Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 23 minutes


Roberts: Don’t Let the Left Ruin Juneteenth’s True Meaning

This Wednesday, America will celebrate Juneteenth as a federal holiday for the fourth time. Yet the holiday, born out of bipartisanship, is becoming more divisive each year. The Left has co-opted Juneteenth to push for radical racial policies such as reparations and exclude most Americans from its celebration. As a result, many conservatives now oppose the federal holiday. But in the eyes of this Texas historian, it’s a mistake to abandon a unifying national holiday to the manipulations of the Left. We should instead do what conservatives are best at: Get back to the roots. Until the past four years, Juneteenth was an uncontroversial celebration of American freedom and the end of slavery in Texas. The holiday commemorates the day Union Gen. Gordon Granger issued General Order No. 3 in Galveston, informing Texas of the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing the state’s slaves, and marking the end of slavery under the Confederacy. […] The holiday celebrates what President Abraham Lincoln called “a new birth of freedom” for America. It celebrates the completion of the work of July 4, 1776—the extension of liberty to all Americans. It also commemorates the untold numbers of young men who died in the war fighting for that freedom. If it’s good enough for Texas, why are some conservatives beginning to oppose the holiday? Unfortunately, the answer lies mostly on the left. The Left has worked hard to co-opt the holiday and use it as a tool to divide their countrymen and to replace the real Independence Day.

Read more: https://www.dailysignal.com/2024/06/18/dont-let-the-left-ruin-juneteenths-true-meaning/


Marcois: Republicans Should Embrace Juneteenth – It Is A Celebration of Our Achievements

Republicans should embrace and celebrate Juneteenth. It’s a holiday that celebrates the first great achievements of the Republican Party: preserving the Union and liberating the slaves. It is time to recognize the emancipation of former slaves as a day of universal rejoicing and soberness as we contemplate the terrible price our nation has paid for the original sin of slavery. Juneteenth, celebrated on the 19th of June, is a perfect opportunity for that recognition.

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2024/06/19/republicans-should-embrace-juneteenth-it-is-a-celebration-of-our-achievements/


Bruce Pardy contributor to Brownstone Institute: At state singularity, the state becomes society and society is a product of the state. Legal norms and expectations become irrelevant. The state’s mandate is to do as it judges best – since everything and everyone are expressions of its vision. Powers are not separated between the state’s branches – the legislature, the executive, the bureaucracy, and the courts. Instead, they all do whatever they deem necessary. The bureaucracy legislates. Courts develop policy. Legislatures conduct hearings and prosecute cases. Government agencies change policies at will. The rule of law may be acknowledged as important in principle while it is rejected in practice.

Editors of The Prickly Pear (pricklypear.news): We find it amazing that US policymakers and environmental zealots keep pushing Net Zero policies on America but seem to forget entirely what China and India are doing. The same goes for many coal-using European countries. If you buy into the theory of “global warming,” why are restrictive policies placed selectively and a blind eye turned to the rest of the world? Does global temperature care where the C02 comes from? Well, we don’t buy into the theory, but even if one does, the sacrifice the US is making means nothing if India and China continue using coal at record tonnage. Either environmental policy makers are glaringly ignorant or they are deliberately out to harm the industrial capacity of the US and the economic security of its people. Neither alternative is cause for comfort.  It is either willful ignorance or malicious intent.  Your pick.

Vice President Lyndon Johnson (D-TX) at Southwest Texas University in 1962 said: “He who controls the weather, will control the world”.


Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Minister of Defense: “Geoengineering is the most dangerous diabolical thing that has ever happened to us.”

Clive Hamilton, Australian economist-ethicist: “I’m queasy about some billionaire with a messiah complex having a major role in geo-engineering research.”

Dane Wigington executive producer for the ground breaking climate engineering documentary, “The Dimming”: “Weather was a weapon used over Vietnam,” says US Air Force Major General Richard H Roellig. “Would you expect that to be deleted from the availability? No! They continue to expand the scientific aspects of it, to have it available in your portfolio of weaponry would be a natural process. Should you expect it to be available on demand to have the ability to modify weather? Absolutely. Within this country. And others.” “Climate engineering is the crown jewel of the Military-Industrial Complex. It has been used to topple nations all over the globe, facilitating the takeover of hostile countries. We know some of these countries have had their precipitation cut off, like Iran, which stated so on the floor of the U.N.”

James Howard Kunstler contributor to LewRockwell.com: Barack Obama himself even came out of the woodwork to lead the cheerleading among the stars in LA. And when the time came, he took the dazed, vacantly grinning “President Joe Biden” gently by the elbow and assisted him in shuffling offstage, demonstrating to the whole world how things really work in the United States of America.


Revolver.news: Predictive programming: Shocking claim Deep State is plotting ‘false flag’ terrorist attacks just in time for the election. . .

Axios, yet another arm of the Biden regime’s media machine, has dropped an article that’s raising an eyebrow or two. Many are calling it a piece of “predictive programming”—a sneak peek into a potential deep-state false flag designed to disrupt the 2024 election. Honestly, you can’t blame people for being on edge. Our three-letter intel agencies have completely lost the trust of the American public by targeting, harassing, and imprisoning political dissidents who refuse to toe the progressive line. Plus, we’ve all seen the CIA and others orchestrate plenty of “false flags” in foreign countries to meddle with their elections. It makes sense that they’d employ those same seasoned tactics right here at home, doesn’t it? The Axios piece is titled, “U.S. faces “serious threat” of a terror attack, expert and former CIA chief warn.” Is this the same former CIA chief who wrote and signed the letter claiming Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation? Yeah, it’s the same guy. Mr. Morell is back at it—is he teeing up another election home run for the regime?

Read more: https://revolver.news/2024/06/predictive-programming-shocking-claim-deep-state-is-plotting-false-flag-terrorist-attacks-just-in-time-for-the-election/

Hoft: Ashli Babbitt Lawsuit Against Feds Moved from San Diego to Washington DC – Assigned to Far Left Anti-Trump Judge Appointed by Biden

Nearly three years after the protests on January 6, 2021, Judicial Watch filed a $30 million wrongful death suit against the federal government for the Capitol Police shooting of Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt. The Washington Examiner reported that the suit was filed on behalf of Babbitt’s estate and her husband, Aaron Babbitt, and claims the officer who shot Babbitt was “incompetent” and “dangerous” and should have recognized Babbitt posed no threat to Congress when she entered the House speaker’s lobby. Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton shared on X at the time, “We just filed an important lawsuit. A $30 million dollar wrongful death action against the United States government on behalf of Ashli Babbitt’s husband and her estate. Ashli Babbit was killed for no good reason that day. Shot and killed by Lt. Michael Byrd.”


Tapson: Our Intel Agencies Celebrate Pride by Prioritizing Nail Painting Over National Security

Under the Biden administration, America has taken many wrong turns, but what may prove to be one of the most consequential is quite simply the fact that we are becoming a fundamentally unserious nation, one that is throwing away its self-respect, its dignity, its gravitas, if you will, in the name of embracing the emasculating gender ideology that has become the tip of the spear of the cultural Marxist subversion of America. To demonstrate this tragic state of affairs, let me share with you something at the Daily Wire which caught my eye, an exclusive there regarding how President Biden’s intelligence community is celebrating the so-called “Pride Month” of June with, among other activities, free trans flag manicures for agents who would otherwise be occupied with our national security. […] The Daily Wire came into possession of a document which outlines nine different Pride Month activities which occurred on June 4th during work hours. So at a time when intel officers should have been focused on thwarting terror plots or investigating violent political movements like Antifa, they had the opportunity to have their nails painted with trans flags, or even to learn how to crochet their very own pride flags! The document reads. . . .

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/our-intel-agencies-celebrate-pride-by-prioritizing-nail-painting-over-national-security/


(2013) Edwards: The Fight to Control the Global Climate

“If we could experiment with the atmosphere and literally play God, it’s very tempting to a scientist.” There have been many permutations in the intellectual war to prove the effects (or not) of man-made climate change since Al Gore released his film An Inconvenient Truth. While the scientific sides continue to challenge one another — very often injecting inflammatory and emotional rhetoric that seems less than scientific — it is an undeniable fact that man-made solutions are the inevitable outcropping of this “problem.” Enter geoengineering, or its “conspiracy” offshoot, chemtrails – the “solution.” The idea that there are government programs to alter the climate is still roundly denied by certain circles, despite numerous White Papers from think tanks, official documents admitting to climate control plans, and many public admissions from scientists and politicians alike. However, geoengineering is officially entering the mainstream, but with the spin that was warned about by many in the alternative media and non-establishment scientists. A new report from The Verge — one of the top 1,000 most visited websites in the world — is worth examining for its open discussion of some of the geoengineering plans and their associated spins and pitfalls. Also posted below is my article from early 2011 that covers a question asked by the UK’s elite think-tank, The Royal Society, “Who decides?” As you’ll see, the question of who should be responsible for fixing our presumably broken climate is only intensifying. The good news for those who have long attempted to expose the existence of geoengineering is that we are finally over that hurdle of denial for anyone with open eyes and an open mind. […] Masters Of The World Meet To Play God With The Climate. . . [Note: Operation Popeye was a military cloud seeding operation in Vietnam. It was used to extend the rainy season thus disrupting North Vietnamese resupplying efforts.]

Vice President Johnson at Southwest Texas State University (1962) https://texasarchive.org/2010_00003

Read more: https://www.activistpost.com/2013/12/masters-of-world-meet-to-play-god-with.html


Theoretical and experimental attempts at geo-engineering in the marine environment currently include increasing the reflectivity of marine clouds or the ocean surface; marine carbon dioxide removal – dumping minerals or biomass in the ocean to increase carbon uptake, running electric currents through seawater, or pumping colder water from the deep ocean to the surface; and efforts to stop ice melt by spreading microbeads or pumping saltwater on its surface. None of these technologies does anything to tackle the root causes of climate change; rather reliance on speculative techno-fixes delays vital action to cut greenhouse gasses. None have been able to demonstrate they can effectively sequester carbon or store it with any permanence, while efforts to cool the climate by increasing reflectivity are inherently unpredictable and risk further destabilizing an already destabilized climate system. It is highly likely that marine geo-engineering would change the chemistry of oceans, cause changes in nutrient levels, and subsequent changes in abundance of species, thereby altering delicate equilibriums of  interactions  between species. […] We therefore call on governments to: . . . .

Read more: https://www.geoengineeringmonitor.org/2024/05/marine-geoegineering-statement/

Cho: Solar Geo-engineering To Cool the Planet: Is It Worth the Risks?

When I first wrote about geo-engineering in 2012, it was considered far-fetched at best, and crazy by most. But 12 years later, while there is still controversy and considerable resistance to deploying it, respectable scientists and institutions are pushing for more research into geo-engineering—the deliberate and large-scale intervention in our climate system to moderate global warming. Most of the current attention is focused on solar geo-engineering, a strategy that involves reflecting sunlight away from Earth to cool the Earth. How much do we know about it and its risks? And where should we take it from here? […] Geo-engineering research is also controversial because there were and still are many uncertainties about its potential effects on the climate system and ecosystems. Nevertheless, James Hansen, director of the Program on Climate Science, Awareness and Solutions at Columbia’s Climate School, who first warned Congress about climate change risks in 1988, and a group of over 60 scientists are calling for more research into solar geo-engineering. In addition, the US National Academy of Sciences, the Environmental Defense Fund, the Natural Resources Defense Council and the Union of Concerned Scientists all support solar geo-engineering research. A 2023 White House report also expressed strong support for the research. […] Most research into solar geo-engineering strategies is currently focused on stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI, also called solar radiation management or SRM) and marine cloud brightening; other strategies include cirrus cloud thinning and the use of mirrors or sunshades. Solar aerosol injection […] Because there is no international governance for solar geo-engineering, there is strong opposition to large-scale deployment of SAI. Almost all solar geo-engineering research has been done with computer modeling, so no one knows exactly what might happen if it were deployed on a planetary scale.

Read more: https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2024/04/24/solar-geoengineering-to-cool-the-planet-is-it-worth-the-risks/

LEE STROBEL: The Case for a Creator Full Documentary

[Note: Should God’s work be altered? And the unintended consequences if man plays God?]

Watch the 59:47 minute documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajqH4y8G0MI


Anderson: Is Congress Ready To Reassert Its Powers Post-Chevron?

When they are sworn in on Jan. 3, 2025, the 119th Congress will likely be the most powerful in four decades. That is because the Supreme Court is expected to issue an opinion this month that rebalances the separation of powers, reining in regulatory overreach of government agencies and returning that power to the legislative branch. Is Congress ready for this? At issue is a 40-year-old legal doctrine called Chevron deference, which essentially requires judges to put a thumb on the scales of justice in favor of government agencies’ interpretations of rules and regulations. This has created an unconstitutional power imbalance that has taken away the responsibility of lawmaking from elected members of Congress and given it to unelected – and often partisan – federal bureaucrats. […] If and when Chevron is overturned, Congress will be forced to take a more active role in the lawmaking process. This means that the next Congress will have the ability to give voice to Americans with administrative agencies, use the committee process to defend our rights during rulemaking, and strengthen legislation to ensure laws are not overly vague or broad. Most importantly, this also means that we will need the right elected officials in office to make these important decisions and policies.

Read more at RealClearPolitics.


Toplansky: No Different than the Democrats: A Review of The Empire of Eunuchs

Calling the daily assault on our country “a destructive jihad against the [American] economy,” Moss clearly elucidates how both parties have threatened the republic and its founding principles as they attack the federal and constitutional systems. Coupled with the failure of both parties to protect American interests, are the globalists, which if they get their way will usher in a world where “we cease to be human.” Moss highlights the Republican Party “never truly addressing the annual deficits, mounting debt, increasing dependency, and expanding unfunded liabilities.”

As far as Moss is concerned, the Republican Party is “a weak, limp, rudderless organization that has achieved little or none of its stated goals and purposes.” He asserts that it is only by a “rebranded, committed, conservative, economic, Christian nationalist party (which as a Jew, [he] fully embraces) supportive and dedicated to American sovereignty, can the great American experiment survive.”  […] But in 2010 as a friend who challenged him asked “for once in your endless rants, tell what you would do specifically, not what should not be done.” Moss’ response: […]

Moss calls out the constant Republican urge of “reaching across the aisle” which only results in yet another furthering of the leftist cause. Moss is not afraid to voice his thoughts and ideas. In a recent piece, he proposes what solidly red states can do to defend the rule of law and our G-d given, inalienable rights. Is Richard Moss a maverick who will help usher in a renewal of America? Time will tell. Other Americans can read his impassioned book and spread his message.

Read more at American Thinker.


Simendinger & Karisch: Morning Report — A nail-biting night for Good

Read more: https://thehill.com/newsletters/morning-report/4729267-nail-biting-night-for-bob-good-virginia/


O’Brien: The Return of Peace Through Strength

Making the Case for Trump’s Foreign Policy. In vis pacem, para bellum is a Latin phrase that emerged in the fourth century that means “If you want peace, prepare for war.” The concept’s origin dates back even further, to the second-century Roman emperor Hadrian, to whom is attributed the axiom, “Peace through strength—or, failing that, peace through threat.” U.S. President George Washington understood this well. “If we desire to secure peace, one of the most powerful instruments of our rising prosperity, it must be known, that we are at all times ready for war,” he told Congress in 1793. The idea was echoed in President Theodore Roosevelt’s famous dictum: “Speak softly, and carry a big stick.” And as a candidate for president, Ronald Reagan borrowed directly from Hadrian when he promised to achieve “peace through strength”—and later delivered on that promise. In 2017, President Donald Trump brought this ethos back to the White House after the Obama era, during which the United States had a president who felt it necessary to apologize for the alleged sins of American foreign policy and sapped the strength of the U.S. military. That ended when Trump took office. As he proclaimed to the UN General Assembly in September 2020, the United States was “fulfilling its destiny as peacemaker, but it is peace through strength.” And Trump was a peacemaker. . . .

Read more: https://www.foreignaffairs.com/united-states/return-peace-strength-trump-obrien

Thompson: “In Mike I trust”: Biden’s faith-based campaign

Senior Democrats, including some of President Biden‘s aides, are increasingly dubious about his theory for victory in November, which relies on voter concerns about Jan. 6, political violence, democracy and Donald Trump’s character. Why it matters: Biden’s core inner circle hasn’t lost faith in that approach, the product of Biden and his longtime aide, Mike Donilon. But that puts them on an island within much of the party about what will decide the election, as polls consistently have shown Biden tied or behind even after a slight bump following Trump’s criminal conviction. […] What they’re saying: A Democratic strategist in touch with the campaign told Axios: “It is unclear to many of us watching from the outside whether the president and his core team realize how dire the situation is right now, and whether they even have a plan to fix it. That is scary.”

Read more: https://www.axios.com/2024/06/19/biden-faith-campaign-mike-donilon-2024-election


In light of Joe Biden’s inexplicably stupid decision today to extend amnesty to a million illegal immigrants who had the wit to drive through the Elvis wedding chapel in Vegas, the question arises: Is he trying to destroy his re-election and the Democratic Party with it? Obama was a pretty good wrecking ball, with Democrats losing the House, Senate, several governorships, and 1,000 state legislative seats while he was in office, but Biden seems to want to outdo him. Is he in fact Karl Rove’s deep plant double-agent? I can guarantee that if Trump beats Biden in November (as I expect he will), the recriminations inside the Democratic Party afterward will be ferocious. Buy popcorn futures now. There are several explanations in play here. The first and most obvious is that Biden is a senile dolt, led around by his uber-progressive staff. The visual evidence of this has accelerated in the last two weeks. But what if this is a rope-a-dope move on Biden’s part?

Read more: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/06/joe-biden-options-senile-dolt-evil-genius-or-double-agent.php

Showalter: While Biden courts the rich, white Hollywood elites, Trump campaigns hard for Detroit’s black voters

A string of headlines on RealClearPolitics, at the left sidebar, as a snapshot in time, drove the election picture home for me: […] What a picture that paints for us. While Trump is out there fighting and campaigning for the working people, the forgotten, the minorities, the constituencies taken for granted by Democrats as the entitlement class, Biden is out courting the rich Hollywood elite — white, out of touch, and all about hiding behind their money, like Tom and Daisy Buchanan.

Read more at American Thinker.

Hubbard: Detroit pastor thanks Trump for visiting the ‘hood,’ says Biden, Obama ‘never came’

“President Obama never came to the ‘hood, so-to-speak, right? President Joe Biden, he went to the big NAACP dinner, but he never came to the ‘hood. So thank you,” Sewell said Saturday during a roundtable discussion that Trump had with black leaders in Detroit.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/all-things-trump/detroit-pastor-thanks-trump-visiting-hood-says-biden-obama-never

Off the Press: MINDS MADE UP

New Poll Shows Biden, Trump Tied At 49% A Piece — Just 2% Undecided President Joe Biden and his rival Donald Trump are approaching the first presidential debate in Atlanta on even footing, with the pair tied in a new national poll just days before the encounter. After months of sagging support, Biden and the former president are tied at 49 percent in a new NPR/PBS News/Marist in advance of the debate, to be carried on CNN in prime time next week.

Read more: https://www.offthepress.com/minds-made-up/


Hutzler: 1st Biden-Trump debate will include microphone muting, coin flip and more

Read more: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/1st-biden-trump-debate-include-microphone-muting-coin/story?id=111187321

Scarry: Here’s How The Media Are Lying Right Now: CNN’s ‘Tools’ For A ‘Civilized’ Debate

CNN says it has “tools” to enforce a “civilized” debate between Trump and Biden. What they mean is there’s a plan to interfere. […] CNN, the debate’s host network, said Saturday that both President Biden and former President Trump had agreed to the terms for participating, but the announcement included this alarming detail: “[A]s in the past, the moderators ‘will use all tools at their disposal to enforce timing and ensure a civilized discussion. . .’” It was already the case that the candidates will have their mics muted during the opposing candidate’s time, eliminating interruptions of one another. So, what other “tools” will remain at the disposal of CNN’s miserable choice for moderators, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, so that they might “enforce timing” and, more insidiously, “ensure a civilized discussion?” […] As ever on the media’s turf, the deck is stacked against Trump. A live audience, invariably a Trump asset, won’t be present. […] Tapper and CNN will do everything they can to shield Biden and kneecap Trump, excusing the blatant election interference as simply an honest attempt to “enforce timing and ensure a civilized discussion.”

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2024/06/18/heres-how-the-media-are-lying-right-now-cnns-tools-for-a-civilized-debate/

Fain: What to Expect in the First Presidential Debate

Easy questions for one candidate. Tough questions for the other. […] But I must say, having been a long-time student of political history, watching countless debates, knowing how the media operates, and seeing things clearly for what they are, I have concerns about the fairness of this first televised showdown between former President Trump and President Biden – scheduled for the 27th of June on CNN. I certainly can’t speak for everyone else – but if you are a Trump supporter like me, you’re already probably starting to sense how this thing could play out. As a trained lawyer, I’m used to researching precedent, and the precedent here is that we shouldn’t be too surprised if Biden is given a free pass and a lot of help.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/what-to-expect-in-the-first-presidential-debate/


Shea: Turn the Spotlight on China’s Season of Dark Memories

Summer in China evokes dark memories of past Chinese Communist Party crackdowns. This June and July, millions of Chinese who lived through these traumatic events can only commemorate them in secrecy. China’s government crushes any public observances that challenge official narratives of the party’s rule. The United States should not let China’s communist leadership get away with its coverup. The season began on June 4 with the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square protest, widely known by the iconic photo of a young man standing his ground before a military tank. The People’s Liberation Army killed at least 10,000 pro-democracy demonstrators then, according to declassified British documents. Thousands more were imprisoned. The Western NGO, Chinese Human Rights Defenders, documents 27 democracy advocates currently jailed over Tiananmen, many for simply “sustaining its memory.” Hong Kong’s Cardinal Stephen Chow, a successor of the famously outspoken Cardinal Zen, recently wrote his reflections on the massacre that were equally a testament to Beijing’s current repression of Hong Kong. He didn’t dare utter the words “Tiananmen” or “massacre,” but, in a contortion of self-censorship, spoke instead of the “life-sapping event that took place 35 years ago in the capital city.” The cardinal counseled those stuck “in a dark space” to “proactively forgive” “whomever and whatever” and “move on” for a “brighter future for all.” Since 2022, Hong Kong’s annual prayer vigils commemorating Tiananmen have stopped under pressure.

Read more at RealClearPolitics.

Zero Hedge: Exclusive: China Dominates The Solar Silver Supply-Chain

They are not messing around Given Janet Yellen’s China  trip and concerns about Their Solar industry dominance and a recent report by BOA describing said dominance. We thought it appropriate to breakdown Silver’s Supply Chain contribution to the Solar Value chain , as possibly the single most important component in Solar. Enjoy!

Report Sections: […] 1. Purpose Having gotten somewhat of a handle on Silver supply, the purpose of this piece is to break down China’s Solar Supply-Chain to better understand where demand trends. In doing so we will also answer a question surrounding trends in China’s import/export matrix. Part 1 was entitled Not All Silver is the Same. 2. China’s Solar Silver Supply Chain Silver is pulled out of the ground. It gets refined. It gets put into solar panels. The panels get installed. This is the supply chain. Greatly Simplified, this is China’s Photovoltaic Silver Supply-Chain: . . . .

Read more: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2024-06-17/report-china-controls-80-solar-silver-supply-chain


Saavedra: Netanyahu Blasts Biden Admin For Delaying Weapons Shipments To Israel; Admin Hits Back

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu slammed President Joe Biden’s administration on Tuesday for holding up weapons shipments to Israel that it has long promised to deliver. While the administration has provided some support to Israel, it has caved to the far-left-wing of the Democrat Party after facing intense pressure to stop supplying Israel with the weapons that it needs to win its war against Hamas following the October 7 massacre. The administration has withheld everything from rifles meant to arm local Israeli communities who are at risk of being overrun by Islamic terrorists to precision bombs that could reduce collateral damage in the war. […] The White House lashed out at Netanyahu over his message criticizing the administration by canceling a high-level meeting between U.S. and Israeli officials over Iran.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/netanyahu-blasts-biden-admin-for-delaying-weapons-shipments-to-israel-admin-hits-back

Kunstler: The United States of Go Figure

“Forced obedience to obvious lies is the essence of totalitarianism. It’s the ultimate flex for psychopaths.” — Dr. Toby Rogers. You realize, don’t you, that everything going on around the Ukraine fiasco on the NATO side is completely insane? The folks running the US government — Barack Obama and his witches’ coven — started the whole thing over there in concert with a gang of corporate players (BlackRock, sundry oil-and-gas companies, Haliburton types, arms-makers, bunch of big banks), plus the dastardly WEF for “guidance” (ha!), looking to grab the mineral wealth of Ukraine and, ultimately, of Russia itself. Nice try. Didn’t work out. Tons of money pounded down a rat hole. Now, the chatter is that we (NATO) “can’t afford to lose.” Yeah? But we’re losing. Russia will hold the eastern Ukraine provinces and what’s left in the rest of Ukraine will be a failed state drained of men under sixty able to work at anything, bankrupt, broken. It will take a century, if ever, for Ukraine to recover from all that and the West will have gained nothing. Anyway, that’s the true prospect. And so, the West’s “solution” to that humiliating quandary appears to be: start a bigger war, right up to and including nukes. That’s good thinking there, Butch, said Sundance.

Read more: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2024/06/james-howard-kunstler/the-united-states-of-go-figure/

Saavedra: Houthi Terrorists Sink Another Major Commercial Shipping Vessel As Biden Fails To Establish Deterrence

Iranian-backed Houthi terrorists have sunk another major commercial shipping vessel near the Arabian Peninsula as President Joe Biden has failed to deter Houthi attacks on international shipping lanes leading to the Suez Canal. U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) said in a statement that the Houthis carried out the attack last week on the M/V Tutor — a Liberian flagged, Greek-owned and operated bulk cargo carrier — using an uncrewed surface vessel (USV) resulting in severe flooding and damage to the engine room.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/houthi-terrorists-sink-another-major-commercial-shipping-vessel-as-biden-fails-to-establish-deterrence

Butler: Africa as Potential Enemies of America and NATO?

How is it so many never realize what NATO is all about? How difficult is it to understand that such blocs and alliances constitute a “Reich” or a realm by definition? Looking at the language and actions of NATO nations in the past decades, how can anyone wonder why the Russians saw fit to protect their “western flank,” with a disarmament and denazification campaign? Recent comments from American General Michael Langley, Commander of US Africa Command, help us understand the NATO bloc’s mission better. The world, you see, is still a strategic war game being played out traditionally. Look at Africa as Four-Star General Langley does, as the Pentagon and Washington do. Then, everything becomes clear. Our foreign policy wreaks of old-world imperialism. Anyone, or any nation outside the borders of NATO, is the enemy. To wit, the head of US Africa Command warned Congress recently that Russia is aggressively working to expand its footing among African countries, leaving several “at the tipping point” of falling under its influence. To quote the commander of all U.S. forces in Africa directly: . . . .

Read more: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2024-06-17/africa-potential-enemies-america-and-nato


Pardy: We Approach State Singularity

Many citizens of the West believe that they live in free societies, or something close. But as time goes on, public authorities increasingly insist on having a say in everything. People cannot build things on their own land without permits. They cannot run businesses without approvals and inspections. They cannot give advice without professional designations. They cannot educate their children outside of state-mandated curricula. They cannot hire employees without triggering a myriad of workplace and tax requirements. They cannot produce and sell milk, cheese, or eggs without a license. They cannot earn money, spend money, or hold property without being taxed, and then taxed again. Jeffrey Tucker recently described three layers of omnipotent managerial technocracy. The deep state, he suggested, consists of powerful and secretive central government agencies in the security, intelligence, law enforcement, and financial sectors. The middle state is […] The shallow state is a plethora of […]State singularity develops gradually and insidiously. Whereas fascist, communist, and other centralized power regimes often result from deliberate political revolution, in the West omnipotent managerial technocracy has grown, spread, and infiltrated the nooks and crannies of social life without sudden political upheaval. Like a form of institutional Darwinism, public agencies, no matter their formal purpose, seek to persist, expand, and reproduce. 

Read more: https://brownstone.org/articles/we-approach-state-singularity/

Sundance: ICE Non-Detained Docket on Pace to Hit 8 million Active Cases This Year

This is a remarkable statistic on illegal immigration that Bill Melugin is drawing attention to. “NEW: Per multiple federal sources, ICE’s non-detained docket has exploded to 7.4 million cases, more than doubling the Trump years, and it’s on pace to hit 8 million by end of year. Each ICE officer now has to manage an average of 7,000 cases each, an impossible task given the agency’s current staffing levels. ICE currently only has roughly 6,000 deportation officers nationwide, and not all of them work on the non-detained docket.” […] President Trump has said the solution within the deportation program is to utilize local and state law enforcement to locate the illegal aliens, allowing ICE and DHS officials to focus on the deportation process.  This approach seems to be the optimal solution given the scale of the problem that Biden has created. That said, any deportation effort will run into extreme Lawfare tactics deployed by the radical leftists

Read more: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2024/06/18/ice-non-detained-docket-on-pace-to-hit-8-million-active-cases-this-year/

Saavedra: Biden Admin Failed To Deport Illegal Alien Accused Of Violent Child Rape After Judge Ordered It 2 Years Ago

An illegal alien accused of violently raping a young girl in New York City last week was ordered to be deported from the U.S. two years ago, but the Biden administration failed to remove him. New York City police arrested 25-year-old illegal immigrant Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi, from Ecuador, after residents beat him up and held him down until law enforcement arrived.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/biden-admin-failed-to-deport-illegal-alien-accused-of-violent-child-rape-after-judge-ordered-it-2-years-ago

Lendrum: Whistleblowers: John Kerry Used Government Email Alias During Secretary of State Tenure

A new whistleblower report claims that former Secretary of State John Kerry used a false government email address during his tenure. As reported by Fox News, the claims were expanded upon in a letter by Senators Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) to incumbent Secretary of State Antony Blinken. The senators demanded answers from Blinken regarding whether or not Kerry was in compliance with federal records laws while in office. […] The revelations seem to suggest a pattern with recent high-ranking Democratic officials failing to comply with federal records laws by using private email addresses rather than their designated government addresses.

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2024/06/18/whistleblowers-john-kerry-used-government-email-alias-during-secretary-of-state-tenure/


Spitz: The Rape of the Innocents

Evil is like a shadow. It has no real substance of its own, it is simply a lack of light. You cannot cause a shadow to disappear by trying to fight it, stamp on it, by railing against it, or any other form of emotional or physical resistance. In order to cause a shadow to disappear, you must shine light on it. — Shakti Gawain  We were physically and emotionally exhausted getting off the bus at our hotel in Jerusalem. We arrived that morning on an overnight flight and hit the ground running. The intrepid members of our Philadelphia synagogue’s solidarity mission had a packed first day.

The second day started the night before, as days do in Israel. About 20 of us sat in a circle of chairs in a hotel meeting room to listen to a young man named David describe his ordeal and ultimate escape from the Hamas terrorist brigade that opened fire on hundreds of innocent, young revelers and rained rockets down onto the Nova music festival on Oct. 7.

Read more at RealClearPolitics.

War Room: Avivi: IDF Dealing With Last Stronghold Of Hamas In Rafah

Watch the 9:56 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v52ce9t-avivi-idf-dealing-with-last-stronghold-of-hamas-in-rafah.html

War Room: Wolicki: This War Is Israel’s Moment Of Decision

Watch the 8:50 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v52cm7d-wolicki-this-war-is-israels-moment-of-decision.html


Strom: Turning the Gaslighting Up to 11

One of the most common memes on Twitter these days is Orwell being shocked that 2024 makes 1984 seem tame. As with most memes, the strategic use of hyperbole helps drive home a legitimate point: the mainstream media and our political class are doing their best to edit how we perceive the world to make it appear radically different from reality. Well, the meme is not hyperbole. If anything, it understates the amount of gaslighting going on these days.

Read more/Watch the short videos: https://hotair.com/david-strom/2024/06/18/turning-the-gaslighting-up-to-11-n3790497

Strom: WaPo Makes Up Story About Trump Wanting a Draft

The Washington Post published a story implying that Donald Trump is considering imposing a military draft to deal with the shortfall in recruiting. It is a dumb idea, first of all. The US military is not designed to fight using [im]mature soldiers as cannon fodder. A military made up of troops who were drafted would be a waste of time, and money, and undermine all the strategies and tactics developed since the Vietnam war. It’s also not an idea that Trump has endorsed or even contemplated.

Read more: https://hotair.com/david-strom/2024/06/18/wapo-makes-up-story-about-trump-wanting-a-draft-n3790459

Simonson: Washington Post Foreign Desk, Accused of Pro-Hamas Bias, Teems with Al Jazeera Veterans

Six members of the Washington Post’s foreign desk previously wrote for Al Jazeera. The Washington Post is in turmoil—old editor out, new editor in, and a new publisher under siege from a hostile and beleaguered staff. One of the criticisms the paper has weathered as it has bled money and subscribers is that, since Hamas’s Oct. 7 terrorist attack on Israel, its coverage of the war in the Middle East has been shoddy, inaccurate, and implacably hostile to Israel.

Read more: https://freebeacon.com/media/washington-post-foreign-desk-accused-of-pro-hamas-bias-teems-with-al-jazeera-veterans/

Goodman: CNN, NBC Journos To Bestow Award on Hamas Supporter Who Posted Anti-Semitic Cartoons

A group of women journalists led by the former partner of White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is bestowing a “Courage in Journalism” award on a Hamas supporter who posted anti-Semitic cartoons on social media. The International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF), whose board is stacked with prominent CNN, NBC, and ABC News reporters, said this week that it will honor Maha Hussaini, a freelance writer living in Gaza. Hussaini, who writes opinion columns about the Middle East for a group called the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor, has approvingly posted anti-Semitic cartoons that were drawn by the first- and second-place winners of Iran’s 2006 International Holocaust Cartoon Contest.

Read more: https://freebeacon.com/media/cnn-nbc-journos-to-bestow-award-on-hamas-supporter-who-posted-anti-semitic-cartoons/


Francis, M.D.: Pro-Life Physicians Prepare to Counter Misleading Medicalization of Induced Abortions

After seven statewide wins in the past two years and not a single loss, pro-abortion activists are advancing constitutional amendments in another 13 states this year to block elected representatives from regulating abortion in any way. The pro-abortion activists are deploying the same winning strategy as last cycle: highlighting medical professionals who cast abortion as essential health care. But for thousands of doctors like me, the facts say something different. As a board-certified OB/GYN, I am guided by evidence-based medicine and a commitment never to use death as a therapy for my patients. Given the overwhelming scientific consensus that life begins at fertilization, I am tasked with the care of not one but two patients when I see a pregnant woman at the hospital. Intentionally ending the life of my fetal patient would violate my ethical responsibility, not just to the child but to my maternal patient by subjecting her to an elective procedure with potentially grave health risks.

Read more: https://www.dailysignal.com/2024/06/18/challenging-cherished-narratives-restrictions-on-abortions-correlate-with-fewer-deaths-for-mothers/ 

Satamian: New Boeing Whistleblower Makes Damning Claims About the Company

As if the aerospace company’s situation wasn’t bad enough, another Boeing whistleblower and current employee, Sam Mohawk, will testify in front of the U.S. Senate on Tuesday, the first time since the 737 Max 9 door flew off during the Alaska Airlines flight in January. This is clearly not a good sign for Boeing’s future, as more whistleblowers are coming forward against the aerospace company. […] The subcommittee added that Mohawk told lawmakers in May that he personally saw them disregarding accountability for “nonconforming parts at Boeing Renton facility where the 737 MAX is manufactured.”

Read more: https://redstate.com/levon/2024/06/18/new-boeing-whistleblower-makes-damning-claims-about-the-company-n2175631


Tompa: Six distinct types of depression identified in Stanford Medicine-led study

Brain imaging, known as functional MRI, combined with machine learning can predict a treatment response based on one’s depression “biotype.”  In the not-too-distant future, a screening assessment for depression could include a quick brain scan to identify the best treatment.

Brain imaging combined with machine learning can reveal subtypes of depression and anxiety, according to a new study led by researchers at Stanford Medicine. The study, published June 17 in the journal Nature Medicine, sorts depression into six biological subtypes, or “biotypes,” and identifies treatments that are more likely or less likely to work for three of these subtypes. Better methods for matching patients with treatments are desperately needed, said the study’s senior author, Leanne Williams, PhD, the Vincent V.C. Woo Professor, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, and the director of Stanford Medicine’s Center for Precision Mental Health and Wellness. Williams, who lost her partner to depression in 2015, has focused her work on pioneering the field of precision psychiatry.

Read more: https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2024/06/depression-biotypes.html


Merrick Garland

* Became President Biden’s Attorney General in 2021
* Claims that “domestic terrorism” by “white supremacists” is among America’s leading problems

Read more: https://www.discoverthenetworks.org/individuals/merrick-garland/

Xavier Becerra

* Was a member of the Chicano organization MEChA at Stanford Law School
* Member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus
* Was elected to the House of Representatives in 1992
* Co-sponsor of the America Votes Act of 2012
* Became California Attorney General in 2017
* Supporter of illegal aliens
* Was nominated as Secretary of Health and Human Services in 2021

Read more: https://www.discoverthenetworks.org/individuals/xavier-becerra/


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Harris/Obama/Biden leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.