Critical Race Theory Make People “Hate Themselves”
In schools and workplaces across the nation, employees like those of the Manchester School District are engaged in sensitivity training that is steeped in “critical race theory.” In the program used by this New Hampshire school system, such training took a radical – and racist – turn as it declared “whiteness a pillar of white supremacy.”
As reported by the New Hampshire Journal, district employees were given “mandated completion dates” to read papers and to view webinars such as Learning for Justice’s “What is White Privilege, Really?” which labeled “white privilege as both personal and systemic” and made the aforementioned comment about whiteness and white supremacy.
Despite the stated deadlines, Manchester School District spokesman Andrew Toland has since claimed the training was not mandatory. But it was endorsed because, he said, the system wants “to foster critical thinking about race and facilitate meaningful discussion amongst employees about the role of racism in our schools.”
In a OneNewsNow report about this instance and the overall problem of critical race theory, Project 21 member Vince Ellison remarked that schools have become “indoctrination centers.”
He added:
It’s not about teaching ABC’s, 1,2,3, or things about teaching the culture of America. It’s about teaching the culture of the left.
And the lessons that are learned, Vince said, risk doing more harm than good.
White Americans will “learn to hate themselves; they’ll learn to hate their whiteness. It’s not doing them any good,” he said, adding that black Americans will also not benefit, “because white people hating their whiteness is not going to make black people any better.”