Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes


Gordon G. Chang Distinguished Senior Fellow, Gatestone Institute: Biden’s failure to confront China, whether on coronavirus or fentanyl deaths, means he is derelict in discharging his most fundamental constitutional duty: protecting the American people from foreign attack.

Todd Butterfield contributor to American Thinker: The COVID-19 digital vax pass is the Panzer tank of the next wave of the global public health Blitzkrieg.  If a person complies and gets their COVID-19 shots, they get a personal QR code. They can show this code on their smart phone to participate in society.  This plan is being rolled out around the world and has spread from Israel to Europe to Australia, and now has been established in the most strategic U.S. cities including Washington D.C., New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.  Some people with a whole lot of power are now seizing a whole lot more power in the name of public health.

Emily Mangiaracina contributor to LifeSite News: Vaccines themselves are not Gates’ only investment that stands to profit from COVID-19. A December 2019 article in Scientific American reported that research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for embedding vaccine records “directly into the skin” of children came about because of a direct request from Gates.

Wolf Howling contributor to American Thinker:  Enter now three retired U.S. Army Generals: Major Generals Paul D. Eaton and Antonio M. Taguba and Brigadier General Steven M. Anderson (“the Three”). In a Washington Post opinion piece, “3 retired generals: The military must prepare now for a 2024 insurrection,” they contend that events in 2020 revealed an incipient military coup and that, to save our nation, the U.S. military must act preemptively—radically and unilaterally. What they write should frighten every American.

Julie Kelly contributor to American Greatness: If the Whitmer trial proceeds, even without the caper’s top FBI masterminds, it would provide an illuminating backdrop to the first trials of January 6 defendants in 2022. Was Operation Cold Snap the launching pad for both the Whitmer plot and the Capitol protest? The American people cannot—and should not—ignore the similarities


Hagstrom: Donald Trump Announces He Will Hold A Jan. 6 News Conference
Trump’s conference marks the one-year anniversary of the pro-Trump storming of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2020. Trump’s event is likely to clash with President Joe Biden’s White House, which has also announced plans to commemorate the Jan. 6 riots in its own event.
Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2021/12/21/trump-january-6-anniversary-conference/


Hagstrom: Donald Trump Announces He Will Hold A Jan. 6 News Conference
Trump’s conference marks the one-year anniversary of the pro-Trump storming of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2020. Trump’s event is likely to clash with President Joe Biden’s White House, which has also announced plans to commemorate the Jan. 6 riots in its own event.
Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2021/12/21/trump-january-6-anniversary-conference/


Hauf: FDA Used Incomplete Data To Justify Deregulation of Chemical Abortion Pills, Studies Show
The Food and Drug Administration relied on incomplete data to reach its determination that it is safe to deregulate chemical abortion pills, according to medical studies. FDA officials brushed aside concerns that women who obtain chemical abortion pills without an in-person doctor visit might put their health at risk. The agency did so by pointing to its Adverse Event Reporting System, which catalogues deaths and other side effects from abortion drugs like mifepristone. That government database, however, fails to encompass the actual number of serious medical incidents—the FDA does not require emergency rooms to report adverse effects from the drug. Medical studies show that thousands of women annually end up in emergency rooms after taking mifepristone. None of their cases are guaranteed to show up in government data.
Read more: https://freebeacon.com/policy/fda-used-incomplete-data-to-justify-deregulation-of-chemical-abortion-pills-studies-show/


Transhumanism is a “technoprogressive” socio-political and intellectual movement that advocates for the use of technology in order to transform the human organism radically, with the ultimate goal of becoming “posthuman.”

Allen: Implementation Of Human Augmentation
Joe Allen talks about how Big Tech is pushing for the convergence of artificial intelligence and human intelligence.
Read more/Watch the 5:32 minute video: https://warroom.org/2021/12/17/implementation-of-human-augmentation/

(From April 2021) Transhumanists Aim To Replace God With Machines Through Digital Immortality
Technocracy is being normalized at an alarming pace. If a population can be convinced that kids need state-supplied hormone blockers to become self-realized, it’s only a matter of time before they’re ready to upload their souls to corporate data banks. In fact, just hack into their smartphone and you’ll see they’re already doing it. One of the darker tenets of the techno-cult is that their innovations are necessary for survival. Anyone who chooses to reject body modification, cognitive enhancement, or mind-uploading . . .
Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2021/04/06/transhumanists-aim-to-replace-god-with-machines-through-digital-immortality/


Techno Fog 12/20/21 tweet: This is significant. Special Counsel John Durham: The 2016 Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign and its employees are currently subject to “matters” before the Special Counsel.


(12/20/21)  Bannons War Room: Major Entrapment Event And Biggest Scandal In American History
Darren Beattie interviewed.
Watch the 12:22 minute interview: https://rumble.com/vr4hyv-major-entrapment-event-and-biggest-scandal-in-american-history.html


Allen: The Great Barrington Declaration Is A Spark of Sanity In A Mad World
Imagine you’re an administrative dictator. If you could “save just one life” — or even thousands — by crippling the youth, vaporizing a million careers, wiping out small businesses, crushing your nation’s civic culture, severing the ancient continuity of religious rites, forcing healthy people into paranoid isolation, traumatizing an entire generation with viral terror, ending hugs and handshakes, depriving the elderly of intimate care in their final days, wrecking the national economy, unleashing a dystopian surveillance state, and turning your neighbors into neurotic germaphobes, would it be worth it? It’s a serious question. What if that “one life” was your grandpa? If my own grandfather had lived to see the destructive madness surrounding the Wuhan virus crisis, he’d no doubt light a Doral 100 and say, “Good Lord, just let me die.” As it happens, I was in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, when this germ hysteria got started. As things progressed, the sleepy ski town was suddenly overrun by panicked New Yorkers who escaped to their summer cottages and never went back. Being typical urban scolds, they’d show up at the local shops and shriek about other customers not wearing masks or small children standing too close to them. The locals accused these uptight yuppies of carrying the city’s plague to the countryside. In this idyllic setting of cultural neurosis and mutual disdain, the now-infamous Great Barrington Declaration was drafted by three leading experts in the fields of biostatistics, immunology, and public health policy. These doctors advocate for a return to traditional wisdom: Quarantine the sick, isolate the vulnerable, and allow the young and healthy to proceed with caution. Alongside Sweden’s courageous example, the document will go down in history as a bold assertion of vitality in a withering world. The declaration was authored and signed on Oct. 4 by Dr. Martin Kulldorff, professor of medicine at Harvard; Dr. Sunetra Gupta, a distinguished Oxford epidemiologist; and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford University Medical School. To date, more than 13,000 medical professionals have added their signatures, along with more than 176,000 members of the public, with thousands more every hour. This concise manifesto is strong medicine for a sick society: . . .
Read more: https://warroom.org/2021/12/21/the-great-barrington-declaration-is-a-spark-of-sanity-in-a-mad-world/

Bannon’s War Room: Episode 1,505 – Service To America; Dr. Hatfill: “Tony Fauci is a Liar.”
Dr. Steven Hatfill discuses where  we are with Omicron.  Is Omicron now nature’s vaccine? [NOTE: Dr Hatfill American physician, pathologist and biological weapons expert.]
Start the video at the 35:31 minute mark:  https://rumble.com/vr9enx-episode-1505-service-to-america-dr.-hatfill-tony-fauci-is-a-liar..html


Curl: AstraZeneca’s Monoclonal Antibody Works Against COVID-19 Variant Omicron: Studies
“There are three monoclonal antibody treatments currently authorized to treat people who already have COVID-19. Two of those treatments — those made by Eli Lilly and Regeneron — appear to have very little activity against omicron. A third treatment, made by Vir and GlaxoSmithKline, appears to work against omicron but is currently in short supply. The companies are working to scale up production,” said the network.
Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/astrazenecas-monoclonal-antibody-works-against-covid-19-variant-omicron-studies

Foley & Banco: FDA authorizes Pfizer’s Covid-19 pill
The pill, called Paxlovid, will provide the U.S. with another tool to help fight the virus as the more infectious Omicron variant surges. […]  In clinical trials, Pfizer’s treatment reduced the risk of hospitalization and death by 89 percent when taken three days after the onset of symptoms. Individuals eligible for the pill need a prescription and should begin taking the treatment as soon as possible within five days of the onset of symptoms, the FDA said in a statement Wednesday. The FDA said the Pfizer pill is not a substitute for vaccination in individuals who are eligible for Covid-19 shots and boosters. […]  The FDA is also considering authorizing an antiviral pill from Merck called molnupiravir, which clinical trials showed reduces the risk of hospitalization and death from the virus by 30 percent. That authorization could come through as soon as Wednesday afternoon. [Note: There are some who believe that  Paxlovid is repackaged ivermectin.]
Read more: https://www.politico.com/news/2021/12/22/fda-pfizer-covid-pill-525979


Joondeph, M.D.: Is COVID Now Becoming a Pandemic of the Vaccinated?
A German doctor wrote a letter to the prestigious medical journal The Lancet one month ago entitled, “COVID-19: stigmatizing the unvaccinated is not justified.” He raised the following points, There is increasing evidence that vaccinated individuals continue to have a relevant role in transmission.
People who are vaccinated have a lower risk of severe disease but are still a relevant part of the pandemic. It is therefore wrong and dangerous to speak of a pandemic of the unvaccinated. I call on high-level officials and scientists to stop the inappropriate stigmatization of unvaccinated people, who include our patients, colleagues, and other fellow citizens, and to put extra effort into bringing society together. This is sage advice which hopefully doesn’t lead to the German medical authorities threatening or revoking this doctor’s medical license.
Read more at American Thinker.

Berenson: A NY Times editor has died of a heart attack at 49, one day after receiving a Moderna Covid “booster” shot
Carlos Tejada was married and had two children; he spent his career at the Wall Street Journal before joining the Times in 2016. In July, he received a Johnson & Johnson DNA/AAV Covid vaccine. He was thankful to get it, per his Instagram page. On Dec. 16, in Seoul, South Korea, he received a Moderna mRNA/LNP “booster.” No clinical trials have ever been conducted to examine the safety or efficacy of mixing various types of these vaccines, and Carlos did not give informed consent, as the consent form was in Korean, a language he could not read. A day later, Carlos was dead of a heart attack.
Read more: https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/a-ny-times-editor-has-died-of-a-heart/comments


Chang: China Planning the Ultimate Genocide; Biden Responding with Empty Words
China’s coronavirus has now killed more than 806,400 Americans, according to the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center. Biden these days sees China merely as a “competitor,” not, more appropriately, as an adversary or enemy. There are Chinese business links with Biden’s family and with members of his administration and doubtless he wants to accommodate campaign donors wishing to do business in China, but most fundamentally the President, despite everything, speaks as if he has never let go of his decades-old benign view of the nature of Chinese communism.
Read more: https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/18049/china-ultimate-genocide


Howling: Three Retired Generals Loudly Demand A Military Coup In 2024
Democrats claim that democracy is under attack in America and Democrats must act decisively to protect it. They’ve been trying to end the filibuster, nationalize voting, and pack the Supreme Court. The most ominous “fix,” which hinges on the myth of a “January 6 Insurrection,” sees retired generals argue that the military must purge the ranks of Trump supporters and prepare for a military coup to block a future contested election. This is unconstitutional, illegal, and spells the end of American democracy. […]  If Democrats can kill the Senate filibuster (and Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema is the only thing stopping them, not the craven Senator Mitch McConnell), they have the unfettered ability to enshrine vote fraud and pack the Supreme Court. The latter move spells the final—and deeply unconstitutional—progressive rewrite of our Constitution, and ends our constitutional republic. The wild card in all of this, though, is what would the military do if, in fact, the progressives were able to achieve these goals (or even if they weren’t). Three retired officers have signaled that they want to purge the military of Trump supporters, and then plan a takeover of the military and related federal agencies that coordinate with the military to effect a coup in 2024. Considering the current state of the Pentagon, this may be more than a progressive fantasy. […]  Among other things, they argue that the military should undertake “intensive intelligence work” at every military base to “remove” those people they define as potential mutineers—i.e., Trump voters. This would be the U.S. military’s first ideological purge, one consistent with the old Soviet Union. Maybe Milley and Austin will install “political officers” in each unit. Lastly: . . .
Read more at American Thinker.

 VDH: Please—Stop the Coup Porn
To restore the military’s reputation, officers should eschew politics to focus on restoring strategic deterrence and military readiness. They should keep clear of divisive domestic issues. They should stop virtue signaling to the media and influential members of Congress. But most importantly, officers should quit all their coup porn talk—either to remove a president they don’t like, or to project their own reckless, insurrectionary behavior onto their political opponents.
Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2021/12/22/please-stop-the-coup-porn/


“A single, ominous question now hangs over the White House: What could possibly cause President Trump to put the interests of Russia over those of the United States?” Senator Schumer insinuated in 2018. Why is Schumer putting Russia’s interests ahead of those of the United States by blocking Nord Stream 2 sanctions on Putin’s pet pipeline into Europe? Schumer, along with a number of other top Democrats, is a beneficiary of campaign contributions from top Democrat fundraiser Vincent Roberti whose lobbying firm was paid over $8.5 million by Nord Stream 2 which is owned by Putin’s state-run Gazprom energy monopoly. Roberti, a former Dem politician, has maxed out his donations to Schumer and to Rep. Eric Swalwell, who may have been cheating on Fang Fang with Vladimir, and threw in a generous $171,000 to the DCCC, as part of the over $545,000 donated to the Democrat political machine. […]  But not just Schumer.
Read more: http://www.danielgreenfield.org/2021/12/schumer-who-accused-trump-of-russian.html

Bartow: 13 Happenings In 2021 That I Never Would Have Believed 5 Years Ago
There are many more. As I reflected on the past year, here are just some of the many things that happened in 2021 that I never would have believed possible if someone had foretold them to me just five years ago. 1. Men As Women The trend that most would have shocked my grandparents is transgenderism. Men are now competing with women in sports and being housed with women in prison. In 2021, President Biden appointed a man as a four-star admiral and proclaimed this was the “first” “female” “four-star officer.” 2. Blocking Puberty A second shocker is that parents are enabling young children to try to change genders with dangerous surgeries and puberty blockers. Many public schools have a policy of not telling parents if their son or daughter has adopted a transgender identity at school. 3  . . .
Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2021/12/27/13-happenings-in-2021-that-i-never-would-have-believed-5-years-ago/


Global Covid Summit: Over 15,000 Physicians and Scientists Reach Consensus on Vaccinating Children and Natural Immunity
Consensus is clear among MDs and medical PhDs: following 20 months of exhaustive research, millions of patients treated, hundreds of clinical trials performed and scientific data shared worldwide, they conclude that healthy children and COVID recovered should be excluded from vaccine mandates and social restrictions. Physicians also recommend legislative and administrative action, to prevent disruption of physicians’ treatments, or putting healthy children or the COVID-recovered at further risk. 15,000 physicians and medical scientists recently published the Rome Covid Declaration, to alert citizens to the deadly consequences of disrupting life-saving treatment and suppressing open scientific discussion.
Read more: https://globalcovidsummit.org/news/thousands-of-physicians-and-scientists-reach-consensus-on-vaccinating-children-and-natural-immunity

Lower: WATCH: ‘Face the Nation’ Correspondent Stuns Fellow Panelists Into Silence, With Truth About COVID Policies Harming Kids
Crawford was the one who spoke up. Watch and listen. (Her words are worth quoting in full, which I have transcribed below. Curiously, the answers to this question don’t appear in the official transcript provided by CBS News.)
Read more/Watch the 1:40 minute video: https://redstate.com/beccalower/2021/12/26/watch-face-the-nation-correspondent-stuns-fellow-panelists-into-silence-with-truth-about-covid-policies-harming-kids-n497519


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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