Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 20 minutes


Julie Kelly contributor to American Greatness: According to Politico, Capitol Police investigators are preparing secret dossiers on lawmakers, congressional staff, donors, and even constituents who visit their representatives in public or in private.

Darren Beatty’s  Revolver.news: Beneath all the posturing, shrieking headlines, and turgid overlong articles, there lies a real, honest truth about what is happening. The left is attempting a totalitarian power grab and present is as “protecting democracy.” Kicking one’s opponent off the ballot, ideologically purging the military, and using that military to buttress a rigged political outcome? This is the kind of thing we would expect to witness happening in Zamunda, not America. More and more blatantly, America’s ruling class is slowly making it obvious, that to them, “democracy” really just means they are in charge and the policies they support are adopted, the consent of the governed be damned. We’re supposed to roll over and accept an over-educated, over-socialized clique of supposed “experts” as our overlords.

Substack founders on free speech: Trust is built over time. It can be rebuilt over time, as long as those in positions of responsibility don’t succumb to pressure to take shortcuts. Trust can’t be won with a press release or a social media ban; and it can’t be strengthened by turning away from hard conversations. It comes from building and respecting relationships. For the media ecosystem, it requires building from a new foundation. That is the work we commit ourselves to at Substack. It is hard, and it is messy. It is the only way forward.

Matthew Vadum contributor to Canada Free Press: No one should expect California’s racially discriminatory laws to go down without a vigorous fight and no one should expect the litigation to wrap up soon. These insane laws in California, a state known for launching trends that spread across the country and the world, are too important to the Left.

Daniel Greenfield contributor to Frontpage Magazine: Telling groups that already suffer from obesity, diabetes, and other problems that they’re not responsible for their condition, that capitalism and racism are, is just a more elaborate way of killing them. Equity advocates not only don’t care, they profit politically from a worsening situation for minorities so that they have a statistical basis for making things worse for everyone else. The more minorities die, the more they can justify the medical murder of white people.

James Murphy contributor to New American: Schumer’s doubts about procreating are exactly what the climatistas are hoping for — a world full of anxious young people, ready to give up nearly every freedom, even having their own children, in exchange for a clean, livable planet where everyone’s needs can be met and everyone can be happy. The sad thing for young people such as Schumer and her husband is that such a world will never exist whether they have children or not.

Robin Burk contributor to American Greatness: Modern synthetic fertilizers are typically made using natural gas or from phosphorous-bearing ores. The former provides the nitrogen that is critical to re-use of fields in commercial agriculture. They constitute more than half of all synthetic fertilizer production. So what happens when oil and natural gas extraction are crippled in industrialized nations? One likely outcome is that the fertilizer manufacturing industry is also crippled, leaving both large commercial growers and smaller farms around the world starved of a key substance they need to grow food for hungry populations.

Mark Lamb Pinal County, Arizona Sheriff: “I think some of the issues we’re talking about today are truly American issues. They transcend politics. When I wake up in the morning, it’s not COVID that’s on my mind. It’s, ‘How do I stop fentanyl from killing our communities? How do I stop our children from committing suicide?’ More kids have committed suicide in 2020 than have died of COVID, yet we did nothing in the schools to address the fentanyl issue.”

Christopher Roach contributor to American Greatness: The Baby Boomer generation exemplified their characteristic disregard for restraint and proportion in their collective response to the COVID crisis. The implicit assumption of the entire public health establishment, with their lockdowns, vaccine mandates, mass firings, and draconian mask rules imposed on children, is that the young must be sacrificed for the old. The generation that never wanted to get old does not know how to handle their impending and inevitable mortality with grace and magnanimity.

Jon Rappoport contributor to Canada Free Press: Moderna The company that had never brought a single product of any kind to market, before the RNA genetic shot. The company that spawned several billionaires overnight. The company championed by little Anthony Fauci

Mike Landry contributor to The Western Journal: Tuesday, Bill Hemmer, host of the Fox News’ show “America’s Newsroom” told co-host Dana Perino about receiving his test: “I got mine yesterday. All four of them came. Congrats U.S. government. U.S. Postal Service did a great job.” “Got my four tests,” Hemmer said, wryly adding: “And on the back of the fine print, Dana, it is made in China.”

Sundance contributor to Conservative Treehouse: As the Canadian ‘Freedom Convoy’ of truckers pushing back against COVID mandates, forced vaccinations and government regulations gets closer to Ottawa, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announces he will be isolating at home after exposure to the COVID ‘Protest Avoidance‘ variant.

Alex Berenson author and Substack blogger:  . . .that’s Donald John Trump in the lead, viewed more favorably (or at least less unfavorably) by Americans than everyone else, including Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. Trump has gained more than 10 points net since leaving office.


Video: Documented Proof Trump Ordered 10,000 National Guardsmen Ahead of Jan. 6
Former Trump advisor Kash Patel brings documented proof to the Fox News Channel’s Hannity show that then-President Donald Trump ordered 10,000 National Guardsmen prior to the January 6 demonstration on Capitol Hill, but Democrat leaders obstructed the request. Don’t miss this truth bomb below:
Watch the 4:43 minute interview: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2022/01/video-documented-proof-trump-ordered-10000-frontpage-editors/

Sperry: What Did Clinton Know and When Did She Know It? The Russiagate Evidence Builds
As indictments and new court filings indicate that Special Counsel John Durham is investigating Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign for feeding false reports to the FBI to incriminate Donald Trump and his advisers as Kremlin agents, Clinton’s role in the burgeoning scandal remains elusive. What did she know and when did she know it? Top officials involved in her campaign have repeatedly claimed, some under oath, that they and the candidate were unaware of the foundation of their disinformation campaign: the 35-page collection of now debunked claims of Trump/Russia collusion known as the Steele dossier. Even though her campaign helped pay for the dossier, they claim she only read it after BuzzFeed News published it in 2017. But court documents, behind-the-scenes video footage and recently surfaced evidence reveal that Clinton and her top campaign advisers were much more involved in the more than $1 million operation to dredge up dirt on Trump and Russia than they have let on. The evidence suggests that the Trump-Russia conspiracy theory sprang from a multi-pronged effort within the Clinton campaign, which manufactured many of the false claims, then fed them to friendly media and law enforcement officials. Clinton herself was at the center of these efforts, using her personal Twitter account and presidential debates to echo the false claims of Steele and others that Trump was in cahoots with the Russians.
Read more at Real Clear Investigations.


Revolver.news: The Big Lie 2024: A Peek Inside the Ruling Elite’s Playbook to Kneecap Trump, Purge Military, and Neutralize MAGA
In 2020, despite unprecedented efforts to rig the outcome with delayed vaccine trials, suppression of the Hunter Biden story, rewritten election rules, and ballot harvesting, Joe Biden eked out a “win” by the smallest of margins. Now, one year into his administration, the old man is gruesomely unpopular. Seventies-style inflation is back, dozens of cities are setting murder records, the Afghan War ended in profound national humiliation, and Biden’s signature legislative initiative is Build Back Deader. Endless Covid panic, critical race theory in schools, and the urban crime explosion may finally be breaking apart the Democratic coalition of the fringes that works by focusing all of America’s hatred onto a dwindling population of white middle class kulaks. All the while, Donald Trump and the movement he created are waiting in the wings, chomping at the bit. The American regime is terrified. They moved heaven and earth to derail Trump’s term in office and turn him out after four years. Now the ruling class faces the very real prospect that, if the 2024 election is remotely fair, he will be swept back into the White House, more powerful than ever before… That is, if the 2024 election is fair. America’s governing class and its media apparatchiks . . . […]  This planning is taking place in public because it has to be. America’s elites are trained in the methods of the so-called “color revolution.” Unlike the palace coups and military invasions of old, a color revolution requires . . .
Read more: https://www.revolver.news/2022/01/globalist-big-lie-upcoming-2024-election-coup/


Kelly: Meet the Capitol Police’s New Spy Chief
Capitol police, acting as the Stasi of the Democratic Party, will collect dirt on Republicans under the pretense of national security then leak gossipy details to an always-compliant news media. When most Americans hear the term “Capitol Police,” they likely conjure visions of uniformed officers manning metal detectors at the numerous congressional buildings or helping tourists navigate the sprawling Capitol grounds: a D.C. version of a mall cop. That imagery, however, is in stark contrast to reality as Democrats have weaponized yet another federal agency to target their political enemies on the Right.
After January 6, 2021, Capitol Police officials announced plans to expand beyond the legislatively authorized purview of the agency and open offices in Florida and California, as well as in other states. Congress overwhelmingly supported a bill last year to fork over $2.1 billion in new funding to the Capitol Police. Now flush with cash and immune from any serious public oversight, the agency is returning the favor by spying on dissidents of the Biden regime. According to Politico, Capitol Police investigators are preparing secret dossiers on lawmakers, congressional staff, donors, and even constituents who visit their representatives in public or in private. […]  Investigators are asked to scour social media accounts and even examine “tax and real estate records to find out who owned the properties that lawmakers visited.” In one example, Capitol Police analyzed a fundraiser held in a private home for Senator Rick Scott (R-Fla.). Donors to House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.), who was shot by a Bernie Sanders supporter in 2017, also are under Capitol police scrutiny.
Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2022/01/27/meet-the-capitol-polices-new-spy-chief/


Hansen: Capitol Offense: The Ugly Truth Behind The Five Deaths From January 6th and 7th
Over a year has passed since January 6th, 2021, or as MSM would call it the “Deadly Insurrection”, took place at the United States Capitol. Up until now, the most important but confusing questions have been: Who killed who? How did it happen Why did it happen? We have the answers, and our team has accumulated thousands of hours in forensic video analysis to back it up. […]  Since the evening of January 6th, 2021, our team has been gathering information and videos, interviewing witnesses, and relentlessly studying video footage from our cameras, what we’ve collected, and from thousands of hours of unconfiscated footage submitted by the public and those who were there on January 6th. The January 6th Committee can shove their 14,000 hours of “classified” footage where the sun doesn’t shine because Americans around the country have stepped up in supplying all the evidence we need to bring the truth to light. Follow closely as we explain in detail each of the five deaths from January 6th and 7th. We will show you how the Government, Capitol/MPD (Metropolitan Police Department) Police specifically, were responsible for all five deaths, and how they conspired to hide the truth from the public.
Read more: https://taylerhansen.substack.com/p/capitol-offense-the-ugly-truth-behind


Shurk: The Rise of Blockchain Republics
. . .the rise of blockchain technology comes at just the right moment in history to change everything.  Simply stated, blockchain is a decentralized database of transactions, and the rate of its adoption around the world is occurring twice as fast as the internet’s during its genesis.  It is transforming the world of finance by introducing the existence of digital cryptocurrencies and other financial instruments that cannot be controlled or manipulated by central banks or government spendthrifts.  It will not stop there.  It represents a revolutionary redesign in the ways information, wealth, and governance function by undercutting centralized authority and empowering everyone else.  It is the ultimate tool for slicing and dicing international authoritarianism into parts too dispersed for search engine and social media censors, corporate news propagandists, central bank thieves, or one-world government oligarchs to control. If you have wondered why totalitarianism has come back into fashion and why Western leaders have spurned freedom for talk of wobbly notions of “democracy,” it is because the decentralizing benefits of blockchain technology have the potential to flip the hierarchy of power on its head. Imagine a future where  .
Read more at American Thinker.

Blockgeeks: Real World Blockchain Applications – Voting
Today we’re going to talk about how the blockchain can be used to make democratic systems faster, better, cheaper, and more transparent. We also discuss the downfalls of traditional paper ballot or digital systems.
Watch the 3:36 minute video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BrKt26OwW8

Hayes, Chavarria & Kvilhaug: BLOCKCHAIN EXCPLAINED
What Is a Blockchain? Blockchain is a type of shared database that differs from a typical database in the way that it stores information; blockchains store data in blocks that are then linked together via cryptography. As new data comes in, it is entered into a fresh block. Once the block is filled with data, it is chained onto the previous block, which makes the data chained together in chronological order. Different types of information can be stored on a blockchain, but the most common use so far has been as a ledger for transactions. In Bitcoin’s case, blockchain is used in a decentralized way so that no single person or group has control—rather, all users collectively retain control. Decentralized blockchains are immutable, which means that the data entered is irreversible. For Bitcoin, this means that transactions are permanently recorded and viewable to anyone. How Does a Blockchain Work? . . .
Read more: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/blockchain.asp

OR  Coding Tech: Blockchain Technology Explained
Watch the two hour course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOVAbKKSH10


Greenfield: Soros Group Boasts of “Bullying” Justice Breyer Into Quitting
You may recall Demand Justice, backed by the Sixteen Thirty Fund’s dark money machine, trying to harass Justice Stephen Breyer into quitting last year. Demand Justice, an advocacy group led by a former top aide to Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), is pressing longtime liberal stalwart Justice Stephen Breyer to retire from the Supreme Court. “We are now firmly in the window when past justices have announced their retirement, so it’s officially worrisome that Justice Breyer has not said yet that he will step down. […]  Demand Justice has hired a billboard truck to drive around the Supreme Court with the message: “Breyer, retire. It’s time for a Black woman Supreme Court justice. There’s no time to waste.” The group also launched . . . […]  If conservatives had been doing this kind of thing, there would have been an FBI investigation and congressional hearings about an urgent threat to democracy. […] Mind you, it’s also run by a senior Priorities USA advisor who was Hillary’s campaign press secretary and worked for Eric Holder and Chuck Schumer. There are also Jen Psaki ties here.
Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/point/2022/01/soros-group-boasts-bullying-justice-breyer-daniel-greenfield/

Fox News: Terrell calls Biden’s SCOTUS racial preference ‘insulting’ to Black Americans
OX News contributor Leo Terrell and ‘Fox and Friends Weekend’ co-host Pete Hegseth react to Biden’s commitment to use race and gender as basis for Supreme Court nomination on ‘Hannity.’
Watch the 6:54 minute video: https://video.foxnews.com/v/6294071620001?playlist_id=930909813001#sp=show-clips

Truthspeak: Clarence Thomas on Joe Biden: “He had no idea what he was talking about.”
Watch the 3 minute clip from Justice Clarence Thomas’ 1991 nomination hearing:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rca-_DOgBPU&t=84s

Supreme Court Rules On Retirement Funds – In 8-0 Decision, They Just Held Sponsors’ Feet To The Fire
The Supreme Court is busy doing work on behalf of the American people. The mainstream media might not cover all of it, but it needs to be discussed. One particular case was brought before the court and it touched on Americans’ ability to save up for retirement. A group took an employer to court, claiming their 401(k) policy confused employees. On top of that, they did not explain that some of the options included high fees that put a financial burden on investors. It seems they didn’t want to give employees all the information they needed to make the best decision. So, the Supreme Court, in an 8-0 ruling, put their feet to the fire.
Read more: https://thepatriotjournal.com/supreme-court-retirement-8-0-sponsors/?utm_source=actengage&utm_medium=email

Turley: “Reasonable People Can Disagree”: Sotomayor is Latest Justice to Refute Court Packing Theory
As politicians like Sen. Elizabeth Warren push for packing the Court with a liberal majority, Justice Sonia Sotomayor publicly refuted accounts that the Court is hopelessly and dysfunctionally divided along political lines. The justice used an appearance on “Live with Kelly and Ryan” to tell the public that it should not misconstrue divisions on the Court because these questions are far from clear on the law and “reasonable people can disagree.” The remarks followed a joint statement by Justice Sonia Sotomayor and her colleague Justice Neil Gorsuch to debunk a NPR story by Nina Totenberg and publicly acknowledge their friendship. Justice Sotomayor addressed “the biggest misconception people have” about the Court in rendering its decisions. “Most people think of the law as black and white, that there’s an answer. But the reality is, . . .
When asked about the falling trust in the Court by some people, Sotomayor acknowledged that all of the justices are concerned about that problem: “We think about ways in which we can comport ourselves, among ourselves to ensure that the public has confidence in what we’re doing. I do need to discuss this a little bit with  . . . […]  Justice Amy Coney Barrett recently told an audience that “My goal today is to convince you that this court is not comprised of a bunch of partisan hacks.” Chief Justice John Roberts recently criticized  . . .
Read more: https://jonathanturley.org/2022/01/26/reasonable-people-can-disagree-sotomayor-is-latest-justice-to-refute-court-packing-theory/#more-183678


Kyrylenko: Dr. Ryan Cole: COVID Vax Damages Your Immune System
The COVID vaccines are not just ineffective, they are also connected to the uptick in cancers, warns Dr. Ryan Cole. Dr. Cole explains that the data he got from observing his vaccinated patients, as well as the data provided to him from the oncologists elsewhere, suggests that the vaccines are connected to immune dysregulation.
Read more/Watch the 8:49 minute interview: https://thenewamerican.com/dr-ryan-cole-covid-vax-damages-your-immune-system/

Siri: FDA Asks the Court to Delay First 55,000 Page Production Until May and Pfizer Moves to Intervene in the Lawsuit
Since the government has trillions of dollars of our money, it is putting it to good use by fighting to assure that the public has the least amount of transparency possible.  To that end, it has now asked the Court to make the public wait until May for it to start producing 55,000 pages per month and, even then, claims it may not be able to meet this rate.  The FDA’s excuse?  As explained in the brief opposing the FDA’s request, the FDA’s defense effectively amounts to claiming that the 11 document reviewers it has already assigned and the 17 additional reviewers being onboarded are only capable of reading at the speed of preschoolers. Meanwhile… As the FDA tries to obtain months of delay, guess who just showed upon in the lawsuit?  Yep, Pfizer.  And it is represented by a global chair and team from a law firm with thousands of lawyers.  Pfizer’s legal bill will likely be multiple times what it would cost the FDA to simply hire a private document review company to review, redact, and produce the documents at issue.  Within weeks, if not days. Pfizer is coming in as a third party.  But Pfizer assures the Court it is here to help expedite production of the documents.  Sure it is!
Read more: https://aaronsiri.substack.com/p/fda-asks-the-court-to-delay-first


DeGregory: Wife of COVID patient suing to force NYC hospital to treat husband with Ivermectin
The wife of a COVID-stricken man “on death’s doorstep” wants a judge to force a Manhattan hospital to give her husband Ivermectin — a derided treatment not approved by the Food and Drug Administration to combat the virus. Erika Quintero-Sherry, 48, filed suit against Mount Sinai West claiming that despite her rabbi husband Benjamin Chernyavsky’s doctor recommending the drug, other doctors in the intensive care unit of the 10th Avenue hospital have refused, according to a suit filed Wednesday. The 60-year-old father of five contracted the virus on Jan. 8 and is now on a ventilator in a medically induced coma. The suit claims he has less than a 20 percent chance of surviving. […]  “It’s a nightmare to see … your son laying there and nothing is being done for him,” Franco said. “He is having excellent care from the hospital for the rest of his body but not for COVID — which is going to kill him,” Franco said. “And he’s been on the ventilator for 11 days now, and how much longer can he live on the ventilator?” “To see him suffering and we can’t do anything — it’s absurd,” she said. […]  “It’s unfortunate that in our country families have to resort to litigation to get the treatment that could potentially save their loved one’s life,” family lawyer, Beth Parlato, told The Post. Mount Sinai did not immediately return a request for comment.
Read more: https://nypost.com/2022/01/27/wife-of-covid-patient-suing-to-force-nyc-hospital-to-treat-husband-with-ivermectin/

Greenfield; Equity in Medicine is Racist and Lethal
February 1st is the Department of Health and Human Services deadline for public comments on bringing “equity” to organ donations. Equity invariably means racial quotas and artificially moving minorities to the head of the line and there’s no reason to expect anything else. The Association of Organ Procurement Organizations (AOPO), which had already been blamed for “organ transplant disparities”, has been constantly touting its own AOPO Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force and promising to implement its recommendations. Lost in all the noise is the reality that lower rates of organ donations and transplants from minorities are not, as equity advocates insist, evidence of systemic racism, but medical and behavioral differences. For example,  . . . […]  This horrid fusion of the perpetual rationing of socialized medicine based on the social good and identity politics is little more than state-mandated genocide in which politicians tell doctors who must be allowed to die so that the people whose lives matter more get better survival odds. Democrats loudly mocked Sarah Palin and denied the existence of death panels, but not even Palin would have predicted death panels that measure the value of life based on race. And yet a decade later, a scenario that would have been ridiculed as a wild conspiracy theory is upon us.
Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2022/01/equity-medicine-racist-and-lethal-daniel-greenfield/


( An open letter from 4 medical doctors and a nurse) Change.org: Post-Omicron Pivot for California Public Schools
An Open Letter to Governor Gavin Newsom, California Department of Public Health Director Tomás J. Aragón, Secretary of the California Health & Human Services Agency Mark Ghaly, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond, all California County Public Health Officers, and all California Public School Superintendents and School Boards: We are writing to you today as public health and medical professionals and as California residents. Since this pandemic began, we have been living under the most restrictive COVID-19 policies in the country. For those of us in the Bay Area, we continue to navigate the most restrictive policies in the state.  These restrictions persist despite California’s high vaccination rate and low COVID-19 hospitalization rates. California’s COVID policies have failed to evolve with the advent of highly protective and widely accessible vaccines. Our restrictive policies, that have caused considerable collateral damage throughout the pandemic, have long lost their justification as necessary for prevention of serious illness and death. These pervasive policies continue to negatively affect our professional and personal lives without clear benefit nor any end in sight. Present policies have driven thousands of people from this state and from our public schools, and we will continue to lose many great minds, great businesses, great families and great individuals if current policy is not righted. We are particularly concerned about the toll that our state’s polices continue to have on children and teens.
Read more at change.org.


Laad: The Mystery of the Biden – Zelensky call
For these ravenous warmongers, senile doddering perpetually listless and mercurial Joe Biden was their blank check upon which they can write whatever figure they pleased. We are now seeing possible proof that Biden (or his handlers) may be pushing for an unnecessary conflict. President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine and Joe Biden had a call yesterday evening to discuss the tense situation over the Russia-Ukraine border. However, a Ukrainian official told CNN’s Matthew Chance that the call between the two leaders ‘did not go well.’   Earlier Jen Psaki had claimed that the Russian invasion of Ukraine remains imminent. CNN claims that Biden, sticking to the narrative pushed earlier by Psaki, told Zelensky to brace his country for a certain Russian invasion; Biden also claimed that Kyiv could be ‘sacked’ (annexed) by Russian forces. Ukrainian leaders alleged disagreed with that Biden’s assessment, insisting that an invasion is not imminent. They claimed that intelligence officials looking at satellite photos on an hourly basis do not see Russia moving any troops into combat mode or preparing for an attack However, CNN’s claims of Biden’s warning and Ukraine’s subsequent refutation is not part of the following White House readout of the call: . . . […]  To summarize, there are a few obvious open questions pertaining to the call:
Read more at American Thinker.

Newsmax: US Urges China to Use Influence With Russia Over Ukraine
The United States on Thursday called on China to use its influence with Russia to urge a diplomatic solution to the Ukraine crisis https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-sees-some-room-dialog-after-us-security-response-2022-01-27, but policy experts doubted Beijing would back Washington in the standoff. China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi spoke by phone with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Beijing said it wanted all sides to remain calm and “refrain from doing things that agitate tensions and hype up the crisis.”
Read more: https://www.newsmax.com/world/globaltalk/urges-china/2022/01/27/id/1054357/

Schlichter: A Biden Intervention in Ukraine Will Expose American Weakness
One of the big selling points for sticking our nose into a border incursion half-a-world away (while studiously ignoring a bigger border incursion right here at home) is that we need to show the world’s bullies and punks that America’s no pushover. Now, the people busy selling that line are the same people who presided over Iraq and Afghanistan, the places where our failed elite’s performance created said need to show the world’s bullies and punks that America’s no pushover. Think really hard about what foreign policy success our foreign policy elite can mark in the “WIN” column during the last couple decades or so, then ask yourself if you really believe Ukraine is the first one they are going to get right since before Bill Clinton humidored it up in the Oval Office. The fact is that our weakness will be on full display to the world should we stumble into this conflict. Putin will achieve his kinetic operational objectives, because we can’t stop him, and we will hand him the opportunity to achieve his information operation objectives as well by once again getting ourselves humiliated by our enemies. Of course, our ruling caste will deny that we have lost. Jen Psaki, with her carrot-colored Baghdad bob, will come out and announce that our failure in Ukraine is actually a tremendous victory for some reason, just like the administration explained that we should be super-proud of the Afghanistan retreat because it was the largest abject aerial rout in human history.
Read more: https://townhall.com/columnists/kurtschlichter/2022/01/27/a-biden-intervention-in-ukraine-will-expose-american-weakness-n2602432


Stone: Tucker Carlson: We Were Told $1.2 Trillion Would Be Going Toward Infrastructure, Not “Equity”
Think back, you may remember Joe Biden’s infrastructure bill this fall. That bill emerged from Congress in November with a price tag of $1.2 trillion dollars. That so many zeros it’s hard to imagine. How much is it? It’s more than the entire GDP of the Nation of Mexico, one of the world’s biggest oil producers, by the way. So that’s a ton of money. So for a bill that size, you would expect, well, big results. You’d certainly want better roads than they’ve got in Mexico. So we’re getting those what are we getting exactly from that bill? Well, today the Transportation Department, which is now run by Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, finally told us the answer. Effective immediately, we learned this country will undergo a “paradigm shift” in the way we think about infrastructure. Now, hold on a minute. As you probably noticed by this point, the moment paradigms start shifting, you can be certain a whole lot of people are about to get shafted. Nothing personal. It’s just the nature of paradigms. They don’t just shift. They tend to topple over and crush innocent bystanders. And this paradigm, of course, is no different. According to the new paradigm we learned about today, infrastructure is no longer about roads and bridges and airports and train stations and things you might actually use in the course of your life. We could fix those things, but why bother? Mayor Pete has better ideas. Here’s Mr. Douglas Emhoff, the profoundly unemployed husband of Kamala Harris, to explain.
Read more at Real Clear Politics.


Fox News: Lawsuit alleges 12-year-old tried to commit suicide twice after school held secret meetings on her gender identity
Student’s father told Laura Ingraham the school was grooming his daughter into something she was not, all of this behind his back.
Watch the 4:41 minute interview: https://video.foxnews.com/v/6294077294001#sp=show-clips

Mack: Judge Rules Virginia Teen Won’t Have to Register as Sex Offender After All
The parents of a Loudoun County school sexual assault victim worked to keep their teen attacker from jail time under the premise of official sex offender status, but a Virginia judge Thursday ruled the juvenile offender will no longer have to register as a sex offender due to a ruling technicality.
The teenager will not serve jail time either, instead being held in a “residential program” at a psychiatric facility. “The decision is horrific,” Scott Smith, father to one of two victims, told WJLA. “I mean what is not disclosed in his sexual evaluation and his physical evaluation that scared the judge to the point that she ordered him on the sexual registry the first time. That should be enough the first time that it scared a judge enough to order that.”
Read more: https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/loudoun-county-sex-offender-register-sex-crimes/2022/01/28/id/1054437/


Episode 1,595 – Wisconsin Biden Decertification; Invasion Of Southern Border; Fight In Alaska
Our guests are: Kelly Tshibaka, Timothy Ramthun, Kari Lake, Miranda Devine

Episode 1,596 – How The Federal Reserve Destroyed The Economy And Your Life
Our guests are: Miranda Devine, Ben Bergquam, Christopher Leonard, Dr. Peter Navarro
Read more: https://rumble.com/vtf2b1-episode-1596-how-the-federal-reserve-destroyed-the-economy-and-your-life.html

Episode 1,597 – The Lies About Ukraine; The Truth About The Border
Our guests are: Ben Bergquam, Nigel Farage, Jim Weldin, Boris Epshteyn


Fox News: JD Vance reveals what the war on misinformation is really about
JD Vance tells Laura Ingraham the left is trying to control debate in this country because they can’t win in a fair fight.
Watch the 4:17 minute interview: https://video.foxnews.com/v/6294075726001#sp=show-clips


Billingsley: CA Attorney General Wants Social Justice, Not Criminal Justice
Last week police arrested Shawn Laval Smith for the murder of Brianna Kupfer, 24, the UCLA student found stabbed to death in the furniture store where she worked. The African American suspect, 31, has a long criminal history on both coasts, and his arrest was a national story. […]  Last Wednesday, when the suspect in Brianna Kupfer’s murder was booked into jail, Bonta announced a civil rights investigation into Santa Clara County sheriff Laurie Smith. The graduate of San Jose State, Cal Poly Pomona, and the FBI Academy, was elected sheriff in 1998, won the Woman of the Year award from the California Assembly, and served as president of the California State Sheriff’s Association. Bonta thinks sheriff Smith needs to be investigated. “When communities feel they are treated fairly and equitably by law enforcement, it increases trust and that in turn contributes to increased public safety,” Bonta said in a statement.
“However, it is clear that there is a lack of trust in Santa Clara County as a result of deeply concerning allegations around county jail facilities and other misconduct.” It wasn’t the first time that Bonta had ignored a murder victim and targeted law enforcement. Last November, . . .
Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2022/01/bonta-saurus-wrecks-lloyd-billingsley/


Vadum: California’s Diversity Psychosis
A new California law known as AB 979 now forces the more than 600 publicly held corporations headquartered in the state to appoint board members based solely on their race and sexual orientation, whether real or imagined. This law takes woke thinking to a whole new level by – for lack of a better way of putting it – perverting the already-perverse idea of identity politics. It does this by taking identity politics, which is already bad, and untethers it from actual group identities. If wokeness is the flu, then this new, uniquely Californian approach to hyper-balkanizing America is flesh-eating disease. Another state law, SB 826, already required that corporations meet a quota of female board members or face financial penalties. Existing law requires that by the end of 2019, a corporation with its principal executive office in the state had to have at least one female on its board. By the end of 2021, a corporation with 5 directors had to have a minimum of 2 female directors, and one with 6 or more directors had to have a least 3 female directors. But as of this past December 31, the new law, known as AB 979, has required corporations to . . .
Read more:   https://canadafreepress.com/print_friendly/californias-diversity-psychosis


Kaufmann: A Generational Threat to Free Expression
Survey data from my new Manhattan Institute report, “The Politics of the Culture Wars in Contemporary America,” show the scale of the challenge. While the American public leans two-to-one in favor of cultural liberalism, a majority of Americans under 30 incline toward cultural socialism. For instance, while 65 percent of Americans over 55 oppose Google’s decision to fire James Damore for having questioned the firm’s training on gender equity, those under 30 support the firing by a 59–41 margin. Similar gaps separate young and old people on similar instances of cancel culture, such as the oustings of Gina Carano (an actor fired from Star Wars for social media posts) and Brendan Eich (the former CEO of Mozilla forced out in 2014 for opposing gay marriage in 2008). Only part of this disparity stems from the fact that young people lean left: centrist young people, for instance, support Google over Damore by a 61–39 margin, while centrists over 55 support Damore over Google 58–42. On the use of critical race theory in school, a similar divide emerges. Eight in ten people over age 55 . . . […]  Young people are especially afraid of cancel culture. Forty-five percent of employees under 30 worry . . .
Read more: https://www.city-journal.org/cancel-culture-generational-divide?skip=1


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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