Entries by Craig J. Cantoni

Taiwan Semiconductor’s Travails in Phoenix

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Lessons about American education and bureaucracy. A recent Wall Street Journal news story detailed the problems encountered by Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company in getting a $12 billion plant up and running in Phoenix.  The company is planning to produce state-of-the-art 3-nanometer chips at the plant. The company cited federal regulatory requirements, construction roadblocks, and additional […]

The Skunk at the Grand Old Party (GOP)

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

Editors’ Note: Several fault lines have been present in the Republican Party and some new ones are forming. They have become wide enough that both sides are blaming each other for the poor performance during the recent mid-term elections. And, each has a point. The most obvious is the rift between the party establishment and […]

SCOTUS Should End Racial Categories

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

For justification, the Supreme Court of the United States should look at the discriminatory consequences of a 1922 Supreme Court ruling that attempted to define “white.”    The Supreme Court is hearing arguments on the constitutionality of racial preferences in college admissions. The case was brought on behalf of Asians but applies to all “races.” The […]

White and Woke Supremacy

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

The forgotten white supremacists whose descendants pretend to be woke and virtuous.    Below are vile, racist comments spoken by white supremacists about minorities. The supremacists and minorities will be identified after the comments. These races have “crooked faces, coarse mouths, bad noses, heavy jaws, and low foreheads.” They “lack the conveniences for thinking” and are […]

Hispanic Brilliance and Blather

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

A self-identified Hispanic reveals the speciousness of today’s racial/ethnic labels but then falls into the same trap.   A reader of the Wall Street Journal with the surname of Flores had me cheering enthusiastically over part of what he wrote in the Reader Comments of the online edition of the newspaper. He initially showed greater […]

Racial Alchemy

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

Editors’ Note: Lest anyone think we don’t have a problem today, just look at the recent remarks of the rap singer Kayne West. Or for that matter, the University of California at Berkeley and its antisemitic agenda. Or, Harvard and its admission discrimination against Asians. Culturally, we see a new regime of discrimination coming from […]

BOOK REVIEW: Easy Money and Hard Economic Times

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

Editors’ Note: As the article below indicates, a new magisterial history of interest rates and central banking has been published. The author, Edward Chancellor wrote a previous book just before the last great financial crash called Devil Take the Hindmost, which was extremely timely if not prescient. This new book is extremely critical of current […]

Carbon Lifestyles of the Rich, Famous and Hypocritical

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes

If global warming is truly an existential threat, then the nation’s elites are a threat and should be dealt with accordingly.   Of all the varieties of hypocrites, carbon hypocrites are among the worse, because they harm poor people the most. You’ve heard about the two-faced archetypes: Uber-wealthy and powerful, they say that global warming is […]

Students Can’t Read but Know Their Pronouns and Genders

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

Test Scores are abysmal for Amber, Chase, Juanita, and Jamal, but their woke scores are off the charts.   You’ve no doubt heard about the abysmal reading and math scores of America’s youth. Meanwhile, teachers are learning how to teach students all of the politically-correct genders and pronouns.   In San Francisco, for example, teacher training […]

Stupid Wealthy People

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Bellevue, Washington, is predominately wealthy, educated (in years of schooling), white, and Asian.  As with similar wealthy and educated enclaves in America, it embraces ludicrous woke dogma and allows it to be taught to children in the local school district. That makes the residents stupid. One resident is an exception.  She wrote the following letter […]

Which History and Whose History is the True History?

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes

True history certainly isn’t the cherry-picked history told by the intelligentsia at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.   The Wall Street Journal recently published a letter to the editor by Kenneth Weine, the chief communications officer of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Judging by what Mr. Weine wrote, his job title could […]

Panem et Circenses ad Nauseum

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

College football and professional golf exemplify the nauseating money-grubbing of today’s sports. In the early second century C.E., the Roman poet Juvenal wrote:  “. . . nam qui dabat olim imperium, fasces, legiones, omnia, nunc se continet atque duas tantum res anxius optat, panem et circenses.” Loosely translated, it meant that the Roman people had […]

The US Engages in LGBTQI+ Imperialism

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

Sweden, Finland, and Britain are in America’s sex and gender crosshairs.   Ukraine and Russia are at war. China and Taiwan are throwing more than words at each other. North Korea is firing ballistic missiles into the Sea of Japan. India and Turkey are making goo-goo eyes at Russia. Saudi Arabia is buying oil from […]

Tucson’s Mayor v. Miami’s Mayor

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

The only thing that the two mayors have in common is a Spanish surname   Tucson, Arizona, and Miami, Florida, are similar in some respects and quite different in others.  One of the differences, as will be discussed momentarily, is the thinking of their respective mayors, both of whom have Spanish surnames, which is about […]

Tucson’s Privileged Public Sector

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Those at the top of the public sector are doing well while Tucson stays mired in poverty.   The City of Tucson and the surrounding Pima County have a lot of poverty. The city’s poverty rate of 20.79% is near twice the national average, and the county’s poverty rate of 15.94% is about 1.5 times […]

The Cause of America’s Class Divide

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes

A book explains why the nation has split along class lines more than racial and ethnic lines. In today’s polarized America, a surefire way of being characterized as a member of the wrong political camp is to favorably quote an author, commentator, or academic who is seen as being in the wrong camp. A case […]

Croatians Excluded from Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

Their exclusion reveals DEI’s double standards, stereotypes, discrimination, and sophistry. Hamza Kopanja, a 32-year-old Croatian-American, is excluded from diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, although by any definition of “minority” and “disadvantaged,” he fits the bill.* He can’t complain about the exclusion, however, because it would be seen in some quarters as proof that he is […]

What Litter Says about America

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Especially telling is a water bottle that is marketed as eco-friendly. Like an archeological dig, the litter that my wife and I pick up on our daily five-mile walk says a lot about American society. The daily debris comes from all socioeconomic classes. Receipts found among some of the items show that they were bought […]

America Excels at Building Bureaucracy

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

A new bridge in Los Angeles is one example out of thousands. Los Angeles recently celebrated the opening of its new Sixth Street Bridge, which connects downtown to the city’s eastern district and crosses over an industrial area and the L.A. River (drainage wash). Designed to safely accommodate pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles, it is indeed […]

The One Essential Book on History and Geopolitics

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

If America’s leaders had read Prisoners of Geography, maybe America would’ve stayed out of Iraq and Afghanistan.   It hasn’t improved my middling IQ, but over my adult life, I’ve read hundreds of books on history and geopolitics.  Almost all have been thick ones, many have been impenetrable ones, and most have been scholarly ones […]

Is There a Relationship between Tattoos and Violence?

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

History suggests that the opposite is true about not only tats but also piercings, ear saucers, nose rings, and general scruffiness.   Judging by news photos and videos, the psychopath who killed and wounded innocent people at the Fourth of July parade in Highland Park, Illinois, resembled a large number of today’s Americans:  disheveled, unwashed, […]

The Intersection of History, Identity Politics and Victimhood

Estimated Reading Time: 9 minutes

The cherry-picking of history has led to speech codes, a new intolerance, and fragile college graduates.    The great work of history below is not only relevant to today’s war in Ukraine but also to the identity politics and victimhood that pervade the United States today. Bloodlands:  Europe between Hitler and Stalin, by Timothy Snyder, […]

Fallout for Tucson: The Perfect Storm of the Supreme Court Decision

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

At a minimum, it will lead to boycotts against my home state of Arizona and hometown of Tucson.   You aren’t interested in my opinion of the Supreme Court’s abortion ruling or whether I’m pro-life or pro-choice. Likewise, I’m not interested in telling you. But both of us should be interested in the fact that […]

Celebrating LGBTQ+ and Other Playacting

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

The phoniness of free riders who benefit from the heavy lifting of earlier generations. Long before the word “gay” came into popular use, long before the word “pride” was modified by the word “gay,” and long before gay marriage was sanctioned, two gay guys, Ken and Gerry, were good friends of my working-class parents.  Lifelong […]

A Black Conservative vs. a White Marxist on Education

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

You decide which of the two is right.  Roland Fryer, a professor of economics at Harvard and a self-identified conservative, believes that student achievement can be boosted by giving K-12 students short-term monetary rewards for showing up on time, paying attention in class, and completing homework. Fredrik deBoer, a professor with a PhD from Purdue […]

DEI at NAU: Making a Mockery of Diversity with Diversity

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Northern Arizona University joins the diversity bandwagon of group-think instead of scholarship.   As a defensive measure, I’m prefacing this commentary on diversity with the fact that throughout my career I was at the vanguard of equal rights, affirmative action, diversity, racial sensitivity training, and racial encounter groups, during an era when the battles were […]

A Supermarket Checker on Prices, Life and Whole Foods

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

One of the many jobs that I held before and during my college years in order to pay my college bills was a supermarket checker. Maybe that’s why I like to strike up a conversation with checkers to see how they’re feeling about their job and issues of the day. A recent visit to a […]

Arlington, VA Versus Tucson, AZ: Social Class Trumps Racial Diversity

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

This is why Boeing and Amazon picked Arlington, Virginia, instead of a city like Tucson for their headquarters. Boeing recently announced that it will be moving its headquarters from Chicago to Arlington, Virginia. This follows Amazon’s decision of a year or so ago to establish its second headquarters in Arlington. Neither of these two corporate […]

Costs of a Hysterectomy in 1944 versus Now

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

My wife recently rummaged through family keepsakes and found bills for an emergency hysterectomy that her grandmother had in 1944, at St. Francis Hospital in Olean, NY, in the northwestern part of the state. She was transported 20 miles by ambulance from her rural home outside of Bradford, PA. Below, in rounded numbers, is what […]

Why Big Media Is so Unoriginal and Shallow

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Media consolidation and interlocking directorships are the reasons.   If you want to know why Big Media on the left and right is so unoriginal and shallow, a couple of left-leaning sources have the answer. The sources also explain why the residents of most cities and towns across the country no longer have locally-owned news […]

Has the American Culture Hit Bottom?

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

It’s difficult to see it getting any lower than the Brazilian Butt Lift This might not be news to many Americans, but being an oddball disconnected from the pop culture and trends du jour, it was news to me—and shocking and distressing news at that. I’m speaking of the Brazilian Butt Lift and other medical procedures […]

Equity in Tucson through Marijuana Licenses

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

Maybe someone has to be on drugs to understand the connection. Some sort of mental impairment must be keeping me from understanding a news story about social equity and marijuana dispensary licenses in Tucson and the rest of Arizona. I don’t consume drugs and have about one drink a week, so it’s probably due to […]

Fooled by Putin

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

A sample of the smart people who were fooled into believing that Putin was a reformer who embraced capitalism and democracy. Under Stalin’s reign of terror, there were many notable Americans who continued to believe that communism was an ideal political and economic system for ending class distinctions and achieving equal results, or in today’s […]

The Irony of Vladimir Putin’s Sieges

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes

Putin’s family suffered greatly in the Nazi siege of Leningrad, and now he’s sieging Ukrainian cities.   Vladimir Putin was born and raised in Leningrad, or what was formerly known as St. Petersburg. No doubt, as with all of us, his childhood experiences set the stage for his adult beliefs. Unlike most Americans, however, he […]

Yogi Berra Reveals that 90% of Wokeness is Half Mental

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes

The white privilege of Yogi Berra, Joe Garagiola, and my forebears on Dago Hill in St. Louis. The following book is an excellent biography of baseball great Yogi Berra: Yogi: A Life Behind the Mask, by Jon Pessah, 2020, Little, Brown and Company, New York, 566 pages.   The first several chapters describe Yogi’s boyhood in […]

Cognitive Dissonance at Amazon

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Employees see themselves as enlightened about diversity but are members of a race-based employee group. I’m such an oddball that Amazon is incapable of pigeonholing me when it recommends books to buy. Netflix has the same problem when it recommends movies. Amazon’s logarithms can’t seem to fathom from my extensive book-buying history that I don’t […]

Why Tucson Lags Phoenix Economically

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

It has nothing to do with the local Chamber of Commerce but a lot to do with culture and governance The Tucson Chamber of Commerce just selected a new CEO.  His background is similar to the background of the CEO of the Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce.  Both have extensive nonprofit and government experience but […]

How Did Italians Become White?

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

The same question can be asked about hundreds of other unique ethnocultural groups.  When I was a kid long ago at the leading edge of the boomer generation, I wasn’t white. But now I’m not only white but also privileged and fragile. What happened? In the St. Louis of my youth, I was Italian and […]

A Perfect Name for Washington’s Football Team

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

They’re so out of touch that they don’t see the irony in the name “Washington Commanders.” Our commanders in Washington, D.C., have named their football team after themselves. “Washington Commanders” is a perfect choice, given how they command the rest of the nation in what has become a de facto command-and-control economy and political system. Other […]

A Weekend Read: Why America Has Splintered into Identity Groups

Estimated Reading Time: 23 minutes

The intellectual foundation of critical race theory, identity politics, hatred of whites, and the rejection of both reason and classical liberalism. Many Americans are concerned about the splintering of America into identity groups and are bewildered by critical race theory, queer studies, the proliferation of genders, cancel culture, the claim that reason and logic are […]

The Forgotten 15.9 Million People

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

The rest of the story about race and poverty You probably won’t be surprised by the following poverty rates by race/ethnicity: Asians:  8.1% Non-Hispanic Whites:  8.1% Hispanics:  17.0% Blacks:  19.5% U.S. Average:  11.4% Year:  2021 Source:  https://www.federalsafetynet.com/us-poverty-statistics.html You might be surprised, however, by the following absolute numbers of Americans in poverty, especially the last number: […]

The Consequences of Obsessive Category Disorder

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

In the name of diversity, America’s racial classifiers obliterate diversity. Long ago, long before the diversity movement and the sprouting of departments of diversity and inclusion in academia, government, media, and industry, I lived in a San Antonio barrio, where my friends and neighbors who were Mexican nationals and Mexican Americans, referred to themselves as […]

Some Timely Satire: No Left-Wing Extremists in the US

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Judging by media coverage, there are only right-wing extremists. Groucho Marx said that he didn’t want to be a member of any club that would have him. To paraphrase the comedian, I don’t want to be a member of any political tribe that would have me, especially not the control freaks who want to remake […]

Tucson Sets Homicide Record

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

Arizona Daily Star January 9, 2021: A record-breaking year of homicides,Tucson police combat gun violence The headline referenced above is about my hometown of Tucson setting a record for homicides in 2021:  93 homicides for a city of 542,629 people.  That comes to one homicide for every 5,834 people.  (Another half-million people live in the metro area […]

A Progressive’s Indictment of Progressive Urban Policies

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

A review of San Fransicko: Why Progressives Ruin Cities, by Michael Shellenberger, Harper Publishing, New York, 395 pages.   Living in Tucson makes me feel a kinship with Michael Shellenberger, the author of San Fransicko: Why Progressives Ruin Cities. He laments how the progressive wing of his party, the Democrat Party, has ruined his hometown […]

A Black Heretic on the Church of CRT

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

A review of Woke Racism:  How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America ________________________________________________________ Woke Racism:  How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America, by John McWhorter, Portfolio/Penguin, 2021, 201 pages. ________________________________________________________ John McWhorter says some important things about wokeness and critical race theory in this book, and as a black man, he can say […]

Electric Vehicle Inanities, Insanities and Incoherence

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

The only green in the new Rivian truck is if it comes in that color. For Americans in the upper percentiles of income, education, social awareness, and environmental awareness, electric vehicles (EVs) have become the latest status symbol, virtue signal, and silver bullet (green bullet?) for reducing global warming. This suggests that they might be just […]

Radical Chic 52 Years Later

Estimated Reading Time: 9 minutes

Yesteryear’s radical chic morphed into today’s wokeness and virtue signaling. Fifty-two years ago New York Magazine published “Radical Chic: That Party at Lenny’s,” by Tom Wolfe. With his outstanding satirical talent and observational skills, Wolfe described the bizarre scene at a cocktail party at a 13-room penthouse duplex on Park Avenue, the home of Felicia and […]

I’m not a Racist – I Just Don’t Like Certain People

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes

The real racists in America are those who judge people on their pigmentation. Being white, or olive, or beige, or swarthy, or whatever color has been affixed to this Italian by woke affixers who care deeply about pigment but have no original thoughts about pigment and thus simply parrot prevailing pigment pabulum, it’s impermissible for […]

From a Mobster to a Privileged White Racist

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

In the name of wokeness, one ugly slur has been replaced by another. Warning:  The following is a representative sample of past and present racial/ethnic slurs and stereotypes. If you grit your teeth and bear with it, you’ll see why they’re repeated here. Poles were known as dumb Polacks. The Irish were known as mics […]