Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 25 minutes


Rob Collins, Coign founder and former executive director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee: Coign is America’s first Visa  credit card built by and for Conservatives. Coign was created to advance conservative values and embrace the American spirit. Unlike other leading credit cards that give millions to the Left each year, Coign is helping Conservatives to align their dollars with their values. We’re proud to invest in Conservative causes. Coign is the only Conservative credit card that allows you to pay with a purpose while you earn rewards. Now, each time you swipe your credit card you’re automatically spending right.

Bruce Thornton contributor to Frontpage Magazine: True diversity – the diversity of thought and opinion – is intimately connected to free speech, itself one of the most critical foundations of political freedom, and most important bulwarks against tyranny.

Daniel Greenfield contributor to Frontpage Magazine: It’s getting increasingly hard to disguise the fact that leftist revolutions aren’t about liberating the majority, but about enslaving it to the cultural obsessions of a tiny minority. You can only dress up the tyranny of an upper class in oppressed drag for so long. The moral minorities aren’t out to liberate anyone, including themselves, but to force everyone to use the words they want, to eat and dress like them, and to live like them. There’s a leftist term for that, it isn’t revolution or liberation: it’s colonialism.

Jonathan Imbody contributor to The Federalist: Biden Is Working to Make the Health Care Industry Even More Godless :The Biden administration now is churning out rules that aggressively enforce its ideology on abortion; religious exemptions; insurance coverage of contraceptives and abortifacients; sterilization; allowing men in women’s sports, bathrooms, and locker rooms; compelled speech; and Title IX sexual harassment due process protections. These ideologically driven restrictions could slam the door on thousands of pro-life hospitals and clinics as well as highly effective faith-based social programs for adoption and foster care, food and clothing distribution, mental health service, ex-offender programs, drug and alcohol rehabilitation, marriage and family counseling, and teen pregnancy prevention programs.

Paul Gottfried editor of Chronicles and contributor to American Greatness: Despite her isolation, Greene keeps coming after the “fake media” and her hypocritical colleagues with admirable thumos. She behaves like a Democrat in the relentless way she fights. People like Waters, Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), and Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) have met their match in this embattled Georgia lady. Next to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah), and Kevin Williamson, she is a model of courage, to whom I would gladly give my vote in Georgia’s 14th District, or anywhere else. Fortunately, Greene won’t need my vote because her electorate appreciates her feistiness. The appeasers at National Review admit that with deep regret.

Jeremy Stern contributor to Tablet Magazine: At this point, it’s hard to say what Washington’s actual—as opposed to professed—China policy is, exactly. But it’s important to appreciate what it isn’t. It isn’t to reduce the dependence of U.S. firms like Apple, Goldman Sachs, and JPMorgan Chase on the Chinese market, or to stop feeding Chinese industry with American fossil fuel exports. It isn’t to avoid U.S. dependence on China’s renewable energy supply chains, or to reshore manufacturing or rebuild American supply chains. It isn’t to exploit uncertainty about America’s willingness to use force, or to take advantage of the onerous burden that Ukraine has placed on Xi’s commitment to Putin. It isn’t to reform the federal bureaucracies, like the Treasury and Commerce departments, still committed to “engagement” with China, or to exclude people who made money from China in the private sector from working on China policy in the government. It isn’t to declare independence from the constellation of captured interests—Wall Street, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, universities, corporate donors—that would like to prevent Washington from ever taking actions that might target their assets in China.

Patricia McCarthy contributor to American Thinker: When Obama came to office, he liked to think he was elected to manage our decline.  It was Obama who weaponized the FBI, the CIA and the DOJ.  Obama hated America; he set back race relations at least fifty years.  With the advent of Black Lives Matter, the Democrat party lurched further to the left; they’ve now gone so far left they are aligned with the CCP.  It is as though they have adopted Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984 as a handbook for the running of the United States.  Can all this damage done be chalked up to stupidity and incompetence or is it by design?  Is the Biden administration being run by his handlers in China and/or the arms dealers here who need war to line their pockets?  Does anyone know?

Nathan Stone contributor to American Thinker: Now, suddenly — magically — the recognition of parents’ right to know what public servants teach their children five days every week for nine months a year is not an advancement of liberty, but an attack against democracy.

Helen Roy contributor to The American Mind: Grooming is a complicated system of behavior. What is it? Most basically, to groom is to prepare or train someone else for a particular activity. In the current political context, “grooming” certainly — and accurately — connotes sexually inappropriate ends, especially as its most recent usage was entirely swept up in the #MeToo movement. Even as grooming discourse reached its apparent zenith a few years ago, rape was not always the intended or actual end of the story. Rather, it was understood that to be a groomer was to actively participate in the broader system of manipulation. Ghislaine Maxwell and similar “recruiters” may not have been doing the raping, but they were all certainly engaged in grooming.

Joy Pullmann executive editor of The Federalist: Let’s be clear here. DeSantis has not banned Disney from Twitter, nor from Facebook, nor from any platform whatsoever. He hasn’t banned them from talking with lawmakers, nor from testifying on bills. Every Floridian employed by Disney who is a U.S. citizen remains free to equally access both the polls and his elected representatives. Disney remains completely free to use all legal public and private forums it wishes to promote sex talk with children. Its access to free speech and the public square remains unfettered (unlike the only president of the United States alive to not have started a foreign war). What’s “gaslighting” is to suggest that revoking legal privileges — not constitutional or natural rights, mind you, but special and exclusive legal privileges not available to others on an equal basis — is anything but the mildest of responses to Disney’s reprehensible use of its speech to protect and promote child mutilation.

James Pierson & Naomi Schaefer Riley contributors to City Journal: It should come as no surprise that the decline in standards in colleges and high schools associated with remote schooling has had such consequences. Remote learning failed to engage students. Many colleges didn’t even require students to turn on their computer cameras, reasoning that lower-income students might be embarrassed by their surroundings at home. High schools that conducted tests over Zoom found that cheating was rampant. Even conscientious parents didn’t realize until it was too late how little students were learning and how far they were falling behind


Antenora: Leaked Documents Expose How USAID Disguised Millions in COVID Relief to Fund Population Control, Abortion

Exclusive receipts of a USAID grant agreement from 2020 show that the federal government sent millions of taxpayer dollars in funding for abortion and population control propaganda disguised as overseas COVID-relief grants. The grant, funneled to the notorious eugenics group Pathfinder International, appears not to be a one-off incident. Rather, it is part of a multi-million dollar federal scheme that stealthily used pandemic “disaster relief efforts” to advance population control abroad. A closer look reveals a corrupt, decades-long agenda at USAID whereby leftist elites have used taxpayer dollars to fund their ideological priorities at the expense of the American people. Federal Grants: A Mask for Corruption Funneling dark money through deliberately vague grants is a method USAID has used for decades to exploit world disasters and advance the globalist elite agenda. The federal grantmaking process is convoluted for a reason. It shuts the American people out from the truth about how their money is spent, and how the massive engine of government has gone rogue without their consent. Grants have become the mechanism of choice for bureaucrats to abuse their power, and use their “expertise” to ignore the everyday Americans who pay them. They are a Trojan Horse deployed by the Administrative State to divert funds to malicious activities, often under the auspices of justice and humanitarian concern. […]  USAID’s Population Control Apparatus Pathfinder’s poisonous past and incestuous relationship with the U.S. federal government are worthy of another exposé. Since its inception, the organization has been an under-the-radar but powerful weapon in USAID’s long-standing scheme to implement global population control

Read more: https://www.revolver.news/2022/04/leaked-docs-show-usaid-disguised-millions-population-control-as-covid-relief/


Scarry: ‘Transhood’ Documentary Shows Why Kids Are Incapable Of Making Irreversible Medical Decisions

Every parent reading this should immediately stop and go watch HBO’s “Transhood” (2020) documentary. It will enlighten, depress, and alarm you all at once, and it’s the best way to understand the crisis that’s happening with so many of America’s children. The film follows four families in Kansas City, Missouri, all of which include a child who identifies as transgender. It takes place over five years. Two of the children, 12-year-old Jay (a girl who identifies as a boy) and 15-year-old Leena (the opposite), have been placed on hormone pharmaceuticals by their parents in order to suppress their natural puberty. The other two, 7-year-old Avery (a boy who identifies as a girl) and 4-year-old Phoenix (the same) are not receiving hormone drugs but they are dressed in female clothing and referred to as girls. Avery’s hair is dyed purple and pink. Phoenix’s entire wardrobe is draped in rainbow. […]  It’s worth repeating that these aren’t random people I found on Tik Tok. They’re children featured in a documentary on HBO. That’s how big this problem has become.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2022/04/27/transhood-documentary-shows-why-kids-are-incapable-of-making-irreversible-medical-decisions/

Transhood (2020) Official Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RgKtccy4PQ&t=88s

Tree: Purification Rites

There’s a concept which I was exposed to a lot while I was transitioning: “testosterone poisoning”. It’s talked about online and in trans spaces, and is pretty common; I’ve seen multiple trans women wearing “I survived testosterone poisoning” t-shirts. The idea is that, for male-to-female trans people, the testosterone naturally produced by their bodies is toxic. It makes them grow hair, causes their bodies to develop in a masculine direction during puberty, deepens their voices, changes how they smell, increases their libido, and often makes them more aggressive and prone to anger. Later in life, it can cause male-pattern baldness. These changes are upsetting and confusing to many young boys as they enter puberty, but most of them learn to cope with, and even appreciate, the changes that come to their body as they grow into adults. I was terrified of what testosterone was doing to me. I didn’t want to be a man. I didn’t want to be big and hairy. Men scared me. I’d seen my mom assaulted when I was young, and I didn’t want to be like the man who’d done that to her. The idea of testosterone poisoning made sense to me because maleness itself terrified me. I’d been bullied a lot in school by other boys, and a lot of that bullying involved sexual abuse–groping, inappropriate touching, striking my butt and genitals, and verbal harassment (wolf-whistling amd yelling sexual comments at me). These, I felt, weren’t the sorts of things that happened to men. My suffering was only legible if I was a woman. This background made me vulnerable to the ideology of transgenderism. I didn’t get that chance, and never will. […]  A transition is never done. There’s always more surgeries, new treatments, more work to do. You can never carve away enough pieces of yourself to be satisfied. You can never rid yourself of the fundamental facts of your own biology. You can never be cleansed of sin. The end goal of transition isn’t self-actualization. It’s self-annihilation.

Read more: https://cutdowntree.substack.com/p/purification-rites?s=r

Greene: Helping LGBT Activists Isolate Children From Their Parents Puts The Kids In Grave Danger

In yet another public display against parental rights and keeping parents informed about what their children are learning in schools, LGBT activists are condemning the passage of a new Oklahoma bill they claim would “out” LGBT children. Activists have positioned the argument once again as LGBT children against their own parents. LGBTQ Nation’s headline states: “Oklahoma bill that could require school counselors to out students advances,” The bill, SB615, has been hotly debated, with even Republican representatives suggesting its potential “harm.” Republican state Sen, Brenda Stanley argued, “My concern is that we do not break that confidentiality agreement that we have with children.” Republican state Sen. Casey Murdock agreed, saying, “So, you do not see that it may stifle a 15- to 16-year-old that may have some questions and they may have some issues they want to talk to somebody about. Now they won’t because they don’t want their parents where they are at. Are you concerned about that?” LGBT activists have gone farther, alleging the bill will endanger the lives of LGBT students if their parents are told of their sexual orientation or gender identity. However, supporters argue the bill aligns with state law and is designed to balance the needs of both students and parents. […]  Essentially, the bill ensures that school counselors do not encourage discussion of sexual or gender identity or provide supportive materials without informing parents. I Was Outed As a Teen The argument that this may “out” LGBT students to their parents in the process and this outing is inherently harmful, however, is an assumption that must be challenged. In 1998, my school outed me to my parents. I was 16 and I was mortified by the experience.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2022/04/27/helping-lgbt-activists-isolate-children-from-their-parents-puts-the-kids-in-grave-danger/


Sundance: Solid Take from Glenn Greenwald on Elon Musk Motives and Purchase of Twitter

Greenwald does a good job encapsulating the essential support most feel for the Musk effort.  There are many people still uncertain about how this will all roll out, and Musk has been favorable to Big Govt in his two most famous endeavors, Tesla and SpaceX.   Elon Musk’s phase of pushing back against speech and internet control is more recent, and as a result has left many people wondering about it. As Greenwald notes, there really isn’t a downside for people who are trying to break the totalitarian and monopoly control systems on the internet.  The upside benefits to on-line freedom, debate, discussion and the first real effort to stop internet censorship are well worth supporting.  Greenwald eloquently puts an appropriate context to the battle.

Read more/Watch the 4:35 minute interview: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/04/26/solid-take-from-glenn-greenwald-on-elon-musk-motives-and-purchase-of-twitter/

Barkoukis: Josh Hawley Pens Letter to Musk After Twitter Buy. Here’s What He Wants to Know.

“In recent years, Twitter has intervened in American discourse with an increasingly heavy hand, attempting to shape the information environment for overtly partisan reasons,” Hawley wrote. “Algorithms didn’t make those calls; employees did. And at this point, the American people deserve to know the truth about what went on at Twitter for years behind closed doors.” Some particularly salient questions to investigate in the audit include the following: . . .  […] Hawley argued such an audit is “essential” when Musk begins rebuilding a new culture at Twitter.

Read more: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahbarkoukis/2022/04/27/josh-hawley-letter-to-musk-n2606406

Sundance: The Media Meltdown Over the Possibility of Free Speech Twitter is Very Revealing, Meanwhile Twitter Employees Fear Loss of Censorship Mechanisms and Leaked Audio of Twitter Executive Reaction

Perhaps no media paragraph more perfectly encapsulates the issues around the Twitter debate than this one from New York Times writer Shira Ovide: …”The 2016 U.S. presidential election and the Brexit vote that same year gave Silicon Valley executives, U.S. elected officials and the public a peek into what can go wrong when social media companies opt not to wade too deeply into what people say on their sites.”… (link) In essence, that would be the quiet part said out loud and matter-of-factly.  If people are allowed freedom of communication, they end up doing things without our approval. That paragraph perfectly encapsulates the reason why so many media and leftists are having mental breakdowns. […]  During yesterday’s phone call between Twitter executives and employees at the company, the leaders within the company talked about the issues at hand.  A leaked copy a short segment of the discussion was made available by Project Veritas today. […]  All of this collective apoplexy and anxiety is a reflection of fear.  The need for control is a reaction to deep internal fear. Notice they keep using the words “safety”, as if being exposed to alternate perspectives is something that threatens safety.Elon Musk is correct, “the extreme antibody reaction from those who fear free speech says it all.”

Read more/Listen to the audio:  https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/04/26/the-media-meltdown-over-the-possibility-of-free-speech-twitter-is-very-revealing-meanwhile-twitter-employees-fear-loss-of-censorship-mechanisms-and-leaked-audio-of-twitter-executive-reaction/

Heine: MSNBC Host Frets About Musk Taking Over Twitter in Pathological Display of Liberal Projection

A video of MSNBC host Ari Melber on Monday fretting that SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk could use Twitter to “secretly ban” or “turn down the reach” of a major party’s candidate has gone viral, and for good reason. Never has there been a more glaring and pathological example of liberal projection on display—and many conservatives are reacting with stunned disbelief. The “Rubin Report’s” Dave Rubin tweeted, “This is exactly what the Machine\Left\Democrats have done to their opponents for years, you absolute [clown]@AriMelber. Enjoy the ride into irrelevance . . .” “He’s merely reciting what Twitter did to conservatives. But he doesn’t realize it or convinced himself it didn’t happen,” wrote radio host Jason Rantz. Former diplomat Richard Grenell, who served as Donald Trump’s acting director of national intelligence, tweeted: “Breaking: @AriMelber was born yesterday. Happy Belated Birthday, Ari.”

During the Monday evening episode of “The Beat with Ari Melber,” the host perfectly described what Twitter had become before Musk’s takeover—a mechanism for narrative control benefitting one political party.

Read more/Watch the 31 second clip: https://amgreatness.com/2022/04/26/msnbc-host-frets-about-musk-taking-over-twitter-in-pathological-display-of-liberal-projection/

American Mind Editors: Bringing Down Temples

Technology is not God. Technology will not save us. As long as Elon Musk remembers these two things, he stands, as Twitter’s new owner, to save us considerable time and energy in rallying online to preserve Americans’ way of life, their constitutionally guaranteed form of government, and their humanity itself.

Musk was right when he said that “free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy, and Twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated.” But fundamental political speech is not free simply in virtue of its being unsuppressed and unpunished. It is only truly free when citizens are free from compulsory speech imposed and coerced from above. It is this latter kind of unfree expression that has become the founding logic of America’s alien new regime, which sees and uses technology primarily as a tool to impose a new kind of theocracy on the American people, complete with its own flag, its own creeds and liturgies, its own priestly caste, and its own gods and temples. This theocracy has concentrated nearly all established institutional power into a comprehensive system inimical to free speech and American life, mandating mass participation in a wokeness ever more cybernetic, and a cybernetics ever more woke. This recursive process can point only toward a universal and homogenous transhumanism, and the obliteration of America and our humanity alike.

Read more: https://americanmind.org/salvo/bringing-down-temples/



In Dante’s journey through Hell, he is guided by the late Roman poet Virgil.  He is lead through nine descending, circular layers (picture New York’s Guggenheim Museum with the air conditioning out in August).  In the order encountered the first eight levels are Limbo (for those who did not accept Christ but who are otherwise not terribly sinful), Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Wrath, Heresy, Violence, and Fraud.  That leaves the ninth, or lowest level. That final level, the one resting closest to Satan, is named “Treachery.”  There are four different sections within the layer named for differing types of betrayal:   To your kindred; to your country; to your guests; to your lords and benefactors.  As one might guess, Judas Iscariot resides in that last section, named Judecca in his honor. […]  Back in March, Human Events sponsored a first of its kind panel discussion in partnership with the Liberty Forum of Silicon Valley where we had five real-life dissidents who had suffered under totalitarianism during the 20th Century.  We had representatives from Czechoslovakia, Cuba, East Germany, the Soviet Union, and Vietnam.  It was my great privilege to moderate the discussion. One of the most striking elements was how similar were their stories.  They each told tales of surveillance, devaluation of currency, censorship, media and educational propaganda, arrest, and either personal or familial torture.  Despite the geographic distances between them, and despite their many cultural differences, these five courageous people had much in common. Something else they shared besides those horrible conditions listed above was that none of the five panel members committed acts of treachery.  None of them “named names.”  None of them betrayed others. If we look at today’s American dissident movement which finds itself facing a Stasi-like federal policing system, an Inquisition-like Congressional Committee, and a salivating kennel of federal prosecutors eager to serve both, we need to pay very close attention to those who are “cooperating” with investigating authorities at any level.   They are each a Judas in our time.  These are the ones engaged in acts of treachery.

Read more: https://humanevents.com/2022/04/25/from-the-dissidents-desk-dantes-9th-level-and-those-who-cooperate-with-january-6th-inquisition-process/


Techno Fog: Durham’s latest: He has hundreds of e-mails between Fusion GPS and reporters

Special Counsel John Durham just filed this motion in response to the efforts of Hillary for America, Fusion GPS, et al. to keep secret (by use of the attorney-client and work product privileges) communications involving Fusion GPS. You can read it here. Durham states the “purported privilege holders who have intervened do so in a case in which the defendant has denied representing any client when he brought the Russian Bank-1 allegations to the FBI.” The privilege controversy thus entraps Sussmann to a certain extent, seemingly precluding his denial that he was working on behalf of a client. Brilliant. Additionally, Durham casts doubt on the declaration of Marc Elias that Fusion GPS was retained to provide “legal advice.” Here he makes a key point: . . . […]  As Durham makes clear, no lawyers are copied in these e-mails and this doesn’t have anything to do with legal advice. And even if there were some type of privilege or work product, it was waived when Fusion GPS distributed the info to the press. There are a number of other important observations. . . .

Read more: https://technofog.substack.com/p/durhams-latest-he-has-hundreds-of?utm_source=%2Fprofile%2F26447884-techno-fog&utm_medium=reader2&s=r


Billingsley: Foreshadowing Bureau Injustice

In her investigative reports on “the FBI-concocted Whitmer operation,” January 6, and the fake plot against Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, the intrepid Julie Kelly has been exposing FBI stagecraft, entrapment and outright election interference. These operations flow from the FBI’s long experience as a political strike force. Consider, for example, their “Shrimpscam” operation in California back in 1988. “California Capitol shaken by FBI sting,” headlined a September 4, 1988 UPI report. “More than 30 federal agents carrying search warrants conducted an unprecedented raid on the Capitol offices of four leading lawmakers, seeking evidence of wrongdoing until the wee hours of the morning.” As it emerged in the report, the FBI had manufactured the evidence. Gulf Shrimp Fisheries, which sought to build a food processing plant in West Sacramento to supply California restaurants, was actually a “dummy company set up by the FBI.” The FBI also established Peachstate Capital West Ltd., with an office one block from the California Capitol.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2022/04/foreshadowing-bureau-injustice-lloyd-billingsley/


Human Events Staff: Federal Court Dismisses All Challenges to Texas Abortion Law Enforcement Provision

“Having received the ruling of the Texas Supreme Court that named officials defendants may not enforce the provisions of the Texas Heartbeat Act… this court REMANDS the case with instructions to dismiss all challenges to the private enforcement provisions of the statute and to consider whether plaintiffs have standing to challenge,” the ruling states, per Just the News.

Read more: https://humanevents.com/2022/04/26/federal-court-dismisses-all-challenges-to-texas-abortion-law-enforcement-provision/


Sempa: China’s Belt and Road Initiative is a Geopolitical Offensive

Ever since China launched its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), some Western analysts have portrayed it as a geopolitical offensive designed to increase China’s influence in, and ultimately control of, Eurasia. These analysts often base their portrayal on the classic geopolitical writings of Alfred Thayer Mahan, Halford Mackinder, and Nicholas Spykman, all of whom envisioned global politics as a clash between great Eurasian land powers and insular and peninsular sea powers. Over a decade ago, Naval War College scholars Toshi Yoshihara and James Holmes wrote a book titled Chinese Naval Strategy in the 21st Century: The Turn to Mahan in which they cite Chinese sources to support their claim that the PLA Navy looks to Mahan for geopolitical inspiration. Robert D. Kaplan, in a paper originally prepared for the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment (“The Return of Marco Polo’s World”), argued that the BRI was part of China’s strategy to dominate Mackinder’s “World Island.” Claudia Astarita, a lecturer at Sciences Po Lyon and an associate fellow at the University of Melbourne’s Asia Institute, has described the BRI as China’s attempt to extend its influence across Spykman’s Eurasian Rimland (Western Europe, the Middle East, and East Asia). Perhaps the best proof that China indeed views the world this way is their repeated denials that the BRI has anything to do with geopolitics and China’s quest for hegemony. Here is a case in point.

Read more at American Thinker.

The World News: Panic-buying sweeps Beijing as surge in cases sparks fear of hard lockdown

Fears of a hard Covid lockdown sparked panic-buying in Beijing as long queues formed on Monday in a large central district for mass testing ordered by the Chinese authorities. China was already trying to contain a wave of infections in its largest city Shanghai, which has been almost entirely locked down for weeks and reported 51 new Covid deaths on Monday. Shanghai has struggled to provide fresh food to those confined at home, while patients have reported trouble accessing non-Covid medical care. The rising cases in the capital have triggered fears of a similar lockdown. Downtown Beijing’s biggest district Chaoyang is home to around 3.5 million people and hosts the headquarters of many multinational firms and embassies.

Read more: https://theworldnews.net/uk-news/panic-buying-sweeps-beijing-as-surge-in-cases-sparks-fear-of-hard-lockdown


Kredo: Lawmakers to Biden: No More Secret Negotiations With Iran

Republican lawmakers in Congress are fed up with the Biden administration’s secret diplomacy with Iran and refusal to inform the American public about what concessions will be granted to the world’s foremost sponsor of terrorism as part of a new nuclear deal. With negotiations stuck in their final stage amid Iran’s demands that all U.S. sanctions be lifted on its chief terrorist outfit, the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), Republican foreign policy leaders are pressing top Biden administration officials to publicly brief Congress on the state of diplomatic talks. “With uncertainty surrounding the status of the negotiation, the American people have a right to know what their diplomats agreed to in Vienna, what alternatives your administration is considering, and how you intend to address the wider range of threats from Iran—including its increasingly dangerous missile and drone programs and taking American hostages,” a group of Republican lawmakers on the House Foreign Affairs and Armed Services Committees wrote in a letter sent on Wednesday to the White House and obtained exclusively by the Washington Free Beacon.

Read more: https://freebeacon.com/national-security/lawmakers-to-biden-no-more-secret-negotiations-with-iran/

Thornton: Diversity, Free Speech, and the ‘Woke’ Assault on America

We are clearly living in Orwellian times, when the ambitions of tyrannical power are camouflaged by debased language, incoherent thought, and patent double-standards. Like the Newspeak of 1984, our progressive media abuses words like “diversity” and “free speech” to make them mean their opposites: a uniform orthodoxy protected and enforced by censorship. As long ago as Thucydides, this abuse of language and thought was recognized as the enemy of freedom and the precursor of a tyranny that reduces the diversity of opinion and ideas into one monolithic, oppressive dogma. Since its creation in the ancient Athenian democracy, free speech has been the sine qua non of a political order that includes a wide diversity of citizens, not just the rich and educated elites who monopolized power in oligarchic or autocratic regimes. Since political discussion and deliberation were conducted through public speeches, citizens had to be protected from reprisals for, or limitations on their diverse opinions and their particular ways of expressing them.True diversity – the diversity of thought and opinion – is intimately connected to free speech, itself one of the most critical foundations of political freedom, and most important bulwarks against tyranny.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2022/04/diversity-free-speech-and-woke-assault-america-bruce-thornton/

Greenfield: A Tyranny of Moral Minorities

This tyranny of minorities has long since come to define the Democrat coalition which knits together single-issue victimhood voters whose pet issue, whether it’s police shootings, green energy, racial justice, men pretending they’re women, or the right of teachers to sexually indoctrinate kindergartners against the wishes of their parents, must take precedence.[…]  Beyond the racial minorities of the civil rights movement, the moral minority consists of wealthy white elites, their sexual fetishes, cultural obsessions, and neurotic tics. Masking is just the latest neurotic tic that the decadent element that makes up its ruling base demands of all of us. […]  But the minority of minorities, by banding together, take something that only 2% of the country might want and turn it into something that the 31% of Americans who identify as Democrats are obligated to support on the party line. And if the Democrats win, the will of the 2% is ruthlessly imposed on the 98%.

Read more:  https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2022/04/tyranny-moral-minorities-daniel-greenfield/

Imbody: Biden Is Purging From Health Care Anyone Who Thinks Babies Are People And Men Aren’t Women

Imagine an America in which a summa cum laude medical graduate interviews at countless medical schools but cannot find one that will tolerate her Christian faith, a faith-based pro-life clinic faces a financial crisis after having its federal Title X funds stripped away, and federal agencies discriminate against hospitals and clinics nationwide for refusing to kowtow to the administration’s extremist stances on abortion, sexuality, and marriage. That reality is already well on its way here, and will only get worse with the proposed elimination of U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) conscience protections for health professionals. President Joe Biden’s HHS announced last week that the agency is in the “rulemaking process” of rolling back former President Donald Trump’s protections for medical personnel whose faith prevents them from performing procedures like abortion. Already, the three above examples are happening.  “I was top of my class (summa cum laude) as an undergrad at UC Berkeley, had an MCAT score above the average of all the medical schools I applied to, and I had participated in many extracurriculars,” reports one young woman. “I think I applied to essentially all of the medical schools in my home state of California. I did not get even a single interview–except for the faith-based school of Loma Linda.”

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2022/04/27/biden-is-purging-from-health-care-anyone-who-thinks-babies-are-people-and-men-arent-women/

Fox Business: CEO of major food brand issues dire warning

Goya Foods CEO Bob Unanu argues the world has ‘weaponized food.’

Watch the 8:13 minute interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pS9w_prltw

Sundance: REPORT, U.S. Gas Exports are Triple U.S. Gas Production, Low Gas Reserves Now Sends Prices Soaring

Another item in the long list of ‘thanks Joe Biden‘ stuff.  Shortages in natural gas in windmill chasing Europe have driven up the prices significantly.  The conflict between NATO and their targeted villain in Russia is only making matters worse. As the EU prices jump to $33/$34 per million British thermal units (BTU’s), the U.S. natural gas selling at $6 per million BTU’s is an absolute bargain. Liquify that stuff and send it across the pond says any smart energy capitalist. However, that comes with a problem for us.  Our supplies of natural gas are depleting quickly, our exports are now almost three times more than our production. […]  But hey, relax….  Biden is only destroying our food, fuel and energy….  I mean, it could be worse right?

Read more: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/04/26/report-u-s-gas-exports-are-triple-u-s-gas-production-low-gas-reserves-now-sends-prices-soaring/

Queen: Biden Administration Imposes Further Limits on Arctic Drilling

The pain at the gas pump shows no signs of abating, and the Biden administration seems to want to make it worse. The White House announced on Monday that it’s reverting back to the Obama administration’s policy of opening only 52% of Alaska’s National Petroleum Reserve for oil and gas leases. Under the Trump administration, 82% of the land was open for drilling.

Read more: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/chris-queen/2022/04/26/biden-administration-imposes-further-limits-on-arctic-drilling-n1592992


Pierson & Riley: Dazed and Confused

In a recent Chronicle of Higher Education survey, college faculty reported “a disconcerting level of disconnection among students, using words like ‘defeated,’ ‘exhausted’ and ‘overwhelmed.’” One professor said she “knew the pandemic was wreaking havoc on people’s lives. But she didn’t expect that its impact on learning would be so profound, even when students returned, with excitement, to campus.” Some professors attribute these difficulties to deaths in students’ families or to financial insecurity, but the truth is that colleges themselves are partly responsible for the students’ malaise. Remote learning has been a disaster. Many students, even when finally allowed to return to campus, were kept isolated in their dorms for weeks. Maintaining mask mandates and cancelling social events have also played a role. A history professor speculates that the problem is students “who cannot separate the existential dread of Covid and now Ukraine from their daily ability to live.” The flaw with this explanation is that young people have managed to keep their noses buried in books during even more difficult periods in the past, from the Great Depression to World War II and the Cold War, along with many other crises. It’s true, however, that for years colleges have encouraged the idea that even the slightest disturbance in the news cycle, no matter how far removed from a student’s day-to-day life, is a cause for debilitating anxiety and an excuse for underperformance.

Read more: https://www.city-journal.org/remote-learning-a-disaster-for-college-students


Menton: A Mostly Wind- and Solar-Powered U.S. Economy Is a Dangerous Fantasy

The proposed transition to “net zero” via wind and solar power is not only not easy, but is a total fantasy. It likely cannot occur at all without dramatically undermining our economy, lifestyle and security, and it certainly cannot occur at anything remotely approaching reasonable cost. At some point, the ongoing forced transition… will crash and burn. [I]t doesn’t matter whether you build a million wind turbines and solar panels, or a billion, or a trillion. On a calm night, they will still produce nothing, and will require full back-up from some other source. If you propose a predominantly wind/solar electricity system, where fossil fuel back-up is banned, you must, repeat must, address the question of energy storage. Without fossil fuel back-up, and with nuclear and hydro constrained, storage is the only remaining option. How much will be needed? How much will it cost? How long will the energy need to remain in storage before it is used? It gets worse:….

Read more: https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/18469/wind-solar-power-us-economy

Stilson: Record Number of ESG Shareholder Resolutions in 2022

According to the recently released Proxy Preview 2022 report, a record number of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) shareholder proposals have been filed with publicly traded companies in 2022, predominately on left-of-center issues. These resolutions give a good indication of prevailing priorities among ESG-focused shareholder activists. Shareholder resolutions are generally nonbinding proposals submitted to corporate leadership, to be voted on by other shareholders at the corporation’s annual meeting. ESG-minded activist shareholders often file resolutions to pressure a company into acting on a particular issue that is of importance to the activist(s). These resolutions can be coordinated as part of a broader campaign.

Read more: https://pricklypear.news/record-number-of-esg-shareholder-resolutions-in-2022/


Barkoukis: A Credit Card for Conservatives Is Finally Here

Conservatives appear to be getting more alternatives to woke corporations by the day. The newest option is Coign, a Visa credit card that is “built by conservatives for conservatives.” The card, which launched Tuesday, was “created to advance conservative values and embrace the American spirit,” according to the company’s website. “Unlike other leading credit cards that give millions to the Left each year, Coign is helping Conservatives to align their dollars with their values,” the statement continues. “We’re proud to invest in Conservative causes. Coign is the only Conservative credit card that allows you to pay with a purpose while you earn rewards.”

Read more/Watch the ad: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahbarkoukis/2022/04/27/conservative-credit-card-n2606381

Nelson: Cedric Richmond to leave White House for DNC after calling AOC ‘f—ing idiot’

Richmond, 48, will serve in a vague DNC role boosting the party’s efforts to avoid a wipeout in the midterm elections in November. He and the White House described the transition as a promotion. Richmond, director of the White House Office of Public Liaison, was one of the few relatively fresh faces among Biden’s senior West Wing staff, which is dominated by longtime associates of the 79-year-old president. He reportedly struggled to be included.

Read more: https://nypost.com/2022/04/26/biden-adviser-cedric-richmond-to-leave-white-house-for-dnc/?utm_campaign=SocialFlow&utm_medium=SocialFlow&utm_source=NYPTwitter

Pullmann: Yanking Privileges For Disney Isn’t ‘Revenge’ Or An Attack On Free Speech, It’s The Least Florida Can Do

fter Disney’s attempt to pressure Florida’s legislature into stopping an anti-pedophilia law resulted in the legislature re-examining Disney’s legal privileges, some pundits on the right complained. Charles Cooke and Jason Lee Steorts of National Review argued Florida’s energy in protecting children from state-sponsored grooming constituted “misguided” “retribution.” Steorts even called it a “soft-authoritarian temper-tantrum.” “This was a use of state power to punish private speech,” Steorts claimed. Erstwhile Donald Trump lawyer (and sometime Federalist author) Jenna Ellis joined the critics on social media into this week, also taking the free-speech absolutist angle. Of course, so did David French. Daily Wire Co-CEO Jeremy Boreing voiced some hesitancy as well. […] These commentators argued that while it’s fine to reconsider Disney’s crony capitalist carveouts, it is not fine to do so right after Disney attempted to apply maximum political pressure against the authorities who control those carveouts. That, they claimed, would be “retaliation” against Disney’s “right to free speech.” In other words, Disney can play hardball, but that game must remain one-sided. Because procedures and norms must always only be applied in one direction: left. This is a gross misunderstanding of not only what’s at stake in this episode, which is really about a reorientation of the right’s political power to serve the right’s voters and values. It is also a gross misunderstanding of the Founders’ view of free speech, of the purposes of political power, and of the use of the virtue of prudence in political affairs.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2022/04/27/yanking-privileges-for-disney-isnt-revenge-or-an-attack-on-free-speech-its-the-least-florida-can-do/

Widburg: Amazon’s staffers have a mental break over Matt Walsh’s children’s book

Matt Walsh wrote a children’s book called Johnny the Walrus, that gently challenges the movement to take imaginative, curious children and label them as “transgendered.” In response to the book’s raging success on the Amazon platform, Amazon apparently sponsored a meeting for traumatized employees. As I say with increasing frequency, it would take a heart of stone not to laugh at the video. First, here is Johnny the Walrus, as read by the author: . . .[…]  Briefly, an imaginative child pretends to be a walrus and, when his mother posts the picture on social media, the pressure begins that he is a real walrus, who needs recognition and surgery. Fortunately, Johnny and his Mommy figure out that pretend is pretend. When Walsh put the book on Twitter, he accurately labeled it an “LGBT” book. It rocketed to the top of the charts (allowing Walsh to identify himself as a best-selling LGBT author). When the mob protested, Amazon reassigned the book to the “Humor” category—although it continues to sell it. It is a #1 bestseller. Amazon’s Stalinists want the book gone. We see that in a video from what is, apparently, an Amazon leadership session for employees traumatized by the book and Amazon’s role in selling it. The meeting is hosted by a transvestite man and a bearded, actual man who describes the horrors Walsh’s book inspires.

Read more/Watch the videos at American Thinker.


Tomlinson: ‘Blackmail’: Russia Shuts off Gas to EU States Poland, Bulgaria, Energy Prices Soar on News

Sources with the Polish government and the Polish Oil and Gas Industry (PGNiG) claimed that Russia has halted all gas supplies to the country Tuesday night, with the stoppage of transmission confirmed Wednesday morning amid a war of words between Moscow and European capitals. Wholesale gas prices soared a fifth in Europe on the news, communicating both the shortages the reduction of imports resemble, as well as market uncertainty. Several European nations are heavily dependent on Russian gas, notably Germany. The European Union has called the suspension of gas deliveries “blackmail”.

Read more: https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2022/04/27/blackmail-russia-shuts-off-gas-to-eu-states-poland-bulgaria-energy-prices-soar-on-news/

Tomlinson: Spain Strips Nationality From 78 Babies After Migrant Mothers’ Citizenship Lies Uncovered

The Spanish government has revoked the nationality of 78 babies from Moroccan mothers who gave birth in a Spanish North African exclave and lied about the father of their child being Spanish. The women were clients of an organised criminal group which paid men of Spanish nationality to sign documentation declaring themselves the father of the babies after they were born in the North African city of Melilla, in order that the children to receive Spanish nationality.

Read more: https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2022/04/27/spain-strips-nationality-from-78-babies-after-migrant-mothers-citizenship-lies-uncovered/

Ibrahim: Kafir!

The popular Egyptian daily newspaper and website al-Masry al-Youm (“the Egyptian Today”) recently published a fatwa titled “What Is the Ruling on Selling Food to Infidels during the Daylight [Hours] of Ramadan?”  The fatwa concluded that, no, it is not permissible for Muslims to sell food, even if the purchaser and consumer is a non-Muslim. As discussed here, because the daily newspaper that published this fatwa, al-Masry al-Youm, has long been seen as a progressive, reformist newspaper—one that thrives on exposing and combatting Islamist intolerance—its readership, which includes not a few Coptic Christians, responded in uproar.  Hours later, the online version of the paper deleted the fatwa, suspended its editor, and issued an apology. Most instructive of this entire episode—especially for non-Muslims unfamiliar with the minutia of Islam—was the focus of the apology.  No one was upset at, and the newspaper did not apologize for, the fatwa’s conclusion (many Egyptian Christians, out of “consideration,” already know to refrain from handling food in public during Ramadan).  Rather, the point of contention was that the fatwa utilized—and, worse, the paper published—the word kafir (usually translated into English as “infidel”) to refer to all non-Muslims.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2022/04/kafir-raymond-ibrahim/

Ibrahim: Ramadan: ‘A Month of Jihad, Conquest, and Victory’

Speaking on the first day of Ramadan, April 1, 2022, Mahmoud al-Habbash, the Supreme Sharia Judge of the Palestinian Authority, extolled the jihads waged by the prophet of Islam, Muhammad, during Ramadan: How was this month [of Ramadan] in the life of Prophet [Muhammad]? …Did the Prophet spend Ramadan in calmness, serenity, laziness, and sleepiness? Far be it from him… The Prophet entered the great Battle of Badr [624] during Ramadan… Also in the month of Ramadan, in the 8th year of the Hijra [629-630], the Prophet and the Muslims conquered Mecca… Ramadan is … a month of Jihad, conquest, and victory. This is hardly the first time leading Palestinians invoke the early history of jihad in connection to Ramadan.

Read more at American Thinker.




The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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