Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 15 minutes


Brianna Keiler CNN host asked HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra to respond to the criticism that the government has no right to know who is and isn’t vaccinated. His reply: “The federal government has had to spend trillions of dollars to try to keep Americans alive during this pandemic, so it is absolutely the government’s business.”

Eric Utter contributor to American Thinker: But why didn’t/doesn’t the government go door-to-door coercing Americans to get the regular flu vaccine, or to be vaccinated against mumps, measles, chickenpox, polio, or any other disease?

Dr. Peter McCullough internist and cardiologist, professor of medicine and editor of two major medical journals: “I believe that we’re under the application of a form of bioterrorism that’s worldwide, [and] that appears to have been many years in the planning.”


Tom Fitton Judicial Watch President: “Did the Biden administration weaponize the United States Postal Service to improperly spy on Americans?”

Tucker Carlson Fox News host: “I was in Washington for a funeral last week and ran into someone I know well, who said I have a message for you and then proceeded to repeat back to me details from e-mails and texts that I sent and had told no one else about. So it was verified, and this person said, ‘Look, the NSA has this’ – and that was proven by the person repeating back the contents of the e-mail – ‘and is going to use it against you,’”

Michelle Malkin conservative blogger and contributor to CNS News: It’s increasingly difficult to celebrate America’s independence and its purported freedoms when such brazen injustices are committed with impunity in the nation’s capital. Land of the free? LOL. How about: Free the Jan. 6 tapes. Not just Anderson’s 30 seconds, but all 14,000-plus hours of them.

J.D. Vance author and Ohio Republican candidate for U.S. Senate: “I think the big reason is that the right is really terrified of power. I think the left is enthusiastic about using power. The right is terrified of power.”

Stanley Kurtz is a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center and contributor to National Review: Stoner and Carrese point to the shaky cultural position of conservatives as a justification for collaborating with the Left. If we don’t join hands with the Left, we’ll only end up talking to ourselves, they say. (I couldn’t disagree more.) Yet, by their own admission, on the matter of protest civics, conservatives are not an embattled minority. On the contrary, here the Left is isolated and eager for cover from conservatives. Why help them sell their politicized version of civics to the country as a whole? Why give them cover at a time when opposition has every chance of success? This is not honest agreement on a minimum set of values shared across the political spectrum. On the contrary, it is a phony consensus — a consensus by surrender.

Tristan Justice contributor to The Federalist identifies a Colorado school district adding CRT requirements for graduation: “Students will develop critical thinking skills and expand their perspective on U.S. and world history, geography, civics, and economics through multiple lens, including social justice and intersectionality, in order to become responsible global citizens. Students will also “develop cross-cultural skills and cultural self-awareness through study and travel in order to advocate for diversity, inclusion, and equitability.”


Megan Redshaw contributor to The Defender: The historic scale of the COVID vaccination effort means thousands of people have contracted COVID after vaccination, Nashville Public Radio reported. The experience has become so common the CDC stopped reporting breakthrough cases unless a patient is hospitalized or dies.

Lyn Redwood Children’s Health Defense President: “The pandemic has resulted in the largest-ever massive global effort to convince, and in some cases coerce and bully people into not only being vaccinated, but to accept without question unlicensed, experimental vaccines, rushed to market and approved for emergency use only.”

U.S. nuncio Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò condemns Pope Francis’ endorsement of Father James Martin homosexuality-promoting priest: “It is a suicidal gesture in which the leaders of the Church surrender unconditionally to the antichristic ideology of globalism and hand over the entire flock of Christ as a hostage to the Enemy, abdicating their role as Pastors and showing themselves for who they really are: mercenaries and traitors.”

Sarah Cowgill contributor to Liberty Nation: There’s a new variant of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) sweeping through the ranks of the Fourth Estate – and there is no known vaccination. The DeSantis Strain now appears in media accounts as responsible for all this country’s ills. Could its effect force the progressive left to resort to tactics previously reserved for the 45th president?


Widburg: More indicators that China is preparing for a hot war
When I heard that websites were claiming that a “top Japanese leader” had said that he feared that China was preparing a Pearl Harbor-style attack against the U.S., I assumed that this story came from clickbait sites and was ready to discount it. However, Thomas Lifson caught up with the fact that this wasn’t clickbait at all. Instead, it came from Japan’s State Defense Minister, who warned that China and Russia are partnering to threaten all sorts of Pacific bases, from Hawaii to Taiwan. […] In addition to goose-stepping soldiers and displays of China’s massive military might, Bolt noted that Xi’s speech was decided bloodthirsty: It was frightening enough that Xi threatened “foreign forces” he’d “crack their heads and spill blood”. Worse, was that in paragraph after key paragraph he . . . […] To add to that scary “It’s 1939 all over again” vibe, veteran China watcher Gordon G. Chang is writing about the way that Beijing is taking steps that indicate China intends to invade India: . . . […] In the same article, Chang notes that even the Washington Post sees cause for concern in China’s actions and Xi’s words: . . . […] I don’t think China is planning to wage war. I think China is already waging war. It began with industrial espionage, moved to using prison and slave labor to undercut Western manufacturing, and then bought up the world’s politicians, tech tyrants, and industrialists, either with straight cash bribes or with the promise of unparalleled riches from the Chinese market. The fourth phase was COVID.
Read more at American Thinker.

Bannons War Room: The CCP Wants To ‘Divert Attention’ From COVID Origin
A warning to America that the CCP will release another virus.
Watch the 8 minute interview at Rumble.

Winters: WATCH: Bush Brother Admits Top Chinese Communist Propagandist Is “Old Family Friend.”
The son of former President George H. W. Bush, Neil Bush’s participation in a 20-minute exclusive interview with China Global Television Network (CGTN) follows an Axios report revealing his foundation agreed to accept $1 million per year from 2019 to 2023 from the China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF). CUSEF functions as part of the Chinese Communist Party’s “United Front” – a billion-dollar, military-linked effort that seeks to “co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition to the policies and authority” of the Chinese government. […] Neil Bush also insists that the Biden White House is successfully reversing the Trump administration’s efforts to confront the Chinese Communist Party.
Read more/ Watch the 5 minute interview at The National Pulse.

Bateman & Zeng: 4 Ethics-Breaking Biological Experiments Touted By Chinese Scientists as ‘World Firsts’
Throughout the world, scientific research and experiments involving ethical issues must first pass the scrutiny of ethics committees. In recent years, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has conducted many experiments in the field of biomedical and genetic engineering that break human ethical boundaries.
China began implementing the Ethical Review of Biomedical Research Involving Humans on Dec. 1, 2016. However, 122 Chinese scientists who co-signed an open letter in 2018 to oppose gene-edited babies criticized China’s biomedical ethics review as a “sham.” In the United States, as ethical and moral regulations on animal research have become stricter, budgets and funding have tended to decrease in recent years, making China the most attractive place for such experiments. For example, in 2014, the U.S. government imposed a funding pause of gain of function research involving influenza, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronaviruses, and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) coronaviruses. In 2019, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that it would stop conducting or funding studies on mammals by 2035. In 2011, the CCP made it a national development goal to create primate disease models through cloning and other biotechnologies. According to the 2020 China Biomedical Industry Development Report published by Chinese Venture, “the overall biopharmaceutical market in China increased from $28.7 billion to $49.6 billion from 2016 to 2019, at a CAGR (Compound annual growth rate) of 20 percent. It is expected to reach $130.2 billion in 2025.” Below are four experiments conducted by Chinese scientists that Chinese state media touted as “world firsts.” Experiment 1: . . .
Read more at Free Republic.

Johnson: Communist China ‘State-Affiliated’ News Agency Mocks America’s 4th of July
The Chinese publication on July 5 tweeted, “How a gun-happy nation spends its #FourthofJuly weekend,” along with a propaganda cartoon depicting men in suits toasting their cocktails “to freedom,” while a man waves firearms in the air next to bullet casings, blood spatter, and a grave labeled “death from firearm.” […] They began the anti-America tirade on the 4th of July, sharing a tweet that read, “How many deaths must the world suffer before a baby learns to share? Stop #VaccineNationalism,” next to a graphic of a man dressed as a baby and donning an American flag hat. The man also appears to be hoarding a pile of syringes labeled “Covid-19 vaccine” while saying “All mine!”
Read more at CNS News.


Bannons War Room: Biden Administration Riddled With Chinese Operatives
Trevor Louden author, filmmaker and communism and subversion specialist is interviewed.
Watch the 4:42 minute video at Rumble.

McCarthy: The Four Horsemen of our Apocalypse: George Soros, Xi Jinping, Bill Gates, and Joe Biden
The New Testament’s book of Revelations has long puzzled and inspired Biblical scholars as to the meaning of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Most agree that they represent four catastrophes that will befall humanity during the “end times.” The White Horse’s rider carries a bow and wears a crown. He is generally thought to symbolize conquest. Fast-forward to today and consider the work of George Soros. For decades he has spent millions of his billions on his quest to destroy the United States and other nations. He recruits and funds Antifa and BLM, supplies their riot gear and weapons, pays for their transportation and accommodations where necessary. He funds the political campaigns of pro-criminal anti-victim district attorneys like Chesa Boudin in San Francisco and Kim Gardner in St. Louis. Crime is skyrocketing in each city a Soros-funded DA holds office. These anti-American radicals engender violence and chaos and renounce law and order. They have defunded the police. Along with the rest of left and the founders of BLM, Soros is committed to undermining all traditional American values and to promoting anything in opposition to those values. Like the rider of the white horse, he has succeeded wildly over the past twenty years. The Red Horse is, appropriately, the General Secretary of China, Xi Jinping, leader of the Chinese Communist Party. Aside from his . . . […] Bill Gates and his acolytes like Anthony Fauci could very well be riders of the Black Horse. The rider of the third horse . . . […] The rider of the last horse, the Pale Horse, is death and “Hades followed with him.” Certainly, everyone not wearing ideological blinders knows by now that Joe Biden . . . […] Is there a cultural realignment, a patriots’ rebellion, a second American Revolution afoot? There is evidence that this is true all around us. Parents are . . .
[…] Our four horsemen must be relegated to the visions of the Apostle John and defeated by an energized America.
Read more at American Thinker.


Bannons War Room: Maricopa Cover-Up: Supervisors refuse to be “Compliant”
Jordan Conradson is interviewed.
Watch the 11 minute interview at Rumble.


McFall: Harris announces $25 million plan to target GOP voting laws
The new spending measure is a part of an “I Will Vote Campaign” as the party heads into the 2022 midterm elections and looks to maintain the higher rate of voting that occurred during the 2020 general election. “This is the fight of our nation’s lifetime,” Harris said during an event at Howard University in Washington, D.C., a historically Black college and her alma mater. “I want to make clear that this is about all voters…this is not about Democrats or Republicans, this is about Americans,” Harris said. “We want to help you vote, and we want to help make sure your vote is counted. And that is because our democracy is strongest when everyone participates, and it is weaker…when people are left out.”
Read more at Fox News.


Sundance: Day Two – The Fourth Branch of Government, The Intelligence Branch
If we start with this interview between Tucker Carlson and Glenn Greenwald, we can see they get a lot of the foundation correct, but they misaligned the cornerstone. […] When Obama was installed, Dianne Feinstein was the Chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI), and Democrat operative Dan Jones was her lead staffer. Feinstein was completely controlled by those around her including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. The CIA was in the process of turning over personnel following the Bush era, and as a result of a massive multi-year narrative of diminished credibility (Iraq WMD), a deep purge was underway. Obama/Holder were in the process of shifting intelligence alignment and the intensely political Democrat Leader Harry Reid was a key participant.
Read more/Watch the 6 minute video at The Conservative Treehouse.

Children’s Health Defense Team: Watch 1-Hour Version of Censored Interview With Inventor of mRNA Vaccine Technology
In June, Dr. Bret Weinstein interviewed Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, and Steve Kirsch, philanthropist and tech entrepreneur who has become a respected force in the quest to give voice to people who have been harmed by COVID vaccines. The 3.5 hour “DarkHorse Podcast” interview was censored on YouTube and other major social media platforms. Five days after the DarkHorse podcast was published, Malone’s scientific accomplishments and contributions were scrubbed from Wikipedia. Thanks to filmmaker Mikki Willis and his team for creating this 1-hour version of the original podcast exclusive for The Defender.
Read more/Watch the podcast at Children’s Health Defense.


(From 6/10/21 – civics curriculum – H/T DC) Stanley Kurtz: Consensus by Surrender
James R. Stoner Jr. and Paul Carrese ask why so many conservatives — such as Mark Bauerlein, John Fonte, Scott Yenor, and me (they forgot to add Joy Pullmann) — are “deriding and denouncing” the supposedly bipartisan Educating for American Democracy (EAD) initiative for K–12 civics. Well, maybe it’s because we’ve read it. Stoner and Carrese were among the handful of conservatives who contributed to EAD. Unfortunately, the broader EAD coalition is overwhelmingly dominated by the Left. The pudding proves it. The EAD “roadmap” and its associated reports are thoroughly progressive in both their underlying assumptions and their details. Sure, there’s a bit of conventional civics in this mix, and the tiniest smidgen of conservatism, for the sake of claiming bipartisanship. In the end, however, the conservative contribution to EAD adds all the weight of a few flakes of parmesan sprinkled on a heaping plate of chops. That’s not the worst of it. The EAD report and roadmap are but one move in a sophisticated political game by which the Left means to force protest civics (leftist political protest and lobbying as a “civics” requirement) onto every school in the country — with a generous helping of critical race theory to boot. […] Consider the final two questions in Theme 5 of the roadmap: (1) What is the relationship between protest and social change? (2) How is “power analysis” relevant to the project of bringing change? Here we have protest civics in the roadmap. If you’re wondering about “power analysis,” it’s a technique imported into protest civics from Alinsky-style community organizing (figuring out who to target with pressure and how to bring them to heel). The practice of “power analysis” as an essential component of protest civics is favored by . . .
Read more at National Review.

Center for Renewing America: The Left Claims CRT Isn’t Taught in Schools. Here’s the Proof.
The Left keeps saying that Critical Race Theory (CRT) is not taught in schools—but that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Watch the 1:29 minute video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orC-qyyEa9o
(June 10, 2021) Parents can stop CRT teaching in classrooms (4:04 minute video) .

Quackenboss: A letter to parents planning to vaccinate their children for COVID
I noticed your post the other day – the one about making sure your child wears a mask until they can be vaccinated this fall – when the Pfizer COVID vaccine will be awarded emergency authorization for use in kids under 12. You know my stance on this specific issue, and of course, I know yours, but I hope this note finds you open and willing to receive some information before you finalize that monumental decision for your child. Mainstream media haven’t reported much on the children and young adults harmed by these vaccines, so I understand that their stories may not have made it onto your radar. I’d like to tell you about a couple of them. The next child is Jacob Clynick. Jacob was 13 years old when he received the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine on June 13, 2021. He died three days later of an enlarged heart and myocarditis, which is inflammation of the inner heart wall. The CDC says it’s “investigating” Jacob’s death. You can read about Jacob here. Then there is Kamryn Thomas. She was 17 . . . […] While there are numerous 17-21 year old young men in the media who have nearly died of heart inflammation or blood clots in the brain after taking the vaccines, I’ll give you the story of Simone Scott as my last example. Simone was a 19-year-old college student . . . […] No verbal warning is required for the young people receiving the vaccine and they do not need to be directed to read or specifically acknowledge the warning in writing. […] In order to come to the “benefits outweigh the risks” conclusion, ACIP had to engage in a little sleight of hand. Rather than comparing all risks from a COVID infection to all risks from taking the vaccine, or just comparing myocarditis in minors with COVID to myocarditis in minors from the vaccine, they instead . . .
Read more at Life Site News.

Children’s Health Defense: Teen who had heart attack after COVID vaccine tells RFK, Jr.: ‘I thought it was safe’
Hours after attending his college graduation, Isaiah Harris was rushed to the emergency room after complaining of being unable to breathe. Once at the hospital, Harris suffered a heart attack while waiting for treatment. Harris was diagnosed with inflammation of the heart, or myocarditis. The condition was later attributed to Pfizer’s COVID vaccine — but doctors initially refused to believe his condition had anything to do with the vaccine, Harris told Children’s Health Defense Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., on the RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast.
Read more at Children’s Health Defense.

Redshaw: Dad: My Son’s School Made Him Get a COVID Vaccine, Now He Has a Heart Condition
A 17-year-old student developed symptoms of a heart condition about one week after his first dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine and was subsequently diagnosed with a heart condition, his father said Tuesday on “Fox & Friends.” The teen already had COVID and recovered, but was required to get the vaccine in order to play soccer. The teen’s father, Fabio Berlingieri, said his son was vaccinated on June 15, and about a week later started complaining that “his heart was hurting every time he had a heartbeat.”
Read more/Watch the 4:26 minute video at Children’s Health Defense.

(From 1/25/21) Injured by a Vaccine? Here’s How to Report It
Children’s Health Defense (CHD) has joined other organizations around the globe in an effort to encourage, and make it easy, for vaccine recipients to report injuries and adverse reactions to any vaccines, including the new COVID vaccines produced by Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and others. CHD asks that anyone who suspects they have suffered any kind of adverse side effect, from any vaccine, do all three of the following: . . .
Read more at Children’s Health Defense.


Westen: EXCLUSIVE – Abp. Viganò rebukes pro-LGBT Cardinals Cupich, Gregory, Tobin: They’re ‘unworthy to celebrate’ Mass
Explaining the teaching of the Church on the touchy subject of homosexuality, Archbishop Viganò said, “The Church, faithful to the teaching of her Head, is Mother and not stepmother: she does not indulge her children’s weaknesses and inclination to sin, but she admonishes them, exhorts them, and punishes them with medicinal sanctions in order to lead every soul to the purpose for which it has been created, that is, eternal beatitude.” “It is necessary to show, with patient but firm spiritual direction,” he said, “that every human being has a supernatural destiny and a path of suffering and sacrifices that temper him and make him worthy of his eternal reward. There is no Resurrection without Calvary, no victory without a fight!”
Read more at Life Site News.

McLean: Cardinal Sarah on the crisis in the priesthood: ‘Today we no longer speak of souls’
An eminent African cardinal has strongly emphasized the identity of the Catholic priest as the caretaker of souls. “Today we speak little about the Gospel and we don’t speak about souls anymore,” Cardinal Robert Sarah, the former Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship, said in a recent interview.
“Pastoral care today is concerned principally with the body, life, material things,” he added. “Thus, when Jesus says, ‘What does it profit a man that he should gain the whole world but lose his soul’, all the modern translations say ‘but lose his own life’ (Matt 16:26).” The cardinal pointed out that the Latin words of the pious centurion “and my soul shall be healed,” repeated by Catholics before Holy Communion, have been rendered “and I will be saved” in Italian. “The priest has the care of souls,” Sarah stated firmly. […] “The priestly life falls victim to this crisis of modernity,” Sarah said.
Read more at Life Site News.


Read more at America Renewing.

O’Neil: The National Archives Provides a Chilling Taste of the Institutionalized Woke-ism Infecting America
Last month, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) released a report on combatting the “institutional racism” at the National Archives. The report represents the creeping invasion of institutional woke-ism, complete with calls for a new lexicon to push “anti-racist terminology” . . […] The executive summary gives three examples of “structural racism,” including “a preponderance of BIPOC [black, indigenous, people of color] in lower-paying, lower-status jobs and the preponderance of White people in higher-paying, higher-status jobs; legacy descriptions that use racial slurs… to describe BIPOC communities; and a Rotunda in our flagship building that lauds wealthy White men in the nation’s founding while marginalizing BIPOC, women, and other communities.” […] In the name of fighting racism, the NARA report recommends a permanent inquisition into the National Archives’ supposed racism, “permanent bodies” to constantly push NARA in a leftist direction, more tax dollars to hire politically motivated staff, staffing procedures specifically designed to cater to certain races, leftist critical race theory training materials, and partnerships with leftist groups. Just how much money will this institutional Wokeism cost? The task force does not provide an estimate.
Read more at PJ Media.


O’Neil: BREAKING: 36 States and D.C. Take Google to Court
On Wednesday, the attorneys general of 36 states and the District of Columbia filed an anti-trust lawsuit against Google. The bipartisan lawsuit echoes a similar case that Fortnite-maker Epic Games brought against the search giant last August, challenging Google’s surcharge on apps that use its Google Play Store.
The lawsuit brought Republican AGs like Sean Reyes (Utah), Herbert Slatery III (Tenn.), Mark Brnovich (Ariz.), and Doug Peterson (Neb.) together with Democratic AGs like Josh Stein (N.C.), Letitia James (N.Y.), Philip Weiser (Colo.), and Thomas J. Miller (Iowa), Politico reported. The lawsuit alleges . . .
Read more at PJ Media.


Nobel: Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race In America – A Book Review
Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race In American Charles Murray, Encounter Books
There is likely no other intellectual today willing to write on the controversies in social science concerning human achievement with the courage and wisdom of Charles Murray. Universities used to be the place where anything could be discussed and reasonable people could work out their disagreements with each other. But the universities are now failed institutions and have become a crude echo chamber for left wing views. They in fact became the conduit to inject discord into the greater society. And outside of the university, the freedom to express controversial ideas has narrowed in the public square. Media monopolies routinely utilize shaming, book banning, boycotting and ‘canceling’ against those they disagree with. On the ground there is harassment and even physical assaults on those that disagree with the leftist narrative. Murray himself has been a victim of this. Hence, we regard him as courageous. […] His basic theme is that ruling elites who are pushing what they call “equity”, identity politics and critical race theory are playing with fire. Whether they intend to divide the country, invite a severe backlash or dismantle and transform the United States as it currently exists, this is what they are doing. Further, he contends, what they are attempting to do simply flies in the face of reality itself. He borrows a neat definition of reality . . .
Read more at The Prickly Pear.


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Harris/Obama/Biden leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.