or put another way, they weren’t pilloried or patronized as ‘Karens’. But then all of a sudden, women voters went from a respected voting bloc to a group to be despised. […]  But can you imagine any other racial group in America being given a label in 2022? Repulsively, white women have become a legitimate target of left-wing ridicule. And we know why. We didn’t vote as we were told. […] How could women vote for Donald Trump? He’s a monster, they wailed! But the answer to their question was very simple. All issues are women’s issues.Simply because we are born with female anatomy does not mean we don’t care about the economy, education, foreign policy, and the wellbeing of our country. […]  In recent days and weeks, as polling shows a remarkable swing of suburban white women toward the Republican party, we’ve heard women described as ‘roaches’ and ‘Nazis’ for valuing their best judgement over the orders of Democrats and the liberal media.

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11401091/MEGHAN-MCCAIN-Women-voters-not-Karens-roaches.html

Markowicz: After arguing gender is a construct, Democrats now want us to care that Hochul is a woman

What is a woman? Just in time for the election, the Democrats seem to know again. On Thursday, Gov. Hochul, who had planned to sail easily to reelection but now has the indignity of having to actually campaign for votes, brought in the big guns to help her effort. Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris flanked Hochul with “New York women vote” signs behind them. Referencing the Teddy Roosevelt speech about the “man in the arena,” Hochul tied it to herself, saying that “for the first time in history, a woman has entered the arena.”

Read more: https://nypost.com/2022/11/04/after-arguing-gender-is-a-construct-dems-now-want-us-to-care-that-hochul-is-a-woman/


Sundance: DeSantis Megadonor, Billionaire Head of Citadel Investments Ken Griffin, Explains Why He Purchased Ron DeSantis for 2024 and What He Expects from His Investment

Billionaire Citadel Investment hedge fund CEO Ken Griffin (pictured above, center) is one of the top purchasers of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for a 2024 presidential bid.  In a recent article for Politico, Mr. Griffin openly explains what he expects from his investment in DeSantis: . . . (1) Stop the populist movement and (2) get the republican party back in alignment with the multinational “corporate world.” Pretty blunt, but hey, he’s rich enough to be honest.  So, there you have it…. This is what Griffin expects Ron DeSantis to do for him.  Any questions?

Read more: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/11/06/desantis-megadonor-billionaire-head-of-citadel-investments-ken-griffin-explains-why-he-purchased-ron-desantis-for-2024-and-what-he-expects-from-his-investment/


Lai & Roebuck: The Pa. Supreme Court has issued a second order on mail ballot dates as the legal fight continues

The scramble to figure out which Pennsylvania mail ballots to count and reject based on handwritten dates continued Saturday. A state Supreme Court order Tuesday — that many had earlier hoped would settle the matter for this election — directed counties to reject mail ballots missing those dates as well as those where the voter put a wrong date on their ballot. But the decision has since stirred uncertainty among elections administrators over what exactly constitutes an incorrect date and drawn new litigation from advocates who say rejecting ballots over what amounts to a mistake threatens to potentially disenfranchise thousands of legal voters. On Saturday, the state Supreme Court unexpectedly issued an additional order clarifying its definition: . . . […]  The order means ballots would be counted as long as they have any date within the given range — even if they are dated after the ballot was actually returned, or before the ballot was even printed. Several lawyers immediately noted that could potentially bolster a legal argument that Democrats and voting-rights groups have made that the state’s dating requirement is merely a technicality that isn’t used to determine the legitimacy of the vote.

Read more at the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Best: Georgia judge extends deadline for some Cobb County voters who never received their mail-in ballots

The deadline for some residents of Cobb County, Georgia, to return their mail-in ballots was extended by a judge on Monday after election officials failed to send out ballots to 1,036 people who requested them.  Some of the affected voters filed a lawsuit over the weekend asking for an extension after election officials admitted that the mistake was due to an error on their part.

Read more: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/georgia-judge-extends-deadline-some-cobb-county-voters-who-never-received-their-mail-ballots

Lyman: Trump-Appointed Judge Issues Blow To NY Gun Restriction

A Trump-appointed judge issued a blow Thursday night to a New York State gun law that barred guns in places of worship. The Democrat-led legislature in New York passed a series of laws in September aimed at restricting concealed carry after the Supreme Court overturned a statute requiring individuals to show “proper cause” in order to obtain a concealed carry permit. One such restriction barred firearms in places of worship and “sensitive” areas.

Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2022/11/06/new-york-gun-law-john-sinatra-jr/

Weil: Republican high school students can criticize abortion proposal during morning announcements, federal judge rules

On Friday, Judge Paul D. Borman of the Eastern District of Michigan determined that administrators at Skyline High School in Ann Arbor, Michigan, violated the First and Fourteenth Amendment rights of conservative students when they forbade the students to make an announcement that denounced Proposal 3, a proposal on the Michigan ballot this year that would make abortion a state constitutional right.

Read more: https://www.theblaze.com/news/republican-high-school-students-can-criticize-abortion-proposal-during-morning-announcements-federal-judge-rules


Kheriaty: The Confinement of the Healthy

OVID-19 represents the first time in the history of pandemics that we confined healthy populations. While the ancients did not understand the mechanisms of infectious disease—they knew nothing of viruses and bacteria—they nevertheless figured out many ways to mitigate the spread of contagion during epidemics. These time-tested measures ranged from quarantining symptomatic patients to enlisting those with natural immunity, who had recovered from the illness, to care for the sick. From the lepers in the Old Testament to the plague of Justinian in Ancient Rome to the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, lockdowns were never part of conventional public health measures. The concept of lockdowns arose in part from a public health apparatus that had become militarized over the previous two decades. We now routinely hear of “countermeasures,” but doctors and nurses never use that word, which is a term of spycraft and soldiering. In 1968, while an estimated one to four million people died in the H3N2 influenza pandemic, businesses and schools stayed open and large events were never cancelled. […]  It’s hard to overstate the novelty and folly of what happened worldwide in March of 2020. What descended upon us was not just a novel virus but a novel mode of social organization and control—the beginnings of a new biomedical security state that I describe in my book, The New Abnormal.

Read more: https://brownstone.org/articles/the-confinement-of-the-healthy/

Hockett: More Questions about Spring 2020 Covid in New York City Hospitals

A few weeks ago, I posted data showing New York City’s hospital emergency departments were not at a breaking point in spring 2020. In fact, they were relatively empty and saw a 50% drop in visits. I recently requested and obtained more files from the city’s health department to analyze alongside already-public data. (Raw data file with links to sources is at end of post.) Here are five observations, with supporting graphs or tables. Observation One: NYC Emergency Departments weren’t overrun by people with covid-19.  Only 3% of the people who came to New York City hospital EDs during the spring 2020 March – May wave were clinically diagnosed* with the virus. At no point did the percentage of visits to NYC hospital EDs with a covid diagnosis exceed 10%. […]  Observation Two: NYC Emergency Room respiratory visit spike may have been panic-driven. . . .

Read more: https://brownstone.org/articles/more-questions-about-spring-2020-covid-in-new-york-city-hospitals/


Moore: Top cardiologist links ‘sudden deaths’ to COVID vaccine

Citing the available scientific evidence, renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough believes the best explanation for the “sudden and unexpected” cardiac events and deaths in otherwise healthy people is the COVID-19 vaccines. In a video interview with WND, McCullough pointed out that in the past, long before the COVID vaccines, athletes who died sudden typically were diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, an abnormal thickening of the heart, or premature heart blockage.

Read more: https://www.wnd.com/2022/11/top-cardiologist-links-sudden-deaths-covid-vaccine/


Weichert: China and Russia Plot a ‘Space Pearl Harbor’

Two troubling news stories have appeared in recent weeks. Neither story has received the attention it deserves. Item 1: A covert Chinese unmanned mini-space shuttle that was launched into orbit on August 4 “ejected something” at the end of October, according to a report published on Halloween. According to Jonathan McDowell of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, the unknown object “may be a service module, possibly indicating an upcoming deorbit burn.” Or maybe not. Given what’s going on globally, the U.S. military should be concerned that whatever object the Chinese spaceplane put into orbit is more than just a “small satellite for monitoring the space plane” as it returns to Earth. […]  Item 2: Russian military officials announced plans to target “quasi-civilian” U.S. satellite constellations. “We are talking about the involvement of components of civilian space infrastructure, including commercial, by the United States and its allies in armed conflicts,” Konstantin Vorontsov, a  deputy director in the Russian Foreign Ministry, told a United Nations panel on October 26. […]  Space truly is the final frontier, and not only in terms of scientific exploration. If America loses a war in space (a strong possibility), we would lose the war on Earth. Our ability to communicate, coordinate, and surveil are all inextricably bound up with our satellites. Yet, they are woefully under-defended. Russia and China have developed methods for destroying these orbital systems, leaving America on its knees.

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2022/11/07/china-and-russia-plot-a-space-pearl-harbor/


Burrow: Top White House Official Is Secretly Communicating With Russia: REPORT

National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan has kept a secret line of communication open with his Russian counterpart and top aides to Vladimir Putin, The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday, citing U.S. and allied officials. Sullivan, who spearheads President Biden’s national security agenda, has spoken with Nikolai Patrushev and Yuri Ushakov, top advisers to Putin, in an effort to prevent the Kremlin from escalating the war in Ukraine, the WSJ reported. The conversations covered Russia’s threats to use weapons of mass destruction in Ukraine and served to maintain open communication channels rather than urge a negotiated settlement between Moscow and Kyiv.

Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2022/11/07/jake-sullivan-communicating-russia-white-house/

Spencer: Biden: ‘We’re Gonna Free Iran’

Was Old Joe Biden signaling yet another expensive project for the already weary and overburdened American taxpayer? We’ve already forked over billions upon billions to free Ukraine, and now there’s another captive nation whose liberation we have to bankroll? And while we’re busy underwriting all this freeing of everyone else, who will free the citizens of the United States from this woke tyranny that is progressively (well, that’s what progressives do — progress — but they aren’t progressing toward anything good) growing more assertive and authoritarian? That’s a question for Tuesday. Meanwhile, on the Thursday before his midterm come-to-judgment, Biden was using Iran the way he used cancer in the past: as the basis for empty promises that he hoped would get him some votes. “Don’t worry, we’re gonna free Iran,” he declared, no doubt to the surprise of Iranians everywhere. […]  Given the Biden administration’s previous solicitude for the mullahs, granting them concession after concession to obtain a new nuke deal, it’s unlikely that “we’re gonna free Iran.”

Read more: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/robert-spencer/2022/11/07/biden-were-gonna-free-iran-n1643716


Kadish: Biden’s Diesel Fuel Shortage: Cold Comfort

During World War II, the Allies’ aerial assault on the Nazis did not begin to have the strategic means to bring the enemy to its knees until Germany’s oil reserves were destroyed and it was unable to refuel its tanks. Then, as now, destroying the energy infrastructure of an adversary can bring about the destruction of a nation. America’s current enemies have not forgotten that historic lesson. Which is why Americans should view with alarm the unconscionable news reported by industry analysts that we are facing a severe shortage of diesel fuel this winter. Understandably, we have been focused on the price of gasoline, but it is diesel that actually runs America. It is diesel that powers America’s freight trains, trucks, freighters, barges and buses. It is the fuel that runs our farming and construction equipment. And for many, diesel is the fuel that heats their homes.

Read more:  https://pricklypear.news/bidens-diesel-fuel-shortage-cold-comfort/

Margolis: Joe Biden Fact-Checked by Twitter AGAIN!

It is truly a new era at Twitter! Yet another tweet from Joe Biden’s official presidential account has been fact-checked! In a tweet posted Sunday, Biden used a more flattering metric on gas prices—a major issue of the 2022 midterm elections—and got slapped with a context fact-check. “Right now, the most common price at gas stations across the country is $3.19 per gallon,” Biden tweeted Sunday. “That’s progress.” It’s also grossly misleading because the average price is $3.80/gallon—a full 61 cents higher than the price Biden quoted, and context has been added to the tweet to differentiate between the most common price and the average.

Read more: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/matt-margolis/2022/11/07/joe-biden-fact-checked-by-twitter-again-n1643463

Taer: Biden Admin Set Up Illegal Migrants In Hotel Suites, Complete With Room Service

Illegal migrants must have access to a number of comfortable accommodations, including room service and child care, while under the care of eligible “service providers,” according to the documents, which were obtained via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. The requirements for some of the illegal migrants include that the “service provider” must provide “meat based courses” at every meal, which is delivered to each illegal migrants’ rooms, “24-hour access” to drinks and snacks, television programming in both English and Spanish and mattresses of a certain thickness. Mattresses are required to be at least 4 inches thick, and, if that product isn’t available and the illegal migrant isn’t comfortable, the “service provider” must provide two smaller mattresses, the documents show.

Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2022/11/07/biden-migrants-ice-border-hotel-suites/

Sibarium: How Business Giants Get Lower Interest Rates for Meeting Diversity Quotas

Amid an uptick in race-conscious hiring programs throughout corporate America, many prominent businesses are now writing racial and gender quotas into their credit agreements with banks, tying the cost of borrowing to the companies’ workforce diversity, a Washington Free Beacon analysis found.

The businesses that have struck such agreements include the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, the consulting groups Ernst & Young and AECOM, insurers Prudential and Definity Financial, private equity firms BlackRock and the Carlyle Group, the technology company Trimble, and the telecommunications giant Telefónica. […] But critics see something far more sinister: a form of blatant discrimination that will harm consumers, credit markets, and the rule of law. “If a bank penalized a company’s credit rating because it had too many women or was too racially diverse, we would be appalled,” said one senior government regulator, who managed a nine-figure credit facility as a lawyer in private practice. “This is the exact same thing, except the penalized target is white men.”

Read more: https://freebeacon.com/latest-news/how-business-giants-get-lower-interest-rates-for-meeting-diversity-quotas/


Boswell: EXCLUSIVE: ‘Joe was centered on the returns in the family coffers.’ Whistleblower claims Hunter and then-VP Biden were part of a group call to discuss online gambling venture in Latin America – the president talking like he was chairman of the board

The whistleblower has identified themselves to Senate investigators but asked to remain anonymous for fear of reprisals. The informant says they were party to a 2012 conference call involving then-VP Joe, Hunter, 52, his business partner Jeff Cooper, 53, late Senate majority leader Harry Reid and his son Key Reid, 48, who was also in business with Hunter. The Spring 2012 call was about Hunter, Key and Jeff’s new venture into online gambling in Latin America, the whistleblower said, adding that Joe was active on the call discussing details of the business, and appeared to be involved as a ‘silent partner’.

‘He wasn’t passive, he was talking about it. If I had to describe him, he was like a member of the Board of Directors,’ the source said.

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11398463/Joe-Biden-involved-son-Hunters-foreign-business-deals-VP-claims-whistleblower.html


Carl: Standing Firm

The fight against anti-white racism enters the political mainstream, and it’s not going away. While it did not by itself start a “national conversation” amidst the flurry of last-minute electioneering, a series of political advertisements appeared in late October that may be the most consequential ads of the 2022 election cycle. The most prominent ad, playing on some Georgia radio and TV stations during a hotly contested Senate race, puts forth a simple question: “When did racism against white people become OK?” It then details the various ways in which elected Democrats, from Joe Biden on down, have supported racist anti-white policies on issues from healthcare to employment. The phrases “Stop left-wing racism” and “End Anti-white bigotry” appear in the commercial as a series of white people, their faces expressing concern and frustration, flash one-by-one on the screen. The ad ends with the phrase that “We are all entitled to equal treatment under the law.” It is remarkable that a commercial explicitly advocating equal treatment under the law would somehow be seen as racial provocation, but welcome to 2022. […]  The America First Legal ads are an opening salvo in a war over who defines racial discrimination in this country.  Will conservatives continue to accept the Left’s Orwellian definition in which state-sponsored racism is “anti-racism” and “equity,” or will they, like America First Legal, demand equal treatment under the law?

Read more: https://americanmind.org/salvo/standing-firm/


York: The Pollution Isn’t the Point

By the logic of our loudest commentators, anyone not fully supportive of a completely “green” grid (zero fossil fuels, and certainly zero nuclear power, unintended or intended consequences be damned) cannot possibly support a cleaner environment. But how fragile is our national electrical grid, and to what extent can we incorporate renewables as we plan for the future and upgrade our very rapidly aging infrastructure? Here are a few observations on the subject in normal-person terms (as distinct from indistinct alarmist screeching) from an industry “expert” with twenty years of working in, on, and around power generation and delivery. A quick and very simple primer on the grid: power is generated by fossil, nuclear, or renewables (solar/wind/hydro) and distributed across the nation by a (mostly) interconnected series of high-voltage transmission lines. Almost all of the tens of thousands of miles are privately owned by publicly traded companies. […]  The current electric grid policy, as supported/defined by the Biden Administration, aims for a zero-fossil fuel grid by 2035. At an industry meeting in D.C. which I recently attended along with FERC commissioners, DOE employees, and private industry representatives from some of the largest IOUs, a Department of Energy panelist stated that the U.S. is currently energizing approximately 40mW of solar power a day. To reach the administration’s 2035 goals, that number would need to be 160mW a day. The panelist delivered this information with a straight face. Administration operatives are talking, then, about making changes that require four times our existing buildout, in an industry already afflicted with labor shortages and supply chain delays. Why isn’t the private side of the industry screaming from every available rooftop? Why aren’t we reading op-ed after white paper after twitter thread describing how completely unobtainable the DOE/FERC/Biden Administration’s policy is? Three little letters: . . . […] . . . the question not being answered regarding a green grid is why? What’s the plan? What’s the goal? What’s the intended result from the billions of dollars pumped into renewable power?

Read more: https://americanmind.org/features/saving-the-environment-from-environmentalists/the-pollution-isnt-the-point/


Bartee: Poll: Liberal Women Experience Worst Mental Health of All Demographics

If you’ve ever had the misfortune to unwittingly sign up as a naïve adolescent for a sociology course at a mid-sized state university, waited too long to withdraw during the add/drop period, and so were forced to sit through a semester’s worth of frothing diatribes against the White Patriarchy delivered by a menopausal hippie divorcée with a neon-dyed bowl cut, as I have, these are the least surprising poll results in human history: “The US polling, which was conducted as part of the 2022 American Family Survey, found that liberals were about 18 percentage points less likely to be “completely satisfied” with their “mental health” than conservatives. The problem seems to be particularly acute for liberal women, who registered the lowest levels of satisfaction with their lives and mental health.”

Read more: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/benbartee/2022/11/05/poll-liberal-women-experience-worst-mental-health-of-all-demographics-n1643015

Curl: Most Democrats STILL Don’t Think The COVID-19 Pandemic Is Over

You still see them regularly: People wearing masks while alone in their cars, or riding their bikes, or taking a stroll in the woods. Apparently they napped through the high school lessons on parts per million — catching the virus outside is all but impossible. Yet still, there they are. The establishment media in America spent two years terrifying these people with breathless reports that we were all about to die. Once they committed, they’re in it for the long game and may never take off the masks. […]  “There is bipartisan, majority-level agreement that the coronavirus situation is getting better, with 76% of Republicans and 61% of Democrats saying so,” a recent Gallup poll found. “Independents also broadly agree that the situation is improving (62%). […]  But that’s the overall. When the poll is broken down by party, it gets weird.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/most-democrats-still-dont-think-the-covid-19-pandemic-is-over


Heath: Twitter tells advertisers that user growth is at ‘all-time highs’ under Elon Musk

Since Musk’s dramatic takeover, Twitter’s monetizable daily user (mDAU) growth has accelerated to more than 20 percent, while “Twitter’s largest market, the US, is growing even more quickly,” according to an internal FAQ obtained by The Verge that was shared with Twitter’s sales team on Monday to use in conversations with advertisers. Per the FAQ, Twitter has added more than 15 million mDAUs, “crossing the quarter billion mark” since the end of the second quarter, when it stopped reporting financials as a public company.

Read more: https://www.theverge.com/2022/11/7/23445476/elon-musk-twitter-user-growth-all-time-high-advertisers

Kelly: Foreign-owned Farms in the Southwest Taking Precious Water to Feed Overseas Livestock

The severe drought that has impacted the Southwest for nearly 20 years has made conservation of precious water resources a top priority for states and the federal government. Agricultural farming in the arid region has always relied on using both underground aquifers and Colorado River water to feed crops. This includes foreign-owned farms that grow crops in the United States. In Wenden, Arizona, water district workers saw “something remarkable last year as they slowly lowered a camera into the drought-stricken town’s well: The water was moving.” “But the aquifer which sits below the small desert town in the southwestern part of the state is not a river; it’s a massive, underground reservoir which stores water built up over thousands of years. And that water is almost always still,” CNN recently reported: . . .

Read more: https://thenewamerican.com/foreign-owned-farms-in-the-southwest-taking-precious-water-to-feed-overseas-livestock/

Scott: Nancy Pelosi Sits Down With CNN and Compares Husband’s Attack to January 6th

As expected,  CNN host Anderson Cooper didn’t ask any hardnose questions but rather asked if January 6th was comparable to the attack on her husband. Pelosi would respond to Cooper’s question in no time and stated “Absolutely. No question. It’s the same thing. A copycatter.”

Read more/Watch the two short clips: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/11/nancy-pelosi-sits-cnn-compares-husbands-attack-january-6th/

Saavedra: Man Arrested For Attacking Ted Cruz At Houston Astros Parade, Cruz Releases Statement

“HPD made one arrest during today’s victory parade,” the Houston Police Department said in a statement. “A male, 33, threw a beer can at U.S. Senator Ted Cruz as the Senator was on a float in the 2400 block of Smith St. The beer can struck the Senator in the chest/neck area. The Senator did not require medical attention.” “Nearby HPD officers arrested the male without further incident,” the statement continued. “He was taken to jail and faces assault charges. We will release the suspect’s name and booking photo here when formal charges are filed.”

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/man-arrested-for-attacking-ted-cruz-at-houston-astros-parade-cruz-releases-statement

Bond: California City To Decide On Lowering Voting Age For Certain Elections

Culver City, California, residents are able to decide on a ballot measure on November 8, called Measure VY. The measure would potentially allow sixteen- and seventeen-year-olds to vote in city and school board elections. If voters greenlight the proposal, the measure would stay in effect until they decide to get rid of it.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/california-city-to-decide-on-lowering-voting-age-for-certain-elections

Moran: Are Lithium-Ion Batteries Safe in the Home?

The New York City Fire Department says that a fire on the 20th floor of a Manhattan apartment building was caused by a lithium-ion battery connected to a micromobility device. Thirty-eight people were injured, including two critically. “The lithium-ion battery adds a different degree, when we talk about the fire dynamics of it,” FDNY Deputy Assistant Chief Frank Leeb said at the briefing. “These rooms flash over in just a mere matter of seconds.” Are lithium-ion batteries as safe as they could be? We’re going to see a veritable explosion of lithium-ion batteries over the next decade and while they are generally safe, the larger batteries in autos and “micromobility devices” pose a risk that most consumers may be unaware of.

Read more: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/rick-moran/2022/11/06/are-lithium-ion-batteries-safe-in-the-home-n1643204


Christine Anderson MEP Talks To A Full House About The Criminal Investigations Underway.

Pfizer reckoning.

Watch the 2:18 minute video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNh3w9-NtwY 

Moran: This Is How Iranian Teenagers Are Fighting Back Against Clerical Oppression

It’s not exactly standard teenage hijinks. They’re not toilet-papering the Muslim cleric’s house or leaving a flaming bag of dog poop on his porch. But there’s a new game being played by Iranian teenagers that is sweeping social media and being imitated in every corner of the country. The game involves running up behind a cleric, knocking his turban to the ground, and running away before anyone can catch the perpetrator.

Read more: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/rick-moran/2022/11/06/this-is-how-iranian-teenagers-are-fighting-back-against-clerical-oppression-n1643295

Caruzo: Cuba: Castro Regime Propaganda Offers Tips to Survive on 3 Hours of Electricity a Day

The communist Castro regime in Cuba aired a new set of propaganda pieces through its media apparatus this week claiming Cuban citizens are “content” with daily power blackouts and offering tips to make the most out of the three hours of electricity that they receive per day. Cuba’s obsolete power grid infrastructure — some of which still features Soviet-era equipment — has further teetered on the brink of total collapse throughout 2022, . . . […]  In the interviews, Cuban women offered tips to make the most out of the roughly three hours of power that Cuban citizens are receiving per day as part of the regime’s electrical authority to share the power blackouts in an “equitable way.” […]  The Biden administration continues to detain and deport Cuban balseros, or “rafters,” Cuban exiles that make the dangerous sea trip to flee from Cuba towards the United States via boats or makeshift rafts.

Read more: https://www.breitbart.com/latin-america/2022/11/04/cuba-castro-regime-propaganda-offers-tips-survive-3-hours-electricity-day/

Jackson: Children as young as THREE who watch violent TV do worse at secondary school, study warns

Watching violent television programmes from a young age has been scientifically linked to poor performance at secondary school. Researchers from the University of Montreal analysed the content shown to nearly 2,000 children aged 3.5 to 4.5. When the kids turned 12, the team asked them and their teachers to evaluate how well they thought they were doing at school. It was found that boys and girls exposed to violent content in early childhood were more likely to experience ‘increases in emotional distress’ later on. ‘They also experienced decreases in classroom engagement, academic achievement and academic motivation by the end of the sixth grade,’ explained lead author Dr Linda Pagani.

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-11402991/Children-young-THREE-watch-violent-TV-worse-secondary-school-study-warns.html

Hoft: Transgender Inmate Now Identifies as Baby – Demands Diaper and Baby Food in Prison

According to recent reports, a notorious killer has stated his desire to be identified as a baby in prison, complete with the use of diapers and baby food. Only a month before his scheduled release from a Scottish prison, Daniel Eastwood murdered his cellmate through strangling with shoelaces and was subsequently sentenced to life in prison in 2004. In 2018, fourteen years later, Daniel identified himself as a woman and insisted on being referred to as “Sophie Eastwood.” Daniel’s request was considered and fulfilled by the prison staff.

Read more: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/11/transgender-inmate-now-identifies-baby-demands-diaper-baby-food-prison/


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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