Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 23 minutes


William Kilpatrick is a contributor to Frontpage Magazine: . . . traditional Catholics need to learn a lesson from current political realities in America.  In the wake of Joe Biden’s presidential victory, it turned out that the deep state bureaucracy and the Democratic machine had amassed far more power and control over American society than any, except for a few, had imagined.  The “hijacking” of America was much further advanced than most had supposed. Likewise, traditional Catholics should not be surprised when they discover that the “deep Church” of the dissenters wields far more power than they had thought possible. They also should not be surprised to discover that the supposed “victims” of the Church’s “exclusivity” will turn out to be victimizers.

Fletch Daniels is a contributor to American Thinker: The Democrat party has never been about unity.  They’ve always preached resentment, hostility, and anger.  But the class warfare language of yesterday was nowhere near as toxic as the Marxist, globalist, and racist stew they’ve replaced it with today.

Rev. Michael Bresciani is a  contributor to Canada Free Press: The dangers begin in the womb. The chances of surviving a death planned and executed by your mother has decreased somewhat by the removal of Roe V. Wade, but now the lib politicians are laboring to find loopholes in the new Supreme Court decision to abandon Roe. Next, having survived the horrors of Roe, you may be assaulted and transformed by transgender activists, which may after all – turn out to be your own parents. If you pick up one of your sister’s dolls, beware what they may do to parts of your anatomy.

David Horowitz founder of Frontpage Magazine: Kanye West is one of the most important voices in the black community and a leading force in the battle to save our country from the onslaught of the Biden administration and the fascist Left. Despite the mountain of slanders directed at him in the last week, Kanye West is not an anti-Semite any more than Donald Trump is a white supremacist. Both are targets of the largest and most vicious witch-hunt in American history, directed by the Biden administration and its kept media.


Sundance: Harvard-Harris Poll, Donald Trump Most Favored Politician in U.S.

The Harvard-Harris polling group is a left leaning media narrative engineering effort.  So, when Harvard-Harris releases a poll [DATA HERE] showing Donald Trump as the most favored politician in the U.S. a few weeks before the midterm elections….  You know the background for democrats is substantially worse.

Read more: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/10/17/harvard-harris-poll-donald-trump-most-favored-politician-in-u-s/


VDH: The Tentacles of the Social Media Octopus

A shared theme in all dystopian explorations of future and current totalitarian regimes—whether China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, or Cuba—is government control of all media information, fueled by electronic surveillance.  A skeptical public learns to say one thing publicly but quite another privately. It nervously nods yes at the news while at work, but at home cynically assumes the opposite of whatever is publicly said to be true.  Such electronic propaganda has sadly become characteristic of the world’s oldest consensual government. In America we once believed our First Amendment prevented a government monopoly on information. But in the age of globalization, the Internet, and social media, the state has become the enemy—not the protector—of free speech. […]  The war on free expression is occurring not just because the government arbitrarily decided to brand some ideas criminal and others orthodox and then to mete out rewards and punishments accordingly. It has also de facto fused with the multitrillion-dollar, left-wing media monopolies of Silicon Valley to help ensure that progressives benefit from such fusion misinformation while its opponents suffer.

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2022/10/16/the-tentacles-of-the-social-media-octopus/

Duggan: A Parallel, Conservative Economy Is Emerging To Compete With ‘Corporations That Hate You’

A separate economy is emerging for consumers who want to opt out of supporting corporations with vocal left-wing views, with new businesses popping up in various fields that aim to either promote conservative values or stay out of politics altogether. Some of the country’s largest corporations have taken left-wing stances on divisive issues in recent years, and some have been accused of discriminating against conservative and religious consumers. A growing cohort of entrepreneurs are offering an alternative to left-wing corporations and aiming to change the culture through the promotion of conservative values in their businesses. New Founding, a conservative for-profit organization, is connecting conservative investors with ideologically aligned projects and publishing a curated guide of companies that align with its social values. New Founding cofounder Matthew Peterson had already been connecting investors with ideologically aligned businesses informally, but he created New Founding to do that at a larger scale, he told the DCNF.

Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2022/10/17/separate-economy-conservative-woke-businesses/


Meyrat: Pride Clubs Everywhere

The United State Supreme Court recently decided not to hear the case of Yeshiva University v. Pride Alliance, opting instead to send the case back to the New York appellate courts. Citing the New York City Human Rights Law (NYCHRL) which forbids discrimination based on sex or gender, […]   The Supreme Court is effectively saying that LGBTQ ideology trumps the religious freedom of Orthodox Jews at YU. This ruling extends government power over Americans’ beliefs and behavior, in line with the prevailing liberalism of modern culture, which espouses a moral relativism that exalts supposed victims of oppression and equates claims of objective truth with bigotry—what Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI regarded as “the dictatorship of relativism.” If Chief Justice Roberts and the rest of the majority think they have avoided setting a precedent by sending the case back instead ruling on it, they are mistaken. In effect, they have just made religious liberty a matter for the states. One may live out his faith in Texas or Florida without any problems, but now he will need be prepared to affirm various leftist dogmas and reject certain tenets of his faith if he lives in New York or California.

Read more: https://americanmind.org/salvo/pride-clubs-everywhere/


Solomon: FBI whistleblower says bureau using excessive tactics to ensure ‘process is the punishment’

“We took an oath, before our family and our friends and the Lord Almighty, and we are supposed to be people of integrity,” suspended FBI Special Agent Steve Friend told Just the News in a wide-ranging interview. “And that’s not a leisure pursuit. And if you are indeed a person of fidelity, bravery, integrity — the FBI motto — and you have to be willing to do things that aren’t easy, especially when they’re as simple as stepping up and pointing out when we are not meeting the standards that we have set out for ourselves.” Friend’s security clearance has been suspended, leaving him sidelined on the job without pay after he filed a whistleblower complaint with Congress, the U.S. Office of Special Counsel and the Justice Department inspector general. The complaint obtained by Just the News alleges the FBI is violating the 6th and 8th Amendment rights of Jan. 6 defendants and inflating the statistics for domestic extremism in the country by sending Jan. 6 Capitol riot cases to field offices instead of keeping them in Washington.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/accountability/whistleblowers/fbi-whistleblower-says-bureau-using-excessive-tactics-ensure-process


Powell: Busted: China’s Attempt to Warp the 2022 Midterm Election

The recent arrest of Eugene Yu, the founder and CEO of election software company, Konnech, Inc. for betraying Los Angeles, the largest metropolitan area in America, charged with transferring election poll worker information to China is just the tip of the iceberg of CCP subversion efforts to destroy the United States.  This arrest of Yu on the grounds of a security breach with China and on charges of embezzling funds—is a wakeup call for all polling place administrators in the U.S. regarding the upcoming mid-term elections. They need to unplug and shutdown Konnech, Dominion, ES&S and other electronic voting systems. All have been plagued with erratic vote count problems and are vulnerable to being hacked and manipulated. […]  We are reminded of the adage of the communist tyrant Stalin who said, “It doesn’t matter how many people vote, only who counts the vote.” Americans now increasingly understand that the Covid-19 virus was more hoax than pandemic—conceived in China as a manmade virus and then released to the world, but with the primary target being the United States. No surprise that it was pulled off in the 2020 election year so as to end the presidency of Donald Trump, the first president to resolutely stand up against the China threat. […]  It’s worth noting that all the major voting machine technology contractually employed in America use Chinese-manufactured parts, which can provide “backdoors” to being hacked for the purpose of data manipulation and/or transfer. This was the very reason Trump’s FCC banned all Chinese Huawei telecommunications equipment in the U.S.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/busted-chinas-attempt-to-warp-the-2022-midterm-election/

The Right Scoop: Whoa!!! MTG calls Democrats the party of “grooming” right to opponent’s FACE at debate

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene held not one thing back when she went OFF on what Democrats are, what they stand for, and who they represent, staring her Democrat challenger dead in his eyes while she said it. She said that it’s the party of “child abuse,” and she was just getting started on deer-in-the-headlights Marcus Flowers.

Read more/Watch the 30 second clip: https://therightscoop.com/whoa-mtg-calls-democrats-the-party-of-grooming-right-to-opponents-face-at-debate/

Schakohl: Zeldin Pledges To Declare Statewide Crime Emergency, Suspend Cashless Bail Laws

“I’m going to suspend New York’s cashless bail laws and some other pro-criminal laws that have been passed, force the legislature to come to the table to negotiate an improvement, because we have to take back our streets,” Zeldin told Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo. “We need law-abiding New Yorkers back in control of New York streets instead of criminals, and there are people in charge right now, from Kathy Hochul to the Democrats controlling the state legislature, who feel like they haven’t passed enough pro-criminal laws.” Zeldin seeks to take as much action as possible in his first 100 minutes as governor, he declared. He pointed to his recent announcement that he would declare “a crime emergency.”

Read more/Watch the 7:46 minute interview: https://dailycaller.com/2022/10/16/zeldin-crime-emergency-cashless-bail/

Kerr & Goodman: Pests, Filth, and Killer Elevators: Inside Raphael Warnock’s Secret Low-Income Apartment Building

Residents of the Columbia Tower at MLK Village complained about living conditions in the building, telling the Washington Free Beacon that garbage is left to pile up in the storage rooms for days, creating an “overwhelming trash smell,” common areas aren’t maintained, and the air vents produce a “sickening” amount of dust. Tenants also said the elevators often break down, and handicapped residents have had to call the fire department to carry them to their rooms. The allegations follow a Free Beacon report that found Columbia Tower had attempted to evict at least eight low-income residents over unpaid rent since the start of the pandemic—including one tenant who owed just $28. Warnock serves as senior pastor of the Ebenezer Baptist Church, which, through a charity it controls called the Ebenezer Building Foundation, owns 99 percent of Columbia Tower, according to records obtained by the Free Beacon. It’s not clear what Warnock’s role was in overseeing Columbia Tower. A repair grant Ebenezer Building Foundation filed in June, however, said Warnock “works closely” with Ebenezer’s executive pastor “in managing the overall vision, ministries, and operations” of the church.

Read more: https://freebeacon.com/democrats/pests-filth-and-killer-elevators-inside-raphael-warnocks-secret-low-income-apartment-building/

Barkoukis: Liberal Media Have a Sudden Change of Heart on Expanded Voting Access

The left has suddenly changed its tune on mail-in voting now that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed an executive order expanding ballot access to residents of three counties heavily impacted by Hurricane Ian. “At the request of the Supervisors of Elections in Charlotte, Lee, and Sarasota counties, and at the recommendation of Secretary of State Cord Byrd, the Governor signed Executive Order 22-234, which will help ensure adequate access to Florida’s 2022 General Election ballot for the voters of Charlotte, Lee, and Sarasota counties,” the governor’s office announced last week. Early voting will be extended to residents of these counties from Oct. 24 through Nov. 8, and more early voting locations will be designated. […]  But liberal media accused the governor of politicizing the expanded access.

Read more: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahbarkoukis/2022/10/17/desantis-early-voting-n2614605


Hazard: Colorado Republican Senate nominee says he would ‘actively campaign’ against Trump in 2024

O’Dea is also critical of Trump’s handling of the Jan 6., 2021, Capitol riot. “I’ve been very vocal that I thought he should have done more to keep the violence from heading towards the Capitol,” O’Dea said. “Anybody that was violent at the Capitol or tore something apart, they should be held accountable.”

According to a recent poll done by Marist, the current incumbent Colorado Democrat Sen. Michael Bennet is ahead of O’Dea by seven points.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/colorado-republican-senate-nominee-says-he-would-actively-campaign

Sundance: Megyn Kelly Notes Why Ron DeSantis Doesn’t Stand a Chance Against Donald Trump, She is Not Wrong

Appearing for an interview with Dave Rubin, the founder of Locals and a major conscript of the branding and image shaping effort behind Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Megyn Kelly gives Mr. Rubin the bitter pill of truth.

Watch the 8:19 minute interview: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/10/16/megyn-kelly-notes-why-ron-desantis-doesnt-stand-a-chance-against-donald-trump-she-is-not-wrong/


Janey retweet: Kimberly Biss, MD an OB/Gyn explains in her hospital she is seeing a huge rise in infertility and miscarriages as well as a 25% increase in irregular cervical cancer screening

Watch the 30 second clip: https://twitter.com/_Janey_J/status/1581591963098181637?cxt=HHwWisCjwdjg-PIrAAAA

Goodman: A global epidemic of cancer among people younger than 50 could be emerging

 Iana dos Reis Nunes was 43 when she told her husband that she could feel something like a bubble in her abdomen when she lay on her side. An ultrasound scan found spots on her liver, which led to blood tests and a colonoscopy. By the time doctors found it, dos Reis Nunes’ colon cancer had spread. It was stage 4, meaning it had reached other parts of her body. The family was blindsided. “She had had a baby 15 months prior to her diagnosis, so she’d had a million blood tests, you know, care from doctors and sonograms … and there was no indication of anything, nothing whatsoever.” When cancer strikes an adult under the age of 50, doctors call it an early-onset case. These cancers at younger ages are becoming more common. A new review of cancer registry records from 44 countries found that the incidence of early-onset cancers is rising rapidly for colorectal and 13 other types of cancers, many of which affect the digestive system, and this increase is happening across many middle- and high-income nations. [NOTE: Could the elephant in the room be Covid vaccinations?]

Bongino Video: A New Vaccine Study Has Big Tech Panicking

Start the video at the 4:01 minute mark: https://www.frontpagemag.com/bongino-video-a-new-vaccine-study-has-big-tech-panicking/

Piper: ‘Just getting started’: Lawyer foresees flood of comp claims by COVID vaccine-injured clients

More than 7,000 claims have been filed alleging serious injury from COVID-19 vaccines as of Sept. 1, according to the most recent data from the Department of Health and Human Services. The Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program, which covers vaccines identified by HHS under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, has yet to provide compensation for any of them. […]  New York-based lawyer Robert Krakow told Just the News he’s been referring prospective vaccine-injury clients who were subject to employer mandates to lawyers who handle workers comp. […]  New York-based lawyer Robert Krakow told Just the News he’s been referring prospective vaccine-injury clients who were subject to employer mandates to lawyers who handle workers comp.

Read more/Watch the 18:56 minute interview with Lt.Col. Dr. Peter Chambers:https://justthenews.com/government/courts-law/lawyers-covid-vaccine-injured-clients-test-workarounds-unfriendly-federal


Tomeh: Arabs: Biden Emboldening Iran, Harming US Interests

  • “[T]his relationship [between the US and Saudi Arabia] should be based on reciprocity. If Washington is looking for its own interests, as with the Iran nuclear deal or the cancellation of the [Iranian-backed] Houthi group’s designation as a terrorist group, Saudi Arabia also has the right to seek its own interests….” — Rami Al-Khalifa, Syrian author, Elaph, October 12, 2022.
  • “Biden was the one who decided to pursue a hostile policy towards the [Arab] allies. He and his team were the ones who gave in to America’s enemies and went looking for nuclear agreements that are fraught with flaws and harm to many of America’s friends.” — Abdul Jalil Al-Saeid, Syrian author, Al-Ain, October 11, 2022.
  • The Arab League, for its part, condemned the Biden administration for waging a “negative campaign” against Saudi Arabia.
  • These reactions from the Arab countries indicate that the Arabs no longer see the US as a strategic ally or even as a friend. This is excellent news for the mullahs in Iran and their terrorist proxies in the Middle East, including Hezbollah, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the Houthis in Yemen.

Read more: https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/19006/biden-emboldening-iran


Saavedra: ‘A Stunning Breach Of Security’: China Turns To New Tactic To Boost Military Using Ex-British Pilots

Communist China has been using headhunters in South Africa to recruit ex-British military pilots to train pilots in China’s People’s Liberation Army, which has left Western officials scrambling to put an end to the practice. Officials have said China has lured away dozens, potentially around 30 ex-military pilots, from the U.K. by paying them salaries of around $270,000 per year.[…]  While none of the ex-military pilots appeared to be breaking criminal laws by helping the Chinese, British officials were determined to “tighten the controls on retired service members” to protect against them helping foreign adversaries in activities that could violate espionage laws, The Times said.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/a-stunning-breach-of-security-china-turns-to-new-tactic-to-boost-military-using-ex-british-pilots

Greenfield: When You Outsource Printing to China, Communists Censor Your Books

The book publishing industry, especially on the lower end, has taken to outsourcing cheaper and smaller print runs to Communist China. While print-on-demand was supposed to revolutionize publishing, instead what we have tended to see are smaller presses, vanity presses and smaller-scale projects being routed through to China. Most of the big publishers still handle their big projects in America, but some have begun moving children’s books offshore to China. And when you do that, China gets to decide what can be printed.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/when-you-outsource-printing-to-china-communists-censor-your-books/

Cadell & Nakashima: American technology boosts China’s hypersonic missile program

Military research groups at the leading edge of China’s hypersonics and missile programs — many on a U.S. export blacklist — are purchasing a range of specialized American technology, including products developed by firms that have received millions of dollars in grants and contracts from the Pentagon, a Washington Post investigation has found.

Read more: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/american-technology-boosts-china-s-hypersonic-missile-program/ar-AA132kRz


Citizen Free Press: Debunking white privilege

Biracial girl debunks white privilege…

Watch the 44 second clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ttrb5fIXV-E

The Right Scoop: BREAKING: Biden DHS suddenly begging for govt volunteers to go to Southern Border and cook, clean, etc to ‘support migrants’

Here’s the reporting via a Fox New producer: . . . […]  I did some digging and here’s some of what these volunteers are being asked to do for ‘migrants’: . . .

Read more: https://therightscoop.com/breaking-biden-dhs-suddenly-begging-for-govt-volunteers-to-go-to-southern-border-and-cook-clean-etc-to-support-migrants/

Aschieris: Economist Explains Why ‘Americans Are Being Absolutely Crushed Right Now’

Editors’ Note: We hope readers will take the time to either read or listen to the podcast below. In so doing, remember that we got here because of policy decisions. It was the FED that was discontented with 1 1/2% inflation and wanted it above 2%, remember? It was the FED that agreed to monetize huge quantities of debt, allowing politicians free to spend their heads off without disturbing interest rates and the housing market. And it was the Democrats who primarily gave us a Covid-related lockdown, kept it in place the longest, and then attempted to bail out the economy they had crushed with wild debt-financed federal spending and sent checks out to everyone. The result was an unprecedented bulge in the money supply (up 40%). They then ignored the problem calling it “transitory”, and then inflicted more pain with their Green New Deal energy policy. This left the world dependent more than ever on Russia. Sensing his opportunity, Putin struck out at Ukraine. Now we have war in the midst of a worldwide slump. When management screws up this badly, you fire them. Ballots for mail-in voters (80% of Arizona voters, 90% in Maricopa County) were mailed on 10/12 and are arriving across the state. Don’t forget the current misery is the direct result of bad policy, bad governing philosophy, and ideological excess. They wanted to transform America all right. Transform us into a Third World nation! Well, you now have the opportunity to have your voice heard. Let them hear you, loud and clear. Much hinges on the narrow control Democrats have in the U.S. Senate. Therefore, from both the national and Arizona perspective, while all your decisions are important, the most important decision you will make will be regarding Arizona’s U.S. Senate seat. We urge you to send Mark Kelly back to his home in Tucson. It is a nice town. He will like it there.

Read more/Listen to the 11:58 minute podcast: https://pricklypear.news/economist-explains-why-americans-are-being-absolutely-crushed-right-now/

Margolis: The Most Telling Chart on Inflation You’ve Ever Seen

If you listen to the White House, things are going great. Joe Biden said last week that the economy is “strong as hell,” and on Monday, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre claimed that Democrats are making things better. No, really… she did. […]  That’s rich. When the White House dares to claim they’ve done a good job with inflation or that Republicans would make things worse, just look at the chart below, which was shared by Stephen Moore, the founder of the Club for Growth: . . .

Read more/View the chart: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/matt-margolis/2022/10/17/the-most-telling-chart-on-inflation-youve-ever-seen-n1637765

Greenfield:  Biden Economic Adviser Promises Tax Credits Will Help Inflation

Are they this stupid or just pretending to be? That’s always the question with this administration. Especially its experts whom, you would think, have a pile of Ivy League degrees that would prevent them from saying quite so many stupid things. And yet here they are. Here’s Cecilia Rouse, Biden’s Council of Economic Advisers Chair who has spent the year promising that everything will be fine. Any day now. Once the Inflation Increase Act’s heat pump tax credits kick in.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/biden-economic-adviser-promises-tax-credits-will-help-inflation/

Kasperowicz: USDA releases $71 million in grants in pursuit of ‘equality and justice for all’

The Department of Agriculture last week announced $71 million in new grant funding aimed at helping “disadvantaged” and “underserved” farmers and ranchers, which USDA said supports its broader mission of ensuring “equality and justice for all.” “We are committed to building a different USDA,” USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack said Friday. “One that is steadfast in our actions, mindset and culture around equality and justice for all. We need to not only envision a different future, but also build a path to make it possible.”

Read more: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/usda-releases-million-grants-pursuit-equality-justice 

Fox News: Pentagon equity chief praises book calling 9/11 first responders ‘menaces’ as she pushes for ‘revolution’

A self-described “woke” Pentagon equity chief, who is currently under probe over anti-White tweets uncovered by Fox News Digital, recommended a “social justice” book for classrooms which called 9/11 first responders “menaces.”

Kelisa Wing is a diversity, equity and inclusion chief at the Pentagon’s education wing – the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA). She is involved in curriculum at DoDEA, which services over 60,000 military-connected children at 160 schools around the globe, according to a press release announcing her position in December 2021. Fox News Digital found that on two occasions DoDEA’s diversity, equity and inclusion chief promoted the anti-police book “Between the World and Me” by Ta-Nehisi Coates while representing herself as an employee of the Pentagon’s education wing.

Read more/Watch the 5:07 minute Waters report: https://www.foxnews.com/media/pentagon-equity-chief-praises-book-calling-911-first-responders-menaces-pushes-revolution


Solomon: Biden’s family got ‘interest-free,’ ‘forgivable’ loan from China, new evidence reveals

President Joe Biden has made waves this fall with his plan to forgive hundreds of billions of dollars of student loans, shifting the burden to taxpayers. Five years earlier, his family cashed in on a zero-interest, forgivable loan of its own from an energy company in communist China, according to evidence in the possession of the FBI.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/accountability/political-ethics/forgiving-student-loans-bidens-family-got-interest-free-forgivable


Kotkin: Our Mad Aristos

Today’s billionaires fund the engine of their own destruction. In the past, ruling classes sought to protect the system that secured their coveted positions. But sometimes, as in the era before the French or Russian Revolutions, some in the ruling circles stopped believing in their religion, their traditions, and their state, only to be exiled, executed, or turned into what the Soviets   called “former persons.” Like our current elites, many French aristocrats lived dissolute lives but also supported revolutionary ideas which threatened “their own rights and even their existence,” as Alexis de Tocqueville noted. Today a large, even dominant portion of the wealthiest and most privileged parts of our society—including the heirs of nasty capitalist titans such as Henry Ford or John D. Rockefeller—are key funders of an increasingly anti-capitalist left. Others are still young tech billionaires and—increasingly—their discarded or former spouses. This elite has arisen at a time when, as in France before 1789, inheritance is becoming ever more important as a vehicle for upward mobility, which is otherwise increasingly remote for most of the population. […]  Given this vast wealth, we might expect a ruling class with a strong desire to protect capitalist accumulation. But instead, we have one that almost invariably, and perhaps suicidally, adopts progressive positions.

Read more: https://americanmind.org/salvo/our-mad-aristos/


War Room: Miriam Grossman Discusses How Transgender Ideology Has Progressed In Recent Years To Mainstream

Dr. Miriam Grossman talks to host Steve Bannon about her battle to bring reason back into parental rights regarding education and medical treatment for minors. “I became aware of what we were teaching children about children 10, 12 years ago. I wrote a book called ‘You’re teaching my child WHAT?’ We’ve been telling kids they can basically choose whether they’re boys or girls, and that if they have any anxiety, depression, social problems… that kids and teenagers suffer with, they really might consider whether they might be opposite sex.” Miriam Grossman On Explosion Of Gender Ideology In Education System In Recent Years

Watch the two part interview: https://warroom.org/2022/10/13/miriam-grossman-discusses-how-transgender-ideology-has-progressed-in-recent-years-to-mainstream/

Matt Walsh 9/20/22 tweet: Vanderbilt was apparently concerned that not all of its staff would be on board. Dr. Ellen Clayton warned that “conscientious objections” are “problematic.” Anyone who decides not to be involved in transition surgeries due to “religious beliefs” will face “consequences”

Watch the 1:14 minute video: https://twitter.com/MattWalshBlog/status/1572313566589468672

Matt Walsh 9/20/22 tweet: In case the objectors hadn’t gotten the memo, Vanderbilt unveiled a program called “Trans Buddies.” The “buddies” are trans activists from the community who attend appointments with trans patients, monitoring the doctors to guard against “unsafe” behavior such as misgendering

Watch the 1:21 minute video: https://twitter.com/MattWalshBlog/status/1572313627008405504

Matt Walsh 9/20/22 tweet: Vanderbilt makes their Trans Buddies available to children, too. They make lots of “services” available to children, including chemical castration. Though at some point in the last month they removed explicit admission of this fact from their site. Here’s the archived screenshot


Bartee: LGBTQ+++© Police State: ‘Trans Buddies’ Now Assigned to Monitor Doctors for Transphobia

Big Non-Binary Brother is watching. Respecting The Science©, as we are trained to do, obviously requires that we place LGBTQ+++© Gestapo in every doctor’s office in America. Their job is to make sure bigoted doctors don’t slip up and practice medicine based on biological reality, because biology is transphobic, as is reality. Vanderbilt’s Pediatric Transgender Clinic practices The Science© by providing “evidence-based, personalized gender-affirming care for transgender and gender-diverse children and adolescents” — a fancy, rambling way to say “transing children.” And now it’s upped its game by inserting “Trans Buddies” into the doctor’s office. […]  Nothing is ever enough to appease the Social Justice© people. You could walk on eggshells, cross your t‘s, and dot your i‘s, and they’d just invent some new microaggression to accuse you of. There are no lengths a healthcare provider could go to that would suffice.

Living your life in constant fear, riddled with PTSD, paranoid about saying — or thinking — the wrong thing, and forever apologizing for your bigotry with no way to ever redeem yourself is how they want you.

Read more: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/benbartee/2022/10/16/lgbtq-police-state-trans-buddies-now-assigned-to-monitor-doctors-for-transphobia-n1637516


Oliveira: NYC man, 48, dies after being shoved in front of subway train after he knocked his killer’s phone onto tracks, then refused to retrieve it: He’s TWELFTH person pushed onto rails in 2022

Police say the suspect was standing on the platform when Quintana bumped into him as he walked by, which knocked the suspect’s cellphone on to the subway tracks, police sources tell NBC4. The suspect, 50, then demanded Quintana go get his phone and when he refused, the two began arguing in Spanish and a shoving fight ensued. During the scuffle, Quintana was knocked on to the tracks and was struck by an oncoming F train. He was pronounced dead at Elmhurst Hospital. The suspect was taken into custody and charges are pending. Despite the crime and subway shovings repeatedly occurring across the city this year, NYC Mayor Eric Adams claimed on Monday there is only a ‘perception’ that crime in the Big Apple is ‘out of control.’

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11326209/NYC-man-48-dies-shoved-train-Queens-TWELFTH-person-pushed-year.html



Within the first 5 minutes, you know why Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s blockbuster bestelling book  The Real Anthony Fauci is now a full-length feature documentary exposing Big Pharma, Big Tech and Big Government.

Read more/Watch the 6 minute trailer: https://www.therealanthonyfaucimovie.com/trailersub4=421d4fc812e74d89a1dc985f5d7ec331&afid=374


Citizen Free Press: Reporter interviews child in pajamas about the Climate

Greta suddenly supports Nuclear energy.

Watch the 31 second clip: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/reporter-interviews-child-in-pajamas-about-the-climate/

Hampstead: Bad CARBs

One of the most powerful environmental regulators in the country is set to upturn a critical part of the trucking industry—again. The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has opened up a public comment period until October 27 on a new proposed rule, the Advanced Clean Fleet rule, which would ban the sale of diesel-fueled commercial vehicles in California by 2030. No one knows exactly how this rule will play out in the years to come, least of all CARB, which does not concern itself with details like the lengths of haul run by the trucking carriers based in California, the performance characteristics of commercially available battery-electric vehicles, or indeed their affordability and total cost of ownership. As technology advances, we’re told, the logic of the Board’s decision will be revealed in the fullness of time. The rule being considered by California regulators today bears all the hallmarks of a regulation concocted deep in the bowels of CARB, hermetically sealed off from any consideration of the operating models of California truckers. Californian carriers are crucial links in the national supply chain, because not only do they connect North America’s largest port complex at Los Angeles and Long Beach to the rest of the country, but they also keep the nation fed with Californian produce.

Read more: https://americanmind.org/features/saving-the-environment-from-environmentalists/bad-carbs/


Kilpatrick: A Hostile Takeover of the Catholic Church?

In a recent interview on EWTN’s The World Over, Cardinal Gerhard Muller, the former head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, warned that the Synod on Synodality was engaged in a “hostile takeover of the Church.”

If you’re not sure what “synodality “means, don’t feel bad, very few know what the Synod of Synodality is all about.  As best as I can tell, it’s a . . . […] My opinion?  I agree with Cardinal Muller that the Synod is intended to be a “hostile takeover” of the Church.  The first giveaway is the vagueness of it all.  It’s about “listening to the Holy Spirit,” “listening to everybody,” and “not excluding anyone.” It’s the kind of language an HR department uses when it wants employees to think that their opinions are highly valued. When the Synodal leaders do get more explicit, it only reinforces Cardinal Muller’s charge of a takeover.  In speaking of divorced and remarried Catholics receiving Communion, or same-sex couples receiving a blessing, Cardinal Mario Grech, the Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, said they should be listened to because “this [might] be an opportunity for the Church to listen to the Holy Spirit speaking through them also.”

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/a-hostile-takeover-of-the-catholic-church/

War Room: Dennis Prager: The Consequences Of Losing Our Fear Of God

Dennis Prager, the founder of Prager University, talks to host Steve Bannon for most of an hour, with focus on his new book, the fifth volume of “The Rational Bible,” this one focusing on Deuteronomy. 2.  Dennis Prager On The Book Of Deuteronomy And The Role It Played In Shaping The Western World. 3. Dennis Prager On Cult-Like Hippocratic Oath At University Of Minnesota White Coat Ceremony. 4. Dennis Prager: Cults Separate And Turn You Against Your Parents. 5.  Dennis Prager Discusses The Intellectual Chaos Unleased By Maintaining Blatant Lies Of The Left

Watch the superb five part interview: https://warroom.org/2022/10/14/dennis-prager-the-consequences-of-losing-our-fear-of-god/


The Weaponization of Loneliness: How Tyrants Stoke Our Terror of Isolation to Silence, Divide, and Conquer.” (Bombardier Books, Post Hill Press.) by Stella Morabito

Morabito: How Mao’s Cultural Revolution Made War On The Private Mind

This process is a critical part of what Mao referred to as “molding” the revolutionary by subjecting the individual personality to the collectivist framework. The purpose was to expose mistakes of the past “without sparing anyone’s sensibilities,” according to Mao. He compared thought-policing to a surgeon who saves a patient by removing an infected appendix. This spin on the struggle session is that it’s simply medicine to strengthen comrades and unify the Party. But the effect is to induce compliance by breaking down a victim’s sense of self and to induce conformity in bystanders who witness the process. We can reasonably ask if the cancel culture of the early 21st century is much different from Maoist struggle sessions. Today we have “high-tech” lynchings, to borrow an apt phrase applied in 1991 by then-Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas. The core features are the same: public smears, ridicule, along with a mob chorus intended to force the victim to recant the sin of dissenting against the enforced narrative. We may not see the same level of beatings and street thuggery to give the same picture of barbarity that the Red Guard presented. But social media mobs swarm to the tune of the current propaganda, calling for the deplatforming of those who don’t comply. One needn’t be in the streets to get the message: comply, or you will lose your livelihood and your status in society.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2022/10/17/how-maos-cultural-revolution-made-war-on-the-private-mind/


Singh: Kanye West to acquire ‘uncancelable’ social media platform Parler

Kanye West, the rapper who also also goes by the name Ye, has reached an agreement to buy “uncancelable free speech platform” Parler, the two said in a statement Monday, in a move they said will help individuals express their conservative opinions freely. As part of the deal, financial terms of which were not disclosed, Parler has agreed to sell fully to West but the social network will continue to receive technical support from Parlement Technologies, including access to its private cloud services and its data center infrastructure. The deal is expected to close in the ongoing quarter. West, who has accused Meta and Twitter of censoring him in recent weeks, said in a statement: “In a world where conservative opinions are considered to be controversial we have to make sure we have the right to freely express ourselves.”

Read more: https://techcrunch.com/2022/10/17/kanye-west-to-acquire-uncancelable-social-media-platform-parler/

AP: Gavin Newsom’s wife emailed Harvey Weinstein asking for help dealing with California Gov’s cheating scandal two years AFTER movie magnate ‘raped and sexually assaulted her’, court hears

Jennifer Siebel Newsom says Weinstein raped her in 2005 after ‘luring’ her to a hotel room. At the time, she was an actress and had not yet started dating Newsom. In 2007, a year after she met Newsom and started dating him, he became embroiled in an embarrassing sex scandal. He was Mayor of San Francisco and had had an affair with Ruby Rippey Tourk, the wife of one of his senior advisers. Jennifer, then his girlfriend, contacted Harvey to ask for how she should handle it, according to a filing submitted by Harvey’s lawyers last night. They say it proves that the prior encounter between them was consensual. ‘Of all things you’d think a woman that is raped by Harvey Weinstein wouldn´t do, it’s ask him how to deal with a sex scandal,’ attorney Mark Werksman said.

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11325605/Gavin-Newsoms-wife-emailed-Harvey-Weinstein-help-dealing-California-Govs-cheating-scandaltic-tweet-suggesting-Malia-Obama-assault.html


War Room: Nigel Farage: The United Kingdom Has Experienced A Globalist Coup

 Nigel Farage, the architect of Brexit, talks to host Steve Bannon about the collapse of the Conservative Party in Great Britain. “After 200 years, and having been one of the most successful political parties, the world has ever seen, I now believe, after what has happened the past couple of weeks, the Conservative Party is now dead. It serves no purpose.”

Watch the 6:07 minute interview: https://warroom.org/2022/10/17/nigel-farage-the-united-kingdom-has-experienced-a-globalist-coup/

Ray Takeyh: A Second Iranian Revolution?

The strange echoes of the 1970s over the past 18 months—with runaway inflation, an energy crisis, and an expansionist Russia—were startling enough. And then a revolt began in Iran, just as one did beginning in 1978. It features an aging autocrat who’s dying of cancer and overseeing a rebellious nation that has tired of his rule and the corruption of his cronies. History may not repeat itself, but it is surely rhyming in the streets of Tehran. And indeed, the best way to chart the possible trajectory of the current Iranian revolution is to look at the last one. […]  To become a revolutionary and risk one’s life for a cause that seems distant, if not improbable, is one of the most crucial decisions a citizen will make. All social protest movements battle against great odds; history has shown that most revolutions fail. The Islamic Republic offered the masses the opportunity to participate in the national scene, but cleverly hemmed them in on all sides with clerical bodies who vetted candidates for public office. Still, when an average citizen is faced with the choice of rebelling against a vicious system or casting a ballot that will have a limited impact, he will probably opt for the latter. […]  The 2021 presidential election is likely to be remembered as the most consequential in the history of the Islamic Republic. As Khamenei, suffering from cancer, contemplated his succession, he sought to ensure a republic manned by his most reliable henchman and an economy immune to foreign sanctions. There was not even the pretense of a competitive race, as conservative stalwarts such as former speaker of the parliament Ali Larijani were disqualified from running. The presidency went to Ibrahim Raisi, a laconic and unimaginative mass murderer who had spent his life manning the regime’s dungeons. A sullen citizenry battered by a mismanaged pandemic watched all this with considerable angst. Khamenei’s attempt to cement his legacy began to undo his republic.

Read more: https://www.commentary.org/articles/ray-takeyh/second-iranian-revolution/?nopaywall

McGuirk: Australia drops recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

The center-left Labor Party government agreed to again recognize Tel Aviv as the capital. The Cabinet also reaffirmed that Jerusalem’s status must be resolved in peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians, Foreign Minister Penny Wong said. Australia remained committed to a two-party solution to the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, and “we will not support an approach that undermines this prospect,” Wong said. Israel’s Prime Minister Yair Lapid expressed disappointment in Australia‘s changed position. “Jerusalem is the eternal undivided capital of Israel and nothing will change that,” Lapid said in a statement.

Read more: https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/australia-drops-recognition-jerusalem-israels-capital-91654984

Sundance: South Africa Confirms Likelihood of Saudi Arabia Joining BRICS Economic Alliance

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa held a two-day summit with Saudi Arabia on mostly economic matters. At the conclusion of the summit, he confirmed the intent of Saudi Arabia to join the BRICS economic coalition, which should not come as a surprise given the previous statements by Saudi leader and Crown Prince Mohamed Bin Salman (MbS).

Read more: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/10/17/south-africa-confirms-likelihood-of-saudi-arabia-joining-brics-economic-alliance/


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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