Daily News Roundup
Casey Chalk contributor to The Federalist wrote: if the West is to endure, it must be a freedom deeply rooted in our best traditions and social practices, bound to a recognition of virtue and natural law, and, ultimately, oriented towards God. Otherwise, as this hardened veteran of Soviet communist oppression has shown, we will find ourselves subject to totalitarianism both soft and hard.
Jonathan Lange contributor to The Federalist wrote: The House Committee on Rules met on Jan. 12, 2021, and adopted an ad hoc rule change providing “that the prohibition against personality in debate with respect to references to the President shall not apply during consideration of H. Res. 21 or any special order of business providing for the consideration of H. Res. 24.” Thus, rules against ad hominem attacks on President Donald J. Trump were suspended during floor debates on Vice President Pence’s invocation of the 25 Amendment (H. Res. 21), and the motion to impeach President Trump (H. Res. 24). Thanks to Pelosi, the language of the school-yard bully has now entered our highest deliberative body.
Joseph Klein contributor to Frontpage Magazine wrote: The Biden DHS memorandum was so far out in left field that it refused to use the words “illegal alien,” which appear more than 30 times in U.S. immigration laws that the DHS is supposed to enforce. As far as the Biden administration is concerned, “illegal alien” is already expunged from the statute books even without any congressional action. Instead, the Biden DHS memorandum used the term “noncitizens.”
Don Feder contributor to Frontpage Magazine wrote: The Biden regime is the last stop on a train that traveled from the Frankfurt School (the origins of Cultural Marxism) in the 1920s, to the anti-Vietnam riots of the ‘60s, to the campus culture of the 80s and beyond (LGBT activism, feminism and identity politics) to the radical left takeover of the Democrat Party.
Robert Oscar Lopez contributor to American Thinker wrote: Logic involves the use of reason to examine different claims and decide which one is most plausible or certain. Grammar involves the effective use of language to convey meanings honestly and efficiently. Rhetoric is different. It is the art of argumentation, a “craft” tailored to the goals of the speaker and his audience.
J.G. Smith contributor to American Thinker on COVID-19 death statistics: One of the lowest death rates is India’s at 111. Wouldn’t you think some editor somewhere would notice that India’s rate is about 1/11 of ours and ask why? If he did, he would find that India relies heavily on hydroxychloroquine. He might find that some lower numbers might also be due to India exporting hydroxy to 108 nations, where, unlike in the U.S., hydroxy is not restricted by government agencies and medical societies. If hydroxy use doesn’t at least partly explain the lower death rates around the world, what does? Where are the reporters asking these questions?
Trejo: Donald Trump’s Team Officially Disavows the ‘Patriot Party’, Affirms the GOP Belongs to Trump
Fake news had been circulating that Trump was connected to the efforts of Michael Joseph Gaul of Georgia, who had suggested in a Jan. 22 filing that Trump may be connected to his incarnation of the Patriot Party. Trump’s team has made it clear in a separate FEC filing that this is not the case. “On January 22, 2021, Patriot Party filed a Form 1 (Statement of Organization) listing [Trump’s presidential organization] as a participant in purported joint fundraising activities under 11 C.F.R. 102.17. [Trump’s presidential organization] did not authorize the filing of this Form 1, has not entered into any joint fundraising agreement to fundraise through Patriot Party, and has no knowledge of Patriot Party’s activities whatsoever,” Trump’s team wrote in the filing. To be clear: [Trump’s presidential organization] has no affiliation with Patriot Party, which is not authorized by Mr. Trump or [Trump’s presidential organization],” the filing continued.
Read more at Big League Politics.
(H/T CC) Jon McNaughton: “The Masterpiece” by Jon McNaughton
What does the future hold for America? President Trump’s last few years in office have been remarkable. He has changed the direction of this country economically, devastated ISIS, negotiated with countries on the world stage, and been a powerful voice for American ideals. It hasn’t been easy, as he has been blocked by both Republicans and Democrats, trashed by the media, and hunted by the deep state in an attempt to undermine his presidency. But, the “painting” is not finished! I believe that Trump will yet reveal in the future a greater degree of prosperity, justice, and American influence that has never been seen before. His greatest achievements are yet to be revealed. How will history remember the presidency of Donald J. Trump? I believe it will be considered a “Masterpiece.”
Watch the 1:33 minute video.
Lopez: How the Destruction of Grammar and Logic Got Biden into the Oval Office
Many people snickered at the claim made in Texas v. Pennsylvania that there is only a one in a quadrillion chance that Joe Biden won all the swing states as currently claimed. The true meaning beneath the statistic is simple: the vote counts certified in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia are fake, so let’s cut through all the noise and decide what to do next. “One in a quadrillion” is a rarified way of saying it just didn’t happen. Texas’s case was shot down because in the United States both grammar and logic have been overtaken by rhetoric. The old trio: Grammar, logic, and rhetoric Rhetoric is not the same thing as logic or grammar. Philosopher Richard Weaver championed rhetoric as a tool to share truth rather than skirt it. But ever since the ancient birth of “sophistry,” there have been rhetoricians who see logic and grammar as disposable tools to support a primary rhetorical agenda. (Some call this, basically, propaganda.) When people ask you,, . . . […] So, now, the faux consensus on election fraud Many liberals who insist there is “no evidence” of election fraud refer us to the fact that . . .
Read more at American Thinker.
Sheffield: YouTube strips rising media company Epoch Times of ability to monetize video content
“YouTube demonetized the Epoch Times and related accounts last week,” Stephen Gregory, publisher of The Epoch Times confirmed to Just the News on Tuesday in an email. “This is the latest example of big tech suppression of free speech, a step on the road to communist-style censorship.” A YouTube spokesperson acknowledged Tuesday in an email to Just the News that the company had demonetized the publication’s channel and affiliated channels and had suspended them from the YouTube Partner Program (YPP) – over issues related to harmful or sensitive content.
Read more at Just The News.
Green: Buyer’s Remorse? Let’s Blame the Press
Even though the Harris/Biden administration is in its infancy, it has already triggered a flood of complaints of “buyer’s remorse.” It seems many who voted for Joe weren’t expecting this. In the immortal words of Rahm Emanuel, “never let a good crisis go to waste.” I say we help those with “buyer’s remorse” get over it. We should give them a scapegoat. Let’s blame the press. It wasn’t the voter’s fault — they were misled. Biden voters were victims of a four-year propaganda campaign to smear Donald Trump and drag the Democrat nominee — any nominee — across the finish line, truth be damned. Mark Twain once said, “If you don’t read the papers you’re uninformed. If you do read the papers you’re misinformed.” I submit that in this case, the voters have been subjected to both. Evidence of legacy news media propaganda during the four years of the Trump administration are legion.
Read more at American Thinker.
Emmons: Netflix To Spread Racist Indoctrination With 3 New Ibram X. Kendi Projects
Netflix has announced three new projects with antiracist indoctrinator Ibram X. Kendi, intended for a variety of age groups. “Stamped From the Beginning” will be a cross between a documentary and a scripted feature film, while “Stamped: Racism, Antiracism and You” will be similarly produced but for teens and young adult readers. “Antiracist Baby,” currently a board book, will be reimagined as animated shorts for the pre-school set. Doc McStuffins creator Chris Nee has been tapped to executive produce the series. One of Kendi’s core teachings is that it’s not enough to be not racist, but a person must be actively antiracist. While this seems like a small distinction, it is not. The difference between “not racist” and “antiracist” is that the latter adds activism, while the former is simply a state of existing without putting concerns about race and racism first. Now that Netflix has taken up Kendi’s cause, it can use its considerable platform to turn children into antiracists, who think about race, racial differences, and their role in racism first and foremost. […] In a statement, Kendi said, “I’m elated for the viewers, for the adults and children who will be captivated, informed and transformed by these projects.” Transformation is exactly what Kendi is looking for. […] Released in June, and intended for toddlers, “Antiracist Baby” addresses Kendi’s overarching premise:
Read more at The Federalist.
Mirengoff: Who Is Running the Biden Administration?
Is it Joe Biden? Maybe, but many question whether he has the mental capacity and the energy to run the show. In this post about the Biden administration’s early hard-left initiatives, I speculated that Susan Rice, Ron Klain, or some combination of the two are determining Biden’s domestic policy agenda under pressure from the left. On the foreign policy side, no known policy has yet emerged about which to speculate. Ric Grenell, who until recently was the acting DNI, believes that Rice is dictating both domestic and foreign policy. Rice is Biden’s White House Domestic Policy Council director, so domestic policy falls under her jurisdiction. Rice’s experience, however, is in the areas of foreign policy and national security. Thus, it’s plausible to believe that she is a major player in these areas, as well. Given Rice’s lack of experience and expertise in domestic policy, what I wonder is whom she is looking to for guidance in this area. She may be looking to her former boss, Barack Obama.
Read more at Powerline Blog.
Kline: Democrats Have Released a Roadmap to One-Party Rule
The Democrats appear intent on instituting one-party rule in the United States. They’re trying to use the U.S. Capitol riots as an excuse to criminalize dissent and banish conservative voices from the public sphere, and at the same time they’re hoping to use their temporary, razor-thin majority in Congress to rewrite the rules governing our elections in a way designed to keep the Democratic Party entrenched in power for decades to come. In the House, Democrats have revived sweeping election reform legislation that died in the Senate during the previous session, perhaps hoping they can browbeat enough Republicans into going along with them. If that happens, the “Grand Old Party” of Abraham Lincoln might as well disband, because Republicans would never have any hope of regaining a congressional majority or controlling the White House under the rules that HR 1 would put in place.
Read more at Real Clear Politics.
Populist Press: Democrats introduce bill that will destroy America With One Swipe…
Democrats introduce their first bill in the House: H.R.1 – The bill that will destroy America. Nationwide mail-in voting, banning restrictions on ballot harvesting, banning voter ID, criminal voters, DC Statehood roadwork, it’s all in here. Read the 15 worst provisions in the bill: 1) Internet-only registration with electronic signature submission. “(a) Requiring Availability Of Internet For Online Registration.—Each State, acting through the chief State election official, shall ensure that the following services are available to the public at any time on the official public websites of the appropriate State and local election officials in the State, in the same manner and subject to the same terms and conditions as the services provided by voter registration agencies under section 7(a): “(1) Online application for voter registration. 2) Banning the requirement to provide a full SSN for voter registration. . . .
Read more at Populist Press.
Paslay: Anti-White Racism Pervades Major Academic Publisher’s Teacher Resources
Hours after being sworn in as America’s 46th president, Joe Biden reversed Trump’s ban on using toxic Critical Race Theory in federal government diversity trainings. Doing so has reopened the floodgates for allowing anti-American identity politics in our public institutions and schools. Corwin Press, an academic publisher that supplies books for K–12 schools, has taken advantage of Biden’s new agenda by releasing a series of free teacher resources titled “Responding to Insurrection, Domestic Terrorism, and Threats to Democracy.” A quick look at these so-called teacher resources, which are linked at the top of Corwin’s webpage, reveals that they are disturbingly political and agenda-driven, with a clear objective to teach children what to think and not how to think. In short, these resources fail to allow students to critically analyze current events in an accurate and balanced context. They do not offer a classic pro and con format, but are presented from a one-sided lens that makes a complex situation simplistic.
Read more at American Thinker.