Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 16 minutes


Francis P. Sempa contributor to American Thinker:  In 1964, in an essay entitled “Modern Science and Political Power,” Morgenthau warned that our democracy was endangered by the scientific-technological-governmental trinity. “Power,” Morgenthau wrote, “has shifted from the people to the government. Within the government, power has shifted from democratically responsible officials to certain technological elites, military and scientific, which are not democratically responsible.” This development, he wrote, had “drastically decreased” voters’ control over the affairs of government. And this situation, he warned, “makes totalitarianism possible.”

Andrew Torba CEO Gab: I believe that God has a plan, as He always does, for what is unfolding on a global scale today. Now more than ever we must keep the faith and do as Christians have always done: survive and thrive. Do you think it was “easy” for the Pilgrims to set out for a new land and start building from scratch? Of course not, but they did it and ended up building the greatest country in the history of the world. Do you think it was “easy” for first century Christians to spread the Gospel? Of course not, but today billions of Christians know that Christ is on the throne because of their work and sacrifice.
In a lot of ways we are the modern Pilgrims of our time, seeking religious freedom and sovereignty to escape the rule of a tyrannical elite who hate us. Their blood runs in our veins, the spirit of their plight is in our hearts, and most importantly their God is our God.

Don Feder contributor to Frontpage Magazine writes that the holiest day of the Jewish year begins at sunset on Wednesday (9/15)  and ends at Sunset on Thursday (9/16) : On Yom Kippur, I will pray that God saves America in the merit of our fathers – of Washington and Adams, of Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt, of the men of Omaha Beach, Bastogne and Iwo Jima and their comrades down through the ages. Maybe that will buy us a little time.

Phillip Wegmann contributor to Real Clear Politics: They can live, work, and travel freely within the country, must pay their taxes, and those age 18-25 are even required to register with the Selective Service to potentially defend the nation in times of emergency. According to recent estimates, there are nearly 14 million green-card holders within the United States, many of them eligible to apply for full citizenship. Yet, the federal government doesn’t know exactly how many were left behind after the military withdrew from Afghanistan.

Matthew Garnett truck driver and contributor to The Federalist: In a 2016 lecture at Hillsdale College entitled, “Conservative Civil Disobedience,” sociologist Charles Murray postulated that at some point, in order to stop being tyrannized by the regulatory state, workers and employers will need to refuse to comply, get arrested or fined for it, and take it to court. I’ve only got one question now, as someone who is deciding whether Biden’s vaccine mandate is a hill worth dying on: Is there a lawyer in the house?

Mark Tapson contributor to Frontpage Magazine: It is no secret that, in nearly every metric from plunging testosterone levels to rising fatherlessness at home, the West is suffering a dangerous decline of masculinity. It doesn’t help that an increasingly feminized Western world today is ruled largely by either women or “men without chests,” to borrow C.S. Lewis’ phrase.

Rachel Bovard contributor to The Federalist: Documents  released to The Wall Street Journal detail a program known as “cross check” or “XCheck,” which shields millions of VIP users from the company’s normal enforcement process. According to the Journal: “Some users are ‘whitelisted’ — rendered immune from enforcement actions — while others are allowed to post rule-violating material pending Facebook employee reviews that often never come.”

Sundance contributor to The Last Refuge:Healthy people infected with both common sense and a generally reasonable distrust of government, who are not at high risk due to age or pre-existing conditions, can see that once you get locked into this type of vaccine ride you cannot get off until the ride or variants are over.

Donald Trump Jr. chastises Rep. Ocasio-Cortex (D-NY) for her hypocrisy:“What makes @AOC a bigger fraud: The “tax the rich dress” while she’s hanging out with a bunch of wealthy leftwing elites or the lack of masks after spending the past 18 months as one of the biggest authoritarian mask Karens in the country?”


Sundance: President Trump Responds to Report of Mark Milley Warning China in the Event Trump Decided to Attack
How many times did President Trump say ‘my good friend Xi’?   Military combat against China was the furthest thing from the mind of President Trump in that sphere of geopolitical threat.  President Trump was engaged with China on an economic level.  Economic security is national security; that was the essence of his doctrine. In this interview segment on Newsmax, President Trump affirms the absurdity of any report that he would have considered a military strike against China.
Read more/Listen to the 2:14 minute interview at The Conservative Treehouse.


Scott: The ‘Foul Spirit’ of George W. Bush and America’s Ruling Class
As with so many other aspects of our time, we seem destined to suffer the most trite and underwhelming imitations of things that once were great or at least impressive. Exhibit A would be the great war advocate, George W. Bush. Can there be a more perfect synthesis of the last 20 years of disappointing American politics than this man? He exemplifies everything—unaware, unashamed, unapologetic—that the American ruling class has become. NeverTrumpers and neocons yearn for a return to the days of measured, steady Bush leadership. We are told constantly now that he is kind, polite, well-bred: a politician from a more dignified tradition of public servants than those of late. But of course, in reality he is none of these things. The everlasting incompetence and mesmerizing self-delusion on display at his recent 9/11 remarks make that clear. What kind of a person stands on the very spot where heroic, valiant Americans perished in a tragic last-ditch effort to save a symbol of their ruling class—either the Capitol or the White House, no one knows for certain—and dares to offer criticism of the American people? What kind of cretin could possibly stir himself to lecture the public while standing on the very spot where common, average, everyday people sacrificed themselves to save members of the elite?
Read more at American Greatness.


(Treason?) Kassam & Winters: COUP: General Milley Secretly Pledged to Warn Chinese Communist Party if Trump Planned a Strike.
Through secret backchannels unbeknownst to then-President Donald Trump, General Mark Milley informed leaders from the Chinese Communist Party and Democratic Party that he would not carry out “any kind” of military action ordered by Trump. The revelations represent a stunning admission of an effective coup d’etat at the top of the U.S. government, with U.S. officials colluding with the Chinese Communist Party in order to limit Donald Trump’s powers. General Milley – who controversially defended teaching Marxist “critical race theory” in the military – telephoned his Chinese Communist Party counterpart, General Li Zuocheng, twice in the final months of the Trump administration. […]  On the first call on October 30th, 2020, just four days before the U.S. election, Milley assured his Chinese Communist Party friends that the U.S.  . . . […]  The second call between the two generals, of which Milley did not inform Trump, took place on January 8th, 2021. “Things may look unsteady,” Milley posited to Li, adding . . . […]  To address these unfounded fears, Milley spoke to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, informing her that he would prohibit Trump from using “any kind” of military force.”
Read more at The National Pulse.

Jack Posobiec Human Events senior editor tweeted: BREAKING: Several Pentagon officers present in Milley’s secret meeting are willing to testify against him under oath, per WH official This sounds like a possible Court Martial is in the works — […] Jack Posobiec tweet:  Check the date on the Pelosi tweet — January 8th, the same day as Milley’s second call to China. […] Drew Holden freelance commentary writer tweeted:  This is a lot closer to a coup than anything we saw on January 6th…
Read more at Citizen Free Press.

Winters: America Has Given Millions for ‘Research’ At Chinese Communist-Run Facilities Since COVID Outbreak.
The U.S. National Institutes of Health has continued to funnel millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to fund scientific research in conjunction with Communist China since the beginning of the COVID pandemic, including to military-controlled organizations, The National Pulse can reveal. Over half of the grants sent since early 2020 came from Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) database reveals that 13 grants have been sent to the country which has stonewalled investigations into the origins of COVID-19. China has also undertaken a global propaganda campaign to blame the U.S. for the virus, while America continues to send cash.
Read more at The National Pulse.


Solomon: Georgia’s largest county considers Stacey Abrams lobbyist for top election job, angering state

Fulton County’s Board of Commissioners confirmed Tuesday it is considering hiring Cathy Woolard, a former Atlanta city council president and mayoral candidate, as the next chair of the county’s election board. A vote is expected as early as Wednesday, according to the commission’s meeting docket. Woolard was hired earlier this year as a lobbyist for Fair Fight Action Inc., a voting law advocacy group founded by Abrams, and was paid in excess of $10,000 to to lobby the Georgia government on “social welfare” and “voting rights” before she terminated her lobbying registration earlier this week, state records reviewed by Just the News show.
Read more at Just The News.


Sundance: Something Else Missing
So, there are three elements: (1) Federal worker mandate; (2) Federal contractor mandate; and the big controversial one, (3) a national worker mandate for companies with over 100 employees. Focusing on #3, the big one.  The only material from the White House on the BIG CONTROVERSIAL national worker mandate is a small paragraph on the WH COVID PLAN section: . . .[…]  … That’s it folks.  Almost a week later, and that’s the sum total of everything about the biggest economic and workforce disruption in the history of the nation.  That one paragraph posted on September 10th. Why is this important?
Well, the U.S. Department of Labor website has ZERO mentions of this national mandate.  ZERO, nothing… nada, zilch. [SEE HERE] Looking at the OSHA COVID information portal, used by employers and legal execs, will show you the exact same result.  Nothing.  [SEE HERE] Notice there’s no date for DoL or OSHA delivery of any employer guidance or details.  Nothing. Think about this.  This is the largest nationwide change to employment eligibility requirement in U.S. history.  Nothing else is even close… and yet, if you didn’t watch the Biden announcement or read the media discussion about the Biden announcement, you wouldn’t be able to find a single detail about it – anywhere. This is not normal; not even close to normal… even for the federal government. […]  Some have speculated that Joe Biden’s big White House announcement was nothing more than . . .
Read more at The Conservative Treehouse.


Dr. Patti Bartsch: My Dad’s Ivermectin Story
His primary care doctor and his urgent care doctor both refused to prescribe Ivermectin. Once I found a doctor who would prescribe it, we had to get PERMISSION from the pharmacists to fill it. Then, this decades-old generic drug cost $120 (prices have gone up since then), when a comparable dose for my horses would cost less than $10. Here is the story.
Watch the 9:53 minute video at Rumble.

Citizen Free Press: CAUGHT ON VIDEO — ‘We need to be more scary to the public, we need to inflate the real Covid numbers’…
Zoom meeting from a hospital in North Carolina with Dr. Mary Rudyk and Carolyn Fisher discussing inflating Covid numbers by counting recovered patients as active Covid patients.
Read more/Watch the 2:11 minute video at Citizen Free Press.

Agresti: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Masks, and the Deadly Falsehoods Surrounding Them

      • In a terse essay titled “Science and Dictatorship,” Albert Einstein warned that “Science can flourish only in an atmosphere of free speech.” And on his deathbed, Einstein cautioned, “Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted in important affairs.” With reckless disregard for both of those principles, powerful government officials and big tech executives have corrupted or suppressed the central scientific facts about face masks. The impacts of this extend far beyond the issue of masks and have caused widespread harm and countless deaths. Despite the fog of contradictory claims and changing government guidelines, dozens of scientific journals have published consistent data that establish these facts: Covid-19 is mainly spread by microscopic aerosols generated by breathing, talking, sneezing, and coughing. The vast bulk of these infectious aerosols easily penetrate common masks because 90% of the aerosols are less than 1/17th the size of pores in the finest surgical masks, and less than 1/80th the size of pores in the finest cloth masks.
      • Aerosols are light enough to stay airborne for minutes or hours, and hence, they also travel freely through gaps around the edges of cloth and surgical masks.
      • Governments enacted mask mandates based on the false assumption that . .
        Read more at The Prickly Pear.


    Mann: Federal Judge blocks New York State vaccine mandate for health care workers
    On Tuesday, a Clinton-appointed federal judge granted an emergency injunction preventing the state of New York from enforcing a Covid-19 vaccine mandate for its healthcare workers. Former Governor Andrew Cuomo announced the healthcare worker vaccine mandate on August 16 prompting more than a dozen healthcare professionals to request a court enjoinder. The mandate requires hospitals staff and employees of long-term care facilities to be vaccinated in order to remain employed. The suit argues that medical professionals, including doctors, nurses, and medical technicians face losing their careers and livelihoods if they refuse to receive a vaccine that contradicts their religious beliefs. According to the suit, the religious beliefs of the 17 medical professionals compel them to “refuse vaccination with the available Covid-19 vaccines, all of which employ aborted fetus cell lines in their testing, development, or production.” The legal argument takes its shape under the umbrella of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
    Read more at Just The News.

    Sundance: Another Study Shows Hospitalization Numbers of COVID Patients in U.S. are Overinflated, Not Drawing Distinction Between COVID Incidental To Admission or Treatment Thereof
    Interesting data on SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) being released and discussed today.  The first is the release of a study [DATA HERE] indicating that half of all recorded hospitalization cases for COVID-19 are incorrectly being interpreted. The study of 50,000 VA patients recorded as hospitalized and testing positive for COVID-19, reflects that roughly half of the patients recorded on the dashboard were admitted to the hospital for some other, unrelated, reason and incidentally tested positive for the virus upon admission.  They arrived for treatment for something else, were tested and recorded for COVID, but the treatment was not for any COVID-19 related issue. An earlier study in May, using the charts of hospitalized pediatric patients found roughly the same thing; . . . […]  Meanwhile a group of scientists and researchers have published an article in The Lancet Medical Journal today recommending that any effort to introduce “booster shots” to supplement the experimental COVID-19 mRNA gene therapy, aka “the vaccine”, be stopped because the approach by the medical system ‘writ large’ is undermining confidence in the healthcare profession. [Lancet Article Here]
    Read more at The Conservative Treehouse.


    Tapson: Men Without Chests
    Our enemies see the West as a paper tiger. In a 1998 interview in the mountains of southern Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden told ABC News’ John Miller that then-President Bill Clinton’s withdrawal of U.S. troops from Somalia after the 1993 “Black Hawk Down” battle in Mogadishu proved the American soldier is a “paper tiger” – a toothless threat. Muslim youth are no longer intimidated by Western superpowers, bin Laden warned. Barely three years later, Bin Laden and his cohorts showed the world just how unintimidated they were, . . . […] . . . twenty years later, thanks to a catastrophic mishandling by the Biden administration, the country known as the Graveyard of Empires is back under the control of fundamentalist savages – only now they have been empowered not only by Biden’s gift of approximately $85 billion worth of military hardware, but also by a victory that has galvanized jihadists everywhere – and our other enemies, as well – who feel confirmed in their perception that America and her allies are a paper tiger. […]  Our insistence on imposing a woke gender ideology on other cultures is part of the reason we never pulled Afghanistan into the Western orbit (and a major reason we are losing African nations to Chinese influence, too). […]  Let’s do a little cultural comparison. The U.S. military released a cartoon recruitment video earlier this year that centers on the personal aspirations of a young, female social justice activist identified as Emma. She repeatedly mentions how inspired by and proud she is of the “two moms” . . . […]  In sharp contrast, a Chinese army recruitment video from a couple of years ago brims with fierce, male warrior energy and more explosions than a Michael Bay movie. Another one emphasizes  . . . […] In even starker contrast, this Russian army recruitment video bursting with testosterone looks like a remake of  . . . […]  Unlike us, our enemies are not actively “deconstructing” masculinity. Islamists do not agonize over their “toxic” manhood. Vladimir Putin’s own shrewdly-constructed personal image of heterosexual virility has led a Russian resurgence of masculinity. The Chinese are actually wrestling with a masculinity crisis, but they rightly recognize that it is a serious cultural and national security concern, and they’re addressing it.
    Read more at FrontPage Mag.

    Donnelly: Fast-Moving Defense Bill Includes Dangerously Open-Ended ‘Draft Our Daughters’ Mandate
    The congressional debate about “Draft Our Daughters” legislation—whether Selective Service should include young women in registration for a possible future draft—has taken a new and disturbing turn. For clarity, consider President Joe Biden’s unilateral imposition of unprecedented COVID shot mandates on millions of Americans. Signing executive orders affecting private employers and individuals without congressional authorization, Biden announced with a grimace, “This is not about freedom or personal choice.” Even for vaccination advocates, Biden’s use of a public health emergency to expand big government power smacks of tyranny. Now consider this: What if Congress authorized even more executive power for use during another type of emergency—one involving national defense? We could find out, too late, if Congress approves a pending defense bill that would authorize Selective Service registration of both men and women for reasons that have never justified conscription before.
    Read more at The Federalist.


    Toameh: Why Arabs Do Not Trust the Biden Administration
    Is there a connection between the hasty and disorganized US withdrawal from Afghanistan and the increased attacks on Saudi Arabia by the Iranian-backed Houthi militia in Yemen? Many Arabs political analysts and writers are convinced that the Biden administration’s flawed handling of the crisis in Afghanistan, which resulted in the Taliban takeover of the whole country, has emboldened various extremist Islamic groups, including the Houthis, who are now threatening Washington’s Arab friends and allies. The Houthis have been fighting the Saudi-led coalition-backed government in Yemen since 2015. The main concern for the Arabs is that the “humiliating” manner in which the US ended its presence in Afghanistan has sent a message to Iran and its proxies — Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis — that the Americans are not only weak, but that they cannot be trusted to support or defend their allies. The Iran-backed Houthis appear to be telling themselves: If the US is so weak and has no problem betraying its allies and friends, perhaps this is the right time to step up the attacks on Saudi Arabia. The past few days have witnessed a significant escalation in the attacks of the Houthi militia in Yemen against civilian areas in Saudi Arabia.
    Read more The Gatestone Institute.


    Young: Xi Jinping Is Slowly Restoring the Imperial Chinese Regime
    On September 9, American President Joe Biden – as a supplicant – called China’s President Xi Jinping. Junior Chinese officials had refused to have substantive, respectful, discussions with President Biden’s subordinates.  For example, with former American presidential candidate and Secretary of State John Kerry, the Chinese side offered only a video link for his conversations with Vice-Premier Han Zheng and Foreign Minister Wang Li, even though Kerry was in Tianjin. The Chinese refused the Americans’ request that the two nations respond jointly to global warming separate from the other aspects of their difficult relationship. The Chinese side demanded that the United States, without any criticism, respect and submit to China’s values and priorities. Just a week previously, as the United States was getting kicked out of Afghanistan, China’s Maritime Safety Administration announced that, as of September 1, all ships seeking to transit the South China Sea would be required to register their passage with the Administration, thus asserting that the South China Sea was China’s domestic waters subject to Chinese sovereign authority. Such an assertion can henceforth easily serve China as a casus belli – a just reason for going to war against any nation that refuses to accept such Chinese authority. This remarkable demand, unprecedented in history, applies to . . .
    Read more at American Thinker.


    Coy: Because They Are Evil
    There are a great many things coming from Biden, Fauci, the CDC, the State Department, the military, the Justice Department, and basically the Deep State that make no sense.  From Biden and the Deep State, we are getting executive orders, mandates, guidelines, decisions, policies, and edicts that just do not make any sort of intellectual sense.  It is not just a difference of opinion.  It is not just different politics or a different point of view.  Decisions, guidelines, policies, and proposed laws are coming out of Washington D.C., Biden, and the Deep State that one just can’t figure out in an intellectual, factual, common-sense sort of way.  The only way to explain what is coming from the placeholder at the White House and the Deep State elites is that they are just evil.  They are doing what they’re doing because they are evil.  No other answer makes sense. Why would Biden declare a federal vaccine mandate for every American even though two previous Supreme Court decisions says his federal vaccine mandate is unconstitutional…? Because he is evil. Why would Biden declare that all Americans must be vaccinated but illegal immigrants crossing our border illegally do not have to be vaccinated…? Because he is evil. Why would the Biden administration demand . . .
    Read more at American Thinker

    Lauterbach: Arizona lawsuit: Biden vaccine mandates favor illegal immigrants over U.S. citizens
    Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich has fired the opening salvo in the anticipated legal fight over President Joe Biden’s COVID-19 vaccination mandate. Brnovich filed the lawsuit Tuesday in the U.S. District Court of Arizona, claiming Biden’s mandate violates the Equal Protection Clause by favoring migrants who can decline the vaccine, “protecting their freedom and bodily autonomy more than American citizens’.” “The federal government cannot force people to get the COVID-19 vaccine,” Brnovich said in a statement. “The Biden Administration is once again flouting our laws and precedents to push their radical agenda. There can be no serious or scientific discussion about containing the spread of COVID-19 that doesn’t begin at our southern border.”
    Read more Just The News.

    Lifson: Dems propose a billion-dollar subsidy for local newspapers (that overwhelmingly support Dems)
    If you think media bias is bad now, wait until Dems start shoveling money at the media in outright subsidies. What are the odds that small government points of view will get any attention then? Subsidies for local newspapers, which are at least as biased against conservatives and Republicans as the rest of the 90% of the media that is progressive, are on the Dems’ agenda. Chuck Ross reports in the Washington Free Beacon: . . . […]  The proposal is nearly identical to the Local Journalism Sustainability Act, a bill introduced earlier this year by Sens. Maria Cantwell (D., Wash.), Ron Wyden (D., Ore.), and Mark Kelly (D., Ariz.). In addition to payroll tax credits, the senators proposed a $250 tax deduction for subscriptions to local newspapers. In my experience, local newspapers, which mostly employ younger and cheaper journalists than bigger papers, are even more biased than the New York Times or WaPo. Their heads filled with propaganda in J-schools, the youngsters seek attention and maybe even a job offer from the industry’s bigger fish by supporting what they (correctly) perceive as the norms of the industry: make conservatives look evil and stupid, and make progressives and Democrats look heroic.
    Read more at American Thinker


    Feder: On Yom Kippur God Judges Nations Too
    Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish year, begins at sunset on Wednesday and ends at sunset on Thursday. In between is a time when Heaven and Earth meet – when the fate of every man and woman hangs in the balance. The judgement written on Rosh Hashanah is sealed on Yom Kippur. It’s the court of last resort. From its sentence there is no appeal. The holiest day of the year begins with the Kol Nidre service and ends with Ne’ila, the closing of the gates of Heaven. Yom Kippur is solemn, yet hopeful. Three things, we are told, will avert the harsh decree – teshuvah, tefillah, tzedakah – repentance, prayer and acts of righteousness. Nations too are judged. At the beginning of the 20th century, three nations were poised to dominate the century – Germany, Russia and Japan. Between them, Germany and Japan were responsible for 75 million deaths in World War II. As they exited the world stage, Russia entered. It gave us the the Cold War and tens of millions of more deaths. Each was judged.
    Read more at FrontPage Mag.


    Yingling & Taylor,Jr.: Princeton Indoctrination Begins Before Classes Even Start
    Like alumni of universities across the country, many Princeton graduates have become deeply concerned about the attacks on free speech and academic freedom at our alma mater. It is not just the public attacks that are of concern. Multiple national and college-specific polls have shown that faculty and students are afraid to say what they think. Princeton is no different. One student told us he was afraid to speak up not just because he would be attacked, but because others with whom he was working on a project might also be attacked for associating with him. It was certain that instances of indoctrinating, intimidating, and shaming students would pick up once in-person classes began again this semester. Little did we know that the indoctrination at Princeton would start during first-year orientation, before the start of classes, or that the orientation would conflict directly with the university’s own free speech rules.
    Read more at Real Clear Politics.


    Billingsley: WTF?
    For the second straight week, chants of “Fuck Joe Biden!” have broken out at college football games across the country. North of the border in Ontario, protesters chant “Fuck Trudeau!” who called for an election for September 20. As this signifies, youth rebellion is back, and willing to deploy the full English language in a just cause.  Back in the 1960s, when the government was conscripting young Americans to fight in Vietnam, Americans would chant: “One-two-three-four, we don’t want your fucking war!” as they burned their draft cards. Protesters would also show up en masse chanting, “Hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill today?” and “hell no, we won’t go!” Given the shameful way the government failed to back up the troops, you can’t blame them. […]  Those college students are letting Joe Biden know what they think of him. Parents and pundits, stand aside. As Bob Dylan said, your sons and your daughters are beyond your command. If enough people raise their voices, the times could indeed be a-changing.
    Read more at American Greatness.


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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