Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 11 minutes


Tucker Carlson expresses deep concern for the large number of people falling away from religion: And so, actually, people aren’t liberated by fleeing from meaning, from God, from religion. They’re enslaved. Look at the country!

Jeff Crouere contributor to American Thinker: Vaccine passports are the definition of medical tyranny. The entire idea is Orwellian and dangerous. It is what would be expected in a country ruled by a tyrannical government, not in a constitutional republic.

Paul Gottfired contributor to American Greatness: In The Origins of Totalitarianism, a massive work first published in 1951, Hannah Arendt, a refugee from Nazism, noted striking similarities between Hitler’s and Stalin’s regimes. In both of those state-of-the-art tyrannies, the governing classes forged a mutually profitable alliance with society’s criminal elements. These totalitarian governments, which were concerned with ferreting out and removing opposition, took full advantage of their unsavory connections. They enlisted inveterate criminals to spread terror, . .


Victor Davis Hanson contributor to American Greatness: The truth was that Trump’s policies at home and abroad were neither neoconservative and interventionist nation-building nor RINO Republican country-club economics, but instead realist abroad and populist at home. More importantly, Trump’s record was not so much ideological as practical, and led not to chaos but to achievement. Biden is daily discarding that gift and blaming Trump for his own growing self-created miseries.

Wayne Allen Root: contributor to Frontpage Magazine: . . . someone needs to ask puppet President Joe Biden and every Democratic politician in Washington, D.C., a simple question: Do American lives matter? Because, from their actions, it’s pretty darn clear that they don’t. It seems like they’re purposely trying to destroy the lives of American citizens.

Pedro Gonzales contributor to American Greatness: The fate of H.R. 1 is unclear. What is certain, however, is that no party can dig its own grave like the GOP does, while wondering aloud who is tossing in the dirt.

Monica Showalter contributor to American Thinker: Once upon a time, the far-left used to decry “giant corporations.” Today, the giant corporations are all woke, and therefore, according to Axios, our rulers. Never mind elections. Apparently, we can’t even boycott them, presumably because they are too big and ominiscent. One thing is for sure right now, yes, they now seem to have power. And it’s quite possibly becoming the state.

Monica Showalter contributor to American Thinker points out the hypocrisy of Major League Baseball pulling its All-Star game out of Atlanta, Georgia because of Georgia’s new elections law: Can they explain for us why they recently held a ball game in brutal totalitarian military dictatorship of Cuba? A place Cuban ball players flee from to freedom, which in come cases includes MLB salaries made possible only by living in a free, democratic society that exists already? They aren’t fleeing to a hellhole, which is what MLB is now claiming about Georgia. Can they explain to us why they hold a training camp in China, home of the Uighur slave-labor laogai and the broken-treaty de-democratization of Hong Kong?

Roger Kimball contributor to American Greatness weighing in on corporations boycotting Georgia fairer election laws: I see that Delta Airlines has also joined the woke brigade by taking a public stand against the Georgia legislation. How will the airline respond if you refuse to show a valid identification before boarding?


President Trump slammed MLB for caving to Democrat bullying and intimidation by pulling All Star game out of Georgia: It is finally time for Republicans and Conservatives to fight back—we have more people than they do—by far! Boycott Major League Baseball, Coca-Cola, Delta Airlines, JPMorgan Chase, Viacom, CBS, Citigroup, Cisco, UPS, and Merck. Don’t go back to their products until they relent. We can play the game better than them.

Former President Obama: Congratulations to @MLB for taking a stand on behalf of voting rights for all citizens. There’s no better way for America’s pastime to honor the great Hank Aaron, who always led by example.

Gov. Brian Kemp (R-GA) on corporations boycotting his state: I can tell you, we are not backing down.


Solomon: Trump calls for sweeping boycotts: ‘Don’t go back to their products until they relent’
Former President Donald Trump called Saturday night for sweeping boycotts of iconic brands and services as long as their parent companies object to Georgia’s election reform law. […] “Now they are going big time with WOKE CANCEL CULTURE and our sacred elections.”
Read more Just The News.


Kerr: US Grant To Wuhan Lab To Enhance Bat-Based Coronaviruses Was Never Scrutinized By HHS Review Board, NIH Says
The National Institutes of Health has “systematically thwarted” government oversight of dangerous pathogen research, Rutgers University professor of chemical biology Richard H. Ebright told the Daily Caller News Foundation. The P3CO Review Framework was created in 2017 after a three-year pause on government funding of research that intentionally makes pathogens more deadly or transmissible. An NIH grant that involved the modification of bat-based coronaviruses and the transfer of $600,000 to the Wuhan Institute of Virology prior to the pandemic bypassed P3CO review because the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, led by Anthony Fauci, didn’t flag the project for review.
Read more at Daily Caller.


Allen: Pence Doesn’t Have What It Takes
Reports are that former Vice President Mike Pence is “laying the groundwork for [a] 2024 Presidential Run.” But the only groundwork Pence should be laying is for his retirement. His surrender to the Democratic Party in the final days of the Trump presidency disqualifies him. Pence may very well be a “good man,” but he’s also a weak man and America’s future depends on men who are both principled and strong. The contested election of 2020 was not unprecedented. In fact, it bears a striking similarity to the contested election of 1876. The Democratic Party in 1876 was comprised of ex-confederates, who had lost the Civil War, but had not lost their pro-slavery opinions. A Democratic victory foreshadowed a regressive future that Southern blacks feared would return them to slavery and Republicans feared would guarantee a proliferation of white supremacy. The fate of the nation hung in the balance. The fate of our nation hung in the balance in a similar way in 2020. […] Republicans in 1876 were as concerned about rampant Democratic Party election fraud as we were in 2020. […] . . . unlike the congressional Republicans in 1876, who refused to concede and fought tooth and nail to prevent the Democrats from installing their illegitimate presidential candidate Samuel Tilden in the Oval Office, the Congressional Republicans in 2020 folded like cheap lawn chairs. […] Pence didn’t support and defend the Constitution. He revealed that he wasn’t willing to fight for the Constitution. […] Like a great film, it’s the third and final act that matters. Pence . . . .
Read more at American Greatness.

Gonzales: Republicans Are Digging Their Own Graves on Election Reform
R. 1, dubbed the “For the People Act,” is a nearly 800-page poison pill. […] . . . one aspect of H.R. 1 that has received less attention has some Republican interest groups scared straight. H.R. 1 contains elements of campaign finance reform, the letter of the law rendering it ripe for weaponization, but the spirit of which understandably resonates with many of the GOP’s constituents. “Specifically, support for the bill’s measures forcing more disclosures of secret donors was so broad that a senior operative from the Koch network advised just killing it in Congress rather than trying to turn the tide of public opinion,” Kate Riga reported in Talking Points Memo.
Read more at American Greatness.

Newburger: Republican Sen. Roy Blunt calls on Biden to slash massive infrastructure plan to $615 billion
“I think there’s an easy win here for the White House if they would take that win, which is make this an infrastructure package, which is about 30% — even if you stretch the definition of infrastructure some — it’s about 30% of the $2.25 trillion we are talking about spending,” Blunt said. “If we’d go back and look at roads and bridges and ports and airports, and maybe even underground water systems and broadband, you’d still be talking about less than 30% of this entire package,” he added.
Read more at CNBC.

Pearce: ‘#GowokeGobroke’: Cruz, Lee Call To End MLB Antitrust Protections After League Boycotts Georgia
Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Mike Lee (R-UT) on Friday echoed a call by Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) to strip Major League Baseball of antitrust exemptions that grants it immunity from federal anti-monopoly laws. The Republican lawmakers are pushing to strip the MLB of its special legal protections in light of the league’s announcement it was moving its July all-star game and draft out of Atlanta in protest of Georgia’s new election reforms signed into law in March. […] Lee soon followed, saying that no corporation should possess the legal immunities that the MLB has. Other sports leagues such as the National Football League and National Basketball Association do not enjoy the same antitrust immunity as the MLB, which gained its special protections from a 1922 Supreme Court decision.
Read more at Daily Wire.

Fred T.: Iowa Governor Reynolds strikes blow for FREEDOM, signs CONSTITUTIONAL CARRY into law.
The first step in protecting all civil liberties is protecting and enabling the most important, inherent natural right of mankind: to arm yourself. To protect yourself and what’s yours from those who would do harm. And that’s exactly what Gov. Kim Reynolds has done by signing into Iowa law HF756. It allows the purchase and carry of handguns without an extra permit. That doesn’t mean no background checks, or kids buying handguns right from the ice cream truck or any of the other DOOM saying by the left.
Read more The Right Scoop.


Laila: ‘Devout Catholic’ Joe Biden Does Not Mention Jesus Christ at All in His ‘Easter’ Message – But Mentions Coronavirus 7 Times (VIDEO)
Biden also pushed the Covid vaccine in his ‘Easter’ message. The resurrection of Christ is the chief tenant of the Christian faith, fulfilled prophecy and established He was the Son of God – but Joe Biden would rather make his Easter message about Covid.
Read more/Watch the 1:39 minute video at The Gateway Pundit.

Audette: Video Emerges of Biden Telling His Future DHS Chief He Wants to Make “Caucasians Like Me” The Minority with an “Unrelenting Stream Of Immigration…Non-Stop, Non-Stop” [Video]
In February of 2015, Joe Biden opened his mouth and spilled the beans, telling exactly what the Democrats had planned for Americans. Sitting right next to him is his future DHS Chief, who is now doing everything he can to facilitate Biden’s plan. […] This plan puts Americans last and the third worlders they’ve been importing first. It’s a plan to redistribute wealth by importing poor migrants via immigration or refugee resettlement. The globalist agenda… These initial “new Americans” are to be used as “seedlings” in the construction of a “country within a country. […] The administration’s weaponization of illegal aliens and refugees may be far more sinister than even the most ardent opponents have yet imagined. […] Journalist and radio host Sue Payne reveals to Mark Levin what we’ve been saying about what’s happening to small towns all across America.
Read more/ Listen to the 11 minute Levin interview at 100 Percent Fed Up.

Miguel: Biden Reverses Trump Sanctions on International Criminal Court, Eroding American Sovereignty
In another reversal from the previous administration, Joe Biden on Friday lifted sanctions and visa restrictions that President Trump had imposed on officials of the International Criminal Court (ICC). The ICC is an international tribune based out of The Hague, Netherlands, and claims the jurisdiction to prosecute crimes within member nations. It deals in cases involving genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. The Trump administration had placed penalties on the ICC because of the court’s efforts to investigate the actions of the American military in Afghanistan.
Read more at The New American.

Gottfried: A Government of Thugs, by Thugs, for Thugs
The designation that the father of the late Hitler biographer Joachim Fest ascribed to the Third Reich as a “Verbrecherstaat” (criminal state) was true in two senses. Not only did the Nazis break those laws that characterize civilized societies. They also incorporated criminals into their political operation and often rewarded them. But the party leadership also eliminated some of these hellraisers when they were no longer useful, as Hitler did with the Brown Shirts in 1934. Readers who suspect I intend to attribute these characteristics to the government that the Democratic Party and its allies are inflicting upon us have guessed correctly.
Read more at American Greatness.


Nester: Marxist Angela Davis Calls on Students at Pricey California School to ‘Dismantle Capitalism’
Fall of capitalism will achieve progressive values, Davis tells kindergartners. Headlining a diversity and inclusion webinar hosted by an elite California K-12 preparatory school on Wednesday, Marxist Angela Davis called on students at the $47,300 a year prep school to “dismantle capitalism.” Davis, a militant black power activist and former Communist Party member, headlined the final session of the Head-Royce School’s 2021 CommunityEd series. […] Head-Royce spokeswoman Jennifer Beeson told the Washington Free Beacon that the school considered Davis’s record before inviting her to speak, but ultimately felt that the lecture would be a good venue for students “to focus on her activism.” […] At Wednesday’s event, Davis spoke on subjects ranging from the coronavirus pandemic to the Black Lives Matter movement. She urged students to develop an international focus and “struggle against” the notion that the United States is the best country in the world.
Read more at Free Beacon.


Hoft: Armed Gunmen Appear at Georgia Capitol on Monday – But It’s Ok – They’re with Black Lives Matter
The Big Media is quick to label the events that occurred in Washington D.C. on January 6th as an armed insurrection, when it was not. But when BLM members bring AK 47’s to the Georgia Capitol, there’s no mention of guns. […] . . . on March 25, a Georgia politician was arrested and taken out of a press conference where the Georgia Governor was announcing Georgia’s new law protecting voter integrity in the state. The Democrat was not to be deterred. A couple of days later, she reappeared at the Georgia Capitol but this time she brought along . . .
Read more at The Gateway Pundit.


Dreher: Elites Vs. America
Hannah Arendt, in her book The Origins Of Totalitarianism, writes of the elites in pre-totalitarian Germany and Russia: The members of the elite did not object at all to paying a price, the destruction of civilization, for the fun of seeing how those who had been excluded unjustly in the past forced their way into it.
With each passing day, I am struck by how committed American elites are to tearing this country apart for the sake of instituting their idea of social justice. Consider this from the governor of Vermont: . . . In this screengrab from the Vermont health department website, you can find out who is eligible for the vaccine in that state: . . . If you are a 40 year old ordinary white Vermonter who doesn’t work in health care or public safety, you’re out of luck, whitey. BIPOCs and immigrants are vaulted ahead of you, simply because of their race and/or immigration status. What an evil thing: . . . […] You heard about the man killed today while attacking the US Capitol, right? His name was Noah Green, a black man who was reportedly a member of the Nation of Islam, the black supremacist group. He murdered a Capitol police officer, whose two children no longer have a daddy. According to the Washington Post, Green’s family said he was mentally ill, and paranoid. Billy Evans, the dead cop, was white. I think the media have done the right thing in not jumping to conclusions about a racial motive here, or a political motive. We just don’t know. But look, if Noah Green was a white man who was affiliated with a white hate group, do you think the news coverage would be as sober and as responsible? Of course it wouldn’t.
Read more at The American Conservative.

Minick: Collectivists Versus the Rest of Us
Personally, I doubt I know a single true collectivist. I only read about them in the news. They live in and around Washington D.C. and in some of our state capitols. They are the government types who claim to know what is best for the rest of us. These collectivists want to rule by edicts and fiats. The rest of us want a limited government that operates in accordance with our Constitution. Collectivists want to regulate every aspect of life. The rest of us want to be left alone. Collectivists believe they are wiser than the rest of us and want the power to act as our nannies. The rest of us believe in personal responsibility and self-government in our personal affairs. If we study these collectivists, we begin to see certain shared psychologies at work.
Read more at Intellectual Takeout.


Thomas: Wake up, people: Science shows mask zealots were very, very wrong
I’ve long said the data on the Wuhan virus in no way matched the hysteria visited on most of the U.S. and the world. Whether “cases,” hospitalizations, deaths, masks, lockdowns, or anything else of the like, time and again, we’ve seen that the actual data reveal that our efforts to “slow the spread” have been largely useless and thus unnecessary. In other words, time has revealed the truth on the Wuhan virus. As I noted back in August of last year, short of an effective vaccine (which, at the time, didn’t seem as though it was on the near horizon), each of us is going to get exposed to the Wuhan virus, and our health outcome will be determined by how our Creator made us and what treatments are given to us. The rise in hospitalizations and deaths over the holidays, and the subsequent steep decline we’ve seen over the last several weeks, has little to nothing to do with masks and the like.
Read more at American Thinker.


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Harris/Obama/Biden leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.