Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 17 minutes


Stella Paul contributor to American Thinker: As for me, I’m glad to be an ex-Disney writer now. My disillusionment with the entertainment industry began with the 2003 Academy Awards, when Meryl Streep led a standing ovation for Roman Polanski, who pled guilty to raping a 13-year-old girl. What was wrong with these people? Were they all sick? As I learned about Disney’s problems with hiring sex offenders and the predatory nature of so many in the business (Watch the documentary An Open Secret to learn more), I grew increasingly uneasy about participating in a field permeated by pedophiles.

Peachy Keenan  contributor to The American Mind: To all the ridiculous woke “teachers” in Florida who are mad they can no longer tell five-year-olds the good news about genital amputations: just shut up and teach spelling. Better yet, quit your job in kiddie sex ed and go work for a place where you and your unflattering rainbow suspenders will fit right in: Disney World. I bet there’s an oversized rat suit waiting—with your name on it.

EJ Antoni research fellow for Regional Economics in the Center for Data Analysis at The Heritage Foundation:  “Under the Biden administration, the American people have become demonstrably poorer. The dramatic rise in prices that we’re seeing means that American families can’t buy as much today as they could just 14 months ago. Prices have surged so rapidly that real earnings—earnings adjusted for price changes—have dropped 4.5% on Biden’s watch. “While COVID lockdowns and reckless government spending have caused significant economic harm, the Federal Reserve has also been asleep at the wheel by enabling the federal government’s spending spree with its money-printing policies.  “Meanwhile, Americans are losing savings and purchasing power from the ‘hidden’ tax of inflation. If President Biden and others are serious about helping working Americans, they need to take responsibility for the mess they created, cut government spending, and end the regulatory war on American energy production.”  

Paul Sacca contributor to The Blaze: The accusations of former President Donald Trump having a relationship with Russia that was provided by a Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer was “not technically possible,” special counsel John Durham wrote in a court filing posted Friday.

Thaddeus G. McCotter contributor to American Greatness: The most obvious expression of today’s American ideologues’ frustration with reality is their insistence upon censorship. Whether they call it “misinformation,” “disinformation,” or “hate speech,” their goal is to stifle dissent. Why? Because dissent is the concrete manifestation of reality that instructs the ideologues that their ideology is and will continue to fail in its efforts to “fundamentally transform” and “perfect” humanity. Little wonder the ideologues claim dissent is “harmful.” Of course it is! But only to the success of the ideologues’ war against reality . . .  and you.

Fred T. contributor to The Right Scoop: Twitter’s “poison pill” plan to prevent privatization by Elon Musk is the single clearest and loudest virtue signal in the history of planet earth. A virtue signal that represents a complete abandonment of fiduciary duty and responsibility to shareholders. The board cannot justify this, not if the corporation’s interest is its business. But if IDEOLOGY is their real business, as we have all said and known for years, well then …


Morabito: The Only Way To Fight Disinformation Is To Fight Political Censorship

If outfits like the Aspen Institute’s “Commission on Information Disorder,” along with Big Tech’s faceless “fact-checkers,” ever get a total monopoly on dictating reality, the result will be a 24/7 mix of falsehoods with the occasional limited hangout to cover up their lies. The icing on this fake cake is the use of conferences about disinformation, such as the recent stunt at the University of Chicago that served as cover for justifying political censorship. There former President Obama presented the perfect picture of psychological projection: a panel of propagandists accusing others of wrongthink.  […]  Consider what happens if a society is only permitted one propagandistic narrative while all other ideas and information are silenced. People start self-censoring to avoid social rejection. The result is a form of imposed mental isolation. Severely isolated people tend to lose touch with reality. The resulting conformity also perpetuates the censorship. This is unnatural and dangerous because human beings depend on others to verify what’s real. People weren’t able to verify reality in Nazi Germany, during Joseph Stalin’s Reign of Terror, or during Mao Zedong’s brutal Cultural Revolution. All were societies in the grip of mass hysteria because of ruthless censorship to protect a narrative.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2022/04/18/the-only-way-to-fight-disinformation-is-to-fight-political-censorship/


Wolf: State of Florida rejects 41 percent of submitted math textbooks on the basis that they contain CRT, Common Core, and social emotional learning

The Department stated, “Reasons for rejecting textbooks included references to Critical Race Theory (CRT), inclusions of Common Core, and the unsolicited addition of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) in mathematics.” The announcement also stated that the problem was worst in materials that were submitted for grades K-5, “where an alarming 71 percent were not appropriately aligned with Florida standards or included prohibited topics and unsolicited strategies.” The department noted that, although it was forced to reject so many textbooks, “every core mathematics course and grade is covered with at least one textbook.” Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said in a statement, . . . […]  Florida Democrats quickly condemned the move. State Rep. Carlos Guillermo Smith called the move “crazy right-wing pandering,” and state Rep. Anna Eskamani tweeted, “I wouldn’t be surprised if Florida Republican leaders are preparing to ban Algebra from high schools.”

Read more: https://www.theblaze.com/news/state-of-florida-rejects-41-percent-of-submitted-math-textbooks-on-the-basis-that-they-contain-crt-common-core-and-social-emotional-learning

Widburg: A Missouri school district’s math assignment is mind-boggling

Christina Pushaw, Governor Ron DeSantis’s press secretary, is an extremely effective communicator. For example, on Saturday, Pushaw managed to cut through the smog of lies that Democrats use to claim that they’re not teaching Critical Race Theory (“CRT”) in America’s schools. She did this by publishing incredibly foul, race-based math homework that is on the curriculum in Missouri public schools. […] Pushaw challenged this hysteria with a series of tweets showing the kind of race-based math that some teachers are inserting into their classrooms. Although the math problems in the first tweet appear to be something a KKK teacher would push on his acolytes, they are actually questions intended to force upon students the details of Maya Angelou’s life, all in a CRT framework: . . .

Read more/See math assignments at American Thinker.

Keenan: Unholy Week

You don’t have to be a sex maniac to be a groomer…but it helps. […]  This year, Holy Week is full of contemporary horrors. I am adhering to my Lenten sacrifice (chose a hard one this year: no dark chocolate) and preparing for the renewal and rebirth that is the promise of Easter. Unfortunately, everywhere around me are signs of the demonic, hard at work. In reaction to the Florida law that prevents radical gender activists from teaching children under 8 about all of the sexual orientations and gender identities they can and should try, Disney decided to side with the activists. Which meant that in the middle of Lent, the mask got ripped off everyone’s favorite furry, revealing Mickey to be a creepy rat with a thing for telling little kids how to touch themselves. This Lent we all got to watch Christopher Rufo’s leaked internal videos, in which a Disney employee summit called “Reimagine Tomorrow” devolved into truly disturbed adults practically rubbing their hands together as they monologued their evil plans to secretly insert extremely radical sex education into cartoons. Those dumb parents will never know! How about we don’t talk about Bruno’s genitals? How about we “reimagine” my knee in your groin? When the world’s biggest purveyor of children’s entertainment is revealed to be stacked with rapacious child groomers, you know Tomorrow has been reimagined beyond your worst nightmare. […]  I too have a not-so-secret hidden agenda to get my kids to accept taboo sexual behaviors. These include chastity, monogamy, and modesty. Holy Week is a wonderful opportunity to groom children to accept these radical fringe ideas. My child grooming intensifies on Holy Thursday and Good Friday, culminating on Sunday in the most important grooming day of the year.

Read more: https://humanevents.com/2022/04/14/on-the-sidewalks-of-new-york-tsunami-jane/


Hoft: This Is How They Steal: Remote Scanners Track Orange County Ballots at Drop Boxes. Why Not Just Collect Daily?

Here’s how it works. A “BoxLock” device the size of a hockey puck is attached to the front of the drop box. Voters who registered for “OC Ballot Express” tracking can walk up to the box, push the button, scan their envelopes bar code, then drop it in the box. Using a cellular modem, the device sends data back to BoxLock in Atlanta. The voter then receives a text message telling them what they already know….they just put a ballot in that box. Wow! But that isn’t entirely true. BoxLock only knows if a bar code was scanned. It doesn’t know if an envelope went inside the box. […]  By directing people away from the U.S. Postal boxes, election jurisdictions are bypassing one of the most powerful deterrents to mail-in ballot fraud. Using a USPS blue box to aid in the commission of a crime is a Federal felony. Severe penalties can be levied. Also, Federal law enforcement including the US Postal Inspector can investigate. The DNC knows private made ballot box’s have none of these ramifications. It’s why they push them relentlessly.

Read more: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/04/steal-remote-scanners-track-orange-county-ballots-drop-boxes-not-just-collect-daily/


Joondeph: Carbon Dioxide and Climate – Friend or Foe?

 In global warming circles, carbon dioxide is the bogey man, the cause of all evils. CO2 is another Vladimir Putin, blamed for rising gasoline prices and President Biden’s 8.5 percent inflation. Just as Putin isn’t responsible for consumer prices, which began rising shortly after Biden took office, CO2 may not be the bogey man hiding under the beds of Greta Thunberg and Al Gore, ready to pop out and consume the world. Is CO2 really the bogey man? Is it a friend or foe of planet Earth? The answer may surprise you. CO2 is one of several greenhouse gasses. Water vapor however is the largest contributor to the Earth’s greenhouse effect. CO2 is also plant food. Think back to high school biology and photosynthesis. Water, CO2, and sunlight combine to produce carbohydrate and oxygen, the carbohydrate being the plant food.

CO2 is a relatively small percentage of air, 0.035% to be exact, less than one half of one percent of the air around us. CO2 levels can vary significantly, from less than 400 parts per million outdoors to over 1000 inside a crowded room. Submarine crews tolerate CO2 levels of up to 8000 parts per million without adverse health effects. […]  There is a long history if incorrect climate prophesies. Other than a few articles chronicling these off-base predictions, there is no accountability for incessant wild guesses, which serve only to scare people into giving up bits of their liberty for illusions of security or simply for virtue signaling. What if this is not really about the climate? Environmentalists and the UN Climate Change Conference push in the opposite direction, promoting less atmospheric CO2 and cooler temperatures which in effect will lead to a “browning” of the Earth. Ironically the UN charter includes among its goals, “To promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom.” How better to accomplish this than by fertilizing the planet with the cheapest and most effective plant food known to man, CO2. Unless of course the climate change alarmists at the UN and elsewhere are less concerned about carbon footprints and global temperatures than they are promoting a major socioeconomic reset, where top-down government control is used in the name of “saving the planet.”

Read more at American Thinker.

Shiver: Climate activist chains himself to building, weeps as he speaks of impending ‘f***ing catastrophe’: ‘We’re going to lose everything’

A progressive climate activist recently handcuffed himself to a J.P. Morgan Chase building in Los Angeles, California, to protest government and corporate inaction on climate change. Peter Kalmus, a data scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, also wept as he spoke amid the demonstration, lamenting that the earth his heading toward a “f***king catastrophe” but that no one is listening to him and others in the scientific community.

Read more: https://www.theblaze.com/news/climate-scientist-chains-himself-to-building-cries-in-protest?utm_source=wnd&utm_medium=wnd&utm_campaign=syndicated


CDC’s Crackdown on Opioid Pain Medications Is Abysmal Failure – Didn’t Fix the Crisis and Americans are Suffering with Severe Pain

Many people have had severe pain or know someone who does.  Back pain is something that can spring up at almost anytime for some people and when it does, it can be debilitating.  Some people cannot move or get out of bed when the pain strikes. Others, like veterans, suffer every day.  They know pain and feel it as a result of severe injuries earlier in their lives.  However, these people have been suffering severely for the past few years. The CDC’s attempt to address the opioid crisis is a total failure. […]  Five years after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention initiated a crackdown on opioid pain medications, experts have concluded the policy has been a miserable failure. Overdose deaths have gone up, not down, and now, courts are starting to recognize the arguments used to justify the crackdown are largely bogus. “So these numbers, they just push these false numbers and now you have courts of law calling them out,” said Dr. Dan Laird.

Read more: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/04/cdcs-crackdown-opioid-pain-medications-abysmal-failure-didnt-fix-crisis-americans-suffering-severe-pain/


Chang: Deterring China: U.S. Should Arm Taiwan to the Hilt – Now

Wrong signals.” That is what the Eastern Theater Command of China’s People’s Liberation Army said on April 15, referring to Washington’s encouragement of Taiwan. That day, the Chinese military sent fighter and bomber aircraft as well as frigates near the island republic.

China’s exercises, said Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian, were “a countermeasure to the U.S. negative actions recently, including the lawmakers’ visit to Taiwan.” Beijing, he said, would “continue to take strong measures to resolutely safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity.” As he spoke, six American lawmakers, led by Senator Lindsey Graham, the South Carolina Republican, and Robert Menendez, the New Jersey Democrat chairing the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, met with Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen and other senior officials of the self-governing island. They arrived on a U.S. Air Force plane, a not-so-subtle signal to Beijing. The two-day visit was unannounced, “sneaky” in the words of China’s Defense Ministry. The Global Times, a tabloid controlled by China’s official People’s Daily, was even more direct. It said the drills were not only a “warning” to other lawmakers planning to visit the island but also went “beyond deterrence by preparing for potential, real actions that would resolve the Taiwan question once and for all when necessary.”

Read more: https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/18435/us-arm-taiwan


Solomon: Ahead of Title 42 lifting, Biden creates ‘exception’ to let illegal migrants into U.S. early

Well ahead of next month’s lifting of Title 42 immigration restrictions, President Joe Biden has ordered Border Patrol agents to begin allowing illegal migrants into the country by granting them multiple exemptions to the current health regulation, according to a document reviewed by Just the News. The memo sent last week identified a half dozen ports of entry (POEs) where exceptions can be granted and a broad range of conditions that qualify for the exemptions. The order takes effect Thursday.[…]  “Factors weighing in favor of an exception,” the memo explains, “include the following: a physical or mental illness, disability; pregnancy; lack of access to safe housing or shelter in Mexico (under 21 years old or younger or over 70, including families); and an indication that an individual has been threatened or harmed in Mexico.”

Read more: https://justthenews.com/government/security/ahead-title-42-lifting-biden-creates-exception-let-illegal-migrants-us-early

Sadowski, Morphet, Campanile & Golding: Biden administration resumes after-dark migrant flights to airport outside NYC

The White House has quietly resumed its after-dark charter flights of underage migrants to a suburban airport north of New York City — after a Post expose led to their suspension last year. The Post watched as a group of migrant teens got off an Avelo Airlines plane that arrived at the Westchester County Airport near White Plains at 9:25 p.m. Thursday. The group then boarded three waiting buses that drove off about 50 minutes later. One bus traveled to the Walt Whitman Service Area in Cherry Hill, NJ, just across the Delaware River from Philadelphia. After the bus pulled up at around 12:45 a.m. Friday, several teens disembarked, retrieved their bags from the luggage compartment and left with adults who were waiting there to meet them. The bus left the rest stop around 1:05 a.m. and continued south on the New Jersey Turnpike. The plane that landed in Westchester flew out of El Paso International Airport in Texas and made a stopover in Jacksonville, Fla., online flight records show.

Read more: https://nypost.com/2022/04/15/biden-administration-resumes-migrant-flights-to-airport-outside-nyc/

Blankley: 19 AGs urge Supreme Court to uphold full reinstatement of ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy

Nineteen attorneys general are asking the Supreme Court to uphold a lower court’s order instructing the Biden administration to follow the law to fully reinstate the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), otherwise known as the “Remain in Mexico” policy. Led by Indiana, the state AGs filed an amicus brief in support of a lawsuit filed by Texas and Missouri against the Biden administration. “No one is above the law in America, and we are simply insisting that the Biden administration follow the law,” said Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/nation/states/center-square/19-ags-urge-supreme-court-uphold-ruling-ordering-full-reinstatement

Horvat II: How the Weaponized Dollar Could Change Everything

The dollar’s strength lies not in the volume of transactions but the trust that it will be honored as a stable store of value at any time and place. If that trust is broken, nations and industries will no longer see it as a secure haven to park their reserves. Thus, the asset freeze undermined the dollar at its most vulnerable point: trust. The freezing of dollar reserves of Russia’s Central Bank sends a message to the world that the dollar is no longer secure. America and its allies had hoped that the shocking loss of access to reserves would be a quick jolt to force the Russians to call back their invasion of Ukraine. Instead, it is causing a crisis of confidence that, once broken, is hard to reestablish.

Read more: https://www.cnsnews.com/commentary/john-horvat-ii/how-weaponized-dollar-could-change-everything

Sundance: Union Pacific Rail Line Begins Restricting U.S. Fertilizer Distribution

This is layers of odd.  As many readers are aware, the prices of fertilizer have skyrocketed as supplies have been heavily impacted by increased energy costs and supply chain issues.  Many people have worried if a shortage of fertilizer may impact farm yields this year. Against this backdrop CF Industries, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of hydrogen and nitrogen fertilizer, is warning its customers that Union Pacific Railway Lines is now restricting the amount of container tonnage they will permit.  [Press Release Here] […]  Things get increasingly curious when you look at who owns majority stakes in CF Industries (manufacturer), and who owns Union Pacific (distribution): The top two shareholders of CF Industries are Vanguard and Blackrock: . . .

Read more: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/04/17/union-pacific-rail-line-begins-restricting-u-s-fertilizer-distribution/

Sundance: Neil Oliver Outlines The Great Pretending

In his weekly monologue, Neil Oliver walks through examples of the many naked emperors, and how we can see them completely exposed, yet they pretend it doesn’t matter.  Ultimately, Oliver asks if the feeble and cognitively impaired leader of the free world, while everyone pretends not to know it, is not representative of this 2022 we live in?  It does matter, and something is coming.

Read more/Watch the 10 minute video: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/04/16/neil-oliver-outlines-the-great-pretending/

Sundance: Biden Administration Authorizes New Oil and Gas Leases on Limited Federal Land

Energy development companies had identified 744,000 acres of federal land which could yield significant returns for oil and gas extraction.  Today the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) authorized leases for 173 parcels on 144,000 acres; approximately 80% less than was identified by energy companies.  [BLM Press Release Here] […]  The new leases are mostly for areas where already existing oil and gas exploration is taking place, and the Biden administration has raised the federal royalty charges from 12.5% to a new 18.75%.   In order to keep upward pressure on gasoline prices, Green New Deal national target price $7/gal, the new leases will not be available until later this year.

Read more: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/04/15/biden-administration-authorizes-new-oil-and-gas-leases-on-limited-federal-land/

Jacobs: Records: In 2021, Joe Biden Didn’t ‘Pay His Fair Share’ in Taxes Again

Joe Biden has a dirty little secret that he doesn’t want the American people to learn about: He appears to be avoiding tens of thousands of dollars in taxes. To the Biden White House, the final working day of last week wasn’t Good Friday—and it wasn’t Jackie Robinson Day, either. To borrow an analogy from “The West Wing,” the Biden White House used last Friday as “Take Out the Trash Day,” dumping out President Biden’s 2021 tax returns late on a Friday afternoon, ahead of the Easter and Passover holidays. This year, Tax Day didn’t come until Monday, April 18. One would think that, because Biden has released his tax returns and his predecessor did not, he would want to highlight this fact in a very public manner. Why didn’t Biden wait until Monday, and hold a big press conference where he could wave around his returns for everyone to see, to emphasize the fact that he’s “not like Donald Trump”? Because Biden does have something to hide. He apparently has a dirty little secret—actually, it’s a pretty big secret—that he doesn’t want the American people to learn about. According to his own Treasury Department, Biden didn’t “pay his fair share” in taxes, and hasn’t for several years.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2022/04/18/tax-records-show-that-in-2021-joe-biden-didnt-pay-his-fair-share-in-taxes-again/

Saavedra: Ilhan Omar Introduces Resolution That Would Open U.S. Citizens Up To Being Prosecuted By International Court

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) introduced a resolution last week that would subject U.S. citizens to being prosecuted by an international court and she did so all in the name of holding Russian President Vladimir Putin “accountable” for the actions of the Russian military in Ukraine.

“In the wake of reports of war crimes committed by Russian forces in Ukraine, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) introduced a resolution calling on the United States to become a full member of the International Criminal Court,” Omar’s office said in a statement. “The United States is one of a few countries that has not joined the International Criminal Court (ICC), which investigates war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocides.” […]  By joining the ICC, the U.S. would be subjecting itself and its citizens to the ICC’s jurisdiction. Omar effectively admits this in her op-ed, writing: “If we oppose investigations into countries, like our own, that haven’t joined the ICC, how can we support an investigation into Russia, another country that hasn’t joined the court?” […]  The Heritage Foundation highlighted problems with joining the ICC in a report from 1999. They included:   . . .

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/ilhan-omar-introduces-resolution-that-would-open-u-s-citizens-up-to-being-prosecuted-by-international-court

O’Neill ICE blew $17M on unused hotel rooms for migrants, DHS watchdog finds

Immigration officials wasted $17 million dollars on unused hotels for migrants last year, after hiring a politically connected contractor that failed to meet COVID-19 protocols, a government watchdog found. Immigration and Customs Enforcement entered into the $87 million contract with the nonprofit company Endeavors to provide services for the surge of migrants at the southern border, the Department of Homeland Security’s Inspector General said in a Tuesday report. ICE should have sought multiple bids for the work, instead of signing onto the “sole source” deal with Endeavors, which required the agency to pay for a block of more than 1,200 hotel rooms, no matter how many were used, the watchdog found.

Read more: https://nypost.com/2022/04/16/ice-blew-17m-on-empty-hotel-rooms-for-migrants-dhs-watchdog/


Episode 1,788 – Descent Into Hell: An Easter Special

We discuss Christianity, Easter, Catholicism, the religion of the future, and more.

Our Guests are: Jack Posobiec, Joe Allen


Episode 1,789 – Descent Into Hell: An Easter Special

We discuss Christianity, Easter, Catholicism, the religion of the future, and more.

Our Guests are: Jack Posobiec, Joe Allen



Helena: By Any Other Name

The short version of my detransition story for those who want the bare details is that when I was fifteen, I was introduced to gender ideology on Tumblr and began to call myself nonbinary. Over the next few years, I would continue to go deeper and deeper down the trans identity rabbit hole, and by the time I was eighteen, I saw myself as a “trans man”, otherwise known as “FtM”. Shortly after my eighteenth birthday, I made an appointment at a Planned Parenthood to begin a testosterone regimen. At my first appointment, I was prescribed testosterone, and I would remain on this regimen for a year and a half. It had an extremely negative effect on my mental health, and I finally admitted what a disaster it had been when I was 19, sometime around February or March 2018. When the disillusionment fully set in, I stopped the testosterone treatment and began the process of getting my life back on track. It has not been easy, and the whole experience seriously derailed my life in ways I could never have foreseen when I was that fifteen-year-old kid playing with pronouns on Tumblr. But what leads a girl with no history of discomfort with stereotypical “girl” toys and clothes, or even the slightest desire to be a boy in childhood, to want to be a “man” through hormonal injections as she approached adulthood? […] Tumblr, though, wasn’t only a place to post art and make friends. Being such a secluded platform with a fairly homogenous user base not only demographically (mostly teenage girls, many of whom white and middle to upper middle class), but especially in terms of personality type, it developed its own culture, distinct from the youth culture of the general population. Because many of its users were like me, using Tumblr as an all-day alternate reality escape from the real world, this “culture” should be understood in the most literal sense of the word. One should think of Tumblr, especially from 2009-2016, as a secluded island nation whose people rarely interact with the outside world, and thus have language, customs, hierarchy, and history that is entirely unique and at first incomprehensible to people from other nations visiting the island. There’s something about it that almost selects for a particular type of person, and I’ve heard so many times from normal people (for lack of a better word) that they “tried Tumblr, but couldn’t figure it out.”

Read more: https://lacroicsz.substack.com/p/by-any-other-name?s=r

Watch Helena’s 3:38 minute  interview with Tucker: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/04/must-watch-courageous-young-woman-explains-tucker-carlson-de-transitioned-now-taking-stand-radical-transgender-agenda-devastating-young-age-l/


McLeod: Canada’s Digital Dictator Strikes Again

Deadlier than the so-called ‘pandemic’ that shut down much of the world for the past two years—and beginning to spread like proverbial wildfire—a World Economic Forum (WEF) digital ID project that could usher in a social credit-like system required for travelling, mirroring the one up and running in China, is now in the works. “The Government of Canada, Air Canada and two major Canadian airports have partnered with the World Economic Forum (WEF) on a digital ID project that could see a social credit-like system be required for travelling. (Counter Signal, April 14, 2022)

Read more: https://canadafreepress.com/article/canadas-digital-dictator-strikes-again

Greenfield: Muslims Attack Swedish Cops, Set Fire to Cars, Over Koran

The religion of peace continues its track record of having a peaceful Ramadan. Swedish police said they fired warning shots during a riot in an eastern city to disperse protesters angry about demonstrations over the past several days by a Danish anti-Islam group in Sweden. Three people were slightly injured during the clashes. […]  In typical media fashion, the rioters are referred to as just “people”, presumably the sorts of random people who feel the need to set fire to cars (a common Islamic practice in occupied Sweden) because someone threatened to burn a Koran, followed by the insistence that it’s the Koran burners (the burning didn’t even actually happen) who are responsible for the riots.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/point/2022/04/muslims-attack-swedish-cops-set-fire-cars-over-daniel-greenfield/

Hoft: A Week Before France Election, Globalists at EU Accuse Marine Le Pen and Her Father of Embezzling $650,000

Last week Marine Le Pen was looking at being the new President of France.  Le Pen did so well in the recent election that she won a seat in a two-person runoff against the current President, Emmanuel Macron. […]  The race in France was very close, but since no candidate won more than 50% of the vote, the top two candidates go to a runoff. The globalists must be worried.

Read more: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/04/week-france-election-globalists-eu-accuse-marine-le-pen-father-embezzling-650000/

Saavedra: U.K. Announces They Will Ship Illegal Immigrants To African Nation For Resettlement: Report

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced last week that the U.K. had reached an agreement with Rwanda worth $157 million to fly individuals who illegally migrate to the U.K. to Rwanda so they can be resettled in the African nation. “Uncontrolled immigration creates unmanageable demands on our NHS and our welfare state, it overstretches our local schools, our housing and public transport, and creates unsustainable pressure to build on precious green spaces,” Johnson said in a speech last week. “Nor is it fair on those who are seeking to come here legally, if others can just bypass the system.”

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/u-k-announces-they-will-ship-illegal-immigrants-to-african-nation-for-resettlement-report



The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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