Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 19 minutes




Hugh Hewitt contributor to Fox News: We will not know this side of heaven what Merchan and Bragg thought they were doing. But what they have already done is enough to put them down in the column of those who put politics ahead of law, to the great and lasting detriment of the Republic.

Cal Thomas contributor to Townhall.com: The Jewish people have a slogan “Never Again” in reference to the Holocaust. With the incendiary language and threatening behavior rolling across many college campuses, we may be approaching “again.”

Donald J. Trump: “This is a movement from the left, not from the right. The right is not the problem despite what law enforcement likes to say. The FBI director said that he worries about the right. Don’t worry about the right; the right is fine. Worry about the left because this is a movement from the left.”

David Horowitz & Daniel Greenfield contributors to Frontpage Magazine: The Neo-Nazi Left cannot be negotiated with. There is no living alongside it. Either Americans defeat the Neo-Nazi Left or the Neo-Nazi Left defeats America.

Vince Coyner contributor to American Thinker: The difference between 1968 and 2024 is that, back then, most of the country disagreed with the protesters. […] Today, we have a completely different landscape. In 2024, Democrats are virtually indistinguishable from communists, and being pro-American is seen as racist.

Matthew Continetti contributor to Washington Free Beacon: Nostalgia is a powerful drug. But voters are not simply looking at the past through rose-tinted glasses. They have perceived, on their own schedule and in their own fashion, the connections between Biden’s policies and the economic and social conditions they deplore. The trillions in federal spending that gave rise to inflation. The unwinding of immigration protocols that sparked the border crisis. The botched withdrawal from Afghanistan that killed 13 U.S. servicemen and signaled to Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping that America was in retreat.

Kevin Downey Jr. contributor to PJMedia.com: In just the first quarter of 2024, Chicago cops have arrested over 1,000 Venezuelans for a wide array of crimes, some of them violent. One would think the newcomers replacements flowing into Chicago from Venezuela would be grateful for the free housing, free food, free healthcare, and pocket cash they receive, all compliments of the American taxpayers, but noooo.

Kurt Schlichter contributor to TownHall.com: Now, I wouldn’t think that I would have to tell anybody that shooting puppies is a bad idea if you want to be elected by the American people. Americans like puppies. They don’t like people who shoot puppies. So, the thought process of anybody who wants to be liked by the American people admitting to shooting puppies escapes me. Yet, Kristi Noem capped Cricket the dog and then wrote about it in her book. Besides being bizarre and cruel, this was politically insane. It’s totally disqualifying, and apparently Donald Trump agrees because rumor has it that she’s off his shortlist. Somewhere across the rainbow bridge, Cricket is wagging her tail as she watches Noem’s political future dragged to the gravel pit and given the Joe Pesci in “Goodfellas” treatment.

Daniel Greenfield contributor to Frontpage Magazine: Liberals are the least likely of any group to see China as an enemy. And less than a third of Democrats in general view China as an enemy. Among 18-29-year-olds, 1 in 5 have a somewhat favorable view of China. And this is the only group with a statistically significant “very favorable” view of the Communist dictatorship.


Hewitt: Morning Glory: The show trial of Donald Trump

First things first: The most important thing you can read this week, if you are an American concerned with the rule of law, is Fox News contributor Andrew McCarthy’s essay, “How Judge Merchan Is Orchestrating Trump’s Conviction.” What McCarthy chronicles is the absolutely shocking attempt by trial judge Juan Merchan and Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg to secure, by any means necessary, a conviction of former President Donald Trump. Only mind-readers can discern the real motives behind Justice Merchan’s incomprehensible abuse of his powers.

[…] But unless one or more brave souls on that jury see through this fraud of a Soviet-style show trial and hangs the jury, many convictions are coming Trump’s way, and the Merchan/Bragg combo is going down in American legal history along with the names of every other disreputable judge and prosecutor you can recall from American history. […] Given the rulings that Merchan has already made and that McCarthy recounts, it is hard to imagine any juror save one of the two lawyers on the jury seeing through the parade of prosecution witnesses and the greatly circumscribed ability of the defense to impeach their credibility and thus present Trump’s defense. […] To fully appreciate what damage Merchan is doing, you would need to have taken both . . .

Read more:  https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/morning-glory-show-trial-donald-trump

Sundance: President Trump Gives Impromptu Presser After Leaving NYC Courtroom

This is the only court case in history where both the prosecution and the judge cannot outline the details of a law that was claimed to be broken by the District Attorney in New York City. President Trump is a criminal defendant, presumably supposed to defend himself against accusations that are not outlined by any unlawful code violation or illegal activity.

Read more/Watch the 3:05 minute video: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2024/05/02/president-trump-gives-impromptu-presser-after-leaving-nyc-courtroom/


(Whitmer kidnapping convictions in jeopardy?) Julie Kelly Threadreader: Ok 6th appellate court had wrong link for oral arguments in Fox/Croft Whitmer fednapping hoax. Croft atty up 1st. He will discuss court’s decision to prevent jury from seeing hundreds of incriminating comms btw FBI handlers and informants that demonstrated the entrapment scheme. Croft atty: “The judge really put the bar down on that.” (There were roughly 200+ messages the defense wanted to enter into evidence. Judge said no.) Croft points to appellate court ruling that supports disclosure of those messages to jury. “It is made for this case, where entrapment is so critical where you do have communication between govt agents.” 2 Trump, one Biden judge on the panel btw. Judge asks which messages should have been admitted. “All 3 informants?” Referring to Dan Chappel, Steve Robeson, and Jenny Plunk. “Yes your honor.” Chappel and Robeson were primarily responsible for luring the targets into the trap, paying for food/booze/lodging, scheduling “training” camps and most importantly, organizing the “reconnaissance” trip to Whitmer’s summer cottage in Sept 2020.

Read more: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1786041225499320539.html

Piper: CDC scientists strategize to contain ‘infodemics’ as records show agency dismissed COVID vax deaths

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention repeatedly warned the public to reject purported misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines even after contradicting its then-director’s certainty that the rushed-through therapeutics stop infection and transmission of SARS-CoV-2.

Rochelle Walensky kept promoting the claim, which she knew was false just a month after emergency use authorization, as late as April 2023, several months after former White House COVID adviser Deborah Birx said she “knew” the vaccines wouldn’t stop infection. The agency is at it again, publishing two papers last month in prestigious medical journals on the threat of misinformation, shortly before its newly disclosed reviews of COVID vaccine-injury reports add a wrinkle to the CDC’s claim it had no evidence the vaccines could kill people. The journals are owned by The Lancet, the British medical publisher that ran a February 2020 statement decrying “conspiracy theories” that COVID didn’t emerge naturally, written by EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak and signed by more than two dozen scientists.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/government/federal-agencies/cdc-scientists-strategize-contain-infodemics-records-show-agency


Watch the 25.09 minute interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYbjETKhFGw

DELIVER THE TRUTH, WHATEVER THE COST DVD is a must-watch documentary movie! This film reveals the untold story of General Michael Flynn, a high-ranking military figure who challenged the heart of the United States intelligence apparatus. Delve deep into the heart of power, question the nature of truth, and confront the forces shaping our world. With gripping interviews featuring Tucker Carlson, Devin Nunes, and General Flynn himself, this film exposes the hidden agendas and the extraordinary battle of a lone voice against the machine of perpetual conflict.

Watch the one minute trailer: https://patriotdepot.com/products/flynn-movie-deliver-the-truth-whatever-the-cost-dvd


War Room: Dave Brat And Steve Bannon Critique First Amendment Violations In The Antisemitism Awareness Act

Another unconstitutional bill passed in Congress. God Himself is called into question.

Watch the 7:52 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v4sv7pw-dave-brat-and-steve-bannon-critique-first-amendment-violations-in-the-antis.html

Starnes: Idiot Republicans May Have Criminalized Bible

“This legislation is written without regard for the Constitution, common sense, or even the common understanding of the meaning of words,” Gaetz said. “The Gospel itself would meet the definition of antisemitism under the terms of this bill!

Watch the 1:35 minute report: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpUtRdsCPqM


Widburg: RFK, Jr. hates conservatives, and his anti-red state facts are unreliable

Currently, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has a hold on some conservatives because he was opposed to vaccines. However, being right about one thing doesn’t mean RFK Jr. is right about all things or even many things. In fact, as an unearthed clip from 2005 shows, RFK Jr., in common with the rest of the Democrat party, thinks conservatives are violent and immoral. The problem, though, is that there are serious logical flaws underlying his claims. MxM News unearthed RFK Jr.’s scathing red state indictment—and do keep in mind that he’s never walked any of this back, something that would indicate that he’s grown in wisdom or lessened in prejudice: […] Summed up, RFK Jr.’s indictments are as follows:

  • Red states have more divorces than blue states
  • Red states have more teen pregnancies than blue states
  • Red states have more murders than blue states
  • Red states have more overall violence than blue states
  • Red states watch more porn and play more violent video games than blue states

I’m not qualified to comment on the last point, but I do have comments about the first four.

Read more/Watch the 1:32 minute video at American Thinker.


Farrell: US army releases mysterious ‘Ghost in the Machine’ recruitment video for secretive psyop warfare unit featuring eerie faceless mannequins and cryptic ‘invisible hands’ message

The video is unsettling, with haunting images of faceless people, fire and soldiers. The voiceover is a cascade of recognizable historical voices as the screen pulses cryptic messages touting the power of words, ideas and ‘invisible hands.’ Hints of its origin are tucked into frames as they flash by: PSYWAR. The Army’s psychological warfare soldiers are using their brand of mental combat to bring in what the service needs: recruits. And if you find the video intriguing, you may be the Army’s target audience as it works to enlist soldiers to join its Special Operations Command. […] In March, an Inspector General report found that due to ‘burnout’ issues among psyop soldiers, units were unable to fight both China and Russia in the information war.  Called ‘Ghost in the Machine 2,’ it is coming out two years after the inaugural video was quietly posted on the unit’s YouTube site and generated a firestorm of online chatter. […] It’s illegal for the U.S. military to conduct psychological operations on Americans.

Read more/Watch the 3:11 minute video: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13374809/US-army-Ghost-Machine-recruitment-video.html


Anderson: Stand off in the skies: Moment US F-16 fighters are scrambled to intercept Russian nuclear bomber near Alaska airspace in latest flashpoint between two superpowers

US fighter jets allegedly scrambled to intercept Russian nuclear bombers that flew over Alaskan airspace. US and Russian warplanes came face to face in the sky on Thursday after Vladimir Putin sent up two Tu-95MS nuclear bombers over the Bering Sea, near Alaska’s western coast.

Footage published by the Russian Defense Ministry shows a warplane from the Alaska Air National Guard marked with the letters AK and the number 304 on its tail fin. A Russian escort Su-30SM fighter jet is also pictured in the video. The Russian defense minister admitted its hulking ‘Bear’ strategic bombers ‘appeared near the coast of Alaska’ on an 11 hour flight over the neutral waters Bering Sea. Moscow said ‘at certain stages the missile carriers were accompanied by fighter jets of foreign countries’. […]  The aerial drama came amid fury in Moscow over the US resuming major arms supplies to Ukraine as part of a $61billion package of war aid.

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13379033/US-fighter-jets-scramble-intercept-Russian-nuclear-bomber.html

Sundance: USAID, DoS, CIA Begin Structured Color Revolution on Russia’s Border in Georgia

This Georgia political scheme is yet another U.S. led color revolution in the same hues as 2014 Ukraine. As noted by Global News, “in Georgia, protests have erupted over a proposed law requiring organizations with foreign funding to register their activities with the government. Critics compare the bill to similar legislation used to silence opposition groups in Russia. Thousands of Georgians marched through the capital, Tbilisi, on Sunday to voice their opposition to the bill, with opposition parties and civil society groups calling for mass protests against its expected passage.” 

[…] We know the US State Dept and CIA are behind this because we predicted it and wrote about it two months ago.

Read more/Watch the 1:58 minute video: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2024/05/01/usaid-dos-cia-begin-structured-color-revolution-on-russias-border-in-georgia/

(5/1/2024) Chaitin: Biden Labels Japan ‘Xenophobic’ For Not Following His Lead In Importing Hordes Of Third Worlders

He made the comment on Wednesday during a campaign reception in Washington, D.C., while arguing that immigration can help to create strong economies, according to a transcript from the White House.  “You know, one of the reasons why our economy is growing is because of you and many others. Why? Because we welcome immigrants. We look to — the reason — look, think about it,” Biden said. “Why is China stalling so badly economically? Why is Japan having trouble? Why is Russia? Why is India? Because they’re xenophobic. They don’t want immigrants,” he added.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/biden-labels-japan-xenophobic-for-not-following-his-lead-in-importing-hordes-of-third-worlders

(5/2/2024) Reese: White House Forced Into Clean Up Duty After Biden Calls Critical Ally ‘Xenophobic’

“The word ‘xenophobic’ is a very pejorative and negative word, particularly to use against an ally. Is that what [Biden] meant?” a reporter asked. “Look, he, I think he was — look, the president was very clear. I think that —” Jean Pierre began.  “He wasn’t very clear. That is why we are asking you,” the reporter interjected. “Look. Here is what I am saying. He was talking about. . . .

Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2024/05/02/white-house-ally-biden-japan-xenophobic/

Severi: Pentagon says airstrike that reportedly killed al-Qaeda leader actually killed civilian instead

United States officials ordered the airstrike in May 2023, after service members said the man, Lufti Hasan Masto, was connected to al-Qaeda. But the United States Central Command (CENTCOM) ordered a probe of the airstrike in June, after family members of the man said he had no connections to any terrorists. U.S. officials had previously walked back claims that the “senior al-Qaeda official” was killed, but never admitted he was a civilian, according to the Hill. The internal investigation, which wrapped in November, also revealed other areas of improvement for the U.S. military in the future, but determined the strike was done in “compliance with the law of armed conflict as well as Department of Defense and CENTCOM policies.” The other issues were not disclosed because they contained classified information, officials said.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/government/security/pentagon-says-airstrike-reportedly-killed-al-qaeda-leader-actually-killed


Goldman: Christian Nationalism and Israel

The Jews formed the first nation-state, that is, the first polity defined by common language and religion. The pagan empires were agglomerations of subject peoples; the only empire of antiquity that survives in recognizable form is China, with its 200 dialects and countless ethnicities. Not until Polybius in the second century BCE did it occur to any Greek thinker of note to unite all the Greeks into a single polity, more than 800 years after David established his kingdom in Jerusalem. Biblical Israel, the “paragon and exemplar of a nation” in the words of Franz Rosenzweig, was the political model that St. Isidore of Seville taught the Visigoths and St. Gregory of Tours taught the Merovingians in seventh century Spain and France, respectively. By accepting the universality of the Church as a higher authority, the petty barbarian chieftains who had inherited the depopulated, devastated Roman Empire were promised the same divine mandate that was bestowed upon the dynasty of David. […] Very few of the world’s tribes have achieved nationhood. Except for the original Israel, the nation enters history as an adoptive child of the Church. There is no natural process of agglomeration of affinities that turns a family into a clan, a clan into a tribe, and a tribe into a nation. If the minimum precondition for a nation is a common language, it is noteworthy that nearly 150,000 languages have been spoken on Earth since the dawn of man. A tiny fraction of these became nations. Eight hundred thirty-nine languages presently are spoken in New Guinea, none of which will give rise to a nation. Tribes are transient; nations are, or hope to be, enduring. A nation must embody a vision of. . . .

Read more: https://americanmind.org/salvo/christian-nationalism-and-israel/


Horowitz & Greenfield: The Neo-Nazi Left

It’s time to call the enemy by its true name. This spring, thousands of keffiyeh-wearing youth are marching in America’s streets, occupying its college campuses, and proclaiming their allegiance to Hamas, a terrorist organization which has already made its mark as one of the bloodiest, most inhuman and inhumane political armies on record. The chants calling for the killing of Jews and attacks on American ships make it clear that murder is their heartfelt aim. Who are these people? The most that anyone seems ready to say about them is that they are “protesters.” But it’s not as though they are protesting a right that has been taken away from them. They’re not “protesters” or “activists”, they’re supporters of a genocidal terrorist movement. They are a Neo-Nazi Left. How could college faculty and students call for the murder of millions of Jews because they are Jews? The Sixties radicals who helped shape modern universities and the entire culture of the Left had once planned to kill millions of Americans after they seized control over the United States. […] I see such a serious physical threat to students and to the rest of us, being set up, potentially, by the chaos that has been instigated on US campuses. I have been trying to warn the nation that the fact that millions of immigrants are being bused and flown to strategic locations around the US — including to sensitive sites such as O’Hare airport — and housed in barracks-like group housing — is a situation that can be a setup for a single command that results in a sudden eruption of mayhem across the nation.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/the-neo-nazi-left/

Thomas: Demeaning, Diminishing, Destroying

If history proves anything it shows if civil rights, human rights, equality and even the right to live are to be denied to a class of people, they must first be stripped of their inherent value as human beings. In the case of African Americans, it was slavery and the Dred Scott decision by the Supreme Court in 1857 that upheld that evil practice, justifying it by claiming Blacks were not citizens of the United States. […] In modern times, the unborn have been denied their right to live through abortion and the claim by some that fetuses are not fully human, thus justifying the procedure. Which brings me to the current demonstrations against Israel and Jews on many college camp uses. The language hurled against Jews is often similar to words used by the Nazis in the 1930s. The purpose was to diminish their value among the German people so that killing them would be tolerable, or at least ignored.

Read more: https://townhall.com/columnists/calthomas/2024/05/02/demeaning-diminishing-destroying-n2638524

The Midwesterner Staff: Illegals demand driver’s licenses at rally in Michigan Capitol

Shouts of “What do we want?” bellowed through the Michigan capitol on Wednesday as a camera crew documented the gathering just outside of the House floor. “Driver’s licenses!” the crowd of dozens chanted in unison.

Watch the 12 second video: https://www.themidwesterner.news/2024/05/illegals-demand-drivers-licenses-at-rally-in-michigan-capitol/

Green: Are Americans Finally Done With the ‘Sustainability’ Scam?

ESG was supposed to be the future of smart investing, but the future looks increasingly politically incorrect, according to a new Axios report on the “exodus” of money from “sustainable investment funds.” To put it bluntly, ESG was meant to be a money bludgeon for beating corporations into toeing the Progressive line. Maybe best exemplified by the BlackRock investment firm, the smart money would flow to firms with the best “green energy” records, the most left-wing public relations (and donations, natch), and the most buttinsky DEI (DIE?) departments. And the money did rush in. Until now. Because there’s an inevitable response when the returns fail to materialize: investors bail. Last quarter, sustainable investment funds (including EFTs) “saw $8.8 billion in net outflows, per new data from Morningstar.” The outflow was the biggest ever and is just the latest in a negative trendline that began a year ago. […] Last quarter’s massive disinvestment from “sustainable” funds came despite Washington putting its big, fat thumb on the scale in their favor.

Read more: https://pjmedia.com/vodkapundit/2024/05/02/are-americans-finally-done-with-the-sustainability-scam-n4928714


Boyd: Every State Facing Deceptive, Unlimited Abortion Ballot Measures This November

Democrats and their abortion giant allies want to legalize killing unborn babies throughout all nine months of gestation in every state. A majority of U.S. adults reject that position, but that fact hasn’t stopped the ballot measure battle that plagued Ohio last year from infiltrating several other states, including those controlled by Republicans, during the 2024 election cycle. On the Ballot:   Florida voters will be asked come November 5 to weigh in on a state constitutional amendment declaring, “No law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider.” As with other abortion measures led by out-of-state activists, the path to the Sunshine State’s ballot measure involved deception and, in this case, fraudulent signatures. The amendment itself is laced with loose terms like “viability,” which can easily be exploited to ensure abortion at any point in gestation and includes language that does away with parental consent. If the proposed amendment passes this fall, medical professionals in Florida could deem abortion at any stage of pregnancy necessary for a woman’s “health,” physical, emotional, or mental. If it fails, Florida’s heartbeat law will stand. […] Maryland […] New York […] Could Be on the Ballot in Arizona: Democrats, including Vice President Kamala Harris and outside abortion groups such as ACLU and Planned Parenthood, flocked to the Grand Canyon State this year to promote a measure that, if added to the 2024 ballot and passed, adds a “fundamental right to abortion” to the state constitution. The sweeping language not only leaves the definition of “viability” up to the subjective judgment of a health care professional but also prevents the state from passing or enforcing laws punishing abortionists for killing babies. Organizers have until July 3 to collect 383,923 valid signatures but already claim they hit the threshold necessary to add the amendment to the November ballot. Arkansas […] Colorado […] Missouri […] Montana […] Nebraska […] Nevada […] South Dakota. . . .

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2024/05/03/every-state-facing-deceptive-unlimited-abortion-ballot-measures-this-november/


Mac Donald: Sham Science

“Inclusive scholarship” is the latest justification for failed diversity efforts. The dean of the Case Western Reserve Medical School recently urged the medical profession to embrace “inclusive scholarship.” Dean Stan Gerson’s arguments for doing so epitomize the falsehoods that govern academic life today. After a nod to the alleged virtues of “teaching indigenous knowledge alongside science” (a definitive takedown of the “indigenous knowledge” racket is here), Gerson gets to the heart of his argument: Inclusive scholarship is not new, it has been essential to scientific discovery, innovation and conceptual breakthroughs for 3,000 years. It is […] as old as the Hippocratic Oath, linking medical practice, culture and scientific innovation. It is not a passive effort—it takes work to manage different voices and perspectives either coming from one’s global social perspective or collected from conversations with students and colleagues from different backgrounds. All contribute to the fabric of innovation and discovery. To the unwary, this opening claim for the long lineage of “inclusive scholarship” may seem innocuous. Science is naturally inclusive. Scientists have long built on each other’s work, particularly in the modern era. But Gerson refers to something other than spontaneous scientific dialogue. […] Contrary to Gerson, deliberately selecting participants in science based on their identities will not “help us break through to the next generation of discovery and improvements in health.” Quite the opposite: it will encumber that process of discovery and ensure that the global center of scientific gravity shifts to China, which cares only about its scientists’ competence, not their color. Sadly, Gerson is not an outlier. He speaks for the entire medical establishment—the AMA, the Association of American Medical Colleges, the federal funding agencies, science publishing—in his willingness, for the sake of racial virtue-signaling, to undermine the enterprise that has freed humanity from so much suffering.

Read more: https://www.city-journal.org/article/inclusive-scholarship-is-the-latest-justification-for-failed-diversity-efforts


Citizen Free Press: BREAKING. At George Washington University. The U.S. flag has just been removed from the main GWU flagpole. The Palestinian Hamas flag now flies in its place.

Watch the 27 second video: https://twitter.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1786176738768134532

(Priceless) Citizen Free Press: You knew the Benny Hill version would be here soon. Original video from @JHolmsted

Watch the 32 second clip  and turn up the volume: (NOTE: Soy boy protestors attacking police are wearing bicycle helmets, masks , and carrying shields cut from large rubber trash cans. No, this is not a Babylon Bee video.]

Citizen Free Press X post: University of Alabama earlier today. Opposing groups spent the entire day with dueling chants. Until someone started yelling F Joe Biden. For the first time all day, both sides agreed.

Watch the 12 second video: https://twitter.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1785903601832857738

Travis Media Group: The Ole Miss protesters chanted, “We Want Trump!” Can you feel the tide turning?

Watch the 6 second video on X/Twitter.

Duke: Jewish ASU frat boys speak out after viral video shows them helping cops throw away Gaza Glampers’ tents: EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW

“It’s our duty to help keep our freedoms secure. Jews should not have to feel threatened to hide on campus, when they call for “Jewish genocide” the answer was extremely clear: help the police.” […] In the video, multiple students are pictured helping gather trash leftover from the “Gaza Solidarity Encampment,” while an onlooker yells out: “We’ve got the white proud boys throwing away protesters’ belongings, and we’ve got the pigs in brown doing nothing about it, although, we are being forced off campus.”

Read more/Watch the 20 minute video: https://www.campusreform.org/article/jewish-asu-frat-boys-speak-viral-video-shows-helping-cops-throw-away-gaza-glampers-tents-exclusive-interview/25353


Fox News: GoFundMe raises more than $500k for UNC students who protected American flag during protest

The fundraiser was not started by the students. The  students will not use the funds for themselves but to support families of fallen soldiers, police and other causes important to the American people.

Watch the 4:50 minute interview: https://www.foxnews.com/video/6352239017112

MARSCHALL: Student protesters are no different than babies, an analysis

I submit that an alternative show of force is needed: the babysitter. Colleges and universities under attack from pro-Hamas protesters should deploy battalions of babysitters to get the radical students under control and restore order on campuses. […] Student protesters have proven themselves this week to be indistinguishable from babies. Sad and unfulfilled, these individuals demand that their universities – which they wreak havoc on at all hours – feed them and help them go to the bathroom while they throw their temper tantrums. […] These protesters honor their Hamas “martyrs” but would never dream of getting too close to their suicide vests, rockets, or rooftop plunges. […] Perhaps nothing less than a foreign invasion will solve the crisis as not one American leader in government or higher education has completely eradicated the My Little Militant sleepover tents.

Read more: https://www.campusreform.org/article/marschall-student-protesters-no-different-babies-analysis-%7D/25368

Phillips: The ivory tower jihad

The shocking scenes on campus over the past few days are far more significant than mere student demonstrations getting out of hand. With “Gaza solidarity encampments” having already sprung up on more than 100 U.S. campuses (and with British campuses now following suit) Islamists and the hard-left have turned Western universities into a theater of war against Israel, the Jewish people and America. At UCLA, a Jewish girl was knocked unconscious by the mob. On the campus of the University of California, Berkeley, the founder of Students Supporting Israel was repeatedly punched in the head, with one thug shouting “Go back to Europe, colonizer.” At the Columbia University encampment, the mob called for “10,000 October 7ths” and screamed “Go back to Poland” and “Burn Tel Aviv to the ground.” One student, who said “Zionists don’t deserve to live,” was barred from campus but subsequently spotted in the mob that broke into and barricaded the university’s Hamilton Hall. Just as on Oct. 7 Hamas stormtroopers burst through the defenses of an Israel that was looking the other way, so their supporters have burst through inadequate Western defenses to turn the Palestinian cause into a beachhead in their war to bring down a West that refuses to acknowledge the threat it faces. Apart from a few examples, such as when New York police tore down a Palestinian flag to restore the Stars and Stripes above City College and disbanded an encampment at Fordham University, with the LA police belatedly doing the same at UCLA, America has been signaling surrender to the mob.

Read more: https://www.jns.org/the-ivory-tower-jihad/

Blake X post: New: Confirmed List Of College Campuses That Have Constructed Encampments Across The United States: How did all these encampments sprout up around the same time and where are the supplies coming from? 

• Harvard University • Arizona State University • New York University • City College of New York • University of NC, Chapel Hill • Brown University • Middlebury College • Bryn Mawr College • MIT • University of NC, Charlotte • Cal Poly Humboldt • University of New Mexico • University of California, Berkeley • The New School • University of California, Los Angeles • Northeastern University • Northwestern University • Columbia University • University of Connecticut • Ohio State University • Cornell University • University of Pennsylvania • Emerson College • University of Pittsburgh • Emory University • Pitzer College, Claremont • Fashion Institute of Technology • Princeton University • Florida State University • Purdue University • University of Florida • Rice University • Fordham University • University of Rochester • Georgetown University • Rutgers University • George Washington University • University of Southern California • Hamline University • Stanford University • Swarthmore College • Haverford College • University of Texas, Austin • University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign • Tufts University • Indiana University, Bloomington • Vanderbilt University • Barnard College • Indiana University, Indianapolis • University of Vermont • University of Maryland • Virginia Tech • University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee • University of Mary Washington • Washington University • University of Michigan • Yale University • Auraria Campus • University of Minnesota

Watch the 6 second video on X/Twitter.


Tucker Carlson Interviews Russian Philosopher Aleksandr Dugin

Aleksandr Dugin is the most famous political philosopher in Russia. His ideas are considered so dangerous the Ukrainian government murdered his daughter, and Amazon won’t sell his books. Tucker Carlson talked to him in Moscow. Watching this interview while sitting in a kitchen in Russia is a little odd, however, what Dugin explains does seem to lineup with my perspective as an American in Russia. The explanation for why leftists (progressives) in the USA seemingly reversed their entire worldview about Russia in a decade does seem to make sense. […] As Dugin notes, Western democracy is no longer about the majority of the citizens; the national identity has been erased in favor of governing rules by a minority. The commonality of sex (two genders) has been erased in favor of multiple-gender identity, expanded individualism, which is simply a reflection of the fractured bond of commonality.  It is an interesting conversation.

Read more/Watch the 20:59 minute interview: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2024/05/01/tucker-carlson-interviews-russian-philosopher-aleksandr-dugin/


Small: The AZGOP shouldn’t have been sanctioned for a 2020 election lawsuit, Supreme Court rules

The Arizona Republican Party’s lawsuit challenging the post-election hand-count process in 2020 wasn’t groundless or filed in bad faith, and the party doesn’t have to pay attorney’s fees for the Secretary of State’s Office, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled on Thursday.

The unanimous ruling overturns decisions by a trial court judge and the Arizona Court of Appeals that ordered the AZGOP — and its attorneys — to pay legal fees for the state to defend the case. “By sanctioning parties and their lawyers for bringing debatable, long-shot complaints, courts risk chilling legal advocacy and citizens raising ‘questions’ under the guise of defending the rule of law,” Justice John Lopez wrote for the Supreme Court. “Even if done inadvertently and with the best of intentions, such sanctions present a real and present danger to the rule of law.”

Read more: https://azmirror.com/2024/05/02/the-azgop-shouldnt-have-been-sanctioned-for-a-2020-election-lawsuit-supreme-court-rules/

Sexton: Woman hits a nerve with millions as she reacts with disbelief at JP Morgan CEO’s comments about average American’s quality of life

JP Morgan’s CEO has come under fire for claiming average Americans are in ‘pretty good shape’ financially, despite soaring inflation and stagnant interest rates crippling household budgets. Jamie Dimon was blasted as ‘out of touch’ for the comments, made during an interview on the Wall Street Journal‘s podcast, The Journal. Dimon, who is estimated to be worth around $2.1 billion according to Forbes, stated that consumers ‘still have excess money from COVID’. ‘The consumer’s in pretty good shape right now,’ Dimon told interviewer Emma Tucker. But his remarks were slammed online, including by one furious TikToker left in disbelief, after the head of the US’ largest bank claimed Americans are ‘still spending down’ funds handed out during the pandemic.

Read more/Watch the 1:58 minute video: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13373115/jpmorgan-chase-ceo-jamie-dimon-podcast-comments-draw-backlash.html


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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