Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 13 minutes


Kyle Shideler contributor to The American Mind: We now live in a period where some Americans, who would not be caught dead flying Old Glory, are displaying the flags of countries they cannot even find on a map, while accusing fellow citizens who hesitate to take a side in a distant conflict of being agents in the service of a foreign power.

Lex Greene contributor to USSA News: : It’s easy to scare cowards into total tyrannical compliance…Not so easy to scare the brave into doing anything they don’t want to do. You should have learned on the grade school playground that bullies exist, and that cowards are never free.

Julie Kelly contributor to American Greatness reminds us of the 15 days to flatten the curve promise: The date of March 16, 2020 isn’t just a day that will live in infamy—it marked the beginning of the largest crime against humanity since the last world war. And the perpetrators aren’t finished yet.

Christopher Bedford contributor to The federalist: More than that, it’s very tempting to view the past two years as separate from our other major problems. But just as Black Tuesday began an era marked by the Depression, the Dust Bowl, the New Deal, the Second World War, and a fundamental reshaping of the American life, so too will the Lockdowns mark the start of a ride we can’t get off.

Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) forewarns how COVID will be dealt with if Democrats remain in power after the November 2022 midterms: The minute those elections are over they will impose mandates if they feel the need to do that. They will impose restrictions.

Robert Spencer contributor to Frontpage Magazine: Imagine a country that imprisons peaceful protestors on false charges of participating in an attempt to overthrow the government, as part of efforts to discredit and ultimately criminalize all opposition to the ruling party’s agenda. People who entered a public building when police held the door open for them are being held in solitary confinement and given draconian punishments far out of proportion to what they actually did. This is the sort of thing that happens in Third World countries, right? This is the sort of thing tinpot dictators do in banana republics, where the rulers gained power by underhanded means and have no respect for due process, the rule of law, or the rights of their citizens – right? Maybe so, but all this and worse is happening right now in the land of the free and the home of the brave, where up until quite recently, it all would have been unthinkable.

Issues & Insights Editorial Board: America is not America if its people aren’t free to pursue their lives without government interference, to speak their minds without fear of censorship and repercussions; if markets are manipulated by political agendas; when prosecutors refuse to prosecute and leave the law-abiding at the mercy of the lawless, preferred pronouns become more important than clean elections, and race and identity politics are used to create demoralizing division.

Tristan Justice contributor to The Federalist: In a desperate bid to save her seat, Wyoming Republican Rep. Liz Cheney is now courting the same voters who once dragged a statue of her father through the streets of Jackson before toppling it 15 years ago. “Without an aggressive campaign strategy to win over Democrats, it might seem like a tough sell,” Politico reported from Wyoming on Monday. “…But some Democratic voters in Jackson are embracing her. They appreciate Cheney’s work in Congress prosecuting Trump and they’re ready to switch parties to vote for her.”


Bedford: Two Years After Lockdowns, The West’s Troubles Aren’t Ending — They’re Just Beginning
Two years ago this week, the United States shut down. Churches, schools and businesses went dark. Weddings, funerals, and birthdays went silent. City streets stood empty, with an eeriness closer resembling occupied Paris than the bustling hubs they’d been just days before. Two years later, as the last of the mask mandates for school children falter and crack, it’s tempting to believe our nightmare is finally over. Just as the disease is going to haunt us a long while, however, so too will the effects of how we tried to fight it.  […]  Even in states that have long since shrugged off the bureaucrats’ Covid demands, trust is broken. The people had believed in March 2020 that if they did their parts, all would soon be well. As President Calvin Coolidge famously said, “The chief ideal of the American people is idealism… [and] the chief business of the American people is business.” Neither Americans’ idealism nor our industry were rewarded, however. From March 2020 on, ours was rule not by people, but by bureaucratic diktat. Our politicians betrayed us: flying abroad, getting haircuts, going maskless, holding parties, and dining out while also closing schools, forbidding gatherings, banning amenities, and demonizing all who resisted — or even questioned — their orders. Our corporate media betrayed us: propping up liars and fools, tearing down all who spoke against their champions, and spreading fear and hatred of dissent as far and wide as their words would carry. Our teachers betrayed us: using Covid to gain a grab bag of vacation time, control over parents, wage hikes, and other unrelated perks, all while punishing school children with years of masks, separation — and the educational and developmental retardation those rules cost. Even our much-vaunted hospital workers betrayed us: keeping dying husbands from their dying wives, grown children from their elderly parents, brothers from their sisters, and babies from their mothers — all to ensure “Covid safety.”
Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2022/03/15/two-years-after-lockdowns-the-wests-troubles-arent-ending-theyre-just-beginning/

Kelly: From 15 Days to Two Years
In March 2020, once-free citizens around the world surrendered their liberty and livelihoods in a futile attempt to “stop” a virus. The most technologically advanced civilization in the history of mankind quickly adopted medieval fixes that bordered on quackery, sold by snake oil salesmen in the credentialied class and news media, codified through executive fiat by elected leaders of both parties. “Just 15 days,” we were told on March 16, 2020, “to slow the spread.” Do your part to promote the “common good”—the historical rallying cry of every wannabe despot—or be branded a heartless heretic. And it worked, far better than the original architects probably anticipated. On the same day my daughter left her college dormitory in upstate New York, not to return to a normal campus life for two years, I posted this on Twitter: “This is what the Left wants. They want people stripped of wealth, isolated, and terrified. They want sources of joy—church, sporting events, vacations, large social gatherings—eliminated. This is how they get control. And it’s far scarier than any virus.”
Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2022/03/14/from-15-days-to-two-years/

Kinney III: Did Congress order a ‘medical surge capacity’ drill just before COVID emerged?
Legislation approved by Congress in the summer of 2019 ordered a “medical surge capacity” evaluation that may provide another example of the kinds of covert, public health “drills” or “exercises” authorized by federal law. Several previous articles described significant information from U.S. federal laws, strategies, plans, and other documents which suggest that the COVID-19 pandemic may be some sort of national and international government hoax, ruse, ploy, or “health security” exercise.  […]  And what occurred within approximately 180 days of the enactment of the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act of 2019? A nationwide public health emergency, otherwise known as the COVID-19 pandemic. The 2019 amendment discussed above may be some of the most significant information suggesting that the COVID-19 pandemic may be a planned U.S. government public health emergency exercise. And there is still more information supporting this claim but it will not be mentioned here.
Read more: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/did-congress-order-a-medical-surge-capacity-exercise-weeks-before-covid-emerged/?utm_source=top_news&utm_campaign=usa


Tapson: Deep State Slayers
A new book examines six American presidents and their war with The Swamp. The Deep State, or “Swamp,” not only exists, but has roots reaching much farther back than just the presidency of Donald Trump, whose outsider status and populist appeal posed an unprecedented threat to the many-tentacled shadow government. That is the subject of the must-read new book Dragonslayers: Six Presidents and Their War With the Swamp, by the prolific historian Larry Schweikart. Dr. Schweikart’s previous works include, among others, Reagan: The American President (about which I previously interviewed him here), 48 Liberal Lies About American History, and A Patriot’s History of the United States (co-written with Michael Allen). […]  Dragonslayers, released today, examines the struggles of half a dozen American Presidents who confronted their particular iterations of the entrenched Deep State. Those six are Abraham Lincoln, Grover Cleveland, Theodore Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, and of course, Trump, who had campaigned on the promise to “drain the Swamp,” by which he originally meant lobbyists. But the Swamp ran layers deeper within the government than he had anticipated. In his introduction, Schweikart observes that “for almost 200 years Americans have been at war with one group of elites or another. These groups have embraced positions from supporting slavery to seeking governance by a corporatist network to policy by an agency whose purpose is to remain secret.” By the 21st century this Swamp had “united the law enforcement agencies, the military, and much of corporate America under its control along with media, entertainment, and tech giants.”
Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2022/03/dragon-slayers-mark-tapson/

Hoft: EXCLUSIVE: DOD Operative Don Berlin Set Up President Trump for Sedition With Tainted Election Dossier — Who Paid This Guy?
Who is Don Berlin? was Don Berlin working for and who backed his efforts to set up President Trump for sedition in early January 2021? We reported in late December that information from the Deep State dossier created by Don Berlin presented to President Trump right before Jan 6 was leaked to the media as soon as Mark Meadows provided it to the Jan 6 Committee in December 2021 per the committee’s subpoena. Deep State operative Don Berlin created a bogus dossier and presented it to President Trump related to the 2020 Election a few days before his rally on January 6th at the Capitol.  We produced support for this in Parts 1,2 and 3 in this series included in the article below.
Read more: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/03/exclusive-backed-don-berlin-paid-dossier-created-set-president-trump-sedition/


Frontpage Magazine: Glazov Gang: Dr. Vladimir Zelenko Exposes the Globalists’ Transhumanist Agenda
This new Glazov Gang episode features Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko, a world-renowned physician and Nobel Peace Prize Nominee who has developed an innovative and successful treatment protocol for the coronavirus. Recognized as a hero at a U.S. Senate Homeland Security committee hearing, he has been nominated for the Presidential Medal of Freedom and has counseled multiple presidents and governments around the world. Dr. Zelenko exposes The Globalists’ Transhumanist Agenda, revealing The dark truths behind the plandemic.
Watch the 1:38:02 hour interview: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2022/03/glazov-gang-frontpagemagcom/


Frederick: Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas Wants a Section 230 Reckoning
Clarence Thomas has done it again. Never one to shy away from the Big Tech debate, the conservative Supreme Court justice recently hinted that Section 230—“the twenty-six words that created the internet”—could soon be in the highest court’s crosshairs. In the simplest of terms, Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act grants immunity from civil liability for third-party content hosted on “interactive computer services.” On March 7, Thomas identified two foundational issues with the application of this statute in its current form. First, the courts’ broad interpretations have led to sweeping immunity for today’s tech platforms. Second, Big Tech companies never fail to abuse the privilege. Thomas asserts that expansive interpretations of Section 230 from 1996 onward may clash with the original text. He contends that arguments favoring this broad immunity “rest largely on ‘policy and purpose’” instead of the statute’s plain text. This isn’t the first time Thomas has made this claim.
Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2022/03/15/supreme-court-justice-clarence-thomas-wants-a-section-230-reckoning/


War Room: Episode 1,706 – Kari Lake Destroys Left-Wing Journalist; The Dark Secrets Of Pfizer’s Documents
Dr. Naomi Wolf gives an update on what has been found in the Pfizer 55,000 document dump.
Start the video at the 16:54   minute mark: https://rumble.com/vxdq4r-episode-1706-kari-lake-destroys-left-wing-journalist-the-dark-secrets-of-pf.html


Hendrickson: Weapons Of Financial Destruction And The New World Disorder
Biden didn’t have to take a blowtorch to the financial system in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. But he has done so. The comprehensive sanctions the United States and the West have imposed on Russia take us into an entirely new world. The sanctions are multidimensional but most important is the “freezing” of Russian foreign exchange reserves, what President Biden called Putin’s $630 billion war fund in his State of the Union. This action means that all previous economic contracts between Russia and the West are invalid. Biden’s figure was probably overstated by half, but the precise figure doesn’t matter. It’s the principle that counts. The effective nullification of contracts is the Big Enchilada, an H-Bomb rather than an A-Bomb, a 50-megaton Weapon of Financial Destruction (WFD). Without bothering to announce it, the United States and its allies have thrown a wrench into the gears of important sectors of the world economy. They are badly underestimating the fallout.
Read more: https://pricklypear.news/weapons-of-financial-destruction-and-the-new-world-disorder/

Sundance: Steve Harrigan Returns From Ukraine With a Somber Message About the Situation
Fox News correspondent Steve Harrigan returns from Ukraine with a somber message about the situation and likely future.   Harrigan notes that Russian victory in Ukraine is a foregone conclusion – Ukraine will be flattened if needed. However, that outcome comes at a serious cost. […] Where are the peacekeepers?  Where are the diplomatic voices, the ranks of the prudent and pragmatic political voices who focus on stopping the death?  Where are those voices?  Where is the faith-based voice asking for leaders to stop, breathe, meet and seek a solution without further war? Those voices are silent because the western motive is to create a long-term insurgent war in Ukraine.
Read more/Watch the 6:24 minute report: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/03/14/steve-harrigan-returns-from-ukraine-with-a-somber-message-about-the-situation/

SNL Mocks TikTok Stars In A Biden National Security Briefing On Ukraine
News emerged last week that the White House had tutored TikTok “influencers” about Ukraine (they apparently can’t read about the subject because their lips get too tired). In an odd move, “Saturday Night Live” — about as liberal a show as there is on TV nowadays — decided to mock President Joe Biden and White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki over the revelation. “This week as the war in Ukraine intensified, access to Facebook and Instagram in the country were shut off, leaving only one source of information: TikTok,” a narrator said in the show’s cold open. “So on Thursday, the White House responded by holding a national security briefing with some of the nation’s top TikTok creators.”
Read more/Watch the 7:11 minute skit: https://www.dailywire.com/news/snl-mocks-tiktok-stars-in-a-biden-national-security-briefing-on-ukraine


BlazeTV Staff: Everything you need to know about a possible financial WAR with China
We’re edging closer and closer to a world war, but Glenn Beck believes we’re already in a world war when it comes to the dollar. Russia and China are already starting to create an alternative to the petrodollar, which has never been a good sign for peace. And if successful, not only will inflation go through the roof, but America and the world will face its most significant shift since World War II. Glenn believes one of the tripwires that warn where we’re heading was just tripped over the weekend. Glenn unpacked three scenarios he believes to be tripwires for the end of the U.S. Dollar. If the war spreads across nations, if there is a severe attack on the United States power grid, or if there is an attack on the United States dollar, then we are in trouble. “Over the weekend, a major tripwire was crossed,” Glenn explained.
Read more/Watch the 16.39 minute Beck video: https://www.theblaze.com/shows/the-glenn-beck-program/ready-everything-you-need-to-know-about-a-possible-financial-war-with-china?rebelltitem=1#rebelltitem1

War Room: The Growing Concern Over a Taiwan Invasion
Frank Gaffney, Cpt. Jim Fanell are interviewed.
Watch the 6:34 minute interview: https://rumble.com/vxdjkd-the-growing-concern-over-a-taiwan-invasion.html

Lawler: U.S. warns China against a superpower proxy war in Ukraine
In an “intense” seven-hour meeting with China’s top diplomat Yang Jiechi on Monday, national security adviser Jake Sullivan warned of “consequences” if Beijing materially supports Russia’s war in Ukraine, a senior U.S. official briefed reporters. The big picture: China is already providing its most powerful partner with tacit support, but U.S. officials are now trying to draw red lines to prevent a full-on superpower proxy war. Driving the news: The FT’s Demetri Sevastopulo reports that the U.S. has warned allies in a diplomatic cable that China has “signaled its willingness” to provide Russia with weapons. Those include surface-to-air missiles, per the report. While China’s next moves remain uncertain, fears are growing that Washington and Beijing could end up arming either side in a brutal land war — potentially escalating and prolonging it. Far beyond the battlefield, such a move would herald an even more adversarial era in U.S.-China relations, says Hal Brands of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. Sanctions and economic decoupling would “find a new gear,” and remaining hopes of a constructive relationship would evaporate. What they’re saying: ;. . .
Read more: https://www.axios.com/china-ukraine-proxy-war-arm-russia-86a101ed-04e2-4d0a-bce5-b25dd79022ff.html

China is Smuggling Thousands of Pounds of Diseased Meat Into LA
China. It’s the gift that keeps on taking. And then taking some more. More than 262,000 pounds of prohibited meat products have been seized from the Los Angeles/Long Beach seaport so far this year. 262,237 pounds of pork, chicken, beef and duck have been seized so far by agriculture specialists with U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the agency reported Monday. It marks a 33% increase over the same period last year. While basic shipments of needed products aren’t coming through, there’s always more room for diseased meat. […]  Why is China dumping so much meat into America?
Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/point/2022/03/china-smuggling-hundreds-thousands-pounds-diseased-daniel-greenfield/


Malloch: The Modern Mark of the Beast
Multi borrows from the Latin word “multus” (much, many), which in turn was derived from a Greek word meaning “very.” For our current purposes, it’s a shortened form of the word multiple but it can often spell pure evil and the opposite of the good or godly. Here are six vivid examples to illustrate the point.
Multiculturalism Multicultural constitutes several cultural or ethnic groups within a given society. As a political philosophy, it leads to identity politics and the politics of recognition, as well as its twin, affirmative action. It abandons the unity of a polity (E Pluribus Unum—“out of many, one”—the motto of the United States) and dissembles its subgroups to the end of internal conflict and racial and class warfare. It is presently leading to the death of Europe. More recently in the United States, it has been embodied in critical race theory and racial hatred of white people and the larger culture, especially the American founding, and the institutions and Constitution it originated. In corporations, this trend is found in diversity, inclusion, and equity initiatives that end meritocracy and all objective measures of performance and evaluation. Multinationals Including several countries or nationalities, particularly multinational corporations, in worldwide enterprises that shed responsibility and taxation in any one or home country by seeking to be transnational, and above the law or liability. This trend to borderless and globalist companies is fostered by the Great Reset and the impetus of corporate control denying the nation-state and sovereignty. International bodies or Davos-like elite globalist cults are seen as preferred over traditional nation-states. Multilateralism In international relations, multilateral refers to  . . . […] Multifunctional This describes a system that does several things or has many  . . . […]  Multisexual The multisexual spectrum, also known as “M-spec,” bisexual umbrella, or plurisexual, is a sexuality term consisting of . . . […]Multireligious In this secular era of what amounts to post-Christianity, it is unpopular to speak of the devil or anything even remotely aligned with the forces of spiritual darkness. But it is absolutely necessary. Spiritual darkness is . . .
Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2022/03/14/the-modern-mark-of-the-beast/

Shideler: “Here Be Monsters”
. . .the idea of “national interest” itself is in profound opposition to the Progressive vision of the global order. If countries act according to national interests, and those interests’ conflict, then disputes between nations may prove inevitable. Eliminating the idea that nations have interests does not eliminate those interests, but it does make predicting and mitigating the conflicts that result harder. Understanding the interests of other nations may be easier if we first understand our own. How do we as Americans figure out where our own interests lie? And among our interests, how do we determine which are most important? Begin at the beginning To have a national interest at all one must first have a nation, defined as a people within a territory, under a single government. The first and most paramount national interest is preserving the security and safety of the people who make up the nation. This means both protecting them from threats from without by means of invasion, as well as protecting them from within from civil conflict and upheaval. It also means preserving the way of life, beliefs, and distinctiveness of a people. For Americans, that distinctiveness is based, in part, upon shared principles, articulated in our Declaration of Independence and forged in the fire of the revolution fought to secure them. But it is also grounded in the shared co-habitation and history together in this land, liberated by that revolution. […]  We now live in a period where some Americans, who would not be caught dead flying Old Glory, are displaying the flags of countries they cannot even find on a map, while accusing fellow citizens who hesitate to take a side in a distant conflict of being agents in the service of a foreign power.
Read more: https://americanmind.org/salvo/here-be-monsters/

Housman: Yet Another Shortage Looms Over Biden’s Presidency — It Might Be The World’s Biggest
In 2019, Ukraine and Russia combined to supply about 25.4% of the world’s wheat, according to the Observatory of Economic Complexity. Russia is the world’s largest wheat exporter; Ukraine ranks fifth. While that’s a staple crop for both countries, it isn’t the only one of importance — in total, the International Grains Council estimates that the two countries account for about one-quarter of the entire world’s grain trade.
Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2022/03/11/ukraine-russia-wheat-shortage-inflation-joe-biden-food/


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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