Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 15 minutes


Joe Allen transhumanism War Room editor  and contributor to Singularity Weekly:Moderna’s co-founder created a quantum dot tattoo to track the vaxxed. The company is now using AI to generate endless mRNA jabs. Welcome to Transhumanism, Inc.

Mary Margaret Olohan contributor to Daily Wire: Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s spokeswoman claimed on Monday that President Joe Biden and his administration are leaning into false narratives about HB 1557 because they are afraid to openly advocate for “transgenderism in kindergarten.”

James Anthony contributor to American Greatness: Trump has three options: fail, exit, or demolish. To be a great president, Trump would need to set aside the wars of words he relishes and instead become our demolition man.

Josh Kantrow contributor to American Thinker: Instead of mean tweets, we have an incompetent administration that has brought the very opposite of peace, along with high inflation through its reckless spending policies. With all of the giveaways to Iran, the administration might as well include the development of Iran’s nuclear capability in its “infrastructure” project and funding.

Julio Rivera contributor to American Thinker: With Joe Biden’s commentary that Putin “cannot remain in power,” America, as well as the west in general, needs to brace for 2022 to be the most devasting year of hacking in human history.

Dr. Rich Swier: Biden’s “clean car” plan is a myth. Clean cars and green energy from solar and windmills cannot and will not make America carbon neutral or energy independent . .  The truth is that mankind cannot become carbon neutral without hurting mankind itself. Biden’s dream is a myth that kills.

Julie Kelly contributor to American Greatness: The poisonous tree of Thompson’s committee is yielding a bumper crop of political fruit for House Democrats and their useful idiots in the Republican Party such as Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.). With little else to run on and a White House in freefall, Democrats think they can sustain enough outrage over January 6 to stem major electoral losses in November.

Byron York contributor to TownHall: So Biden’s “billionaires tax” — a name that will poll well among radical Democrats and give The Squad a fun talking point — actually hits Americans worth just 10 percent of $1 billion. Of course, the disconnect between what the White House is trying to make the proposed tax out to be and who the tax would actually hit is not being noted by most in the mainstream media. They’re taking the White House’s word and running with the “billionaire” language.

Spencer Brown contributor to TownHall: California’s reparations task force has pressed ahead with its discussions and planning, but they’ve hit a rough patch as they face determining who should receive benefits under a potential reparations law. While highlighting the flaws with calling for reparations, the situation is leaving “members divided” on who should be able to get what. The law that created the task force directed the group to give priority to descendants of African Americans who were enslaved in the United States, but there are now concerns such a plan would be too exclusionary. Some argue that all black Californians, including immigrants or descendants of slaves from other countries ought to be eligible due to what they point to as “systemic” racism, but such ideas have angered others who say such a plan would leave U.S. descendants of slaves with “mere pennies.”

Jazz Shaw contributor to Hot Air: “I do think all rich countries should move to 100% synthetic beef,” Gates said when asked about how countries can help to reduce methane emissions when it comes to food production. “You can get used to the taste difference, and the claim is they’re going to make it taste even better over time.”


Citizen Free Press: Defense of Trump on British nightly news
Nice work here from Patrick Christys of GB News.
Watch the two short videos: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/defense-of-trump-on-british-nightly-news/

Solomon: Exclusive: Trump calls on Putin to release info on Hunter Biden’s dealings with oligarchs
In an interview with the Just the News television show on Real America’s Voice airing Tuesday, the former president cited a 2020 Senate report that disclosed Russian oligarch Yelena Baturina, then the wife of Moscow’s mayor, provided $3.5 million a decade ago to a company co-founded by President Joe Biden’s son and unanswered questions about why the money was given. “She gave him $3.5 million so now I would think Putin would know the answer to that. I think he should release it,” Trump said in a wide-ranging interview at his Mar O Lago resort in Florida. “I think we should know that answer.”
Read more: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/all-things-trump/trump-calls-putin-release-info-hunter-bidens-dealings-oligarchs

Cleveland: Can Trump Win His Lawsuit Against Hillary Clinton And The DNC For Their Russia Collusion Lies?
Former President Trump’s lawyers allege a total of 16 separate counts, ranging from racketeering claims to state tort claims. First, the Facts The 103-page complaint filed in a Florida federal court on Thursday begins with a synopsis of the Democratic plot to frame Trump as a Russian asset, spurring the Crossfire Hurricane investigation into his presidential campaign and later his administration. Among other things, the lawsuit highlights the Clinton campaign’s hiring of Perkins Coie, alleging the law firm “was tasked with spearheading the scheme to find — or fabricate — proof of a sinister link between Donald J. Trump and Russia.” According to the lawsuit, Perkins Coie lawyers Marc Elias and Michael Sussmann . . . […]  1. RICO and RICO Conspiracy In Count I of the complaint, Trump sues Clinton, the Clinton campaign, the Democratic National Committee, Perkins Coie, and lawyers Elias and Sussmann under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, better known as “RICO.” While racketeering, as defined in the statute, constitutes a federal crime, in passing RICO Congress also created a “civil right of action,” meaning those harmed by violations of RICO could sue for damages civilly. To state a civil RICO claim, a plaintiff such as Trump must allege four elements: . . .
Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2022/03/29/can-trump-win-his-lawsuit-against-hillary-clinton-and-the-dnc-for-their-russia-collusion-lies/

Anthony: Making Trump Great Again
A president’s greatness comes down, in part, to how well he limited government abroad and at home. Abroad, Donald Trump didn’t lead the United States into a major war. At home, though, Trump signed off on swollen government budgets, didn’t force roll-call votes to fully repeal Obamacare, welcomed “Dreamers,” championed ill-conceived criminal justice “reform,” and greatly expanded public-health tyranny. Trump championed “15 days to flatten the curve,” which never was going to age well. He championed COVID money-printing that poured gas on a long-raging fire at the Federal Reserve. Trump championed genetic vaccines that, over time, are proving deadly and debilitating. Trump didn’t weigh in upfront to limit massive unconstitutional changes in ballot-handling that led to the certification of votes not credibly cast.  Just as every essential idea of Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal was put into place by Herbert Hoover, every essential idea of Joe Biden’s COVID tyranny was prefaced by Trump’s decisions in 2020.
Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2022/03/28/making-trump-great-again/


(A must read) Allen: Vaxxed By Machines, Tracked By Machines: Humanity To Be Augmented One Cell At A Time
We’re living out a sci-fi thriller where unaccountable corporations openly force advanced tech into our bodies. Capitalizing on the current germaphobic frenzy, Moderna’s co-founder, Dr. Robert Langer, saw his experimental mRNA vaccines pushed on the American public. Riding that dark wave of corporate and government mandates, Langer became an instant billionaire. But this isn’t the only fanged rabbit in his magic top hat. In 2018, the MIT scientist had developed a quantum dot tattoo—an under-skin nanoparticle QR code, to be scanned by smartphones—in order to track the vaccinated masses and ensure compliance. Like many undignified experiments, this was to begin in the Third World—cuz social justice. This vaxx & track technology drew the intense personal interest of Bill Gates. That interest naturally translated into millions of dollars in funding. This is in addition to $20 million given to Moderna by the Gates Foundation back in 2016 to develop a new type of vaccine—where bits of injected genetic code would hijack the cell’s machinery to produce reams of pathogenic proteins. Three technologies drive the plot of this horrific story—mRNA gene therapy, quantum dot tattoos, and artificial intelligence.
Read more: https://joebot.substack.com/p/vaxxed-by-machines-tracked-by-machines?s=r


Hanna: Graphic ‘Gender Queer’ Sex Books Marketed to Kids.
Gender queer” books are now being targeted towards children – and are being found on school bookshelves – with U.S. school district committees allowing the comics to remain in school libraries. “Gender queer” is defined as “of, relating to, or being a person whose gender identity cannot be categorized as solely male or female,” according to Merriam-Webster dictionary. Despite the mature concepts it contains, the book “Gender Queer” by 32-year-old California-based author Maia Kobabe, who “uses e/em/eir pronouns,” has been distributed on the shelves of Ohio’s Hudson High School library. The book tells the story of a child through adolescence to adulthood struggling with gender conformity and includes a handful of graphic illustrations of LGBT sexual experiences and has long caused controversy with parents in other school districts, such as Fairfax County Public Schools in 2021. Cartoons depict situations such as . . .
Read more: https://thenationalpulse.com/2022/03/28/graphic-gender-queer-sex-books-marketed-to-kids/

Meade: Massachusetts High School Biology Class Pushes Radical Gender Ideology As Fact
New Boston Post, a conservative aggregate news source for all things New England, recently reported Needham High School in Needham, Massachusetts, is teaching students in its biology class that humans who “change” their gender are no different than animals or plants who naturally alter their bodily composition for the survival of their species. According to the report, the Massachusetts high school biology class also requests students limit gendered language during the section on genetics in order to create an inclusive classroom. But some critics are saying the lesson plan is “indoctrination.” […]  According to the report’s author, Tom Joyce, Needham High educators broke down the difference between “anatomical sex” and “gender identity” even further: Here is how it defines anatomical sex: . . . And here is how it defines gender identity: . . . The lesson plan also includes “non-human examples” of gender variation, as reported by Joyce. These include . . .
Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/massachusetts-high-school-biology-class-pushes-radical-gender-ideology-as-fact

Olohan: Biden Admin Downplays Parents Rights, Promises To ‘Fight’ For ‘LGBTQI+ Youth’ After DeSantis Signs Bill
President Joe Biden’s administration reacted to news that Florida had banned sexual orientation and gender identity conversations for little school children by promising Monday to fight for LGBTQ youth. “Every student deserves to feel safe and welcome in the classroom,” the president said in a Monday afternoon tweet after Republican Florida Gov Ron DeSantis signed the state’s Parents Rights in Education bill. “Our LGBTQI+ youth deserve to be affirmed and accepted just as they are.” “My Administration will continue to fight for dignity and opportunity for every student and family — in Florida and around the country,” he added. The White House did not respond to further requests for comment from The Daily Wire asking whether the president supports sexual orientation and gender identity conversations for children aged 5-9 (kindergarten through third grade). […]  The bill has been wildly misrepresented as “Don’t Say Gay” legislation, though nowhere in the legislation is the word “gay” mentioned. The word “parent” is mentioned 32 times and the word “parental” is mentioned eight times, and the legislation heavily focuses on parental notification and parental awareness of what children are being taught or exposed to in school.
Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/biden-admin-downplays-parents-rights-promises-to-fight-for-lgbtqi-youth-after-desantis-signs-bill


Curl: House GOP Leaders Working On ‘Commitment To America,’ Similar To 1994 ‘Contract’
Republicans in the House are working on their own version of the Contract With America, at least so says the GOP Speaker who helped pen the original version. “With Leader Kevin McCarthy’s determined, methodical, and systematic leadership, House Republicans are preparing to make history – fully as much as the Contract with America Republicans did in 1994,” Newt Gingrich wrote in a piece published on Friday. The Contract set out the GOP’s legislative plans ahead of the 1994 congressional election. “McCarthy and his team are developing a Commitment to America. Having participated with Ronald Reagan’s efforts in 1980, the 1994 Contract, and [former Speaker] John Boehner’s successful 2010 campaign to retake the House, I can report that McCarthy’s effort is the largest, most inclusive, and most systematic issue development effort I have ever seen,” Gingrich wrote.
Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/house-gop-leaders-working-on-commitment-to-america-similar-to-1994-contrac


Swier: Biden’s Dream of ‘Clean Cars’ is Turning Into a Lithium Nightmare
Lithium is often dubbed as “white gold” for the development of electric vehicles.
The cost of lithium needed to make electric car batteries is up 472% just in the past 12 months and 850% since Biden took office. Biden, Harris, Buttigieg, and Democrats want America to go all green and want to force Americans to drive only “clean cars” powered by lithium batteries. All-electric vehicles (EVs) are now in the crosshairs. Having charging stations is not the issue. The issue is what will be the future cost of owning “clean cars”? The Biden-⁠Harris Electric Vehicle Charging Action Plan states, . . . […]  As the soaring prices of lithium and other minerals needed to manufacture EVs soar, the costs of battery packs for EVs are seeing pressure. Already the battery pack is one of the most expensive parts of an electric vehicle, with prices ranging from $10,000 to $25,000 to replace them — and that does not include labor. […]  Today, three countries—Australia, Chile, and China—mine roughly 86% of the world’s lithium.
[…]  Lithium batteries do not make energy. Batteries do not make electricity – they store electricity produced elsewhere, primarily by coal, uranium, natural gas-powered plants, or diesel-fueled generators. To say an EV is a zero-emission vehicle is not at all valid.
Read more: https://pricklypear.news/bidens-dream-of-clean-cars-is-turning-into-a-lithium-nightmare/

Burnett: Climate Change Poses No Existential Threat. Nada. Not Any.
The Biden administration’s climate change policies have sharply increased oil prices, damaging the domestic economy and increasing the cost of nearly everything consumers buy. By increasing revenues for Russian President Vladimir Putin’s regime, they also made Russia stronger and more dangerous at a critical time, thus damaging national security. … But worst of all, the Biden administration’s basis for these policies, the claim that global warming presents an “existential threat,” is fraudulent. It is not based on any scientific consensus, and in fact, it ignores evidence of environmental benefits of global warming that offset its harm. In this article, chock full of data, Simon schools so-called journalists in the corporate media on how to examine claims that humans are causing a climate catastrophe. Simon presents data and research that conclusively demonstrate temperature and climate-related deaths have significantly declined during the period of modern warming.
Read more: https://pricklypear.news/climate-change-poses-no-existential-threat-nada-not-any/


Gortler: FDA, CDC Guilty of Clinical Malpractice and Scientific Fraud by Inaction and Omission on mRNA Vaccine Safety Warnings
Today, unquestionably serious cardiovascular, thrombotic and neurologic adverse events related to the vaccine have occurred around the world. The FDA’s own vaccine adverse event tracking system (the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System or VAERS) shows substantial and serious risks from the vaccine, even though the FDA only collects an estimated 10% of all adverse events. Still, federal agencies and manufacturers aren’t officially warning the American public about these risks, despite having been privy to this information for almost a whole year. Why? Because it would counter the narrative that taking endless vaccines and boosters is your patriotic duty. It’s pretty clear today there are both safety and efficacy problems with vaccines and boosters. Because all of the FDA’s 18,000-plus employees had access to the same drug safety data we have, one must ask:
Read more at American Thinker.

Armstrong: Canada: 90% of COVID Deaths Are Vaxxed! Israel: 83% of Cases are Vaxxed!
Watch the 23 minute video: https://thenewamerican.com/canada-90-of-covid-deaths-are-vaxxed-israel-83-of-cases-are-vaxxed/

War Room: Ivermectin Caused ‘90% to 100% Reduction In Hospitalization’
Dr. Pierre Kory interviewed.
Watch the 5:45 minute interview: https://rumble.com/vyvgcg-ivermectin-caused-90-to-100-reduction-in-hospitalization.html


Real Science: 790 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 510 Dead, After COVID Shot
It is definitely not normal for so many mainly young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die while playing their sport, but this year it is happening. Many of these heart issues and deaths come shortly after they got a COVID vaccine. While it is possible this can happen to people who did not get a COVID vaccine, the sheer numbers clearly point to the only obvious cause. The so-called health professionals running the COVID vaccine programs around the world keep repeating that “the COVID vaccine is a normal vaccine and it is safe and effective.” So in response to their pronouncement, here is a non-exhaustive and continuously growing list of mainly young athletes who had major medical issues in 2021/2022 after receiving one or more COVID vaccines. Initially, many of these were not reported. We know that many people were told not to tell anyone about their adverse reactions and the media was not reporting them. They started happening and ramping up after the first COVID vaccinations. The mainstream media still are not reporting most, but sports news cannot ignore the fact that soccer players and other stars collapse in the middle of a game due to a sudden cardiac arrest. Many of those die – more than 50%.
Read more: https://goodsciencing.com/covid/athletes-suffer-cardiac-arrest-die-after-covid-shot/
TheCOVIDBlog.com: Deion Sanders: Jackson State University football coach was vaccinated “for quite a long time” by August, develops three femoral blood clots, has two toes amputated


Lenczycki: Beat Him Until He Cannot Run For Election’: Chinese Secret Police Target Congressional Candidate And Other Americans
The FBI charged five individuals with crimes related to “transnational repression schemes” for allegedly serving Communist China’s secret police on Wednesday. The FBI defines “transnational repression” as “when foreign governments stalk, intimidate, or assault people in the United States.”
Among the five charged is Matthew Ziburis, a former correctional officer for the state of Florida, according to an FBI press release. Former Tiananmen Square pro-democracy leader and current Democratic party New York congressional candidate, Yan Xiong, has been identified as one of the secret police’s targets, according to a New York Times report. The FBI charged alleged agents of China’s secret police on Wednesday with crimes related to the repression of Americans by foreign governments.
Read more: https://pricklypear.news/beat-him-until-he-cannot-run-for-election-chinese-secret-police-target-congressional-candidate-and-other-americans/

Defalco  III: Flirting with the CCP
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has, since the days of Mao with his Leninist visions, insisted that the profligacy and degeneracy of western culture would be its undoing and that the greed and naivety of developed western nations would also ensure that strategic and economic benefits would always flow to China. The yang wei Zhong yong, or “make the foreign serve China” strategy is fully exposed in Red-Handed. Schweizer describes how “Beijing offers deals, inducements, praise, and access to seduce foreign elites into serving their interests.” But Beijing is not looking to make American elites slavish devotees of the Party; there are enough of those in China. American collaborators, according to Schweizer, are permitted “some level of public criticism,” to preserve their credibility and especially so when they influence decisions that benefit the regime of China’s President Xi Jinping. It’s a shrewd tactic described as “big help with a little badmouth.”
Read more: https://pricklypear.news/flirting-with-the-ccp/

Pardoe: What is China Learning from Ukraine?
The ripple effect of the United States’ disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan will continue for years to come. Afghanistan demonstrated a lack of resolve in terms of foreign policy and a willingness to cut and run in the face of mildly difficult prospects. This new “Biden Doctrine” showed that Americans were willing to create a power vacuum, one that will have repercussions long term for us and the rest of the world, simply to say, “It’s over.”   It clearly signaled to Russia that there would be posturing and some economic chaos if it tried to seize Ukraine, but little else. China, so far, has sat back and observed and will even profit from the events in Europe with its new partner, Russia. Putin’s claim on Ukraine has a close parallel to the claims China has leveled in regard to Taiwan for decades. There can be little doubt that Beijing is processing the global response and using it as a template to resolve its long-standing claims on Taiwan. The Chinese are a reflective people, they observe and make calculated decisions. Remember, Sun Tzu was Chinese.  As such, it is important to understand what China has learned from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine thus far.  Lesson 1:  Any military buildup needs to be done in secret or done quickly so as to limit pre-war sanctions. If the world sees you preparing for an invasion, it will take action against you. As such, you need to be swift or secretive in your staging for any operation. Lesson 2:  Any military action needs to be fast and decisive. The longer there is resistance, the more sympathetic people are to the victims of war. There can be little doubt that . . .Lesson 3: . . .
Read more at American Thinker.


Fox News: China expert warns Biden’s gaffes could set US back decades
Michael Pillsbury discusses China gaining upper hand against Biden on ‘The Ingraham Angle.’
Watch the 4:19 minute interview: https://video.foxnews.com/v/6302165872001#sp=show-clips

Vespa: Somebody Poisoned the Russia-Ukraine Peace Negotiations…Literally
Someone wants the Ukraine war to continue. Someone is trying to stall the peace process. We’re lucky this wasn’t an attack aimed to kill because everyone involved would be dead already. Some of the top officials trying to broker a peace deal, including a Russian oligarch, were poisoned after a meeting in Kyiv. The meeting occurred in early March. The symptoms were not life-threatening, though incredibly disconcerting as the skin from their faces began to peel off. Experts who have analyzed poison attacks in this region of the world saw photos of those afflicted and concluded that this attack was meant as a warning. Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich and Ukrainian peace negotiators suffered symptoms of suspected poisoning after a meeting in Kyiv earlier this month, people familiar with the matter said.
Read more: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2022/03/29/did-russia-poison-ukrainian-negotiators-n2605159

Pittz: A Civilizational War?
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is said to have been motivated by various strategic calculations: fear of NATO expansion, concern over Ukraine’s westward drift, and Moscow’s confidence in its own oil heft and economic reserves. But this analysis risks overlooking the civilizational aspect of Vladimir Putin’s fateful decision. For the current conflict involves not only Ukraine but also a broader showdown between East and West. Instead of the Soviet Union, the U.S. is facing a Eurasian continent, with Russia as its soul. In geographic space, Eurasia covers the former Soviet empire, excluding the Baltic states, as well as Mongolia and parts of northwest China. And within this territory resides a great civilization—a Russian civilization—that represents the one true alternative to the decadent, globalized West. That, at least, is how the Russian philosopher and founder of the Eurasia Party Alexander Dugin frames it. Dugin has long argued that Eurasia is the only hope against the West’s global dominance, and he couches the difference between the two civilizations in geopolitical terms.
Read more: https://www.city-journal.org/does-putin-take-his-cue-from-alexander-dugin


Episode 1,739 – Judge Jackson Among The Pedophiles; Inverted Yield Curve Means Recession Now
Our guests are: Ben Harnwell, Steve Cortes, Mike Davis, Ben Bergquam, Auden Cabello

Episode 1,740 – The Decline And Fall Of Lisa Murkowski; Lies of Tony Fauci
Our guests are: Steve Cortes, Monica Crowley, Kelly Tshibaka, Brandon Weichert, Tony Lyons


Nolte: Hunter Biden Laptop Whistleblower John Paul Mac Isaac — The Breitbart News Interview
Before a drunken man entered his life with three broken laptops, John Paul Mac Isaac owned a home, owned a small business, and had carved out a life for himself in Wilmington, Delaware. John Paul Mac Isaac wasn’t looking for trouble or to become famous or do anything other than quietly live his life. Then in walked a drunk, entitled, and corrupt Hunter Biden. And even after he knew what he had, John Paul Mac Isaac didn’t try to financially or politically profit from the potential windfall handed to him and then legally surrendered to him by Hunter Biden. He still did the right thing. He never stopped doing the right thing. And for that… For being nothing more or less than an innocent bystander who followed the rules, They destroyed John Paul Mac Isaac. He lost his whole life: his business, his trade, his privacy, everything that he’d worked for they took away from him. He might even lose his home. Who is They? They is the government…
Read more: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/03/27/nolte-hunter-biden-laptop-whistleblower-john-paul-mac-isaac-the-breitbart-news-interview/
If you are inclines to make a GiveSendGo donation to help John Paul Mac Mac Isaac:https://givesendgo.com/G2ZG7

Sexton: Paycheck Protection Program led to ‘the biggest fraud in a generation’
Back in December the Secret Service estimate as much as $100 billion worth of COVID relief funds from the Paycheck Protection Program had been stolen by fraudsters. Today NBC News has a story reflecting on the total scope of pandemic fraud. Turns out if you start handing out money with few safeguards, a lot of people will line up to take it. Many who participated in what prosecutors are calling the largest fraud in American history—the theft of hundreds of billions of dollars in taxpayer money intended to help those harmed by the pandemic — couldn’t resist purchasing luxury automobiles. Also mansions, private jet flights and swanky vacations.
Read more: https://hotair.com/john-s-2/2022/03/28/paycheck-protection-program-led-to-the-biggest-fraud-in-a-generation-n458556

Nolan: United States of Apple: Arizona to Offer Digital Driver’s Licenses on iPhones as Other States Develop Plans
Arizona is now offering digital copies of driver’s licenses and state-issued IDs on iPhones and Apple Watches. At least 11 other states are currently considering similar plans. As one professor of technology ethics pointed out, “Apple is now sort of trying to vertically integrate your whole life into its phone.”
Read more: https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2022/03/28/united-states-of-apple-arizona-to-offer-digital-drivers-licenses-on-iphones-as-other-states-develop-plans/


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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