Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 14 minutes


Daniel Greenfield contributor to Frontpage Magazine makes the case for General Milley’s court martial: Milley’s idea of America was leaving behind hundreds of Americans, bringing in hundreds of Islamic terrorists, abandoning tens of billions in weapons and massive state-of-the-art air bases – and creating the first terrorist state.

Fred T contributor to The Right Scoop: The original sales pitch was “you won’t get sick.” That’s a good pitch. But now the pitch is “you’re probably going to get it anyway, even if you’re vaccinated, plus you have to get even more vaccination shots, and even THEN you’re still going to get it and be sick but trust us it would be way worse if you didn’t have all five shots and 12 boosters and weren’t wearing a mask and staying home. MUCH worse.”

Dr. James Neuenschwander in testimony before Michigan House Hearing on COVID VACCINAE Mandate: “It’s not the unvaccinated creating these new strains. It’s the vaccinated who get infected who are creating these new strains.”

Amy Drake contributor to The Federalist: As much as “authorities” drone on about how masks save lives, they just don’t have the supporting data. Anyone with the least bit of knowledge on this topic knows the virus is simply too small to be contained by a mask. Plus, a child’s eyes are wide open, and the virus can get in that way, too.

Oscar De La Hoya boxer hall of famer who was fully vaccinated said, from his hospital bed: “I mean, what are the chances of me getting COVID. I have been taking care of myself. This really, really kicked my ass”

President Joe Biden on Friday: “I respect people who think that — who don’t support Roe v. Wade; I respect their views. I respect them — they — those who believe life begins at the moment of conception and all. I respect that. Don’t agree, but I respect that. I’m not going to impose that on people.”


Libs of Tik Tok: Silverton, OR: Man runs across the field in middle of a game waving a Trump flag as the crowd cheers
Watch the 31 second video.


Noel, MD: Floundering Fauci Demands Simple Answers to Complex Problems
We have a virus afflicting us. Wait! That’s not true. We have multiple viruses, and alpha, beta, gamma, delta, lambda, and who knows how many other variants of COVID. Yet the answer given by the CDC, Fauci, Biden, and PMSNBC is that we have to wear masks, get vaxxed, socially distance, and maybe lock down. Those are simple solutions to a much more complicated problem than those problem-solvers are willing to admit. Let’s break it down. There are at least five notable variants that were originally called Brazilian, Indian, and so on. But politically correct authorities decided that, like with hurricanes, we can’t be racist. They have to be named for Greek letters, and that cultural appropriation is OK. Those viruses aren’t identical. We now know that the vaccines don’t work equally well on all of them. We know that more variants are coming, and just like the flu shot, a COVID shot is not a COVID shot is not a COVID shot. Today’s vaccine won’t necessarily give the same immunity for today’s variant and tomorrow’s variant.
Read more at American Thinker.

Winters: EXC: Fauci-Funded Researchers & U.S. Officials Star In Chinese State Propaganda Documentary.
National Institutes of Health officials and researchers funded by Anthony Fauci are contributing to documentaries produced by Chinese Communist Party-run media outlets seeking to absolve the regime of blame for COVID-19.
Read more at The National Pulse.

Sundance: Part I, The Solution – Deconstructing the Fourth Branch of Government
Now that we understand the problem [CRITICAL BACKGROUND HERE], we move into the solution discussion. There is a way to deconstruct the current system of corruption within the U.S. government that follows a path outlined by the framers of our constitution. In this series of articles we will outline what I believe to be the way forward. It is a narrow path, and each step is dependent on the American electorate understanding the challenge. There is a way to stop the Intelligence Branch, but it requires some outside-the-box thinking and reliance on the Constitution as a tool to radically change one element within government. In order to achieve it, we must focus on three tiers needed for success: • Tier One is “tactical civics” at a local level. Engaged and active citizen participation at the community, city, town and hamlet level of society. This is what might be described as grassroots level. School Board level; City Council level; County Commissioner level. • Tier Two is . . . • Tier Three the challenge of . . . I cannot emphasize enough how each tier is dependent on the preceding tier. Additionally, each voter has to understand the larger objective in order to see how they are all connected. That is the goal of this outline.
• Tier One – The lack of attention to local or ‘tactical civics’ is now manifest in your community with examples of school boards dictating mandates to you and your family. In almost all of these instances where local officials running amok, you will note their baseline detachment. They have lost their ability to identify exactly who they work for; perhaps they never had it to begin with. Various local officials no longer view YOU as their employer. Instead they view you as someone they need to protect themselves from. We cannot address the state level disconnect that is needed for correction unless and until we first reset the relationship at a local level between the citizen and the community government. That means you MUST get involved. • Tier Two – The lack of attention to . . . […] In part-II we will outline the process for repealing the 17th amendment in the current era. It will take the creation of two paths being built simultaneously in the background of the 2024 federal election.
Read more at The Conservative Treehouse.


Mill: New January 6 Stories That Complicate the Media Narrative
What really happened? The story just keeps getting weirder. The Associated Press reported in August that Robert Reeder, a Maryland man, pleaded guilty to “parading, demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol building.” He argued for leniency because, “he is a registered Democrat who wasn’t a supporter of former President Donald Trump.” So why did he join the incursion into the Capitol building? Because, he says, he was an “accidental tourist” with nothing better to do. But an online group that calls itself Sedition Hunters recently tweeted a picture it says shows that same “accidental tourist” attacking a police officer. Curiously, the “accidental tourist,” who didn’t support Donald Trump, happened to be wearing a red “MAGA”-style hat. His attorney argued in court, “Mr. Reeder is not politically active, is not and has never been a member of any right-wing or anti-government or extremist group and has, unfortunately, been publicly grouped with many others (whose) views he abhors.” The story reminds one of John Sullivan, a Black Lives Matter activist who infiltrated the January 6 incursion to encourage violence, bully police officers, and generally stoke mayhem. While many of the trespassers remain locked up without bail, Sullivan mysteriously received pre-trial release. But there’s more.
Read more at American Greatness.


Orders: Arizona Needs Real Leaders On Election Reform, Not Passive Politicians Like Attorney General Mark Brnovich
For many inside the Republican Party base, election integrity is the No. 1 issue, with roughly 75 percent of Republicans thinking the 2020 elections were stolen. (For that matter, almost 30 percent of Democrats agree.) So it goes without saying that a broad swath of the electorate will be expecting candidates in the 2022 cycle to highlight that issue and then to actually work toward meaningful reform. This brings us to Arizona. Many have been following the Maricopa County audits, in which nearly two-thirds of all the votes in Arizona are being audited, all arising from serious questions about how the state’s 2020 elections were run last fall. As a key battleground state in 2020, Arizona will of course be that again in 2024. But it will also be one of the key U.S. Senate pick-up potentials for Republicans in the 2022 midterm cycle, as Republicans can potentially take out Democratic incumbent Mark Kelly. This is why election integrity for Arizona is such an important issue: It could not only decide the Senate majority in 2022, but it could also play a key role in deciding the White House in 2024. In the field of candidates seeking the Republican nomination, Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich is running against Thiel Capital COO Blake Masters and a few others for the nomination to challenge Mark Kelly. Brnovich has relentlessly campaigned as the “America First” candidate who has been the most supportive of former President Donald Trump. But there are some red flags with Brnovich, . . . Read more at The Federalist.


Citizen Free Press: Physician Sounds The Alarm — 12,000+ deaths from Covid Vaccines in 8 months…
Dr. James Neuenschwander testifies about level three and four side effects and thousands of deaths at Michigan House hearing on Covid Vaccine Mandates. “It’s not the unvaccinated creating these new strains. It’s the vaccinated who get infected who are creating these new strains.”
Read more/ Watch the 8:55 minute video at Citizen Free Press.

Sundance: Irony, Biden Administration Being Called Out By Health Officials for Political Booster Shots That Do Not Follow Science
The politics of COVID-19 are becoming too obvious. Joe Biden’s approval ratings are collapsing. In response the White House messaging team led by Chief of Staff Ron Klain drop back to the value of COVID fear and start promoting the need for multiple booster shots; or else. There appears to be a pattern as the same political messaging group behind California Governor Gavin Newsom are promoting the same approach. However, they have a problem. The Democrat reliance on the COVID fear as a political tool is wearing off; perhaps the panic has an expiration date, or perhaps people are starting to realize the politics of manipulated COVID messaging is just that, ‘political messaging’. The vaccine results from Israel undercut the U.S. vaccine narrative; simultaneously the open-society results from Sweden show how society can function without chasing endless mitigation efforts (ie masks) that provide no benefit.
Read more The Conservative Treehouse.


MDPI: Is a Mask That Covers the Mouth and Nose Free from Undesirable Side Effects in Everyday Use and Free of Potential Hazards?
Many countries introduced the requirement to wear masks in public spaces for containing SARS-CoV-2 making it commonplace in 2020. Up until now, there has been no comprehensive investigation as to the adverse health effects masks can cause. The aim was to find, test, evaluate and compile scientifically proven related side effects of wearing masks. For a quantitative evaluation, 44 mostly experimental studies were referenced, and for a substantive evaluation, 65 publications were found. The literature revealed relevant adverse effects of masks in numerous disciplines. In this paper, we refer to the psychological and physical deterioration as well as multiple symptoms described because of their consistent, recurrent and uniform presentation from different disciplines as a Mask-Induced Exhaustion Syndrome (MIES). […] For scientists, the prospect of continued mask use in everyday life suggests areas for further research. In our view, further research is particularly desirable in the gynecological (fetal and embryonic) and pediatric fields, as children are a vulnerable group that would face the longest and, thus, most profound consequences of a potentially risky mask use. Basic research at the cellular level regarding mask-induced triggering of the transcription factor HIF with potential promotion of immunosuppression and carcinogenicity also appears to be useful under this circumstance. Our scoping review shows the need for a systematic review. The described mask-related changes in respiratory physiology can have an adverse effect on the wearer’s blood gases sub-clinically and in some cases also clinically manifest and, therefore, have a negative effect on the basis of all aerobic life, external and internal respiration, with an influence on a wide variety of organ systems and metabolic processes with physical, psychological and social consequences for the individual human being. [NOTE: This research was published In April 2021 in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health ]
Read more at MDPI.

Mann: Calls mount to fire teacher in Chicago suburb as she shares LGBTQ+ activist books with third-graders
The public school teacher shared a Tik Tok of the books she uses to encourage activism among her young students. […] The tweet read, “Activist teacher shows off book collection she uses to indoctrinate 3rd grade students.” Some of the book titles included “Rainbow Revolutionaries,” “Queer Heroes,” and “Kid Activists.” Another video showed Crowe’s purchase of gay and bisexually themed stuffed animals that were bought to distribute to her 9-year-old students during Gay Pride month.
Read more at Just The News.
Watch the 28 second video.


Sundance: Congressman Markwayne Mullin Bears Personal Witness of Chaos and Discusses His Trip to Afghanistan
A fascinating interview with Oklahoma Congressman Markwayne Mullin as he describes the frantic effort to help stranded Americans in Afghanistan. {Direct Rumble Link} Rep Mullin was part of a rescue mission to Afghanistan that ran into a roadblock put into place by the U.S. State Department.
As more details begin to surface, it’s clear the U.S. State Department, now led by Anthony Blinken, was attempting to control chaos in Kabul and down-play events to avoid catastrophic political consequences. The story by Mullin is gripping and heartbreaking.
Read more/Watch the 10:03 minute interview at The Conservative Treehouse.

Miller: Time runs out for Afghan resistance: Taliban advance deep into last hold-out of Panjshir with rebels forces set to be overrun after they vowed to ‘fight to the death’ amid fears country is descending into civil war
Taliban fighters today advanced deep into the last holdout province of Panjshir, with analysts believing the resistance could collapse in a ‘fight to the death’, while a top US general has warned Afghanistan still faces a wider civil war that could fuel the resurgence of terror groups like ISIS. His stark warning came as the country’s former vice-president Amrullah Saleh said Afghanistan was on the brink of collapsing into a ‘large-scale humanitarian crisis’, with food and money becoming increasingly scarce. The Taliban is pushing ahead to crush resistance forces defending the mountainous Panjshir Valley, led by Saleh and Ahmad Massoud – the son of legendary anti-Taliban commander Ahmad Shah Massoud.
Read more at Daily Mail.


Glick: The Roots of America’s Defeat
In the aftermath of Sept. 11, then-President George W. Bush and his national security team put together the guiding assumptions for what came to be known as the global war on terror. In the years since then, some of the assumptions were updated, adapted or replaced as conditions on the ground evolved. But three of the assumptions that stood at the foundation of America’s military, intelligence and diplomatic planning and operations since then were not revisited, save for the final two years of the Trump administration. All three contributed significantly to America’s defeat in Afghanistan and its failure to win the war against global terror as a whole. The first assumption related to Pakistan, the second to Iran, and the third to Israel. By rights, Pakistan should have been the first domino to fall after the Sept. 11 attacks.
Read more at FrontPage Mag.


Bannons’s War Room (9/6/2021) Biden Is Deliberately Facilitating The Rise Of China
Bannon interviews Sam Faddis a retired Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operations officer.
Watch the 10 minute interview at Rumble.

(The article mentioned in the video above) Faddis: The Consequences Of Defeat – World Power Upended
In Washington, Joe Biden continues to describe his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan as a “great success.” At the Pentagon, we can be sure the awards ceremonies are already being planned. There will be medals and promotions all around, and no one – save a single Marine lieutenant-colonel who dared tell the truth – will face any consequences. Such is life in the imperial city where reality rarely intrudes. Meanwhile, in the real world where the rest of us have to live, the scope of the Afghan disaster grows bigger every day. The Taliban recently announced the results of its leadership conclave. Full 50% of the seats on the governing Shura council will be held by the Haqqanis or their allies. The Haqqani network is a designated international terrorist organization. Many of its principal leaders, who will be in senior positions in the new government, are officially considered terrorists by the U.S. government. Khalil Haqqani, who now runs security in Kabul has a $5 million bounty on his head. This new terrorist government has announced that China will be its principal ally. “China is our most important partner and represents a fundamental and extraordinary opportunity for us because it is ready to invest and rebuild our country,” Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid was quoted as saying.
Read more at AND Magazine.


Zanotti: Biden State Dept Says It Has No Resources To Rescue Trapped Flights In Afghanistan, No ‘Reliable Means’ To Confirm Details: Report
Responding to claims that it is blocking flights carrying Americans and lawful permanent residents (LPRs) from leaving Mazar-i-Sharif (MAZ) airport in Afghanistan, the Biden administration’s State Department reportedly admitted that it has few resources available to facilitate the evacuation and that they have no “reliable” information about the trapped flights. As the Daily Wire noted Sunday, there are conflicting reports as to who is preventing planes carrying individuals rescued by a non-governmental organization (NGO) from taking off from MAZ. Individuals associated with an organization handling the flights that the State Department is the only obstacle to the chartered planes leaving the airport, but sources close to the situation told the Daily Wire Sunday that while the State Department is not negotiating landing zones, the Taliban is also making significant demands, effectively creating a “hostage situation” on the ground in Afghanistan. A State Department official, however, . . .
Read more at The Daily Wire.

VDH: Biden and the Left-wing Standard of Attacking Presidents
As Joe Biden entered office in January 2021, there still roared a left-wing revolution, a woke madness spreading through popular culture and Congress, much of which he indirectly has aided and abetted. It has redefined not just politics but the rules of the presidency. And the eventual casualty of these radical shifts in protocols and customs will be—Joe Biden. […] Donald Trump was impeached over a phone call with the Ukrainian president for supposedly pressuring Ukraine, by the threat of holding up foreign aid, to conduct an investigation of the Biden family syndicate’s shenanigans. So, what are we to make then of Biden’s demand that the Afghan president lie to the world so that his fragile government did not appear in jeopardy, even if, Biden acknowledged, it, of course, was—with the added insinuation that Biden’s commitment to support the Afghan government with U.S. military power was predicated on his compliance with parroting such lies?
Read more at American Greatness.

Heine: U.S. Officials Looking Into Afghan Child Trafficking Amid Reports of Child Brides at Evacuation Intake Centers
The State Department is reportedly seeking “urgent guidance” from other agencies on how to deal with the troubling issue, after it emerged at intake centers in the United States and abroad. […] U.S. officials at intake centers in the United Arab Emirates and in Wisconsin have identified numerous incidents in which Afghan girls have been presented to authorities as the “wives” of much older men. While child marriage is not uncommon in Afghanistan, the U.S. has strict policies against human trafficking that include prosecutions for offenders and sanctions for countries that don’t crack down on it. […] . . .tens of thousands of Afghans who had no direct connection to our military were evacuated out of the country and now are en route to our country in the days ahead,” . . .
Read more at American Greatness.

Hoft: New Text Messages Reveal 2nd Battalion 1st Marines Were Given “a Countdown” Before Kabul Airport Bombing – It Started About Two Hours Out – They Are Now Being Silenced
Following the attack, one Marine wrote a text message to The Raid Team. The Marine who was on the scene disclosed that there was a countdown before the suicide bomber detonated himself. […] We took screengrabs from the Instagram account in case the account is flagged, censored or deleted by the far left tech giants. There was a countdown. From a Marine at the scene: “Yeah… it happened an hour after the last radio transmission about it. They said 10 minutes an IED is set to go off. 2 minutes an IED is set to go off. At 1627 an IED is going to go off. Then at 1730 something finally went off.”
Read more at The Gateway Pundit.


Flannery: A Patriot Speaks
If ever I feel worthy, Lincoln wrote, “it is when I contemplate the cause of my country deserted by all the world . . . and I standing up boldly and alone . . . hurling defiance at her victorious oppressors. Here, without contemplating consequences . . . I swear eternal fidelity to the just cause . . . of the land of my life, my Liberty, and my love . . . But if after all, we shall fail, be it so. We still shall have the proud consolation of saying to our consciences . . . we never faltered.” Tom Klingenstein concludes his recently released speech with this quotation from a speech a 30-year-old Abraham Lincoln delivered in the Hall of the House of Representatives in Springfield, Illinois in 1839. Klingenstein calls on all patriotic Americans, but especially all leaders of the Republican Party, to stand with him in hurling defiance at our near-victorious oppressors. America is engaged in what he and some others call a cold civil war. There are many ways in which to describe this war, but the simplest way seems also to be the most accurate: it is a war between those who think America is evil and must be destroyed and those who think America is good and must be preserved. The Democratic Party is led by and represents those who think America is evil (“systemically racist” as Democrats say); the Republican Party is led by and represents those who think America is good (even “great” as virtually all Republicans say). Republican leaders must think, talk, and act as if they are at war if there is to be any chance of saving our country. The odds are probably . . .
Read more at American Greatness.


(TYRANNY) Sundance: Australian State Premier Announces All Non-Vaccinated Citizens Will Be Locked Out of Economy, Freedom Only Permitted to Vaccinated
In a press conference yesterday from Victoria, Premier Daniel Andrews proclaimed that vaccinated citizens in the state of Victoria will be allowed out of lockdown in the near future. However, freedom as defined by access to medical treatment, the ability to work, shopping, attending events and engagement in the economy writ large, will not be permitted for any non-vaccinated citizen. Anyone who is not vaccinated will remain in locked-down isolation as enforced by the state. Watch this segment to get a taste of the totalitarian propaganda. The justification for withholding access to life in Victoria is based on a premise that vaccinated people do not contract COVID, therefore the coronavirus is a “virus of the unvaccinated.” That statement is a completely false position. As seen in the U.S., and all other nations around the world, the vaccinated population contracts COVID in the same way as the non-vaccinated.
Read more at The Conservative Treehouse>

Hoft: Canadian Protesters Chant “F*ck Trudeau!” and “Lock Him Up!” at His Ontario Campaign Stop (VIDEO)
Commie Trudeau Visiting Cambridge Ontario. Warm welcome from We The People.
Read more/Watch video clips at The Gateway Pundit.


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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