Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 36 minutes


45th President Donald Trump at his rally in Iowa: “The choice this election is very simple. Democrats will defund the police. Republicans will defund the cartels, and we were doing that.”

President Joe Biden in a campaign speech in California: “I’m already being told if they win back the House and Senate they’re going to impeach me. I don’t know what the hell they’re going to impeach me for. ‘

TownHall 11/4/2022 Tweet: BIDEN: “I know you all know there’s no climate problem.”

Daily Wire News: “No more drilling. There is no more drilling,” Biden snapped at a young woman in the crowd. “I haven’t formed any new drilling.” 

President Joe Biden at a fundraiser in Illinois: “And now what are we all worried about: Elon Musk goes out and buys an outfit that sends – that spews lies all across the world… There’s no editors anymore in America. There’s no editors. How do we expect kids to be able to understand what is at stake?”

Mica Soeliner reporter for The Washington Times: President Biden called anti-socialism protesters outside of his Illinois campaign event “idiots” during his speech boosting Democrats. Mr. Biden, who made his remarks in Joliet, stopped to acknowledge a group of protesters outside his rally who held signs that said “socialism sucks” and “vote pro-life.” One sign read “Where’s Nancy?”

Dan Gelernter contributor to American Greatness: Mitch McConnell must not become majority leader in the Senate. Kevin McCarthy must not become majority leader in the House. But they will. Many people have written about the uniparty, but unfortunately the problem is more sinister than that. You may wonder why the American government seemed more bent on cooperating with the Chinese government than with Americans during the pandemic. You may wonder why ostensible democracies like England and Australia gave us sudden flashes of fascism, locking the potentially infected in concentration camps and having the police threaten people who came out of their houses. It’s not just that the Republicans have more in common with the Democrats than they do with their voters. It’s that governments—all over the globe—have more in common with each other than they do with their people. We’re not just living in a uniparty country. We’re living in a unigovernment world.

Kenneth R. Timmerman contributor to Frontpage Magazine: Today’s Woke Left are the new Puritans. They do not seek to liberate our minds from habit, or challenge us to innovation, but to enslave us in new doctrines far more rigid than anything earlier generations of Americans could conceive, from redefining biological sex to re-engineering freedom itself. They have already held dress rehearsals of their Salem Witch Trials: the Mueller hoax, two impeachment fantasies, and the phantasmagoric January 6 inquisition. Now they want to put all of us on trial.

Ned Ryun contributor to American Greatness: Either we are free-born Americans with God-given natural rights, or we’re not. And if we’re not, we might as well capitulate now and sing “Kumbaya” with the Faucites right before they load us on the trains and ship us off to re-education camps. If any vestiges of our free republic are to remain, every last freak who perpetrated these crimes against society should be held accountable. Instead of amnesty, we need trials that are nationally televised. We need to see humiliation, jail time, and loss of pensions. Big Pharma heads, Fauci, and a host of others need to be on the dock so that next time anyone gets the genius idea to usurp the people’s liberties, we point at the scalps nailed to the doorframe and say, “Hell no.” 

Shawn Waugh contributor to American Greatness: I once valued the CDC and the data and recommendations that it would provide. I would use it as a resource to better treat and care for my patients. Those days are gone. The Left’s politicization of the once-revered organization has morphed it into a haven for medical hacks and become a massive laughing stock.

Thaddeus G. McCotter contributor to American Greatness: For there is nothing more extreme than government “content moderation.” There is nothing more dangerous than government censorship. There is nothing that spurs more public distrust than arbitrary and capricious government. And there is nothing more deadly to our republic and her free people than a government that believes it has the power and the right to control your mind.

Karen McKay contributor to American Thinker: Control of the minds of our kids is the ultimate strategic terrain. Without the complete programming of America’s children — the weaponizing of them — Marxism cannot win in America.

Laura Loomer Republican Party activist: “There’s a common phrase, right? You have to fight fire with fire, and what the radical left has done is setting our children on fire. They are lighting their minds on fire… In return it’s up to us, it’s our responsibility as America First fighters fighting back against this globalist communist New World Order regime that’s trying to … pollute our educational system here in America… We have to burn it all down. I’m just fighting fire with fire.” 

Ned Barnett contributor to American Thinker: Etymology has remarkable power, when we let the progressives get away with this coup de main. A surprise attack on the way we form thoughts, as well as how words create actions – is has terrifying implications.  This is not new to progressives – but their use of it is unprecedented.  George Orwell’s most famous work, 1984, postulated a dictatorial state where thoughts are controlled by altering the meaning of words.  It gave us words such as Newspeak, Thoughtcrime, Crimethink, Doublespeak and Thought Police. 

Jordan Schachtel is an investigative journalist: With elections right around the corner, Accountable Tech is acting exactly as intended. It is a left wing intimidation machine that seeks to censor speech, with hopes to leverage a decline in advertising dollars to revert Twitter back to its pre-Musk form, as a state-sponsored machine for institutional narrative advancement and political suppression.

Tristan Justice journalist for The Federalist: Arizona Republican Senate nominee Blake Masters, a political novice who has never run for elected office, is in a statistical tie with Democrat incumbent Mark Kelly heading into Election Day, and he’s done it without much help from Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. “My job is to win with or without Mitch McConnell’s money, and I think we’re on track to win without,” Masters told The Federalist in an exclusive interview on the first day of his finalé bus tour this past weekend.

Mike Jones contributor to The American Mind: Contrary to what many have said, globalism does not rid the world of the nation state. It does, however, delimit it. Once in a position of power, globalists will hive off the functions of the state and farm them out to a complex range of extra-governmental organizations and semi-independent bodies. Their key function is to push “the rules of the game” beyond the reach of democratic politics, the strategy of deterritorialization. To a large extent, therefore, conflicts over territorial sovereignty have replaced many of the more familiar ideological battles of the twentieth century.


Heine: Reports: Trump Will Announce 2024 Campaign For President on November 14

Most recently, during a campaign rally in Iowa Thursday night, Trump said, “In order to make our country successful and safe and glorious, I will very very very will probably do it again. Get ready that’s all I’m telling you — very soon.” According to several sources from within Trump’s “inner circle,” the former president “is making plans to announce a 2024 presidential campaign on November 14,” Newsmax reported Friday morning.

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2022/11/04/reports-trump-will-announce-2024-campaign-for-president-on-november-14/

Laad: Trump did not insult Ron DeSantis, it was merely a joke

Since Donald Trump became a force to reckon with in the Republican Party there have been innumerable attempts by the Democrats and their propaganda wing,  i.e. the mainstream media,  to destroy him. […] On occasions they resorted to petty ploys such as attempting to instigate a feud between their two primary adversaries President Donald Trump and Florida governor Ron DeSantis. […]  Just nine days ago, Trump called DeSantis a “nice man.” Just yesterday, Trump endorsed DeSantis: . . . […]  Hopefully, this should end all chatter about Trump insulting DeSantis. Everyone, including some conservatives, needs to relax and treat a joke for what it is. You either laugh or move on.

Read more at American Thinker.

Kent: Trump Ally Tom Barrack Found Not Guilty of Foreign Lobbying, Lying to FBI

Former President Donald Trump’s friend and fundraiser, Tom Barrack, was found not guilty Friday on all counts he acted as an unregistered foreign agent for the United Arab Emirates (UAE) under the former administration and then lied to the FBI about those connections. Barrack, once the chairman of Trump’s inaugural committee, had vehemently denied the charges he secretly worked under orders by the UAE to manipulate U.S. foreign policy in its favor.

Read more: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/11/04/trump-ally-tom-barrack-found-not-guilty-of-foreign-lobbying-lying-to-fbi/

Weber: Trump ally Kash Patel says ‘compelled’ to give federal grand jury testimony, denies ‘immunity’ deal

“Mr. Patel categorically denies reaching any immunity ‘deal’ with the government,” a spokesperson said. “Rather, his testimony was compelled over his objection through the only legal means available to the government – a grant of limited immunity.” A limited form of immunity still protects Patel from having his own testimony used against him, according to the Associated Press.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/government/courts-law/trump-ally-kash-patel-says-compelled-give-federal-grand-jury-testimony-denies


Gelernter: The Unigovernment

Keep a weather-eye on the Republican Party as soon as the elections are over. Don’t expect them to rush head over heels to represent your views or actually do what you wanted them to. Trump did what the voters wanted and look what they did to him—and by “they” I mean the Republicans as much as the Democrats: You can serve the people or you can serve the government, but you can’t do both. Guess which side the GOP leadership is on? If a new Republican caucus were serious about its duties to the voters, it would fire Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy today. No more nonsense about how good they are at maneuvering through the minutiae of procedure in Washington. It’s not that these men are incompetent; in fact they’re very good at what they do. It’s just that they’re playing for the wrong team. They’ve been the leaders of a party we didn’t vote for, elected under false pretenses by paying us lip-service every two years. They get elected by pretending to offer us an alternative to Democrats. Gotta keep that old illusion alive—it keeps everyone paying their taxes.

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2022/11/06/the-unigovernment/


(March 2019) Mullan: Globalism: a world in chains

Globalists’ greatest fear is not the state – it’s the people. We have entered another unstable era for the world order. Some anticipate a ‘Thucydides moment’, a reference to his history of the Peloponnesian War 2,500 years ago, in which he wrote: ‘What made war inevitable was the growth of Athenian power and the fear which this caused in Sparta.’ Today we could be on the same path as the old and new powers clash. A rising China is fuelling anxieties in declining America and Europe. Meanwhile, escalating strains within the ‘old’ Western world are also adding to the disruptive mix.The rational approach to a changing world would be for free and independent nations to work out collectively a new order appropriate for our era. However, the dominant globalist perspective has instead been to insist on adherence to the existing ‘rules-based international order’ as established after the Second World War. But perpetuating the current international legal arrangements risks hastening an exploding pressure cooker. […] Most globalists within today’s Western elites feel politically and culturally estranged from their own national institutions. This can make them inconsistent in pursuit of national interests, even doubtful about them. Elites find it easier to get things done through international networks because they are already increasingly detached from the lives and outlooks of the ordinary citizens at home. […] It is therefore a misleading caricature to claim that globalists seek a ‘borderless’ world, or a ‘zero-state’ society. A few do, but what really unites them is a yearning for a world insulated from popular democracy and accountability. States remain important but they are thought to operate best through the actions delegated to expert bureaucrats and regulators, not accountable legislators and politicians.  […]  Globalism, then, as an outlook, is informed not by borderlessness, or even anti-statism. Rather, at its rule-bound heart is an aversion to democracy and the national form in which it is exercised.

Read more: https://www.spiked-online.com/2019/03/15/globalism-a-world-in-chains/

Glaznov Gang: Inside the Globalists’ Haunting Depopulation Agenda

Watch the 6:54 minute interview: https://www.frontpagemag.com/dhfc_videos/inside-the-globalists-haunting-depopulation-agenda/


Somin & Kernoff: These Two SCOTUS Cases Could Put The Administrative State In Its Place 

As the administrative state expands, so too does the number of individuals entangled in its tentacles. It’s time for the Supreme Court to affirm the Constitution’s separation of powers. Justice delayed is justice denied — or so the old saying goes. And although swimming in complex factual and legal issues, two cases that will be argued at the Supreme Court on Monday will put that adage to the test. Start with Axon Enterprise v. Federal Trade Commission. The company makes police body cameras and digital evidence management systems. Shortly after acquiring an insolvent firm making similar products, the FTC claimed Axon’s acquisition raised antitrust concerns. The FTC filed suit, but not in a court of law. Instead, the FTC took the case to its own internal “court” with its own employee as the judge. Turn to Securities and Exchange Commission v. Cochran. Michelle Cochran worked for an accounting firm in Texas; after she left that job, the SEC hauled Cochran into its in-house court on claims of paperwork irregularities. Not even the SEC claimed that anyone had been deceived or harmed because of these errors. Both Axon and Cochran wanted fair proceedings — not in-house Star Chambers — so they filed lawsuits in federal court. After all, in their in-house adjudications, the agencies act as police, prosecutor, judge, and jury. Many traditional rules in federal courts that ensure fairness — such as fixed evidentiary standards — don’t apply in internal agency proceedings. And federal courts often defer to the agency’s findings if their rulings are appealed.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2022/11/07/these-two-scotus-cases-could-put-the-administrative-state-in-its-place/

Dickler, Dore & Nova: Supreme Court again declines to block Biden’s student loan relief plan

The Supreme Court on Friday rejected a second request to block the Biden administration’s student loan debt relief program. Justice Amy Coney Barrett denied an emergency application to block the program brought by the Pacific Legal Foundation, a conservative legal group, on behalf of two borrowers in Indiana. On Oct. 20, Barrett rejected a similar request. On Oct. 20, Barrett rejected a similar request from the Brown County Taxpayers Association in Wisconsin.

Read more: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/11/04/supreme-court-again-declines-to-block-bidens-student-loan-relief-plan.html


Revolver.news: Yes, the Justice System Does Display Systemic Racism… For Blacks

Darrell Brooks, the black man who killed six whites and injured dozens of others in the Waukesha car attack, was found guilty of all charges this week. Before he was served the verdict, Brooks made a mockery of our justice system. He used every opportunity in the trial to belittle victims, made insane claims, and threw temper tantrums over the slightest inconvenience. The trial failed to convey the seriousness of the crime. It instead resembled helpless parents trying to placate a misbehaving toddler. Brooks erased the gravity of the situation and turned it into a circus. Here is a sampling of how he acted in court: . . . […]  The Waukesha trial should put to rest the left’s myths about systemic racism. If anything, the system favors blacks.

Read more/Watch the video clips: https://www.revolver.news/2022/11/yes-the-justice-system-does-display-systemic-racism-for-blacks/

Rondeau: Beauty pageant allowed to be for ‘natural born females’ only: court

A federal court on Wednesday ruled that the Miss United States of America pageant cannot be forced to include transgender contestants. The complaint was brought forth in 2019 by transgender activist Anita Green, who claimed discrimination when rejected from the competition, reported NPR. According to Green, Miss United States of America’s eligibility rules, which require contestants to be “natural born females,” violate Oregon’s Public Accommodations Act (OPAA).

Read more: https://thepostmillennial.com/beauty-pageant-allowed-to-be-for-natural-born-females-only-court


Marshall: 5 Days Before Midterms, DOJ Is Still Refusing To Release Biden’s Plan To Federalize Local Elections

The FGA filed a lawsuit in April 2022 against the DOJ and several other executive agencies for failing to comply with Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests pertaining to Biden’s March 2021 directive. On July 12, 2022, a federal district court ordered the DOJ to deliver the documents to the FGA with a deadline of the November midterm elections. While the FGA was due to receive the documents on Sept. 8, the DOJ did not fully comply with the court order and withheld key documents related to its “Strategic Plan” in carrying out Biden’s order. […]  “Why is DOJ and the Biden administration working so hard to hide the full details of these ambitious and creative ideas?” asked FGA CEO and President Tarren Bragdon in a press release.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2022/11/03/5-days-before-midterms-doj-is-still-refusing-to-release-bidens-plan-to-federalize-local-elections/

Hoft: 2022.10.24 Letter About Selective Prosecution

Attorney Ty Clevenger wrote a letter to Rep. Jim Jordon and Senator Charles Grassley asking them to create legislation to prevent using the courts for political prosecutions and professional disciplinary prosecutions.

Read the letter: https://www.scribd.com/document/605185480/2022-10-24-Letter-About-Selective-Prosecution#from_embed

Purnell: 4 Kookiest Cases The DOJ Pursued While Letting Pregnancy Center Firebombers Walk Free

Meanwhile, the DOJ has prioritized ridiculous-sounding cases that are reflective of our government’s administrative bloat. Whether you think some of these bizarre cases are worth pursuing at all, they certainly don’t seem to rise to the level of urgency that prosecuting arsonists who terrorize pregnancy clinics would. But for Biden’s politicized DOJ, they do. Here are a few of the kookiest cases the DOJ prosecuted while allowing the perpetrators of violent attacks on pregnancy centers to continue walking free. WV Man Indicted for Buying a Ginseng Root Plant from Ohio   What’s more important than prosecuting political terrorists? Arresting a man who obtained a plant that was “illegally transported” across state lines, according to Merrick Garland’s DOJ. Was it a deadly, psychoactive plant, at least? Nope, it was ginseng, a plant that some claim “may boost energy, lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, reduce stress, promote relaxation, treat diabetes, and manage sexual dysfunction in men.” […]  DOJ Investigates a Massachusetts School for Not Accommodating . . .

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2022/11/04/4-kookiest-cases-the-doj-pursued-while-letting-pregnancy-center-firebombers-walk-free/


Bannons War Room: Brian Glicklich Defends The True the Vote Founders After Their Imprisonment

Watch the 16 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v1rrdwk-brian-glicklich-defends-the-true-the-vote-founders-after-their-imprisonment.html

Sundance: BREAKING: Catherine Englebrecht and Gregg Phillips Released from Imprisonment by Order of Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals

By order of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips have been ordered RELEASED from custody, reversing the lower court decision which led to their detention and imprisonment for six days. […]  Their release comes a day after President Trump drew attention to their wrongful incarceration during a MAGA rally in Latrobe Pennsylvania.   Fox News Host Tucker Carlson also drew attention to the case.

Read more: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/11/06/breaking-catherine-englebrecht-and-gregg-phillips-released-from-imprisonment-by-order-of-fifth-circuit-court/

Drey: Dem Poll Worker Accused Of Pre-Selecting Democratic Candidates, Pressuring Voters To Cast Ballots For Specific Candidates

Beth Sheller, an election administrator for Hamilton County, told Fox News Digital that an inspector report allegedly identified two separate incidents at a polling location in Carmel, Indiana. The incidents may constitute electioneering and election interference by a poll worker named James Zheng.

Zheng has been accused of telling black voters “… not to vote for the racist candidates outside,” according to Chalkboard Review, where officials first identified the accused poll worker.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/dem-poll-worker-accused-of-pre-selecting-democratic-candidates-pressuring-voters-to-cast-ballots-for-specific-candidates


Joondeph: Vote Like Your Life Depends on It – Because it Does!

President Barack Obama described the original plan as “the fundamental transformation of America.” It was supposed to be eight years of Obama followed by eight more years of a President Hillary Clinton, to complete the “great reset” from freedom, liberty, and prosperity for much of the Western world, to a top-down command and control society, more in line with a George Orwell novel than the vision of America’s founding fathers. Will it be a red wave, a blue wave, or a purple trickle? I already made my case predicting a red wave, but given the propensity for Democrat electoral shenanigans, Republicans and conservatives (not necessarily the same group) need to vote like their lives and well-being depend on it because they certainly do. Libertarians too. […]  Days to count ballots? Since when? […]  Biden’s comment about “a few days” suggests that once the votes are counted the first time, if the Republican candidate is the winner, counting stops until additional votes can be found or manufactured, enough to put the Democrat over the top. This is why voting is so important and that every vote counts to so overwhelm the tally that cheating is impossible,

Read more at American Thinker.

(Focus on November 8th) Sundance: Save America Save The World

The subversive November election transmission comes from deep in the underground bunker of the Rebel Alliance. Pull out those super-secret decoder rings, and enjoy the broadcast before the deep state satellite interception trucks show up on your driveway… {Note: A powerful rendition of our national anthem by Brazilian singer and song writer, Dan Vasc.]

Read more/Watch the 36 minute video: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/11/06/important-froglegs-election-transmission-save-america-save-the-world/

VDH: The Pathetic Democratic Pantheon

Over the last few months the four icons of the Democratic Party—Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Nancy Pelosi—have hit the campaign trail. They’ve weighed in on everything from “right-wing violence” and “election denialists” to the now tired “un-American” semi-fascist MAGA voter—and had nothing much to say about inflation, the border, crime, energy, or the Afghanistan debacle. In this, they remind us just how impoverished and calcified is this left-wing pantheon. So why should we take anything they say seriously, given their own records—and especially given their mastery of projecting their own shortcomings upon others as some sort of private exculpation or preemptive political strategy? […]  The problem with the ossified Democratic Pantheon is that they are of no use to the Left in the midterms because it is their own radical ideology over the past two years that was finally enacted and wrecked the country. And all the shrieks about abortion, semi-fascists, and democracy dying cannot put back together what they shattered.

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2022/11/06/the-pathetic-democratic-pantheon/

Baker, M.D.: A Voter’s Primer: The Seven Health Policy Habits of Insanely Progressive People

What is the most painful lesson the COVID-19 saga has taught the American people?  Perhaps it was how, over the past two and a half years, we have been force-fed an extended taste of the dystopian version of “health care” that the Democrat Party and the Washington nomenklatura (but I repeat myself) seek to permanently impose on us. We’ve lived through it now, so we can’t say we weren’t warned.  However, many people are still dazed and confused, others remain terrified, and some just want to forget that the whole nightmare ever happened and return to their old pre-pandemic lives. […]  Presenting the Seven Health Policy Habits of Insanely Progressive People: 1. Martial law as “public health.”  Remember how “two weeks to flatten the curve” became two years to flatten your will to live?  Get ready for draconian, indefinitely extended lockdown measures whenever a “public health emergency” is declared — for example, before major elections. 2. Mandatory jab policies gone wild.  This isn’t just your father’s measles-mumps-rubella vaccine, folks.  We’re talking about warp-speed-produced, novel-technology shots with zero long-term data.  You think they’re stopping with SARS CoV-2? Have you noticed how much they’re talking up RSV?  There’s a lot of money to be made.  You think you’ll have a choice, right?  After all, they’re all about “my body, my choice,” right?  Well, think back to about a year ago.  Did the shots do what they claimed they would?  Did they apologize after vilifying and persecuting the skeptics?  If the Dems keep power, the questions return: do you want to earn a living?  You will comply.  Do you want freedom of movement?  Comply.  Do you want your kids to go to school?  Comply. 3 . . .  […]  Neither American political party is perfect — far from it.  But one party never wants things to go back the way they were before COVID-19.  Never. Vote wisely, America.

Read more at American Thinker.

Bannons War Room: Richard Baris: Democrats Are About To Witness A Historic Voter Shift

Watch the 6:37 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v1r3w4s-richard-baris-democrats-are-about-to-witness-a-historic-voter-shift.html

Hemingway: If Republicans Win On Tuesday, Thank The Election Integrity Movement

If Republican candidates do as well as expected on Tuesday, they can credit the new, widespread, and coordinated effort to begin securing U.S. elections, helping give candidates the best opportunity possible to win a fair fight in the new voting environment of mail-in balloting. The Republican National Committee, other party entities, and dozens of public interest election nonprofit groups built over the last two years a multimillion-dollar election integrity infrastructure that passed laws improving voter ID and other election security measures, defended those laws from legal attacks by Democrats, and sued states and localities that failed to follow the law. They also recruited, educated, trained, and placed tens of thousands of new election observers and other workers throughout the long midterm voting season. And they did it all in one of the most hostile propaganda environments on record.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2022/11/04/if-republicans-win-on-tuesday-thank-the-election-integrity-movement/

Ballasy: Corporate donors favor Dems in midterms despite party’s stance against ‘dark money’ in politics

Donations from corporations and big business across many sectors of the economy have favored the Democratic Party in the 2022 election cycle. According to Open Secrets, the securities and investment industry favored Democrats, giving $141,282,772 to Democratic candidates and liberal groups compared to $106,254,713 to Republican candidates and conservative groups. Lawyers and law firms contributed more than three times as much to Democrats and liberal groups ($97,083,049) as they did to Republicans and conservative groups ($28,194,689). Democrats also dominated in contributions from health professionals, with $55,887,636 compared to just $32,750,396 for Republicans. Nonprofit organizations contributed $36,460,458 to Democrats and liberal groups, almost triple the $12,584,065 they gave to Republicans and conservative groups.

Read more:  https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/corporate-donations-favor-democrats-2022-election-they-fight-stop-dark

Miller: National Guard to offer midterm elections cybersecurity help

National Guard cybersecurity experts will be ready to offer assistance around the midterm elections in 14 states next week, National Guard officials said Friday. All hands on deck: The move is part of a wider effort to ensure the midterms are secure from cybersecurity threats, which have loomed large in recent years since Russian interference operations in 2016. […] Across the map: North Carolina is not the only state mobilizing National Guard personnel to protect elections against cyber threats. Battleground states of Arizona, Iowa and Pennsylvania will participate, alongside Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Louisiana, New Mexico, New York, Washington and West Virginia.

Read more: https://www.politico.com/news/2022/11/04/nationa-guard-midterm-election-cybersecurity-00065236

Piper: COVID reckoning? Lockdown lefties struggle in governor’s races as reopen righties take big leads

Republicans were already in an advantageous position with voters on crime and the economy, particularly inflation, the top two issues in polling this fall. Education issues, which propelled Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) to victory a year ago, are a leading concern in some races. And while elections tend to focus more on the future than the past, the starkly contrasting performances of lockdown lefties and reopen righties suggests that a reckoning on pandemic policies may be a stealth issue in major governor’s races.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/government/state-houses/lockdown-lefties-struggle-governors-races-while-reopen-righties-cruise

Simonson: Whitmer’s Running Mate Pledges To Shut Down ‘More Coal Plants’

Michigan lieutenant governor Garlin Gilchrist (D.), who is up for reelection with Democratic governor Gretchen Whitmer on Tuesday, promised supporters at a rally in Ann Arbor he would shut down more coal plants in his second term.

“We’re gonna strengthen our state’s response to the climate crisis,” Gilchrist said Saturday evening. “We’re gonna close more coal plants.”

Read more: https://freebeacon.com/democrats/whitmers-running-mate-pledges-to-shut-down-more-coal-plants/

Duffy: Madison, Wisconsin Requires Poll Workers To Receive Covid Jab

The only explanation for the mandate is that it was implemented to deter right-leaning poll workers from overseeing election procedures. […]  What we do know is that the mandate has nothing to do with health or safety. According to President Joe Biden, “the pandemic is over.” Hardly anywhere are masks, social distancing, or vaccine passports required anymore. More importantly, the Covid vaccine does little to nothing to prevent one from contracting or transmitting Covid.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2022/11/04/madison-wisconsin-requires-poll-workers-to-receive-covid-jab/


Margulis & Wang: No, It’s Not Just Like the Flu Vaccine

Critics of the bivalent COVID booster say the FDA is spreading propaganda. […] Most of us have seen articles in the newspapers, advertisements on television, memes, and videos on social media urging us to get ourselves and our families boosted. Jennifer’s household even received a direct mailing campaign with the incentive of a coupon for 10 percent off groceries as a reward for getting the booster shots. Just Like the Annual Flu Vaccine? “We have worked closely with the vaccine manufacturers to ensure the development of these updated boosters was done safely and efficiently,” said Peter Marks, M.D./Ph.D., director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, in a press release. “We are confident in the evidence supporting these authorizations.”  The same press release compared the COVID-19 boosters to the annual flu vaccines. Again according to Marks: “The FDA has extensive experience with strain changes for annual influenza vaccines.” But other medical doctors say that comparing these new COVID-19 boosters to annual flu vaccines is highly misleading. […] The comparison between the annual flu vaccine and these COVID-19 boosters “is entirely misplaced,” Prasad argued. “It’s completely farcical. It’s absolutely wrong. And anyone who says it is pushing propaganda rather than science.”  […]  “In order to prove that the updated booster would mean you are more likely to attend more upcoming gatherings … you would have to have some human data to support that claim.” That study does not exist.

Read more:  https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/health/no-its-not-just-like-the-flu-vaccine_4833545.html

Piper: FDA cheerleads bivalent boosters, Paxlovid as research and ‘rebounds’ raise efficacy doubts

The FDA is getting feisty as a cascade of early research on the effectiveness of COVID-19 bivalent boosters, which were authorized without human data, intersects with embarrassing headlines about “rebound” infections for highly inoculated federal officials. Public health officials stand to get even more defensive amid revelations that Pfizer is sharing undisclosed booster efficacy data with the White House and that boosters may actually weaken immune systems’ ability to fight COVID. Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research Director Peter Marks, the FDA’s vaccines chief and face of its “Just a Minute” video series, publicly challenged Columbia and Beth Israel Deaconness preprint research that found the Omicron-targeting boosters did not meaningfully outperform the original Wuhan-strain boosters.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/government/federal-agencies/fda-cheerleads-bivalent-boosters-paxlovid-research-and-rebounds-raise


Ryun: COVID Amnesty? Hell, No!

In a recent article at the far-left Atlantic calling for a “COVID amnesty,” which many found stunning in its chutzpah, Brown University “mommy economist” Emily Oster asks that we give a pass to those involved in ruining the lives of countless people and probably killing many more for years to come. I know I’m not alone when I say my best counteroffer is, “Hell no,” and you can stick that “COVID amnesty” where the sun don’t shine. Better yet, as Matt Walsh and Michael Knowles noted, our best response to this trash—beyond Hell, no—is military tribunals for all the little fascists who demanded lockdowns, public and private vaccine mandates, the firing of cops and firemen, ruthless mask mandates, and even the firing of active duty soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines for refusing the vaccine. So much for “supporting the troops”! All the while, let’s not forget, the little fascists sincerely hoped everyone questioning all of the above would just die already. So no, I’m not for “COVID amnesty.” Those responsible should be happy with life in jail and the loss of pensions and benefits.

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2022/11/04/covid-amnesty-hell-no/

Kearsley: America’s top doctor criticises China for ‘failing the world’ on COVID-19

America’s top doctor, Dr Anthony Fauci, has criticised China for “failing the world” by not being “transparent” about the origin and spread of COVID-19. Fauci accused Beijing of providing “incorrect” information about how the virus was being transmitted. […]  Fauci spoke with 9News as he prepared to finish his 54-year career working in health for the US government. By his own admission he has had a career wearing “many hats”, advising seven US Presidents since Ronald Reagan. He defended his own record on the pandemic, in a country where more than 1 million people have died with COVID-19.

Read more: https://www.9news.com.au/national/covid19-coronavirus-anthony-fauci-china-failed-world/9fc0cb15-7a7f-46fd-a61d-8e3d74ff92d6

Bannons War Room: Natalie Winters: The American People Can’t Allow Fauci To Lie His Way Out Of Accountability

“War Room” Executive Editor Natalie Winters talks to host Steve Bannon about the trial balloon floated by the Atlantic magazine to give a general amnesty to all the politicians, health officials, and media figures who encouraged lockdowns, vaccine mandates and other dangerous policies in response to COVID. Their conclusion? No way!

Watch the 10:58 minute interview: https://warroom.org/2022/11/04/natalie-winters-the-american-people-cant-allow-fauci-to-lie-his-way-out-of-accountability/

Jeftovic: No, There Will Not Be Any “Pandemic Amnesty”

“Sooner or Later, Everyone Sits Down to a Banquet of Consequences” On the very first day of this year I wrote that the pandemic was over and that only the most brainwashed true believers would cling to the absurd narratives that enabled it. Since then, all of it has been exposed to be falsehoods, cluelessness and lies: Vaccines were never tested or proven to stop transmission. The fatality rate was around 0.005%.  Ivermectin worked. Masks don’t. Lockdowns did more damage than good. …and the final straws for the credibility of all involved: . . . […]  Innumerable careers, reputations and lives have been destroyed in order to enforce a completely debunked narrative as truth. The mainstream media, Big Tech, governments at all levels, neo-liberal glee clubs like the WEF, all coordinated to gaslight the entire population of the world that we were facing existential annihilation, and would have to henceforth trade in our civil liberties and basic human rights to these authorities to escape it (get ready to hear that one again…) […]  The name of the game now is to try to extract oneself from the most intense and virulent outbreaks of mass formation psychosis in recorded history: . . . […]  While these oligarchs and technocrats believed they had Divine Right to “re-imagine” every aspect of our lives for some grandiose Great Reset; it’s these self-appointed elites and the sclerotic, self-serving institutions they inhabit who are going to get their asses re-imagined. With a vengeance. Here’s a few ways that you can start to reclaim your life, and take your power back from those who abused it and used their positions against you: . . .

Read more/Watch the video clips: https://bombthrower.com/no-there-will-not-be-any-pandemic-amnesty/

Scarry: Paul Pelosi Had A Brush With Death. Here’s Why We’re Not Crying

Democrats and their little media friends are beside themselves that right-wingers aren’t in mourning over the very strange — shut up, don’t ask! — attack on Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband. They’ve all seemed to have forgotten how they treated everyone over the past three years. […]  Let’s talk about compassion for the victims of deadly encounters. For three years now, Democrats and the corrupt national media have blamed every single infection, hospitalization, and death of an airborne virus on people who were guilty of nothing more than minding their own business. […]  It is sad. But conjuring up the energy for much compassion, after what they’ve put us through, is just too difficult. Best of luck to the Pelosis, though.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2022/11/05/paul-pelosi-had-a-brush-with-death-heres-why-were-not-crying/


Mercola: Record Surge of Infections in Children

Hospitals around the U.S. are suddenly struggling to keep up with surging rates of respiratory infections among children, such as respiratory syncytial virus (RSV),1 COVID, rhinoviruses and influenza.2 Hospital staff feign confusion, saying they have no idea what’s going on. Meanwhile, censored scientists and doctors have long warned that the mRNA COVID jabs are destroying people’s immune systems, and that we’re going to see an avalanche of infections as immune system failure sets in. As of the third week of October 2022, several children’s hospitals in Washington, D.C., Maryland, Connecticut and Virginia reported being at or near capacity.3 To expand capacity, officials in Hartford, Connecticut, are seeking help from the National Guard and FEMA. According to Dr. Margaret R. Moon, co-director of Johns Hopkins Children’s Center in Baltimore, the hospital “is experiencing a surge of patients due to an increase in cases of RSV, as well as other reasons, and many surrounding hospitals are facing the same.”4 […]  According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data,5 58,000 children under age 5 are hospitalized for RSV each year, and the CDC’s RSV dashboard6 (screenshot below) does show that RSV is acting unseasonably. Could this out-of-season emergence of RSV have something to do with the fact that the Food and Drug Administration authorized the COVID shot for children under 5 in June 2022?7 Maybe, maybe not. It’s not a clear parallel, as RSV also rose out of season during the summer of 2021, when young children did not yet have access to the COVID shot. Parents and older siblings, however, were eligible, and there are still many open questions surrounding the issue of shedding.

Read more: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2022/11/joseph-mercola/record-surge-of-infections-in-children/



Dr. Paul Marik  IS INTERVIEWED. Will  Ivermectin get rid of the spike protein?

Watch the 10:35 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v1qcq7d-doctor-exposes-the-truth-on-ivermectin.html


Greenfield: Biden’s Corrupt Green Subsidies May Lead to EU Trade War

The corrupt bargain in the Inflation Increase Act, aside from stealing from working families to subsidize green special interests, now risks a trade war with the European Union.

It’s a tough competition over which set of leftists can harm their own people more. The European Union called on the US to amend certain tax benefits contained in recently-enacted green legislation given what it called their discriminatory nature, and warned of potential retaliation. The bloc wants Washington to remove discriminatory content and production requirements in the Inflation Reduction Act, and to receive the same treatment as other US trading partners. What are we talking about specifically?

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/bidens-corrupt-green-subsidies-may-lead-to-eu-trade-war/

Hubbard: Abraham Accords’ lasting impact may be eventual peace between Israel and Saudis: ex-ambassador

Benjamin Netanyahu, elected this week to his sixth term as prime minister of Israel, has said his goal is to open relations with Saudi Arabia. The lasting breakthrough from the Abraham Accords could eventually be peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia, according to Ron Dermer, who served as Israel’s ambassador to the U.S. from 2013 to 2021. […]  If the Biden administration stands against the demands of Iran — the enemy of both Israel and Saudi Arabia — it will allow the nations to come together under U.S. leadership and “continue the remarkable breakthrough that we had with the Abraham Accords and actually get a peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia,” Dermer said. “That would be a bulwark of stability for the whole region.”

Read more: https://justthenews.com/world/middle-east/abraham-accords-lasting-impact-may-be-eventual-peace-between-israel-and-saudis-ex


Powell: Veterans Day and What’s at Stake in the Mid-Term Elections

When Washington politicians decided to change the dates of holidays to give federal government employees predictable three-day weekends through the 1968 Uniform Monday Holiday Act—which moved the dates of celebration of Presidents Day (formerly Washington’s Birthday), Memorial Day, Labor Day and Columbus Day—they met such opposition from Veterans about changing the date of their holiday, Veterans Day, that they gave up. Apparently, the politicians had forgotten that Veterans Day was first known as Armistice Day, and was celebrated on November 11th because that was the day agreed upon by the Allied nations and Germany to begin a total cessation of hostilities in World War I. In fact, the guns and artillery went silent on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918, after some 20 million people from both sides had given their lives in the war effort. Veterans Day would not be diminished as another commercially oriented “floating” holiday but remain a sacred and fixed day tied to history and to celebrate valor and sacrifice embodied in veterans of foreign wars. While Veterans remain one of the most patriotic groups in America, there is great concern—even alarm—that the politization of America’s armed forces that started in the Obama years, has now again accelerated, and metastasized into nothing short of betrayal of the military by the powers behind the Biden administration.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/veterans-day-and-whats-at-stake-in-the-mid-term-elections/


Turley: “How Do People Know the Truth?”: Biden Unleashes Tirade Over Musk Restoring Free Speech Protections on Twitter

What the President said next, however, was particularly telling and chilling: “How do people know the truth? What do they — how do they make — make a distinction between fact and fiction? There’s so much — so much going on. And we’re in the middle of this.” Indeed, perish the thought that citizens might be left to pursue the truth on their own without the government or surrogates in the media framing it for them. How could we possibly “know the truth” without our social media overlords? This view of citizens are gullible dupes needing to be lead to the truth is a recurring theme among Democrats and media allies. It was the theme of a “Disinformation and the Erosion of Democracy” conference at the University of Chicago with the leading Democratic leaders and media leaders in Chicago last year, including former President Barack Obama. The conference discussed how the views of the public could be shaped if government and media figures worked together to frame what is true and what is not.

Read more: https://jonathanturley.org/2022/11/05/de-madness-biden-unleashes-tirade-over-musk-restoring-free-speech-protections-on-twitter/

Patel: Hedge-fund giant Elliott warns looming hyperinflation could lead to ‘global societal collapse’

That’s executives at leading hedge-fund firm Elliott Management Corp. warning that the world is heading toward the worst financial crisis since World War II. In a letter sent to investors, and reportedly seen by the Financial Times, the Florida-headquartered firm told clients that it believes the global economy is in an “extremely challenging” situation that could lead to hyperinflation. Elliott did not respond to MarketWatch’s request for comment. The firm, led by billionaire Paul Singer and Jonathan Pollock, told its clients that “investors should not assume they have ‘seen everything’ ” because they have been through the peaks and troughs of the 1987 crash, the dot-com boom and bust, the 2008 global financial crisis, and previous bear and bull markets.

Read more: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/hedge-fund-giant-elliott-warns-looming-hyperinflation-could-lead-to-global-societal-collapse-11667470081

Durden: Something Has Snapped: Unexplained 2.3 Million Jobs Gap Emerges In Broken Payrolls Report

A simplistic, superficial take of today’s jobs report would conclude that the red hot jump in nonfarm payrolls indicates a “strong hiring market” (just ignore the jump in the unemployment rate). Nothing could be further from the truth. Recall that back in August and September, we showed that a stark divergence had opened between the Household and Establishment surveys that comprise the monthly jobs report, and since March the former has been stagnant while the latter has been rising every single month. In addition to that, full-time jobs were plunging while part-time jobs were soaring. Fast forward to today when the inconsistencies not only continue to grow, but in some cases have becoming downright grotesque. … the BLS has a single, political agenda – not to spoil the political climate less than a week ahead of the payrolls by painting a “suboptimal” labor market picture. Alas, there is only so much the Department of Labor can hide under the rug because . . .

Read more: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/something-has-snapped-unexplained-23-million-jobs-gap-emerges-broken-payrolls-report

Laila: Biden Announces He’s Going to Shut Coal Plants Down Across America During Major Energy Crisis, Says General Motors Committed to Going “All Electric by 2035” (VIDEO)

Attention voters in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, West Virginia, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Colorado and others: Joe Biden said he’s going to shut down all coal plants. “We’re going to be shutting these plants down all across America, and having wind and solar,” said Biden.

Read more/Watch the 17 second Biden clip: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/11/biden-celebrates-coal-plant-workers-losing-jobs-says-general-motors-committed-going-electric-3035-video/

The Center Square Staff: Biden administration looks to make it harder to oust unions

The day after President Joe Biden claimed “American democracy is under attack,” his administration took action to make it more difficult for employees to vote on whether or not they want to join a union. […] . . .his administration’s National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) announced it would start the process rescind a 2020 rule implemented to protect workers’ right to vote on removing union representation. […]  “The Biden-appointed NLRB majority – two of whom were union lawyers when nominated for their seats on the Board – is once again protecting union boss power to the detriment of the statutory rights of rank-and-file workers,” National Right to Work Foundation President Mark Mix said. “Make no mistake, reversing the Election Protection Rule will mean more workers trapped in forced union ranks they oppose, and more denials of worker requests for basic secret-ballot votes regarding union status. […]  “The NLRB’s own statistics indicate that workers are currently seeking to throw out unwanted unions at the highest rate in years.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/nation/states/center-square/claiming-democracy-under-attack-biden-administration-looks-make-it

Bannons War Room: Joe Biden Is Culpable For The Deaths Caused By America’s Open Borders And Should Be Prosecuted

Ben Bergquam is interviewed. Cartel’s are moving into American cities bringing Fentanyl with them.

Watch the 4:20 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v1rlg3w-joe-biden-is-culpable-for-the-deaths-caused-by-americas-open-borders-and-sh.html

Caitlan: America WILL still demand proof of Covid vaccination to enter the country in 2023 – making it the only country in the West

Travelers flying into the United States will still need proof of Covid vaccination in 2023 — making the US the only country in the West to stick by the failing policy. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has extended the rule, which only applies to non-US citizens, until at least January 8 next year to ‘limit the risk of Covid-19, including variants of the virus’. But there has been a growing acceptance among experts that Covid vaccines – while highly effective at preventing severe illness – do not stop infections very well. […]  The CDC defines fully vaccinated as having had an accepted single-dose vaccine, or both doses of an accepted two-dose series, at least two weeks ago. A booster dose is not needed.

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11390871/Covid-vaccination-proof-required-enter-America-2023.html


Murphy & Johnston: How Elon Musk’s ‘war room’ of advisers transformed Twitter

In first week as owner, the billionaire has axed management, begun mass job cuts and launched new products.  One of Elon Musk’s first acts on taking over Twitter was to set up a secretive “war room” in the company’s San Francisco headquarters, surrounding himself with a cast of trusted lieutenants and thrashing out plans to transform the company’s stagnant business into a money-spinner. Over just a few days, the war room deliberations led Musk to order mass job cuts and press ahead with new product plans, while seeking to reassure advertisers that the platform would not turn into a “free-for-all hellscape”. This account of Musk’s whirlwind start running Twitter is based on interviews with current and former Twitter staffers, people aware of Musk’s thinking, other correspondence and the torrent of public tweets made by the Tesla chief executive and his team after closing the $44bn buyout of the social media company on October 27. Most Twitter employees have received little to no direct interaction from Musk or his inner circle, sparking confusion internally. Instead, they have been forced to watch from their screens as the mercurial billionaire has wielded the platform itself publicly to brainstorm strategies for its future and pour scorn on critics of his plans, drumming up both debate and spectacle for its users. “Twitter is simply the most interesting place on the Internet,” he wrote this week. “That’s why you’re reading this tweet right now.”

Read more: https://archive.ph/DOf9Z#selection-1945.0-1971.134

Schachtel: Twitter advertiser boycott organized by dark money Soros, Clinton, and foreign networks

The campaign to pull corporate advertising from Twitter, following its purchase by SpaceX founder Elon Musk, is being led by a network of left wing dark money activists with ties to prominent Democrat politicians and mega donors. An advocacy group formed in 2020 called Accountable Tech is organizing the pressure campaign, which has thus far succeeded in having the likes of Pfizer, Audi, General Mills, and other corporations pull their advertising expenditures from the platform. Accountable Tech has taken credit for organizing an “open letter” signed by dozens of progressive groups, which demanded that multinational corporations cease advertising with Twitter immediately. The far-left activist groups wrote: . . .

Read more: https://dossier.substack.com/p/twitter-advertiser-boycott-organized

Citizen Free Press: Elon Musk Confirms — Twitter employees were secretly selling Bluechecks for $15,000 each…

Read more: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/elon-musk-confirms-twitter-employees-were-secretly-selling-bluechecks-for-15000-each/

Citizen Free Press; Kathy Griffin permanently banned by twitter…

Kathy Griffin impersonated Elon Musk by changing the name of her account and tweeting political endorsements of Democrats. This was after Elon Musk had warned — ‘Going forward, any Twitter handles engaging in impersonation without clearly specifying parody will be permanently suspended.’

Read more: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/kathy-griffin-permanently-banned-by-twitter/


McKay: Weaponizing Children

In 1928, Fabian Socialist George Bernard Shaw boasted in his The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Socialism, Capitalism, Sovietism and Fascism:

In the case of young children we have gone far in our interference with the old Roman rights of parents. For nine mortal years the child is taken out of its parents’ hands for most of the day, and thus made a State school child instead of a private family child… The social creed must be imposed on us when we are children; for it is like riding, or reading music at sight: it can never become a second nature to those who try to learn it as adults; and the social creed, to be really effective, must be a second nature to us. It is quite easy to give people a second nature, however unnatural, if you catch them early enough. There is no belief, however grotesque and even villainous, that cannot be made a part of human nature if it is inculcated in childhood and not contradicted in the child’s hearing. Marxists are confident that victory is now at hand. The tactics to achieve that victory are societal chaos and confusion. Their weapons include disinformation and propaganda, language distortion, violence, moral degradation, and sexual perversion.

Read more at American Thinker.

Young: Florida Boards of Medicine BAN sex change surgery and puberty blockers for minors

The Florida Boards of Medicine and Osteopathic Medicine decided Friday to uphold the guidance issued by state Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo that child sex changes, conducted with drugs and sometimes surgeries, should not be permitted in Florida. According to Florida’s Voice, the rule will prevent minors from taking cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, and will prevent children from getting permanent life-altering surgeries. […]  Many of those who testified against these procedures for minors stressed that adults are able to make these mistakes, and if adults can be so wrong about the taking of drugs and surgeries to present as the opposite sex, what hope do minors have of being able to truly to consent to a lifetime of sterility and limited sexual function simply to be able to appear as the opposite sex.

Read more: https://thepostmillennial.com/florida-boards-of-medicine-ban-sex-change-surgery-and-puberty-blockers-for-minors

Canto, Jr.: NPR goes sick

Recently, a friend told me about NPR broadcasting an abortion.  I thought that it was a joke or something from the Babylon Bee.  After all, who could be sick enough to broadcast or listen to an abortion?  Well, the answer is, NPR.  This is from National Review:  On its radio broadcast Thursday morning, NPR played audio of a woman undergoing an abortion, complete with disturbing sounds of machinery vacuuming out the unborn child and the mother crying and moaning. The Michigan woman, . . . […]  This is sick.

Read more at American Thinker.


Cavallier: NBC News mysteriously PULLS its exclusive report on how Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul, 82, calmly opened door to cops in his underpants – and then walked TOWARDS ‘hammer intruder’ who bludgeoned him

NBC News has pulled a bombshell report that claimed Paul Pelosi did not tell responding police officers that he was in danger just before he was injured in a hammer attack at his San Francisco home last week. The clip posted by the media outlet early Friday morning cited sources close to the investigation that claimed the husband of US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi did not declare an emergency or say he was in distress when cops showed up at his door in response to his 911 call.  The report by Emmy Award-winning journalist Miguel Almaguer claimed the 82-year-old walked back a few feet away from the officers and into the foyer toward David DePape, 42, who had earlier broken into the home armed with a hammer.

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11390497/Paul-Pelosi-answered-door-cops-did-NOT-say-distress-new-police-account-claims.html

McLaughlin & Howe: BREAKING: MSNBC Abruptly Severs Ties With Tiffany Cross

Cross, whose Saturday show The Cross Connection was a source of controversy for the network, has not commented publicly on the cancellation. Her production team was told of the decision on Friday. They will remain at the network, a source familiar with the matter told Mediaite, as they currently work on MSNBC’s Sunday show in the same slot. […]  Cross has stirred controversy for outrageous commentary in recent months. She has repeatedly declared civil war has begun, and as recently as Thursday night in an interview with Charlamagne tha God she called the state of Florida “the dick of the country.”

Read more: https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mediaite.com%2Ftv%2Fbreaking-msnbc-abruptly-severs-ties-with-tiffany-cross%2F


De Bernardy: How You can Derail the Climate Agenda

It’s time, once again, for another climate conference. This will be the 27th desperate effort to save the planet. It doesn’t have to be this way. The fearmongers are hard at work. They’ve put out no less than 8 reports in the run-up to the event. We must act now, experts squeal. The alternative is dire, as always. The coverage is relentless, especially in rags that take money from conservancies. […]  The usual charade will start on Sunday. Dignitaries who arrived in private jets will lecture us about fossil fuels. Except for John Kerry, that is. He’s flying commercial this year. That’s more virtuous, still a lot of carbon emissions. Try sailing and riding a mule next time, John. ​Looming food shortages might put land use tied to meat in the spotlight. Or not. This problem seems to be solving itself. Feed costs are prompting feedlot operators to thin their herds. Schools are getting our kids used to eating bugs. […]  Climate science, you see, is not just wrong about the link between carbon dioxide and climate. It is so wrong that it doesn’t even get the diagnosis right when you take the narrative at face value.

Read more at American Thinker.


Romirowsky & Joffe: The Hijacking of Middle East Studies

Funded by the federal government to improve U.S. national security, Middle East studies centers have become hotbeds of anti-American and anti-Israel activism. ew trends in academia are more depressing than the continued domination of Middle Eastern studies departments by postcolonial professors whose shtick involves recycling cliched attacks on the United States as the “Great Satan” and Israel as the “Little Satan.” The results of this trend are evident in faculty antipathy toward Israel, which is increasingly playing out in their support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. […]  MESA, which has more than 2,800 members and more than 50 institutional members, describes itself as a “private, non-profit learned society that brings together scholars, educators and those interested in the study of the region from all over the world.” Academic Middle East studies departments are crucial in the development of American students’—and by extension the American public’s—views of the Middle East. It is also the mechanism that informs and helps shape U.S. policymakers, from the State Department to the military and intelligence communities. MESA’s vote to boycott Israeli academics and institutions puts scholars on notice that professional acceptance in the organization now demands that they discriminate against individuals on the basis of their national, ethnic, and religious origins. […]  As the report makes clear, MESCs have followed newer trends in higher education, emphasizing “intersectionality,” “diversity,” immigration, critical race theory, and of course “Islamophobia.” “Antiracism” and “unlearning whiteness” have become important causes, along with the effort to collectively portray Islam as a subaltern religion perpetually exploited by Western powers. The U.S. and capitalism, meanwhile, are treated as uniquely destructive forces in the Middle East and globally.

Read more: https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/hijacking-middle-east-studies-asaf-romirowsky-alexander-joffe


Only the Strong: Reversing the Left’s Plot to Sabotage American Power  by Senator Tom Cotton

Barnes: Reclaiming Our Place in the World

But Only the Strong is a spectacular book on its own. It covers a 100-year period during which Democrats and the political left, led initially by President Woodrow Wilson, commit themselves to reducing the United States as a world power. And that effort continues today with ugly success. “America’s recent decline isn’t an accident,” Cotton writes. “It’s decline by design. For more than a century, liberal Democrats have plotted to sabotage American power. These Democrats believe a strong and confident America brings war, arrogance, and oppression—not safety, freedom, and prosperity.”

Read more: https://freebeacon.com/national-security/reclaiming-our-place-in-the-world/


Sundance: Zuckerberg’s META, Parent Company of Facebook, Plans to Announce Tech Platform Layoffs After Midterm Election

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Facebook’s parent company, Meta, is planning to lay off people after the midterm election next week.  Meta has lost 70% of its stock value after announcing poor user engagement and financial support last week while investors fled to the exits. In the big picture, those companies who were ideologically aligned with the Biden administration’s larger political efforts will all likely start announcing layoffs soon. There’s a better than reasonable likelihood some companies have deferred layoff announcements in an effort to help the employment stats for the Biden Administration.

Read more: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/11/06/zuckerbergs-meta-parent-company-of-facebook-plans-to-announce-tech-platform-layoffs-after-midterm-election/

Stewart: What Are Those Mysterious New Towers Looming Over New York’s Sidewalks?

curiously futuristic tower recently appeared on the corner of Putnam and Bedford Avenues in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn. A gray column topped by a perforated casing, at a whopping 32 feet tall, it reaches higher than the three-story brick building behind it. Sixty-year-old Marion Little, who owns Stripper Stain & Supplies, the hardware store that has operated on that corner for 17 years, said that he and his neighbors had received no warning. One day there were workers outside; then the tower materialized. “We were shocked because we had no idea what it was,” Mr. Little said. Since it’s right outside his store, people keep asking him about it. “They’ve been emailing me, calling me weekends, Facebooking me, like, ‘Yo, what’s that?’ and I’m sitting there like, ‘I have no clue.’” The object in question is a new 5G antenna tower erected by LinkNYC, the latest hardware in New York’s sweeping technological upgrade. [Note: Revolver,news: . . . technotronic control grid?]

Read more: https://archive.ph/jmc0C#selection-523.0-551.1

Wolf: A Lost Small Town

When you drive to Millerton, it looks like you are driving into the heart of archetypal America; everything that Woody Guthrie songs memorialize, everything of which American soldiers dreamt when they were far away — everything decent and pure, is to be found in Hudson Valley towns. It sure looks that way, anyway. .But these days, I am obliged to maintain a fervent inner monologue, just so I can pleasantly go about my business in the local hardware store, in the local florist, in the post office. Because an emotional massacre has taken place in these little towns. And now we are expected to act as if — this never happened at all. But psychically, emotionally, there is blood flowing in the streets; and bodies are stacked up, invisible, in front of the candy stores, the high end wine stores, the pretty memorials to the World War Two dead; outside the farmers’ market on Saturdays, outside the tapas bars. So my quiet internal mantra, is: I forgive you. I forgive you, Millerton movie theatre. Your owner, who was interviewed just before the pandemic, saying lovely things in a local paper about how the revamped theatre would enhance the local community, posted a sign in 2021 saying that only vaccinated people could enter. You needed to really look for the fine print to see that you could walk through those doors, if unvaccinated, but only with a PCR test..  […]  I forgive the employee of the Millerton flower shop who demanded, . . . […] Are you vaccinated? Are you Vaccinated? Are you vaccinated?  […]  I forgive my loved ones for keeping us from . . . […]  I forgive the friend who said . . . […]  I forgive them, because my soul instructs me that I must. But I cannot forget. Are we supposed to . . .

Read more: https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/a-lost-small-town


(Ireland) Caddle: Priest Stands by Viral Homily Against Abortion, Transgenderism Despite His Bishop Siding with Cancel Mob

Catholic Priest Fr. Seán Sheehy delivered a number of sermons last weekend attacking government and societal pushes towards transgenderism, abortion and homosexuality in Ireland, which he described as being sinful. The homilies have since provoked outrage from activists across Ireland, who have demanded that Fr. Sheehy apologise and be disallowed from preaching. However, despite even his own local bishop having sided with the cancel mob — describing the homily as “not appropriate” and as not representing the “Christian position” — Fr Sheehy has stood by his preaching, telling Ireland’s state-owned broadcaster that they are backed in the teachings of the bible and the Catholic Church. “Of course I accept the authority [of the bishop], but by the same token, when he says to me, that that’s not the Christian faith, then he needs to read the Catechism and he also needs to read the Scriptures as well,” he said, accusing the bishop of sacrificing “the truth in order to appease people who do not want to face the reality of sin”. [Note: All religious leaders should  follow this priest’s lead.]

Read more/Watch the 2:20 minute homily: https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2022/11/04/priest-stands-by-viral-homily-against-abortion-transgenderism-despite-his-bishop-siding-with-cancel-mob/

Hammer: The Return of Bibi Netanyahu

It turns out that, sometimes, the fifth time is a charm. With the final ballots now counted in Israel’s fifth national election in four years, the results are officially in: Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu, already the longest-serving prime minister in the 74-year history of the modern Jewish state, is set to return as premier. After four elections of decisively mixed results, where both the Right—which has been addled by its disgruntled “Never Netanyahu” camp—and the Left have consistently failed to secure a durable governing coalition, the Israeli people have finally spoken up loud and clear: Bring Bibi back. What’s more, the final results are actually far clearer than many had expected. Some pre-election polls had Netanyahu’s Likud and its allied parties polling highly enough to secure a bare 61-seat coalition majority—Israel’s Knesset, or national legislature, has 120 seats—but others did not. In the final count, the Likud-centric rightist coalition will attain 64 seats. That may sound like a narrow winning margin, but compared to the previous four indecisive elections going back to 2019, that is a monumental victory.

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2022/11/04/the-return-of-bibi-netanyahu/

Greenfield: Italy’s Conservative New PM Stands Up to Migrant Smugglers

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni vowed to resist mass migration. The low bar at stake here is the migrant smuggling operation in which NGOs pick up mostly Muslim migrants and “rescue them” by transporting them to Italy. The new Italian government lightly put its foot down and refused to let the male migrants leave the smuggling ships and enter Italy. Cue Das Outrage. Charities have branded the actions of the Italian government “illegal” after it prevented 250 people disembarking two migrant rescue ships. They’re not “rescue ships”. That’s a legal fiction, they’re human smuggling ships. And Italy has said that they’re welcome to take their “rescuees” who are no longer in any danger, anywhere they please.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/italys-conservative-new-pm-stands-up-to-migrant-smugglers/

Hyung: North Korea fires more missiles as U.S. flies bombers over South

North Korea added to its recent barrage of weapons demonstrations by launching four ballistic missiles into the sea on Saturday, as the United States sent two supersonic bombers streaking over South Korea in a dueling display of military might that underscored rising tensions in the region. South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said that the four short-range missiles fired from a western coastal area around noon flew about 130 kilometers (80 miles) toward the country’s western sea.

Read more: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2022/nov/5/north-korea-fires-more-missiles-as-us-flies-bomber/Daily


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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