Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 12 minutes


Disclose TV documents Biden’s slip of the tongue: NOW – Biden: “Democracy is not perfect. It’s never been good…perfect.” https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1531324873632624641?cxt=HHwWgsC9if_2rcAqAAAA

Debra Heine contributor to American Greatness: Pfizer has asked a U.S. court to throw out a whistleblower’s lawsuit on the basis that the company can’t be guilty of fraud, abuse, and protocol violations in its COVID Vaccine clinical trials because its contract with the U.S. government allowed them to skirt regulations and federal laws that typically apply to government contracts. In other words, Pfizer was allegedly able to make false statements to the government, and lie about the safety and efficacy of its product,  “because the government was in on it with them!” according to Robert Barnes, the lead lawyer in the case.

Dr. Naomi Wolf: And now, the babies are dying. Now scale the data from Canada, Scotland and Israel to all the vaccinated nations in the world. What do we do with all of this? Knowing as I now do, that Pfizer and the FDA knew that babies were dying and mothers’ milk discoloring by just looking at their own internal records; knowing as I do that they did not alert anyone let alone stop what they were doing, and that to this day Pfizer, the FDA and other demonic “public health” entities are pushing to MRNA-vaccinate more and more pregnant women; now that they are about to force this on women in Africa and other lower income nations who are not seeking the MRNA vaccines, per Pfizer CEO Bourla this past week at the WEF, and knowing that Pfizer is pushing and may even receive a US EUA for babies to five year olds — I must conclude that we are looking into an abyss of evil not seen since 1945.

Dr. Naomi Wolf: The WarRoom/DailyClout Volunteers have confirmed: that Pfizer (and thus the FDA) knew by December 2020 that the MRNA vaccines did not work — that they “waned in efficacy” and presented “vaccine failure.” One side effect of getting vaccinated, as they knew by one month after the mass 2020 rollout, was “COVID.” Pfizer knew in May of 2021 that 35 minors’ hearts had been damaged a week after MRNA injection — but the FDA rolled out the EUA for teens a month later anyway, . .

Capt. James Fanell  US Navy retired former Director Intelligence, US Pacific Fleet: “I think the Chinese Navy as it is comprised today and the rocket force and the air forces and the join operations and this new national mobilization order we are all looking at all lead me to conclude they are preparing for a conventional strike to take Taiwan.”


FULL SPEECH: President Donald Trump Speaks at Save America Rally in Casper, WY 5/28/22

President Trump’s rally for Rep. Liz Cheney’s challenger, Harriet Hageman.

Watch the 1:32:40 speech: https://rumble.com/v16ibr4-full-speech-president-donald-trump-speaks-at-save-america-rally-in-casper-w.html

WY Congressional Candidate Harriet Hageman Speaks at President Trump’s Rally in Casper, WY

Watch the well-received much talked and written about 12:26 minute speech:https://rumble.com/v16iano-wy-congressional-candidate-harriet-hageman-speaks-at-president-trumps-rally.html


Weingarten: Deep State Allies Play Judge, Jury and Perhaps Executioner Against Durham | Opinion

Assume for the sake of argument that Special Counsel John Durham was doggedly devoted to pursuing every last individual implicated in crimes regarding the origins of Russiagate/Spygate, and subsequent investigatory and prosecutorial efforts. Assume that no matter the rank of the perpetrators, the professional and personal costs he and his team might incur, and the fact he serves at the pleasure of the Biden Justice Department, Durham would do whatever it takes to bring to justice all those who broke the law. Still, he would face a greater than uphill battle. For he would be taking on an entire system arrayed against him, just like it was arrayed against former President Donald Trump. The trial of Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann demonstrates well the extent to which Durham is playing an away game against The Swamp—the Deep State, the political establishment and their manifold allies—that will make even those less sensitive targets being pursued on more narrow and straightforward grounds difficult to bring to justice.

Read more: https://www.newsweek.com/deep-state-allies-play-judge-jury-perhaps-executioner-against-durham-opinion-1710197


Naomi Wolf: Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide

It’s Really True: They Know they are Killing the Babies. I’ve been silent for some weeks. Forgive me. The truth is: I’ve been rendered almost speechless — or the literary equivalent of that — because recently I’ve had the unenviable task of trying to announce to the world that indeed, a genocide — or what I’ve called, clumsily but urgently, a “baby die-off” — is underway. The WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Research Volunteers, a group of 3000 highly credentialled doctors, RNs, biostatisticians, medical fraud investigators, lab clinicians and research scientists, have been turning out report after report, as you may know, to tell the world what is in the 55,000 internal Pfizer documents which the FDA had asked a court to keep under wraps for 75 years. By court order, these documents were forcibly disclosed. And our experts are serving humanity by reading through these documents and explaining them in lay terms. You can find all of the Volunteers’ reports on DailyClout.io. The lies revealed are stunning. […] . . . in the last few weeks the horror overcame me. Because now, the Volunteers, under the excellent leadership of Program Manager Amy Kelly, have confirmed that there is a genocide underway, intentionally driven or not. And Israeli journalist Etana Hecht has added her own superb analysis. Here is Ms Hecht’s summary of the Volunteers’ findings: . . . […]  In Israel, at RamBam Hospital in Haifa, there were 34% more spontaneous abortions and stillbirths to vaccinated women as to unvaccinated women.

Read more: https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/dear-friends-sorry-to-announce-a?utm_source=%2Fprofile%2F28216063-dr-naomi-wolf&utm_medium=reader2&s=r


(Biden should be addressing mental illness not tighter gun control) Saavedra: Horrifying Video Emerges Of Man Who Attacked Texas Elementary School

A highly disturbing video has emerged showing the man who shot up a Texas Elementary School last week holding up a bag of blood-soaked dead cats. The video shows the 18-year-old Latino shooter who murdered 19 children smiling while holding up the bag, according to video footage obtained by the New York Post, which was so graphic that the publication had to blur out the bag. […]  The attacker “is seen smiling in the undated footage while sitting in the passenger seat of a pal’s car — holding up a clear plastic bag with at least two bloodied cats visible inside,” the New York Post reported. “The sicko was previously rumored to have had a fascination with dead cats and had threatened to kidnap, kill and rape girls who shunned him online.” David Trevino Jr., who is related to the shooter’s grandmother by marriage, told the New York Post that the attacker was known for harming animals.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/horrifying-video-emerges-of-man-who-attacked-texas-elementary-school


A legally armed West Virginia woman shot and killed a BLACK gunman Wednesday after he began firing an AR-15-style rifle into a crowded party.  [Note: Perhaps this attempted mass shooting  story didn’t make national news because the perpetrator was black?]

Watch the 2:07 minute report: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/west-virginia-woman-packing-heat-stops-mass-shooting/

Benny Johnson tweet: Totally normal behavior

Outside the 5/27/22 NRA convention.

Watch the 30 second video.


Shaw: Senator Rand Paul Sounds Alarm: WEF Is Building “Everybody’s Worst Nightmare”

During an appearance on Fox News’ Jesse Waters Prime Time Wednesday night, Paul addressed the hypocrisy of elitists who fly private jets around the world to attend a meeting where they pretend to care about carbon footprints. Then Paul said, “The real danger is this — look how bad your government is in a country where you get to vote for these people. This would be a government — a world government — where you don’t get to vote on anybody.” He added, “This is everybody’s worst nightmare.” Laying out the breadth and depth of the problem in his clear Kentucky drawl, Paul said: . . .

Read more/Watch the 8:20 minute opening monologue/Paul interview:https://thenewamerican.com/senator-rand-paul-sounds-alarm-wef-is-building-everybodys-worst-nightmare/

Epstein: Stop Listening To The Davos Great Reset ‘Experts’ Who Created The Global Energy Crisis

The World Economic Forum’s anti-fossil fuel prescriptions have caused an energy emergency and often impact the world’s poorest populations. […]  For more than a decade, Davos has been pushing government restrictions and ESG restrictions on fossil fuel investment, production, and transport. The World Economic Forum has used its power and prestige to push the claim that solar and wind are cheaper than fossil fuels and therefore can rapidly replace them. The much-publicized WEF Handbook on Renewable Energy Investment claimed in 2016: “In an increasingly larger number of countries, it has become more economical to install solar and wind capacity than coal capacity.” The claim that solar and wind are cheaper than fossil fuels is a dangerous falsehood that ignores the enormous costs of giving 24/7 life support to these unreliable forms of electricity, as well as the vast superiority of fossil fuels for many non-electricity uses such as heavy-duty transportation and industrial process heat.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2022/05/31/stop-listening-to-the-davos-great-reset-experts-who-created-the-global-energy-crisis/

Winters: Biden’s Chief Climate Officer Is A Klaus Schwab Fellow.

President Joe Biden’s Chief Climate Officer and Deputy Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development was a fellow at the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, founded by World Economic Forum Chairman Klaus Schwab. The prominent position of the Biden Appointee, Gillian Caldwell, gives her considerable direction over the White House’s energy and climate change policy, which the World Economic Forum (WEF) has highlighted as an integral component of its “Great Reset” agenda. In addition to exploiting COVID-19, the WEF has been accused of using issues like the environment to advance its radical agenda of abolishing private property ownership.

Read more: https://thenationalpulse.com/2022/05/27/biden-climate-officer-is-wef-alum/


Winters: REVEALED: Fauci’s Recent, $10M Monkeypox Grant.

Anthony Fauci’s National Institutes of Health agency was funding research to identify treatments for monkeypox shortly before the virus began spreading in a global outbreak. […]  “The funding supports a clinical trial to identify effective treatments for monkeypox virus disease,” explains a summary of the research, which, despite beginning in September 2020, has not generated any publicly available studies, papers, or patents. “The similarity between monkeypox and the variola virus, coupled with concerns about the potential of the variola virus as a potential bioterrorism agent, have placed monkeypox treatments at the forefront of public health and scientific research agendas in many countries,” adds the grant summary.

Read more: https://thenationalpulse.com/2022/05/30/fauci-funded-monkeypox-virus-treatment-study/

Malone, M.D., MS: Monkey Pox Update

I almost cannot believe that I am writing this, but since my original substack article on this topic, we had the reveal of an Event 201-style wargame exercise modeled around a bioterror-related release of an engineered Monkeypox virus “caused by a terrorist attack using a pathogen engineered in a laboratory with inadequate biosafety and biosecurity provisions and weak oversight.” With amazing (coincidental?) prescience, the “table top exercise” of March 2021 (three months into the Covidcrisis) models a Monkeypox bioterror attack initiated on May 15, 2022. Note the date of the CNN/Jake Tapper fearporn piece – May 20, 2022. As the Italian’s like to say: Niente e lasciato al caso. Nothing happens by chance. […]  So, do we have yet another example of a Plandemic”? All I can say is ~  . . .

Read more: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/monkey-pox-update?s=r

Kent: Monkeypox Rise Should Not Stop LGBTQI+ Pride Parades: W.H.O.

The global spread of monkeypox does not mean people should abandon massed LGBTQI+ pride parades and parties this summer, the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) advised Monday. Andy Seale, a strategies adviser in the W.H.O. Department of Global HIV, Hepatitis and Sexually Transmitted Infections Programs, told a W.H.O. social media briefing in Geneva, Switzerland,  “it’s important that people who want to go out and celebrate gay pride, LGBTQ+ pride, to continue to go and plan to do so.”


Margolis: Groomer Alert: North Carolina Preschool Uses LGBT Flashcards to Teach Kids Colors

A North Carolina preschool class has been using LGBTQ-themed flashcards to teach kids colors. One card even depicts a pregnant man. According to the report, Republican State Rep. Erin Paré was alerted to the use of the cards at Ballentine Elementary School in Wake County, N.C., by a constituent.

Read more: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/matt-margolis/2022/05/29/groomer-alert-north-carolina-preschool-uses-lgbt-flashcards-to-teach-kids-colors-n1601844


Henninger: Joe Biden’s Train-Wreck Economy

Mr. Biden spent his week in Asia talking about the economy back home. Aficionados of how the president arranges reality have noted that the Putin-did-it rationale for the troubled U.S. economy is giving way to the argument that it’s an economy “in transition.” As the art of political nomenclature, this is progress, and I’d say Mr. Biden’s argument deserves a hearing. “When it comes to the gas prices,” he said in Tokyo, “we’re going through an incredible transition that is taking place that, God willing, when it’s over, we’ll be stronger and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels.” The head of Mr. Biden’s White House economic council, Brian Deese, previewed this argument a few days earlier: “Our economy is in a transition from what has been the strongest recovery in modern American history to what can be a period of more stable and resilient growth that works better for families.”

Messrs. Biden and Deese are getting mocked in some quarters for euphemizing the current mess as a “transition.” But these remarks aren’t just Psakiesque word salads. Those “transition” statements help define how Mr. Biden and the Democratic Party want American workers to live into the far future. Buying into this “transition” will be the party’s pitch to voters in the fall elections.

Read more: https://www.wsj.com/articles/joe-biden-asia-trip-tokyo-economy-inflation-stagflation-recession-tax-increase-2022-midterm-election-approval-rating-covid-green-energy-11653510825?mod=djemalertNEWS

The Center Square Staff: An unwelcome Memorial Day record: highest gas prices ever in America

The average price of gasoline climbed to $4.62 a gallon Monday, a $1.58 higher than last year’s holiday.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/nation/states/center-square/gas-prices-hit-new-record-high-memorial-day

Spiering: Joe Biden Again Falsely Claims Trump Supporters Killed Police Officers on January 6

President Joe Biden falsely claimed Saturday that supporters of former President Donald Trump killed police officers during the January 6th riots on Capitol Hill. The president spoke about the January 6th protests during his commencement speech at the University of Delaware. He said: . . .

Read more: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/05/28/joe-biden-again-falsely-claims-trump-supporters-killed-police-officers-on-january-6/


Chris: His Name Was Seth Smith

Seth Smith was a double major in economics and history at UC Berkeley. He was only 19 but a third-year student, scheduled to graduate next spring at the age of 20… […] At ~10 pm on June 15th, 2020 — almost exactly two years ago — Seth went out for a walk. On this walk he was shot in the back of the head, execution-style. His body was found half an hour later by a man walking his dog, sprawled on his back with one of his earbuds still in his ear, indicating he was listening to music. Unfortunately for Seth, nobody cared about his murder, except for his mom, who was tweeting about it. It was not a national news story. Saddest twitter account I have ever seen. […]  Here is how Berkeley administrators reacted to Seth’s death, in probably the most evil fashion I could imagine. Let’s linger on this statement for a bit because it deserves a rant of its own. Many of you may have had a close relationship with Seth and are feeling a sense of loss and disbelief. Others, like many of us, are experiencing stress, grief and anxiety related to the coronavirus pandemic and the recent murders of George Floyd, Riah Milton, and other Black Americans. Sincerely, Carol Christ Chancellor Stephen C. Sutton Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Sunny Lee Assistant Vice Chancellor and Dean of Students” First and foremost . . .  […]   Walker would turn out to be the guy who did it, of course. He was arrested a few weeks later, on August 20th, 2020. Walker killed Smith for no reason at all — simply because he was white and walking down the street listening to music — and then had the audacity to complain about “whitey” upon being caught.

Read more: https://karlstack.substack.com/p/his-name-was-seth-smith?s=w

JL: This Never Happens

Except it does. All the time. […]  Men can be a risk to women and children however they ‘identify’ and it’s impossible to tell which males are harmless and which are not. So basic safeguarding means we exclude all males from women’s spaces. The list below demonstrates that we are right to do so. It is far from an exhaustive list – these are just some examples of which I’m aware – but there are almost 100 names on it. I’d like to ask all those shouting at us to be ‘inclusive’, how many victims do you deem acceptable collateral damage for prioritising male feelings over women’s safety? With each case described in more detail below, here are 98 examples of trans-identified males who have raped, assaulted, abused and/or murdered women and/or children. The thing that never happens…

Read more: https://grahamlinehan.substack.com/p/this-never-happens?s=r


(H/T GC) Arama: The Plot of the Paul Pelosi Arrest Story Thickens

As we reported, Paul Pelosi, the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), was arrested on Saturday for driving under the influence in California. It turns out that there was a bit more to that story. He was driving a Porsche and was involved in a crash with another car before that arrest, according to the police. From NY Post: . . .

Read more: https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2022/05/30/the-plot-of-the-paul-pelosi-arrest-story-thickens-n572161

Jamie Lee Curtis officiates daughter Ruby’s cosplay wedding

The 63-year-old actress was all smiles during her daughter’s nuptials, which she officiated herself. The doting mom watched on as her daughter Ruby Guest — who came out as transgender in 2020 — and partner Kynthia said “I do” in a cosplay ceremony. […]  The trio rocked elaborate costumes for the momentous occasion, as all guests were encouraged to dress up in the “World of Warcraft” theme.  [Note: according to Webster the meaning of COSPLAY is the activity or practice of dressing up as a character from a work of fiction (such as a comic book, video game, or television show) ]

Read more: https://pagesix.com/2022/05/31/jamie-lee-curtis-officiates-daughter-rubys-cosplay-wedding/

Adl-Tabatabai: Google Lite: DuckDuckGo Signs Secret Deal with Bill Gates to Track Users Online

Speaking of Brave, the company is one of the only ones on the market that provides a truly independent alternative to Google and Bing. The company bought Tailcat, allowing it to build its own search engine that relies on a completely independent web index. This keeps Brave from being beholden to Microsoft, Google, or any other company.

Read more: https://newspunch.com/google-lite-duckduckgo-signs-secret-deal-with-bill-gates-to-track-users-online/

Shin: Elite San Francisco school sees spike in D’s and F’s after dropping merit-based admissions

San Francisco’s Lowell High School is seeing a record number of failing grades in its fall 2021 class – the first admitted through a new lottery system over its merit-based admissions process. Of the 620 students in Lowell’s freshman class, 24.4% received at least D or F in their first semester, according to internal records obtained by the San Francisco Chronicle.This is almost triple the number of the first-year students in the two years before – 7.9% in fall 2020 and 7.7% in fall 2019. The Chronicle notes that fall 2020 was also the first full semester of remote learning. The fall 2021 class was chosen primarily based on a lottery instead of a decades-old merit-based system based on test scores and grades, bringing it in line with almost every other high school in the city.

Read more: https://adnamerica.com/en/california/elite-san-francisco-school-sees-spike-ds-and-fs-after-dropping-merit-based-admissions


Tomlinson: Justin Trudeau Moves to Ban Purchase and Sale of Handguns in Canada

“It will no longer be possible to buy, sell, transfer or import handguns anywhere in Canada. In other words, we’re capping the market for handguns,” Prime Minister Trudeau said and added, “As we see gun violence continue to rise, it is our duty to keep taking action,” broadcaster CBC reports. […]  While Trudeau claimed that the vast majority of Canadian gun owners are responsible, he added, “But other than using firearms for sport shooting and for hunting, there is no reason anyone in Canada should need guns in their everyday lives.”

Read more: https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2022/05/31/trudeau-introduces-bill-to-stop-purchase-and-sale-of-handguns/

TNC News: Doctor gave Covid-19 shot to hundreds of kids as young as six months old

A Toronto doctor is facing no professional discipline after admitting to giving the Covid-19 vaccine to at least 500 kids as young as six months old, despite the shot not being approved for children under the age of five.  According to the Toronto Star, Dr. Christopher Sun from Weston-Mount Dennis stands by his decision and claims he did it “to protect children.”

Read more: https://tnc.news/2022/05/27/doctor-gave-covid-19-shot-to-hundreds-of-kids-as-young-as-six-months-old/

Greenberger: Mona Lisa Smeared with Cake by Climate Change Protester: ‘Think of the Planet’

The Mona Lisa was smeared with cake at the Louvre this weekend in a stunt that went viral on social media on Sunday. However, because the famed Leonardo da Vinci painting is encased in bullet-proof glass, it emerged from the attempted vandalism unscathed. In what appeared to be video shot immediately following the incident, a person dressed as a woman who was seated in a wheelchair is escorted out of the museum by security guards. The suspect, who has since been identified as a 36-year-old man, was reportedly arrested and placed under psychiatric care. “There are people who are destroying the Earth,” the man says in the video, speaking in French. “All artists, think about the Earth. That’s why I did this. Think of the planet.”

Read more: https://www.artnews.com/art-news/news/mona-lisa-smeared-cake-vandalism-1234630315/



The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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