Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 16 minutes

‘We the People’

September 17 [yesterday] is Constitution Day in America because on that day in 1787, after 4 months of deliberations, the delegates at the Constitutional Convention in Independence Hall in Philadelphia proposed the Constitution they had drafted to become the Supreme Law of the land. This was the end of one historic deliberation, but it was the beginning of another. The Constitution would be “of no more consequence than the paper on which it is written,” until it was ratified by the people of the United States.  […]  “If those who govern us tend to disregard the authority of the Constitution, the Constitution has only one hope—that we resolutely assert our own superior sovereign authority: We the People.”
Listen to the 6:32 minute American Story audio at The American Story Podcast.

Federici: The Ethical Center of American Constitutionalism
For the restoration of American constitutionalism to be possible, the political culture underlying American politics will have to be infused with the kind of moral realism that gave it life in the eighteenth century. The restoration of moral realism will itself require the presence of individuals who possess what Claes Ryn calls the “constitutional personality,” comprising the personality type and imagination that make constitutionalism possible in the first place. Only if this personality type should again become prevalent in American politics would something like originalism have any chance of shaping political conduct. With such individuals setting the tone in society, it is more likely that ahistorical rationalism and romanticism will be avoided and that political life will be conducted as an attempt at creative renewal of America’s constitutional experience.
Read more at The Imaginative Conservative.

The Constitution of the United States
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Read the rest at Heritage.


Thomas Jefferson founding father and  third President of the United States to William C. Jarvis, 1820 : “I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves ; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power.”

George Washington founding father and first President of the United States in his farewell address: “If, in the opinion of the people, the distribution…of the constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the way which the Constitution designates. But let there be no change by usurpation.”

Ken Masugi contributor to American Greatness: In his remarks justifying his vaccine mandate, Joe Biden gave the most fascistic speech ever delivered by a president of the United States. It demanded unconstitutional and illegal powers and replaced the rule of law with partisanship, timed solely to distract attention from his Afghanistan fiasco. In overthrowing the notion of law as the embodiment of objective reason, he has made a mockery of the American concept of the rule of law. He has replaced the constitution and law with the willfulness of a king, and a raging one at that. In that regard, I wish his critics would cease calling him a dotard, as that completely distorts the seriousness of the moment.

Alex Berenson  former NYT journalist and author of  the Unreported Truth series: They [Pfizer] want booster approval based on studies covering about 300 people – with no control arms. BUT IT GETS BETTER. They tested it in 12 (yes, 12!) people over 65.

Lloyd Billingsley contributor to Frontpage Magazine: In this hostile atmosphere, it’s a natural progression to scapegoat critics of Biden’s nonsensical vaccine mandates. Arne Duncan equates vaccine and mask protesters with suicide bombers, implying that both deserve the same deadly fate. Dr. Scott Kellermann recalls health officials gunning down those without masks as an act of swift justice to keep the people safe. Behind the sanitary mask, white coat supremacy (WCS) demonizes dissenters and justifies state-sponsored violence against some people, supposedly for the greater good of all. Embattled Americans could be forgiven for calling out WCS as classic totalitarianism, in theory and practice.

Brian C. Joondeph, MD contributor to American Thinker: Vaccines target only the spike protein, which can mutate, unlike natural immunity which targets dozens of viral proteins, making mutation or resistance far less likely. In addition, natural infection provides “mucosal immunity,” according to this microbiology paper published last month, providing a first line of defense in our airways, something that vaccine immunity does not offer.

Jack Bingham contributor to LifeSite News interviewed Mayo trained pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole who sees an increase in endometrial cancer in post COVID vaccinated patients: Cole describes, “post-vaccine, what we are seeing is a drop in your killer T-cells, in your CD8 cells,”  “And what do CD8 cells do? They keep all other viruses in check.”

Lydia Switzer contributor to NewsBusters: On Wednesday, CNN actually had the audacity to bring on the former president of Planned Parenthood to demand that public officials “protect our children” by backing draconian COVID regulations being pushed by the Biden administration.

Grace Emily Stark contributor to The Federalist: So, if you want to know why I, at nearly 30 weeks pregnant and married to a fully vaccinated doctor, am not yet vaccinated against COVID-19, suffice it to say that I have determined there is a possibility that our major health institutions might not have my unborn daughter’s best interests at heart. They, after all, would neither admit that she is a human nor a girl at this point.

Harriet Hageman President Trump’s endorsed primary Liz Cheney challenger:  “Wyoming is in my DNA. Washington, D.C., is in Liz Cheney’s DNA.”

Thom Nichols contributor to Frontpage Magazine introduces  Harvard’s new chief chaplain, atheist Greg Epstein:  The selection of Epstein as head university chaplain should come as no surprise. A Harvard Crimson survey of the class of 2019 found that more than 16 percent identify as atheists and more than 21 percent as agnostic, while some identify as “spiritual” (a vague term meaning anything from a belief in crystals to an intense love for humanity when high on cannabis).

John Bolton tweet: General Mark Milley is a staunch supporter of the Constitution and the rule of law.  His patriotism is unquestioned.


Davis: In Exclusive Interview, Trump Calls Sept. 18 Rally A ‘Setup,’ Says GOP Senate Should Fire ‘Disaster’ McConnell
In an exclusive, wide-ranging interview with The Federalist on Thursday, former President Donald Trump also unloaded on Bush, McConnell, ‘radicalized’ left-wing Democrats, and a completely ‘corrupt’ American news media. […]  Trump also characterized the planned Sept. 18 rally at the U.S. Capitol as a “setup” meant to denigrate Republican voters regardless of what transpires. “On Saturday, that’s a setup,” Trump said, referring to the rally. “If people don’t show up they’ll say, ‘Oh, it’s a lack of spirit.’ And if people do show up they’ll be harassed.”
Read more at The Federalist.


Sundance: Interesting Maneuver, Members of Congress Advocate For Formalization of Fourth Branch of Government
Knowing what YOU know about the intelligence apparatus now operating a superseding branch of government (to control all subservient branches), there is an interesting appeal from current and former congressional representatives asking four leadership members of the Gang of Eight, to formalize a new governing body in the U.S. Politico outlines the request letter [read here] around the concern that continuity of government might be compromised.  Almost all the signatories are democrats, though there are more than just a few DeceptiCons in the mix.   Here’s how The Hill frames the request: . . .
Read more at The Conservative Treehouse.

Zhao: What the New CDC Report on Unvaccinated Left Out
A newly published CDC study prompted the MSM to run headlines like “New study finds unvaccinated are 11 times more likely to die from Covid, CDC says,” “Unvaccinated people were 11 times more likely to die of covid-19, CDC report finds,” and “Unvaccinated People Are 11 Times More Likely To Die Of COVID-19, New Research Finds.”  It surely looks scary if you read only those headlines.  I was curious about what the report actually says, and doesn’t say.  Below is what I found. The purpose of the report is for propaganda  The report admits in its Discussion section that “the data assessed from 13 jurisdictions accounted for 25% of the U.S. population, and therefore might not be generalizable.”  But it still suggests that “[t]he data might be helpful in communicating the real-time impact of vaccines (e.g., persons not fully vaccinated having >10 times higher COVID-19 mortality risk) and guiding prevention strategies, such as vaccination and nonpharmacologic interventions.”  No wonder the MSM outlets quickly spread this message around. It could be dangerous to continue the mass vaccination campaign that, at least, helped to drive the delta variant becoming the predominant virus in the United state today.  The report admits that “[f]indings from this crude analysis of surveillance data are consistent with recent studies reporting decreased VE [vaccine effectiveness] against confirmed infection.”  If the CDC keeps up this mass vaccination campaign to continue drive the delta variant out, what are we going to do when the next, more dangerous variant comes? The representation of the data used in the study  . . .[…]  Model fitting issue . . .[…]  The calculations . . .
Read more at American Thinker.

Skurkiss: One reason for the push for COVID vaccination may be to eliminate a potential control group
There are a number of reasons to explain the intense push from the Biden administration and the government medical bureaucracy to get people to take the COVID vaccine. From a wide search of the information available, I find it hard to believe that the actual health of people is one of the reasons.
For example, why demand people with natural immunity get vaccinated? And why insist on vaccinating children when their risk of serious effects from the virus is minuscule? It make no scientific sense especially when the vaccine itself can possibly cause serious health issues for the young. This brings up one of the less talked about reasons behind the vaccination mania. It’s to eliminate a possible control group of non-vaccinated people to which the vaccinated can be compared. Let me explain.
Read more at American Thinker.

Lifson: FAA prevents Fox News drone from filming thousands of illegals gathered at Del Rio, TX crossing
CNN, MSNBC and the alphabet networks have all have ignored the massive invasion of illegal aliens touched off by the Biden administrations’ welcome mat. They, and their Democrat colleagues do not want the public to see evidence of the 200,000 a month arriving. Fox News, to its everlasting honor, is covering the invasion thoroughly, and has been using drones to show the magnitude of the problem. Until just a few hours ago.
Read more/Watch the two tucker videos at American Thinker.

Lifson: Durham’s indictment of Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussman offers hope that bigger fish may be reeled in
. . . what gives me hope is the possibility of conspiracy charges developing. The statute of limitations on lying to the FBI was about to expire, so Durham’s team had to indict now, even before other evidence might be ready to indict others or bring other charges against Sussman. Retired FBI special agent Mark Wauck, who has graciously given me permission to quote his work beyond fair use limits, is optimistic: . . .
Read more at American Thinker.


Christian Adams: Election Officials Don’t Know What Happened to 15 Million Mail Ballots in 2020 Election
As any casual observer could tell, the 2020 election was a mess. Now we have real data—from a federal agency, no less—that proves it. Based on data from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, an analysis by the Public Interest Legal Foundation shows almost 15 million mail ballots effectively disappeared after election officials gave them to the U.S. Postal Service to deliver to voters.  Gone, like the Bermuda Triangle of the election. Some of the mail ballots may have ended up on the floors of apartment complexes. Some were sent to deceased registrants. Some went to addresses where the registrant no longer lives. Some may have gone to vacant lots and businesses. Some, having never been requested by the voter, were never returned. In 2020, we put the election in the hands of the people who regularly deliver you your neighbor’s mail. The data also shows that an additional 1.1 million ballots were sent to the wrong addresses in 2020 – the U.S. Postal Service saying they were “undeliverable.” Think on that. One million ballots went to the wrong house or apartment. This report proves that mass voting by mail leads to chaos, is ripe with opportunities to commit fraud, and disenfranchises voters. What was the effect on the election outcome?
Read more FrontPage Mag.

FYI: H/T KK: Christina Bobb tweet: The AZ Senate is holding the final audit hearing on Friday, September 24 at 1pm local to release the audit results. #AZAudi


Jones: How to Prepare for COVID (and How Not To)After some searching on the internet, we discovered that there also are home COVID tests, but these test kits may not be easy to find. I went to two local drug stores and was told at both of them that they were sold out. The pharmacist at one of these stores said they sold out within one hour of receiving the test kits. After some additional searching, we found a Walgreens about an hour’s drive from our home that still had two test kits called BinaxNOW. We quickly bought those test kits online and went to the store to pick them up. BinaxNOW is relatively cheap (a test package costs about $35 and has two tests), quick (results in 15 minutes), and accurate (compared to PCR, Abbott’s BinaxNOW Test correctly gave a positive test result 84.6% of the time and correctly gave a negative test result 98.5% of the time). Also, it is comfortable to use because it requires only a shallow nostril swab, as opposed to a brain swab. There’s a card you place your swab into, and, like a pregnancy test, a single line means that the test is negative, while two lines indicate a positive result. […]  or a long time now, we have been aware of the FLCCC protocols for COVID. As a result, we already had a large stock of the drugs and supplements we needed when we got COVID (e.g., ivermectin, zinc, doxycycline, Vitamins C and D, quercetin, etc.). You cannot plan on getting ivermectin and similar prescription drugs when you are diagnosed with COVID because most physicians (at least in our experience) will not prescribe them. Also, we have heard of pharmacies that will not fill a valid prescription for these drugs. This means that you may need to obtain these drugs from overseas pharmacies that do not require a U.S. prescription, such as River Pharmacy. Since the turnaround time at an overseas pharmacy can be three to four weeks, this must be done well in advance of the time that you need the prescription medications. [NOTE: From their website – River Pharmacy  is a conglomerate of Internet-based and traditional pharmacies on several continents with their head office located in Canada. Their fulfillment center is located in India.] Read more at American Thinker.

( April 2021) BinaxNOW: What You Need to Know
A step-by-step video guide to conducting a BinaxNOW Self Test in the comfort of your own home. Result in 15 minutes.
[NOTE: You can order the test kit from CVS pharmacy  and Walgreens online.


(H/T AA)  Deloney: Georgia hospital refuses to honor pleas from gravely ill couple to be treated with effective COVID protocols
Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, President and CEO of the Truth for Health Foundation, excoriated a Georgia hospital that refused to consider specific, known to be very effective treatment protocols for a married couple dangerously failing from severe COVID-19 in the hospital. […]  “This is medical tyranny,” said the independent physician to LifeSiteNews, “[it is] a huge violation of every tenant of medical ethics and legal rights of patients.” Joseph and Beverly Rickels, both in their mid-60s, were admitted to Piedmont Hospital on Sunday with a diagnosis of COVID pneumonia, according to their daughter Courtney Rimmer. While not being allowed to be present with her parents, she is their off-premises advocate and power of attorney. […]  Due to the lack of effective treatments for pneumonia, Joseph has been put on end-of-life care and is expected to pass away within 24 hours. […]  Even the normally routine use of antibiotics for pneumonia is claimed to have been refused for the couple, but finally administered yesterday in response to repeated pleas. The family also solicited a second opinion from Dr. Vliet, whose organization considered the case and recommended a protocol involving hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). The hospital refused. […] Incredibly, Rhodes, said that she will not release the patients to their daughter’s care unless she (the daughter) proves she is vaccinated. The daughter and all those working with her could not comprehend what that demand had to do with anything since both parents are already COVID infected.
Read more of this deeply disturbing story at Life Site News.

Sacca: Doctor blasts health care workers who don’t want to treat the unvaccinated: ‘Absolutely atrocious’
In recent weeks there have been some discussions online about doctors and hospitals turning away unvaccinated Americans for COVID-19 treatment. In August, a physician in Alabama declared that he would not treat unvaccinated patients. Earlier this month, a primary care doctor in Florida announced that she would not see patients who are not vaccinated, and berated them for having a “lack of selflessness.” However, one doctor in Canada is appalled at the idea of not providing medical treatment to those in need, and says everyone deserves medical attention no matter a person’s vaccination status. Dr. Kwadwo Kyeremanteng is a critical care and palliative care physician at the Ottawa Hospital. Kyeremanteng went viral this week when he railed against the idea of not treating a person based on if they received the COVID-19 vaccine or not.
Read more/Watch the Doctor’s 2:14 minute video at The Blaze.

Joondeph, MD: Why is COVID Natural Immunity Being Ignored?
Immunity, according to the CDC website, is “Protection from an infectious disease. If you are immune to a disease, you can be exposed to it without being infected.” They explain that “Immunity to a disease is achieved through the presence of antibodies to that disease in a person’s system.” These antibodies are “disease specific.” There are two types if immunity, active and passive. “Active immunity results when exposure to a disease organism triggers the immune system to produce antibodies to that disease.”  This occurs “through infection with the actual disease, resulting in natural immunity, or introduction of a killed or weakened form of the disease organism through vaccination.” […] We have good evidence that natural immunity is long lasting, decades or more, and that vaccine immunity is short lived, months at best, hence the talk of booster shots before the vaccine has even been in use for year. Where is the thoughtful research and analysis from the medical establishment on natural immunity? Could current vaccines be engendering mutations and variants through immune escape as this paper suggests? […]  Vaccines target only the spike protein, which can mutate, unlike natural immunity which targets dozens of viral proteins, making mutation or resistance far less likely. In addition, natural infection provides “mucosal immunity,” according to this microbiology paper published last month, providing a first line of defense in our airways, something that vaccine immunity does not offer.
Read more at American Thinker.


Bingham: Idaho doctor reports a ‘20 times increase’ of cancer in vaccinated patients
On March 18, Dr. Ryan Cole, a board-certified pathologist and owner and operator of a diagnostics lab, reported to the public in a video produced by Idaho state government’s “Capitol Clarity” project, that he is seeing a massive ‘uptick’ in various autoimmune diseases and cancers in patients who have been vaccinated. “Since January 1, in the laboratory, I’m seeing a 20 times increase of endometrial cancers over what I see on an annual basis,” reported Dr. Cole in the video clip shared on Twitter. “I’m not exaggerating at all because I look at my numbers year over year, I’m like ‘Gosh, I’ve never seen this many endometrial cancers before’,” he continued.
Read more/Watch the 2:12 minute Dr. Cole video at Life Site News.


Griffith: Ohio mayor tells ENTIRE school board to resign or ‘face child pornography charges’ after teachers gave children writing prompt to ‘write a sex scene you wouldn’t show your mom’
A mayor in Ohio has threatened the city’s entire school board with criminal charges unless they resign over highly sexual writing prompts that teachers gave to underage students. Hudson Mayor Craig Schubert delivered the harsh ultimate during a school board meeting on Monday, garnering loud applause from outraged parents who also spoke out on the topic given to children aged 17. At issue are the highly inappropriate writing prompts distributed to students in the Liberal Arts II writing class at Hudson High School, including ‘Write a sex scene you wouldn’t show your mom’, ‘Describe your favorite part of a man’s body using only verbs’ and ‘Write an X-rated Disney scenario’. The mayor then rose from the microphone and stormed out of the meeting, to loud cheers and applause from parents in the audience.[…]  A police officer from the nearby city of Stow also addressed the board, calling for cameras to be installed in every public school classroom.  ‘Police officers wear body cameras to monitor their behavior, and they have brief interactions with the public. You guys have our kids all day and we don’t know what’s going on in the classrooms,’ Dirker said.
Read more/Watch the 40 second video at Daily Mail.


Sundance: One Down, Ohio Republican Who Voted to Impeach President Trump Announces He Will Not Seek Re-Election as Trump-Backed Challenger Positioned to WinAnthony Gonzalez (OH-16) was one of the ten House republicans (pictured above) who voted to impeach President Trump.  As President Trump announced his support for Gonzalez’s challenger, Max Miller, former House Speaker John Boehner went to Ohio to support Gonzalez.  Apparently the support of Paul Ryan and John Boehner was not enough to help.  Max Miller was in position to primary Gonzalez. Tonight, Gonzalez conceded his seat: . . . Read more at The Conservative Treehouse.

Steinhauser: GOP redistricting group names Christie, Pompeo as national co-chairs, Rove as senior adviser
NRRT president and executive director Adam Kincaid highlighted that Pompeo and Christie “will be tremendous assets as we raise the resources needed to fight back against the left’s attempts to sue to blue.” Christie and Pompeo, in a joint interview with Fox News, emphasized the importance of their mission. “There’s nothing more important … than making sure that we do everything we can to draw fair maps because we believe that fair maps will lead to a Republican majority in 2022,” Christie said.
Read more at Fox News


Goodenough: China Deploys Advanced Warships in International Waters Off Alaska
Some of China’s most advanced warships appear to be among four People’s Liberation Army Navy vessels that sailed within the exclusive economic zone of the United States, off Alaska, at the end of August. A photo taken by the U.S. Coast Guard at the time but posted on the Pentagon’s Defense Visual Information Distribution Service website only this week, shows three Chinese vessels photographed from the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Bertholf.
Read more at CNS NEWS.


Masugi: The F-Word Biden’s Play for the Courts
In his remarks justifying his vaccine mandate, Joe Biden gave the most fascistic speech ever delivered by a president of the United States. It demanded unconstitutional and illegal powers and replaced the rule of law with partisanship, timed solely to distract attention from his Afghanistan fiasco. In overthrowing the notion of law as the embodiment of objective reason, he has made a mockery of the American concept of the rule of law. He has replaced the constitution and law with the willfulness of a king, and a raging one at that. In that regard, I wish his critics would cease calling him a dotard, as that completely distorts the seriousness of the moment. I do not make this charge of fascism lightly, but since no one else deigns to do it, here it is. Before going into detail, let me compare Biden’s remarks with a worthy competitor for most fascist speech: Franklin Roosevelt’s first inaugural (March 4, 1933). In it he compared the powers he needed to deal with the crisis of the Depression with those of a general in time of war. By Roosevelt’s reckoning, the American people are his privates to order about. (Recall these were the times during which we saw the rise of tyrants in Europe and Asia.) FDR compared himself with God’s anointed and Jesus Christ (having driven “the money-changers . . . from their high seats in the temple of our civilization”). Two presidential elections later, . . .
Read more at American Greatness.

Zilber: ‘The situation is out of control’: Drone footage shows 8,000 illegal migrants waiting to be processed under Del Rio bridge – DOUBLE the number that arrived yesterday
Border officials said the situation along the US-Mexico frontier is ‘out of control’ after dramatic drone footage showed more than 8,000 migrants – most of them from Haiti –  waiting under the International Bridge in Del Rio, Texas for processing. The large group of migrants is double the amount from just the previous day, according to Fox News.  […]  Officials reported that there were more than 4,000 migrants waiting under the bridge to be processed on Wednesday, but by Thursday morning that number surged to some 8,200.
Read more/See drone footage at Daily Mail.

Hoft: “It’s a Spiritual War!… You Have the Power Just Like the Framers Set It Up” – Steve Bannon Calls Out the Patriots for Upcoming Debt Ceiling Battle (VIDEO)
Steve Bannon went off on a tirade this morning in blasting the Biden Administration and reminding Americans that we have the power. We understand it’s a spiritual war.  It is, right?  But we’re here in this point in time as human agency.  We have to deal in the grubby stuff of money and power and that’s what we’re talking about now.  And President Trump, they stole the election from him so right now he’s not in the room but he still has tremendous pressure on the outside.  But you, not Jack Posobiec, not Steve Bannon, not Donald J. Trump, you possess all the power just like the framers set it up, just like they set the House.  They never explained this to you, but now it’s clear, you have the power.  It is your decision that will be the decision that is executed.
Read more/Watch the 5:21 minute video at The Gateway Pundit


Nichols: Harvard University: God, Deader Than a Doornail 
When it became known that the new chief chaplain at Harvard University was an atheist, there was considerable international chatter. People wanted to know: Who is this atheist who has never seen the inside of a foxhole? Greg Epstein, 44, author of “Good Without God: What a Billion Nonreligious People Do Believe, a 2010 New York Times bestseller, has been the humanist chaplain at Harvard since 2005. Epstein, who describes himself as a humanist/atheist, was elected President of the University Chaplains’ Organization by more than 30 of his fellow chaplains. His election was met by cheers from woke religious communities, especially ‘reconfigured’ Protestant Christian denominations that are now a shadow of their former orthodox selves. The Harvard Catholic Chaplains released a statement emphasizing the “administrative nature of the presidency,” a coy way of suggesting that administrators have no ideological power or influence but are there merely to arrange meetings, smooth out possible irreconcilable differences between people, give introductions at lectures and carry big briefcases as they go from place to place. God may be dead but the intricate business of humanity is endless.  The selection of Epstein as head university chaplain should come as no surprise. A Harvard Crimson survey of the class of 2019 found that more than 16 percent identify as atheists and more than 21 percent as agnostic
Read more at FrontPage Mag.


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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