Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 21 minutes




Allan J. Feifer contributor to American Thinker: Who will fight for the values that our forefathers fought so valiantly for, risking everything in the process? If not you, then who? The blood of an untold number of patriots waits for your answer. God Bless America.

Daniel Greenfield contributor to Frontpage Magazine: Generations of Ivy Leaguers have been told at ponderous graduation ceremonies that they are the hope of tomorrow, and that history has tasked them with solving the troubles of the nation and the world by implementing the dogma of the moment. No king was more blatantly endowed with the right to rule without the fitness for it than these puffed up and well-connected children. Each ruling class is more vicious, hollow and inept than the last.

Jonathan Tobin contributor to Jewish News Syndicate: How is it possible for what is supposed to be the best and the brightest of American students—those who attend Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Cornell and many other elite universities where the “pro-Palestine” protests have sprung up—to embrace such a profoundly evil cause?  The simple answer for what should be seen as responsible points to the intellectual fashion of the day, which, for lack of a better term, we are forced to call “woke” ideologies. The toxic ideas of critical race theory and intersectionality, which teach that the world is permanently divided between “white” oppressors and people of color who are their victims, have decided that Israel and the Jews belong to the former, and Hamas and its mass of Palestinian supporters are among the latter.

Robert Spencer contributor to Frontpage Magazine: Islam is the elephant in the room of this entire conflict: not only do the Columbia students ignore it but also the establishment media and even the Western politicians and policymakers who have attempted for decades now to negotiate an agreement that will end the conflict and bring peace to the region. The only force that is involved in the Israeli/Arab conflict that doesn’t ignore Islam’s key role in it is the Arab side: Muslim Arab and non-Arab leaders routinely speak of their hatred of Israel and desire to destroy it in Islamic terms, which is why it is so short-sighted and foolish of Western leaders and analysts to ignore this aspect of the whole problem.

Andrea Widburg contributor to American Thinker: When the 19th Amendment was passed, American women were secure in who they were. They did not believe that they were men, with men’s emotions, and they did not want to abandon their femininity. They were either the dynamos who fought for women’s rights and education or ordinary women who believed in fulfilling their biological roles, even as they felt (rightly) that they were entitled to demand full civil rights, equal opportunity for equal ability, and equal work for equal pay. On the left, at least, those women are gone, and we’re left with a lot of crazy, ignorant, emotion-led harpies. I know that to get these broken Democrat women out of politics, I would give up my 19th Amendment right to vote. That Amendment should be stayed or repealed until all American women have earned their way back to sanity, at which time it can be reinstated.

Glenn Harlan Reynolds Substack: Top corporate recruiters are now de-emphasizing elite schools, or even skipping them entirely. “The anti-Israel protests now at Columbia, and throughout some of the country’s once revered, top-tiered universities are tarnishing degrees from these places, these people say. Recruiters see the bungling responses from school administrations to the protests — such as Columbia calling for remote learning as officials negotiate with anti-Israel protesters to decamp from their disruptive tent-cities on campus — as endemic of a wider problem at the schools from an academic standpoint. At issue: Can schools that rationalize non-stop protests while allowing course curriculum that imbibes students with a leftist interpretations of world events be trusted to produce quality job candidates?”

Luke Goodrich contributor to FirstThings.com: Over the last decade, a complicated network of state and federal laws has increasingly channeled children down the path of gender transition. These laws operate in a wide variety of settings—from public schools, to professional counseling, to custody disputes, to foster care, to adoption, to health insurance, to the practice of medicine itself. And in each setting, the law places a heavy thumb on the scale, pushing children and parents toward gender transition. The law operates, in effect, as a transgender conveyor belt.

M.D. Kittle contributor to The Federalist: Just in case you’re scoring along at home, the ever-expanding alphabet of depravity in human beings is now being foisted on unsuspecting flora and fauna.


York: What Democrats want out of the Trump trial

WHAT DEMOCRATS WANT OUT OF THE TRUMP TRIAL. Former President Donald Trump is back in a Manhattan courtroom after a Wednesday break. On the way to court Thursday morning, Trump stopped at a construction site where he received an enthusiastic welcome from workers chanting, “USA! USA! USA!” That just happened to occur the morning after President Joe Biden received the endorsement of the North America’s Building Trades Unions leadership in Washington. While Biden met with the bigwigs, Trump felt the love of the hard hats. As with Trump’s visit to a Harlem bodega last week, the stop-by was a planned event — these things don’t happen by accident. But it showed that even as he stands trial, Trump can work in a campaign event before court convenes. It’s obviously a limited sort of campaigning, with Trump confined to New York City while Biden travels to campaign in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and other key states. But at least New York is the world’s media capital and everything Trump does there will be seen. The Trump case is being prosecuted by. . . .

Read more: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/2979440/what-democrats-want-out-of-the-trump-trial/

Howling: Democrats Need To Be Held To Account For Denying Trump’s Due Process Rights.

Due process of law, or at least its absence, is the heart of the unconstitutional lawfare aimed at Donald Trump this week in a New York courtroom, ostensibly for hush money payments to Stormy Daniels. This is a crossing of the Rubicon moment for our Republic. “Due process” is ancient shorthand for the sum of all the procedures the government must comply with and honor before it may take a person’s life, liberty, or property. The right to due process is over 1,000 years old in English jurisprudence. It is a right of every citizen and a duty of every government. A year ago, I wrote about DA Bragg charging Trump with a crime, but not identifying the crime. Within the past few days, Andrew McCarthy called the prosecution a “farce” and listed its many failings. Prof. Jonathan Turley wrote that Trump is not being prosecuted for any actual crime. Prof. Jed Shugerman called the prosecution unfounded, both a “legal embarrassment” and a “historic mistake.” Matthew Whitaker said that Judge Merchan, who presides over the Manhattan kangaroo court, is hopelessly conflicted to a degree that would make Joe Biden blush. The fundamental issues with this trial all revolve around a denial of due process. This is criminally unconstitutional, […] Make no mistake, this is a civil war battle, only it’s fought with a quill instead of a sword. Its existential ramifications for our nation are no less serious. What’s happening is a blatantly unlawful attempt to disenfranchise over half this nation and, by setting a precedent that sees Republicans exist below the ancient protections of due process, it threatens our nation with disunion at best. Properly understood, these are acts of seditious conspiracy and treason meant to be felt throughout the United States.

Read more at American Thinker.


Laila: Supreme Court Hears Oral Arguments on Trump Immunity Claim and the Liberal Justices Are Floating Absurd Hypotheticals, ‘Order Assassinations’ – ‘Kill a Rival’ – ‘Orders Coup’ (AUDIO)

“In 234 years of American history, no president ever faced criminal prosecution for his official acts. Until 19 days ago, no court had ever addressed whether immunity from such prosecution exists,” Trump’s lawyers wrote in last month’s filing, according to CBS News. “To this day, no appellate court has addressed it. The question stands among the most complex, intricate, and momentous issues that this Court will be called on to decide.” […] Liberal Justice Elena Kagan asked John Sauer, “How about if a president orders the military to stage a coup? Is that immune? Is it an official act?” Liberal Justice Elena Kagan asked John Sauer, “How about if a president orders the military to stage a coup? Is that immune? Is it an official act?”

Read more/Listen to the Kagan and Sotomayor questioning of  Trump attorney: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/04/supreme-court-hears-oral-arguments-trump-presidential-immunity/

Fleetwood: Sotomayor Hijacks Trump Immunity Hearing To Push Democrats’ Debunked ‘Fake Electors’ Smear

Sotomayor then interjected, asking Sauer to apply such an approach to the allegations against Trump and repeating the baseless claim that the Republican electors who cast their votes for Trump ahead of Jan. 6, 2021, are “fake.” “What is plausible about the president insisting and creating a fraudulent slate of electoral candidates?” Sotomayor asked. “Assuming you accept the facts of the complaint on their face, is that plausible that that would be within his right to do?” “Absolutely, your honor,” Sauer argued, citing President Ulysses S. Grant “sending federal troops to Louisiana and Mississippi in 1876 to make sure that the Republican electors got certified in those two cases, which delivered the election to Rutherford B. Hayes.” “The notion that it’s completely implausible […] can’t be supported based on the face of this indictment,” Sauer added before being cut off by Sotomayor, who asked if such a standard could be applied even with a president “knowing that the slate [of electors] is fake; that they weren’t actually elected; that they weren’t certified by the state.” Sauer disputed Sotomayor and Smith’s characterization of the electors as “fake” and “fraudulent,” and noted that “on the face of the indictment, it appears that there was no deceit about who had emerged from the realm at state conventions and this was being done as an alternative basis.” Contrary to the web of dishonesty spun by Sotomayor and legacy media, the naming of contingent Republican electors during the 2020 election was neither unprecedented nor unlawful. In fact, as I’ve noted previously, the process undertaken in states such as Georgia “closely mirrors efforts taken during the 1960 presidential contest between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2024/04/25/sotomayor-hijacks-trump-immunity-hearing-to-push-democrats-debunked-fake-electors-smear/


(Sept. 2023) Horn: 10 Reasons Why Electric Cars Still Suck

Electric cars and their place in the automotive industry is one of the hottest topics of our times. As a planet, we’re emerging from more than 100 years of burning gasoline, which has worked wonders for us so far. Without fossil fuels and natural gas, the Second Industrial Revolution would not have happened, and we’d still be stuck with coal-powered everything. The gas-powered vehicle will go down in history as one of the most important inventions the world has ever seen. Still, oil is finite, and the vast majority of scientists agree that we need to cut down on greenhouse gases and lower our carbon emissions. That’s where the electric vehicle comes in. As a concept, electric cars are a great idea. They don’t need a complex internal combustion engine, have fewer running parts, and emit no greenhouse gas whatsoever. But that’s just the concept. Reality is a little different, and it would only be too easy to think of 10 reasons why gas cars are better than electric vehicles. 1. Range Anxiety The average range of an electric vehicle in the USA is nearly 300 miles, much higher than the global average of roughly 200 miles. But this average is not fully representative because the average price of an EV is also much higher in the USA. More on that later.

If we isolate models below the average price of a new car, we can see that cheaper electric cars offer less range. Due to limited model options, the range available in the more affordable segments is closer to the global average. Range remains one of the main disadvantages of electric cars. To get your hands on a vehicle with more than 500 miles of range, you’ll need to spend more than $100k on a Lucid Air Grand Touring. While 200 miles is OK for most, we also have to consider the living arrangements of buyers shopping around in the cheaper segments. The perfect setup includes a home charger, so you can do a slow overnight charge daily, keeping the battery at 100% or close to it. But not everyone owns a house with a garage, as we’ll discuss later. […] 2. Charging Problems […] 3. The Environmental Impact Lie […] 4. The Burning Issue […] 5. Electricity Taxes. . . .

Read more: https://carbuzz.com/features/10-reasons-why-electric-cars-still-suck/


Revolver.news: VIDEO: Trump just showed Fat Alvin what ‘WINNING’ NYC-style actually looks like…

President Trump showcased his “deal-making” prowess by meeting with union construction workers who flooded the streets, cheering and chanting for the former president. The group was comprised mostly of Democrats, who have shifted firmly into Trump’s corner thanks to the last four miserable years under the failed Biden regime. Collin Rugg: NEW: New York union leader Bobby Bartels says most of his Union workers are Democrats but they are supporting Trump in 2024.

Read more/Watch union leader Bobby Bartels explain why his  union workers are in Trump’s camp: https://revolver.news/2024/04/trump-just-showed-fat-alvin-bragg-what-winning-nyc-style-actually-looks-like/

Barron: Trump Plans Rally at Madison Square Garden

Former President Donald Trump said his campaign will hold rallies at Madison Square Garden and the South Bronx. […] “We’ll be honoring the people who make New York work,” Trump said. “We’re honoring a lot of people. It will be very exciting.”

Read more https://www.newsmax.com/politics/donald-trump-madison-square-garden-south-bronx/2024/04/25/id/1162393/


War Room: Sam Faddis: Are The Chinese Preparing To Start A War? Yes, They Call It “Volt Typhoon”

Start the video at the 6:10 minute mark: https://rumble.com/v4rk2xc-sam-faddis-are-the-chinese-preparing-to-start-a-war-yes-they-call-it-volt-t.html


Greenfield: UN Team Flees as Hamas Fires on Biden’s Gaza “Pier”

Construction on Biden’s pier-to-nowhere just began and it’s already a disaster with a UN team having to run for cover as the scheme to deliver aid through a floating island/pier came under terrorist mortar fire. While the Biden administration hyped the idea that this would be an international effort, the only ones actually securing it are the Israeli forces on the ground. […] So the IDF will be tasked with protecting US personnel which is not a great look for anyone. American forces shouldn’t have to rely on another military to protect them. But they also shouldn’t be in harm’s way aiding a terror area in the first place.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/un-team-flees-as-hamas-fires-on-bidens-gaza-pier/

VDH: War By Affirmative Action?

Why does Biden play Iranian poker with American and Israeli lives? Answer? He envisions war sort of like affirmative action, in which the less accomplished belligerent is allowed all sorts of concessions for the sake of equity. Israeli and American military capability, and particularly their missile defenses, are seen as unfair, almost like high achievers’ top SAT scores that are seen as unearned and used to privilege some over others and therefore must be countered or dropped. Given Iran’s and its surrogates’ incompetence, the administration, then, must extend the theocracy some allowances “to level the playing field.” Biden does not believe in an equality of opportunity in war, when an aggressor does its best to attack or indeed destroy a defender, who in turn does its own best to retaliate and achieve victory. Instead, the Biden administration sees war leading to equality of result as something to be waged “proportionally,” especially when the power attacked is stronger and Western while the attacking aggressor is weaker and non-Western. The method, then, is to restrain the western power and give repeated chances for the non-western aggressors to catch up.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/war-by-affirmative-action/


Voth: Palestine is Free. . . In Israel

Many Jacobin reactionaries that plead for Hamas, are unaware of how vast and politically free Palestinians living in Israel are. More than two million Palestinian Arabs live in Israel — more than 20% of the population. Presently, there are more than 600 Palestinians who freely serve in the Israeli Defense Force. Like orthodox Jewish community members, Palestinians are not required to serve in the IDF. Palestinians and Arabs can vote in the elections of Israel and also serve in the parliamentary body. Masab Yousef, son of West Bank Hamas leader Sheik Hassan Yousef, converted from Islam to Christianity and joined to help Israel’s government to counteract the dangerous genocidal ambitions of Palestinian supremacists such as Hamas and the Islamic Jihad Front. After the October 7 attacks, he explained the political ambitions of his father: “Since its establishment, Hamas has one goal in mind, which is annihilating the State of Israel. Its not a secret that Hamas wants to destroy the State of Israel. They cannot accept Israel or accept Israels right to exist.” Hamas and groups like it within Gaza torture and kill dissident members of Gaza. When groups like Hamas and Hezb’allah kill innocent civilians like the NGO delivering food in Gaza, there is no sense of remorse or reconsideration. In a wide variety of terrorist attacks led by these groups, the killing of civilians is rhetorically viewed as delightful and indicative of the ideal political accomplishment advocated on a regular basis.

Read more at American Thinker.


Aspen Beat: How long before they chant “Gas the Jews”?

First, let me apologize to my Jewish readers. I realize that hearing those three words must be painful. Many of you have parents or grandparents whose friends or family were gruesomely murdered in that very manner. The reason I use those words is that today in the year 2024 we are closer to such horror than we’ve been for 80 years, and we must not pretend otherwise. The Jewish nation that promised “never again” is being explicitly threatened with “again.” This moment comes in the wake of the atrocious murdering, raping, beheading, burning alive and hostage-taking committed by Palestinians against civilian men, women and children playing peacefully on a pretty fall day in Israel last Oct. 7. The Palestinians since then have rejected numerous proposals for a cease fire in exchange for the hostages they took, apparently because they’ve already tortured, raped, beheaded, burned and, finally, murdered those hostages.

Alive, the hostages would have been more useful to Hamas. Dead, the hostages are no longer hostages, but just bodies.

Read more: https://theaspenbeat.com/2024/04/24/how-long-before-they-chant-gas-the-jews/

Townsend: Democrat Congressman Joins Pro-Hamas Protesters at UT-Austin

Rep. Greg Casar (D-TX) conflated segregation and the fight for civil rights in the 1960s with the pro-Hamas protests happening now on college campuses, including the University of Texas-Austin. He joined protesters on Thursday to spew forth with his nonsense to the crowd.

Read more/Watch the  two short videos: https://hotair.com/karen-townsend/2024/04/26/democrat-congressman-joins-pro-hamas-protesters-at-ut-austin-n3787223

Widburg: Every day brings more evidence that it’s time to repeal the 19th Amendment

One of the things that weirdly comforts me during these very trying times is that we’re getting tremendous clarity lately. Nowhere is that more obvious than when it comes to what leftism has done to women. Clarity is spilling out all over the place in 2024: Jews are seeing that the progressive Democrat party hates them with a growing ferocity that easily rivals that seen in the Nazi party in the lead-up to the 1933 German election. Asians are seeing that their merit-based approach to education and business is anathema in a progressive Democrat-controlled environment. Ordinary Americans watching the waves of illegal immigrants cross into America (along with the crime, sex trafficking, child trafficking, drug trafficking, and disease that enter with them) have realized that the progressive Democrat-run government wants to end Americans’ lifestyles and political voices. Blacks watching the destruction of their communities, both through anti-police movements and illegal immigration, have realized the same. Normal Americans are recognizing that. . . .

Read more at American Thinker.

Bonchie: Joe Biden Slammed for Self-Serving, Narcissistic Picture With Child Held Hostage By Hamas

Joe Biden continues to try to toe a line that can not be toed when it comes to the conflict between Israel and Hamas. That was illustrated in stark fashion on Thursday after the president posted a photo of him holding four-year-old Abigail Edan. Hamas took Edan hostage on October 7th after the terrorist group gunned down her mother and father in front of her. 50 days later, the child was released as part of a temporary ceasefire. Biden posted the picture on his official presidential account, taking credit for her release. […] I’m trying to think of something more disgusting than using a child as a political pawn when Biden has been doing everything he can not to secure the release of the remaining hostages, and I’m coming up empty. […] Naturally, the terrorist supporters didn’t like Biden’s picture for different reasons. This is what happens when someone has no moral center. They try to make everyone happy, and in the process, they make no one happy. He’s never going to appease the radicals, and trying to use a traumatized child to fluff his political prospects isn’t going to make supporters of Israel happy either.

Read more: https://redstate.com/bonchie/2024/04/25/joe-biden-slammed-for-tone-deaf-picture-with-child-who-was-held-hostage-by-hamas-n2173324

Sheehan: ‘Snapped,’ Throwing Menstrual Pads: The Tale of VP Harris’ Brawling Secret Service Agent Just Got Weirder

A Secret Service agent was removed from their assignment of protecting Vice President Kamala Harris and subsequently hospitalized, following what appeared to be a mental health incident at Joint Base Andrews on Monday. As RedState previously reported: Two sources familiar with the situation told CBS that the agent spoke nonsensically and incoherently. Additionally, the agent is reported to have engaged in a physical altercation with another officer. The sources claim that the agent had pushed the special agent in charge while they were near the lounge area of Joint Base Andrews. Real Clear Politics reported the agent began punching the special agent in charge after getting on top of him. […] DEI Concerns. . . .

Read more: https://redstate.com/brutalbrittany/2024/04/25/the-story-of-secret-service-agent-removed-from-vp-harris-detail-and-hospitalized-just-got-weirder-n2173322



Almost everyone agrees that rates of transgender identification are skyrocketing, especially among young girls. But nobody seems to agree on the cause. Is it social contagion, fueled by social media and peer pressure? Is it social acceptance, as a more tolerant society finally lets transgender kids embrace their true selves? Or is it just good business, as gender clinics profit by shuffling children through an expensive series of drugs and surgeries? Maybe the answer is all of the above—at least to some degree. But one important contributor is often overlooked: the law. Over the last decade, a complicated network of state and federal laws has increasingly channeled children down the path of gender transition. These laws operate in a wide variety of settings—from public schools, to professional counseling, to custody disputes, to foster care, to adoption, to health insurance, to the practice of medicine itself. And in each setting, the law places a heavy thumb on the scale, pushing children and parents toward gender transition. The law operates, in effect, as a transgender conveyor belt. Here’s how it works. But buckle up, because there are many stages in the process. […] What can be done? The good news is that….

Read more: https://www.firstthings.com/web-exclusives/2024/04/stopping-the-transgender-conveyor-belt


Kittle: Wisconsin Bird Group Teaches Fourth Graders All About The ‘Gender Fluid’ Wild Kingdom

Well, everybody’s heard about the bird. The bird is, after all, the word. In this post-apocalyptic “diversity, equity, and inclusion” age, the gay bird, the trans bird, the bi-bird, is the word. Or bi-bi birdie, if you prefer. The Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance, formerly known as Madison Audubon, offers “LGBTQIAP+ in Nature,” a class exploring the diverse range of sexuality and so-called gender fluidity in the animal kingdom. To fourth-graders. “We know that there is a beautifully wide range of ways that humans identify, and scientists have learned that there are many examples of plants and animals that are LGBTQIAP+ in nature, too!,” the alliance declares on its website. You can come out now, lavender. Your secret’s out. And ferns, the lesbians of plants, you’re not fooling anyone. “We created a lesson on this topic last year and recently shared with one of our fifth grade groups. It provided a great opportunity to build inclusive community within the classroom and led to thoughtful questions and discussion from the kids,” the environmental group gushes. […] Here’s what each class gets, according to the website: . . .

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2024/04/26/wisconsin-bird-group-teaches-fourth-graders-all-about-the-gender-fluid-wild-kingdom/

Wright: Shocking moment Las Vegas substitute teacher, 27, brawls with student ‘who called him the n-word’ in hallway filled with teenage onlookers

Re’Kwon Smith, 27, is seen in footage posted to social media repeatedly punching a student, who is also engaged in the brawl. The incident occurred in the cafeteria of Valley High School in east Las Vegas on Thursday after the student allegedly called the teacher the n-word. Smith, a substitute teacher with the Clark County School District since November 2023, was on assignment at the Valley High at the time of the altercation. Videos of the incident are being used as evidence by local police, who arrested both the student and teacher, according to sources who spoke to 8NewsNow. [NOTE: A comment by Teachallday following the article: Unfortunately, as a teacher, it takes so much patience to deal with the ways students act today compared to years ago. I’m experiencing some things I never thought I would. What’s interesting is the slew of charges. Students rarely get charged when they are violent. They are back in class the next day. Yes, adult vs juvenile, but teachers are victims, too.]

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13352435/Las-Vegas-substitute-teacher-brawls-student-slur.html


Greenfield: The Hamas Nazi Ivy League

The Nazi cheers of Sieg Heil didn’t start out in Munich, but in Massachusetts. The Nazi chant was borrowed from Harvard football cheers and imported to Germany by Ernst “Putzy” Hanfstaengl, a Harvard man in good standing who befriended Hitler and helped build a more respectable brand for the National Socialists. “Putzy” was one of a number of Ivy League elites who were enchanted by the Third Reich. Socialism forcefully implemented by great men, whether it was FDR, Mussolini, Stalin or Hitler, was the great obsession of America elites of the era who were convinced that it was the only answer to the chaos of capitalism and the hurly burly of democracy and technology. Columbia University, whose Hamas occupation fills the front pages of every newspaper in the country while driving Jewish students off campus, has changed little in some ways. A hundred years ago, Columbia University President Nicholas Murray Butler

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/the-hamas-nazi-ivy-league/

Hammer: Restore Order and Crush the Campus Jihadist Thugs

Jews are so “afraid” at Columbia University that an Orthodox campus rabbi recently urged students to “return home as soon as possible.” The situation at many purportedly “elite” universities is dire, as jihadist mania supplants Black Lives Matter as the vogue, faux-moral cause rotting the minds of impressionable Gen Zers. Hamas’ useful campus idiots are, at best, blithering morons. They do not realize that Zionism — the Jewish people’s national liberation movement in their ancestral homeland — is the quintessence of the very “anticolonialism” and “indigenous people’s rights” they claim to champion. They are clueless about international law and how the doctrine of uti possidetis juris establishes that Israel has the best legal claim to Judea and Samaria (i.e., the West Bank). They know nothing about warfighting; John Spencer, head of urban warfare studies at West Point, has demonstrated that Israel’s combatant-to-civilian death ratio in Gaza since the war began is “historically low for modern urban warfare.” Why let inconvenient facts get in the way of the thrill one feels for supporting a chic social justice movement […] er, genocidal terrorist organization?

Read more: https://jewishworldreview.com/0424/hammer042624.php

McKay: I’ll See Your Charlottesville and Raise You Columbia

I think it’s time for a little trip down memory lane, don’t you? The date was August 14, 2017, and Donald Trump was holding a press conference a couple of days after a civil disturbance in Charlottesville, Virginia, had turned deadly. In Charlottesville, the local Hard Left-dominated city council had opted to defenestrate a historical landmark, that being a statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee in a prominent place in town. A protest was planned and permitted for those critics of tearing the statue down to express their opinion, and attaching themselves to that protest was a group of alt-right agitators who held a tiki torch parade through Charlottesville the night before. Counterprotestors, including Antifa and Black Lives Matter agitators, then turned the demonstration over the Lee statue into a melee, and one of the alt-right “neo-Nazis” ended up running over a leftist demonstrator in a car. Charlottesville was thus elevated just below the status of 9/11 in the mainstream media lexicon, and Trump was battered for waiting two days before making a statement. Trump defended himself by saying he wanted to know and understand all the facts around Charlottesville before he weighed in. Then there was this exchange at the press conference: […] From that, Trump was excoriated for saying that the neo-Nazis were fine people. It was an utter and complete lie, essentially a blood libel. Trump condemned the neo-Nazis and defended traditional America, the people who object to tearing down historical landmarks over stupid woke pieties that were only just beginning to tear America apart as they’ve nearly completely done now. […] But what price will Joe Biden pay for his own “both sides” statement? He said this Monday when asked about the anti-Semitic protests: . . . .

Read more: https://spectator.org/ill-see-your-charlottesville-and-raise-you-columbia/


Strom: Critical Bear Studies

I am not a bear expert. I don’t even play one on TV. Better yet, I didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, so I make no representations that I can refute anything factual about California Grizzly Bears. But I do know something about narrative building, and this story from the Washington Post is an excellent example of how one does it. The story purports to be about the new discoveries that scientists have made in their research on the California Grizzly Bear. It is, in other words, a piece that is supposedly grounded in science, expanding our knowledge about a vaguely interesting subject. It isn’t a story about science, Grizzly Bears, or anything similar. It is a thinly veiled essay about White Settler Colonialism and how bad it is. […] Yep. Bears used to be peace-loving herbivores until COLONIALISM changed them into violent killers.  Pretty much the rest of the story is a dig at colonialism, with bears just providing the excuse to go off on a rant about nasty White people. White people even ruined bears. Who would have guessed? […] We have veered from “bears weren’t vicious carnivores” to “White people ruined the world.” In the space of a few paragraphs the story transmogrified from bears to genocide. And, of course, to replace “one set of stories with another.”

Read more: https://hotair.com/david-strom/2024/04/26/critical-bear-studies-n3787222


N.Y. Decision to Toss Weinstein Case is Bad News for D.A. Alvin Bragg & Great News for Trump (VIDEO)

It’s no secret Harvey Weinstein is a despicable human being. But that doesn’t mean prosecutors get free reign. New York’s highest court ruled the judge tainted the jury by allowing witness to testify about subjects that had nothing to do with the case against him. This is exactly what is happening in the New York court room where President Trump is being tried on a sham records keeping case. For 3 days the CEO of the National Enquirer has been testifying about things that have nothing to do with the underlying allegations against Trump. His testimony is only to serve as a way to make the jury think President Trump is unscrupulous.

Read more: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/04/n-y-decision-toss-weinstein-case-is-bad/

Bowman: 1619 Project author Nikole Hannah-Jones poses with ‘unbowed’ ex-Harvard boss Claudine Gay during visit to college where she called for it to re-enact affirmative action for descendants of slaves

Journalist and 1619 Project founder Nikole Hannah-Jones met with ousted Harvard President Claudine Gay and insisted the university re-enact affirmative action at a legacy of slavery symposium. Hannah-Jones delivered a keynote speech and met the ex-president, who she previously defended from critics, during the Harvard and the Legacy of Slavery Initiative’s 2024 conference on Tuesday. The 1619 Project founder recommended the implementation of ‘a lineage-based affirmative action program’ based on ancestral ties to slavery during her remarks, reported The Harvard Crimson. The Supreme Court decided in a 6 to 2 vote – with Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson recused – that Harvard’s admission policy should also be struck down in decision sending shockwaves nationwide in June. The ruling ended the decades-old ‘affirmative action’ policy that was designed to boost the number of black and Hispanic students in colleges.

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13347917/1619-Project-Nikole-Hannah-Jones-Claudine-Gay-Harvard.html


Saul Alinsky

* Identified a set of very specific rules that ordinary citizens could follow, and tactics that ordinary citizens could employ, as a means of gaining public power
* Created a blueprint for revolution under the banner of “social change”
* Two of his most notable modern-day disciples are Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

Read more: https://www.discoverthenetworks.org/individuals/saul-alinsky/


Goska: Irena’s Vow

A new film dramatizes the life of an almost unbelievable heroine. Irena’s Vow is a 2023 film dramatizing the World War II heroism of a young Polish nursing student, Irena Gut. Irena’s Vow is a two-hour, color film. It was shot in Poland. The film is in English. It received a limited US release in April, 2024. Irena’s Vow has an 86% professional reviewer rating on Rotten Tomatoes and a 93% fan reviewer rating. Veteran reviewer Rex Reed calls Irena’s Vow “One of the most astounding holocaust stories.” He says, “It’s true, if fantastic.” The film is “anchored by the powerful, heartfelt performance of Sophie Nelisse as an innocent girl whose integrity and resolve turns her into a woman of maturity and strength.” Roman Haller, a Holocaust survivor, says, “It is a very great film. I expected a good film, but it is even more than I expected. […] I saw my mother. I saw my father. I saw Irena […] She was like a mother to me […] I want to tell you there were people like that.” Dr. Glenn R. Schiraldi wrote the 2007 book, World War II Survivors: Lessons in Resilience. He devoted a chapter to Irena Gut Opdyke. She was, he writes, “a diminutive, elegant woman with warm, radiant blue eyes and delicate features. She is one of the kindest, most loving women I have encountered. She reminds one of Mother Teresa. As she spoke, I often found myself choking back tears.”

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/irenas-vow/


Economics 101

Economics is one of the most important but misunderstood subjects in our world today. PragerU wants to change that. Learn everything you ever wanted to know about economics in just 5 minutes a day. Sign up now for PragerU’s Economics 101 to get our top-rated economics videos sent straight to your inbox, for free, and receive two incredible special-edition e-books!

Read more: https://www.prageru.com/pragerus-economics-101


Coto: With fear and hope, Haiti warily welcomes 10 new leaders as country choked by gangs seeks peace

Haiti opened a new political chapter Thursday with the installation of a transitional council tasked to pick a new prime minister and prepare for eventual presidential elections, in hopes of quelling spiraling gang violence that has killed thousands in the Caribbean country. Ariel Henry, the prime minister who had been locked out of the country for the past couple of months due to the violence, cleared the way for the transition by presenting his resignation in a letter signed in Los Angeles.

Read more: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/04/haiti-hell-unelected-transitional-council-is-sworn-new/

New Generation PPC X post: Meet Mehul Prajapati, recently, he decided to show people online how they can steal food from foodbanks by pretending to be students at WLU and UofW. Mr Prajapati is a recent immigrant to Canada who was revealed to have a six-figure job at TD bank (which he was fired from).

Read more/Watch the 27 second video: https://twitter.com/newgenppc/status/1782851416249299169


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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