Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 23 minutes


Nic White & Emily Goodin reporters for the Daily Mail: Joe Biden is locked in an intense five-day debate camp as he prepares to take on his hated rival Donald Trump in Thursday’s televised brawl.

Michael Goodwin contributor to New York Post: Signs indicate the president is giving up on selling his White House term as a success and betting his re-election campaign on a single message: Donald Trump is bad for America. Make that really, really, really bad. He’ll kill democracy and lock up his opponents. Remember Jan. 6 and, oh, he’s a convicted felon, too. From here to November, that’s the sum and substance of what the president and his surrogates will say.

John Kass’ johnkassnews.com: There is so much more to examine. So many rocks under which Obama Deep State schemers have worked their various intrigues. Bringing it into the light requires hard work and the excavation of evidence. The political left will wring its hands and shriek like cats dying under a front porch, but it must be done to cleanse our government. And there is one more thing that President Trump can do when he wins re-election: Subpoena that whole shameless herd of whores. All 51 putos and putanas and their “agents.” All 51 of them.


Eric Utter contributor to American Thinker: I largely agree, and, in fact, would add a few more adjectives, including, “spineless, duplicitous, and craven.” Far too many Republicans pointlessly, fruitlessly, and pathetically seek affirmation, even from their long-time foes. It is repulsive to observe. Like myself, Moss has a dim view of the country’s chances of survival, led as it is by one party that despises it, and another that is too afraid of being labeled, libeled, and slandered to fight for it. As Moss notes, we are indeed culturally, morally, spiritually, intellectually, and financially bankrupt. Not to mention that our largest and most important institutions are utterly corrupt. A newly reconstructed Republican Party must quickly find the courage to fight the scourge of globalism. And it must not be afraid of engaging in social issues.

Behreandt contributor to The New American: How many people died in America’s nursing homes? Dr. David Grabowski, a professor of healthcare policy at Harvard Medical School, told the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability:  Covid has completely devastated nursing homes in the U.S. After accounting for the gap in federal data at the start of the pandemic, there have been over 1.6 million Covid cases among nursing home residents leading to roughly 176,000 Covid-related fatalities. For comparative purposes, this is equivalent to 12 percent of all residents living in a nursing home at the start of the pandemic. Grabowski was a Democratic witness, and so immune from the charge that he was merely being overtly partisan.

C.A. Skeet contributor to PJMedia: You are who Lenin accurately referred to as “useful idiots.” But I’m not so sure that you still support what democracy “looks like,” now that it “looks like” it has reached your front yard. When they scream that they want to burn the entire country to the ground, they mean exactly that. The monster that you constructed, animated, fed, riled up, and let roam free to dispatch your political enemies is now peering through your bay window, staring at you with a ravenous look in its eyes that evinces neither “solidarity” nor “inclusion” with you. Frankenstein’s monster always comes home to his castle.

Andrew Garnett contributor to The Imaginative Conservative: Free thought has been under attack for some time in the intellectual arenas of the world and in particular on college campuses. College used to be a time of exploration. A time to try out new ideas and new opinions on different topics, a time to test your wings, to figure out who you are and who you want to be. The bright optimism of these years of study have in our present times been snuffed out by the arrogance of the masses. Collective groupthink that stems from some “faux” elitist class has decided that our young people are not to engage in reason and spirited debate, but rather to focus on how they feel on a given subject. Students have been force-fed opinions by the masses, and anyone or anything that does not fall in line is at best ostracized and at worst eliminated. What they can contribute is feeling.


Kass: Hunter, Joe and the Shameless 51

It is all so very loud now, isn’t it? Rather like walking behind the wings of a jet just before takeoff. You can hardly hear yourself think with the American corporate media in full-throated panic, shrieking of impending doom if their decrepit and corrupt old Joe Biden fades in Thursday’s presidential debate. The left is terrified of allowing Donald the Barbarian a chance to reclaim the White House. But they’ve given him this chance through terrible policies and the polls show that the people yearn for regime change. The general panic is properly understood as projection for what the leftists themselves have done to kill democracy, and for all their crocodile tears about “Democracy Dies in Darkness,” and all that obnoxious, prissy preening of left wing CNN hosting Thursday’s presidential debate. I know you’re angry. At least 80 million of you are angry. And others of you who call yourselves independents are unsure, and also angry. You’ve been lied to by those whom you once believed would tell you the truth. They didn’t. Instead, you’ve been the subjects of an intel op hatched by your own government. It happened just before the last election and the corrupt corporate media carried the lie. But don’t grab the tomahawks just yet. Please. Instead. . . .


Read more: https://johnkassnews.com/hunter-joe-and-the-shameless-51/


Cohen: Judge Judy Unloads On Alvin Bragg For Trying Trump Over ‘Nonsense’ Instead Of Keeping Criminals ‘Off The Street’

Sheindlin told host Chris Wallace in an episode of Max’s “Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace” that Bragg should be focused on prosecuting criminals who make New York unsafe rather than the former president, who she said the district attorney targeted for personal reasons. “I would be happier, as someone who owns property in Manhattan, if the district attorney of New York County would take care of criminals who were making it impossible for citizens to walk in the streets and use the subway, to use his efforts to keep those people off the street, than to spend $5 million or $10 million of taxpayers’ money trying Donald Trump on this nonsense,” Sheindlin said. “That’s my view. But I, as a taxpayer in this country, resent using the system for your own personal self-aggrandizement.”

Read more/Watch the 1:15 minute video: https://dailycaller.com/2024/06/21/judge-judy-unloads-alvin-bragg-donald-trump/


Killough: Biden’s war on fossil fuels hits Wyoming hard, but now the Cowboy State is fighting back.

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has been chipping away at the oil, gas and coal industries ever since President Joe Biden took office. Wyoming is an energy state that produces half the nation’s coal, as well as part of its oil and gas output. Since the federal government owns nearly half the state’s land, virtually all oil, gas and coal operations in the Cowboy State are heavily impacted by every rule the BLM throws at fossil fuels. Although the Biden administration is waging war on fossil fuels, Wyoming is fighting back. The state, along with Utah, filed a lawsuit against the agency last Tuesday over its restoration lease program, and Rep. Harriett Hageman, R-Wyo., is rolling out legislation to fight back against the BLM’s proposed ban on federal coal leasesCoal fight: Wyoming produces about 50% of all thermal coal burned in the U.S. Thermal coal is used in electricity generation, as opposed to metallurgical coal, which is used in heavy industry. The state’s coal production has been in decline since 2008, when it produced over 466 million tons. In 2023, it was down to just over 230 million tons. […] Rep. Harriet Hageman, R-Wyo., told Just the News that with the rule, the BLM is violating federal law and exceeding its authority with the rule. “The BLM does not have the unilateral authority to outlaw coal mining in the United States,” Hageman said. She introduced legislation to block the rule from being implemented, and she’ll be introducing an appropriations bill as well that will prohibit the BLM from using any funding to implement the rule. […] “Our food supply, our affordable housing, our ability to educate our children — everything is based upon the foundation of the commercial production of affordable energy. And here we have a government that has gone to war with the American people and is bound and determined to turn us into a Third World hellhole,” Hageman said.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/energy/bidens-war-fossil-fuels-hits-wyoming-hard-now-cowboy-state-fighting-back

Killough: Benchmark global energy report throws cold water on claims of a transition away from fossil fuels

Of that 620 exa-joules consumed globally last year, 196 came from oil, 164 came from coal, and 144 came from natural gas, according to the 2024 “Statistical Review of World Energy.” All renewables, excluding hydroelectric, was 8.2% of the total.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/energy/benchmark-global-energy-report-throws-cold-water-claims-transition-away


Lyman: Report: DHS Group Called Being ‘Religious’ An ‘Indicator’ Of Domestic Terrorism

President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) brainstormed about infiltrating local communities to spy on Americans, and suggested being “religious” or “in the military” was an “indicator of extremists and terrorism,” excerpts of documents obtained by America First Legal (AFL) purportedly show. These excerpts, released Thursday by AFL, purport to show how in 2023, the DHS’s newly created “Homeland Intelligence Experts Group” looked for ways to expand their spying on American citizens, including by trying to “get into local communities in a non-threatening way” to get fellow Americans to tattle tale on their neighbors. The committee, on which John Brennan and James Clapper — both notorious for their participation in the Russia-collusion hoax as well as for falsely claiming Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation — sat, also suggested religious Americans, members of the military, and Trump supporters were possible security threats, according to segments of the documents released by AFL. […] This is a top-down ideology, exemplified by Biden himself . . .

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2024/06/21/report-dhs-group-called-being-religious-an-indicator-of-domestic-terrorism/

Whitehouse & Whitehouse: Mission Creep: How the Police State Acclimates Us To Being Modern-Day Slaves

“In a fully developed bureaucracy there is nobody left with whom one can argue, to whom one can present grievances, on whom the pressures of power can be exerted. Bureaucracy is the form of government in which everybody is deprived of political freedom, of the power to act; for the rule by Nobody is not no-rule, and where all are equally powerless, we have a tyranny without a tyrant.” ― Hannah Arendt, On Violence Like the proverbial boiling frogs, the government has been gradually acclimating us to the specter of a police state for years now: Militarized police. Riot squads. Camouflage gear. Black uniforms. Armored vehicles. Mass arrests. Pepper spray. Tear gas. Batons. Strip searches. Surveillance cameras. Kevlar vests. Drones. Lethal weapons. Less-than-lethal weapons unleashed with deadly force. Rubber bullets. Water cannons. Stun grenades. Arrests of journalists. Crowd control tactics. Intimidation tactics. Brutality. This is how you prepare a populace to accept a police state willingly, even gratefully. You don’t scare them by making dramatic changes. Rather, you. . . .

Read more at Rutherford Institute.


Forbes Breaking News: ‘Why Won’t You Answer My Question’: Harriet Hageman Refuses To Let Up On Witness Over ESG Policy

Watch the 5:26 minute hearing exchange: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cny1EATXpLY


Hoft: HUGE! Kash Patel Drops a Bomb — British Court Reveals Paul Ryan Was the First One to Receive a Copy of Steele Dossier Back in 2016 and He Hid This For Years!

On Saturday, former Trump official Kash Patel joined Steve Bannon on The War Room to discuss his latest blockbuster report on Paul Ryan. According to Kash Patel, Paul Ryan was the first to receive a copy of the bogus Steele Dossier back in 2016. And Paul Ryan hid this from investigators, his Republican colleagues, and Trump officials. Kash Patel posted this on Truth Social on Thursday. Kash Patel: Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House had in his possession the Steele Dossier before he had [Devin Nunes] and I launch Russia Gate Investigation, and never told us(think, before anyone knew anything about fake intel, he had his own copy). I found it on my own then blew up FBI/DOJ. Why didn’t he tell his own damn team? Report that fake news.

Read more/Watch both videos: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/huge-kash-patel-drops-bomb-british-court-reveals/


Cunningham: Supreme Court Declines to Toss 2nd Amendment Restrictions in Certain Domestic Violence Cases

The Supreme Court has handed down one of its most-anticipated rulings of the term in a case related to Second Amendment restrictions and domestic violence. In United States v. Rahimi, the Supreme Court declined to challenge the constitutionality of a federal law that bars a person with a domestic violent restraining order from possessing a gun. Justice Clarence Thomas was the sole dissenting vote, and several Justices wrote concurring opinions. Chief Justice John Roberts wrote the majority opinion.

Read more: https://redstate.com/joesquire/2024/06/21/supreme-court-declines-to-toss-2nd-amendment-restrictions-in-certain-domestic-violence-cases-n2175771

The Skinny on SCOTUS – 6-20-24 Edition: Of Mental States, Taxes, and Malicious Prosecution

As we roll into late June, the Supreme Court is picking up the pace as it hands down decisions. We started Thursday with 24 opinions outstanding — they issued four and look to be announcing more on Friday and next Wednesday (at least). All four of these decisions were split, though the last was per curiam (not signed by a specific judge). The splits were not purely along partisan lines, however. I’ll confess that crafting the “skinny” on each of these was challenging because the issues were narrow and somewhat esoteric. June 20, 2024 Decisions. . . .

Read more; https://redstate.com/smoosieq/2024/06/21/the-skinny-on-scotus-6-20-24-edition-n2175756

Moore: SCOTUS blog: Announcement of opinions for Friday, June 21

  • In Texas v. New Mexico, the court upholds the U.S.’s objections to a consent decree that would resolve the dispute over each state’s allocation of the waters of the Rio Grande.
  • The court rules 6-3 in Department of State v. Munoz that a citizen does not have a fundamental liberty interest in her noncitizen spouse being admitted to the country.
  • In Erlinger v. United States, the court rules that under the Armed Career Criminal Act, which imposes mandatory prison terms, a judge should use a preponderance-of-the-evidence standard to decide whether the offenses were committed on separate occasions or instead a jury must make those decisions unanimously and beyond a reasonable doubt.

Click here for a list of FAQs about opinion announcements.



Curtis: Words Mean Things: Wisconsin Supreme Court Gets VERY Creative With Definition of ‘Sidewalk’

This is an interesting story that probably wouldn’t get much notice inside or outside the state of Wisconsin, but we’re glad Jonathan Turley brought it to our attention. The Wisconsin Supreme Court voted 4-3 in Sojenhomer v. Village of Egg Harbor that a sidewalk is not a “pedestrian way.” Lawyers in Wisconsin are already sending around Mr. Bumble-like harrumphs to the decision, which is a testament to the ability of judges to ignore plain meaning to achieve desired results. […] But the liberal justices on Wisconsin’s supreme court, including Justice Rebecca Frank Dallet decided to play fast and loose with the definition of ‘sidewalk’ and ‘pedestrian travel’. From Justice Dallet: […] Decisions such as this, that are nothing more than a court legislating from the bench and nullifying existing law. . . .

Read more: https://twitchy.com/amy-curtis/2024/06/20/wisconsin-supreme-court-sidewalk-n2397472


Behreandt: Depopulation by Design

Here is a bit of bad news: We are in the end stage of a multi-pronged, multi-front, multi-decadal war against life itself. It gets worse: Most people have only a vague idea, at best, that this war is raging around them and that they and their families and their nations are the target. The enemy’s objective is to destroy the family, the nation that inevitably has its roots in the family, the religion that supports and breathes life into this superstructure, and even a majority of the individual people who live within this “vital framework.” The goal is simply the complete revolution of life, resulting in a globally managed state run through the United Nations and its affiliate NGOs and peopled by a carefully “curated” and “managed” population of humans “who own nothing and are happy.” One of the most significant battles in this war that is now in its “kinetic” phase in Ukraine and Israel is biowarfare — specifically the Covid pandemic and the seemingly insane response to it. […] At its worst, the most extreme pandemic responses were and remain outright deadly attacks on human life. The virus itself almost certainly was bioengineered. Many public policies directly intermingled the sick with the weak and elderly, in a barely concealed attempt to do in the old and infirm. Globally, life-saving medications such as ivermectin were ridiculed and removed from the market, while dangerous concoctions were prescribed to the sick and hospital “protocols” including “ventilation” turned healthcare facilities into killing fields and medical practitioners, mostly unknowingly, into executioners. Finally, the vax with a raft of deadly side effects was unleashed on billions who believed with starry-eyed faith that everything being done to them was for the their own good. Worldwide, this was a globally managed operation to lead billions of good and trusting people to. . . .

Read more: https://thenewamerican.com/print/depopulation-by-design/


Kirsch: The Covid “Vaccine” Had No Benefit. Zero. Zip. Nada.

Here’s official US government data, all in plain sight, so you can decide for yourself. If the vaccine reduced the risk of death, this data is simply impossible to explain. Executive summary: Official US government data, “gold standard data,” shows that the vaccine didn’t save any COVID lives at all. None. In fact, if anything, the data shows that the vaccine made you more likely to die from COVID. To the estimated 21 million people who were killed or seriously injured, you should know it was all for nothing.

Read more: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2024/06/no_author/the-covid-vaccine-had-no-benefit-zero-zip-nada/


Richards: CNN’s Jake Tapper at center of defamation lawsuit as he prepares to host presidential debate

“Jake Tapper started his career working for a Democrat politician and he has never been able to shake the habit. Trying to run cover for Biden’s disastrous pullout from Afghanistan, he and his CNN show slimed a hero who saved the lives of those Biden put in jeopardy. Now CNN is facing a billion dollar defamation suit at the same time Tapper will be moderating the presidential debate featuring the politician he lied for. Unreal,” Dan Schneider, Vice President at conservative media watchdog Media Research Center, told Just the News in a statement. His organization reported that CNN has since deleted the TV segment under scrutiny from its website.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/accountability/media/jake-tapper-center-defamation-lawsuit-cnn-prepares-host-presidential-debate

Oliver: Extra! Extra! Donald ‘The Grinder’ Trump to Meet Joe ‘Baloney’ Biden

People who have watched Biden on television don’t need to be told that he’s slipping. Even if Biden is pumped up on whatever drugs the White House uses to pump him up (see his State of the Union address and his remarks at the D-Day ceremonies), he won’t be agile enough to respond convincingly to the questions and accusations that Trump can hurl at him while answering questions posed to him. Here are a few questions Trump can ask Biden, always calling him. . . .

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2024/06/23/extra-extra-donald-the-grinder-trump-to-meet-joe-baloney-biden/

Salsbury: Debate Questions That The Moderators Should (But Won’t) Ask Biden

Given the media’s reporting on and/or suppression of a host of issues surrounding the Russia Hoax, COVID, BLM riots, January 6th, the Hunter Biden laptop, the DOJ lawfare, and so many more, don’t hold your breath that their representatives will ask the most important questions in the upcoming presidential debates. President Trump should thwart them by working those questions into his own answers. In other words, he might say something like, “Look, folks, you aren’t asking the questions that the vast majority of Americans want answered. Here is one of the questions you should ask my opponent. . .” If he is accused of not answering the question, he should simply reply that he is giving his answer whether they like it or not. Following are a few straightforward questions President Trump could suggest that they ask President Biden. He can invite President Biden to answer them even if the debate moderators refuse to ask them.

Read more at American Thinker.


Nesi: Watch ‘Squad’ Reps. AOC, Bowman’s cringeworthy antics at R-rated NYC rally to boost embattled Dem

Desperate Dem Rep. Jamaal Bowman enlisted heavy artillery from his party’s progressive wing for a weekend rally in The Bronx to try to shore up his flailing re-election bid — but viral clips of the event’s cringey on-stage antics show the last-ditch effort badly back-fired. Footage from Saturday’s campaign rally at St. Mary’s Park in Mott Haven showed the severely struggling incumbent and fellow “Squad’ member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez acting like buffoons from the stage, gifting the Internet with heaps of unintentional humor. AOC kicked things off by stomping around on stage to a blaring Cardi B song, appearing to try to summon the pomp of a superstar rapper about to perform her biggest hit to an adoring crowd. “Hoes better lower they tone when they spittin’. Bitches is washed, soap on the dishes. I apply pressure like boa constrictors,” X-rated lyrics from the Cardi B song “Enough” pumped over the PA system as the congresswoman from New York City continued her gyrations. “One bitch, two bitch, old bitch, new bitch. None of y’all bitches not gon’ do s–t,” the Grammy-winner’s lyrics continued. Bowman is in very real danger of losing his seat after numerous controversies and oddball statements.

Read more: https://nypost.com/2024/06/23/us-news/watch-cringeworthy-viral-squad-antics-at-r-rated-jamaal-bowman-rally/


Smith: US Aircraft Carrier Arrives In South Korea Amid Spiking Tensions With The North

The USS Theodore Roosevelt strike group arrived in the Korean peninsula for joint military drills with South Korea and Japan. The carrier’s arrival comes amid increasing tensions between North and South Korea in recent weeks, and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s new agreement with Russia, which was finalized Wednesday, according to the AP.

Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2024/06/22/us-aircraft-carrier-arrives-in-south-korea-amid-spiking-tensions-with-the-north/

Ferguson: How rising anti-American axis sees US weakness, and is ready to pounce

For anyone slow on the uptake, Presidents Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un provided some helpful show-and-tell in Pyongyang on Wednesday. A year ago, I warned that a new “Axis of Ill Will” was forming. Now you get my drift. Kim gave Putin a vintage 1930s reception, complete with vast flags, red carpets and temporarily well-fed children. The two signed a pact committing themselves to mutual assistance in the event of “aggression” against either country. Putin hinted at the “development of military-technical cooperation” — the least he can do in return for the dozens of ballistic missiles and 11,000 shipping containers of munitions that (according to US intelligence) Kim has sent him to carry on Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. With a cynicism worthy of Joseph Stalin, Putin thanked Kim for his “consistent and unwavering support” against “the hegemonic and imperialist policy” of the United States.

Read more: https://nypost.com/2024/06/21/opinion/how-rising-anti-american-axis-sees-us-weakness-and-is-ready-to-pounce/

Glick: Biden’s whole-of-government hostility to Israel

The top U.S.-Israel story of the week is the prospect of a massive ground war in Lebanon. The main question dominating the discourse is whether the Biden administration intends to provide Israel with the munitions it requires to prosecute such a war successfully. The White House says it has Israel’s back. But recent U.S.-Israel backstories indicate that Israeli anxiety about the U.S. position on munitions is well founded. Two back stories that have generated minor splashes signal clearly that contrary to President Joe Biden’s oft repeated “ironclad commitment to Israel’s security,” his administration is implementing a whole-of-government policy of criminalizing Israel and its citizens. The first story relates to stepped-up U.S. . . .

Read more: https://www.jns.org/bidens-whole-of-government-hostility-to-israel/

Tobin: Netanyahu is right to reject vassal-state etiquette

The prime minister broke protocol by calling out the Biden administration for slow-walking arms shipments. Washington’s real goal, however, is appeasing Iran and toppling him. As far as the White House and Democrats are concerned, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is doing it again. Similar to multiple occasions during the presidency of Barack Obama, Netanyahu is not playing by the rules Washington and the foreign-policy establishment believe are laid down to govern the behavior of client states. Rather than assume the role of the loyal and pliant vassal to his nation’s superpower ally, there have been several times when Netanyahu has talked back in public to Obama and now President Joe Biden. Washington’s angry response to the video the prime minister released this week in which he spoke of the way the administration has been slow-walking arms deliveries made it clear that—assurances of goodwill from both sides notwithstanding—U.S.-Israel relations have reached a crisis point.

Read more: https://www.jns.org/netanyahu-is-right-to-reject-vassal-state-etiquette/


Harker: The Post-Constitutional Order

The regime and its media handmaids have been fabricating news for years, bombarding us with alarmist rhetoric about Donald Trump’s supposed authoritarianism: “Not since the…Civil War have freedom and democracy been under assault here at home as they are today.” But in the wake of the recent show trial verdict of the former president, that rhetoric has shifted. Now we’re told that the successful conviction of Trump represents “a triumph for the rule of law” and a “dramatic barometer of the strength of…our judicial institutions.” “No one,” President Biden assures us, “is above the law.” It used to be that the jury trial itself, not the verdict, was considered a “triumph” of the rule of law. Today, such a belief is inexcusably naïve. By regime logic, guilty verdicts for its political opponents are the only evidence of a healthy legal system. Thus, the legal system is strong because it convicted Trump. Ditto for Peter NavarroSteve Bannon, and other political opponents of the regime. For the regime, any other outcome is “lawlessness.” But these prosecutions are the exercise of an awesome and lawless power that is radically unfamiliar to Americans. The regime is so powerful that it exercises near total dominion over the rule of law, easily wielding the legal system as a tool to prosecute its political opponents with impunity, just as it uses many other forms of lawfare to maintain its grip on power. Indeed, not only is our legal system fragile, weak, and on the verge of collapse, but it is also increasingly obvious that the American constitutional order has been overthrown. What Hath the Regime Wrought?

Read more: https://americanmind.org/salvo/the-post-constitutional-order/

VDH: The Logic in All the Madness

The Biden administration’s agendas may have fundamentally changed the country for decades, if not longer—and will require tough remedies that may be almost as unpopular as the wreckage they wrought. Most Americans believe it is unhinged to deliberately destroy the border and allow 10 million illegal aliens to enter the country without background audits, means of support, any claims to legal residency, and definable skills. And worse still, why would federal authorities be ordered to release repeat violent felons who have gone on to commit horrendous crimes against American citizens?

Equally perplexing to most Americans is borrowing $1 trillion every 90 days and paying 5-5.5% interest on the near $36 trillion in ballooning national debt. Serving that debt at current interest exceeds the size of the annual defense budget and may soon top $1 trillion in interest costs, or more than 13% of the budget. Why would the United States suspend military aid to Israel as it tries to destroy the Hamas architects of the October 7 massacres? Why would it lift sanctions on a terrorist Iran? Why would it suppress Israel’s response to Iran’s missile attack on the Jewish homeland? Why would it prevent Israel from stockpiling key munitions as it prepares to deal with the existential threats posed by Hezbollah? Why would the Biden administration cancel key pipeline projects and put vast swaths of federal lands rich in oil and gas off limits to production, even as it further drains the strategic petroleum reserve? Why not pump rather than drain our own oil from strategic stockpiles?

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2024/06/24/the-logic-in-all-the-madness/

Greenfield: A Hamas Mob Roamed an LA Neighborhood Attacking Jews

With the complicity of local Los Angeles authorities. Some people are calling this a “pogrom”. It was at best a low-level riot against Jews by Islamic terrorist supporters and Antifa with the complicity of local Los Angeles authorities. I have an article with more to say about it, but the videos speak for themselves. The target was Congregation Adas Torah (Congregation of the Bible) but the pro-terror rally spread out to two adjoining synagogues and then the violence spread out past Kosher restaurants, a Jewish school and to nearby residential streets on both sides of Pico Blvd in the Pico Robertson neighborhood where the Hamas rioters freely attacked Jews. […]  Horrific moment [is when] pro-Israel woman is pinned to the ground and put in a chokehold, leaving her bloodied after being savagely assaulted by a pro-Palestine protester in the Jewish neighborhood of Pico-Robertson, LA.

Read more/Watch the videos: https://www.frontpagemag.com/a-hamas-mob-roamed-an-la-neighborhood-attacking-jews/

Berkowitz: The Antisemitism of the Left

The hatred of Jews has ancient origins. Today the hatred goes by the abstract and antiseptic modern term “antisemitism.” It persists in pockets of the right. But in the United States and throughout the West, antisemitism receives most conspicuous expression among those who back progressive causes while supporting Iran-backed Hamas’ ambitions to destroy Israel, the nation-state of the Jewish people. Antisemitism’s recrudescence as a pathology of the left attests not only to the staying power of the hatred of Jews but also to the internal disorder afflicting rights-protecting democracies. Free and democratic citizens tend to regard the protection of basic rights and fundamental freedoms as sacrosanct. Accordingly, those endowed with the liberal and democratic spirit recoil in horror at Hamas’ mass murder of Israeli civilians on Oct. 7, 2023. Those who respect human rights unequivocally condemn the jihadists’ use of rape as a weapon of war on that calamitous early autumn Sabbath. […] Yet far from recoiling, condemning, or decrying Hamas, many progressives embrace the jihadists. At elite. . . .

Read more at RealClearPolitics.

Carlin: The Anti-Christian Mind of the Democrat Party

If we wish to know whether or not the Democrat party is an anti-Christianity party, we have to look not at black Democrat church-goers and not at white Catholic Democrat church-goers and not at Protestant Democrat church-goers, but at people who compose “the mind” or “the intellect” of the Democrat party. Who are these people?  They are the ideologues who create and disseminate the distinctive ideas of the party.  Almost never in recent times have these people been church-going Christians. With only rare exceptions, they are hostile to Christianity. Usually they are atheists or near-atheists, and the ideas they develop and spread are often radically incompatible with Christianity, at least as that religion has been understood for almost all of the last 2,000 years and is still understood by most Christians even today — such ideas as: […] Where are these ideologues to be found? Are they scattered evenly throughout the American population? Are they scattered evenly throughout the Democrat party?Far from it. No, they are concentrated in a small but influential number of locations: […] Over many decades, these anti-Christian ideas have been “trickling down” to receptive portions of the general public, many of whom, with logical insouciance, have embraced these anti-Christian ideas while at the same time retaining their Christian religious affiliation. (Joe Biden is the most conspicuous example of this logical insouciance.  The leaders of his religion, including the pope, allow him to get away with this.)

Read more at American Thinker.

Harsanyi: Dems want a ‘democracy’ where the majority lords it over everyone else

CNN recruited “democracy” expert Anne Applebaum, who noted that, “America is a democracy. It was founded as a democracy.”  For as long as I can remember, the left has been sneering at anyone who points out that the United States is a republic, not a democracy. They find the notion almost as unsophisticated and fascistic as flying a Revolutionary-era flag. Others dismiss the democracy/republic debate as pedantic or a semantic distraction. They shouldn’t. The other day, CNN’s Donie O’Sullivan tried to make Trump fans who repeat this factual contention look like a bunch of dumb, lock stepping authoritarians. To explain the problem, CNN even recruited “democracy” expert Anne Applebaum, who noted that, “America is a democracy. It was founded as a democracy […] the word ‘democracy’ and the word ‘republic’ have often been used interchangeably. There isn’t a meaningful difference between them.” Sure there is.

Read more: https://nypost.com/2024/06/21/opinion/dems-want-a-democracy-where-the-majority-lords-it-over-everyone-else/

Carroll: Biden’s migrant crime wave heats up

It has been a bad week for Biden border crisis deniers. First, in Maryland, the Harford County Sheriff’s Office announced it had made an arrest in the killing of Rachel Morin, a mother of five. The suspect, Victor Martinez-Hernandez, crossed into the United States illegally in February 2023, and like millions of other migrants under President Joe Biden, he was never apprehended. Then in New York, a migrant from Ecuador […] Then, in Houston, two Venezuelan illegal immigrants […] Finally, in Iowa, another illegal immigrant, this time from Honduras […]

Harford County Sheriff Jeffrey Gahler summed up many residents’ frustration with Biden’s border crisis when he said after announcing Martinez-Hernandez’s arrest: “We are 1,800 miles away, here in Harford County, we are 1,800 miles away from the southern border. The American citizens are not safe because of failed immigration policies.”

Read more: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/3055241/biden-migrant-crime-wave-heats-up/

Blankley: More than 12 million illegal border crossers, including ‘gotaways,’ since fiscal 2021

ore than 12 million people have illegally crossed the border into the U.S. since 2021, data obtained and analyzed by The Center Square show. That includes the more than 241,000 apprehensions of illegal border crossers in May. The total number who’ve illegally entered the U.S. nationwide in fiscal 2024 through May is more than 2.2 million, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data. The majority of illegal border crossers are overwhelmingly single adults. In fiscal 2024 through May, they totaled over 1.35 million.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/nation/states/center-square/more-12-million-illegal-border-crossers-fiscal-2021

Tucker Carlson: Vince Everett Ellison Exposes the Lies Sold to Black America: MLK, Hip Hop Culture, & Democrats

Watch the three hour interview: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2024/06/no_author/vince-everett-ellison-exposes-the-lies-sold-to-black-america-mlk-hip-hop-culture-democrats/


Kevin Roberts the president of the Heritage Foundation  posted on X: Biden’s border catastrophe—the worst in our nation’s history—is fundamentally reordering America. It is unjust, illegal & evil that >10 million illegal aliens have entered our country. We need to close the border and implement the largest mass deportation system in US history.

Watch the 3:31 minute exchange with MSNBC hosts: https://x.com/KevinRobertsTX/status/1804507367431930211

Slater: ‘Cheap fakes’? Biden’s defenders are getting desperate

The liberal media are going out of their way to silence concerns about his health. Do you think Joe Biden might be a bit… doddery? Are you worried about the leader of the free world appearing to fade out during public events, mix up the names of politicians and accidentally say explosive things – only for them to be contradicted by his carers (sorry, staffers). Then I regret to inform you that you’ve been fooled – you poor, low-info soul – by right-wing ‘cheap fakes’.

Read more:  https://www.spiked-online.com/2024/06/21/cheap-fakes-bidens-defenders-are-getting-desperate/

Rampersad: WATCH: Joe Biden’s Senior Moment of the Week (Vol. 99)

WARNING: This compilation of ‘cheap fakes’ might brainwash you into thinking the president is old and unwell

Watch the 1:13 minute video: https://freebeacon.com/biden-administration/watch-joe-bidens-senior-moment-of-the-week-vol-99/


Bawer: The Real Gavin Newsom

Be afraid. Be very afraid. I’ve been appalled by Gavin Newsom for years, but to read Ellie Gardey Holmes’s powerful and unflinching new book Newsom Unleashed: The Progressive Lust for Unbridled Power is to find one’s contempt for this hideous creature skyrocketing. If he has any redeeming qualities, any special gifts, any attributes that might illuminate an admirable and recognizably human side, there’s no sign of them here. This is a man who, despite having no discernible talent for governance or anything else, was lucky enough to be born into one well-off family – his great-grandfather co-founded the Bank of Italy, which later became the Bank of America – and to be, from earliest childhood, a sort of honorary member of an even richer family, the Gettys, his father being best friends with oil magnate Gordon Getty, who was like a second father to young Gavin. Both men, his biological father and his second father, used their considerable influence from the beginning to help Gavin rise to power. Indeed, as surely as any Kennedy or Bush, Gavin Newsom was born into a political machine and bred to be a politician. After he and Getty played a big role in helping Willie Brown to get elected mayor of San Francisco, Brown named Newsom to the city’s Parking and Traffic Commission. Soon he was promoted to the Board of Supervisors, a post he held from 1997 to 2004. “Because of his lack of qualifications,” writes Gardey Holmes, “Newsom entered office entirely indebted to Willie Brown.” Observers referred to him, in fact, as “an appendage of Willie Brown.” Quick sidebar in the midst of this tale of political advancement: when his mother was dying, Gavin was pretty much AWOL, although he was present when she underwent assisted suicide – which, at the time, was illegal in California. Others had been prosecuted for their participation in such actions; Gavin was not, a foreshadowing of many other occasions on which he would be treated as exempt from the rules governing the behavior of ordinary mortals. […] Gavin Newsom makes even the unsavory likes of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama look like rank amateurs when it comes to sheer egotism, megalomania, and vaingloriousness. Every American who cares about the fate of his country should pray that this oily narcissist’s dreams of national power never come to fruition.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/the-real-gavin-newsom/


(It took seven years for the correction. Why?) Hagstrom: Left wing fact-checker admits Trump never called Charlottesville neo-Nazis ‘very fine people’ in blow to Biden

The left-leaning fact-checking website Snopes acknowledged Saturday that former President Trump never called neo-Nazis “very fine people” during his press conference following the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally in 2017. Critics of Trump have claimed for years that he equated neo-Nazis with counterprotesters following the event. President Biden was chief among those critics, citing the supposed incident as a main reason for launching his 2020 campaign.

Read more: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/left-wing-fact-checker-admits-trump-never-called-charlottesville-neo-nazis-very-fine-people-blow-biden

Revolver,news: Steve Bannon respectfully explains why Trump’s ‘diploma/green card’ idea is ‘America last’. . . 

We stand with President Trump, firmly believing he’s our nation’s last best hope. Yet, one of the great things about the MAGA movement is that it’s perfectly okay to disagree with him on certain issues. Trump is remarkably open to feedback from his base, recognizing that he might not always get everything right—after all, he’s human, and nobody’s perfect. This openness is what truly energizes and strengthens our movement. That’s why, when he recently spoke out in support of giving every foreign college graduate a “green card” with their diploma, most in the America First movement did a double take. President Trump was speaking with the All-In Podcast when he made the remarks. […] Steve points out very respectfully and thoughtfully why Trump’s idea won’t serve Americans well and proposes an alternative. Send these foreigners back, where they can help improve and make their own countries great again.

Read more: https://revolver.news/2024/06/steve-bannon-respectfully-explains-why-trump-diploma-green-card-idea-is-america-last/

Justice: Los Angeles Will Require Photo ID For Homeless Luxury Hotel Living But Not Voting

On Wednesday, city officials opened the brand new 19-story residential high-rise with 278 units that cost as much to build as a five-star resort. To lease an apartment in the downtown luxury tower, however, homeless residents must provide their “photo identification, and social security card.” Repeat Los Angeles voters, however, don’t need any photo ID to turn in their ballots.California is one of 12 states, plus the District of Columbia, with no voter ID law on the books. Residents must only present their identification for their first-time voting. […] “At $594,000 a unit, that works out be a bit over $1,000 per-square-foot to build,” the Globe reported.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2024/06/21/los-angeles-will-require-photo-id-for-homeless-luxury-hotel-living-but-not-voting/


Hulkower: Mob Lynches Tourist They Accused Of Blasphemy, Police Say: REPORT

A Pakistani mob dragged a tourist accused of blasphemy from a police station and lynched him, officials said, the BBC reported Friday. The tourist was accused of desecrating the Quran, the outlet reported.

Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2024/06/21/pakistan-mob-lynche-tourist-blasphemy/


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Harris/Obama/Biden leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.