Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 17 minutes


Federer: Saint Patrick — “found Ireland all heathen and left it all Christian!”
In 220 AD, the Later Eastern Han Dynasty extended sections of the Great Wall of China along the Mongolian border. This made it harder for the Huns to attack into China, so they turned westward, attacking and displacing tribes throughout Central Asia. These tribes migrated further west, overrunning the western borders of  the Roman Empire:  . . .  Rome had to withdraw its Legions from other areas of the Empire, such as Britain, in order to place them along the Roman border. This left Britain, which had been a Roman territory since the time of Julius Caesar, unprotected. Marauding bands and lawless mobs raided Britain’s unprotected Roman settlements and carried away thousands to sell into slavery in Ireland. Ireland was ruled by the bloodthirsty, superstitious pagan Druids. Thomas Cahill wrote in How the Irish Saved Civilization (Random House, 1995): “Romans, in their first encounters with these exposed, insane warriors, were shocked and frightened … They were howling and, it seemed, possessed by demons, so outrageous was their strength … featuring all the terrors of hell itself.” The Druids, from whom Halloween originated, believed that the trees and hills were inhabited by good and evil spirits which constantly needed to be appeased. Cahill continued: . . .
Read more: https://americanminute.com/blogs/todays-american-minute/saint-patrick-found-ireland-all-heathen-and-left-it-all-christian-american-minute-with-bill-federer

Pelzer: We Have the 140 Best Irish Blessings and Favorite Irish Sayings for St. Patrick’s Day
. . . for this St. Patrick’s Day, we’ve rounded up the 140 best Irish blessings and Irish sayings that will spread joy (and maybe even some good fortune!) all around. Between blessings, sayings, toasts, and proverbs, the Irish clearly know a thing or two about catchy, humorous, encouraging, and wise statements. And what’s more—they are incredibly proud of being from Ireland! The talk of shamrocks, leprechauns, gold coins, and the rolling hills of the Emerald Isle is enough to have you start daydreaming about being in this glorious land as well. While reading through our extensive list of Irish blessings, you’re bound to feel extra excited to celebrate all things green, Celtic, and magical ahead of St. Patrick’s Day!
Read more: https://parade.com/1007652/kelseypelzer/irish-blessings/


Bonchie contributor to RedState: As to Jill Biden, it’s just incredibly disturbing that her naked ambition, shown many times in no uncertain terms, overrode her ability to do what is right. Dragging her husband through the 2020 primary and election should qualify as elder abuse. Now, the nation is suffering the consequences.

Glenn Elmers contributor to American Greatness: What is clear is that the Woke Occupation Army, and its pagan gods, are at war with traditional America. And like religious fanatics throughout history, they regard all “heretics” as their implacable enemies.

Joy Pullman contributor to The Federalist: Every time some member of the ruling class says “inflation is transitory” or “we predict it will come down by the end of the year,” I read it as confirmation things are going to get worse. That’s because these are the same people who told us just a few months ago that inflation wasn’t happening until it was so obvious that the screen people had to switch narratives. It’s also because U.S. corporate media, which today drives national politics, has been for some time the American Pravda. You have to read between the lines, sometimes backward, to understand what is really going on.

Larry Romanoff contributor to UNZ Review: One fatal misconception we tend to hold is that pharmaceutical companies are in the “healthcare” business or the “disease-prevention” business. They are not. They are in the money business. It may be a surprise to you that there is no money in curing a disease; the profits are in long-term maintenance.

Debra Heine contributor to American Greatness reports on a military doctor’s testimony: According to the whistleblowers, certain disorders spiked after the vaccine mandate went into effect, including miscarriages and cancers, and neurological problems which increased by 1000 percent.

Carina Benton  contributor to The Federalist: Covid will not be “killed” by Putin’s war in Ukraine, or any other impeccably timed, amnesia-inducing catastrophe. It will be destroyed by ditching the fake science and superstition, recognizing the people’s sovereignty over their own lives, and holding accountable the gang of self-serving officials and petty tyrants who spent two years crushing us.

Paul Sperry investigative journalist for Real Clear Politics: The coordination between Ukrainian and Democratic officials can be traced back at least to January 2014. It was then when top Obama diplomats – many of whom now hold top posts in the Biden administration – began engineering regime change in Kiev, eventually installing a Ukrainian leader they could control.

Ron Paul, MD contributor to LewRockwell.com: Three weeks into this terrible war, the US is not pursuing talks with Russia. As Antiwar.com recently reported, instead of supporting negotiations between Ukraine and Russia that could lead to a ceasefire and an end to the bloodshed, the US government is actually escalating the situation which can only increase the bloodshed.

James Howard Kunstler: Would our country be disappointed if Russia actually solved the problem of Ukraine? You have every reason to think so. For one thing, we would be stuck having to face our own problems, especially the ones caused by lying to ourselves, such as the nearly unthinkable obscenity of having possibly poisoned a majority of the US population with mRNA “vaccines” and killed hundreds of thousands of Covid-19 patients by withholding known effective treatments. What would you suppose we might do about that?

Kellie-Jay Keen, a British activist: You cannot, cannot, ever use the language of trans activism and give it any validation whatsoever. Because that is the thing — if you can’t speak about what’s happening to women, if the word “woman” no longer means “woman,” and it means anyone who identifies as a woman, then you are in really dangerous territory.


Project Veritas: FBI Raid on PV Journalist Shows Armed Agents Clutching Weapons & Ransacking Home at Biden DOJ Order
BREAKING: Video of Unconstitutional FBI Raid on Project Veritas Journalist’s Home; Armed Agents Scream ‘Let Me See Your Hands!’
Watch the 2:19 minute Project Veritas video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PHeRnCQshQ

WarRoom: Battleground – Julie Kelly Reports on the Michigan Kidnapping Trial
Watch the 23:16 minute interview: https://rumble.com/vxiy33-warroom-battleground-julie-kelly-reports-on-the-michigan-kidnapping-trial.html

Solomon: Secret Service says it doesn’t have Hunter Biden emails from some years, his laptop says otherwise
ays of ahead of his trip to Mexico in spring 2011, Hunter Biden got an email from a Secret Service agent coordinating his protection detail. “Hunter, when you have some free time, I would like to discuss the Monterrey trip with you,” Secret Service agent Yvonne DiCristoforo wrote then-Vice President Joe Biden’s son on April 28, 2011. “I have some specific information to provide you that we received from our Mexico City office,” she added. “I know you are out of the office this evening, but if you could contact me at your convenience, I would appreciate it.” Secret Service records show Hunter Biden, in fact, took the trip with agents protecting him between May 15 to May 17, 2011. The email, contained on a Hunter Biden laptop now in FBI custody and reviewed by Just the News, may not seem that significant at first blush. But it has significant meaning to Senate investigators. Why? Because the Secret Service, after years of delay, told GOP Sens. Chuck Grassley, Iowa, and Ron Johnson, Wisconsin, last month the agency has been unable to locate any emails or other records showing its agents coordinating travel for Hunter Biden.
Read more: https://justthenews.com/accountability/russia-and-ukraine-scandals/secret-service-says-it-doesnt-have-hunter-biden-emails


RCI’s Paul Sperry Discusses Cast of Characters in Durham Probe: The Megyn Kelly Show
Paul Sperry speaks with Megyn Kelly about the shady cast of characters revealed through the Durham investigation, the revelations about spying on Trump, who Rodney Joffe really is, the media’s complicity in the Russia-Trump probe, what’s coming up next with Durham, and more.
Watch the interview at Real Clear Investigations.


Heine: Military Doctor Testifies in Court That a Superior Ordered Her Not to Discuss Data Showing Massive Spikes in Illness After Vaccine Mandate
A military medical officer testified in court last week that she was ordered by a superior not to discuss her findings regarding the DoD’s Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) during the hearing. DMED provides web-based access to active military personnel and medical event data.
On March 10, Liberty Counsel, the law firm representing thirty members of the military who are fighting the military vaccine mandate, returned to federal court to defend the preliminary injunction Judge Steven Merryday granted two military plaintiffs that allowed them to skirt the military vaccine mandate. The Department of Defense (DoD) asked the judge to set aside the injunction while the case was on appeal. Judge Merryday is a United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida. […]  Dr. Theresa Long, a flight surgeon who holds a master’s degree in Public Health and is specially trained in the DMED, gave emotional testimony on March 10. She and two other flight surgeons reviewed DMED last year and made some stunning discoveries about the high incidence of apparent vaccine injuries among members of the military. According to the whistleblowers, . . . Dr. Long testified that she was contacted by high level officer the night before the hearing, and told not to discuss her findings regarding the explosive military medical data in court.  The whistleblower reportedly said she felt threatened after she tried to get her superiors to address the findings, “fearing for her life and for the safety of her children.”
Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2022/03/15/military-doctor-testifies-in-court-that-a-superior-ordered-her-not-to-discuss-data-showing-massive-spikes-in-illness-after-vaccine-mandate/

Robinson: Ivermectin Works!
At this point in recent history, we all don’t really need more reasons to despise the corporate media and the federal government’s public health establishment but we have one more reason nonetheless: Ivermectin is an effective treatment for the COVID virus. […]  This is a reminder that the CDC and the FDA ( and Fauci and Birx and Collins and all the rest of them) suppressed and banned Ivermectin in order to force the America people into taking deadly mRNA vaccines that don’t stop COVID but do change your DNA. Almost the entire American medical community bent the knee to the CDC and the FDA too — which means that they failed to protect their sick patients from treatments that don’t work (COVID vaccines, Remdesivir) and failed to give them treatments that do work. Our doctors waited to treat sick patients until COVID was well advanced, and then hooked them up to useless ventilators and useless drugs until they died — because our doctors and our hospitals were incentivized by the U.S. federal government to do so.
Read more: https://emeralddb3.substack.com/p/ivermectin-works?s=r


Col Douglas Macgregor Gives His Current Status Perspective on Ukraine Conflict
Trying to provide alternate perspectives on the status of the conflict in Ukraine, Aaron Mate of the Grayzone asks Col Douglas Macgregor his take on the dominate narrative in the US that militarily this is a disaster for Russia.  Colonel Macgregor outlines that western media has a specific narrative diminishing reality and filled with wishful thinking. Max Blumenthal follows up with a question on the military situation.
Read more/Watch the 8 minute interview: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/03/16/col-douglas-macgregor-gives-his-current-status-perspective-on-ukraine-conflict/

Horvat II: Why Russia Invaded Ukraine
Just when everything seemed to be getting back to the new normal, abnormality struck again. The war in Ukraine is raging and changing the face of the globalized world. The situation is confusing as people struggle to find reasons behind the invasion. Conspiracy theories abound on both sides. Like the scenes of battle in Ukraine, chaos reigns in the minds of so many. There seems to be no rhyme or reason in the attacks. However, four points can help people better understand what is happening. There is some method to the madness. Russia Was Already Part of the World Order The first point is that the sanctions prove that Russia was well integrated into the globalized world. Vast sectors of the Russian economy were interwoven into the worldwide networks and commodity markets. It was not easy to disengage. This conclusion runs contrary to those who say that Russia is a power opposing the current world order. This is not true. Western money and investment helped rebuild the country in the decades after the Cold War. Most major oil companies, for example, . . . […] Russia Pursues an Instant Disengagement from this World Order The second point is that Russia is pursuing a rapid disengagement from its important yet second-tier place in the current world order. President Putin used the one thing that could cause Western disinvestment quickly: an unjust war that would galvanize worldwide public opinion by its brutality. He knew that the West is terrified by the prospect of war and will use every economic sanction in the book to avoid conflict. Thus, as the war gets ever more intense, the economic sanctions levied against Russia become greater. The Russian president facilitated instant disengagement and let the West do it. In just weeks, he has managed to . . .[…]  A Desired and Forced Geopolitical Realignment . . .[…]  The Target Is the Vulnerable West . . .
Read more at American Thinker.

Davidson: Washington Is Ramping Up Its Campaign To Draw NATO Into War With Russia
By now it should be obvious that a concerted and bipartisan effort is underway in Washington to escalate U.S. involvement in the Ukraine war. This effort has been ongoing since the war began three weeks ago, but now it’s entering a new and dangerous phase. In a letter sent Tuesday to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, a half-dozen top Republican lawmakers called for the Biden administration to provide Ukraine with “Soviet- or Russian-made strategic and tactical air defense systems and associated radars to Ukraine.” That means long-range surface-to-air missiles, like the Soviet-made S-300 system, which is designed to shoot down enemy aircraft and intercept ballistic missiles. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has urged the United States to help Ukraine acquire S-300 air defense systems from countries that have them, like North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) members Bulgaria, Greece, and Slovakia, and he might do so again on Wednesday when he addresses Congress. In action, S-300 air defense systems look something like this:  . . .[…]  The provision of such heavy weaponry to Ukraine, whether by the United States or our NATO allies, would represent an unprecedented level of direct military support for Ukraine that would undoubtedly — and rightly — be interpreted by Moscow as a sharp escalation by the West.  Top Republican lawmakers, though, are undeterred by such concerns.
Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2022/03/16/washington-is-ramping-up-its-campaign-to-draw-nato-into-war-with-russia/ 

Prager: Ukraine: What Is in America’s Interest?
As a result of the Russian invasion and partial destruction of Ukraine, the question “What is in America’s interest?” is the question of the day. Specifically, how much should America get involved in defending Ukraine? On the Left, the question “What is in America’s interest?” is moot. On the Left, “America’s interest” is regarded as essentially a chauvinistic, nationalistic, even fascistic term. […] Let’s now turn our attention to the Right. Unlike the Left, people on the Right are preoccupied with the question, “What is in America’s interest?” That is why the Trump-era slogan “America First” so resonated with conservatives.  […]  Other than an attack on America, when and where does America have an interest? And why? If a Russian dictator can invade and decimate another country in an act of unprovoked aggression and it not be in America’s interest, what about China invading Taiwan, or Iran unleashing nuclear weapons against Israel, or North Korea doing so against South Korea? Why are Taiwan, Israel, or South Korea more “in America’s interest” than Ukraine?  And, finally, what about the moral question? Is morality “in America’s interest”?
Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2022/03/15/ukraine-what-is-in-americas-interest/

Fitzgerald: Taking Calls from Biden
Though much attention has been given in the media to Israel’s great unhappiness with the Iran deal that the Americans are close to concluding in Vienna, the UAE and Saudi Arabia are also most unhappy with the revived deal. A report on how they have expressed their alarm and displeasure is here: “Saudi Arabia, UAE leaders not returning Biden’s calls, disappointed with US – report,” by Tal Spungin, Jerusalem Post, March 9, 2022: The leaders of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have been declining calls from US President Joe Biden for several weeks, The Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday, citing officials in the Middle East and the United States. They prefer not to engage in any kind of telephone dialogue where they would have to listen to Joe Biden try to convince them to do the world a favor and greatly increase their oil production, when what they want to talk about is something else: they believe that the revived Iran deal is misconceived and dangerous. It’s easier to refuse to take Biden’s calls, a telling snub that signals their great unhappiness with Washington.
Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2022/03/saudi-uae-leaders-alarmed-us-capitulation-iran-hugh-fitzgerald/


Ingraham: Biden’s incompetence is emboldening China
Steven Mosher tells ‘The Ingraham Angle’ if we have created a Eurasia empire dominated by China, then we are going to face a formidable opponent in the decades to come.
Watch the telling 5:27 minute interview: https://video.foxnews.com/v/6300698133001#sp=show-clips

War Room: Taiwan and the South China Sea
Ex-CIA agent Sam Faddis talks to Steve Bannon about the collapse of US power under the Biden administration. “We’re back in the 1930s. All bets are off here. … Uncharted territory here. Every thug in the planet is gonna take a shot at us….  Every enemy … is going to take advantage of the opportunity presented by this administration. There is no way in my opinion that the Chinese are going to look at this opportunity and not make a move on Taiwan.”
Watch the 4:49 minute interview: https://warroom.org/2022/03/15/taiwan-and-the-south-china-sea/

Hubbard: Saudi Arabia may accept yuan instead of dollars for Chinese oil sales: report
Saudi Arabia and China are in discussions to price some oil sales in yuan instead of U.S. dollars in a slap to the Biden administration that would decrease the dominance of the American currency in the international petroleum market, sources told The Wall Street Journal.
Read more: https://justthenews.com/government/diplomacy/saudi-arabia-may-accept-yuan-instead-dollars-chinese-oil-sales-report


Margolis: Biden Released a Top Russian Hacker, and Republicans Have Questions
The Biden administration released Burkov on Aug. 25, 2021—a year early. “In light of the danger posed by Burkov’s activities and President Biden’s statement that Russian cyberattacks against U.S. interests would face ‘consequences,’ we have questions about the Biden Administration’s decision to allow Burkov to return to Russia,” the letter to Sullivan continues. “We request your cooperation with our investigation into this matter.” At this point, it’s really difficult to try to explain anything the Biden administration does.
Read more: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/matt-margolis/2022/03/15/biden-released-a-top-russian-hacker-and-republicans-have-questions-n1566559

War Room: King Dollar on Shaky Ground
Steve Cortes interviewed. We dared the world to get off of the dollar. We dared them how by declaring war on Russia and specifically on the Russian people and  weaponizing money. We are at war with Russia. We are not shooting yet.
Watch the 9:28 minute interview: https://rumble.com/vxgzx1-king-dollar-on-shaky-ground.html

War Room: Steve Cortes Covers New PPI and CPI Scores
Steve Cortes talks about what he calls “something that actually matters to the lives of citizens of America” — namely the value of the money in their wallet. “What really matters. Things like prices. Just now we got out Producer Price Index…. matched the highest of all time, 10 percent. So we are in double digit territory, the highest of all time. … Producer prices very soon become consumer prices. That’s the way the economy works. At this point, it’s wholesale inflation, soon to be retail inflation, what we are paying for everything we want and need.”
Watch the 7:11 minute interview: https://warroom.org/2022/03/15/steve-cortes-covers-new-ppi-and-cpi-scores/

Catenacci: Biden Federal Reserve Nominee Sarah Bloom Raskin Withdraws Nomination
Sarah Bloom Raskin, President Joe Biden’s pick for a key Federal Reserve position, withdrew her nomination Tuesday after receiving bipartisan pushback.
Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2022/03/15/sarah-bloom-raskin-federal-reserve-climate-change-joe-biden/

Bonchie: Jill Biden’s Latest Rescue of Her Bumbling Husband Isn’t Cute — It’s Dangerous
Yesterday was another banner day for Joe Biden’s cognitive inabilities. As RedState reported, he managed to bungle the announcement of Kamala Harris’ husband having COVID-19 no less than three different ways. Here’s what that looked like. […]  What happens when Biden goes to meet with NATO a little over a week from now and completely botches some major policy issue? You’d assume they just ignore him, but what does that say about the country he helms? What does it say about the United States’ ability to lead our allies and project strength? All of those things matter when it comes to keeping the world’s bad actors in line. There’s a reason Putin has only tried to take parts of Europe under administrations that include Biden.
Read more/Watch the 36 second video: https://redstate.com/bonchie/2022/03/16/jill-bidens-latest-rescue-of-her-bumbling-husband-isnt-cute-its-dangerous-n536636

Sperry: Ukraine Worked With Democrats Against Trump in Election 2016 to Stop Putin. That Bet Backfired Badly.
Six years ago, before Russia’s full-scale invasion of their country, the Ukrainians bet that a Hillary Clinton presidency would offer better protection from Russian President Vladimir Putin, even though he had invaded Crimea during the Obama-Biden administration, whose Russian policies Clinton vowed to continue. Working with both the Obama administration and the Clinton campaign, Ukrainian government officials intervened in the 2016 race to help Clinton and hurt  Donald Trump in a sweeping and systematic foreign influence operation that’s been largely ignored by the press. The improper, if not illegal, operation was run chiefly out of the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, where officials worked hand-in-glove with a Ukrainian-American activist and Clinton campaign operative to attack the Trump campaign. The Obama White House was also deeply involved in an effort to groom their own favored leader in Ukraine and then work with his government to dig up dirt on – and even investigate — their political rival. […]  a comprehensive account of documented Ukrainian collusion – including efforts to assist the FBI in its 2016 probe of Manafort – is pieced together here for the first time. It draws from an archive of previously unreported records generated from a secret Federal Election Commission investigation of the Democratic National Committee that includes never-before-reviewed sworn affidavits, depositions, contracts, emails, text messages, legal findings and other documents from the case. RealClearInvestigations also examined diplomatic call transcripts, White House visitor logs, lobbying disclosure forms, congressional reports and closed-door congressional testimony, as well as information revealed by Ukrainian and Democratic officials in social media postings, podcasts and books.
Read more at Real Clear Investigations.
Watch investigative journalist Paul Sperry’s 4:45 minute interview with Laura Ingraham:https://video.foxnews.com/v/6300423223001#sp=show-clips

Munro: D.C.’s Economic Policy Sidelines Almost 20 Million American Men
“The reality is there’s a huge pool of potential [American] workers for employers,” even if the unemployment rate falls to zero, said Steven Camarota, director of research at the Center for Immigration Studies. The huge and growing population of discarded Americans rarely gets attention in Washington D.C. — especially by the pro-migration lobbies funded by businesses and progressives. On Tuesday, March 15, for example, Sen. Alex Padilla (D-CA) will hold a hearing to “examine the challenges immigrants face in seeking lawful permanent resident status, and the need to overhaul and modernize the legal immigration system to preserve family unity and grow our economy.” The three scheduled witnesses all favor migration: An Indian graduate of the University of Texas at Austin, Athulya Rajakumar, and two immigration lawyers — Stephen Legomsky and Lynden Melmed.
Read more: https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2022/03/15/d-c-s-economic-policy-sidelines-almost-20-million-american-men/

Spencer: Biden Is So Weak, Another Big Threat Is Organizing in the U.S.
The Islamic State (ISIS) is back. Five years after Donald Trump entered the Oval Office and quickly brought about the destruction of its caliphate in Iraq and Syria, ISIS is resurgent and wealthy. Could this have anything to do with Old Joe Biden’s misrule? Of course. To be sure, there are other factors at play as well. An Iraqi security official said Friday that “recent assessments … put the group’s reserves at between $25 million and $50 million.” That could be a conservative estimate: the Wall Street Journal reported in September 2020 that ISIS had “assets ranging into the hundreds of millions of dollars across the Middle East and Central Asia,” according to “officials and government records.”[…]  The group has designs not just in Africa, either. Homeland Security Today reported in late February that ISIS had posted a video online urging Muslims in the United States to join “ISIS North America.” “To those who want to try,” the video said, “to my brothers following in the path of the Khilafa [caliphate] in America I urge you to come join our group. This new group will operate in the United States to surprise the murtad [apostates, ex-Muslims] in their own lands. The name of this group will be named ISIS-NA (Islamic State of Iraq & Sham [the Levant] – North America).” It’s interesting that the Islamic State would choose now, of all times, to try to expand its organization into the United States.
Read more: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/robert-spencer/2022/03/14/biden-is-so-weak-another-big-threat-is-organizing-in-the-u-s-n1566417

Margolis: Another Disturbing Detail About Biden’s SCOTUS Pick Emerges
This week, another concerning detail has come to light: her past work representing terrorists detained at Guantánamo Bay prison. During closed-door meetings with Jackson, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) reportedly raised the issue and said it would likely come up during her hearing. “We did talk … about her representation of Guantánamo Bay detainees. I expressed some concern about this,” Hawley said. According to The Hill, Hawley said that he thought her work representing Gitmo detainees while in private practice was “interesting” and “a little concerning.” Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) thinks criticism of Jackson is misplaced. “In the United States of America we try to make sure everyone has a right to counsel. The Republicans seem to forget that if it involves representing a controversial defendant,” Durbin said. However, the Republican National Committee (RNC) argues that Jackson’s “advocacy” goes “beyond just giving them a competent defense.”
Read more: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/matt-margolis/2022/03/15/another-disturbing-detail-about-bidens-scotus-pick-emerges-n1566591


Episode 1,708 – Biggest Inflation Number In History; PPI At 10%; Destruction Of The American Economy
Our guests are: Ben Harnwell, Steve Cortes

Episode 1,709 – Child Indoctrination In Public Schools; The Dark Valley
Our guests are: Steve Cortes, Boris Epshteyn, Richard Baris, Terry Schilling, Mom’s For Liberty, Sam Faddis


Lewis: Ukraine REJECTS Russian peace talks proposal to become ‘neutral’ like Sweden – and demands guarantees that international forces will ‘prevent attacks’ in future
Both sides had earlier raised hopes of a breakthrough, referring to agreements that were close to being put to paper and signed. Lavrov on Wednesday cautioned that the negotiations were not easy but that there was ‘some hope of reaching a compromise’. Russia’s negotiator Medinsky echoed the line to reporters on Wednesday that talks were ‘slow and difficult’ but said the Kremlin wants peace, ‘as soon as possible’. He reiterated that the core issue at the talks is a ‘neutral’ Ukraine, citing the status of Austria and Sweden as possible examples to follow. It would mean Ukraine could retain its armed forces but that Kyiv would not be allowed to have any foreign bases, according to Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov.
Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10618473/Russias-Lavrov-says-neutrality-Ukraine-seriously-discussed.html

Pearce: Solzhenitsyn and Putin
In the light or shadow of the current conflict in the Ukraine, it would seem appropriate to remind ourselves of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s relationship with Vladimir Putin. This will enable a deeper understanding of the background to the conflict, especially if the following is read in conjunction with Solzhenitsyn’s prophetic understanding of the underlying reasons for it, which were discussed in this earlier essay, The Voice of a Prophet: Solzhenitsyn on the Ukraine Crisis. If both the Ukrainians and the Russians could have been persuaded of the wisdom of Solzhenitsyn’s perspective, a just settlement of the problem could have been possible, avoiding the war and its destructive consequences. As it is, both sides have succumbed to the intransigent belligerence which has led to the present situation. The following account of Solzhenitsyn’s relationship with the Russian leader is offered as a means of enlightening the western reader, beset and besieged by media propaganda and bias, of the situation in post-communist Russia in the first decade of this century.
Read more: https://theimaginativeconservative.org/2022/03/solzhenitsyn-putin-joseph-pearce.html

Fu: Children in China Diagnosed With Leukemia After Taking Chinese Vaccines
After receiving her first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, Li Jun’s 4-year-old developed a fever and coughs, which quickly subsided after intravenous therapy at the hospital. But after the second shot, the father could tell something was wrong. Swelling appeared around his daughter’s eyes and did not go away. For weeks, the girl complained about pains on her legs, where bruises started to emerge seemingly out of nowhere. In January, a few weeks after the second dose, the 4-year-old was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. “My baby was perfectly healthy before the vaccine dose,” Li (an alias), from China’s north-central Gansu Province, told The Epoch Times. “I took her for a health check. Everything was normal.” He is among hundreds of Chinese that belong to a social media group claiming to be suffering from or have a household member suffering from leukemia, developed after taking Chinese vaccines. Eight of them confirmed the situation when reached by The Epoch Times. Names of the interviewees have been withheld to protect their safety.
Read more: https://udumbara.net/children-in-china-contract-leukemia-after-taking-chinese-vaccines


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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