Arizona News – June 1, 2021
The Prickly Pear will provide current, linked articles about Arizona consistent with our Mission Statement to ‘inform, educate and advocate’. We are an Arizona based website and believe this information should be available to all of our statewide readers.
Corporation Commission Rejects the Will of the Voters, Adopts Prop-127-Styled Energy Mandates
Ducey Returns To Town, Vetoes 22 Bills Over Budget Stalemate
Court Of Appeals Ruling Could Save Arizonans Time And Money In Settling Lawsuits
Defunding the Police Would Be a Disaster for the City of Phoenix
Yee joins other state treasurers in divestment threat over fossil fuels
Arizona health care system ranked among nation’s worst
Survey: Arizonans favor a flat tax
Both Republican and Democrat Voters Show Their Support for Election Integrity Bills in New Poll