Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 11 minutes


Alex Berenson former NYT reporter and of (COVID/Lockdown) Unreported Truths booklets: . . .the CDC’s own data shows that for every 100,000 vaccines given to young people, more than 25,000 will have temporary side effects that prevent them from “normal activities,” 700 will require medical care and 200 will be hospitalized. In contrast, the CDC estimates that only about 50 out of 100,000 adolescents have EVER been hospitalized for Covid-related illness.

Stephen M. Klugewicz contributor to The Imanginative Conservative: Every man is his own pope and philosopher-king on the Internet, where our semi-formed and semi-informed opinions are cast as absolutes. Convinced of our perfect knowledge and infallible righteousness, we denounce and demean in harsh, uncharitable terms the arguments of others, and even their very persons.

Dean Davis retired pastor and contributor to American Thinker: Sinful man can and does damage his environment, but the Bible assures us he can never destroy the Earth. That prerogative is reserved for God alone, . . .


Roger Kimball contributor to American Greatness: The ritual the convicted Minneapolis police officer was subjected to was less a legal trial than a sort of pagan sacrifice.

Scott S. Powell contributor to American Thinker: Where I live in South Florida it’s an incredible melting pot of people — immigrants from all over the world. Many of my acquaintances and friends — from Eastern and Slavic Europe and Russia, Latin America, and Southeast Asia — have commented that what they see going on in America is a fairly classic communist-type subversion. They believe that the takedown of America is well advanced and now poses a real threat to continuation of the United States as a free nation.


Just the News Staff: Missed Trump’s rally in Ohio? Watch it here again.
The crowd size estimate was 25,000. Watch President Trump speaking live in Ohio at Just The News.

Widburg: Raucous overflow rally crowd greets Trump in Ohio as he looks great and savages Biden’s record
. . .when Trump, the man who didn’t win, calls a rally, thousands upon thousands of people show up. And the people who attended the rally in Wellington, Ohio, got vintage Trump. The red-capped crowd filled the stands and the overflow area: . . . […] I don’t know if Trump is planning to run again in 2024. I worry about his age, but if he wins the primary, you can bet your bottom dollar I’ll vote for him. Alternatively, he may want to be a kingmaker and I’ll still vote for whomever he supports. What’s apparent is that Trump wants to see America and Americans win. And if his Ohio rally is an indication, that’s what Americans still want too. Read more at American Thinker.

Payne: Trump at Ohio rally says Biden is ‘destroying’ the country, declares: ‘I told you’
Former President Donald Trump at an Ohio rally on Saturday slammed the Biden administration for its brief track record thus far, claiming the U.S. under President Joe Biden has been wracked by crime, “left-wing indoctrination” and other debilitations. “Gas prices are spiking, inflation is skyrocketing, and China, Russia and Iran are humiliating our country,” he said, declaring that “Joe Biden is destryoing our nation right before our very eyes.”
Read more at Just The News.


D’Abrosca: The Conservative Case for Conservatism
Since the GOP brain trust in D.C., led by California Republican and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (God help us all), hasn’t figured this out yet, I’d like to state something for the record: the GOP will never, under any circumstance in this millennium or the next or the one after that, out-liberal the Left.
Last weekend, McCarthy spent some time sucking up to his political rivals with a tweet celebrating America’s latest holiday, Juneteenth. How’d that work out for him? He was immediately bashed for not supporting critical race theory in American schools.
When eventually McCarthy gives in and begins to support critical race theory, which, sure as death and the GOP giving tax cuts to the wealthy he will, the liberal Left will immediately demand his compliance with some other absurd anti-white humiliation ritual. And on and on we’ll go until McCarthy eventually forces his Republican caucus to vote for a bill stripping white Americans, himself included, of their citizenship as a form of reparations.
Read more at American Greatness.



Romney on Trump’s return to rallies: ‘It’s entertaining but it’s not real’
Republican Sen. Mitt Romney on Sunday called on members of his party to “move on” from Donald Trump’s 2020 election lies, equating the former President’s return to rally-style events to wrestling entertainment as Trump goes after those who defied him. “Well, I do think it’s important for each person to speak the truth and to make clear that the ‘Big Lie’ is exactly that,” the Utah Republican told CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union” when asked if more Republicans should speak out against election lies.
Read more at CNN.


Hoft: Democrats Drag Out a Clearly PANICKED Al Gore to Attack Arizona Audit as Officials Prepare to Release Preliminary Evaluation this Week (VIDEO)
Gore calls the audit an “alternate reality.”
Read more/Watch the 2:10 minute Gore video at The Gateway Pundit.

Wines: In Arizona, GOP Lawmakers Strip Power From a Democrat
The Republican-controlled state Legislature in Arizona voted Thursday to revoke the Democratic secretary of state’s legal authority in election-related lawsuits, handing that power instead to the Republican attorney general. The move added more discord to the politics of a state already roiled by the widely derided move by Senate Republicans to commission a private firm to recount the vote six months after the November election. And it was the latest in a long series of moves in recent years by Republicans to strip elected Democrats of money and power in states under GOP control.
The measure was part of a grab bag of proposals inserted into major budget legislation, including several actions that appeared to address conspiracy theories alleging manipulated elections that some Republicans lawmakers have promoted. One of the items allotted $500,000 for a study of whether social media sites tried to interfere in state elections by promoting Democrats or censoring Republicans.
Read more at Yahoo.


Powell: Election Integrity: The Firewall That Keeps America Free
During the last year and half it’s become obvious to anyone whose head is not in the sand that America has been under assault on multiple levels from within. There is no denying that the COVID-19 viral invasion was a catalyst for so much of the disruption of 2020, culminating in election irregularity in November.
[…] My immigrant and refugee friends point out that the communist playbook is really quite easy to understand. Several who lived under communist systems commented that communist revolutionaries are masters at using false fronts, whether Critical Race Theory or social justice Marxist theories of wealth redistribution to advance their real objective which is one-party rule and total control of society. While my friends see this so clearly, they are dumbfounded and mystified that so many American people remain so naïve and passive in the face of cancel culture, censorship, and creeping cultural totalitarianism that is so obviously and rapidly redefining the country. While there are minor differences in theory amongst those who have lived under and have experienced communism up close, they basically agree that communists generally target four primary institutions to break down and replace: 1) the Family unit; 2) Religion, Christianity in particular; 3) Individuality and independent thinking (which is supplanted by collectivist group think); and 4) Loyalty to the nation state (which is supplanted by global and internationalist affinities). […] According to the “four stages of communist revolution,” the United States is now clearly in the third Crisis Stage, with division making the country nearly ungovernable and revolutionary change being manifest in a fraudulent election.
Read more at American Thinker.


Adi: Arizona State Rep. Nguyen Schools Rep. Hernandez On Communism
On Friday, during a heated debate on the Education Budget bill in the Arizona House of Representatives, congressional hopeful Rep. Daniel Hernandez (D-LD2) rose to defend communism and to declare that the real threat facing the nation was white nationalism. Rep. Quang Nguyen (R-LD1), a freshman lawmaker from Prescott, showed that some sound bites can bite back, when he schooled Hernandez on the horrors of communism. Nguyen, a naturalized U.S. Citizen, who escaped communist Viet Nam as Saigon fell, is usually a quiet legislator, not known for fiery rhetoric or frequent floor speeches. But his reminders about the dangers that socialism and communism pose to America and the world garnered immediate attention from the media and his fellow lawmakers, many of whom came over after to thank him “for speaking the truth.”
Read more/Watch the 2:41 minute video at Arizona Daily Independent News Network.


Kaminsky: ‘Of China And For China’: Nike CEO Admits Company Exists To Serve Communist China
“Nike is a brand that is of China and for China,” Donahoe said. Donahoe’s comment comes after Nike released a statement in March claiming it is “concerned about reports of forced labor in, and connected to, the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR).” While the company also claimed it does not directly source its product material from forced labor, critics argue the country’s supply chains are interwoven. There are thought to be more than 1 million Uyghur Muslims held in Xinjiang — which delivers 80 percent of Chinese cotton.
Read more at The Federalist.

Solomon: U.S. firms aiding and abetting China’s ‘malign’ push for world dominance, lawmakers say
China is waging a “malign” campaign for global domination by 2049, coaxing or coercing U.S. firms to give up technology and intellectual property, usurping U.S. capital to build its companies and supplanting critical American supply chains, House Intelligence Committee Republicans warned Sunday in a memo outlining the stark challenges between Washington and Beijing. […] The lawmakers wrote that U.S. firms have been “receiving guidance and direction from Chinese officials to influence business operations, investment strategy, and strategic directions,” and American executives in some cases “have halted or changed business initiatives and strategy due to concerns of Chinese opposition, resulting in self-censorship.”
Read more at Just The News.


Heine: Over 1,000 Former Military Members Sign Letter Warning About ‘Wokeness’ in the Military
Over 1,000 former members of the military have signed a scathing public letter warning that the increased priority placed on “wokeness” in the military is a threat to the Constitution and the nation’s military readiness. The letter comes after Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley defended the teaching of critical race theory in the military during a House Armed Services Committee hearing on Wednesday. Former President Donald Trump blasted Milley as “pathetic” for defending the toxic ideology during an interview Friday morning on Newsmax. “General Milley – I watched his statements and it was pathetic. I watched the statements of some others – your head of the Navy. It was pathetic,” Trump said. “They didn’t talk that way when I was around, I can tell you. They didn’t talk that way or I would have gotten rid of them in two minutes. In particular Navy and Milley, just sad, pathetic statements,” the former president added. […] The letter, posted below in full, condemns “dismantling of the rule of law” in the United States, “the erosion of fair and honest elections,” the “politicization and ideological purging of our military,” social media censorship, the abusive Covid lockdown policies, and the collapse of border security.
Read more at American Greatness.

Durden: How An Obscure App Turned Millions Into Unwitting Spies For The US Military
There’s a growing cottage industry at the nexus of consumer research and government surveillance. In a report published Friday, the Wall Street Journal explored the world of Premise Data Corp., an innocently-named firm that uses a network of users, many in the developing world, who complete basic tasks for small commissions. Assignments can range from snapping photos of competitors’ stores, to counting the number of ATMs in a given area, to reporting on the price of consumer goods on the shelf. Roughly half of the firm’s clients are private businesses seeking “commercial information” (mostly reporting on competitors’ operations), both the US government and foreign governments have hired the firm to do more advanced reconnaissance work while gauging public opinion. According to WSJ, Premise is one of a growing number of companies that are straddling “the divide between consumer services and government surveillance and rely on the proliferation of mobile phones as a way to turn billions of devices into sensors that gather open-source information useful to government security services.”
Read more at Zero Hedge.


VDH: The Cruel Progressive Creed Undoing Civilization
Debt is suffocating us. Our currency is on its way to being Lebanonized. Most major American cities are broke, dirty, unsafe, and run by either corrupt incumbents, neo-Marxists, or both. The law is optional, and applied asymmetrically on the basis of race and ideology. The past is found guilty by the laws of the present and so it is being undone. The military budget is on a trajectory to be the smallest in terms of GDP allotment since World War II; its careerist officers, for their own short-term interests, are now demonizing and will soon be driving away the very demographic that has suffered percentage-wise the greatest casualties in recent wars and was once unquestionably the foundation of the military. There is no U.S. border; it is an abstract construct that millions will illegally cross in the next few years, ostensibly because they will become future soldiers in the progressive wars for America to come. The idea of merit that built America is a dirty word, replaced by medieval tribalism of hiring and promotion by superficial appearance. In just five months, Joe Biden created a desert and called it progress.
Read more at American Greatness.

Ginsberg: Biden Executive Order Mandates Divisive, Unscientific Race ‘Training’ At Every Level Of The Federal Government
President Joe Biden signed an executive order on Friday that ensures that every part of the federal government will conduct race-conscious diversity training and engage in race-conscious hiring. The executive order “establishes an ambitious, whole-of-government initiative that will take a systematic approach to embedding DEIA [diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility] in Federal hiring and employment practices,” according to a White House fact sheet. In practice, it will ensure that federal agencies employ tenets associated with Critical Race Theory (CRT) within their hiring practices and day-to-day activities.
Read more at Daily Caller.


Greenfield: Facebook Sex Trafficking Lawsuit Deals Blow to Big Tech and Section 230
Ever since the Communications Decency Act was born, Big Tech’s future monopolists began using Section 230 as their sword and shield. It’s fitting that sex trafficking lawsuits put one of the biggest legal dents in Section 230 so far. Facebook can’t be sued for what people say on its platform, but it can be for letting sex traffickers get away with using the site as a recruiting tool, the Texas Supreme Court ruled Friday, opening the door to more lawsuits and setting up a possible appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court that could erode a key legal protection for social media companies. Here’s a key quote. “Holding internet platforms accountable for . . .
Read more at FrontPage Mag.


Sundance: CDC Data Highlights COVID Vaccination is More Dangerous than COVID Infection for Young Adults
According to the CDC data for every 100,000 young people vaccinated 700 will require medical care and 200 will be hospitalized. Put another way, 200 young people will suffer side-effects that require hospitalization for every 100,000 vaccinations administered. However, also according to the CDC data, the CDC estimates that only about 50 out of 100,000 adolescents have EVER been hospitalized for Covid-related illness. That means the rate of hospitalization from the COVID vaccine is four times greater than the rate of hospitalization from exposure to the virus itself.
Why would any young person in their right mind increase their risk of hospitalization by taking the vaccine? Alex Berenson dove into the CDC analysis after the CDC study was made public . . .
Read more at The Conservative Treehouse.

Today, Dr. Fauci is desperately trying to maintain his credibility, but the truth is catching up to him. He is not a national treasure, instead, he is a fraud, who is trying to cover-up one of the biggest scandals in American history.
Read more at Canada Free Press.


Brooks: What will become of the useful idiots?
As the Marxist revolution oozes forward, I occasionally wonder what will happen to the useful idiots when the commies seize absolute power in this once great Republic. I believe that most AT readers are familiar with the term, but for those who need a brief refresher, a useful idiot, as defined by Wikipedia, “is a derogatory term for a person perceived as propagandizing for a cause without fully comprehending the cause’s goals, and who is cynically used by the cause’s leaders.” In my opinion, this definition can be applied to a majority of the young, brainwashed radicals who have no idea about the true history of Marxism…or the real history of their native land that they’re working so hard to destroy. […] And how will the myriad of social justice warriors fit in with the new Marxist ruling class? Read more at American Thinker.


(H/T PC) Durden: Blackouts Loom In California As Electricity Prices Are “Absolutely Exploding”
Two inexorable energy trends are underway in California: soaring electricity prices and ever-worsening reliability – and both trends bode ill for the state’s low- and middle-income consumers. CAISO’s warning of impending electricity shortages heralds another blackout-riddled summer at the same time California’s electricity prices are skyrocketing.
Read more at Zero Hedge.

Starr: Car Burglaries Rise 753% in San Francisco as City Reopens
Last month, the Police Department’s Central Station saw a 753 percent increase in auto burglaries compared to the previous May. But that was the height of lockdown restrictions. They are up only 75 percent compared to 2019. The number of break-ins also increased 94 percent between April and May of this year, tracking with the city’s gradual reopening from the pandemic. Read more at Breitbart.


Sundance: Massive Street Protests Continue in London Against COVID Lockdown Rules
Thousands of people descended on London’s Hyde Park on Saturday afternoon in the latest round of protests against Covid lockdown measures. The crowds marched through Oxford Street before gathering at Hyde Park while holding banners, placards and flags. The crowds of protesters (bottom left and bottom centre) marched through Oxford Street, Regent Street, Hyde Park and Northumberland Avenue as they held placards reading ‘freedom is not for trade’, ‘no to Covid vaccine’ and ‘no to the Covid passport’.
Read more/Watch two short clips at The Conservative Treehouse.


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Harris/Obama/Biden leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.