Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 22 minutes



Boyd: Here Are 5 Brands Celebrating Men In Costumes This Women’s History Month

Anything women can do, men in dresses can do better.” That’s the message from major American corporations and tech giants on International Women’s Day in 2023. Already, cities, organizations like the ACLU, politicians like Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and members of the Biden administration, including First Lady Jill Biden, are choosing to share this special month and day with men. Now, even the companies you likely engage with daily are pushing women out of their Women’s History Month campaigns to make room for confused men. Here are five international brands that chose to use men as the face of their celebrations of female-led advancements.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2023/03/08/here-are-5-brands-celebrating-men-in-costumes-this-womens-history-month/

(So thoroughly Indoctrinated) Citizen Free Press: What do women think about sharing locker rooms with men…

Savanah Hernandez ventures into the mind of Leftists.

Watch both 2:48 minute video interviews: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/what-do-women-think-about-sharing-locker-rooms-with-men/

Emma Heussner 3/8/23 tweet: Jill Biden presents an “International Women Of Courage Award” to a biological male on #InternationalWomensDay at the White House

Watch the 31 second clip: https://twitter.com/emmaheussner/status/1633659412131848193?cxt=HHwWgoC9gY6l9qstAAAA


John Horvat contributor to The Imaginative Conservative: Secession solves none of America’s problems. It will only accelerate the processes of moral decadence and national destruction. Only the arduous fight for a return to God and a moral order will provide the way out of the present crisis for all Americans.

William F. Jasper contributor to The New American: The foundation for ESG was laid more than 30 years ago by the Business Council for Sustainable Development (BCSD) at the 1992 Earth Summit. For that UN confab in Rio de Janeiro, the BCSD effected a carefully timed release for its book entitled, Changing Course: A Global Perspective on Development and the Environment. Accompanied by the scripted hosannahs of the global press, it introduced much of the world to “responsible investing,” by which was meant a new form of “capitalism” with an enviro-socialist twist.

Ryan McMaken contributor to Rockwell.com: It is no accident that talk of the “meritocracy” tends to revolve around institutions that are tightly regulated by government agencies and enjoy close partnerships with the federal government. Major universities, heavily dependent on federal grants, have long worked with governments hand in hand to enforce the whims of powerful industrial interest groups and cartels.

John Solomon investigative journalist and founder of Just the News: The Democrat-constructed narrative of the Jan. 6 riot will continue to morph as more security footage from the Capitol emerges and people get to see that hundreds of protesters were let into the Capitol through a door left open and unguarded at times by police, says former Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairman Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.).

Jeffrey A. Tucker contributor to Brownstone Institute: Theory without a reality check can make the world unlivable. This is because theorists can build beautiful models that hide grave errors, intentionally or not, and there is no means by which their mistakes are revealed until you test them against the real world. You never want them in charge of the whole project.

 Jonathon Van Maren contributor to Lifesite News: Suffering from mental illness? We offer you suicide. Struggling to live with a disability and in need of desperate support? We offer you suicide. Suffering horribly after a traumatizing victimization? Suicide. Lonely? Suicide. Sick? Suicide. Suicidal? Suicide.  This slippery slope with a pile of corpses at the bottom and a lineup at the top – and a government spokesperson telling the crowd to step right this way to access your state-given right to die with dignity. Your suffering can be ended – not by the assistance you so badly need, but at the end of a needle.

Selwyn Duke contributor to The New American: Fevered and fearful, or perhaps fearsome, media claimed that Daily Wire podcast host Michael Knowles said in a CPAC speech that “transgender” people should be “eradicated.” While he made no such remark, there’s not even the slightest possibility such a quasi-genocide could occur, for a simple reason: You can’t eradicate people who don’t exist. Oh, “transgenderism,” which is a political and social movement, certainly exists. What should be called sexual identity disorder also exists. And people masquerading as the opposite sex exist. But no one is “transgender” because humans don’t have “gender” (words do) but the quality called “sex” — and you can’t transition from one sex to the other.

Nicole Russell contributor to Human Events: Women’s History Month is officially the month of March, taking a cue from International Women’s Day, which is March 8. It’s still early, but already, instead of honoring the incredible women who spearheaded change in this country, social media is full of nods to “Women+,” a term created for women and non-binary people, as well as transgender men and biological males who live as women.

Mia Ashton contributor to Post Millennial: Girls Scouts began accepting male children who have been led to believe that their gender nonconformity makes them girls in the early 2010s. In 2011, the national organization for girls announced that “Girl Scouts is for anyone that identifies as a girl, including transgender girls,” according to a Wired article at the time.


Shurk: There’s Something about MAGA

In So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish (the fourth book in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy “trilogy of six books”), Douglas Adams brutalizes “democracy” in a hilarious exchange: “On its world, the people are people.  The leaders are lizards.  The people hate the lizards and the lizards rule the people.”

“Odd,” said Arthur.  “I thought you said it was a democracy.” “I did,” said Ford.  “It is.” “So,” said Arthur, hoping he wasn’t sounding ridiculously obtuse, “why don’t the people get rid of the lizards?” “It honestly doesn’t occur to them,” said Ford.  “They’ve all got the vote, so they all pretty much assume that the government they voted in more or less approximates to the government they want.” “You mean they actually vote for the lizards?” “Oh yes,” said Ford with a shrug, “of course.” “But,” said Arthur, going in for the big one again, “why?” “Because if they didn’t vote for a lizard,” said Ford, “the wrong lizard might get in.” That is America’s Uniparty system in a nutshell!  Republican, Democrat, whatever — they’re all lizards.  Then someone who doesn’t speak lizard comes along — Donald Trump — and the “democracy” loses its collective mind. […]  When President Trump took the stage at this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference and pledged to “totally obliterate the Deep State” if voters re-elected him, he made it crystal-clear that the war between the people and the lizards will be one for the ages.  […]  The whole appearance reminded me of his 2017 inaugural address, when he ascended the dais with all of Washington’s illustrious Establishment Class seated directly behind him, and proceeded to rip them to shreds before the world: . . . […]  President Trump’s Hunger Games speech was an unprecedented attack on the Establishment authorities watching in amazement.

Read more at American Thinker.


War Room: The Transgender Movement Is All About The Politics, Destruction Of The Individual And Family

Dr. Peter Breggin, M.D. author of COVID-19 and Global Predators: We are the prey is interviewed. Transgender movement is part of the globalist agenda.

Watch this disturbing 6:43 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v2c93gm-the-transgender-movement-is-all-about-the-politics-destruction-of-the-indiv.html

Jasper: Biden’s ESG: The BlackRock-Davos-UN Agenda Gets Smacked by Congress, States, Markets

Opposition to “woke” ESG corporatism is snowballing, as Joe Biden and Larry Fink found out this past week. Fink is the billionaire CEO of BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager with $8 trillion under management. He is also one of Biden’s biggest boosters and the most prominent corporate promoter of ESG, the controversial rating system that is pushing companies to adopt “progressive” Soros-style policies rather than carry out their legal and fiduciary responsibilities to their shareholders. ESG, which stands for Environment, Social, and Governance, is a scheme aimed at pressuring businesses into joining the politically correct stampede on climate change, decarbonization, sustainable development, and so-called social justice and racial justice issues such as gun control, abortion rights, LGBTQ equity, and critical race theory. Although ESG has only hit the general public’s radar screens in the past year or so, the ESG program, like most globalist intrigues, has been quietly in the works for decades. (We will return to that important history in a moment.) However, with the dangers of ESG now far more readily apparent, opposition is belatedly forming. Congress is stepping into the breach. State legislatures, governors, and attorney generals are also taking action. On Tuesday, February 28, the U.S. House of Representatives fired the first salvo aimed at . . .

Read more/Watch the short video clips: https://thenewamerican.com/bidens-esg-the-blackrock-davos-un-agenda-gets-smacked-by-congress-states-markets/


Newman: CO2 “Good for the World,” Should be Celebrated: Former Trump Climate Advisor

Carbon dioxide is actually good for the planet and should be encouraged rather than demonized and taxed, explained Princeton Physics Professor Emeritus Dr. William Happer in this interview with The New American magazine’s Alex Newman. Dr. Happer, who served as Climate Advisor to Donald Trump and helped start the CO2 Coalition, blasted the idea of “carbon taxes,” calling it a combination of people being misinformed, having nothing to believe in, and opportunists seeking to get money through the scam. “It’s the same evil fanaticism that has plagued mankind since we began,” he said. If they get their way, it will be like other totalitarian systems, with potential similarities to the Soviet system. There is no crisis, he added. “It’s simply a waste of money, a power grab,” he said. “Use your common sense.”

Listen to the audio interview: https://thenewamerican.com/co2-good-for-the-world-should-be-celebrated-former-trump-climate-advisor/


Heine: Former CDC Director Robert Redfield: Gain-of Function Research Likely ‘Caused the Greatest Pandemic Our World Has Seen’

ormer Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) director Dr. Robert Redfield testified on Wednesday that gain-of-function research has never produced a treatment or a life-saving vaccine that he’s aware of and “probably caused the greatest pandemic our world has seen.” The doctor also said he was kept out of the loop when NIAID Director Anthony Fauci and other virologists were formulating their talking points on the origin of COVID-19. Redfield and three other expert witnesses appeared before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic to discuss the origins of COVID-19.

Redfield, a virologist, was director of the CDC from 2018 to 2021, and served on former President Trump’s Coronavirus Task Force throughout 2020.

“As a member of the task force and head of the CDC, did he share that email with you?” Jordan asked.

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2023/03/08/former-cdc-director-robert-redfield-gain-of-function-research-likely-caused-the-greatest-pandemic-our-world-has-seen/


Salgado: Garland Won’t Say How Many FBI Plants Are in Catholic Churches

And in the latest episode of how your government ignores real problems to destroy peaceful patriots, Attorney General Merrick Garland will not say how many FBI informants are in Catholic churches, claiming he doesn’t know. Sort of like how the FBI didn’t know it was involved in (and possibly organized) the January 6 “riot” until it was proved otherwise? A January FBI memo urged investigation of allegedly “racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists” in traditional Catholic communities and urged “‘the exploration of new avenues for tripwire and source developments’ against traditionalist Catholics, including those who favor the Latin Mass.” I bet those radicals even open-carry rosaries!!! Horrifying! The FBI’s source for the supposedly racist and hateful activities of traditional Catholics was the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), an extremely biased, radical leftist group that attempts to bankrupt conservative organizations by labeling them “hate groups.” The FBI has since claimed it removed the anti-Catholic memo from its database.

Read more: https://pricklypear.news/garland-wont-say-how-many-fbi-plants-are-in-catholic-churches/

Jardine: The Bio-Security Cabal: A 20-Year Entrenchment

Bill Frist was the 2003-2007 US Senate majority leader who championed the USA’s biodefence projects and promoted the concept of a ‘Manhattan Project’ against a pandemic. He was also the politician who sponsored the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP) Act of December 2005 as soon as the World Health Organisation’s International Health Regulations had been amended to include a provision enabling the WHO to declare Public Health Emergencies of International Concern (PHEIC). Critically it was this Act that established indemnity for the manufacturers of therapeutics, vaccines or diagnostics released during the course of a public health emergency against any and all harm caused.  Also working to influence US national biosecurity policy was Dr Robert Kadlec. Working with him, and principally under the auspices of the Johns Hopkins Centre for Health Security (founded by Dr Tara O’Toole in 1998) were other participants in Operation Dark Winter, the code name for a senior-level situational simulation conducted on June 22-23, 2001, designed to wargame a covert and widespread smallpox bio-terrorist attack on the United States. These biosecurity hawks included O’Toole and Tom Inglesby of the Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Strategies (CCBS).  When O’Toole was nominated some years later to serve in the Department of Homeland Security in 2009, critics warned of her paranoia. Microbiologist Dr Richard Ebright, one of the scientists who, in May 2021, called for a full and unrestricted international forensic investigation into the origins of Covid-19, said it was a disastrous nomination: . . . […]  It was during a Clade X discussion on manufacturing capacity sufficient to end the fictitious pandemic through vaccination that O’Toole said: ‘Industry are more than willing to help but vaccines are very specific creatures that are difficult to turn to new purposes.’ We’re going to have to go to innovative manufacturing methods that will require a lot of leniency from the FDA and the understanding of the American people that we’re doing things on an emergency basis so every box in terms of safety and risk assessment may not be checked. But the vaccine is the only way forward.’ [My emphasis] This was clear advocacy for vaccines as the exit strategy for the Clade X novel parainfluenza virus pandemic, and later once the Covid pandemic was underway, was to be the only exit offered to lockdown.

Read more: https://brownstone.org/articles/the-bio-security-cabal-a-20-year-entrenchment/


War Room: Bipartisan “Dogs” | Darren Beattie Calls Out Senate Republicans’ Globalist Policies And Rhetoric

Watch the 4:39 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v2c8niq-bipartisan-dogs-darren-beattie-calls-out-senate-republicans-globalist-polic.html

War Room: Darren Beattie Walksthrough The Establishment’s Coordination Organization: The Cathedral

The concept is that in the U.S which Beattie calls the  Globalist American Empire you have all the major institutions coordinated to a singular large ideology.

Watch the 4:33 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v2c8ps4-darren-beattie-walksthrough-the-establishments-coordination-organization-th.html


Clark: McCarthy Declines Zelenskyy’s Invite To Visit Ukraine

Speaker Kevin McCarthy has decided to forgo an official invitation to visit Ukraine, according to reports. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy extended the same courtesy to the current House speaker as he did with McCarthy’s predecessor, Nancy Pelosi. However, unlike Pelosi, McCarthy declined the gesture, according to the US News and World Report.

Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2023/03/08/mccarthy-declines-zelenskyy-invite-ukraine/

 Piper: Democrats cry white supremacy at COVID origins hearing as experts make scientific case for lab leak

The steady release of Anthony Fauci’s early 2020 communications with scientists who depended on his good graces for research funding has left Democratic lawmakers with few options for defending their early characterization of the COVID-19 lab-leak hypothesis as a conspiracy theory and blocking declassification legislation on COVID origins. They fell back on familiar themes at the first hearing of the Republican-led House coronavirus pandemic subcommittee Wednesday — white supremacy and former President Trump’s failures — while now questioning whether the world could ever pin down COVID’s origin. […]

Subcommittee Republicans released a memo earlier this month citing newly obtained communications from Scripps Research Institute immunologist Kristian Andersen that say Fauci “prompted” him and other scientists to write the “Proximal Origin” paper dismissing lab-leak. He also confirmed that pangolin coronavirus sequences did not “refute a lab origin.”

Read more/Don’t miss watching all of the imbedded video:  https://justthenews.com/government/congress/democrats-cry-white-supremacy-covid-origins-hearing-experts-make-case-lab-leak

War Room: Solomon: 30 Whistleblowers Have Come Forward About The Weaponization Of Law Enforcement

Watch the 8:38 minute John Solomon interview: https://rumble.com/v2c8zey-30-whistleblowers-have-come-forward-about-the-weaponization-of-law-enforcem.html


Horvat: Three Reasons Why a “National Divorce” Would Shatter America

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is calling for a “national divorce” between red and blue states in thrice-repeated statements. Her appeal for an “amicable separation” has provoked much discussion about the sorry state of the national union. It sounds very simple. There truly are irreconcilable differences between liberals and conservatives on issues like procured abortion, gun control, the LGBTQ+ agenda, illegal immigration and other hot-button issues. Indeed, Americans cannot even agree on gas stoves, pronouns and bathrooms. Rather than engage in a civil war over who is right or wrong, the Georgia firebrand congresswoman is suggesting that states simply walk away with no hard feelings. The recently divorced Rep. Greene even insists that the divorce is not about “ending our union” – which is what any divorce does. Her inflammatory rhetoric only adds to the confusion. On one hand, she calls for separation that looks like secession in all but name. On the other hand, she claims the separated parties can cooperate on more technical matters as long as each meets the other on its side of the red/blue divide.

Read more: https://theimaginativeconservative.org/2023/03/three-reasons-national-divorce-shatter-america-john-horvat.html


War Room: Andy Biggs’ speech on house floor, and his update on troop withdrawal from Syria.

Is Biden looking  to start another U.S. Russia proxy war in Syria? It sure looks  that way.

Watch this important floor speech made by Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ):https://rumble.com/v2cakje-andy-biggs-speech-on-house-floor-and-his-update-on-troop-withdrawal-from-sy.html

Lynch, Toosi Moens & Banco: The U.S. wants Europe to stand up to China. Europe says: Not so fast.

Ahead of President Joe Biden’s meeting with European Union chief Ursula von der Leyen in Washington on Friday, U.S. officials have been offering Europe both urgent warnings about Beijing and pledges to smooth over trade disputes. On the warning side, the U.S. government has been sharing intelligence with Europe suggesting China is considering arming Russia in its war on Ukraine — overtures that Europe has met with a mix of caution and toughness. Some European leaders — like German Chancellor Olaf Scholz — have issued stern warnings to China against doing so, while others — including von der Leyen — have been more careful about broadcasting the U.S. claims. On the pledges side, U.S. officials are assuring Europeans their companies will get access to some tax credits and subsidies from a landmark U.S. climate bill passed last year. But Europe’s response has been ambivalent at best,

Read more: https://www.politico.com/news/2023/03/08/us-europe-china-00086204


Greenfield: Nuclear Base Focuses on Diversity, Fails Nuclear Inspections

Every July, Minot Air Force Base, the only one to contain two ‘legs’ of the nuclear triad, celebrates ‘Diversity Day’. Held at the Jimmy Doolittle Center, named after the hard-charging Air Force pioneer who led the first air raid into Japan after Pearl Harbor, Diversity Day showcases “many different cultures along with other diversities such as religion and disabilities” representing the various cultures at Minot Air Force Base.” Jimmy would not approve. A culture notably absent from the Diversity Day festivities at Minot is a culture of competence.[…]  Two Air Force commanders have been fired after their units failed nuclear surety inspections. Another four of their subordinates also went out the door. Firings have become common at Minot AFB which maintains a unique status in the nation’s defense and in the botched leadership that focuses on diversity and political correctness over national security.

The chain of disasters was kickstarted in 2014 when  . . .     […]  The men who have to be ready and willing to do the unthinkable for their country need to know what they believe in and what they are fighting for. Are they fighting for diversity or for America?

Read more:  https://www.frontpagemag.com/nuclear-base-focuses-on-diversity-fails-nuclear-inspections/


Citizen Free Press: Biden to propose 25 percent minimum tax on US billionaires

United States President Joe Biden will call on Congress to impose a 25 percent minimum tax on billionaires as part of a series of proposed tax hikes on wealthy individuals and corporations, according to a US media report. Biden’s proposed spending plan would also nearly double the capital gains tax for investment from 20 percent to 39.6 percent, and lift income levies on corporations and wealthy Americans, Bloomberg News reported on Wednesday. Biden will unveil his budget plan on Thursday amid sharp divisions between Republicans and Democrats on taxes, spending and debt reduction, kicking off what are likely to be fraught negotiations between the White House and a divided Congress.

Read more: https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.aljazeera.com%2Feconomy%2F2023%2F3%2F9%2Fbiden-to-propose-25-percent-minimum-tax-on-billionaires 

The Center Square Staff: Federal judge rules Biden’s border policies illegal, like a flashing ‘Come In, We’re Open’ sign

A federal judge in Florida handed state Attorney General Ashley Moody a major win on Wednesday in her lawsuit filed against the Biden administration over its “catch and release” policy, releasing foreign nationals in the country illegally into the U.S. instead of deporting them. […]  In a scathing 109-page opinion, U.S. District Judge T. Kent Wetherell for the Northern District of Florida Pensacola Division ruled the Biden administration’s “catch-and-release” policy is unlawful and “due to be vacated.” He also denied the administration’s motion for summary judgment, vacated the administration’s “Parole+ATD” Policy under the Administrative Procedures Act, and gave the administration seven days to seek appellate review and comply with federal law and his ruling.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/nation/states/center-square/federal-judge-rules-bidens-border-policies-illegal

VDH: The Price of Eliminating Consequences

Apparently, the more technologically sophisticated and affluent, Americans became, the more their elites believed they could change ancient human nature that is fixed and predictable across time and space. They redefined criminality as either a lifestyle choice or reimaged the criminal as one with legitimate grievances against the society he subverts. The more the Biden Administration ignores those harming us abroad, the more they interpret it as American weakness, if not decadence to be further exploited. The result is the predictably dangerous present.

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2023/03/08/the-price-of-eliminating-consequences/

CNS News Staff: Biden’s Intelligence Chief Warns of Threat Posed by ‘Populist Parties That Oppose Immigration’

Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, who was appointed to her job by President Joe Biden, submitted to the Senate Intelligence Committee today the Annual Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community, which warned about the impact of populist parties “that oppose immigration and deeper EU integration.” The threat assessment included a subsection carrying the headline: “Europe. The entirety of this three-paragraph subsection focused on “populist parties.”

Read more: https://cnsnews.com/article/washington/cnsnewscom-staff/bidens-intelligence-chief-warns-threat-posed-populist-parties

McMaken: The “Meritocracy” Was Created by and for the Progressive Ruling Class

The American Left has decided that the so-called meritocracy is a bad thing. In a typical example from the Los Angeles Times this week, Nicholas Goldberg points to a number of issues exploring how merit is not actually the key to power and riches in America: The United States is supposed to be a meritocracy. The story goes that if you work hard and play by the rules, especially with regard to education, you can compete, rise and succeed here. . . . But Americans are realizing that’s not always the case. The playing field just isn’t level.Goldberg claims that the much-lauded meritocracy is less about merit and more about controlling access to elite institutions. It’s hard to argue with some of this. It’s easy to see the lie behind the claims of meritocracy when we look to the very top of the artificial hierarchy. It’s likely not a mere coincidence people like George W. Bush and Al Gore—a son of a US president and a son of a US senator, respectively—went to elite Ivy League schools. All of Al Gore’s four children, and one of Bush’s, went to Harvard. To think that these seven people got into these schools because they had more “merit” than all the rejected applicants requires gargantuan levels of credulousness. Much of the Left’s rhetoric against the meritocracy has been in the service of justifying . . .

Read more: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2023/03/ryan-mcmaken/the-meritocracy-was-created-by-and-for-the-progressive-ruling-class/

Demastri: Companies Must Make Diversity Pledge To Qualify For $6 Billion Biden Initiative

Applications to the fund, known as the Industrial Demonstrations Program, will have “20 percent of the technical merit review” be based on whether these plans sufficiently advanced four administration goals: investment in America’s workforce; engaging communities and labor; diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility; and implementing Justice 40,” the DOE announcedJustice40 is a White House initiative that targets 40% of certain federal spending projects benefit disadvantaged communities that are “overburdened by pollution.” The program will focus on “decarbonization technologies” in the industrial sector, with a particular focus on iron, steel, aluminum, concrete and cement and other chemicals, . . .

Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2023/03/08/biden-billion-dollar-program-dei-pledge/

Whedon: NARA removed 9 boxes of documents from Biden lawyer’s Boston office

Federal officials removed nine boxes of documents from the Boston office of President Joe Biden’s attorney, Patrick Moore, the National Archives and Records Administration revealed. Responding to an inquiry from GOP Sens. Ron Johnson, Wis., and Chuck Grassley, Iowa, acting Archivist Steidel Wall revealed the seizure in a March 7 letter. […]  “NARA has not reviewed the contents of the boxes found at Mr. Moore’s Boston office,” Wall revealed.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/government/federal-agencies/nara-removed-9-boxes-documents-biden-lawyers-boston-office

Morse: The Bill You’re Footing for Illegal Immigration Should Send Shockwaves

It’s important to remember that the government has no money, and I don’t just mean it’s spending well beyond its limit and it’s pretty much cashing in on the nation’s credit at this point. I mean that the money it collects from you and me every April is still the people’s money. The point of it is to be spent for the betterment of the taxpayer. Americans argue over what good spending may look like all the time. That’s politics, but one thing that can’t be argued is that taxpayers are footing an unnecessarily monumental bill on people who aren’t Americans. According to Fox News, illegal immigration is costing taxpayers a whopping amount of money annually: Illegal immigration is now costing U.S. taxpayers $151 billion a year, marking a 30% increase in five years, according to a new study by a hawkish immigration group being released this week.

Read more: https://redstate.com/brandon_morse/2023/03/08/the-bill-youre-footing-for-illegal-immigration-should-send-shockwaves-n713395

The Center Square Staff: DOD keeps coming up short on audit of its spending, which totals nearly $800 billion a year

The U.S. Department of Defense has been unable to get a clean audit for decades, which limits the effectiveness of the U.S. military, according to a government report. That means the most complex federal agency also remains the only one that has been unable to fairly present its financial statements using generally accepted accounting principles. “Although DOD’s spending makes up about half of the federal government’s discretionary spending, and its physical assets represent more than 70% of the federal government’s physical assets, it remains the only major agency that has never been able to accurately account for and report on its spending or physical assets,” according to a new report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/nation/states/center-square/department-defense-comes-short-audit


Hippolito: The Catholic Church’s LGBTQ Odyssey

As it confronts perhaps the ultimate challenge to its credibility, the Catholic Church finds itself in full-fledged freefall. Two American bishops publicly and strongly disagree about whether LGBTQ Catholics need to repent of their sexual behavior. One, the recently appointed cardinal of San Diego, argued for what he called “radical inclusion” without repentance. Another, a specialist in canon law, did more than disagree vigorously. He called his fellow prelate a heretic who should be relieved of his position. Meanwhile, as his church burns, Pope Francis imitates that great Roman violinist, Nero. San Diego Cardinal Robert McElroy, whom Francis promoted in August, called for “radical inclusion” of LGBTQ Catholics and removing “structures and cultures of exclusion” in a Jan. 24 article for America, the Jesuit magazine. Those “structures” include a doctrine demanding that anyone engaging in sexual sin becomes ineligible to receive Communion, which Catholics call the Eucharist, “without previous sacramental confession,” canon law states.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/the-catholic-churchs-lgbtq-odyssey/


War Room: Showalter: Child Gender Transition Is A Money Making Industry Targeting The Most Vulnerable Youth

This is an industry because it  wasn’t organic. It was engineered top down. The medical industrial complex has set this scheme in motion.

Watch the 5:7 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v2c92pe-showalter-child-gender-transition-is-a-money-making-industry-targeting-the-.html


Newman: Nurse Debilitated by Covid Jab Demands Justice as VAERS Reports Disappear

It is essential that those responsible for the devastation wrought by the Covid injections be brought to justice and that victims are acknowledged and cared for, explained registered nurse Danielle Baker, whose health was totally destroyed by the mandatory so-called vaccine, in this interview on Conversations That Matter with The New American magazine’s Alex Newman. The report she filed with the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) disappeared, without explanation, she added. Baker, who suffered horrific neurological effects from the injection as confirmed by doctors, only took it because she was pressured and threatened by her employer due to government mandates. Breaking down in tears, she explained how she went from being a caregiver to having to be cared for constantly. There are many others suffering as well, she added.

Watch the 16 minute interview: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2023/03/no_author/nurse-debilitated-by-covid-jab-demands-justice-as-vaers-reports-disappear/

Brownstone Institute: Ron DeSantis’s Letter to Biden on Behalf of Novak Djokovic

Dear President Biden: It has been reported that Novak Djokovic has formally applied and been denied permission from your administration to enter the United States so that he may compete at the upcoming Miami Open tennis tournament. This denial is unfair, unscientific and unacceptable. I urge you to reconsider. It’s time to put pandemic politics aside and give the American people what they want—let him play. While Mr. Djokovic is surely a supreme competitive threat to his fellow tennis professionals, his presence in our country poses no meaningful health or public safety risk. I note that since the onset of COVID-19, Mr. Djokovic has visited the United States at least twice – including once during your presidency – without any apparent health incident. It is also not clear to me why, even by the terms of your own proclamation, Mr. Djokovic could not legally enter this country via boat.1 Please confirm no later than Friday, March 10, 2023, that this method of travel into Florida would be permissible. Furthermore, . .

Read more: https://brownstone.org/articles/ron-desantiss-letter-to-biden-on-novak-djokovic/


War Room: Karen England Discusses Republicans Allowing Pornographic Material To Stay In Schools

 Lt. Col. (Ret) Alexander Vindman  who testified against President Trump in Congress is married to a woman who is leading the charge to push porn in schools.

Watch the 6:16 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v2c909i-karen-england-discusses-republicans-allowing-pornographic-material-to-stay-.html

Christenson: Nearly 6,000 US public schools hide child’s gender status from parents

More than 3.2 million US public school students are covered by guidance that blocks parents from knowing whether their child identifies as a different gender in the classroom — which could become federal policy if President Biden’s Title IX proposals are approved in May. At least 168 districts governing 5,904 schools nationwide have rules on the books that prevent faculty and staff from disclosing to parents a student’s gender status without that student’s permission, according to a list compiled by the conservative group Parents Defending Education and shared with The Post.The 3,268,752 students affected by such policies go to class in all kinds of districts — large and small, affluent and poor, urban and rural, red and blue — stretching from North Carolina to Alaska. [Note: Well past time to start calling public schools government schools.]

Read more: https://nypost.com/2023/03/08/us-public-schools-conceal-childs-gender-status-from-parents/

 Oliveira: San Diego elementary school ‘teacher of the year’, 34, is charged with sexually abusing child under the age of 14

An award-winning California elementary school teacher was arrested Tuesday and charged with sexually abusing a student at the San Diego school where she taught. Jacqueline Ma, who taught sixth grade at Lincoln Acres Elementary School, was charged with six counts of sexual misconduct, including . . .  The 34-year-old was one of five San Diego teachers selected as ‘Teachers of the Year’ in 2022. According to her LinkedIn page, she had worked at the school since 2013.

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11833975/California-elementary-school-teacher-charged-sexually-abusing-child-age-14.html

Ashton: Trans activist asks followers to buy male ‘girl scouts’ cookies

A trans activist has launched a campaign to encourage people to buy girl scout cookies from “trans girl scouts,” or in other words, male children who are members of the youth organization that was formerly only for girls. […]  “Girl Scouts is an inclusive organisation and we accept all girls in Kindergarten through 12th grade as members. If a child identifies as a girl and the child’s family presents her as a girl, Girl Scouts of Colorado welcomes her as a girl,” said the 2011 statement. In 2023, that policy remains unchanged. Girl Scouts says on its website that the organisation is “proud to be the premiere leadership organization for girls” in the U.S. “If the child is recognised by the family and school/community as a girl and lives culturally as a girl, then Girl Scouts is an organization that can serve her in a setting that is both emotionally and physically safe,” reads the website.

Read ore: https://thepostmillennial.com/trans-activist-asks-followers-to-buy-male-girl-scouts-cookies

Ashton: ‘I Am Jazz’ PROMOTES SEX WORK to raise money for ‘gender-affirming’ breast augmentation

In season 8, episode 3 of the reality TV show I Am Jazz, an 18-year-old trans-identified male announces plans to go into sex work as a way to raise money for “gender-affirming” breast augmentation surgery, to the approval of Jazz’s mother. Jaclyn is a friend of Jazz Jennings, the star of the show who shot to fame after Jazz’s parents allowed the social transition and subsequent medical sex change of their gender-nonconforming child to become a global spectacle.

Read more: https://thepostmillennial.com/i-am-jazz-promotes-sex-work-to-raise-money-for-gender-affirming-breast-augmentation


Scarry: Media Keep Plugging The Shoddy Dominion Defamation Suit Even As Fox Host’s Texts Discredit It

Here is the crux to the defamation suit against Fox News by voting machines company Dominion, as relayed Wednesday by Washington Post liberal Greg Sargent: “On the air, some of those [Fox News] personalities kept doling out what they privately admitted were lies.” The idea is that Fox News people were knowingly telling their audiences lies that made Dominion, which administers software that tabulated election votes, look bad. That claim by Dominion, gleefully parroted by Sargent and others in the media, is so far not borne out by the publicly available facts. That is to say, it’s a lie. Interest in the defamation lawsuit among Fox critics (i.e., The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, and the rest) revived this week with another round of Dominion disclosures to the public containing depositions and private text communications among Fox executives, news reporters, and primetime hosts. What they show is: . . .

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2023/03/09/fox-host-maria-bartiromos-private-texts-unravel-dominions-defamation-lawsuit-and-what-the-media-are-saying-about-it/

Jones: 3/4 Of Americans Want Congress To Investigate COVID-19’s Origins: I&I/TIPP Poll

Given the magnitude of the recent revelations, the I&I/TIPP Poll sought to ask the public how the U.S. government should respond. The overall reaction: The government needs to dig deeply into the origin and transmission of the deadly virus and tell Americans the truth about it. […] Two statements were then given: “The report should be declassified,” and “Congress must launch an investigation into the origins of the COVID virus.” Respondents were given five possible responses to the statements: “Agree strongly,” “agree somewhat,” “disagree somewhat,” “disagree strongly,” and “not sure.”

Read more: https://issuesinsights.com/2023/03/08/3-4-of-americans-want-congress-to-investigate-covid-19s-origins-ii-tipp-poll/

(As goes California, so goes the country) Ashton: California allows 47 biological men to transfer to women’s prison—approve no requests of biological women to move to the men’s estate

Since California’s Transgender Respect, Agency and Dignity Act came into effect in 2021, permitting transgender inmates to be housed in facilities in line with their gender identity, 47 biological males have been permitted to transfer to women’s prisons while none of the 12 requests by biological females to transfer to a men’s facility have been granted so far.

Read more: https://thepostmillennial.com/california-allows-47-biological-men-to-transfer-to-womens-prison-approve-no-requests-of-biological-women-to-move-to-the-mens-estate

Duke: You Can’t Eradicate “Transgender” People — Because They Don’t Exist

Knowles was, in essence, expressing this truth at CPAC. Pointing out the conservative error of trying to split the baby on the MUSS (Made-up Sexual Status, aka “transgender”) agenda — that is, of claiming it’s “okay for adults” but “not kids” — Knowles said that MUSS ideology must be “eradicated from public life entirely.” It was this statement the media misrepresented, claiming the podcaster wanted MUSS individuals eradicated. This spin surprised even Knowles, who said on the Monday edition of Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Tonight that while he expected media blowback, he didn’t figure on a genocide accusation. […] It’s the only delusion where we let the deluded determine how society should handle the delusion. The inmates running the asylum, indeed. It’s impossible to eradicate “transgender” people because they don’t exist. But we should, if possible, eradicate their delusion. That’s what love demands.

Read more: https://thenewamerican.com/you-cant-eradicate-transgender-people-because-they-dont-exist/


Ashton: BREAKING: Justin Trudeau declares ‘trans women are women’ in honor of International Women’s Day

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has chosen to mark International Women’s Day by issuing a statement declaring that “trans women are women” and that the Government of Canada “will always stand up to hate whenever and wherever it occurs.” Trudeau began by saying that International Women’s Day celebrates and recognises the achievements of women and girls in Canada and stated that this year’s theme, Every Woman Counts, is a “reminder that all women, from all ages and walks of life, have a place in every aspect of Canadian society.

Read more: https://thepostmillennial.com/breaking-justin-trudeau-declares-trans-women-are-women-in-honor-of-international-womens-day

Van Maren: Assisted suicide is a consequence of society’s failure to support suffering individuals

Suffering comes in innumerable forms. In our increasingly atomized society, we have fewer and fewer support systems and safety nets to alleviate our suffering. And so assisted suicide regimes have become the final – and predictable – consequence of radical personal autonomy. We are alone and we can do whatever we want – but because we are alone, many of us want to die.  Assisted suicide is becoming the default for our postmodern society’s many failures. If you attempt to change your sex – as the culture tells you that you can – and the surgery fails and the drugs don’t work, you can always opt for state-sanctioned suicide. If you are hopelessly lonely, you can ask to be euthanized. If you cannot break your addictions and are tired of trying, you can ask to be euthanized. Every one of those examples has happened in Western countries – and recently.  […]  Suffering from mental illness? We offer you suicide. Struggling to live with a disability and in need of desperate support? We offer you suicide. Suffering horribly after a traumatizing victimization? Suicide. Lonely? Suicide. Sick? Suicide. Suicidal? Suicide.  This slippery slope with a pile of corpses at the bottom and a lineup at the top – and a government spokesperson telling the crowd to step right this way to access your state-given right to die with dignity. Your suffering can be ended – not by the assistance you so badly need, but at the end of a needle.

Read more: https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/assisted-suicide-is-a-consequence-of-societys-failure-to-support-suffering-individuals/?utm_source=top_news&utm_campaign=usa


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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