Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 19 minutes


Jeffrey Folks contributor to American Thinker: What the left has in mind is chilling, for it would transform America into an authoritarian nation similar to communist China, theocratic Iran, and oligarchic Russia.  Like these dictatorships, America would then be governed by a permanent ruling class with no regard for our Constitution or our traditions of liberty and democracy.  We would live under the tyranny of one-party rule, bureaucratic abuses, ideological censorship, fraudulent elections, show trials, and political prosecutions, aspects of the totalitarian state that are already too familiar.

Spencer Brown Townhall’s managing editor tweeted: As of today, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has a new mission statement. Under Biden, USCIS removed mention of “lawful immigration,” “protecting Americans,” or “securing the homeland” and now simply “…upholds America’s promise as a nation of welcome…”

Kyle Shideler contributor to American Greatness:  . . . under the latest iteration, DHS is no longer concerned solely with enemy lies spread abroad, but increasingly with information spread by “domestic threat actors” (read: American citizens). And no longer are they merely concerned with disinformation, false material spread to manipulate an opponent, but with misinformation, which DHS considers information that is false but not intended to cause harm, and “mal-information,” which means information which is true but the government considers harmful anyway.

John Stuart Mills 18th century economist and philosopher: War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.

Revolver.news: Lifting Covid restrictions is a security threat, keeping restrictions in place is a security threat — everything is a security threat so long as the American people dare to question their government on matters related to Covid, election integrity, or anything else for that matter. So long as free speech hasn’t been entirely crushed online, and so long as free assembly hasn’t been entirely suppressed in the outside world, the American people pose a de facto terrorist threat, at least as far as the Department of Homeland Security is concerned.

Aaron Kliegman contributor to Just the News: With the midterm elections in sight, President Biden and fellow Democrats in Congress and governors’ mansions nationwide are completing a 180 on their COVID-19 response, abandoning the president’s promise to “shut down” the virus as Americans say they want to “get on with their lives.” In the process, Democrats have begun to lift key COVID-19 restrictions and return to normal life — the same approach, long embraced by red states, that they once rebuked as cruel and dangerous. Yet Biden and his Democratic allies are now taking credit for ending the pandemic while adopting these same policies.

Rabbi Chananya Weissman contributor to Frontpage Magazine: Mask upon mask, injection after injection, precaution upon precaution, with every remote fear treated like a clear and present danger, until one is no longer serving Hashem, but serving his fears and those who perpetuate them.

Emily Mangiaracina  contributor to LifeSite News: “One Child Nation” does far more than confirm the brutality of the Chinese Communist Party and its long history of propaganda. It presents a stark look at our human moral vulnerability to complicity in, and even direct perpetration of evil — as well as our ability to rationalize it enough that we are able to sleep at night.

Spectator headline: Eileen Gu, an American-Born Skier Who Sold Out to China, Wins Gold for Xi Jinping


Key: Schiff: Trump Can Be Prosecuted for ‘Willfulness in the Destruction of Documents’
Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) said Wednesday on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360” that former President Donald Trump could be prosecuted for “willfulness in the destruction of documents” belonging to the United States under the Presidential Records Act. Guest host John Berman said, “I want your take — the fact the National Archives is asking the Justice Department to investigate the former president’s handling of these White House records. Do you think there’s any possible criminal exposure, particularly if there are any classified documents he took to Mar-a-Lago as The New York Times is reporting tonight?”
Read more: https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2022/02/09/schiff-trump-can-be-prosecuted-for-willfulness-in-the-destruction-of-documents/


(Don’t miss listening to this John Solomon podcast) Liz Cheney challenger seizes on revelations of Rep.’s husband China connection
Harriet Hageman, Liz Cheney’s Republican primary challenger, discusses Cheney’s Hunter Biden problem, that while outwardly claiming that she’s tough on China and calling them a generational threat, but her husband’s law firm represents dictatorial regimes such as: China, Kazakhstan, and Belarus. Hageman comments that Cheney’s “part of the aristocracy of Washington D.C.”, and “Wyoming is suffering the consequences”.
Listen to the 53 minute podcast: https://art19.com/shows/john-solomon-reports/episodes/c790ab88-4aca-4083-87cf-bd6ff71f8bbe

The GOP Must Adopt a ‘No Prisoners’ Agenda for 2023
We are going to crush the Democrats in 2022, and there will be a temptation to sigh and wipe our brow and think it’s all over, but instead of relaxing in 2023 the GOP needs to attack. Think Attila the Hun charging at the head of his horde. Think George Patton leading the Third Army. Think Brian Stelter, who is a potato, when he sees a buffet. We need to crush their dreams and make them howl in the run-up to 2024, when we will retake the presidency and put a sharpened stake through the shriveled heart of the leftist monster. We will have power soon. We must use it. They will cry. We must drink their tears.
Let’s understand – because many of us don’t – […]  There are lots of other things we need to do, like defund and disestablish the FBI and NPR, that you might want to wait for the next GOP president for, but you can still cut their budget. Yeah. Let that demented old freak hold up signing a welfare bill and denying free money to bums because the GOP sliced the Volvo radio station budget 33%. Remember, the idea is always to use pain applied to one Democrat constituency to force the Dems to publicly fight for another unpopular Democrat constituency.
Read more: https://townhall.com/columnists/kurtschlichter/2022/02/10/the-gop-must-adopt-a-no-prisoners-agenda-for-2023-n2602998?utm_campaign=rightrailsticky1

Sadler: South Dakota Republicans block Texas-style heartbeat bill proposed by Gov. Kristi Noem
Republican legislators in South Dakota have refused to consider a bill proposed by Gov. Kristi Noem which would have banned almost all abortions if a fetal heartbeat could be detected, a move the governor has called “unprecedented in the very worst way.” Gov. Noem had introduced the legislation last month on the same day the 49th annual March for Life took place in Washington, D.C., along with a bill draft which would prohibit the distribution of abortion drugs through the mail. Early signs pointed to the future success of the bills, which together would ban nearly all abortions in the Mount Rushmore State. […]
According to CBS, Gov. Noem had “previewed the legislation for weeks, and it has received an enthusiastic reception from fellow Republicans who dominate the Legislature.” However, at least one Republican lawmaker who rejected the legislation said the proposal was brought at the last minute and its language could endanger the state’s ongoing legal battle with big-dollar abortion chain Planned Parenthood, which Noem has suggested could go all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Read more: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/unprecedented-south-dakota-republicans-block-texas-style-heartbeat-bill-forwarded-by-gov-noem/?utm_source=featured&utm_campaign=usa

Wolfe: Bills in 16 states would save kids from mutilating trans surgeries, but Republicans are blocking them
Bills filed in at least 16 states would ban sterilizing transgender drugs and surgeries for children, but few are advancing amid resistance from Republican leaders. There are already around 20 active bills this year that would crack down on the practices, nearing past records in 2021 and 2020.
Read more: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/bills-in-16-states-would-save-kids-from-mutilating-transgender-surgeries-republicans-are-blocking-them/?utm_source=top_news&utm_campaign=usa

Winters: A Dominion Voting Systems Rep is Sponsoring a Republican Senate Campaign Fundraiser.
Dave McCormick – a Republican candidate vying to represent Pennsylvania in the U.S. Senate – is hosting a campaign fundraiser sponsored by the founder of a consulting firm repping Dominion Voting Sytems, which has come under scrutiny for its conduct in the 2020 election. McCormick is running to replace retiring Senator Pat Toomey – against candidates including Dr. Mehmet Oz –in a state rife with election fraud and irregularities.
Read more: https://thenationalpulse.com/2022/02/02/pa-senate-fundraiser-sponsored-by-dominion-rep/


Revolver Investigates Disturbing Link Between DHS and The Domestic War On MAGA
In a move that is Orwellian even by the current year’s dystopian standards, Biden’s Department of Homeland Security on Monday issued a heightened terrorist threat assessment centered around “online misinformation:” The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information (MDM) introduced and/or amplified by foreign and domestic threat actors. [DHS] That’s right, folks, the Ministry of Truth is officially here, under the auspices of the government’s Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency: . . .[…]  The question concerning the specific role of the DHS as an instrument in the Domestic War on Terror presents itself all the more forcefully when we recall the special relationship the DHS enjoys with Congressman Bennie Thompson, who just happens to be the Chairman of the heavily politicized and corrupted January 6 Committee. As Revolver reported previously, . . .
Read more: https://www.revolver.news/2022/02/biden-dhs-officially-unveils-the-ministry-of-truth

Jones: DHS Cites Easing of COVID Restrictions As One Reason for Issuing Terrorism Advisory
The same government agency that is allowing the southwest border to be overrun by illegal immigrants is warning Americans of a vague and non-specific “terrorism threat to the U.S. Homeland” by “threat actors” who seek to “undermine public trust in government institutions.” […]  The bulletin lists various “key factors” contributing to the heightened threat environment, including “false or misleading narratives regarding unsubstantiated widespread election fraud and COVID-19.” According to DHS: As COVID-19 restrictions continue to decrease nationwide, increased access to commercial and government facilities and the rising number of mass gatherings could provide increased opportunities for individuals looking to commit acts of violence to do so, often with little or no warning. Meanwhile, . . .
Read more: https://www.cnsnews.com/article/national/susan-jones/dhs-cites-easing-covid-restrictions-one-reason-issuing-terrorism

Shideler: DHS:  American Thought Police
The Department of Homeland Security, which under the Biden Administration routinely lets watch-listed terrorists cross the southern border unmolested, and which approved entry to the United States for Colleyville Synagogue hostage-taker Malik Faisal Akram despite his being known to British authorities as a terror risk, has taken upon its broad bureaucratic shoulders an even more challenging job. Stopping the flow of MDM. MDM isn’t the latest flavor of fentanyl, produced by the Communist Chinese regime for sale to Mexican drug cartels, and now the leading cause of death for Americans between the ages of 18 to 45. No, MDM stands for mis- dis- and mal-information, the latest government acronym from which you must be protected.
Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2022/02/09/dhs-american-thought-police/


Horowitz: The Pentagon’s RESPONSE to the explosive DOD medical data is an even bigger story than the data
One thing is clear about the revelation of the 2021 military epidemiological data and the military’s response to it: There is undoubtedly a public health and national security crisis in the military, and the Pentagon’s reaction only seems to be concerned with exonerating the vaccine, not fixing its own alleged problem. It’s now certain that the military’s health surveillance system — DMED — showed a massive increase in sickness and injury diagnoses in 2021 over previous years, particularly in the neurological, cardiovascular, oncological, and reproductive health categories. The military, in a very terse and cryptic statement to PolitiFact last week, admitted as much, but claimed without any further explanation that the data in the system accessed by several military doctors working with attorney Thomas Renz was only a “fraction” of the true numbers that existed. In the words of the Pentagon spokesman, it was a “glitch in the database.” Where those true numbers existed, why they weren’t in the system for five years, what exactly was in the system, and why the 2021 numbers were accurate according to the DOD account remain a mystery. However, one by one, the military public health officials have been adding back random numbers to the . . . […]  The CDC was looking at data for months that showed insane safety signals and did nothing about it, and somehow nobody in HHS or the DOD all along thought the data was a “glitch.”
Read more: https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/horowitz-the-pentagons-response-to-the-explosive-dod-medical-data-is-an-even-bigger-story-than-the-data


War Room: Gold Star Mother Tina Peters Arrested For Protecting Elections
Watch as Election Clerk Tina Peters of Mesa County, Colorado, is detained by police on the allegation that an iPad tablet she possesses was used in a crime yesterday. Peters has been persecuted by the secretary of state and attorney general in Colorado ever since she raised suspicions of fraud in the 2020 presidential election. Stay tuned for more about the harassment of this Gold Star Mother. Steve Bannon and the War Room posse have her back. Col. Shawn Smith is representing Peters and says you can help by visiting Peters web site at standwithtina.org.
Watch the 8:45 minute interview: https://warroom.org/2022/02/08/gold-star-mother-arrested-for-protecting-elections/


(A must watch opening monologue) Tucker Carlson: Restoring democracy is the only way to avoid future mass hysteria
Over the course of less than a week, the same people who have systematically turned America into a quarantine camp suddenly, out of nowhere, started calling in unison for medical freedom. Suddenly, they sounded like Bobby Kennedy Jr., pretty much all of them.  Even the whiny hypochondriacs at The Atlantic Magazine, those neurotic cat owners who’ve turned COVID hysteria into a religion are now calling for a total abandonment of all Coronavirus restrictions. “Open everything. … The time to when pandemic restrictions is now.” Believe it or not, that was the headline on The Atlantic’s website today. Amazing. So if even The Atlantic has given up on coronavirus restrictions, obviously the pandemic is over.
Read more/Watch the 13:36 minute video: https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-restore-democracy-mass-hysteri

Kliegman: COVID pivot: Dems do 180 on pandemic response, attempt to rewrite history
With the midterm elections in sight, President Biden and fellow Democrats in Congress and governors’ mansions nationwide are completing a 180 on their COVID-19 response, abandoning the president’s promise to “shut down” the virus as Americans say they want to “get on with their lives.” In the process, Democrats have begun to lift key COVID-19 restrictions and return to normal life — the same approach, long embraced by red states, that they once rebuked as cruel and dangerous. Yet Biden and his Democratic allies are now taking credit for ending the pandemic while adopting these same policies. […]
This week, however, the White House is signaling it intends to follow blue states easing restrictions and embrace a new posture toward the pandemic. Biden and fellow Democrats say it’s due to reductions in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations. But critics argue the pivot is based in politics, not science.
“The data did not change. You guys changed,” conservative pundit Ben Shapiro said this week, referring to Democrats. “This is all about: ‘Trust us, give us the power, and we will protect you.'”
Read more: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/coronavirus/tale-two-covids-dems-do-180-pandemic-response-attempt-rewrite-history


Mercola: Dr. Pierre Kory: ‘Covid-19 Is Highly Treatable’
New York pulmonologist Dr. Pierre Kory, an unapologetic champion of evidence-based medicine, has had remarkable success treating patients with ivermectin and other therapies during the pandemic. His efforts to get the word out on this treatment protocol as part of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Working Group (FLCCC) have largely been stifled by censorship, ridicule and colleagues — brainwashed by the official narrative — unwilling to accept the science. Kory spoke with Dr. Chris Martenson, host of the Peak Prosperity podcast, about his incredible experiences over the last nearly two years. On December 8, 2020, Kory testified to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, which held a hearing on “Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a COVID-19 Solution.” […]  Kory’s eyes have been opened to the reality that many people only hear or believe what public health officials tell them, whether it’s because they’re overworked and don’t have time to delve into the real data or because they’re following with blind trust. Many of Kory’s colleagues have gone along with those they believe to be authoritative experts, even when their guidance defies logic and commonsense. Kory’s trust in the “experts,” however, started to erode the more that he learned.
Read more/Watch the one hour interview at The Epoch Times  or here: https://odysee.com/@Chris_Martenson:2/PierreKory:3


Newman: Beware of Hospitals’ Deadly COVID “Treatments,” Warns Dr. Lionberger
False results from COVID tests are being used by hospitals to put people on deadly “Fauci protocols” treatments such as Remdesivir that are being encouraged and funded by the federal government, and there must be accountability for everyone who knowingly participated in this, warned lawman and medical doctor William Lionberger in this interview with The New American magazine’s Alex Newman. Dr. Lionberger is a police officer and founder of Guardians of Humanity’s Children as well as one of the original America’s Frontline Doctors, so he has a unique perspective as somebody who works in medicine and law enforcement. He said the use of dangerous protocols was resulting in unnecessary deaths in hospitals, . . .
Read more/Watch the 8:44 minute video: https://thenewamerican.com/beware-of-hospitals-deadly-covid-treatments-warns-dr-lionberger/


Informed Choice Australia:  1000 Peer Reviewed Studies Questioning Covid-19 Vaccine Safety
Peer Reviewed Medical Papers Submitted To Various Medical Journals, Evidencing A Multitude Of Adverse Events In Covid-19 Vaccine Recipients.
Read the first 48 studies: https://www.informedchoiceaustralia.com/post/1000-peer-reviewed-studies-questioning-covid-19-vaccine-safety 

America’s Frontline Doctor: #Protect The Children
In March of 2020 Emma Burkey got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine because she worked with young children and was told she was putting their lives at risk.  This 18 year old took the J&J vaccination and her life was forever changed..
Watch the 8:56 minute video: https://www.americasfrontlinedoctors.org/videos/post/protectthechildren-the-story-of-emma-burkey/

(TAKE ACTION)  Children’s Health Defense: Protect the Kids: Demand the FDA Vote No on EUA for 6 month olds up to 5 years!
On February 15, the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) is scheduled to meet to deliberate granting Emergency Use Authorization to Pfizer’s BioNTech SARS-CoV-2 vaccine for babies aged six-months and children up to five years old despite the lack of safety and efficacy to support its use. If the committee grants the EUA to Pfizer for this age group, nearly 20 million American infants and preschool-aged children could be at risk of vaccine injury based on the indicators we’re seeing in the published medical literature. Please listen to the critical message in the video above from Mary Holland, President and General Counsel of Children’s Health Defense, who explains why we need to speak up now to protect our children. Read more/Watch the There is no COVID emergency for children under five years old. Children have a 99.995% recovery rate, and a body of medical literature indicates that almost zero healthy children under five years old have died from COVID. […]  We have four different areas that you can participate in to express your opposition to the FDA in potentially granting Emergency Use Authorization to Pfizer’s vaccine for this younger age group. This also bolsters efforts to educate friends, family, and people in your community that will extend beyond next Tuesday’s meeting, no matter the outcome. […]  Help us sound the alarm. The science is clear. If the FDA grants EUA status for this vaccine targeting this age group, our very youngest children and babies will be at risk. Let’s do everything we can to stop that from happening. Be a defender of truth, freedom and health!
Read more: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/child-health-topics/health-freedom/protect-the-kids-demand-the-fda-vote-no-on-eua-for-6-month-olds-up-to-5-years/

Laila: In Major Reversal of Covid Plans, Hawaii Dem Governor Will NOT Require Tourists to be Boosted
Hawaii’s Democrat Governor David Ige on Tuesday announced he will no longer require travelers to be fully vaccinated *and boosted* in order to skip the mandatory quarantine. Just a few weeks ago Ige announced travelers who do not have the Covid booster will be ordered to quarantine for five days.
Here we are just a few weeks later and Ige announced a major reversal of his Covid vaccine mandate plans.
Read more: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/02/major-reversal-covid-plans-hawaii-dem-governor-will-not-require-tourists-boosted/


(Controlling minds and bodies) Mangiaracina : ‘One Child Nation’ documentary on China reveals how humanity bends under the pressure of institutionalized evil
The 2019 documentary is far more than an up-close-and-personal look at a brutal government. It is a deeply revealing study of human complicity in evil. In watching “One-Child Nation,” a documentary exploring the personal impact of China’s former one-child policy, I was expecting an interesting film — but what I wasn’t expecting was something far more compelling than most Hollywood dramas. The film is one of the most deeply revealing studies of institutionalized evil, and of human nature, that I’ve ever seen. The potency of the film lies in the candid interviews that reveal how ordinary Chinese were personally damaged by, and came to terms with, the government’s iron-handed constraints on childbearing. It is a vivid examination of the devastating moral effects of both psychological manipulation and the pressure of brute force. […]  One of the most astounding things shown by the film is how many Chinese came to accept and support the one-child policy, even as they themselves suffered and saw others suffer terribly for it. […]  Unwilling to suffer themselves for disobeying government orders, the moral compass of the government officials and many on-ground Chinese was effectively neutralized.
Read more: https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/one-child-nation-starkly-reveals-how-humanity-bends-under-the-pressure-of-institutionalized-evil/?utm_source=top_news&utm_campaign=usa


Levy: A Color Map of the Fronts of World War III
Almost forty years ago, KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov warned of an assault on the West via leftist ideological subversion.  Borrowing from a classic Sesame Street routine, he asked American leaders to unplug the bananas from their ears.  Few heard him.  So, our enemies have been able to erode respect for the sacred ideals of the West — individual rights, free enterprise, law and order, national sovereignty and limited government. They have enmeshed us in a non-kinetic World War III.  Most citizens of democratic societies don’t even realize it’s taking place.  Over the decades, the fronts in this invisible war have multiplied.  This is in keeping with Unrestricted Warfare, a 1999 book on strategy by two Chinese air force colonels that updated Sun Tzu’s maxims on overwhelming the enemy with a profusion of strategies and fronts.  Among those  identifying to Americans is Kenneth Abramowitz, founder of a remarkable organization called Save The West and author of The Multifront War: Defending America from Political Islam, China, Russia, Pandemics and Racial Strife.  America is up against a protean enemy of criminal intent and is unprepared to fight in any meaningful, unified way, he says.  By color-coding the enemies, he has illuminated the multitudinous perils we face. According to Abramowitz, the chief enemies within are the Reds, the Greens and the Blues.  Together, they fight against the Yellows, representing the sunlight of Western civilization, founded on the 3,800-year-old Judeo-Christian traditions and the 250-year-old tradition of secular, constitutional law.
Read more at American Thinker.

Toosi: Spy world wary as Biden team keeps leaking Russia intel
The Biden administration has gone to unusual lengths to publicly share intelligence about Russia’s threat to Ukraine, using targeted media leaks and other methods to warn the world of everything from the specifics of Moscow’s troop build-up to an alleged Kremlin plot to fake an attack that justifies an invasion.
The strategy has its fans, but some national security veterans wonder if the administration is taking it too far. […] “I am concerned about the long-term credibility of our intelligence with all of these select declassifications,” a former CIA officer with expertise on Russia told POLITICO. “If it turns out to be wrong, or partially wrong, it undermines how much our partners trust the info we give them, or, frankly, how much the public trusts it.” Such views may be in the minority, for now, but across Washington quiet conversations are getting louder about the administration’s unusual openness about intelligence in the face-off with Moscow.
Read more: https://www.politico.com/news/2022/02/08/spy-world-biden-leaking-russia-intel-00006956


Bunyan: Biden’s approval rating dips below 40% for the first time since he took office, according to polling average
Real Check Politics took an average of the most recent national surveys – 304 polls taken from January 2020 to this month – which measured Biden’s standing.  Their cumulative poll put the President’s approval rating at 39 per cent and his disapproval at 54 per cent. Democrats are increasingly worried that dissatisfaction with Biden’s presidency could cost them their majority in Congress in the November 8 elections. If Republicans take control of either the U.S. House of Representatives or Senate, Biden’s legislative agenda could be doomed and he would become a lame duck president.
Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10497469/Bidens-approval-rating-dips-40-time-took-office.html

Folks: Our Authoritarian Moment
In The Authoritarian Moment, Ben Shapiro warns of the rise of censorship, voter fraud, fake news, and other leftist tactics for seizing control.  According to Shapiro, these authoritarian abuses have been especially prevalent since the start of Obama’s second term, because it was in his second presidential campaign that Obama made the fateful decision to radicalize the Democrat party and tie its future to a coalition of so-called marginalized or minority groups. Shapiro prefers the term “authoritarian,” but he might just as well have used totalitarian, dictatorial, fascist, Stalinist, or any number of other terms.  It is clear that something very disturbing is afoot in America that we have not seen in the past, and that the progressive left, intent on exercising and holding on to power, is behind it.
Read more at American Thinker.

Brown: Biden Admin Removes ‘Lawful Immigration,’ ‘Protecting Americans’ from USCIS Mission Statement
It’s no secret that the Biden administration has failed to address the illegal immigration crisis along the U.S.-Mexico border, and at every turn has taken what seems to be the worst action available to them. Rather than addressing the border crisis, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) changed their mission statement on Wednesday to seemingly institutionalize Joe Biden’s open-borders agenda by removing mention of “lawful immigration,” “protecting Americans,” or “securing the homeland.”   According to an archived version of the USCIS core values page, its old mission read: . . . […]  “This new mission statement reflects the inclusive character of both our country and this agency,” claimed USCIS Director Ur M. Jaddou. “USCIS is committed to ensuring that the immigration system we administer is accessible and humane,” she added — without mentioning anything about being committed to ensuring America’s immigration system is legal or just. According to USCIS, their repositioning is “a reflection” of the Biden administration’s priorities, which is unsurprising given Biden’s avoidance of action to stop illegal immigration or enforce America’s sovereignty.
Read more: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/spencerbrown/2022/02/09/federal-immigration-agency-removes-mention-of-lawful-immigration-from-mission-statement-n2603053


Gateway Pundit: VIDEO: Illinois Father Weeps with Rage at School Board Meeting Over Mask Mandates that Ruined His Daughter’s Development – School Board Responds by Telling Audience to Put Their Masks On
This was a very moving testimony by a frustrated father.
Read more/ Watch the short two part video: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/02/video-illinois-father-weeps-rage-school-board-meeting-mask-mandates-ruined-daughters-development/

Bois: Watch – Virginia Students Serve Lawsuit to Mask-Crazy Loudoun County School Board
Viral video showed a group of Virginia students serving a lawsuit to the Loudoun County school board over its mask mandates. Delivered at a meeting on Tuesday, the students were seen carrying piles of affidavits into the chamber as parents cheered. Take a look:
Read more/Watch the 1:17 minute video: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/02/09/watch-virginia-students-serve-lawsuit-to-mask-crazy-loudoun-county-school-board/

Morris: Exclusive — ‘Undercover Mothers’: Moms Form Covert Network to Expose Indoctrination Programs Plaguing Private Schools Across the Country
A growing group of moms from across America — and across the political spectrum — have created a covert network dedicated to combating critical theory pedagogy in private schools accredited by the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), and are setting out to destroy what one mother calls the “head of the snake.”  The central goal of the group is to expose and put a stop to political indoctrination in their children’s schools, declining academic standards, and opaque school governance and financial management — which they believe stems from NAIS. […]  Speaking to Breitbart News, the “Undercover Mothers” detailed what they believe to be an effort at “elite capture” of private school kids by Marxist ideologues, hoping to control the worldview of those likely to be influential when they grow up; as one explained, “1.2 percent of the nation’s schools are NAIS private schools, but a third of Biden’s cabinet went to these schools … once you’ve got the elite organizations, that changes the entire makeup of the country.”
Read more: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/02/09/exclusive-undercover-mothers-moms-form-covert-network-to-expose-indoctrination-programs-plaguing-private-schools-across-the-country/

Vadum: Evil Ethnic Studies
“We are reminded daily that racism is not only a legacy of the past but a clear and present danger,” said California State Board of Education president Linda Darling-Hammond, a leftist who headed the Biden-Harris regime’s education transition team. “We must understand this history if we are finally to end it.”
Worshiping these gods that belong in torture-porn horror movies will somehow advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and antiracism, the board of education must have reasoned when it approved the nearly 900-page ESMC in March 2021, making California “the first state in the nation to offer a statewide ethnic studies model for educators,” the board boasted at the time. Under pressure from the Thomas More Society, a highly effective national public interest law firm that filed a lawsuit last year on behalf of angry parents and the Californians for Equal Rights Foundation, the state agency agreed in January to nix the Aztec devotions. The bad news is that the destructive Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum bursting with virulent anti-Americanism still exists, and California law mandates that it will spread dramatically in coming years.
Ethnic studies, by the way, comes from a weird place. In the upside-down leftist world of ethnic studies, . . .
Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2022/02/evil-ethnic-studies-matthew-vadum/

Winters: Some Unvaxed California Kids are Banned From Attending Their Own Proms.
Monte Vista High School in Danville, California booked Oakland’s Scottish Rite Center for its annual prom, a school tradition since at least the 1990s. Dr. Kevin Ahern, the school principal, says that when they booked the venue for the February 12th event, they thought it would fall under Alameda County’s guidelines for large indoor events: vaccinations required or a negative COVID test. “What we weren’t aware of was that, in December, the City of Oakland had put together an ordinance that required vaccination only,” Dr. Ahern said. Dr. Ahern says that current regulations exclude roughly 20 unvaccinated students. “We’re talking about minors, talking about students under the age of 18. They don’t have full control over choices,” he said,
Read more: https://thenationalpulse.com/2022/02/09/california-blocks-unvaxed-teens-from-attending-prom/


Sundance: Freedom Convoy Border Blockades Expand, Justin Trudeau Cries for Help
The Freedom Convoy trucker protest has now expanded and is starting to hit more U.S-Canada border crossings, while the main trucker convoy remains in downtown Ottawa. The Coutts border crossing, between Alberta and Montana, is shut down as truckers have closed every lane. However, after 12 days of pressure – and a typical Alinsky response from Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau – things are beginning to escalate. Now, in Windsor, Ontario, the Ambassador Bridge to Detroit – the busiest land crossing on the U.S-Canada border, has been effectively blocked. The government of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is starting to panic.
Read more: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/02/09/freedom-convoy-border-blockades-expand-justin-trudeau-cries-for-help/

Martel: ‘Let Him Answer, He’s Not Good at It!’: Heckling Silences Justin Trudeau in Canadian Parliament
Leftist Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau faced jeers and insults in Parliament on Tuesday as he once again faced questions regarding his derision towards citizens who oppose civil rights violations tied to the Chinese coronavirus pandemic. […] “This cannot be a slow and dragged out process simply because of the prime minister’s ego, pride, or denial,” Bergen said. “Canadians are too tired. Canadians need hope. So will the prime minister follow the science, follow the evidence, end the restrictions, end the mandates?” […]  “Does he regret calling people names who didn’t take the vaccine?” Bergen asked of Trudeau. “Does he regret calling people misogynist and racist and just, escalating and poking sticks at them and being so divisive to individual Canadians that he might not disagree with, that he might have thought were wrong?” Trudeau responded by associating the protesters with Nazis.
Read more: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/02/09/let-him-answer-hes-not-good-at-it-heckling-silences-justin-trudeau-in-canadian-parliament/

War room: Ezra Levant Reports on the ‘Siege of Ottawa’
Ezra Levant of Rebel News in Canada talks to host Steve Bannon about the truckers protest that has shaken the pro-Covid establishment to the core. “Canadians were obedient for two years… everyone was a good little boy for two years, and then suddenly they went after the truckers, and here’s why that’s dumb. Truckers kept the world going during the pandemic when everyone else was hiding under their desk…  The idea that they would spread the virus is a joke, and then to punish them and say they can’t cross the border to the United States without a two-week quarantine, you’re basically to put them out of business en masse.”
Watch the 5:40 minute interview: https://warroom.org/2022/02/09/ezra-levant-reports-on-the-siege-of-ottawa/


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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